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Summary We have investigated in vivo the coupling between CytR regulation of the deoP2 promoter in Escherichia coli and the DNA-binding specificity of the cAMP-CRP (cAMP receptor protein) complex in order to obtain a more detailed picture of the role played by cAMP-CRP in CytR regulation. By introducing CRP proteins that exhibit an altered DNA binding specificity into a strain containing a mutant deoP2 promoter in which cAMP-CRP activation was decreased and CytR regulation completely abolished, we show that CytR regulation of this promoter can be reestablished by restored the DNA binding of the cAMP-CRP complex. Hence, CytR regulation of deoP2 can be modulated by simply varying DNA binding of cAMP-CRP. These data confirm the crucial role played by the cAMP-CRP activator complex in CytR regulation of the deoP2 promoter.  相似文献   

We have studied the deoP2 promoter in Escherichia coli to define features important for its interaction with the CytR repressor. As is characteristic for CytR-regulated promoters, deoP2 encodes tandem binding sites for the activating complex cAMP-CRP. One of these sites, CRP-1, overlaps the -35 region, and is sufficient for activation; the second site, CRP-2, centred around -93, is indispensable for repression. Here we demonstrate, by means of in vivo titration, that CytR interaction with deoP2 depends not only on CRP-2, but also on CRP-1 and the length and possibly the sequence separating these two sites. Also, point mutations in either CRP site reduce or abolish CytR titration; however, no co-operativity is observed in the interaction of CytR with the two CRP binding sites. Furthermore, the reduction in CytR titration parallels the reduction in binding of cAMP-CRP to the mutated CRP sites in vitro. These observations are not easily explained by current models for the action of prokaryotic repressors; instead we favour a model in which the interaction of CytR with deoP2 depends on the presence of tandem DNA-bound cAMP-CRP complexes.  相似文献   

The nitrocellulose filter binding assay has been used to study effects of pH, temperature, ionic strength and magnesium ions on the specific binding of the cyclic adenosine 3',5'-monophosphate (cAMP) receptor protein (CAP) to the promoter of the lactose (lac) operon of Escherichia coli. The pH has a significant effect on binding with the greatest amount of specific binding appearing at pHs near 7 with a gradual decrease in binding as the pH is increased to 8. Specific binding was observed at temperatures of 22 degrees C and 37 degrees C but not at 4 degrees C. The specific binding was also found to be a function of the concentration of magnesium acetate and potassium chloride, being dependent on the specific cation present, the total ionic strength, and the concentration of the CAP protein. All binding decreases as the ionic strength, increases, but this decrease occurs at a lower ionic strength in magnesium acetate than in potassium chloride. In a double label experiment the filter assay demonstrates that the cAMP-CAP complex preferentially binds to the wild-type lac promoter in the presence of a lac promoter mutated at the CAP binding site. Based on these results and comparisons with other experiments reported in the literature, buffer conditions that approximate the physiological state of a cell appear to be best for studying the interaction between CAP and the lactose promoter in vitro.  相似文献   

NF-GMb is a nuclear factor that binds to the proximal promoter of the human granulocyte-macrophage colony stimulating factor (GM-CSF) gene. NF-GMb has a subunit molecular weight of 22 kDa, is constitutively expressed in embryonic fibroblasts and binds to sequences within the adjacent CK-1 and CK-2 elements (CK-1/CK-2 region), located at approximately -100 in the GM-CSF gene promoter. These elements are conserved in haemopoietic growth factor (HGF) genes. NF-GMb binding requires the presence of repeated 5'CAGG3' sequences that overlap the binding sites for positive activators. Surprisingly, NF-GMb was found to bind solely to single-strand DNA, namely the non-coding strand of the GM-CSF CK-1/CK-2 region. NF-GMb may belong to a family of single-strand DNA binding (ssdb) proteins that have 5'CAGG3' sequences within their binding sites. Functional analysis of the proximal GM-CSF promoter revealed that sequences in the -114 to -79 region of the promoter containing the NF-GMb binding sites had no intrinsic activity in fibroblasts but could, however, repress tumour necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha) inducible expression directed by downstream promoter sequences (-65 to -31). Subsequent mutation analysis showed that sequences involved in repression correlated with those required for NF-GMb binding.  相似文献   

The environmentally activated algD promoter of Pseudomonas aeruginosa has been shown to be influenced by DNA supercoiling. It is believed that protein-induced bending or looping is required for this activation. We studied the role of Escherichia coli cAMP-CRP on algD promoter activation in E. coli and show that a functional CRP is required for this activation. We also demonstrate that the algD promoter is sensitive to glucose repression both in E. coli and P. aeruginosa. Deletion of a putative consensus CRP binding sequence upstream of the algD promoter renders the promoter non-responsive to glucose repression. The involvement of cAMP-CRP complex in the activation of the algD promoter in E. coli has been demonstrated directly through binding of a 255 base pair DNA fragment containing the putative consensus CRP binding sequence. Other fragments, upstream or downstream but without any consensus CRP binding sequence, did not show any binding with CRP. A CRP-like analogue, similar to that in Xanthomonas campestris, but capable of activating genes without forming a complex with cAMP, is believed to allow glucose repression in P. aeruginosa.  相似文献   

T Heyduk  J C Lee 《Biochemistry》1989,28(17):6914-6924
Cyclic AMP receptor protein (CRP) from Escherichia coli is assumed to exist in two states, namely, those represented by the free protein and that of the ligand-protein complex. To establish a quantitative structure-function relation between cAMP binding and the cAMP-induced conformational changes in the receptor, protein conformational change was quantitated as a function of cAMP concentration up to 10 mM. The protein conformation was monitored by four different methods at pH 7.8 and 23 degrees C, namely, rate of proteolytic digestion by subtilisin, rate of chemical modification of Cys-178, tryptophan fluorescence, and fluorescence of the extrinsic fluorescence probe 8-anilino-1-naphthalenesulfonic acid (ANS). Each of these techniques reveals a biphasic dependence of protein conformation on cAMP concentration. At low cAMP concentrations ranging from 0 to 200 microM, the rates of proteolytic digestion and that of Cys-178 modification increase, whereas the fluorescence intensity of the ANS-protein complex is quenched, and there is no change in the fluorescence intensity of the tryptophan residues in the protein. At higher cAMP concentrations, the rates of proteolytic and chemical modification of the protein decrease, while the fluorescence intensity of the ANS-protein complex is further quenched but there is an increase in the intensity of tryptophan fluorescence. These results show unequivocally that there are at least three conformational states of the protein. The association constants for the formation of CRP-cAMP and CRP-(cAMP)2 complexes derived from conformational studies are in good agreement with those determined by equilibrium dialysis, nonequilibrium dialysis, and ultrafiltration. Therefore, the simplest explanation would be that the protein exhibits three conformational states, free CRP and two cAMP-dependent states, which correspond to the CRP-cAMP and CRP-(cAMP)2 complexes. The binding properties of CRP-cAMP and CRP-(cAMP)2 to the lac promoter were studied by using the gel retardation technique. At a high concentration of cAMP which favors the formation of the CRP-(cAMP)2 complex, binding of the protein to DNA is decreased. This, together with conformational data, strongly suggests that only the CRP-cAMP complex is active in specific DNA binding whereas CRP and CRP-(cAMP)2 are not.  相似文献   

Cyclic AMP receptor protein (CRP) regulates the expression of more then 100 genes in Escherichia coli. It is known that the allosteric activation of CRP by cAMP involves a long-distance signal transmission from the N-terminal cAMP-binding domain to the C-terminal domain of CRP responsible for the interactions with specific sequences of DNA. In this report we have used a CRP mutant containing a single Trp13 located in the N-terminal domain of the protein. We applied the iodide and acrylamide fluorescence quenching method in order to study how different DNA sequences and cAMP binding induce the conformational changes in the CRP molecule. The results presented provide evidence for the occurrence of a long-distance conformational signal transduction within the protein from the C-terminal DNA-binding domain to the N-terminal domain of CRP. This conformational signal transmission depends on the promoter sequence. We also used the stopped-flow and Forster resonance energy transfer between labeled Cys178 of CRP and fluorescently labeled DNA sequences to study the kinetics of DNA-CRP interactions. The results thus obtained lead to the conclusion that CRP can exist in several conformational states and that their distribution is affected by binding of both the cAMP and of specific DNA sequences.  相似文献   

Expression of the modABCD operon in Escherichia coli, which codes for a molybdate-specific transporter, is repressed by ModE in vivo in a molybdate-dependent fashion. In vitro DNase I-footprinting experiments identified three distinct regions of protection by ModE-molybdate on the modA operator/promoter DNA, GTTATATT (-15 to -8; region 1), GCCTACAT (-4 to +4; region 2), and GTTACAT (+8 to +14; region 3). Within the three regions of the protected DNA, a pentamer sequence, TAYAT (Y = C or T), can be identified. DNA-electrophoretic mobility experiments showed that the protected regions 1 and 2 are essential for binding of ModE-molybdate to DNA, whereas the protected region 3 increases the affinity of the DNA to the repressor. The stoichiometry of this interaction was found to be two ModE-molybdate per modA operator DNA. ModE-molybdate at 5 nM completely protected the modABCD operator/promoter DNA from DNase I-catalyzed hydrolysis, whereas ModE alone failed to protect the DNA even at 100 nM. The apparent K(d) for the interaction between the modA operator DNA and ModE-molybdate was 0.3 nM, and the K(d) increased to 8 nM in the absence of molybdate. Among the various oxyanions tested, only tungstate replaced molybdate in the repression of modA by ModE, but the affinity of ModE-tungstate for modABCD operator DNA was 6 times lower than with ModE-molybdate. A mutant ModE(T125I) protein, which repressed modA-lac even in the absence of molybdate, protected the same region of modA operator DNA in the absence of molybdate. The apparent K(d) for the interaction between modA operator DNA and ModE(T125I) was 3 nM in the presence of molybdate and 4 nM without molybdate. The binding of molybdate to ModE resulted in a decrease in fluorescence emission, indicating a conformational change of the protein upon molybdate binding. The fluorescence emission spectra of mutant ModE proteins, ModE(T125I) and ModE(Q216*), were unaffected by molybdate. The molybdate-independent mutant ModE proteins apparently mimic in its conformation the native ModE-molybdate complex, which binds to a DNA sequence motif of TATAT-7bp-TAYAT.  相似文献   

D S Gol'denberg 《Genetika》1987,23(8):1360-1365
By computer analysis of the lambda phage DNA putative cAMP-CAP binding site has been found. This site (44506-AcgTGTGAccgcatTCAAAaT-44486) is located 40 bp upstream to the late PR' promoter. The sequence denoted is located on the coding DNA strand, similar to the cAMP-CAP binding sites in all four genes known to be subject to cAMP-CAP repression. It is suggested that cAMP-CAP can serve as a repressor of the phage lambda late promoter PR'. Such repression can arrest the expression of late lambda genes and in this way increase the frequency of lysogenization.  相似文献   

The cis-trans isomerisation of maleylacetoacetate to fumarylacetoacetate is the penultimate step in the tyrosine/phenylalanine catabolic pathway and has recently been shown to be catalysed by glutathione S-transferase enzymes belonging to the zeta class. Given this primary metabolic role it is unsurprising that zeta class glutathione S-transferases are well conserved over a considerable period of evolution, being found in vertebrates, plants, insects and fungi. The structure of this glutathione S-transferase, cloned from Arabidopsis thaliana, has been solved by single isomorphous replacement with anomalous scattering and refined to a final crystallographic R-factor of 19.6% using data from 25.0 A to 1.65 A. The zeta class enzyme adopts the canonical glutathione S-transferase fold and forms a homodimer with each subunit consisting of 221 residues. In agreement with structures of glutathione S-transferases from the theta and phi classes, a serine residue (Ser17) is present in the active site, at a position that would allow it to stabilise the thiolate anion of glutathione. Site-directed mutagenesis of this residue confirms its importance in catalysis. In addition, the role of a highly conserved cysteine residue (Cys19) present in the active site of the zeta class glutathione S-transferase enzymes is discussed.  相似文献   

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