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Population genetics successfully applies surnames as quasi-genetic markers when estimating similarity between populations and calculating the level of random inbreeding. These calculations are based on the isonymy coefficient, which assumes that every surname is monophyletic, i.e., it originated from a single common ancestor and all namesakes are therefore relatives. On the other hand, there is a general opinion that a typical Russian surname is polyphyletic: it originated multiple times and most namesakes are, therefore, not related to each other. Combined studies of Y chromosomes and surnames now allow us to address this issue. This study discusses approaches to statistical evaluation of Y chromosome haplogroup frequencies in groups of people bearing the same surname (namesakes). The proposed index of accumulated haplogroup frequency eliminates the artifactual effect of a randomly increased haplogroup frequency in namesakes by subtracting its population (expected) frequency from the observed value, while the expected frequency is calculated as the weighted average of the frequencies of this haplogroup in the populations where the surname carriers come from. From the total sample (comprising 1244 persons from 13 populations of the historical Russian area), 123 individuals carrying 14 most frequent surnames were chosen. A comparison of the haplogroup frequencies in these 14 namesake groups and in 14 respective population control groups compiled from the total sample showed that accumulation of certain Y chromosome haplogroups was nonrandom even in carriers of widespread surnames. An analysis of Y-STR haplotypes rather than Y-SNP haplogroups could provide a better insight into relationships between namesakes and will be the subject of further research.  相似文献   

We have determined the distribution of Y chromosomal haplotypes and haplogroups in population samples from one of the most important areas in north-eastern Hungary from many villages in the Bodrogköz. The Bodrogköz region was chosen due to its isolated nature, because this area was a moorland encircled by the Tisza, Bodrog, and Latorca Rivers and inhabitants of this part of Hungary escaped from both Tatar and Ottoman invasions, which decimated the post-Hungarian Conquest populations in many parts of the country. Furthermore, in the first half of the tenth century, this region served as the Palatial Centre and burial grounds of the Hungarian tribes. It has thus been assumed that the present population in this area is likely to be more similar to the population that lived in the Conquest period. We analysed male-specific markers, 23 Y-STRs and more than 30 Y-SNPs, that reflect the past and recent genetic history. We found that the general haplogroup distribution of the samples showed high genetic similarity to non-Bodrogköz Hungarians and neighbouring populations, despite its sheltered location and historical record. We were able to classify the Y-chromosomal haplogroups into four large groups based on STR mutation events: pre-Roman/Roman ancient lineage, Finno-Ugric speakers arriving into the Carpathian Basin, Migration period admixture, and post-Hungarian Conquest admixture. It is clear that a significantly larger database with deep haplogroup resolution, including ancient DNA data, is required to strengthen this research.  相似文献   

Contrary to conventional wisdom, NHANES data indicate that the poor have never had a statistically significant higher prevalence of overweight status at any time in the last 35 years. Despite this empirical evidence, the view that the poor are less healthy in terms of excess accumulation of fat persists. This paper provides evidence that conventional wisdom is reflecting important differences in the relationship between income and the body mass index. The first finding is based on distribution-sensitive measures of overweight which indicates that the severity of overweight has been higher for the poor than the nonpoor throughout the last 35 years. The second finding is from a newly introduced estimator, unconditional quantile regression (UQR), which provides a measure of the income-gradient in BMI at different points on the unconditional BMI distribution. The UQR estimator indicates that the strongest relationship between income and BMI is observed at the tails of the distribution. There is a statistically significant negative income gradient in BMI at the obesity threshold and some evidence of a positive gradient at the underweight threshold. Both of these UQR estimates imply that for those at the tails of the BMI distribution, increases in income are correlated with healthier BMI values.  相似文献   

The relationship between biodiversity and habitat productivity has been a fundamental topic in ecology. Although the relationship between these parameters may exhibit different shapes, the unimodal shape has been frequently encountered. The decrease in diversity at high productivity has usually been attributed to competitive exclusion. We suggest that evolutionary history and dispersal limitation may be even more important in shaping the diversity–productivity relationship. On a global scale, unimodal diversity–productivity relationships dominate in temperate regions, whereas positive relationships are more common in the tropics. This difference can be accounted for by contrasting evolutionary history. Temperate regions have smaller species pools for productive habitats since these habitats have been scarce historically for speciation, while the opposite is true for the tropics. In addition, dispersal within a region may limit diversity either due to the lack of dispersal syndromes at low productivity or the low number of diaspores at high productivity. Thereafter, biotic interactions (competition and facilitation) can shape the relationship. All these processes can act independently or concurrently. We recommend that the common approach to examining empirical diversity–environmental relationships should start with the role of large‐scale processes such as evolutionary history and dispersal limitation, followed by influences associated with ecological interactions.  相似文献   

Murphy M 《Social biology》1999,46(1-2):122-145
The relationship between fertility of parents and children has been designated as "weak" by most investigators. This paper reviews the evidence over the past century and argues that, even allowing for problems with available data sources, the relationship was probably close to zero for pre-transitional populations. However, over time, the relationship has tended to become more substantial and is now of a similar order of magnitude in developed countries as other widely used explanatory variables. Possible mechanisms for the observed relationship are discussed, especially the roles of socialization and inherited factors. The types of data used are compared to the scientific questions posed, and the limitations of the common comparison of married-mother/married-daughter pairs are considered. Finally, some evidence from recent large-scale surveys in Britain and the United States is presented to show changes over recent periods and the relative effects of sibship size of fathers and mothers.  相似文献   

Genetic relationship between Mongolian and Norwegian horses?   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Human populations of Central Asian origin have contributed genetic material to northern European populations. It is likely that migrating humans carried livestock to ensure food and ease transportation. Thus, eastern genes could also have dispersed to northern European livestock populations. Using microsatellite data, we here report that the essentially different genetic distances DA and (deltamu)2 and their corresponding phylogenetic trees show close associations between the Mongolian native horse and northern European horse breeds. The genetic distances between the northern European breeds and Standardbred/Thoroughbred, representing a southern-derived source of horses, were notably larger. We suggest that contribution of genetic material from eastern horses to northern European populations is likely to have occurred.  相似文献   

Brylinski M  Skolnick J 《Proteins》2008,70(2):363-377
It is well known that ligand binding and release may induce a wide range of structural changes in a receptor protein, varying from small movements of loops or side chains in the binding pocket to large‐scale domain hinge‐bending and shear motions or even partial unfolding that facilitates the capture and release of a ligand. An interesting question is what in general are the conformational changes triggered by ligand binding? The aim of this work is analyze the magnitude of structural changes in a protein resulting from ligand binding to assess if the state of ligand binding needs to be included in template‐based protein structure prediction algorithms. To address this issue, a nonredundant dataset of 521 paired protein structures in the ligand‐free and ligand‐bound form was created and used to estimate the degree of both local and global structure similarity between the apo and holo forms. In most cases, the proteins undergo relatively small conformational rearrangements of their tertiary structure upon ligand binding/release (most root‐mean‐square‐deviations from native, RMSD, are <1 Å). However, a clear difference was observed between single‐ and multiple‐domain proteins. For the latter, RMSD changes greater than 1 Å and sometimes larger were found for almost 1/3 of the cases; these are mainly associated with large‐scale hinge‐bending movements of entire domains. The changes in the mutual orientation of individual domains in multiple‐domain proteins upon ligand binding were investigated using a mechanistic model based on mass‐weighted principal axes as well as interface buried surface calculations. Some preferences toward the anticipated mechanism of protein domain movements are predictable based on the examination of just the ligand‐free structural form. These results have applications to protein structure prediction, particularly in the context of protein domain assembly, if additional information concerning ligand binding is exploited. Proteins 2008. © 2007 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Nitric oxide gas in solution (NO) relaxes blood vessels with similar actions and pharmacodynamics as the endothelium derived relaxant factor (EDRF) and has been proposed to be a component of the materials released from stimulated endothelial cells. Certain data however suggest that EDRF and NO may not be identical. In some non-vascular smooth muscles, NO and EDRF exhibit markedly different pharmacologic profiles. Furthermore the interaction of EDRF and NO with anion exchange resins differ. The hypothesis that EDRF is identical to nitric oxide gas in solution or a nitrogen oxide containing compound is discussed.  相似文献   

This paper explores the scope and limitations of the economic valuation of biodiversity. How and why is this a useful exercise, but in what way is its usefulness constrained? These issues are discussed with particular reference to cultural values within the context of medicinal plants and phytopharmaceutical development. It is argued that whilst economic valuation is an extremely important and necessary aid to formulating conservation policy, it probably is not that informative about the motivations of people in their use of certain natural resources. This is especially true for the case of medicinal plants where belief systems about the causes of disease and therefore strategies for healing are important. The paper reviews studies which have attempted to put monetary values on medicinal plants and the option values of pharmaceuticals developed from plants, and discusses the applicability of the various approaches. The implications for conservation policy, and for likely collaboration between social and natural scientists is discussed.  相似文献   

A major challenge in biology is understanding how organisms partition limited resources among physiological processes. For example, offspring production and self-maintenance are important for fitness and survival, yet these critical processes often compete for resources. While physiological trade-offs between reproduction and immune function have been documented, their regulation remains unclear. Most current evidence suggests that physiological changes during specific reproductive states directly suppress various components of the immune system; however, some studies have not found this clear relationship. We performed two experiments in female tree lizards (Urosaurus ornatus) that demonstrate the presence of trade-offs between the reproductive and immune systems under controlled laboratory conditions. These results also support the hypothesis that these trade-offs are a facultative response to resource availability and are not obligatory responses to physiological changes during reproduction. We found that (1) experimentally increasing reproductive investment under limited resources resulted in suppressed immune function and (2) experimentally limiting resources resulted in immunosuppression but only during resource costly reproductive activities. There seems to be a critical balance of resources that is maintained between multiple processes, and changes in the balance between energy intake and output can have major consequences for immune function.  相似文献   



There is strong evidence that diets high in salt are bad for health and that salt reduction strategies are cost effective. However, whilst it is clear that most people are eating too much salt, obtaining an accurate assessment of population salt intake is not straightforward, particularly in resource poor settings. The objective of this study is to identify what approaches governments are taking to monitoring salt intake, with the ultimate goal of identifying what actions are needed to address challenges to monitoring salt intake, especially in low and middle-income countries.

Methods and Results

A written survey was issued to governments to establish the details of their monitoring methods. Of the 30 countries that reported conducting formal government salt monitoring activities, 73% were high income countries. Less than half of the 30 countries, used the most accurate assessment of salt through 24 hour urine, and only two of these were developing countries. The remainder mainly relied on estimates through dietary surveys.


The study identified a strong need to establish more practical ways of assessing salt intake as well as technical support and advice to ensure that low and middle income countries can implement salt monitoring activities effectively.  相似文献   

Soil surface CO2 flux (RS) is overwhelmingly the product of respiration by roots (autotrophic respiration, RA) and soil organisms (heterotrophic respiration, RH). Many studies have attempted to partition RS into these two components, with highly variable results. This study analyzes published data encompassing 54 forest sites and shows that RA and RH are each strongly (R2>0.8) correlated to annual RS across a wide range of forest ecosystems. Monte Carlo simulation showed that these correlations were significantly stronger than any correlation introduced as an artefact of measurement method. Biome type, measurement method, mean annual temperature, soil drainage, and leaf habit were not significant. For sites with available data, there was a significant (R2=0.56) correlation between total detritus input and RH, while RA was unrelated to net primary production. We discuss why RA and RH might be related to each other on large scales, as both ultimately depend on forest carbon balance and photosynthate supply. Limited data suggest that these or similar relationships have broad applicability in other ecosystem types. Site‐specific measurements are always more desirable than the application of inferred broad relationships, but belowground measurements are difficult and expensive, while measuring RS is straightforward and commonly done. Thus the relationships presented here provide a useful method that can help constrain estimates of terrestrial carbon budgets.  相似文献   

In vitro cell culture experiments have lead to the consensus in the literature that certain PUFAs have a selective cytotoxic or anti-proliferative effect on tumour cells and a minimal, or no effect on normal cells. Re-examination of key publications showed that when normal cells were used for comparison, they were generally not from the same cell, tissue, or species type as the tumour cells. Recently, investigations have included more appropriate normal control cells, and though tumour specific cytotoxic/anti-proliferative PUFA effects are found in some cell types, in others the normal cells are more sensitive. Cell type differences were found in the relative ability of individual PUFAs to act. However, within a cell type differences in susceptibility were influenced by grade and stage of tumour, immortalisation and tumourigenic status, cell culture media and cell plating density. Together these results suggest that the consensus is not valid, and that susceptibility to PUFA is cell type specific, and alters during neoplastic progression. Furthermore, the cytotoxic/anti-proliferative effect induced by both n-3 and n-6 PUFAs on a wide variety of cell types, associated with an increase in lipid peroxidation in vitro, cannot account for the in vivo data on the relationship between dietary fat and certain cancers. However, the effects of PUFAs and their metabolites on cell signalling pathways may explain the in vivo data.  相似文献   

The possible relationship between the nuclear and cytoplasmic DNA polymerases of regenerating rat liver was studied by sucrose gradient analysis, salt dissociation, and with specific inhibitors. After aqueous subcellular fractionation and removal of the nuclear membranes, three species of DNA-dependent DNA polymerases were characterized: 1) a DNA polymerase-beta in the nuclei. 2) a DNA polymerase-alpha in the cytosol which was not dissociated at high salt concentrations; and 3) an intermediate form in the cytosol and in the Triton wash containing the nuclear membranes. The latter form behaved like DNA polymerase-alpha et low salt concentration but was dissociated at high salt concentrations to a low molecular weight species with properties like DNA polymerase-beta (resistance to inhibition by N-ethylmaleimide, heparin and KCL). In vitro reassociation experiments suggest that this intermediate form corresponds to the association of DNA polymerase-beta with a membrane component or cytoplasmic protein(s) which appear(s) in regenerating rat liver.  相似文献   

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