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Cell cycle events are regulated by sequential activation and inactivation of Cdk kinases. Mitotic exit is accomplished by the inactivation of mitotic Cdk kinase, which is mainly achieved by degradation of cyclins. The ubiquitin-proteasome system is involved in this process, requiring APC/C (anaphase-promoting complex/cyclosome) as a ubiquitin ligase. In Xenopus and clam oocytes, the ubiquitin-conjugating enzymes that function with APC/C have been identified as two proteins, UBC4 and UBCx/E2-C. Previously we reported that the fission yeast ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme UbcP4/Ubc11, a homologue of UBCx/E2-C, is required for mitotic transition. Here we show that the other fission yeast ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme, UbcP1/Ubc4, which is homologous to UBC4, is also required for mitotic transition in the same manner as UbcP4/Ubc11. Both ubiquitin-conjugating enzymes are essential for cell division and directly required for the degradation of mitotic cyclin Cdc13. They function nonredundantly in the ubiquitination of CDC13 because a defect in ubcP1/ubc4+ cannot be suppressed by high expression of UbcP4/Ubc11 and a defect in ubcP4/ubc11+ cannot be suppressed by high expression of UbcP1/Ubc4. In vivo analysis of the ubiquitinated state of Cdc13 shows that the ubiquitin chains on Cdc13 were short in ubcP1/ubc4 mutant cells while ubiquitinated Cdc13 was totally reduced in ubcP4/ubc11 mutant cells. Taken together, these results indicate that the two ubiquitin-conjugating enzymes play distinct and essential roles in the degradation of mitotic cyclin Cdc13, with the UbcP4/Ubc11-pathway initiating ubiquitination of Cdc13 and the UbcP1/Ubc4-pathway elongating the short ubiquitin chains on Cdc13.  相似文献   

Steroidogenic enzymes belonging to the aldo-keto reductase family (AKR) possess highly homologous sequences while having different activities. To gain further knowledge about the function as well as the regulation of these enzymes in the monkey, we have isolated cDNA sequences encoding monkey type 5 17beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase, 20alpha-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase and 3alpha-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase, and characterized their enzymatic activity and mRNA tissue distribution. Sequence analysis indicates that these enzymes share approximately 94 and 76% amino acid identity with human and mouse homologs, respectively. Monkey type 5 17beta-HSD possesses 95.9% amino acid sequence identity with human type 5 17beta-HSD. It catalyzes the transformation of 4-androstenedione into testosterone, but it lacks 20alpha-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase activity that is present in the human enzyme. This activity seems to be specific to human, since mouse type 5 17beta-HSD does not show significant 20alpha-HSD activity. In addition, monkey and mouse 20alpha-HSD possess relatively high 20alpha-, 3alpha-, and 17beta-HSD activities, while their human counterpart is confined to 20alpha-HSD activity. The monkey 3alpha-HSD possesses relatively high 3alpha-, 17beta-, and 20alpha-HSD activities; human type 1 3alpha-HSD exerts 3alpha- and 20alpha-HSD activities; the mouse 3alpha-HSD displays a unique 3alpha-HSD activity. Quantification of mRNA expression shows that the monkey 3alpha-HSD is exclusively expressed in the liver, while the type 5 17beta-HSD is predominately found in the kidney, with lower levels observed in the stomach, liver, and colon. Monkey 20alpha-HSD mRNA is highly expressed in the kidney, stomach, and liver. Our study provides the basis for future investigations on the regulation and function of these enzymes in the monkey.  相似文献   

Cell cycle progression is controlled at several different junctures by the targeted destruction of cell cycle regulatory proteins. These carefully orchestrated events include the destruction of the securin protein to permit entry into anaphase, and the destruction of cyclin B to permit exit from mitosis. These destruction events are mediated by the ubiquitin/proteasome system. The human ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme, UbcH10, is an essential mediator of the mitotic destruction events. We report here the 1.95-A crystal structure of a mutant UbcH10, in which the active site cysteine has been replaced with a serine. Functional analysis indicates that the mutant is active in accepting ubiquitin, although not as efficiently as wild-type. Examination of the crystal structure reveals that the NH2-terminal extension in UbcH10 is disordered and that a conserved 3(10)-helix places a lysine residue near the active site. Analysis of relevant mutants demonstrates that for ubiquitin-adduct formation the presence or absence of the NH2-terminal extension has little effect, whereas the lysine residue near the active site has significant effect. The structure provides additional insight into UbcH10 function including possible sites of interaction with the anaphase promoting complex/cyclosome and the disposition of a putative destruction box motif in the structure.  相似文献   

Ubiquitinylation of proteins appears to be mediated by the specific interplay between ubiquitin-conjugating enzymes (E2s) and ubiquitin-protein ligases (E3s). However, cognate E3s and/or substrate proteins have been identified for only a few E2s. To identify proteins that can interact with the human E2 UbcH7, a yeast two-hybrid screen was performed. Two proteins were identified and termed human homologue of Drosophila ariadne (HHARI) and UbcH7-associated protein (H7-AP1). Both proteins, which are widely expressed, are characterized by the presence of RING finger and in between RING fingers (IBR) domains. No other overt structural similarity was observed between the two proteins. In vitro binding studies revealed that an N-terminal RING finger motif (HHARI) and the IBR domain (HHARI and H7-AP1) are involved in the interaction of these proteins with UbcH7. Furthermore, binding of these two proteins to UbcH7 is specific insofar that both HHARI and H7-AP1 can bind to the closely related E2, UbcH8, but not to the unrelated E2s UbcH5 and UbcH1. Although it is not clear at present whether HHARI and H7-AP1 serve, for instance, as substrates for UbcH7 or represent proteins with E3 activity, our data suggests that a subset of RING finger/IBR proteins are functionally linked to the ubiquitin/proteasome pathway.  相似文献   

E2 ubiquitin-conjugating enzymes are key elements of the ubiquitin (Ub) pathway, since they influence processivity and topology of the Ub chain assembly and, as a consequence, the fate of the target substrates. E2s are multi-domain proteins, with accessory N-terminal or C-terminal domains that can contribute to the specificity for the cognate Ub-like molecules, or even the E3. In this context, the thorough structural characterization of E2 accessory domains is mandatory, in particular when they are associated to specific functions. We here provide, by computational and comparative studies, the first evidence of an acidic domain (AD) conserved in the E2 sub-family 3R. It is an intrinsically disordered domain, in which elements for Ub or E3 recognition are maintained. This conserved acidic domain (AD) shows propensity for α-helix structures (185-192 and 204-218) in the proximity of the sites for interaction with the Ub or the cognate E3. Moreover, our results also suggest that AD can explore conformations with tertiary contacts mainly driven by aromatic and hydrophobic interactions, in absence of its interaction partners. The globular states are likely to be regulated by multiple phosphorylation events, which can trigger conformational changes toward more extended conformations, as judged by MD simulations of the phospho-variants. The extended conformations, in turn, promote the accessibility of the interaction sites for Ub and the E3. We also trace a parallel between this new and natively unfolded structural motif for Ub-recognition and the natively folded ubiquitin associated domain (UBA) typical of family 1 of E2 enzymes, which includes Ubc1. In fact, according to our calculations, Ubc1 maps at the interface between the space of the natively unfolded and folded proteins, as well as it shares common features with the acidic domain of family 3 members.  相似文献   

RING finger domain and RING finger-like ubiquitin ligases (E3s), such as U-box proteins, constitute the vast majority of known E3s. RING-type E3s function together with ubiquitin-conjugating enzymes (E2s) to mediate ubiquitination and are implicated in numerous cellular processes. In part because of their importance in human physiology and disease, these proteins and their cellular functions represent an intense area of study. Here we review recent advances in RING-type E3 recognition of substrates, their cellular regulation, and their varied architecture. Additionally, recent structural insights into RING-type E3 function, with a focus on important interactions with E2s and ubiquitin, are reviewed. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: Ubiquitin–Proteasome System. Guest Editors: Thomas Sommer and Dieter H. Wolf.  相似文献   

In seeking aryl acylamidase (EC acting on an amide bond in p-acetaminophenol (Tylenol™), we identified a novel gene encoding 496 residues of a protein. The gene revealed a conserved amidase signature region with a canonical catalytic triad. The gene was expressed in E. coli and characterized for its biochemical properties. The optimum pH and temperature for the activity on p-acetaminophenol were 10 and 37°C, respectively. The half-life of enzyme activity at 37°C was 192 h and 90% of its activity remained after 3 h incubation at 40°C. Divalent metals was found to inhibit the activity of enzyme. The K m values for various aryl acylamides such as 4-nitroacetanilide, p-acetaminophenol, phenacetin, 4-chloroacetanilide and acetanilide were 0.10, 0.32, 0.83, 1.9 and 19 mM, respectively. The reverse reaction activity (amide synthesis) was also examined using various chain lengths (C1∼C4 and C10) of carboxylic donors and aniline as substrates. These kinetic parameters and substrate specificity in forward and reverse reaction indicated that the aryl acylamidase in this study has a preference for aryl substrate having polar functional groups and hydrophobic carboxylic donors.  相似文献   

The viral ubiquitin ligase ICP0 is required for efficient initiation of herpes simplex virus 1 (HSV-1) lytic infection and productive reactivation of viral genomes from latency. ICP0 has been shown to target a number of specific cellular proteins for proteasome-dependent degradation during lytic infection, including the promyelocytic leukemia protein (PML) and its small ubiquitin-like modified (SUMO) isoforms. We have shown previously that ICP0 can catalyze the formation of unanchored polyubiquitin chains and mediate the ubiquitination of specific substrate proteins in vitro in the presence of two E2 ubiquitin-conjugating enzymes, namely, UBE2D1 (UbcH5a) and UBE2E1 (UbcH6), in a RING finger-dependent manner. Using homology modeling in conjunction with site-directed mutagenesis, we identify specific residues required for the interaction between the RING finger domain of ICP0 and UBE2D1, and we report that point mutations at these residues compromise the ability of ICP0 to induce the colocalization of conjugated ubiquitin and the degradation of PML and its SUMO-modified isoforms. Furthermore, we show that RING finger mutants that are unable to interact with UBE2D1 fail not only to complement the plaque-forming defect of an ICP0-null mutant virus but also to mediate the derepression of quiescent HSV-1 genomes in cell culture. These data demonstrate that the ability of ICP0 to interact with cellular E2 ubiquitin-conjugating enzymes is fundamentally important for its biological functions during HSV-1 infection.  相似文献   

Genes transcribed by RNA polymerase II are silenced when introduced near the mat2 or mat3 mating-type loci of the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe. Silencing is mediated by a number of gene products and cis-acting elements. We report here the finding of novel trans-acting factors identified in a screen for high-copy-number disruptors of silencing. Expression of cDNAs encoding the putative E2 ubiquitin-conjugating enzymes UbcP3, Ubc15 (ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme), or Rhp6 (Rad homolog pombe) from the strong nmt1 promoter derepressed the silent mating-type loci mat2 and mat3 and reporter genes inserted nearby. Deletion of rhp6 slightly derepressed an ade6 reporter gene placed in the mating-type region, whereas disruption of ubcP3 or ubc15 had no obvious effect on silencing. Rhp18 is the S. pombe homolog of Saccharomyces cerevisiae Rad18p, a DNA-binding protein that physically interacts with Rad6p. Rhp18 was not required for the derepression observed when UbcP3, Ubc15, or Rhp6 was overproduced. Overexpressing Rhp6 active-site mutants showed that the ubiquitin-conjugating activity of Rhp6 is essential for disruption of silencing. However, high dosage of UbcP3, Ubc15, or Rhp6 was not suppressed by a mutation in the 26S proteasome, suggesting that loss of silencing is not due to an increased degradation of silencing factors but rather to the posttranslational modification of proteins by ubiquitination. We discuss the implications of these results for the possible modes of action of UbcP3, Ubc15, and Rhp6.  相似文献   

DET1 (de-etiolated 1) is an essential negative regulator of plant light responses, and it is a component of the Arabidopsis thaliana CDD complex containing DDB1 and COP10 ubiquitin E2 variant. Human DET1 has recently been isolated as one of the DDB1- and Cul4A-associated factors, along with an array of WD40-containing substrate receptors of the Cul4A-DDB1 ubiquitin ligase. However, DET1 differs from conventional substrate receptors of cullin E3 ligases in both biochemical behavior and activity. Here we report that mammalian DET1 forms stable DDD-E2 complexes, consisting of DDB1, DDA1 (DET1, DDB1 associated 1), and a member of the UBE2E group of canonical ubiquitin-conjugating enzymes. DDD-E2 complexes interact with multiple ubiquitin E3 ligases. We show that the E2 component cannot maintain the ubiquitin thioester linkage once bound to the DDD core, rendering mammalian DDD-E2 equivalent to the Arabidopsis CDD complex. While free UBE2E-3 is active and able to enhance UbcH5/Cul4A activity, the DDD core specifically inhibits Cul4A-dependent polyubiquitin chain assembly in vitro. Overexpression of DET1 inhibits UV-induced CDT1 degradation in cultured cells. These findings demonstrate that the conserved DET1 complex modulates Cul4A functions by a novel mechanism.  相似文献   

Members of the hect domain protein family are characterized by sequence similarity of their C-terminal regions to the C terminus of E6-AP, an E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase. An essential intermediate step in E6-AP-dependent ubiquitination is the formation of a thioester complex between E6-AP and ubiquitin in the presence of distinct E2 ubiquitin-conjugating enzymes including human UbcH5, a member of the UBC4/UBC5 subfamily of E2s. Similarly, several hect domain proteins, including Saccharomyces cerevisiae RSP5, form ubiquitin thioester complexes, indicating that hect domain proteins in general have E3 activity. We show here, by the use of chimeric E2s generated between UbcH5 and other E2s, that a region of UbcH5 encompassing the catalytic site cysteine residue is critical for its ability to interact with E6-AP and RSP5. Of particular importance is a phenylalanine residue at position 62 of UbcH5 that is conserved among the members of the UBC4/UBC5 subfamily but is not present in any of the other known E2s, whereas the N-terminal 60 amino acids do not contribute significantly to the specificity of these interactions. The conservation of this phenylalanine residue throughout evolution underlines the importance of the ability to interact with hect domain proteins for the cellular function of UBC4/UBC5 subfamily members.  相似文献   

The sense of taste is a chemosensory system responsible for basic food appraisal. Humans distinguish between five primary tastes: bitter, sweet, sour, salty and umami. The molecular events in the perception of bitter taste are believed to start with the binding of specific water-soluble molecules to G-protein-coupled receptors encoded by the TAS2R/T2R family of taste receptor genes. TAS2R receptors are expressed at the surface of taste receptor cells and are coupled to G proteins and second messenger pathways. We have identified, cloned and characterized 11 new bitter taste receptor genes and four new pseudogenes that belong to the human TAS2R family. Their encoded proteins have between 298 and 333 amino acids and share between 23 and 86% identity with other human TAS2R proteins. Screening of a mono-chromosomal somatic cell hybrid panel to assign the identified bitter taste receptor genes to human chromosomes demonstrated that they are located in chromosomes 7 and 12. Including the 15 sequences identified, the human TAS2R family is composed of 28 full-length genes and 16 pseudogenes. Phylogenetic analyses suggest a classification of the TAS2R genes in five groups that may reflect a specialization in the detection of specific types of bitter chemicals.  相似文献   

Interferon (IFN)-alpha is a cytokine with antiviral, antiproliferative, and immunomodulatory properties, the functions of which are mediated via IFN-induced protein products. We used metabolic labeling and two-dimensional gel electrophoresis followed by MS and database searches to identify potentially new IFN-alpha-induced proteins in human T cells. By this analysis, we showed that IFN-alpha induces the expression of ubiquitin cross-reactive protein (ISG15) and two ubiquitin-conjugating enzymes, UbcH5 and UbcH8. Northern-blot analysis showed that IFN-alpha rapidly enhances mRNA expression of UbcH5, UbcH6 and UbcH8 in T cells. In addition, these genes were induced in macrophages in response to IFN-alpha or IFN-gamma stimulation or influenza A or Sendai virus infections. Similarly, IFNs enhanced UbcH8 mRNA expression in A549 lung epithelial cells, HepG2 hepatoma cells, and NK-92 cells. Cycloheximide, a protein synthesis inhibitor, did not block IFN-induced upregulation of UbcH8 mRNA expression, suggesting that UbcH8 is the primary target gene for IFN-alpha and IFN-gamma. Ubiquitin conjugation is a rate-limiting step in antigen presentation and therefore the upregulation of UbcHs by IFNs may contribute to the enhanced antigen presentation by macrophages. Our results show that proteome analysis of cells is a suitable method for identifying previously unrecognized cytokine-inducible genes.  相似文献   

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