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The relationships between structure and antioxidant activity of dihydrolipoic acid (DHLA) were studied using homologues of DHLA: bisonor-DHLA (a derivative which lacks two carbons in the hydrophobic tail), tetranor-DHLA (which lacks four carbons) and a methyl ester derivative. It was observed that: i) DHLA homologues with shorter hydrocarbon tails (i.e., bisnor- and tetranor-DHLA) had greater ability to quench superoxide radicals (O-2); ii) no differences among homologues with different chain lengths were found for peroxyl radical (ROO) scavenging in aqueous solution, and iii) DHLA was the best membrane antioxidant in terms of ROO scavening and lipid peroxidation inhibition. Differences among the DHLA homologues in their antioxidant properties in polar and apolar environments generally agreed with differences in their partition coefficients. The methyl ester was the least effective antioxidant both in aqueous phase and in membranes. Tetranor-DHLA was found not only to be less effective in preventing ROO-induced lipid peroxidation, but also to induce lipid peroxidation in the presence of residual iron. Thus, the complexity of biological systems seems to complicate generalizations on the correlation of molecular structure with antioxidant activity of DHLA.  相似文献   

《Free radical research》2013,47(5):255-263
Thioctic acid (TA) and its reduced form dihydrolipoic acid (DHLA) have recently gained somc recognition as useful biological antioxidants. In particular, the ability of DHLA to inhibit lipid peroxidation has been reported. In the present study, the effects of TA and DHLA on reactive oxygen species (ROS) generated in the aqueous phase have been investigated. Xanthine plus xanthine oxidase-generated superoxide radicals (O2), detected by electron spin resonance spectroscopy (ESR) using DMPO as a spin trap. were eliminated by DHLA but not by TA. The sulhydryl content of DHLA, measured using Ellman's reagent decreased subsequent to the incubation with xanthine plus xanthine oxidase confirming the interaction between DHLA and O2-. An increase of hydrogen peroxide concentration accompanied the reaction between DHLA and O2x, suggesting the reduction of O2- by DHLA. Competition of O2- with epinephrine allowed us to estimate a second order kinetic constant of the reaction between O2- and DHLA, which was found to be a 3.3 × 105 M-1 s-1. On the other hand, the DMPO signal of hydroxyl radicals (HO ·) generated by Fenton's reagent were eliminated by both TA and DHLA. Inhibition of the Fenton reaction by TA was confirmed by a chemiluminescence measurement using luminol as a probe for HO ·. There was no electron transfer from Fe2+ to TA or from DHLA to Fe3 + detected by measuring the Fe2+ -phenanthroline complex. DHLA did not potentiate the DMPO signal of HO · indicating no prooxidant activity of DHLA. These results suggest that both TA and DHLA possess antioxidant properties. In particular. DHLA is very effective as shown by its dual capability by eliminating both O2-; and HO ·.  相似文献   

Thioctic acid (TA) and its reduced form dihydrolipoic acid (DHLA) have recently gained somc recognition as useful biological antioxidants. In particular, the ability of DHLA to inhibit lipid peroxidation has been reported. In the present study, the effects of TA and DHLA on reactive oxygen species (ROS) generated in the aqueous phase have been investigated. Xanthine plus xanthine oxidase-generated superoxide radicals (O2), detected by electron spin resonance spectroscopy (ESR) using DMPO as a spin trap. were eliminated by DHLA but not by TA. The sulhydryl content of DHLA, measured using Ellman's reagent decreased subsequent to the incubation with xanthine plus xanthine oxidase confirming the interaction between DHLA and O2-. An increase of hydrogen peroxide concentration accompanied the reaction between DHLA and O2x, suggesting the reduction of O2- by DHLA. Competition of O2- with epinephrine allowed us to estimate a second order kinetic constant of the reaction between O2- and DHLA, which was found to be a 3.3 × 105 M-1 s-1. On the other hand, the DMPO signal of hydroxyl radicals (HO ·) generated by Fenton's reagent were eliminated by both TA and DHLA. Inhibition of the Fenton reaction by TA was confirmed by a chemiluminescence measurement using luminol as a probe for HO ·. There was no electron transfer from Fe2+ to TA or from DHLA to Fe3 + detected by measuring the Fe2+ -phenanthroline complex. DHLA did not potentiate the DMPO signal of HO · indicating no prooxidant activity of DHLA. These results suggest that both TA and DHLA possess antioxidant properties. In particular. DHLA is very effective as shown by its dual capability by eliminating both O2-; and HO ·.  相似文献   

The observations reported in this article demonstrate that lipoic acid strongly influences the activity of a purified preparation of choline acetyl transferase. The reduced form, dihydrolipoic acid, is a powerful activator of the enzyme while lipoic acid itself has an inhibitory effect and counteracts the stimulatory effect of dihydrolipoic acid. It is proposed that dihydrolipoic acid serves an essential function in the action of this enzyme and that the ratio of reduced to oxidized lipoic acid in the cell may play an important role in the regulation of the activity of the enzyme. The implications of these findings for cell function and acetyl choline formation are discussed.Affiliation  相似文献   

Summary An algorithm based on the technique of combinatorial minimization is used for the semi-automated assignment of multidimensional heteronuclear spectra. The program (ALFA) produces the best assignment compatible with the available input data. Even partially misleading or missing data do not seriously corrupt the final assignment. Ambiguous sequences of the possible assignment and all alternatives are indicated. The program can also use additional non-spectroscopic data to assist in the assignment procedure. For example, information from the X-ray structure of the protein and/or information about the secondary structure can be used. The assignment procedure was tested on spectra of mucous trypsin inhibitor, a protein of 107 residues.  相似文献   

The new NMR experiments 3D H2BC and clean HMBC are explored for challenging applications to a complex carbohydrate at natural abundance of 13C. The 3D H2BC experiment is crucial for sequential assignment as it yields heteronuclear one- and two-bond together with COSY correlations for the 1H spins, all in a single spectrum with good resolution and non-informative diagonal-type peaks suppressed. Clean HMBC is a remedy for the ubiquitous problem of strong coupling induced one-bond correlation artifacts in HMBC spectra of carbohydrates. Both experiments work well for one of the largest carbohydrates whose structure has been determined by NMR, not least due to the enhanced resolution offered by the third dimension in 3D H2BC and the improved spectral quality due to artifact suppression in clean HMBC. Hence these new experiments set the scene to take advantage of the sensitivity boost achieved by the latest generation of cold probes for NMR structure determination of even larger and more complex carbohydrates in solution.  相似文献   

Alpha-lipoic acid is a natural product that possesses distinct pharmacological properties. Lipoic acid is a short-chain fatty acid containing an asymmetric carbon at five bonds of distance to the organic function. Herein, we developed a nuclear magnetic resonance protocol to access the chiral recognition of lipoic acid in a simple and rapid procedure employing cinchonidine as a cheap chiral solvation agent in deuterated chloroform. To optimize this method, a statistical design of the experimental model was performed to produce a clear understanding of the optimal concentration, temperature, and molar ratio parameters. Based on the obtained spectra, the cinchonidine H8-H9 scalar coupling indicated a conformational preference in the chiral discrimination procedure. Density functional theory calculations established a proximity between the asymmetric center of lipoic acid and the aromatic moiety of cinchonidine, clarifying possible conformations in this ion-pair interaction. The described protocol demonstrates how far is far enough to chiral discrimination using a chiral solvation agent, expanding the method to compounds that contain a remote stereocenter.  相似文献   

In this study, two alternative three-dimensional (3D) models of horseradish peroxidase (HRP-C)—differing mainly in the structure of a long untemplated insertion—were refined, systematically assessed, and used to make predictions that can both guide and be tested by future experimental studies. A key first step in the model-building process was a procedure for multiple sequence alignment based on structurally conserved regions and key conserved residues, including those side chains providing ligands to the two Ca2+ binding sites. The model refinements reported here include (1) optimization of side-chain conformations; (3) addition of structural waters using a template-independent procedure; (2) structural refinement of the untemplated 34 amino acid insertion located between the F and G helices, using both energy criteria and NMR data; (4) unconstrained energy optimization of the refined models. Using these procedures, two refined structures of HRP-C were obtained, differing mainly in the conformation of this long insertion. The presence of residues in this insertion that could potentially interact with bound substrates suggests a functional role that may be related to the general ability of class III peroxidases to form stable 1:1 complexes with a variety of substrates. The structural validity of the models was systematically assessed by a variety of criteria. Most notably, the ProsaII z scores and Profiles 3D scores of the two HRP-C models indicated that they are significantly better than would be obtained by simple amino acid replacement, using any of the known structures as a template. These two 3D HRP-C models, were then used to predict candidate residues for the assignment of NOESY cross-peaks previously noted in 2D-NMR studies. Specifically, the residues known as Ile X, Phe A, Phe B, aliphatic residue Q, and Ile T. Candidate substrate binding sites were also identified and compared with experimentally based predictions. This work is timely because new X-ray structures are anticipated that will facilitate the validation of these procedures. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Summary A suite of computer programs (CLAIRE) is described which can be of assistance in the process of assigning 2D1H NMR spectra of proteins. The programs embody a software implementation of the sequential assignment approach first developed by Wüthrich and co-workers (K. Wüthrich. G. Wider, G. Wagner and W. Braun (1982)J. Mol. Biol. 155, 311). After data-abstraction (peakpicking), the software can be used to detect patterns (spin systems), to find cross peaks between patterns in 2D NOE data sets and to generate assignments that are consistent with all available data and which satisfy a number of constraints imposed by the user. An interactive graphics program calledCONPAT is used to control the entire assignment process as well as to provide the essential feedback from the experimental NMR spectra. The algorithms are described in detail and the approach is demonstrated on a set of spectra from the mistletoe protein phoratoxin B, a homolog of crambin. The results obtained compare well with those reported earlier based entirely on a manual assignment process.  相似文献   

Elucidation of high-resolution protein structures by NMR spectroscopy requires a large number of distance constraints that are derived from nuclear Overhauser effects between protons (NOEs). Due to the high level of spectral overlap encountered in 2D NMR spectra of proteins, the measurement of high quality distance constraints requires higher dimensional NMR experiments. Although four-dimensional Fourier transform (FT) NMR experiments can provide the necessary kind of spectral information, the associated measurement times are often prohibitively long. Covariance NMR spectroscopy yields 2D spectra that exhibit along the indirect frequency dimension the same high resolution as along the direct dimension using minimal measurement time. The generalization of covariance NMR to 4D NMR spectroscopy presented here exploits the inherent symmetry of certain 4D NMR experiments and utilizes the trace metric between donor planes for the construction of a high-resolution spectral covariance matrix. The approach is demonstrated for a 4D (13)C-edited NOESY experiment of ubiquitin. The 4D covariance spectrum narrows the line-widths of peaks strongly broadened in the FT spectrum due to the necessarily short number of increments collected, and it resolves otherwise overlapped cross peaks allowing for an increase in the number of NOE assignments to be made from a given dataset. At the same time there is no significant decrease in the positive predictive value of observing a peak as compared to the corresponding 4D Fourier transform spectrum. These properties make the 4D covariance method a potentially valuable tool for the structure determination of larger proteins and for high-throughput applications in structural biology.  相似文献   

We report the NMR assignment of the PN2-3 subdomain of the CPAP protein. It has been previously shown that this motif interacts with tubulin, inhibits microtubule nucleation from the centrosome and depolymerizes taxol-stabilized microtubules. Marie-Jeanne Clément and Philippe Savarin contributed equally.  相似文献   

Summary By the application of homonuclear 3D NOE-HOHAHA and heteronuclear 3D HMQC-NOE experiments in studies of complex oligosaccharides. NOEs can be investigated which are hidden in conventional 2D NOE spectra. In the 3D NOE-HOHAHA spectrum 3 cross sections were considered to be the most suitable for assignment of NOEs. Alternatively, these cross sections could be measured separately in selective 2D HOHAHA-NOE spectroscopy. The advantages and limitations of the 2D alternative are compared with those of the 3D NOE-HOHAHA approach. In 3D HMQC-NOE spectroscopy the larger chemical shift displacement of the carbon spectrum with respect to the proton spectrum can be used to unmask NOEs hidden in the bulk region. If the extra proton dimension is not needed, 2D HMQC-NOE is a good alternative.The suitability of 2D and 3D NOE-HOHAHA and HMQC-NOE experiments for the estimation of proton-proton distances is demonstrated by comparing the results of these experiments on a diantennary asparagine-linked oligosaccharide with those of a conventional 2D NOE experiment. NOEs identified in the 2D and 3D NOE-HOHAHA as well as HMQC-NOE experiments, so far not identified or not quantified in 2D NOE experiments, are discussed in relation to each glycosidic linkage. The flexibility of the Man(1-3)Man linkage is demonstrated, confirming the existence of an ensemble of conformations for this linkage.  相似文献   

We recently introduced a new line of reduced-dimensionality experiments making constructive use of axial peak magnetization, which has so far been suppressed as an undesirable artifact in multidimensional NMR spectra [Szyperski, T., Braun, D., Banecki, B. and Wüthrich, K. (1996) J. Am. Chem. Soc., 118, 8146–8147]. The peaks arising from the axial magnetization are located at the center of the doublets resulting from projection. Here we describe the use of such projected four-dimensional (4D) triple resonance experiments for the efficient sequential resonance assignment of 15N/13C-labeled proteins. A 3D / /(CO)NHN experiment is recorded either in conjunction with 3D HNN< > or with the newly presented 3D HNN scheme. The first combination yields sequential assignments based on the measurement of13 C chemical shifts and provides a complete 1H, 13C and 15N resonance assignment of polypeptide backbone and CHn moieties. When employing the second combination, 13C=O chemical shifts are not measured, but the sequential assignment relies on both 13C and1 H chemical shifts. The assignment is performed in a semi-automatic fashion using the program XEASY in conjunction with the newly implemented program SPSCAN. This program package offers routines for the facile mutual interconversion of single-quantum and zero/double-quantum frequencies detected in conventional and reduced-dimensionality spectra, respectively. In particular, SPSCAN comprises a peak picking routine tailored to cope with the distinct peak patterns of projected NMR experiments performed with simultaneous acquisition of central peaks. Data were acquired at 13 °C for the N-terminal 63-residue polypeptide fragment of the 434 repressor. Analysis of these spectra, which are representative for proteins of about 15 kDa when working at commonly used temperatures around 30 °C , demonstrates the efficiency of our approach for the assignment of medium-sized15 N/13C doubly labeled proteins.  相似文献   

A new program, Mapper, for semiautomatic sequence-specific NMR assignment in proteins is introduced. The program uses an input of short fragments of sequentially neighboring residues, which have been assembled based on sequential NMR connectivities and for which either the 13C and 13C chemical shifts or data on the amino acid type from other sources are known. Mapper then performs an exhaustive search for self-consistent simultaneous mappings of all these fragments onto the protein sequence. Compared to using only the individual mappings of the spectroscopically connected fragments, the global mapping adds a powerful new constraint, which results in resolving many otherwise intractable ambiguities. In an initial application, virtually complete sequence-specific assignments were obtained for a 110 kDa homooctameric protein, 7,8-dihydroneopterin aldolase from Staphylococcus aureus.  相似文献   

Reliable automated NOE assignment and structure calculation on the basis of a largely complete, assigned input chemical shift list and a list of unassigned NOESY cross peaks has recently become feasible for routine NMR protein structure calculation and has been shown to yield results that are equivalent to those of the conventional, manual approach. However, these algorithms rely on the availability of a virtually complete list of the chemical shifts. This paper investigates the influence of incomplete chemical shift assignments on the reliability of NMR structures obtained with automated NOESY cross peak assignment. The program CYANA was used for combined automated NOESY assignment with the CANDID algorithm and structure calculations with torsion angle dynamics at various degrees of completeness of the chemical shift assignment which was simulated by random omission of entries in the experimental 1H chemical shift lists that had been used for the earlier, conventional structure determinations of two proteins. Sets of structure calculations were performed choosing the omitted chemical shifts randomly among all assigned hydrogen atoms, or among aromatic hydrogen atoms. For comparison, automated NOESY assignment and structure calculations were performed with the complete experimental chemical shift but under random omission of NOESY cross peaks. When heteronuclear-resolved three-dimensional NOESY spectra are available the current CANDID algorithm yields in the absence of up to about 10% of the experimental 1H chemical shifts reliable NOE assignments and three-dimensional structures that deviate by less than 2 Å from the reference structure obtained using all experimental chemical shift assignments. In contrast, the algorithm can accommodate the omission of up to 50% of the cross peaks in heteronuclear- resolved NOESY spectra without producing structures with a RMSD of more than 2 Å to the reference structure. When only homonuclear NOESY spectra are available, the algorithm is slightly more susceptible to missing data and can tolerate the absence of up to about 7% of the experimental 1H chemical shifts or of up to 30% of the NOESY peaks.Abbreviations: BmPBPA – Bombyx mori pheromone binding protein form A; CYANA – combined assignment and dynamics algorithm for NMR applications; NMR – nuclear magnetic resonance; NOE – nuclear Overhauser effect; NOESY – NOE spectroscopy; RMSD – root-mean-square deviation; WmKT – Williopsis mrakii killer toxin  相似文献   

Four betacyanin pigments were analysed by LC NMR and subjected to extensive NMR characterisation after isolation. Previously, low pH values were applied for NMR investigations of betalains resulting in rapid degradation of the purified substances thus preventing extensive NMR studies. Consequently, up to now only one single (13)C NMR spectrum of a betalain pigment, namely that of neobetanin (=14,15-dehydrobetanin), was available. Because of its sufficient stability under highly acidic conditions otherwise detrimental for betacyanins, this pigment remained an exemption. Since betalains are most stable in the pH range of 5-7, a new solvent system has been developed allowing improved data acquisition through improved pigment stability at near neutral pH. Thus, not only (1)H, but for the first time also partial (13)C data of betanin, isobetanin, phyllocactin and hylocerenin isolated from red-purple pitaya [Hylocereus polyrhizus (Weber) Britton & Rose, Cactaceae] could be indirectly obtained by gHSQC- and gHMQC-NMR experiments.  相似文献   

1H, 15N and 13C chemical shift assignments are presented for the N-terminal region of human La protein, in the apo and 5′-UUUU RNA-bound state. Secondary structure analysis shows conformational changes in the interdomain linker upon complex formation.  相似文献   

Sticholysin I is an actinoporin, a pore forming toxin, of 176 aminoacids produced by the sea anemone Stichodactyla heliantus. Isotopically labelled 13C/15N recombinant protein was produced in E. coli. Here we report the complete NMR 15N, 13C and 1H chemical shifts assignments of Stn I at pH 4.0 and 25°C (BMRB No. 15927).  相似文献   

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