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The richness of biodiversity in the tropics compared to high‐latitude parts of the world forms one of the most globally conspicuous patterns in biology, and yet few hypotheses aim to explain this phenomenon in terms of explicit microevolutionary mechanisms of speciation and extinction. We link population genetic processes of selection and adaptation to speciation and extinction by way of their interaction with environmental factors to drive global scale macroecological patterns. High‐latitude regions are both cradle and grave with respect to species diversification. In particular, we point to a conceptual equivalence of “environmental harshness” and “hard selection” as eco‐evolutionary drivers of local adaptation and ecological speciation. By describing how ecological speciation likely occurs more readily at high latitudes, with such nascent species especially prone to extinction by fusion, we derive the ephemeral ecological speciation hypothesis as an integrative mechanistic explanation for latitudinal gradients in species turnover and the net accumulation of biodiversity.  相似文献   

Are rates of evolution and speciation fastest where diversity is greatest – the tropics? A commonly accepted theory links the latitudinal diversity gradient to a speciation pump model whereby the tropics produce species at a faster rate than extra‐tropical regions. In this issue of Molecular Ecology, Botero et al. ( 2014 ) test the speciation pump model using subspecies richness patterns for more than 9000 species of birds and mammals as a proxy for incipient speciation opportunity. Rather than using latitudinal centroids, the authors investigate the role of various environmental correlates of latitude as drivers of subspecies richness. Their key finding points to environmental harshness as a positive predictor of subspecies richness. The authors link high subspecies richness in environmental harsh areas to increased opportunities for geographic range fragmentation and/or faster rates of trait evolution as drivers of incipient speciation. Because environmental harshness generally increases with latitude, these results suggest that opportunity for incipient speciation is lowest where species richness is highest. The authors interpret this finding as incompatible with the view of the tropics as a cradle of diversity. Their results are consistent with a growing body of evidence that reproductive isolation and speciation occur fastest at high latitudes.  相似文献   

The identification of ecological and evolutionary mechanisms that might account for the elevated biotic diversity in tropical forests is a central theme in evolutionary biology. This issue is especially relevant in the Neotropical region, where biological diversity is the highest in the world, but where few studies have been conducted to test factors causing population differentiation and speciation. We used mtDNA sequence data to examine the genetic structure within white‐backed fire‐eye (Pyriglena leuconota) populations along the Tocantins River valley in the south‐eastern Amazon Basin, and we confront the predictions of the river and the Pleistocene refuge hypotheses with patterns of genetic variation observed in these populations. We also investigated whether these patterns reflect the recently detected shift in the course of the Tocantins River. We sampled a total of 32 individuals east of, and 52 individuals west of, the Tocantins River. Coalescent simulations and phylogeographical and population genetics analytical approaches revealed that mtDNA variation observed for fire‐eye populations provides little support for the hypothesis that populations were isolated in glacial forest refuges. Instead, our data strongly support a key prediction of the river hypothesis. Our study shows that the Tocantins River has probably been the historical barrier promoting population divergence in fire‐eye antbirds. Our results have important implications for a better understanding of the importance of large Amazonian rivers in vertebrate diversification in the Neotropics.  相似文献   

In this issue of Molecular Ecology, Yamasaki et al. (2020) use genetic data from extensive sampling of Rhinogobius goby fish across the Ryukyu Archipelago in Japan to demonstrate the parallel speciation of a freshwater form from an ancestral amphidromous form. They then show that ecosystem size strongly predicts the probability of speciation between the two forms across islands. In doing so, this study connects population‐level processes (microevolution) to broad‐scale biodiversity patterns (macroevolution), an important but understudied link in evolutionary biology. Moving forward, we can build on this research to (a) more directly determine how geographic, ecological and historical factors influence the different stages of the speciation process, and (b) understand whether mechanisms inferred from insular radiations extend to those on continents, where both demographic histories and environmental regimes are likely more complex.  相似文献   

Aim Montane tropics are areas of high endemism, and mechanisms driving this endemism have been receiving increasing attention at a global scale. A general trend is that climatic factors do not explain the species richness of species with small to medium‐sized geographic ranges, suggesting that geological and evolutionary processes must be considered. On the African continent, several hypotheses including both refugial and geographic uplift models have been advanced to explain avian speciation and diversity in the lowland forest and montane regions of central and eastern Africa; montane regions in particular are recognized as hotspots of vertebrate endemism. Here, we examine the possible role of these models in driving speciation in a clade of African forest robins. Location Africa. Methods We constructed the first robustly supported molecular phylogenetic hypothesis of forest robins. On this phylogeny, we reconstructed habitat‐based distributions and geographic distributions relative to the Albertine Rift. We also estimated the timing of lineage divergences via a molecular clock. Results Robust estimates of phylogenetic relationships and clock‐based divergences reject Miocene tectonic uplift and Pleistocene forest refugia as primary drivers of speciation in forest robins. Instead, our data suggest that most forest robin speciation took place in the Late Pliocene, from 3.2 to 2.2 Ma. Distributional patterns are complex, with the Albertine Rift region serving as a general east–west break across the group. Montane distributions are inferred to have evolved four times. Main conclusions Phylogenetic divergence dates coincide with a single period of lowland forest retraction in the late Pliocene, suggesting that most montane speciation resulted from the rapid isolation of populations in montane areas, rather than montane areas themselves being drivers of speciation. This conclusion provides additional evidence that Pliocene climate change was a major driver of speciation in broadly distributed African animal lineages. We further show that lowland forest robins are no older than their montane relatives, suggesting that lowland areas are not museums which house ‘ancient’ taxa; rather, for forest robins, montane areas should be viewed as living museums of a late Pliocene diversification event. A forest refugial pattern is operating in Africa, but it is not constrained to the Pleistocene.  相似文献   

We used the results of phylogenetic analyses of relationships among spider monkeys (Ateles) based on mitochondrial and nuclear DNA to investigate questions of their evolutionary origins and speciation mechanisms. We employed the concept of a local molecular clock to date nodes of interest (corresponding to hypothesized species and subspecies) in the various phylograms for comparison to hypothesized biogeographical events that might have affected speciation. We considered various mechanisms—Pleistocene refuge formation, riverine barriers, geological fluctuations, and ecological changes associated with these mechanisms—for their contribution to speciation in Ateles. Most speciation among the various species of Ateles occurred during the middle to late Pliocene, suggesting that Pleistocene refuge formation was not a key speciation mechanism. However, it is likely that the genetic structure of populations of Ateles was modified to some extent by refuge formation. Additionally, riverine barriers do not seem to interrupt gene flow significantly among Ateles. No river formed a barrier among species of Ateles, with the exception of the lower Amazon and possibly some of the black-water rivers draining the Guianan highlands. Large-scale geographic changes associated with the continued rise of the eastern and western cordilleras of the northern Andes and associated changes in habitat were the most important causes of speciation in Ateles. The various factors that modify genetic structure in Ateles are important to consider in order to protect endangered primate genera in the Neotropics.  相似文献   

Environmental changes over the Plio‐Pleistocene have been key drivers of speciation patterns and genetic diversification in high‐latitude and mesic environments, yet comparatively little is known about the evolutionary history of species in arid environments. We applied phylogenetic and phylogeographic analyses to understand the evolutionary history of Warramaba grasshoppers from the Australian arid zone, a group including sexual and parthenogenetic lineages. Sequence data (mitochondrial COI) showed that the four major sexual lineages within Warramaba most likely diverged in the Pliocene, around 2–7 million years ago. All sexual lineages exhibited considerable phylogenetic structure. Detailed analyses of the hybrid parthenogenetic species W. virgo and its sexual progenitors showed a pattern of high phylogenetic diversity and phylogeographic structure in northern lineages, and low diversity and evidence for recent expansion in southern lineages. Northern sexual lineages persisted in localized refugia over the Pleistocene, with sustained barriers promoting divergence over this period. Southern parts of the present range became periodically unsuitable during the Pleistocene, and it is into this region that parthenogenetic lineages have expanded. Our results strongly parallel those for sexual and parthenogenetic lineages of the gecko Heteronotia from the same region, indicating a highly general effect of Plio‐Pleistocene environmental change on diversification processes in arid Australia.  相似文献   

Absolute barriers to dispersal are not common in marine systems, and the prevalence of planktonic larvae in marine taxa provides potential for gene flow across large geographic distances. These observations raise the fundamental question in marine evolutionary biology as to whether geographic and oceanographic barriers alone can account for the high levels of species diversity observed in marine environments such as coral reefs, or whether marine speciation also operates in the presence of gene flow between diverging populations. In this respect, the ecological hypothesis of speciation, in which reproductive isolation results from divergent or disruptive natural selection, is of particular interest because it may operate in the presence of gene flow. Although important insights into the process of ecological speciation in aquatic environments have been provided by the study of freshwater fishes, comparatively little is known about the possibility of ecological speciation in marine teleosts. In this study, the evidence consistent with different aspects of the ecological hypothesis of speciation is evaluated in marine fishes. Molecular approaches have played a critical role in the development of speciation hypotheses in marine fishes, with a role of ecology suggested by the occurrence of sister clades separated by ecological factors, rapid cladogenesis or the persistence of genetically and ecologically differentiated species in the presence of gene flow. Yet, ecological speciation research in marine fishes is still largely at an exploratory stage. Cases where the major ingredients of ecological speciation, namely a source of natural divergent or disruptive selection, a mechanism of reproductive isolation and a link between the two have been explicitly documented are few. Even in these cases, specific predictions of the ecological hypothesis of speciation remain largely untested. Recent developments in the study of freshwater fishes illustrate the potential for molecular approaches to address specific questions related to the ecological hypothesis of speciation such as the nature of the genes underlying key ecological traits, the magnitude of their effect on phenotype and the mechanisms underlying their differential expression in different ecological contexts. The potential provided by molecular studies is fully realized when they are complemented with alternative (e.g. ecological, theoretical) approaches.  相似文献   

The relative influence of Neogene geomorphological events and Quaternary climatic changes as causal mechanisms on Neotropical diversification remains largely speculative, as most divergence timing inferences are based on a single locus and have limited taxonomic or geographic sampling. To investigate these influences, we use a multilocus (two mitochondrial and 11 nuclear genes) range‐wide sampling of Phyllopezus pollicaris, a gecko complex widely distributed across the poorly studied South American ‘dry diagonal’ biomes. Our approach couples traditional and model‐based phylogeography with geospatial methods, and demonstrates Miocene diversification and limited influence of Pleistocene climatic fluctuations on P. pollicaris. Phylogeographic structure and distribution models highlight that persistence across multiple isolated regions shaped the diversification of this species complex. Approximate Bayesian computation supports hypotheses of allopatric and ecological/sympatric speciation between lineages that largely coincide with genetic clusters associated with Chaco, Cerrado, and Caatinga, standing for complex diversification between the ‘dry diagonal’ biomes. We recover extremely high genetic diversity and suggest that eight well‐supported clades may be valid species, with direct implications for taxonomy and conservation assessments. These patterns exemplify how low‐vagility species complexes, characterized by strong genetic structure and pre‐Pleistocene divergence histories, represent ideal radiations to investigate broad biogeographic histories of associated biomes.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the role of heterogeneity and speciation/extinction history in explaining variation in regional scale (c. 0.1–3000 km2) plant diversity in the Cape Floristic Region of south‐western Africa, a species‐ and endemic‐rich biogeographical region. We used species‐area analysis and analysis of covariance to investigate geographical (east vs. west) and topographic (lowland vs. montane) patterns of diversity. We used community diversity as a surrogate for biological heterogeneity, and the diversity of naturally rare species in quarter degree squares as an indicator of differences in speciation/extinction histories across the study region. We then used standard statistical methods to analyse geographical and topographic patterns of these two measures. There was a clear geographical diversity pattern (richer in the west), while a topographic pattern (richer in mountains) was evident only in the west. The geographical boundary coincided with a transition from the reliable winter‐rainfall zone (west) to the less reliable non‐seasonal rainfall zone (east). Community diversity, or biological heterogeneity, showed no significant variation in relation to geography and topography. Diversity patterns of rare species mirrored the diversity pattern for all species. We hypothesize that regional diversity patterns are the product of different speciation and extinction histories, leading to different steady‐state diversities. Greater Pleistocene climatic stability in the west would have resulted in higher rates of speciation and lower rates of extinction than in the east, where for the most, Pleistocene climates would not have favoured Cape lineages. A more parsimonious hypothesis is that the more predictable seasonal rainfall of the west would have favoured non‐sprouting plants and that this, in turn, resulted in higher speciation and lower extinction rates. Both hypotheses are consistent with the higher incidence of rare species in the west, and higher levels of beta and gamma diversity there, associated with the turnover of species along environmental and geographical gradients, respectively. These rare species do not contribute to community patterns; hence, biological heterogeneity is uniform across the region. The weak topography pattern of diversity in the west arises from higher speciation rates and lower extinction rates in the topographically complex mountains, rather than from the influence of environmental heterogeneity on diversity.  相似文献   

Tropical forests have undergone repeated fragmentation and expansion during Pleistocene glacial and interglacial periods, respectively. The effects of this repeated forest fragmentation in driving vicariance in tropical taxa have been well studied. However, relatively little is known about how often this process results in allopatric speciation, since it may be inhibited by recurrent gene flow during repeated secondary contact, or to what extent Pleistocene‐dated speciation results from ecological specialization in the face of gene flow. Here, divergence times and gene flow between three closely‐related mosquito species of the Anopheles dirus species complex endemic to the forests of Southeast Asia, are inferred using coalescent based Bayesian analysis. An Isolation with Migration model is applied to sequences of two mitochondrial and three nuclear genes, and 11 microsatellites. The divergence of An. scanloni has occurred despite unidirectional nuclear gene flow from this species into An. dirus. The inferred asymmetric gene flow may result from the unique evolutionary adaptation of An. scanloni to limestone karst habitat, and therefore the fitness advantage of this species over An. dirus in regions of sympatry. Mitochondrial introgression has led to the complete replacement of An. dirus haplotypes with those of An. baimaii through a recent (~62 kya) selective sweep. Speciation of An. baimaii and An. dirus is inferred to have involved allopatric divergence throughout much of the Pleistocene. Secondary contact and bidirectional gene flow has occurred only within the last 100 000 years, by which time the process of allopatric speciation seems to have been largely completed.  相似文献   

The evolution of Neotropical birds of open landscapes remains largely unstudied. We investigate the diversification and biogeography of a group of Neotropical obligate grassland birds (Anthus: Motacillidae). We use a multilocus phylogeny of 22 taxa of Anthus to test the hypothesis that these birds radiated contemporaneously with the development of grasslands in South America. We employ the R package DDD to analyze the dynamics of Anthus diversification across time in Neotropical grasslands, explicitly testing for shifts in dynamics associated with the Miocene development of grasslands, the putative Pleistocene expansion of arid lowland biomes, and Pleistocene sundering of Andean highland grasslands. A lineage‐through‐time plot revealed increases in the number of lineages, and DDD detected shifts to a higher clade‐level carrying capacity during the late Miocene, indicating an early burst of diversification associated with grassland colonization. However, we could not corroborate the shift using power analysis, probably reflecting the small number of tips in our tree. We found evidence of a divergence at ~1 Mya between northern and southern Amazonian populations of Anthus lutescens, countering Haffer's idea of Pleistocene expansion of open biomes in the Amazon Basin. We used BioGeoBears to investigate ancestral areas and directionality of colonization of Neotropical grasslands. Members of the genus diversified into, out of, and within the Andes, within‐Andean diversification being mostly Pleistocene in origin.  相似文献   

Ecological speciation involves the evolution of reproductive isolation and niche divergence in the absence of a physical barrier to gene flow. The process is one of the most controversial topics of the speciation debate, particularly in tropical regions. Here, we investigate ecologically based divergence across an Amazonian ecotone in the electric fish, Steatogenys elegans. We combine phylogenetics, genome scans, and population genetics with a recently developed individual‐based evolutionary landscape genetics approach that incorporates selection. This framework is used to assess the relative contributions of geography and divergent natural selection between environments as biodiversity drivers. We report on two closely related and sympatric lineages that exemplify how divergent selection across a major Amazonian aquatic ecotone (i.e., between rivers with markedly different hydrochemical properties) may result in replicated ecologically mediated speciation. The results link selection across an ecological gradient with reproductive isolation and we propose that assortative mating based on water color may be driving the divergence. Divergence resulting from ecologically driven selection highlights the importance of considering environmental heterogeneity in studies of speciation in tropical regions. Furthermore, we show that framing ecological speciation in a spatially explicit evolutionary landscape genetics framework provides an important first step in exploring a wide range of the potential effects of spatial dependence in natural selection.  相似文献   

Titi monkeys, subfamily Callicebinae, are a diverse, species‐rich group of Neotropical primates with an extensive range across South America. Their distribution in space and time makes them an interesting primate model for addressing questions of Neotropical historical biogeography. Our aim was to reconstruct the biogeographic history of Callicebinae to better understand their diversification patterns and the history of their colonisation of South America since the late Miocene. We reconstructed a time‐calibrated phylogeny of 19 titi species under Bayesian inference using two mitochondrial and 11 nuclear loci. Species were assigned across eight Neotropical areas of endemism, and statistical biogeographic methods implemented in BioGeoBEARS were employed to estimate ancestral areas using 12 biogeographic models. Our results indicate that the most recent common ancestor to extant titi monkeys was widespread from the present‐day Andean foothills in the Colombian Amazon, through the wet and dry savannas of Bolivia and Brazil, to the southern Atlantic forest of eastern Brazil. Genus‐level divergences were characterised by vicariance of ancestral range in the late Miocene. Species‐level diversification in Cheracebus and the Plecturocebus moloch group occurred as they spread across the Amazon in the Pleistocene and were largely characterised by a sequential, long‐distance “island‐hopping” dispersal model of speciation from a narrow area of origin through jump dispersal across rivers. This study comprises the first large‐scale investigation of the evolutionary history of titi monkeys in the context of Amazonian and South American historical biogeography and sheds light on the processes that generated the great diversity found among Callicebinae.  相似文献   

The spectacular diversity in sexually selected traits among animal taxa has inspired the hypothesis that divergent sexual selection can drive speciation. Unfortunately, speciation biologists often consider sexual selection in isolation from natural selection, even though sexually selected traits evolve in an ecological context: both preferences and traits are often subject to natural selection. Conversely, while behavioural ecologists may address ecological effects on sexual communication, they rarely measure the consequences for population divergence. Herein, we review the empirical literature addressing the mechanisms by which natural selection and sexual selection can interact during speciation. We find that convincing evidence for any of these scenarios is thin. However, the available data strongly support various diversifying effects that emerge from interactions between sexual selection and environmental heterogeneity. We suggest that evaluating the evolutionary consequences of these effects requires a better integration of behavioural, ecological and evolutionary research.  相似文献   


A growing body of research posits a central role for mating signals in speciation and the reproductive isolation of species, yet there has been relatively little consideration of mating signal evolution within macroevolutionary theory. Factors that influence the divergence of fertilization systems generally, and mating signals specifically, may incidentally influence rates of speciation and patterns of species sorting. Potential key processes include: genetic drift, natural selection (differential survival), selection for mate recognition, and sexual selection. This paper explores the integration of mating signal evolution into macroevolution and hierarchy theory, arguing that speciational patterns may frequently result from “effect sorting”; in which microevolutionary processes operating at the organismal level have macroevolutionary effects at the clade level. Preliminary evidence indicates that sexual selection is a widespread and potent evolutionary force that, together with other mechanisms, may have a large, though incidental impact on species sorting. The Mate Competition Hypothesis is here proposed to account for this possibility, postulating that heritable, clade‐specific variations in the intensity of sexual selection and the potential breadth of signal‐receiver systems contribute to divergent patterns of species‐richness. Several examples from the vertebrate fossil record are consistent with this hypothesis.  相似文献   

Micronesian islands taxa show high endemism rates, but very little is known about their biogeographical histories. The lack of systematic biogeography is mainly due to insufficient phylogenetic research in Micronesia. With the recent increase in published molecular biogeographic data, we were able to, for the first time, answer fundamental biogeography questions by reviewing and analyzing numerous geological, ecological, and evolutionary studies. This review, in addition to providing an overview of Micronesian geological history, confirmed the importance of long-distance dispersal mechanisms and founder-event speciation, and morphological and physiological adaptations of plant propagules to cross vast stretches of ocean by wind, ocean currents, bird, or bat dispersal. These adaptations to habitat and geological features, including reef types, determined colonization success as well as inland dispersal and speciation mechanisms. We further identified the source areas of the Micronesian biota and reconstructed historical dispersal scenarios: a dominant Austro-Melanesian dispersal scenario, an Indo-Malaysian connecting to the Austro-Melanesian dispersal scenario, and a Neotropical American and an African dispersal scenario toward Micronesia. Most generic origins were estimated between the Eocene and the Miocene and dispersed to Micronesia between the Miocene and the Pleistocene.  相似文献   

Biotic interchange between geographic regions can promote rapid diversification. However, what are the important factors that determine the rate of diversification (e.g., trait‐dependent diversification) vary between study systems. The evolutionary history of Dynastes beetles, which can be found in both North and South Americas and exhibit two different altitudinal preferences (highland and lowland) is tested for the effects of biotic interchange between continents and different ecological preferences on the rate of species diversification. Additionally, the hypotheses of geological time‐dependent and lineage specific diversification rates are also tested. Results from this study indicate that in Dynastes beetles a pre‐landbridge dispersal hypothesis from South to North America is preferred and that the speciation rates estimated using BAMM are similar between lineages of different geographic origins and different altitudinal preferences (i.e., diversification rate is not trait‐dependent). On the other hand, my result from marcoevolutionary cohort analysis based on BAMM outputs suggests that the rate of speciation in Dynastes beetles is, instead of trait‐dependent (geographic and ecological), lineage specific. Furthermore, a steadily increasing speciation rate can be found in Pliocene and Pleistocene, which implies that geological and climatic events, i.e., colonizing North America, habitat reformation in the Amazonia, and forest contraction in Pleistocene, may have together shaped the current biodiversity pattern in Dynastes beetles.  相似文献   

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