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Summary A large number of antisera mainly raised against mammalian hormones are tested immunocytochemically on the GEP-endocrine system of mouse and fish (Barbus conchonius). The endocrine pancreas of mouse and fish appeared to contain the same four endocrine cell types; insulin-, glucagon-, PP- and somatostatin-immunoreactive cells.In mouse about 13 GEP endocrine cell types are distinguished 1. insulin-, 2. somatostatin-, 3. glucagon-, 4. PP-, 5. (entero)glucagon-/PP-like, 6. CCK-like, 7. substance P-, 8. neurotensin-, 9. VIP-, 10. gastrin-, 11. secretin-, 12. -endorphin-, 13. serotonin-immunoreactive cells.Based on this and a previous study at least 13 GEP endocrine cell types seems to be present in stomachless fish: 1–9 as described for mouse, 10. (entero)glucagon-like, 11. met-enkephalin, 12. VIP-like, 13. unspecific immunoreactive endocrine cells.Coexistence of glucagon and PP-like peptides is found in the gut and pancreas of mice and in the gut of B. conchonlus. In mouse pancreas and fish gut, endocrine cells showing only PP-or glucagon-like immunoreactivity are found too. In mouse stomach some endocrine cells, showing only PP-immunoreactivity are demonstrated. In the same region coexistence of C-1-gastrin-and FMRF-amide-immunoreactivity is found in endocrine cells. The importance of these phenomena are discussed.Enteric nerves immunoreactive with antisera raised against substance P and GRP are found in mouse, against somatostatin and met-enkephalin in both mouse and fish and against VIP in fish.In honour of Prof. P. van Duijn  相似文献   

Summary Enteroendocrine cells containing glucagon-, substance P-, neurotensin- and VIP-like substances have been demonstrated immunocytochemically in the gut of Barbus conchonius. Mainly based on the distribution of the immunoreactive endocrine cells in this and a previous* study, at least eight different enteroendocrine cell types appear to be present in this stomachless fish: 1. C-terminal-gastrinimmunoreactive cells*, predominantly present in the upper parts of the folds of the proximal part of the intestinal bulb. 2. Metenkephalin-immunoreactive cells*, basally located in the folds of the first segment. 3. Pancreatic polypeptide (PP)-immunoreactive cells*, mainly present in the first half of the first segment. 4. Glucagon-like-immunoreactive (GLI) cells that are basally located in the folds of the first segment and that contain a different polypeptide (possibly glicentin) than pancreatic glucagon cells. 5. Substance P-immunoreactive cells, present in the upper parts of the folds throughout the gut. 6. C-terminal-neurotensin-immunoreactive cells, basally located in the folds throughout the first segment. 7. Vasoactive intestinal polypeptide (VIP)-immunoreactive cells, present in small numbers in the proximal part of the intestinal bulb. 8. Nonspecifically-immunoreactive cells*, found throughout the intestinal bulb. Many VIP-immunoreactive nerves have been demonstrated in the smooth muscle layer and myenteric plexus of the gut; furthermore some of them are peptide histidineisoleucine (PHI)-immunoreactive. Substance P-, somatostatin-, neurotensin- and met-enkephalin-immunoreactive nerves are also found. Thus, at least partial sequences of four different mammalian neuropeptide hormones (VIP, substance P, neurotensin, met-enkephalin) occur both in endocrine cells and enteric nerves of the gut of B. conchonius.  相似文献   

Summary Four immunoreactive endocrine cell types can be distinguished in the pancreatic islets of B. conchonius: insulin-producing B cells, somatostatin-producing A1 (= D) cells, glucagon-producing A2 cells and pancreatic poly-peptide-producing PP cells. The principal islet of this species contains only a few PP cells, while many PP cells are present in the smaller islets. Except for the B cell all pancreatic endocrine cell types are also present in the pancreatic duct.At least six enteroendocrine cell types are present in the gut of B. conchonius: 1. a cell type (I) with small secretory granules, present throughout the intestine, and possibly involved in the regulation of gut motility; 2. a C-terminal gastrin immunoreactive cell, probably producing a caerulein-like peptide; these cells are located at the upper parts of the folds, especially in the proximal part of the intestinal bulb; 3. a met-enkephalin-immunoreactive cell, present throughout the first segment; 4. a glucagon-immunoreactive cell, which is rare in the first segment; 5. a PP-immunoreactive cell, mainly present in the first half of the first segment; 6. an immunoreactive cell, which cannot at present be specified, located in the intestinal bulb. The latter four cell types are mostly located in the basal parts of the folds, although some PP-immunoreactive cells can also be found in the upper parts.Most if not all enteroendocrine cells are of the open type. The possible functions of all enteroendocrine cell types are discussed.Abbreviations BPP bovine pancreatic polypeptide - CCK cholecystokinin - GEP gastro-entero-pancreatic - GIP gastric inhibitory peptide or glucose-dependent insulin releasing peptide - PPP pig pancreatic polypeptide - VIP vasoactive intestinal polypeptide  相似文献   

Chromogranin A (CgA) in the gastro-entero-pancreatic (GEP) endocrine system   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary Chromogranin A (CgA) and related acidic proteins are widely distributed in the organism. They are also present in entero-endocrine cells and in other members of the paraneuron family. Therefore, CgA has been claimed as an universal marker of this cellular community. To yield precise data about the distribution of CgA in entero-endocrine cells, all segments of the gastro-intestinal tract of five mammalian species (man, cattle, pig, cat, guinea-pig) were investigated immunohistochemically for CgA. In serial semithin plastic sections, all CgA-immunoreactive endocrine cells were identified for resident amines or peptides. CgA could be found in ten hormonally identified endocrine cell types and in two or three other endocrine cell types. Entero-endocrine cells containing amines (histamine, serotonin) regularly exhibited CgA-immunoreactivities. In contrast, peptide-containing endocrine cells were largely heterogeneous: Their CgA-immunoreactivities varied among the species, among the gastro-intestinal segments, and even among the members of the same cell population. Hence, seen histochemically, CgA is no universal marker for entero-endocrine cells. Seen biochemically, the observed heterogeneities of CgA-immunoreactivities theoretically can be attributed to various factors (species-specificities of CgA, subclasses of chromogranins, processing of CgA or its proprotein). Most probably, these heterogeneities are caused by species- or cell-specific differences in the extent of processing of CgA. In addition, some findings point to certain interrelations between the processing or storage of CgA and resisdent peptides in the secretion granules of entero-endocrine cells.The results were partly presented at the 7th Workshop of the Anatomische Gesellschaft, Würzburg (FRG), 1988 (see Cetin and Grube 1989)  相似文献   

Summary Chromogranin A (CGA), a protein at first detected in the adrenal medulla, has recently been found also in other organs, e.g. the endocrine pancreas. However, immunohistochemical findings concerning the cellular source of pancreatic CGA were controversial. Therefore, the endocrine pancreas of 10 mammalian species (man, tupaia, mole, cat, dog, pig, guinea pig, rabbit, rat) was investigated immunohistochemically for CGA-like immunoreactivities on serial semithin plastic sections using a high-titer polyclonal antiserum against bovine CGA. The results show that basically all pancreatic endocrine cell types are CGA-immunoreactive; however, every species has its own pattern of CGA-immunoreactive cell types. Other findings of the present studies indicate that the physiological function of CGA in pancreatic endocrine cells is related to the storage mechanisms of peptide hormones. Finally, a methodological approach is given to obtain not only qualitative but also semiquantitative data during immunohistochemical investigations.  相似文献   

The distribution and frequency of gastro-entero-pancreatic (GEP) endocrine cells were studied in vampire bats by immunocytochemistry. Moderate numbers of somatostatin- and a few 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT)- and glucagon-immunoreactive cells were seen in the fundic cecum of the stomach. Numerous gastrin- and moderate numbers of somatostatin- and 5-HT-immunoreactive cells were found in the pyloric region. Moderate numbers of 5-HT-, somatostatin-, and gastrin-immunoreactive cells also were found in BRUNNER's glands. In addition to the above-mentioned 4 immunoreactive cell types, cells immunoreactive for glicentin, secretin, cholecystokinin (CCK), gastric inhibitory peptide (GIP), and neurotensin were found in the intestine. Numerous insulin-, moderate numbers of somatostatin- and glucagon-, and a few 5-HT-immunoreactive cells were detected in the pancreatic islets with lesser numbers scattered within the exocrine pancreas. Motilin- and pancreatic polypeptide-immunoreactive cells were not observed in this study.  相似文献   

Summary Intranuclear filamentous inclusions were found in the normal endocrine cells of the avian stomach and pancreas. These inclusions were composed of a bundle of closely packed filaments (6–8 nm in diameter), being ultrastructurally similar to those found in the nucleus of various neurons. Most of them appeared as single rod- or spindle-shaped bodies; aggregations of two or more inclusions were rarely seen within a single nucleus. Cells with an intranuclear inclusion often contained a cytoplasmic fibrillar bundle similar to the intranuclear inclusion.  相似文献   

Summary It has long been disputed whether mammalian enterochromaffin (EC-) cells contain a peptide in addition to serotonin. Previous immunohistochemical studies have provided evidence for the presence of enkephalins in EC-cells. These findings, however, are equivocal. Therefore, the problem of opioid peptides in EC-cells has been re-examined in the gastro-intestinal mucosa of dog, guinea-pig and man. A battery of antisera against derivatives of pro-opiomelanocortin, pro-enkephalin and pro-dynorphin have been applied to semithin serial sections of the tissues, in combination with fluorescence histochemistry and serotonin immunocytochemistry. Our findings indicate that EC-cells of the investigated species contain pro-dynorphin-related peptides, i.e. dynorphin A and -neo-endorphin, but no derivatives from pro-opiomelanocortin or pro-enkephalin. Since remarkable interspecies variations occur with respect to the number and staining characteristics of opioid immunoreactive EC-cells, it is concluded that pro-dynorphin shows specific routes of post-translational processing depending upon the species and the gastro-intestinal segment investigated. Future studies should focus on the mutual relationships between serotonin and dynorphins and on the physiological significance of these peptides in the gastrointestinal tract.Part of the results were presented at the Bayliss and Starling Society National Scientific Meeting 1985, London (Cetin et al. 1985)  相似文献   

Chromogranin A (CgA) and related acidic proteins are widely distributed in the organism. They are also present in entero-endocrine cells and in other members of the paraneuron family. Therefore, CgA has been claimed as an universal marker of this cellular community. To yield precise data about the distribution of CgA in entero-endocrine cells, all segments of the gastro-intestinal tract of five mammalian species (man, cattle, pig, cat, guinea-pig) were investigated immunohistochemically for CgA. In serial semithin plastic sections, all CgA-immunoreactive endocrine cells were identified for resident amines or peptides. CgA could be found in ten hormonally identified endocrine cell types and in two or three other endocrine cell types. Entero-endocrine cells containing amines (histamine, serotonin) regularly exhibited CgA-immunoreactivities. In contrast, peptide-containing endocrine cells were largely heterogeneous: Their CgA-immunoreactivities varies among the species, among the gastro-intestinal segments, and even among the members of the same cell population. Hence, seen histochemically, CgA is no universal marker for entero-endocrine cells. Seen biochemically, the observed heterogeneities of CgA-immunoreactivities theoretically can be attributed to various factors (species-specificities of CgA, subclasses of chromogranins, processing of CgA or its pro-protein). Most probably, these heterogeneities are caused by species- or cell-specific differences in the extent of processing of CgA. In addition, some findings point to certain interrelations between the processing or storage of CgA and resident peptides in the secretion granules of enteroendocrine cells.  相似文献   

M El-Salhy 《Histochemistry》1984,80(2):193-205
The pancreas and gastrointestinal tract (GIT) of adults and of an embryonic stage of 11 cm long (about half the length of newborn fish) of the spiny dogfish, Squalus acanthias, were investigated immunocytochemically for the occurrence of the gastro-entero-pancreatic (GEP) neurohormonal peptides. In the pancreas of adult forms 5 endocrine cell types were seen, namely insulin-, somatostatin-, glucagon-, pancreatic polypeptide (PP)- and gastric inhibitory peptide (GIP)-immunoreactive cells. These cell types form scattered islets and were seen sometimes to surround small ducts. GIP-immunoreactivity cells did not occur in glucagon-containing cells. In the mucosa of GIT of adults 18 endocrine cell types were observed, viz. insulin-, somatostatin-, glucagon-, glicentin, PP-, polypeptide YY (PYY)-, vasoactive intestinal polypeptide (VIP)-, GIP-, gastrin C-terminus, CCK-, neurotensin N-terminus-, bombesin/gastrin releasing peptide (GRP)-, substance P-, enkephalin-, alpha-endorphin, beta-endorphin-, serotonin- and calcitonin immunoreactive cells. These cells occurred mostly in the intestine. All these cell types were of the open type, except glucagon- and glicentin-immunoreactive cells in the stomach, which seemed to be of the closed type. In the muscle layers and the submucosa, VIP and substance P- immunoreactive nerves and neurons were observed. In the pancreas of the dogfish embryo only 3 endocrine cell types could be demonstrated, namely insulin-, somatostatin- and glucagon-immunoreactive cells. In the mucosa of the GIT of the embryos studied 12 endocrine cell types were detected, viz. insulin-, somatostatin-, glucagon-, PP-, PYY-, VIP, GIP, gastrin C-terminus-, CCK-, neurotensin N-terminus-, enkephalin- and serotonin immunoreactive cells. The number of these cells, except that of PYY-immunoreactive cells, was lower than that of adults and in some cases their distribution did not correspond with that of adults.  相似文献   

Just as in other cyprinids, three zones can be distinguished in the digestive tract of Barbus conchonius. A fat absorptive zone (65--75%), including the intestinal bulb, is followed by a protein absorptive zone (25--35%) and a small ion and water absorptive zone (less than 5%). The main characteristics of these zones are described. Four types of enteroendocrine cells can be distinguished between the intestinal epithelial cells. The number decreases in the caudal direction, and there are very few in the protein absorptive zone. All the enteroendocrine cells are argyrophilic and differ mainly in the size and shape of their secretory granules. Serotonin producing and hence argentaffin cells have not been found. Amine precursor uptake and decarboxylation (APUD) by the enteroendocrine cells of adult fishes has not been observed. The possible functions of the enteroendocrine cells are discussed. (Auto-)phagosomes, common in epithelial cells of the gut of B. conchonius, show similar staining characteristics as the enteroendocrine cells; their function is discussed.  相似文献   

The present report describes Lucifer Yellow (LY) transfer between the syncytial layer of the yolk cell (YSL) and blastodermal cells during epiboly in the teleost fish Barbus conchonius. The fate of a group of labeled cells is described until germ layer formation. At the onset of epiboly, LY seems to be transferred from the YSL to all blastodermal cells. Between 10% and 40% epiboly, dye-coupling appears to be restricted to the marginal region. Within 60 min individually labeled cells are distributed among unlabeled cells within the blastoderm. Between 40% and 60% epiboly, we observed a ring-shaped group of labeled cells, which probably have involuted during early gastrulation. Consequently, this cell group may correlate with the leading edge of the hypoblast layer within the germ ring. At 60% epiboly and later, the blastodermal cells are dye-uncoupled from the YSL. A gradual translocation of the ring-shaped hypoblast towards a dorsally located bar-like structure is observed between 50% and 100% epiboly. At 100% epiboly, fluorescent cells were located in contact with the YSL within the embryo proper, with the brightest fluorescence in the future head region. The translocation is due to dorsalwards convergent cell movements during the gastrulation process. The appearance of the hypoblast as a dye-coupled cell layer may correlate with some restriction in cell fate since the hypoblast differs in fate from the epiblast.  相似文献   

Using the semi-thin/ultra-thin technique six different immunoreactive endocrine cell types are ultrastructurally identified in 0.5% glutaraldehyde fixed gut of B. conchonius. In addition two of them (gastrin- and PP-immunoreactive cells) are also characterized with the immunogold method, showing that the immunoreactivity is only restricted to the secretory granules. Size distribution histograms and the average diameters of 30% (d30) of the largest granules are given, showing a gradual increase in granule size from unspecific immunoreactive cells, (d30 = 110 nm) via gastrin- (119 nm), VIP-like- (127 nm), met-enkephalin- (143 nm) and PP- (174 nm) to glucagon-immunoreactive cells (178 nm). The presence of PP- and glucagon-immunoreactivity in the same cells and the consequence for their granule size is discussed. In the distal part of the gut endocrine cells are found showing no immunoreactivity with the antisera used; their granules (d30 = 144 nm) were, although not significantly, larger then those of VIP-like-immunoreactive cells, also found in that part of the gut. It is supposed that they represent substance P-immunoreactive cells. Unfortunately, secretory granules of several cell types showed about 20% more shrinkage in 0.5% glutaraldehyde fixed tissue, than in osmicated tissue.  相似文献   

Summary Using the semi-thin/ultra-thin technique six different immunoreactive endocrine cell types are ultrastructurally identified in 0.5% glutaraldehyde fixed gut of B. conchonius. In addition two of them (gastrin-and PP-immunoreactive cells) are also characterized with the immunogold method, showing that the immunoreactivity is only restricted to the secretory granules. Size distribution histograms and the average diameters of 30% (d30) of the largest granules are given, showing a gradual increase in granule size from unspecific immunoreactive cells, (d30=110 nm) via gastrin-(119 nm), VIP-like-(127 nm), met-enkephalin-(143 nm) and PP-(174 nm) to glucagon-immunoreactive cells (178 nm). The presence of PP-and glucagon-immunoreactivity in the same cells and the consequence for their granule size is discussed. In the distal part of the gut endocrine cells are found showing no immunoreactivity with the antisera used; their granules (d30=144 nm) were, although not significantly, larger then those of VIP-like-immunoreactive cells, also found in that part of the gut. It is supposed that they represent substance P-immunoreactive cells. Unfortanately, secretory granules of several cell types showed about 20% more shrinkage in 0.5% glutaraldehyde fixed tissue, than in osmicated tissue.  相似文献   

Summary Lucifer Yellow-Dextran labelling of lower layer cells (LLC), sometimes together with upper layer cells (ULC), of the 64-cellBarbus conchonius embryo resulted in labelled primordial germ cells (PGCs) at 12 h after fertilization (a.f.) in about 25% of cases. The presence of labelled PGCs was independent of the location of the injected blastomere with respect to the later orientation of the embryonic axis. After injection of an ULC alone, however, labelled PGCs were never found. Also, the distribution of labelled somatic cells differed between the ULC- and LLC-injected embryos. When we found fluorescent PGCs, only a few of them were labelled, suggesting that either a single predecessor exists earlier than the 64-cell stage or that the formation of germ cells is a polyclonal process. Tracing the fluorescent cells at successive stages of development shows an extensive mixing with unlabelled cells during the epiboly stage, which might well be the cause of partly unpredictable cell lineages. The chance of being committed to a specific fate is different for the ULC and LLC descendants. This might be due to relatively limited cell mixing between these two cell populations.  相似文献   

Summary The processes of proliferation, cell division and differentiation of intestinal epithelial cells have been studied during development of the fish, Barbus conchonius. On the 3rd day, nearly all cells of the presumptive gut proliferate. Once the intestinal epithelium begins to differentiate, a decreasing percentage of proliferative cells can be found. On the 7th day, when intestinal folds start to develop, the proliferative cells become restricted to the future basal parts of the folds.Ultrastructural examination of 3H-thymidine-labeled cells and mitotic cells of 6-day-old larvae shows that functional enterocytes are proliferative. The same feature is suggested for older fish. Proliferating undifferentiated dark cells, characterized by many free ribosomes and a few organelles, are also present in the intestinal epithelium of larval fish; they are considered to be stem cells, mainly for goblet cells. Proliferating goblet cells and enteroendocrine cells were not observed. The latter cell type is scarce and has a long turnover time.A common feature of all these dividing cells is the presence of isolated spherical to cylindrical lamellar structures which may have lost contact with the cell membrane during prophase; they probably regain this contact by fusion with the cell membrane at the end of mitosis.  相似文献   

Somatostatin-like immunoreactivity has been demonstrated in cells of the gastro-entero-pancreatic endocrine system of Xenopus laevis (Amphibia) using peroxidase-anti-peroxidase immunohistochemistry. The identified cells of the gastro-intestinal tract correspond to the "Open-Paraneurons" of FUJITA (1974). Somatostatin-immunoreactive cells were found in the stomach (fundic and pyloric region), the duodenum and in the anterior ileum, but not in the colon. The dimensions of these 'Somatostatin-Open-Paraneurons' were measured: mean maximum height = 41.31 micron (S.D. = 10.87 micron), mean maximum breadth = 8.73 micron (S.D. = 2.31 micron). Frequency distributions of the maximum height and of the maximum breadth were processed by use of a computer. Somatostatin-immunoreactive cells in the pancreatic islets occupied about 15 to 25% of the total islets volume. These cells are "Closed-Paraneurons" (according to FUJITA 1974) with a mean diameter of 11.68 micron (S.D. = 2.61 micron).  相似文献   

Summary Immunostaining of brain and pituitary sections of teleost fishes (eels, salmonidae, cyprinidae, gourami, sculpin, mullet) with anti porcine galanin (GAL) revealed the presence of immunoreactive (ir) perikarya and a rich network of fibers. Ir-perikarya were located rostrodorsally to the recessus preopticus, and in the posterior tuberal hypothalamus. Ir-fibers were abundant in basal telencephalon and around diencephalic ventricular recesses but never contacted their lumen. Furthermore, they were observed in basal hypothalamus, brainstem and ventral medulla. Ir-fibers passed along corticotropic (ACTH), gonadotropic cells and somatotropes (GH cells) in eel and trout pars distalis, but rarely ended in caudal neurohypophysis. In goldsfish pituitary ir-fibers occurred in neural digitations and among different cell types which however did not contain a GAL-like peptide. The relation GAL fibers/GH cells appeared more evident in species with a high growth rate. The other species showed a similar distribution of brain GAL. In eels and trout, ir-perikarya were not observed in areas containing somatostatin, GH- and ACTH-releasing factor, and ACTH-like perikarya, suggesting that GAL did not coexist with these peptides. The widespread distribution of a GAL-like peptide in teleost brain suggests that it could play a role of neurotransmitter and/or neuromodulator and regulate the secretion of adenohypophysial hormone(s). Abbreviations used in the text: GAL galanin. In the brain: CSF cerebrospinal fluid; NLT nucleus lateralis tuberis; NPO nucleus preopticus; NPP nucleus preopticus periventricularis; NPVa nucleus periventricularis anterior; NRP nucleus recessus posterioris; RI recessus infundibularis; RL recessus lateralis; RPO recessus preopticus. In the pituitary: ACTH corticotropin; CRF corticotropin-releasing factor; GH growth hormone; GRF growth hormone-releasing factor; GTH gonadotropin; MSH melanotropin; NH neurohypophysis; NIL: neurointermediate lobe; PPD proximal pars distalis; RPD proximal pars distalis  相似文献   

Aromatic L-amino acid decarboxylase (AADC) catalyzes the cellular decarboxylation of L-aromatic amino acids and is therefore involved in the synthesis of several biogenic amines. Application of the indirect immunoperoxidase method on human, rat, and mouse tissues using specific antibodies to AADC revealed all AADC-containing cells. Besides mast cells and adrenergic nerve fibers, the following cells were immunostained: neuroendocrine cells in the tracheobronchial epithelium; neuroepithelial bodies in the bronchopulmonary epithelium; Kultschitzky cells in the small intestine and appendix as well as adrenal chromaffin cells. All the latter cells belong to the so-called APUD system, the "D" in the acronym standing for the activity of the enzyme aromatic L-amino acid decarboxylase. Immunocytochemistry for AADC may become an additional tool not only to highlight APUD cells in tissue sections but also to differentiate the sites of cellular amine synthesis from those of amine storage.  相似文献   

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