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The O antigen of Escherichia coli O111 is identical in structure to that of Salmonella enterica serovar adelaide. Another O-antigen structure, similar to that of E. coli O111 and S. enterica serovar adelaide is found in both E. coli O55 and S. enterica serovar greenside. Both O-antigen structures contain colitose, a 3,6 dideoxyhexose found only rarely in the Enterobacteriaceae. The O-antigen structure is determined by genes generally located in the rfb gene cluster. We cloned the rfb gene cluster from an E. coli O111 strain (M92), and the clone expressed O antigen in both E. coli K-12 and a K-12 strain deleted for rfb. Lipopolysaccharide analysis showed that the O antigen produced by strains containing the cloned DNA is polymerized. The chain length of O antigen was affected by a region outside of rfb but linked to it and present on some of the plasmids containing rfb. The rfb region of M92 was analysed and compared, by DNA hybridization, with that of strains with related O antigens. The possible evolution of the rfb genes in these O antigen groups is discussed.  相似文献   

To investigate the effect of chromosomal mutation on the synthesis of rfe-dependent Escherichia coli O9 lipopolysaccharide (LPS), the cloned E. coli O9 rfb gene was introduced into Salmonella typhimurium strains defective in various genes involved in the synthesis of LPS. When E. coli O9 rfb was introduced into S. typhimurium strains possessing defects in rfb or rfc, they synthesized E. coli O9 LPS on their cell surfaces. The rfe-defective mutant of S. typhimurium synthesized only very small amounts of E. coli O9 LPS after the introduction of E. coli O9 rfb. These results confirmed the widely accepted idea that the biosynthesis of E. coli O9-specific polysaccharide does not require rfc but requires rfe. By using an rfbT mutant of the E. coli O9 rfb gene, the mechanism of transfer of the synthesized E. coli O9-specific polysaccharide from antigen carrier lipid to the R-core of S. typhimurium was investigated. The rfbT mutant of the E. coli O9 rfb gene failed to direct the synthesis of E. coli O9 LPS in the rfc mutant strain of S. typhimurium, in which rfaL and rfbT functions are intact, but directed the synthesis of the precursor. Because the intact E. coli O9 rfb gene directed the synthesis of E. coli O9 LPS in the same strain, it was suggested that the rfaL product of S. typhimurium and rfbT product of E. coli O9 cooperate to synthesize E. coli O9 LPS in S. typhimurium.  相似文献   

Escherichia coli K-12 has long been known not to produce an O antigen. We recently identified two independent mutations in different lineages of K-12 which had led to loss of O antigen synthesis (D. Liu and P. R. Reeves, Microbiology 140:49-57, 1994) and constructed a strain with all rfb (O antigen) genes intact which synthesized a variant of O antigen O16, giving cross-reaction with anti-O17 antibody. We determined the structure of this O antigen to be -->2)-beta-D-Galf-(1-->6)-alpha-D-Glcp- (1-->3)-alpha-L-Rhap-(1-->3)-alpha-D-GlcpNAc-(1-->, with an O-acetyl group on C-2 of the rhamnose and a side chain alpha-D-Glcp on C-6 of GlcNAc. O antigen synthesis is rfe dependent, and D-GlcpNAc is the first sugar of the biological repeat unit. We sequenced the rfb (O antigen) gene cluster and found 11 open reading frames. Four rhamnose pathway genes are identified by similarity to those of other strains, the rhamnose transferase gene is identified by assay of its product, and the identities of other genes are predicted with various degrees of confidence. We interpret earlier observations on interaction between the rfb region of Escherichia coli K-12 and those of E. coli O4 and E. coli Flexneri. All K-12 rfb genes were of low G+C content for E. coli. The rhamnose pathway genes were similar in sequence to those of (Shigella) Dysenteriae 1 and Flexneri, but the other genes showed distant or no similarity. We suggest that the K-12 gene cluster is a member of a family of rfb gene clusters, including those of Dysenteriae 1 and Flexneri, which evolved outside E. coli and was acquired by lateral gene transfer.  相似文献   

Previous chemical analyses identified two structurally distinct O polysaccharides in the lipopolysaccharide of Klebsiella pneumoniae serotype O1:K20 (C. Whitfield, J. C. Richards, M. B. Perry, B. R. Clarke, and L. L. MacLean, J. Bacteriol. 173:1420-1431, 1991). The polysaccharides were designated D-galactan I and D-galactan II; both are homopolymers of galactose. To begin investigation of the synthesis and expression of these O polysaccharides, we have cloned a 7.3-kb region of the chromosome of K. pneumoniae O1:K20, containing the his-linked rfbkpO1 (O-antigen biosynthesis) gene cluster. In Escherichia coli K-12 and Salmonella typhimurium, rfbkpO1 directed the synthesis of D-galactan I but not D-galactan II. The cloned rfbkpO1 genes did not complement a mutation affecting D-galactan II synthesis in K. pneumoniae CWK37, suggesting that another (unlinked) locus is also required for D-galactan II expression. However, plasmids carrying rfbkpO1 did complement a mutation in K. pneumoniae CWK43 which eliminated expression of both D-galactan I and D-galactan II, indicating that at least one function is common to synthesis of both polymers. Synthesis of D-galactan I was dependent on chromosomal galE and rfe genes. Hybridization experiments indicated that the rfbkpO1 sequences from different serotype O1 Klebsiella isolates showed some restriction fragment length polymorphism.  相似文献   

The rfb gene, involved in the synthesis of the O-specific polysaccharide (a mannose homopolymer) of Escherichia coli O9 lipopolysaccharide (LPS), was cloned in E. coli K-12 strains. The O9-specific polysaccharide covalently linked to the R core of K-12 was extracted from the K-12 strains harboring the O9 rfb gene. All the other genes required for the synthesis of rfe-dependent LPS are therefore considered to be present in the K-12 strains. It was found that bacteria harboring some clones with deletions of the ca. 20-kilobase-pair (kbp) BglII-StuI fragment no longer synthesized the O9-specific polysaccharide. However, bacteria harboring clones del 21, del 22, and del 25, which carry deletions of the 10-kbp PstI-StuI fragment, synthesized an O-specific polysaccharide antigenically distinct from E. coli O9 LPS. Although this new O-specific polysaccharide consisted solely of mannose and the mannose residues were combined only through alpha-1,2 linkage, it was still composed of a repeating oligosaccharide unit, possibly a trisaccharide unit,----2)alpha Man-(1----2)alpha Man-(1----2)alpha Man-(1----. It is therefore likely that this new O-specific polysaccharide was derived from a part of the O9-specific polysaccharide----3)alpha Man-(1----3)alpha Man-(1----2)alpha Man-(1----2)alpha Man-(1----2)alpha Man-(1----and that the deleted part of the clones was responsible for the synthesis of alpha-1,3 linkages of the O9-specific polysaccharide.  相似文献   

Studies on membrane protein folding have focused on monomeric α-helical proteins and a major challenge is to extend this work to larger oligomeric membrane proteins. Here, we study the Escherichia coli (E. coli) ATP-binding cassette (ABC) transporter that imports vitamin B(12) (the BtuCD protein) and use it as a model system for investigating the folding and assembly of a tetrameric membrane protein complex. Our work takes advantage of the modular organization of BtuCD, which consists of two transmembrane protein subunits, BtuC, and two cytoplasmically located nucleotide-binding protein subunits, BtuD. We show that the BtuCD transporter can be re-assembled from both prefolded and partly unfolded, urea denatured BtuC and BtuD subunits. The in vitro re-assembly leads to a BtuCD complex with the correct, native, BtuC and BtuD subunit stoichiometry. The highest rates of ATP hydrolysis were achieved for BtuCD re-assembled from partly unfolded subunits. This supports the idea of cooperative folding and assembly of the constituent protein subunits of the BtuCD transporter. BtuCD folding also provides an opportunity to investigate how a protein that contains both membrane-bound and aqueous subunits coordinates the folding requirements of the hydrophobic and hydrophilic subunits.  相似文献   

Escherichia coli O14:K7 is a rough strain, lacking a typical O antigen, in which the enterobacterial common antigen is attached to the lipopolysaccharide core. The rough phenotype was previously mapped to the O antigen gene cluster; however, the nature of the nonfunctional locus was not defined. In this study, we have shown that the O antigen gene cluster of an O14:K7 type strain (Su4411/41) was most likely deleted via homologous recombination between the GDP-mannose pathway genes (manB and manC) of the colanic acid and O antigen gene clusters. A similar recombination event has previously been inferred for the deletion of E. coli Sonnei chromosomal O antigen genes. Therefore, recombination between the GDP-mannose pathway genes provides a convenient mechanism for the deletion of O antigen genes, which may occur if the typical O antigen becomes redundant.  相似文献   

WbdA (previously MtfA) is one of the mannosyltransferases encoded within the Escherichia coli O9a wb* gene cluster. It is composed of two domains of similar size, connected by an α-helix chain. Elimination of the C-terminal half by transposon insertion or gene deletion caused synthesis of an altered structural O-polysaccharide consisting only of α-1,2-linked mannose. O9a polysaccharide synthesis was restored by the C-terminal half of WbdA in trans . No membrane incorporation of mannose from GDP mannose was observed in a strain carrying only the gene for truncated WbdA. For mannose incorporation, it was necessary to introduce both wbdB and wbdC genes into the strain. Therefore, it is likely that the N-terminal half of truncated WbdA synthesizes the altered O-polysaccharide together with other mannosyltransferases which participate in the initial reactions of the O9a polysaccharide synthesis. Both N- and C-terminal domains of WbdA are required for the synthesis of the complete E. coli O9a polysaccharide. The chi sequence location between the two domains and homology plot analyses of the wbdA and the WbdA protein suggested that the wbdA gene might have arisen by fusion of two independent genes.  相似文献   

The effects of Mu or transposon 5 insertions on the expression of genes of the metJBLF cluster show that metB and metL form an operon, transcribed from metB to metL, and that metF and metJ are independently transcribed.  相似文献   

Analysis of the Escherichia coli K10 capsule gene cluster identified two regions, regions 1 and 3, conserved between different group III capsule gene clusters. Region 1 encodes homologues of KpsD, KpsM, KpsT, and KpsE proteins, and region 3 encodes homologues of the KpsC and KpsS proteins. An rfaH mutation abolished K10 capsule production, suggesting that expression of the K10 capsule was regulated by RfaH in a manner analogous to group II capsule gene clusters. An IS3 element and a phiR73-like prophage, both of which may have played a role in the acquisition of group III capsule gene clusters, were detected flanking the K10 capsule genes.  相似文献   

Genetic characterization of the wb* gene in a series of Escherichia coli and Klebsiella strains possessing the mannose homopolymer as the O-specific polysaccharide was carried out. The partial nucleotide sequences and PCR-restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis suggested that E. coli serotype O9a, a subtype of E. coli O9, might have been generated by the insertion of the Klebsiella O3 wb* gene into a certain E. coli strain.  相似文献   

The O7-specific lipopolysaccharide (LPS) in strains of Escherichia coli consists of a repeating unit made of galactose, mannose, rhamnose, 4-acetamido-2,6-dideoxyglucose, and N-acetylglucosamine. We have recently cloned and characterized genetically the O7-specific LPS biosynthesis region (rfbEcO7) of the E. coli O7:K1 strain VW187 (C. L. Marolda, J. Welsh, L. Dafoe, and M. A. Valvano, J. Bacteriol. 172:3590-3599, 1990). In this study, we localized the gnd gene encoding gluconate-6-phosphate dehydrogenase at one end of the rfbEcO7 gene cluster and sequenced that end of the cluster. Three open reading frames (ORF) encoding polypeptides of 275, 464, and 453 amino acids were identified upstream of gndEcO7, all transcribed toward the gnd gene. ORF275 had 45% similarity at the protein level with ORF16.5, which occupies a similar position in the Salmonella enterica LT2 rfb region, and presumably encodes a nucleotide sugar transferase. The polypeptides encoded by ORFs 464 and 453 were expressed under the control of the ptac promoter and visualized in Coomassie blue-stained sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gels and by maxicell analysis. ORF464 expressed GDP-mannose pyrophosphorylase and ORF453 encoded a phosphomannomutase, the enzymes for the biosynthesis pathway of GDP-mannose, one of the nucleotide sugar precursors for the formation of the O7 repeating unit. They were designated rfbMEcO7 and rfbKEcO7, respectively. The RfbMEcO7 polypeptide was homologous to the corresponding protein in S. enterica LT2, XanB of Xanthomonas campestris, and AlgA of Pseudomonas aeruginosa, all GDP-mannose pyrophosphorylases. RfbKEcO7 was very similar to CpsG of S. enterica LT2, an enzyme presumably involved in the biosynthesis of the capsular polysaccharide colanic acid, but quite different from the corresponding RfbK protein of S. enterica LT2.  相似文献   

The gene cluster (rfb region) which determines the synthesis of O101 lipopolysaccharide (LPS) O-antigen was cloned from the Escherichia coli O101:K99:F41 reference strain B41 to give plasmid pPM1301. The smallest subclones represented by pPM1305 and pPM1330 expressed O-antigen in E. coli K-12 similar to (but not identical to) B41, as judged by immunogold electron microscopy and silver staining of LPS separated by sodium dodecyl sulphate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE). At least six proteins were detected by minicell analysis of proteins encoded by pPM1305, which suggests that O-antigen synthesis is genetically complex. Restriction and deletion analysis demonstrated that a minimum of 8.9 kb and a maximum of 11.8 kb are required for O101 O-antigen biosynthesis in E. coli K-12. Examination of LPS banding patterns of other O101 isolates by SDS-PAGE suggested heterogeneity of LPS structure. Southern DNA hybridization analysis using radiolabelled subclones of pPM1305 demonstrated that there was close relationship among the O101 ETEC isolates.  相似文献   

S Chu  T J Trust 《Journal of bacteriology》1993,175(10):3105-3114
A conserved Aeromonas salmonicida gene (abcA) affecting expression of the surface array protein gene (vapA) in Escherichia coli was identified. The 924-bp gene starts 205 bp after vapA and codes for a protein with a deduced molecular weight (M(r)) of 34,015 containing an N-terminal P-loop and significant homology to the ATP-binding cassette transport protein superfamily. AbcA was identified by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) by using T7 polymerase expression and DNA-directed translation and was copurified with the sarkosyl-soluble cytoplasmic membrane fraction. The protein displayed aberrant migration during SDS-PAGE. A lacZ fusion containing 128 bp of upstream sequence and 387 bases in the 5' end of abcA was constructed, and the beta-galactosidase activity of the abcA-lacZ fusion gene was shown to be similar in E. coli and A. salmonicida. The 130,000-M(r) AbcA-LacZ fusion protein was purified, and by using an ATP affinity column, the 129 AbcA N-terminal P-loop-containing residues were shown to bind ATP.  相似文献   

The gene (tesB) encoding Escherichia coli thioesterase II, a low-abundance enzyme of unknown physiological function which can hydrolyze a broad range of acyl-CoA thioesters, has been localized by transposon mutagenesis, cloned and sequenced. A two-cistron construct containing both the lac and tesB promoters was used successfully to overexpress the 286-residue polypeptide. The recombinant enzyme constituted up to 25% of the soluble proteins of E. coli and was readily purified to homogeneity as a tetramer of approximately 120,000 Da. Amino-terminal sequence analysis and electrospray ionization mass spectrometry confirmed the identity of the thioesterase and revealed that the amino-terminal formyl-methionine had been removed yielding a subunit species of average molecular mass 31,842 Da. The protein does not contain the GXSXG motif found characteristically in animal thioesterases which function as chain-terminating enzymes in fatty acid synthesis and exhibits no sequence similarity with these or any other known proteins. Activity of the recombinant enzyme was inhibited by iodoacetamide and diethylpyrocarbonate. The carboxamidomethylated residue was identified as histidine 58, and a role for this amino acid in catalysis is suggested. E. coli strains having a large deletion within the genomic tesB gene grew normally but retained a low level of thioesterase activity toward decanoyl-CoA. This residual activity indicates the presence of an additional decanoyl-CoA hydrolase in E. coli. Over-expression of the recombinant enzyme, under control of the lac promoter, did not alter the fatty acids synthesized by E. coli at any stage of cell growth and the physiological role of this enzyme remains an enigma.  相似文献   

Constitutive activity of the methylgalactoside transport system of Escherichia coli K-12 is shown to result from mutation of a genetic locus distinct from the two previously described regulatory loci for this permease. Employing an autoradiographic procedure whereby constitutive and inducible cells can be differentiated, it is demonstrated that this locus, termed mglD, is 20% cotransducible with ptsF by bacteriophage P1. Selection for constitutive mutants among an inducible population yielded cells who mutations mapped in mglD. Cotransduction of mglD with mglB, minus C, and minus A, three genes required for activity of the methylgalactoside transport system, is 95, 88, and 81%, respectively. The results of recombination studies employing three and four factors indicate that the order of genes in this region is ptsF, mglD, B, C, A.  相似文献   

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