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Hairy roots in tobacco and oil seed rape transgenic on lectin gene were obtained with the use of a wild strain of Agrobacterium rhizogenes 15834 transformed with pCAMBIA1305.1 plasmid containing the full-size lectin gene (psl) from the Pisum sativum. Influence of expression of lectin gene on colonization of transgenic roots with symbiont of pea (Rhizobium leguminosarum) was investigated. The number of adhered bacteria onto the roots transformed with lectin gene was 14-fold and 37-fold higher in comparison with the control; this confirms the interaction of R. leguminosarum with pea lectin at the surface of the transformed roots of tobacco and oil seed rape. The developed experimental approach, based on the simulation of recognition processes and early symbiotic interactions with lectins of pea plants, may, in perspective, be used for obtaining stable associations of economically valuable, nonsymbiotrophic plant species with rhizobia.  相似文献   

Lectins are a diverse group of carbohydrate-binding proteins that are found within and associated with organisms from all kingdoms of life. Several different classes of plant lectins serve a diverse array of functions. The most prominent of these include participation in plant defense against predators and pathogens and involvement in symbiotic interactions between host plants and symbiotic microbes, including mycorrhizal fungi and nitrogen-fixing rhizobia. Extensive biological, biochemical, and molecular studies have shed light on the functions of plant lectins, and a plethora of uncharacterized lectin genes are being revealed at the genomic scale, suggesting unexplored and novel diversity in plant lectin structure and function. Integration of the results from these different types of research is beginning to yield a more detailed understanding of the function of lectins in symbiosis, defense, and plant biology in general.  相似文献   

The density and regulation of microbial populations are important factors in the success of symbiotic associations. High bacterial density may improve transmission to the next generation, but excessive replication could turn out to be costly to the host and result in higher virulence. Moreover, differences in virulence may also depend on the diversity of symbionts. Using the maternally transmitted symbiont Wolbachia, we investigated how bacterial density and diversity are regulated and influence virulence in host insects subject to multiple infection. The model we used was the wasp Asobara tabida that naturally harbors three different Wolbachia strains, of which two are facultative and induce cytoplasmic incompatibility, whereas the third is necessary for the host to achieve oogenesis. Using insect lines infected with different subsets of Wolbachia strains, we show that: (i) some traits of A. tabida are negatively affected by Wolbachia; (ii) the physiological cost increases with the number of co-infecting strains, which also corresponds to an increase in the total bacterial density; and (iii) the densities of the two facultative Wolbachia strains are independent of one another, whereas the obligatory strain is less abundant when it is alone, suggesting that there is some positive interaction with the other strains.  相似文献   

During the past 10 years estimates of N2 fixation associated with sugar cane, forage grasses, cereals and actinorhizal plants grown in soil with and without addition of inoculum have been obtained using the 15N isotope dilution technique. These experiments are reviewed in this paper with the aim of determining the proportional and absolute contribution of N2 fixation to the N nutrition of non-legumes, and its role as a source of N in agriculture. The review also identifies deficiencies in both the totality of data which are currently available and the experimental approaches used to quantify N2 fixation associated with non-legumes.Field data indicate that associative N2 fixation can potentially contribute agronomically-significant amounts of N (>30–40 kg N ha-1 y-1) to the N nutrition of plants of importance in tropical agriculture, including sugar cane (Saccharum sp.) and forage grasses (Panicum maximum, Brachiaria sp. and Leptochloa fusca) when grown in uninoculated, N-deficient soils. Marked variations in proportions of plant N derived from the atmosphere have been measured between species or cultivars within species.Limited pot-culture data indicate that rice can benefit naturally from associative N2 fixation, and that inoculation responses due to N2 fixation can occur. Wheat can also respond to inoculation but responses do not appear to be due to associative N2 fixation. 15N dilution studies confirm that substantial amounts of N2 can be fixed by actinorhizal plants.  相似文献   

Rhizobia have the ability to increase growth of non-legume plants due to the production of phytohormones and protection of plant from diseases and pathogens. However, the practical use of these beneficial bacteria sometimes fails because of their inability to effectively colonize rhizoplane and rhizosphere of inoculated plants. We chose the legume lectins as a factor that allows plants to form associative symbiosis with rhizobia. To test the fact that transgenic tobacco, tomato and rape roots with pea lectin gene may affect specific interaction with rhizobia, transgenic roots have been artificially inoculated by fluorescently-labeled pea rhizobia R. leguminosarum and east galega rhizobia Rhizobium galega. Microscopic and microbiological tests have shown that the number of adhered R. leguminosarum onto tobacco, rape and tomato roots which transformed with pea lectin gene is higher in comparison with the control, but no such effect through inoculation of these plants with R. galegae has been found. This confirms the interaction of R. leguminosarum with pea lectin at the surface of transformed roots. Undoubtedly, the improvement of recognition and attachment processes by using lectins can lead to the achievement of a stable associative relationship between non-symbiotic plants and rhizobia.  相似文献   

Symbioses are very suitable models for studying the integrity of biosystems which characterizes their structural/functional organization enabling the partners to respond adequately to the environmental changes. Analysis of different forms of plant-microbe and animal-microbe symbiosis suggests that a qualitative increase of its integrity occurs under the facultative and ecologically obligatory interactions and is culminated under the genetically obligatory interactions. By use of mathematical models, we demonstrate that the functional integrity of N2-fixing legume-rhizobia symbiosis (concordance of changes in partners' genotypic frequencies induced by environmental fluctuations) correlates to its ecological efficiency which increases under force of natural selection. It results in the tight partners' regulatory feedbacks leading to their genetic integration manifested in the establishment of "symbiogenome". The genetic integrity of symbiosis determines its high evolutionary potential based on: a) epigenetic inheritance of symbiotic traits by hosts which may occur in the form of vertical transmission of either microsymbionts themselves or genes obtained from them; b) interspecies altruism interactions related to the positive partners' feedbacks which determine the ecological efficiency of mutualistic interactions. Realization of this potential results in the deep genetic integration of initially independent partners including their fusions into the novel integral organisms.  相似文献   

马晓菲  石龙宇 《生态学报》2020,40(22):8167-8175
雨洪径流失控引发的负面问题已经影响到城市居民的正常生活。雨水花园作为典型的用于雨洪治理的生态基础设施,是进行城市水管理的重要手段。为提升雨水花园以径流控制为主的生态系统服务能力,研究团队基于物联网技术在中科院城市所内建成一座带有径流控制效益监测系统的雨水花园研究示范样地。景感学作为研究生态系统服务和可持续发展的有效途径,基于其理论分析雨水花园样地这一景感的营造途径、原则、生态系统服务能力,有助于使人—生态基础设施—自然环境三者更和谐地相互融入和适应,进而为雨水花园这类生态基础设施的营造提供借鉴经验。经探究发现雨水花园样地营造遵循了愿景呈现的双向性、方位的顺脉性、营造过程的渐进性三项原则,它可从多方面提供调节服务、支持服务与文化服务,有利于改善区域人居环境。通过径流控制效益监测系统监测、分析得出样地具备显著的调节服务(径流削减)能力,且人们可通过视感、听感、触感感知并享受雨水花园样地供给的文化服务。由于物联网监测技术与居民对各部分生态系统服务的监测和感知能力各有侧重,本研究认为可结合物联网相关监测技术和人的物理感知对雨水花园这类生态基础设施的营造工作进行评估,进而指导这类生态基础设施的建...  相似文献   

Some bioengineering problems connected with the use of conventional and unconventional raw materials in fermentation research and industry are reviewed. They include the effect of the physical state of different substrates (solid, liquid, gaseous) and considerations of physico-chemical processes, especially the identification of limiting steps. A new concept of classification of fermentors with respect to the macromixing properties is suggested and its applicability for different substrates is considered. Presented at the seminar “Raw materials in the fermentation industry”, organized by the Czechoslovak Society for Microbiology, Nové Město na Moravě, April 28–30, 1976.  相似文献   

Usually studied as pairwise interactions, mutualisms often involve networks of interacting species. Numerous tropical arboreal ants are specialist inhabitants of myrmecophytes (plants bearing domatia, i.e. hollow structures specialized to host ants) and are thought to rely almost exclusively on resources derived from the host plant. Recent studies, following up on century-old reports, have shown that fungi of the ascomycete order Chaetothyriales live in symbiosis with plant-ants within domatia. We tested the hypothesis that ants use domatia-inhabiting fungi as food in three ant-plant symbioses: Petalomyrmex phylax/Leonardoxa africana, Tetraponera aethiops/Barteria fistulosa and Pseudomyrmex penetrator/Tachigali sp. Labelling domatia fungal patches in the field with either a fluorescent dye or (15)N showed that larvae ingested domatia fungi. Furthermore, when the natural fungal patch was replaced with a piece of a (15)N-labelled pure culture of either of two Chaetothyriales strains isolated from T. aethiops colonies, these fungi were also consumed. These two fungi often co-occur in the same ant colony. Interestingly, T. aethiops workers and larvae ingested preferentially one of the two strains. Our results add a new piece in the puzzle of the nutritional ecology of plant-ants.  相似文献   

Buchnera aphidicola is an obligate symbiotic bacterium that sustains the physiology of aphids by complementing their exclusive phloem sap diet. In this study, we reappraised the transport function of different Buchnera strains, from the aphids Acyrthosiphon pisum, Schizaphis graminum, Baizongia pistaciae and Cinara cedri, using the re-annotation of their transmembrane proteins coupled with an exploration of their metabolic networks. Although metabolic analyses revealed high interdependencies between the host and the bacteria, we demonstrate here that transport in Buchnera is assured by low transporter diversity, when compared to free-living bacteria, being mostly based on a few general transporters, some of which probably have lost their substrate specificity. Moreover, in the four strains studied, an astonishing lack of inner-membrane importers was observed. In Buchnera, the transport function has been shaped by the distinct selective constraints occurring in the Aphididae lineages. Buchnera from A. pisum and S. graminum have a three-membraned system and similar sets of transporters corresponding to most compound classes. Transmission electronic microscopic observations and confocal microscopic analysis of intracellular pH fields revealed that Buchnera does not show any of the typical structures and properties observed in integrated organelles. Buchnera from B. pistaciae seem to possess a unique double membrane system and has, accordingly, lost all of its outer-membrane integral proteins. Lastly, Buchnera from C. cedri revealed an extremely poor repertoire of transporters, with almost no ATP-driven active transport left, despite the clear persistence of the ancestral three-membraned system.  相似文献   

A method is developed for obtaining gel from eggwhite and its application as a sorbent for purification of lectins. Eggwhite was treated by 1% glutaraldehyde at pH 5, for 5-6 hours at room temperature, then it was minced and washed by water. The residual aldehyde groups were blocked by glycine treatment. The sorbent obtained possessed high affinity for lectins specific to N-acetylglucosamine and complex oligosaccharides. The galactose- and mannose-specific lectins were adsorbed to a less extent. The purification of the wheat germ agglutinin using the eggwhite gel is described.  相似文献   

Symbiodiniaceae algae are often photosymbionts of reef-building corals. The establishment of their symbiosis resembles a microbial infection where eukaryotic pattern recognition receptors (e.g. lectins) are thought to recognize a specific range of taxon-specific microbial-associated molecular patterns (e.g. glycans). The present study used the sea anemone, Exaiptasia diaphana and three species of Symbiodiniaceae (the homologous Breviolum minutum, the heterologous-compatible Cladocopium goreaui and the heterologous-incompatible Fugacium kawagutii) to compare the surface glycomes of three symbionts and explore the role of glycan–lectin interactions in host–symbiont recognition and establishment of symbiosis. We identified the nucleotide sugars of the algal cells, then examined glycans on the cell wall of the three symbiont species with monosaccharide analysis, lectin array technology and fluorescence microscopy of the algal cell decorated with fluorescently tagged lectins. Armed with this inventory of possible glycan moieties, we then assayed the ability of the three Symbiodiniaceae to colonize aposymbiotic E. diaphana after modifying the surface of one of the two partners. The Symbiodiniaceae cell-surface glycome varies among algal species. Trypsin treatment of the alga changed the rate of B. minutum and C. goreaui uptake, suggesting that a protein-based moiety is an essential part of compatible symbiont recognition. Our data strongly support the importance of D-galactose (in particular β-D-galactose) residues in the establishment of the cnidarian–dinoflagellate symbiosis, and we propose a potential involvement of L-fucose, D-xylose and D-galacturonic acid in the early steps of this mutualism.Subject terms: Cellular microbiology, Molecular biology  相似文献   

Plant lectins, especially those purified from species of the Leguminosae family, represent the best studied group of carbohydrate-binding proteins. The legume lectins from Diocleinae subtribe are highly similar proteins that present significant differences in the potency/efficacy of their biological activities. The structural studies of the interactions between lectins and sugars may clarify the origin of the distinct biological activities observed in this high similar class of proteins. In this way, this work presents a crystallographic study of the ConM and CGL (agglutinins from Canavalia maritima and Canavalia gladiata, respectively) in the following complexes: ConM/CGL:Man(alpha1-2)Man(alpha1-O)Me, ConM/CGL:Man(alpha1-3)Man(alpha1-O)Me and ConM/CGL:Man(alpha1-4)Man(alpha1-O)Me, which crystallized in different conditions and space group from the native proteins. The structures were solved by molecular replacement, presenting satisfactory values for R(factor) and R(free). Comparisons between ConM, CGL and ConA (Canavalia ensiformis lectin) binding mode with the dimannosides in subject, presented different interactions patterns, which may account for a structural explanation of the distincts biological properties observed in the lectins of Diocleinae subtribe.  相似文献   

The mathematical model for evolution of the plant-microbe facultative mutualistic interactions based on the partners’ symbiotic feedbacks is constructed. Using the example of rhizobia-legume symbiosis, we addressed these feedbacks in terms of the metabolic exchange resulting in the parallel improvements of the partners’ fitness (positive feedbacks). These improvements are correlated to the symbiotic efficiency dependent on the ratio of N2-fixing bacterial strains (“genuine mutualists”) to the non- N2-fixing strains (“symbiotic cheaters”) in the root nodules. The computer experiments demonstrated that an interplay between the frequency-dependent selection (FDS) and the Darwinian (frequency-independent) selection pressures implemented in the partners’ populations ensures an anchoring or even domination for the newly generated host-specific mutualists (which form N2-fixing nodules only with one of two available plant genotypes) more successfully than for the non-host-specific mutualists (which form N2-fixing nodules with both plant genotypes). The created model allows us to consider the mutualistic symbiosis as a finely balanced polymorphic system wherein the equilibrium in bacterial population may be shifted in favor of “genuine mutualists” due to the partner-stipulated selection for an improved symbiotic efficiency implemented in the plant population.  相似文献   

A method is described for preparing model glycolipids by linking aldobionic acids to an alkylamine through an amide bond. These compounds may be rapidly prepared in large quantities. The glycolipids precipitate specifically with lectins. Precipitation occurs at glycolipid concentrations just above their critical micelle concentration.  相似文献   

The effects of enzymic treatment on the interactions between Zajdela's tumor cells and various lectins. Concanavalin A (ConA); Wheat Germ Agglutinin (WGA); Robinia lectin; have been studied. (1) The number of lectin-binding sites and the affinity constants were investigated. (2) The effects of the lectins on cell growth and [3H]thymidine incorporation were studied on untreated and enzyme-treated cells. It was observed that treatment of tumor cells with neuraminidase resulted in a change in the binding characteristics of each lectin. However, additional treatment of the cells with galactose oxidase had no further effect on lectin binding. ConA and Robinia lectin induced a decrease of the untreated tumor cell growth and a stimulation of the [3H]thymidine incorporation. This paradoxal result may be explained as a consequence of the stimulation of the [3H]thymidine uptake observed in the presence of lectins. The enzymatic treatments themselves did not change the cell growth although they did induce a change in the effect of ConA and Robinia lectin on cell growth and [3H]thymidine incorporation. As a result of neuraminidase treatment, the effects of ConA were totally suppressed but those of Robinia lectin only partially. Although WGA interacted with untreated and enzyme-treated cell surfaces, it had no effect on tumor cell growth nor [3H]thymidine incorporation. The results are discussed in terms of lectin transport.  相似文献   

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