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Chlamydomonas reinhardi y-1 cells grown in the dark in the presence of chloramphenicol (CD cells) are depleted of photosynthetic membranes and 70S translates. These cells were found to be unable to synthesize chlorophyll in the light until chloroplast protein synthesis was resumed. On the other hand, CD cells acquired the capacity to partially green in the presence of cycloheximide. This greening was characterized by the development of photosynthetic activity, as demonstrated by light- dependent oxygen evolution of whole cells and by measurements of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase and fluorescence kinetics. The chlorophyll synthesized de novo during greening in the absence of 80S ribosomal activity was organized in chlorophyll-protein complexes, as ascertained by low-temperature fluorescence-emission spectra. The morphology of these cells appeared to be normal. A model has been proposed as a working hypothesis, which could account for the phenomena described above and previously reported data pertaining to chloroplast development.  相似文献   

Cahen D  Malkin S 《Plant physiology》1976,58(3):257-267
The relative content of organized pigment, active centers, and acceptor pools of photosystem II and their interconnection during the development of the photosynthetic membranes of Chlamydomonas reinhardi y-1 have been measured using the fluorescence induction technique. The degree of connectivity and efficiency of the developing system has been assessed also from measurements of maximal rates, quantum yield, and flash yield of 2,6-dichlorophenolindophenol photoreduction using H2O as the electron donor. The results obtained indicate that the process of membrane development in this organism consists of two phases: an initial phase of reorganization and connection between pre-existing components, and a second phase of actual accumulation of newly formed, complete, and active units. The ratio of active centers to Chl remains practically constant throughout the process while the degree of connectivity between the active center and the plastoquinone pool was doubled during the early phase of the greening. In addition the degree of connectivity between the plastoquinone pool and the rest of the electron transport chain increases as demonstrated by a 10- to 20-fold rise in the quantum yield and a 10-fold rise in the maximal rate and the flash yield. The ratio of light harvesting Chl to active centers remains apparently constant during the second phase of the greening as indicated by light saturation experiments and by the constancy of the apparent photosynthetic unit size. Electron donation from H2O seems to develop slower than the activity of the rest of the complex as demonstrated by measurements of 2,6-dichlorophenolindophenol photoreduction using 1,5-diphenylcarbazide as the electron donor. The value of all the above parameters which remain constant during the second phase of the greening are comparable to those obtained with membranes of light-grown cells.  相似文献   

Atypical, highly organized, chloroplast structures, which occurred as tubules or spirals and appeared to be composed of a double membrane, were found in a mutant of Chlamydomonas reinhardi. These structures were light-induced, but their appearance was not directly related to the presence of chlorophyll.  相似文献   

This paper describes the morphology and photosynthetic activity of a mutant of Chlamydomonas reinhardi (y-1) which is unable to synthesize chlorophyll in the dark. When grown heterotrophically in the light, the mutant is indistinguishable from the wild type Chlamydomonas. When grown in the dark, chlorophyll is diluted through cell division and the photosynthetic activity (oxygen evolution, Hill reaction, and photoreduction of NADP) decays at a rate equal to or faster than that of chlorophyll dilution. However, soluble enzymes associated with the photosynthetic process (alkaline FDPase, NADP-linked G-3-P dehydrogenase, RuDP carboxylase), as well as cytochrome f and ferredoxin, continue to be present in relatively high concentrations. The enzymes involved in the synthesis of the characteristic lipids of the chloroplast (including mono- and digalactoside glycerides, phosphatidyl glycerol, and sulfolipid) are still detectable in dark-grown cells. Such cells accumulate large amounts of starch granules in their plastids. On onset of illumination, dark-grown cells synthesize chlorophyll rapidly, utilizing their starch reserve in the process. At the morphological level, it was observed that during growth in the dark the chloroplast lamellar system is gradually disorganized and drastically decreased in extent, while other subchloroplast components are either unaffected (pyrenoid and its tubular system, matrix) or much less affected (eyespot, ribosomes). It is concluded that the dark-grown mutant possesses a partially differentiated plastid and the enzymic apparatus necessary for the synthesis of the chloroplast membranes (discs). The advantage provided by such a system for the study of the biogenesis of the chloroplast photosynthetic membranes is discussed.  相似文献   

Treatment of chloroplast membranes of Chlamydomonas reinhardi with Triton-× 100 yielded membrane particles which were resolved into three bands on discontinuous sucrose gradients. One of these was enriched in the chlorophyll absorption and fluorescence properties and photosynthetic activities consistent with photosystem I enrichment, while another had the chlorophyll absorption and fluorescence properties expected to photosystem II enriched particles. The third type of particle was enriched in chlorophyll species which are probably the bulk chlorophylls of photosystem I. Analysis of the proteins of these fractions by polyacrylamide electrophoresis indicated substantial differences, the most striking being that the photosystem II particle type was greatly enriched in the major species of chloroplast membrane protein. Previous work has shown this to be an important protein controlling membrane assembly. This protein was depleted in the photosystem I particle type. We interpret this data to indicate a lack of homogeneity in the distribution of membrane proteins in the chloroplast membranes of Chlamydomonas, at the level of the two photosystems.  相似文献   

Synthesis of ppGpp and chloroplast ribosomal RNA in Chlamydomonas reinhardi   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A material identified as guanosine 5',3'-bis-diphosphate (ppGpp) has been detected in extracts of Chlamydomonas reinhardi ac-20 cells grown under mixotrophic conditions or in arg-2 cells deprived of arginine. The material was acid and base labile, susceptible to alkaline phosphatase, resistant to periodate oxidation, had spectral characteristics of a guanine derivative and comigrated on chromatograms with ppGpp from Escherichia coli. In ac-20 ppGpp may be involved in the control of chloroplast ribosomal RNA synthesis. When ac-20 cells were shifted from mixotrophic to autotrophic conditions, the 32Pi labeling of ppGpp, relative to that of GTP, was reduced, while the specific labeling of chloroplast ribosomal RNA was enhanced. Addition of low concentrations of cycloheximide had somewhat similar effects.  相似文献   

The development of photosynthetic lamellae during greening of dark-grown Chlamydomonas y-1 cells was investigated by radioautography. Acetate-3H was used as a marker for membrane lipids. In short pulse-labeling experiments, about 50–60% of the radioactivity incorporated was found in the lipid fraction and about 25–50% in starch granules present in the chloroplast of these algae. The relative specificity of acetate-3H used as a marker for membranes was artificially increased through quantitative removal of the starch granules from fixed cells by amylase treatment. Analysis of turnover coefficients of different membrane constituents and of the contribution of turnover and net synthesis to the total label incorporated in pulse experiments indicated that the incorporation of acetate into specific lipids was mainly due to net synthesis. The distribution of radioactivity in the different lipid constituents at the end of a short pulse and after 30- and 60-min chases indicated that transacylation is minimal and may be disregarded as a possible cause of randomization of the label. Statistical analysis of radioautographic grain distribution and measurements of different structural parameters indicate that (a) the chloroplast volume and surface remain constant during the process, whereas the growth of the photosynthetic lamellae parallels the increase in chlorophyll; (b) the lamellae do not develop from the chloroplast envelope or from the tubular system of the pyrenoid; (c) all the lamellae grow by incorporation of new material within preexisting structures; (d) different types of lamellae grow at different rates. The pyrenoid tubular system develops faster than the thylakoids, and single thylakoids develop about twice as fast as those which are paired or fused to grana. It is concluded that growth of the membranes occurs by a mechanism of random intussusception of molecular complexes within different types of preexisting membranes.  相似文献   

In Chlamydomonas reinhardi the chloroplast DNA (ch;DNA) of mating type plus cells undergoes cyclical methylation and demethylation during the life cycle. Methylation occurs during gametogenesis, and fully differentiated gametes can be dedifferentiated back to vegetative cells which contain nonmethylated chlDNA by the addition of a nitrogen source for growth. We examined the dedifferentiation process and found that the mating ability of gametes was lost rapidly after the start of dedifferentiation at a time when the chlDNA was still methylated. The enzymatic activity of the 200-kilodalton DNA methyltransferase was lost at a rate consistent with the rate of dilution during cell division. Methylation of chlDNA decreased at a slower rate than was expected from cell division alone but was consistent with the continuing activity of the preexisting methyltransferase so long as it was present. These results support the hypothesis that demethylation of chlDNA occurs by dilution out of enzymatic methylating activity rather than by enzymatic demethylation.  相似文献   

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