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Functional analysis of the chromo domain of HP1.   总被引:26,自引:2,他引:24       下载免费PDF全文
Heterochromatin protein 1 (HP1) is a non-histone chromosomal protein in Drosophila with dosage-dependent effects on heterochromatin-mediated gene silencing. An evolutionarily conserved amino acid sequence in the N-terminal half of HP1 (the 'chromo domain') shares > 60% sequence identity with a motif found in the Polycomb protein, a silencer of homeotic genes. We report here that point mutations in the HP1 chromo domain abolish the ability of HP1 to promote gene silencing. We show that the HP1 chromo domain, like the Polycomb chromo domain, has chromosome binding activity, but to distinct chromosomal sites. We constructed a chimeric HP1-Polycomb protein, consisting of the chromo domain of Polycomb in the context of HP1, and show that it binds to both heterochromatin and Polycomb binding sites in polytene chromosomes. In flies expressing chimeric HP1-Polycomb protein, endogenous HP1 is mislocalized to Polycomb binding sites, and endogenous polycomb is misdirected to the heterochromatic chromocenter, suggesting that both proteins are recruited to their distinct chromosomal binding sites through protein-protein contacts. Chimeric HP1-Polycomb protein expression in transgenic flies promotes heterochromatin-mediated gene silencing, supporting the view that the chromo domain homology reflects a common mechanistic basis for homeotic and heterochromatic silencing.  相似文献   

Eaf3 is a component of both NuA4 histone acetyltransferase and Rpd3S histone deacetylase complexes in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. It is involved in the regulation of the global pattern of histone acetylation that distinguishes promoters from coding regions. Eaf3 contains a chromo domain at the N terminus that can bind to methylated Lys-36 of histone H3 (H3K36). We report here the crystal structures of the Eaf3 chromo domain in two truncation forms. Unlike the typical HP1 and Polycomb chromo domains, which contain a large groove to bind the modified histone tail, the Eaf3 chromo domain assumes an autoinhibited chromo barrel domain similar to the human MRG15 chromo domain. Compared with other chromo domains, the Eaf3 chromo domain contains a unique 38-residue insertion that folds into two short beta-strands and a long flexible loop to flank the beta-barrel core. Both isothermal titration calorimetry and surface plasmon resonance studies indicate that the interaction between the Eaf3 chromo domain and the trimethylated H3K36 peptide is relatively weak, with a K(D) of approximately 10(-4) m. NMR titration studies demonstrate that the methylated H3K36 peptide is bound to the cleft formed by the C-terminal alpha-helix and the beta-barrel core. Site-directed mutagenesis study and in vitro binding assay results show that the conserved aromatic residues Tyr-23, Tyr-81, Trp-84, and Trp-88, which form a hydrophobic pocket at one end of the beta-barrel, are essential for the binding of the methylated H3K36. These results reveal the molecular mechanism of the recognition and binding of the methylated H3K36 by Eaf3 and provide new insights into the functional roles of the Eaf3 chromo domain.  相似文献   

Heterochromatin-associated protein 1 (HP1) is thought to affect chromatin structure through interactions with other proteins in heterochromatin. Chromo domains located near the amino (amino chromo) and carboxy (chromo shadow) termini of HP1 may mediate such interactions, as suggested by domain swapping, in vitro binding and 3D structural studies . Several HP1-associated proteins have been reported, providing candidates that might specifically complex with the chromo domains of HP1. However, such association studies provide little mechanistic insight and explore only a limited set of potential interactions in a largely non-competitive setting. To determine how chromo domains can selectively interact with other proteins, we probed random peptide phage display libraries using chromo domains from HP1. Our results demonstrate that a consensus pentapeptide is suffident for specific interaction with the HP1 chromo shadow domain. The pentapeptide is found in the amino acid sequence of reported HP1-associated proteins, including the shadow domain itself. Peptides that bind the shadow domain also disrupt shadow domain dimers. Our results suggest that HP1 dimerization, which is thought to mediate heterochromatin compaction and cohesion, occurs via pentapeptide binding. In general, chromo domains may function by avidly binding short peptides at the surface of chromatin-associated proteins.  相似文献   

A preference of histone H1 for methylated DNA.   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12       下载免费PDF全文

Drosophila heterochromatin-associated protein 1 (HP1) is an abundant component of heterochromatin, a highly condensed compartment of the nucleus that comprises a major fraction of complex genomes. Some organisms have been shown to harbor multiple HP1-like proteins, each exhibiting spatially distinct localization patterns within interphase nuclei. We have characterized the subnuclear localization patterns of two newly discovered Drosophila HP1-like proteins (HP1b and HP1c), comparing them with that of the originally described fly HP1 protein (here designated HP1a). While HP1a targets heterochromatin, HP1b localizes to both heterochromatin and euchromatin and HP1c is restricted exclusively to euchromatin. All HP1-like proteins contain an amino-terminal chromo domain, a connecting hinge, and a carboxyl-terminal chromo shadow domain. We expressed truncated and chimeric HP1 proteins in vivo to determine which of these segments might be responsible for heterochromatin-specific and euchromatin-specific localization. Both the HP1a hinge and chromo shadow domain independently target heterochromatin, while the HP1c chromo shadow domain is implicated solely in euchromatin localization. Comparative sequence analyses of HP1 homologs reveal a conserved sequence block within the hinge that contains an invariant sequence (KRK) and a nuclear localization motif. This block is not conserved in the HP1c hinge, possibly accounting for its failure to function as an independent targeting segment. We conclude that sequence variations within the hinge and shadow account for HP1 targeting distinctions. We propose that these targeting features allow different HP1 complexes to be distinctly sequestered in organisms that harbor multiple HP1-like proteins.  相似文献   

Arabidopsis LHP1 (LIKE HETEROCHROMATIN PROTEIN 1), a unique homolog of HP1 in Drosophila, plays important roles in plant development, growth, and architecture. In contrast to specific binding of the HP1 chromodomain to methylated H3K9 histone tails, the chromodomain of LHP1 has been shown to bind to both methylated H3K9 and H3K27 histone tails, and LHP1 carries out its function mainly via its interaction with these two epigenetic marks. However, the molecular mechanism for the recognition of methylated histone H3K9/27 by the LHP1 chromodomain is still unknown. In this study, we characterized the binding ability of LHP1 to histone H3K9 and H3K27 peptides and found that the chromodomain of LHP1 binds to histone H3K9me2/3 and H3K27me2/3 peptides with comparable affinities, although it exhibited no binding or weak binding to unmodified or monomethylated H3K9/K27 peptides. Our crystal structures of the LHP1 chromodomain in peptide-free and peptide-bound forms coupled with mutagenesis studies reveal that the chromodomain of LHP1 bears a slightly different chromodomain architecture and recognizes methylated H3K9 and H3K27 peptides via a hydrophobic clasp, similar to the chromodomains of human Polycomb proteins, which could not be explained only based on primary structure analysis. Our binding and structural studies of the LHP1 chromodomain illuminate a conserved ligand interaction mode between chromodomains of both animals and plants, and shed light on further functional study of the LHP1 protein.  相似文献   

The chromatin organizer modifier domain (chromodomain) is present in proteins that contribute to chromatin organization and mediates their binding to methylated histone H3. Despite a high level of sequence conservation, individual chromodomains manifest substantial differences in binding preference for methylated forms of histone H3, suggesting that posttranslational modification of the chromodomain might be an important determinant of binding specificity. We now show that mouse Cbx2 (also known as M33), a homolog of Drosophila Polycomb protein, is highly phosphorylated in some cell lines. A low-mobility band of Cbx2 observed on SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis was thus converted to a higher-mobility band by treatment with alkaline phosphatase. Mass spectrometric analysis revealed serine-42, a conserved amino acid in the chromodomain, as a phosphorylation site of Cbx2. Phosphorylation of the chromodomain of Cbx2 on this residue in vitro resulted in a reduced level of binding to an H3 peptide containing trimethylated lysine-9 as well as an increase in the extent of binding to an H3 peptide containing trimethylated lysine-27, suggesting that such phosphorylation changes the binding specificity of Cbx2 for modified histone H3. Phosphorylation of the chromodomain of Cbx2 may therefore serve as a molecular switch that affects the reading of the histone modification code and thereby controls epigenetic cellular memory.  相似文献   

Heterochromatin,HP1 and methylation at lysine 9 of histone H3 in animals   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
We show that methylated lysine 9 of histone H3 (Me9H3) is a marker of heterochromatin in divergent animal species. It localises to both constitutive and facultative heterochromatin and replicates late in S-phase of the cell cycle. Significantly, Me9H3 is enriched in the inactive mammalian X chromosome (Xi) in female cells, as well as in the XY body during meiosis in the male, and forms a G-band pattern along the arms of the autosomes. Me9H3 is a constituent of imprinted chromosomes that are repressed. The paternal and maternal pronuclei in one-cell mouse embryos show a striking non-equivalence in Me9H3: the paternal pronucleus contains no immunocytologically detectable Me9H3. The levels of Me9H3 on the parental chromosomes only become equivalent after the two-cell stage. Finally, we provide evidence that Me9H3 is neither necessary nor sufficient for localisation of heterochromatin protein 1 (HP1) to chromosomal DNA.  相似文献   

The heterochromatin protein 1 (HP1) family of proteins is involved in gene silencing via the formation of heterochromatic structures. They are composed of two related domains: an N-terminal chromo domain and a C-terminal shadow chromo domain. Present results suggest that chromo domains may function as protein interaction motifs, bringing together different proteins in multi-protein complexes and locating them in heterochromatin. We have previously determined the structure of the chromo domain from the mouse HP1beta protein, MOD1. We show here that, in contrast to the chromo domain, the shadow chromo domain is a homodimer. The intact HP1beta protein is also dimeric, where the interaction is mediated by the shadow chromo domain, with the chromo domains moving independently of each other at the end of flexible linkers. Mapping studies, with fragments of the CAF1 and TIF1beta proteins, show that an intact, dimeric, shadow chromo domain structure is required for complex formation.  相似文献   

We have shown previously that a stretch of four charged residues (16-19) at the histone H4 N-terminus is involved in repression of the yeast silent mating loci. One of these residues, Lys16, is a site for acetylation, which may prevent repression of the silent mating loci. In this paper we ask whether other sequences in histone H4, possibly in conjunction with H3 residues, are required for repression. We find that even in combination, the other seven acetylatable lysines in H3 and H4 do not function in repression. In contrast, we have found that an adjacent relatively uncharged domain (residues 21-29) is required for repression and that single amino acid insertions and deletions in this region are extremely detrimental. We propose that the basic and non-basic domains together form a DNA (or protein) induced amphipathic alpha-helix required in the formation of a repressive chromatin structure.  相似文献   

The JIL-1 histone H3S10 kinase in Drosophila localizes specifically to euchromatic interband regions of polytene chromosomes and is enriched 2-fold on the male X chromosome. JIL-1 can be divided into four main domains including an NH(2)-terminal domain, two separate kinase domains, and a COOH-terminal domain. Our results demonstrate that the COOH-terminal domain of JIL-1 is necessary and sufficient for correct chromosome targeting to autosomes but that both COOH- and NH(2)-terminal sequences are necessary for enrichment on the male X chromosome. We furthermore show that a small 53-amino acid region within the COOH-terminal domain can interact with the tail region of histone H3, suggesting that this interaction is necessary for the correct chromatin targeting of the JIL-1 kinase. Interestingly, our data indicate that the COOH-terminal domain alone is sufficient to rescue JIL-1 null mutant polytene chromosome defects including those of the male X chromosome. Nonetheless, we also found that a truncated JIL-1 protein which was without the COOH-terminal domain but retained histone H3S10 kinase activity was able to rescue autosome as well as partially rescue male X polytene chromosome morphology. Taken together these findings indicate that JIL-1 may participate in regulating chromatin structure by multiple and partially redundant mechanisms.  相似文献   

The chromatin elements targeted by the ATPdependent, Swi-Snf nucleosome-remodeling complex are unknown. To address this question, we generated mutations in yeast histone H2B that suppress phenotypes associated with the absence of Swi-Snf. Sin- (Swi-Snf-independent) mutations occur in residues involved in H2A-H2B dimer formation, dimer- tetramer association, and in the H2B N-terminus. The strongest and most pleiotropic Sin- mutation removed 20 amino acid residues from the H2B N-terminus. This mutation allowed active chromatin to be formed at the SUC2 locus in a snf5Delta mutant and resulted in hyperactivated levels of SUC2 mRNA under inducing conditions. Thus, the H2B N-terminus may be an important target of Swi-Snf in vivo. The GCN5 gene product, the catalytic subunit of several nuclear histone acetytransferase complexes that modify histone N-termini, was also found to act in conjunction with Swi-Snf. The phenotypes of double gcn5Deltasnf5Delta mutants suggest that histone acetylation may play both positive and negative roles in the activity of the Swi-Snf-remodeling factor.  相似文献   

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