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The role of phospholipase A(2) in Arabidopsis root growth and microtubule organisation was investigated using a specific inhibitor, aristolochic acid. At 0.5-1.5 microm concentrations, this inhibitor reduced root elongation and caused radial swelling of the root tip. The normally transverse cortical microtubules in root tip cells became progressively more disorganised with increasing concentrations of the inhibitor. Microtubule disorganisation also occurred in leaf epidermal cells of Allium porrum. We propose that phospholipase A(2) is involved in microtubule organisation and anisotropic growth in a manner similar to that reported previously for phospholipase D, thus broadening the significance of phospholipid signalling in microtubule organisation in plants.  相似文献   

The proper organization of cortical microtubule arrays is essential for anisotropic growth in plants but how distinct array patterns are formed is not understood. Here, we report a relationship between microtubule dynamics and array organization using transgenic plants expressing modified tubulins. When green fluorescent protein (GFP) or a hemaglutinin epitope tag was fused to the N-terminus of tubulins and expressed in Arabidopsis plants, these tubulins were incorporated into microtubules along with endogenous tubulins. Plants expressing the modified beta-tubulins were phenotypically normal and possessed transversely oriented cortical arrays in the epidermal cells of the root elongation zone; however, the expression of modified alpha-tubulins caused right-handed helical growth, increased trichome branching, and a shallow left-handed (S-form) helical array organization. In cells expressing the modified alpha-tubulins, microtubule dynamicity was suppressed and polymerization was promoted, and GFP-EB1 (End Binding 1) labeled larger regions of the microtubule end more frequently, when compared with control cells. We propose that the N-terminal appendage introduced into alpha-tubulin inhibits GTP hydrolysis, thus producing polymerization-prone microtubules with an extended GTP cap. Consistent with this interpretation, plants expressing an alpha-tubulin mutated in the GTPase-activating domain exhibited similar microtubule properties, with regard to dynamics and the localization of GFP-EB1, and showed right-handed helical growth.  相似文献   

E. Schnepf 《Protoplasma》1984,120(1-2):100-112
Summary The microtubules (MTs) of developingSphagnum leaflets rearrange from the interphase array into the preprophase band without obvious participation of definite initiation sites. At late prophase, additional MTs appear along the nuclear envelope, with the same orientation as in the peripherally situated preprophase band. Spindle formation begins along the nuclear envelope; spindle MTs run perpendicular to preprophase band MTs and converge in several focus points with indistinct polar bodies. After cytokinesis, most spindle and phragmoplast MTs disappear. Interphase MTs reappear at first along the central part of the new cell wall, in a region which was occupied before by the initial phragmoplast; their orientation is perpendicular to the phragmoplast MTs. Also here, distinct MT organizing centers could not be observed. Then the MT spread out over the cell periphery. The observations suggest that diffuse MT organizing zones rather than definite MT organizing centers play a role in the rearrangement of the different MT arrays during the cell cycle.  相似文献   

Pan R  Lee YR  Liu B 《Planta》2004,220(1):156-164
During plant cytokinesis, kinesin-related motor proteins are believed to play critical roles in microtubule organization and vesicle transport in the phragmoplast. Previously, we reported that the motor AtPAKRP1 was associated with the plus end of phragmoplast microtubules in Arabidopsis thaliana [Lee Y-RJ, Liu B (2000) Curr Biol 10:797–800]. In this paper, we report a full-length cDNA from the same organism, which encodes a polypeptide 74% identical to AtPAKRP1. This AtPAKRP1-like protein—AtPAKRP1L—and AtPAKRP1 share similar domain structures along the polypeptides. Peptide antibodies were raised and purified to distinguish the two polypeptides in vitro and in vivo. When monospecific anti-AtPAKRP1 and anti-AtPAKRP1L antibodies were used in immunofluorescence, they both decorated the plus end of phragmoplast microtubules at all stages of phragmoplast development. Their localization patterns were indistinguishable from each other. By using bacterially expressed fusion proteins of motor-less versions of both polypeptides, it was revealed that AtPAKRP1 and AtPAKRP1L were able to interact with themselves and with each other. Using T-DNA insertional mutants, it was also demonstrated that AtPAKRP1 and AtPAKRP1L were not required for each others localization. Our results therefore indicate that AtPAKRP1 and AtPAKRP1L are both expressed in the same cells, and likely have identical functions in the phragmoplast by forming either homodimers or heterodimers.Abbreviations AtPAKRP1 Arabidopsis thaliana phragmoplast-associated kinesin-related protein 1 - AtPAKRP1L A. thaliana phragmoplast-associated kinesin-related protein 1-like - GST Glutathione S-transferase - KRP Kinesin-related protein - 6×His Six-histidine tag  相似文献   

Immunofluorescence and immuno-electron microscopy have been used to test the hypothesis that flavonoid metabolism is organized as a membrane-associated enzyme complex. The cellular and subcellular locations of chalcone synthase (CHS) and chalcone isomerase (CHI), the first two enzymes of this pathway, were examined in Arabidopsis roots. High levels of both enzymes were found in the epidermal and cortex cells of the elongation zone and the root tip, consistent with the accumulation of flavonoid endproducts at these sites. Co-localization of CHS and CHI was observed at the endoplasmic reticulum and tonoplast in these cells, and also in electron-dense regions that are, as yet, unidentified. In addition, a striking asymmetric distribution was observed for these enzymes in cortex cells of the elongation zone, which may provide clues about the physiological function of flavonoids in roots. The accumulation of CHS and CHI was also examined in tt7(88), a mutant in the gene for flavonoid 3'-hydroxylase (F3'H), which has been postulated to serve as a membrane anchor for the flavonoid enzyme complex. CHS and CHI accumulated to lower levels in cortex cells and higher levels in epidermal cells in the roots of this mutant as compared with wild-type plants. Moreover, the electron-dense regions containing these two enzymes were not observed. However, localization of CHS and CHI to the ER and tonoplast did not appear to be affected, suggesting that other proteins may function in recruiting the "soluble" flavonoid enzymes to membranes. Staining of flavonoid endproducts with DPBA was consistent with expression of CHS and CHI in these seedlings.  相似文献   

Summary Maize (Zea mays) leaf protoplasts were isolated from various leaves of two-week (4-leaf) seedlings and from sections of the third leaf blades. Microtubules (MTs) were visualized using immunofluorescence microscopy. Only freshly isolated protoplasts from the third and fourth leaf blades contained MTs, with protoplasts from the fourth leaf containing the most i.e. 13% of fourth-leaf protoplasts contained MTs. In general, protoplasts with fewer and smaller chloroplasts had more MTs. Initially 90–95% of protoplasts from basal portions of leaves had MTs but the percentage decreased slightly during culture particularly after 10 days. The antioxidant n-propyl gallate was beneficial in maintaining MT content. Few protoplasts from older sections intitially contained MTs but in all sections at least some protoplasts regained a significant MT content during culture (e.g., 10% of protoplast from the tip section possessed microtubules after 7 days of culture). Far fewer MTs were observed in individual leaf protoplasts than those isolated from suspension culture.Abbreviations BMS Black Mexican Sweet - MT microtubule - MtSB microtubule stabilizing buffer - PBS phosphate buffered saline  相似文献   

Plants must sense and respond to diverse stimuli to optimize the architecture of their root system for water and nutrient scavenging and anchorage. We have therefore analyzed how information from two of these stimuli, touch and gravity, are integrated to direct root growth. In Arabidopsis thaliana, touch stimulation provided by a glass barrier placed across the direction of growth caused the root to form a step-like growth habit with bends forming in the central and later the distal elongation zones. This response led to the main root axis growing parallel to, but not touching the obstacle, whilst the root cap maintained contact with the barrier. Removal of the graviperceptive columella cells of the root cap using laser ablation reduced the bending response of the distal elongation zone. Similarly, although the roots of the gravisensing impaired pgm1-1 mutant grew along the barrier at the same average angle as wild-type, this angle became more variable with time. These observations imply a constant gravitropic re-setting of the root tip response to touch stimulation from the barrier. In wild-type plants, transient touch stimulation of root cap cells, but not other regions of the root, inhibited both subsequent gravitropic growth and amyloplast sedimentation in the columella. Taken together, these results suggest that the cells of the root cap sense touch stimuli and their subsequent signaling acts on the columella cells to modulate their graviresponse. This interaction of touch and gravity signaling would then direct root growth to avoid obstacles in the soil while generally maintaining downward growth.  相似文献   

The cortical microtubule (MT) array and its organization is important in defining the growth axes of plant cells. In roots, the MT array exhibits a net-like configuration in the division zone, and a densely-packed transverse alignment in the elongation zone. This transition is essential for anisotropic cell expansion and consequently has been the subject of intense study. Cotyledons exhibit a net-like array in pavement cells and a predominantly aligned array in the petioles, and provide an excellent system for determining the basis of plant MT organization. We show that in both kinds of MT array, growing MTs frequently encounter existing MTs. Although some steep-angled encounters result in catastrophes, the most frequent outcome of these encounters is successful negotiation of the existing MT by the growing MT to form an MT crossover. Surprisingly, the outcome of such encounters is similar in both aligned and net-like arrays. In contrast, aligned arrays exhibit a much higher frequency of MT severing events compared with net-like arrays. Severing events occur almost exclusively at sites where MTs cross over one another. This process of severing at sites of MT crossover results in the removal of unaligned MTs, and is likely to form the basis for the difference between a net-like and an aligned MT array.  相似文献   

Summary The kinetics of MT reorientation in primary roots ofZea mays cv. Merit, were examined 15,30,45, and 60 min after horizontal positioning. Confocal microscopy of longitudinal tissue sections showed no change in MT orientation 15 and 30 min after horizontal placement. However, after 45 and 60 min, MTs of the outer 4–5 cortical cell layers along the lower side were reoriented. In order to test whether MT reorientation during graviresponse is caused by an auxin gradient, we examined the organization of MTs in roots that were incubated for 1 h in solutions containing 10–9 to 10–6M IAA. IAA treatment at 10–8M or less showed no major or consistent changes but 10–7 M IAA resulted in MT reorientation in the cortex. The auxin effect does not appear to be acid-induced since benzoic acid (10–5M) did not cause MT reorientation. The region closest to the maturation zone was most sensitive to IAA. The data indicate that early stages of gravity induced curvature occur in the absence of MT reorientation but sustained curvature leads to reoriented MTs in the outer cortex. Growth inhibition along the lower side of graviresponding roots appears to result from asymmetric distribution of auxin following gravistimulation.Abbreviations EGTA ethylene glycol-bis(-aminoethyl ether) N,N,NN-tetraacetic acid - MTs cortical microtubules - QC quiescent center - MES/TRIS 2-(N-morpholino)ethanesulfonic acid/tris(hydroxymethyl)aminomethane - IAA indole-3-acetic acid - PBS phosphate buffered saline - PHEMD [60 mM Pipes (piperazine-diethanesulfonic acid), 25 mM Hepes (N-2-hydroxyethylpiperazine-N-2-ethanesulfonic acid), 10 mM EGTA, 2mM MgCl2 pH7.0 adjusted with NaOH] containing 5% dimethyl sulfoxide  相似文献   

Microtubule dynamics and organization are important for plant cell morphogenesis and development. The microtubule-based motor protein kinesins are mainly responsible for the transport of some organelles and vesicles, although several have also been shown to regulate microtubule organization. The ARMADILLO REPEAT KINESIN (ARK) family is a plant-specific motor protein subfamily that consists of three members (ARK1, ARK2, and ARK3) in Arabidopsis thaliana. ARK2 has been shown to participate in root epidermal cell morphogenesis. However, whether and how ARK2 associates with microtubules needs further elucidation. Here, we demonstrated that ARK2 co-localizes with microtubules and facilitates microtubule bundling in vitro and in vivo. Pharmacological assays and microtubule dynamics analyses indicated that ARK2 stabilizes cortical microtubules. Live-cell imaging revealed that ARK2 moves along cortical microtubules in a processive mode and localizes both at the plus-end and the sidewall of microtubules. ARK2 therefore tracks and stabilizes the growing plus-ends of microtubules, which facilitates the formation of parallel microtubule bundles.  相似文献   

Salt is one of the major abiotic stresses limiting the productivity and the geographical distribution of crops. To gain a better understanding of NaCl stress responses in model plant Arabidopsis roots, the protein changes in the abundance (Coomassie Brilliant Blue R-350 stain) and phosphorylation (Pro-Q Diamond stain) were examined using two-dimensional electrophoresis coupled with mass spectrometry (MS). Seventeen unique proteins differentially changed in abundance, phosphorylation, or both in response to NaCl. Nonsynchronous differences were found between total proteins and phosphorylated proteins. Protein synthesis, proteolysis, post-translational modifications, and isoforms might cause the differential protein redundancies. The identified proteins are involved in binding, catalysis, signal transduction, transport, metabolisms of cell wall and energy, and reactive oxygen species (ROS) scavenging and defense. These protein changes provide new avenues of investigation into the underlying salt stress response in Arabidopsis roots and demonstrate the advantages of proteomic approach in plant biology studies.  相似文献   

Gravitropism in roots of intermediate-starch mutants of Arabidopsis   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Gravitropism was studied in roots of wild type (WT) Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heynh. (strain Wassilewskija) and three starch-deficient mutants that were generated, by T-DNA insertional mutagenesis. One of these mutants was starchless while the other two were intermediate mutants, which had 51% and 60%, respectively, of the WT amount of starch as. determined by light and electron microscopy. The four parameters used to assay gravitropism were: orientation during vertical growth, time course of curvature, induction, and intermittent stimulation experiments. WT roots were much more responsive to gravity than were roots of the slarchless mutant, and the intermediate starch mutants exhibited an intermediate graviresponse. Our data suggest that lowered starch content in the mutants primarily affects gravitropism rather than differential growth because both phototropic curvature and growth rates were approximately equal among all four genotypes. Since responses of intermediate-starch mutants were closer to the WT response than to that of the starchless mutant, it appears that 51–60% of the WT level of starch is near the threshold amount needed for full gravitropic sensitivity. While other interpretations are possible, the data are consistent with the starch statolith hypothesis for gravity perception in that the degree of graviresponsiveness is proportional to the total mass of plastids per cell.  相似文献   

Immunofluorescence labeling of cortical microtubules (MTs) was used to investigate the relationship between MT arrangement and changes in growth rate of the upper and lower sides of horizontally placed roots of maize (Zea mays L. cv. Merit). Cap cells and cells of the elongation zone of roots grown vertically in light or darkness showed MT arrangements that were transverse (perpendicular) to the growth direction. Microtubules of cells basal to the elongation zone typically showed oblique orientation. Two hours after horizontal reorientation, cap cells of gravicompetent, light-grown and curving roots contained MTs parallel to the gravity vector. The MT arrangement on the upper side of the elongation zone remained transverse but the MTs of the outer four to five layers of cortical cells along the lower side of the elongation zone showed reorientation parallel to the axis of the root. The MTs of the lower epidermis retained their transverse orientation. Dark-grown roots did not curve and did not show reorientation of MTs in cells of the root cap or elongation zone. The data indicate that MT depolymerization and reorientation is correlated with reduction in growth rate, and that MT reorientation is one of the steps of growth control of graviresponding roots.Abbreviations MT microtubule - QC quiescent center This work was supported by National Science Foundation grant IBN-9118094.  相似文献   

Summary The distribution of -tubulin throughout cell division is studied in several taxa of higher plants. -Tubulin is present along the whole length of microtubules (Mts) in every cell stage-specific Mt array such as the preprophase band, the preprophase-prophase perinuclear Mts, the kinetochore Mt bundles, the phragmoplast, and the telophase-interphase transition Mt arrays. -Tubulin follows with precision the Mt pattern, being absent from any other, Mt-free, cell site. In cells treated with anti-Mt drugs, -tubulin is present only on degrading or on reappearing Mt arrays, while it is totally absent from cells devoid of Mts. -Tubulin is also present in tubulin paracrystals, which are formed in colchicine-treated cells. These observations support the view that in higher plants -tubulin may not be a microtubule-organizing-center-specific protein, but it may play a certain structural and/or functional role being related to - and -tubulin.Abbreviations Mt microtubule - MTOC microtubule-organizing center - PPB preprophase band  相似文献   

Kim YS  Kim TW  Kim SK 《Phytochemistry》2005,66(9):1000-1006
GC-MS analysis revealed that primary roots of maize contain 6-deoxocathasterone, 6-deoxoteasterone and 6-deoxotyphasterol. These brassinosteroids, and the previously identified campesterol, campestanol, 6-deoxocastasterone and castasterone, in the roots are members of a biosynthetic pathway to castasterone, namely the late C-6 oxidation pathway, suggesting that its biosynthetic pathway is operative in the roots. To verify this, a cell-free enzyme extract was prepared from maize roots, and enzymatic conversions from campesterol to castasterone through the aforementioned sterols and brassinosteroids were examined. The presence for the biosynthetic sequences, campesterol-->24-methylcholest-4-en-3beta-ol-->24-methylcholest-4-en-3-one-->24-methylcholest-5 alpha-cholestan-3-one-->campestanol and 6-deoxoteasterone-->6-deoxo-3-dehydroteasterone-->6-deoxotyphasterol-->6-deoxocastasterone-->castasterone were demonstrated. These results indicate that maize roots contain a complete set of enzymes involved in the late C-6 oxidation pathway, thereby demonstrating that endogenous brassinosteroids are biosynthesized in the roots.  相似文献   

Zandomeni K  Schopfer P 《Protoplasma》1994,182(3-4):96-101
Summary Plants respond to mechanical stress by adaptive changes in growth. Although this phenomenon is well established, the mechanism of the perception of mechanical forces by plant cells is not yet known. We provide evidence that the cortical microtubules sub-adjacent to the growth-controlling outer epidermal cell wall of maize coleoptiles respond to mechanical extension and compression by rapidly reorientating perpendicular to the direction of the effective force change. These findings shed new light on many seemingly unrelated observations on microtubule reorientation by growth factors such as light or phytohormones. Moreover, our results suggest that microtubules associated with the plasma membrane are causally involved in sensing vectorial forces and provide vectorial information to the cell that can be utilized in the orientation of plant organ expansion.Abbreviation MT cortical microtubule  相似文献   

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