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Members of the concentrative nucleoside transporter (CNT) family (SLC28) mediate the transport of naturally-occurring nucleosides, and nucleoside analog drugs across the plasma membrane of epithelial cells. Each of the three CNT family members has a distinct specificity for naturally occurring nucleosides, and residues that contribute to the specificity of each transporter have been identified. In contrast, the molecular determinants of specificity for synthetic nucleoside analogs are not known. In this study, we take advantage of the large species difference that exists between human and rat CNT2 (hCNT2 and rCNT2) in their ability to transport the nucleoside analog drug cladribine, 2CdA, (rCNT2 > > > hCNT2) to identify the critical domains and amino acid residues that contribute to the observed difference in specificity between CNT2 orthologs. Using chimeric proteins of human and rat CNT2, we determined that the C-terminal half of CNT2 contained the determinants of 2CdA selectivity. We replaced key residues in the C terminus of hCNT2 with the equivalent residue in rCNT2. One residue in the C-terminal portion of CNT2 was found to significantly contribute to 2CdA selectivity: hCNT2-S354A. This mutant caused an increase of 5-6-fold over hCNT2. The 2-chloro pharmacophore, rather than the 2'-deoxyribose was responsible for the reduced 2CdA uptake by hCNT2. Our data are consistent with a model in which an increased capability for hydrogen bonding in critical amino acids that reside in the C terminus of rCNT2 contributes to its enhanced selectivity for 2CdA.  相似文献   

PI3K (phosphoinositide 3-kinase) activity is involved in Ang (angiotensin) II-stimulated VSMC (vascular smooth muscle cell) growth and hypertrophy. In the present study, we demonstrate that the inhibition of PI3K in VSMCs by expression of a dominant-negative p85alpha mutant lacking the p110-binding domain (Deltap85), or by treatment of cells with LY294002, inhibited Ang II-stimulated PAI-1 (plasminogen activator inhibitor-1) mRNA expression. Using a GST (glutathione S-transferase) fusion protein containing the p85 N-terminal SH2 (Src homology 2) domain as 'bait' followed by MS/MS (tandem MS), we identified a 70 kDa fragment of the p70 PDGFR-beta (platelet-derived growth factor receptor-beta) as a signalling adapter that is phosphorylated and recruits the p85 subunit of PI3K after Ang II stimulation of AT1 (Ang II subtype 1) receptors on VSMCs. This fragment of the PDGFR-beta, which has a truncation of its extracellular domain, accounted for approx. 15% of the total PDGFR-beta detected in VSMCs with an antibody against its cytoplasmic domain. Stimulation of VSMCs with Ang II increased tyrosine-phosphorylation of p70 PDGFR-beta at Tyr751 and Tyr1021 and increased its binding to p85. PDGF also induced phosphorylation of p70 PDGFR-beta, a response inhibited by the PDGF tyrosine kinase selective inhibitor, AG1296. By contrast, Ang II-induced phosphorylation of the 70 kDa receptor was not affected by AG1296. Ang II-stimulated phosphorylation of the p70 PDGFR-beta was blocked by the AT1 receptor antagonist, candesartan (CV 11974) and was partially inhibited by PP2 {4-amino-5-(4-chlorophenyl)-7-(t-butyl)pyrazolo[3,4-d]pyrimidine}, an Src family kinase inhibitor. Our result suggests that the p70 PDGFR-beta functions as an adapter that recruits PI3K to the membrane upon AT1 receptor stimulation.  相似文献   

Ohhata T  Araki R  Fukumura R  Kuroiwa A  Matsuda Y  Tatsumi K  Abe M 《Gene》2000,261(2):251-258
Five members of the RecQ helicase family, RECQL, WRN, BLM, RECQL4 and RECQL5 have been identified in humans. WRN and BLM have been demonstrated to be the responsible genes in Werner and Bloom syndromes, respectively. RECQL4 (RecQ helicase protein-like 4) was identified as a fourth member of the human RecQ helicase family bearing the helicase domain, and it was subsequently shown to be the responsible gene in Rothmund-Thomson syndrome. Here, we isolated mouse RECQL4 and determined the DNA sequence of full-length cDNA as well as the genome organization and chromosome locus. The mouse RECQL4 consists of 3651 base pairs coding 1216 amino acid residues and shares 63.4% of identical and 85.8% of homologous amino acid sequences with human RECQL4. The RECQL4 gene was localized to mouse chromosome 15D3 distal-E1 and rat chromosome 7q34 proximal. They were mapped in the region where the conserved linkage homology has been identified between the two species. Twenty-two exons dispersed over 7 kilo base pairs and all of the acceptor and donor sites for splicing of each exon conformed to the GT/AG rule. Our observations regarding mouse RECQL4 gene will contribute to functional studies on the RECQL4 products.  相似文献   

LPS-induced CXC chemokine (LIX) is a murine chemokine similar to two human chemokines, ENA-78 (CXCL5) and GCP-2 (CXCL6). To clarify the relationship of LIX to human ENA-78 and GCP-2, we cloned and mapped the LIX gene. The organization of the LIX gene ( Scyb5) is similar to those of the human ENA-78 ( SCYB5) and GCP-2 ( SCYB6) genes. The intron-exon boundaries of the three genes are exactly conserved, and the introns have similar sizes. The first 100 bp of the 5' flanking regions are highly similar, with conserved NF-kappaB and GATA sites in identical positions in all three genes. Further 5', the Lix flanking region sequence diverges from those of ENA-78 and GCP-2, which remain highly similar for 350 bp preceding the start sites. Using a (C57BL/6 J x Mus spretus) F1 x C57BL/6J backcross panel, Lix was mapped to a locus near D5Ucla5 at 49.0 cM on Chromosome (Chr) 5. Mapping with the T31 radiation hybrid panel placed Lix between D5Mit360 and D5Mit6. Physical maps of the CXC chemokine clusters on murine Chr 5 and human Chr 21 were constructed using the Celera mouse genome database and the public human genome database. The sequence and mapping data suggest that the human ENA78-PBP-PF4 and GCP2- psi PBP-PF4V1 loci arose from an evolutionarily recent duplication of an ancestral locus related to the murine Lix-Pbp-Pf4 locus.  相似文献   

The murine epididymal retinoic acid-binding protein (mE-RABP) is specifically synthesized in the mouse mid/distal caput epididymidis and secreted in the lumen. In this report, we have demonstrated by Southern blot analysis of genomic DNA that mE-RABP is encoded by a single-copy gene. A mouse 129/SvJ genomic bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) library was screened using a cDNA encoding the minor form of mE-RABP. One positive BAC clone was characterized and sequenced to determine the nucleotide sequence of the entire mE-RABP gene. The molecular cloning of the mE-RABP gene completes the characterization of the 20.5-kDa–predicted preprotein leading to the minor and major forms of mE-RABP. Comparison of the DNA sequence of the promoter and coding regions with that of the rat epididymal secretory protein I (ESP I) gene showed that the mE-RABP gene is the orthologue of the ESP I gene that encodes a rat epididymal retinoic acid-binding protein. Several regulatory elements, including a putative androgen receptor binding site, “CACCC-boxes,” NF-1, Oct-1, and SP-1 recognition sites, are conserved in the proximal promoter. Analysis of the nucleotide sequence of the mE-RABP gene revealed the presence of seven exons and showed that the genomic organization is highly related to other genes encoding lipocalins. The mE-RABP gene was mapped by fluorescent in situ hybridization to the [A3-B] region of the murine chromosome 2. Our data, combined with that of others, suggest that the proximal segment of the mouse chromosome 2 may be a rich region for genes encoding lipocalins with a genomic organization highly related to the mE-RABP gene. Mol. Reprod. Dev. 50:387–395, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Vitamin C is known to exist in particularly high concentrations in brain tissue, and its free radical scavenging function is thought to represent a major antioxidative defense system. We have cloned, sequenced and analyzed the genomic structure of a mouse sodium-dependent vitamin C transporter gene, Slc23a1 (also known as Svct2). The mouse Slc23a1 cDNA is 6.4 kb long and was cloned directly from a mouse brain RNA preparation. Hybridization screening of a mouse genomic BAC library identified BAC 53L21 which contains at least the entire coding sequence of the mouse Slc23a1 gene. Determination of the exon-intron structure of the gene revealed 17 exons ranging from 58 bp to 4407 bp extending over 50 kb of the mouse genome, with the translation start codon located in exon 3. Its 1944 nucleotide open reading frame encodes a polypeptide of 647 aa, which is highly similar to rat and human orthologs. The mouse gene was assigned to chromosome 2qG2 by fluorescence in situ hybridization analysis. Expression of this gene was demonstrated in a wide range of tissues, with especially high levels in brain. Neurodegenerative diseases with an established role for oxidative stress in the cytoplasm may therefore be conditions of SLC23A1 dysfunction. Key words: gene structure; Vitamin C; transporter; oxidative stress  相似文献   

Previous studies of nucleoside transport in mammalian cells have identified two types of activities: the equilibrative nucleoside transporters and concentrative, Na+-nucleoside cotransporters. Characterization of the concentrative nucleoside transporters has been hampered by the presence in most cells and tissues of multiple transporters with overlapping permeant specificities. With the recent cloning of cDNAs encoding rat and human members of the concentrative nucleoside transporter (CNT) family, it is now possible to study the concentrative transporters in isolation by use of functional expression systems. We report here the isolation of a nucleoside transport-deficient subline of L1210 mouse leukemia (L1210/DNC3) that is a suitable recipient for stable expression of cloned nucleoside transporter cDNAs. We have used L1210/DNC3 as the recipient in gene transfer studies to develop a stable cell line (L1210/DU5) that produces the recombinant concentrative nucleoside transporter with selectivity for pyrimidine nucleosides (CNT1) that was initially identified in rat intestine (Q.Q. Huang, S.Y. Yao, M.W. Ritzel, A.R.P. Paterson, C.E. Cass, and J.D. Young. 1994. J. Biol. Chem. 269: 17,757-17,760). L1210/DU5 was used to examine the permeant selectivity of recombinant rat CNT1 by comparing a series of nucleoside analogs with respect to (i) inhibition of inward fluxes of [3H]thymidine, (ii) initial rates of transport of 3H-analog, and (iii) cytotoxicity to L1210/DU5 versus the parental transport-deficient cell line. By all three criteria, recombinant CNT1 transported 5-fluoro-2'-deoxyuridine and 5-fluorouridine well and cytosine arabinoside poorly. Although some purine nucleosides (2'-deoxyadenosinedeoxyadeno-2'-deoxyadenosine, 7-deazaadenosine) were potent inhibitors of CNT1, they were poor permeants when uptake was measured directly by analysis of isotopic fluxes or indirectly by comparison of cytotoxicity ratios. We conclude that comparison of analog cytotoxicity to L1210/DU5 versus L1210/DNC3 is a reliable indirect predictor of transportability, suggesting that cytotoxicity assays with a panel of such cell lines, each with a different recombinant nucleoside transporter, would be a valuable tool in the development of antiviral and antitumor nucleoside analogs.  相似文献   

Most nucleoside-derived anticancer drugs are taken up by the high-affinity Na-dependent nucleoside transporter CNT1. Since such drugs are to some extent cell-cycle-dependent in their cytotoxic action, we examined the relationship between CNT1 expression and cell-cycle progression in the rat hepatoma cell line FAO. Cell cultures were synchronized either at late G1 or early S stages by combining mimosin treatment with either previous synchronization or not by serum starvation. Cell-cycle progression was then assessed by measuring [methyl-3H]thymidine incorporation into DNA and monitoring cyclin E and A protein levels. In these conditions, CNT1 protein amounts increase at the G1-S transition. When cells were synchronized using hydroxyurea (HU), which directly interacts with nucleotide metabolism by inhibiting ribonucleotide reductase, CNT1 protein amounts increased in synchronized cells and remained high during cell-cycle progression. These data indicate that CNT1 adapts to cell-cycle progression and responds to nucleos(t)ide metabolism status, a feature that might contribute to the cytotoxic action of cell-cycle-dependent anticancer drugs.  相似文献   

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