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ErbB3 is a member of the ErbB family of receptor tyrosine kinases. It is unique because it is the only member of the family whose kinase domain is defective. As a result, it is obliged to form heterodimers with other ErbB receptors to signal. In this study, we characterized the interaction of ErbB3 with the EGF receptor and ErbB2 and assessed the effects of Food and Drug Administration-approved therapeutic agents on these interactions. Our findings support the concept that ErbB3 exists in preformed clusters that can be dissociated by NRG-1β and that it interacts with other ErbB receptors in a distinctly hierarchical fashion. Our study also shows that all pairings of the EGF receptor, ErbB2, and ErbB3 form ligand-independent dimers/oligomers. The small-molecule tyrosine kinase inhibitors erlotinib and lapatinib differentially enhance the dimerization of the various ErbB receptor pairings, with the EGFR/ErbB3 heterodimer being particularly sensitive to the effects of erlotinib. The data suggest that the physiological effects of these drugs may involve not only inhibition of tyrosine kinase activity but also a dynamic restructuring of the entire network of receptors.  相似文献   

We have previously shown that the binding of epidermal growth factor (EGF) to its receptor can best be described by a model that involves negative cooperativity in an aggregating system (Macdonald, J. L., and Pike, L. J. (2008) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 105, 112–117). However, despite the fact that biochemical analyses indicate that EGF induces dimerization of its receptor, the binding data provided no evidence for positive linkage between EGF binding and dimer assembly. By analyzing the binding of EGF to a number of receptor mutants, we now report that in naive, unphosphorylated EGF receptors, ligand binding is positively linked to receptor dimerization but the linkage is abolished upon autophosphorylation of the receptor. Both phosphorylated and unphosphorylated EGF receptors exhibit negative cooperativity, indicating that mechanistically, cooperativity is distinct from the phenomenon of linkage. Nonetheless, both the positive linkage and the negative cooperativity observed in EGF binding require the presence of the intracellular juxtamembrane domain. This indicates the existence of inside-out signaling in the EGF receptor system. The intracellular juxtamembrane domain has previously been shown to be required for the activation of the EGF receptor tyrosine kinase (Thiel, K. W., and Carpenter, G. (2007) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 104, 19238–19243). Our experiments expand the role of this domain to include the allosteric control of ligand binding by the extracellular domain.The EGF2 receptor is a tyrosine kinase composed of an ∼620-amino-acid extracellular domain that recognizes and binds EGF, a single pass α-helical transmembrane domain, and an intracellular tyrosine kinase domain, encompassing roughly residues 685–950 (1). In addition, the receptor contains an ∼230-amino-acid-long C-terminal tail that contains the bulk of the sites of receptor autophosphorylation (24). An intracellular juxtamembrane domain of about 40 residues connects the transmembrane domain to the kinase domain and has been shown to be crucial in the allosteric activation of the EGF receptor kinase (5, 6).In the membrane, the EGF receptor exists as a monomer, but a wealth of data indicate that the binding of EGF induces the formation of EGF receptor dimers (710). Dimerization appears to be mediated in large part by the extracellular domain of the receptor, which is comprised of four subdomains, designated I through IV. X-ray crystallography data suggest that in the absence of ligand, the extracellular domain is held in a closed configuration through the interaction of loops or arms that extend from the backs of subdomains II and IV (11). Upon binding of EGF, this intramolecular tether is released, allowing the receptor to adopt an open conformation in which EGF is tightly bound between subdomains I and III. In this configuration, the “dimerization arm” that was previously involved in tethering the receptor closed mediates the formation of a back-to-back EGF receptor dimer (12, 13).Analyses of the binding of 125I-EGF to its receptor have invariably resulted in concave up Scatchard plots that have been interpreted as indicating the presence of two classes of EGF binding sites. However, we have recently used global analysis of the binding of 125I-EGF to cells expressing increasing levels of EGF receptors to show that EGF binding is best described by a model involving negative cooperativity in an aggregating system (14) (see Fig. 6). Ligand binding is negatively cooperative if the binding of ligand to the first site on a dimer reduces the affinity of the ligand for binding to the second site on the dimer.Open in a separate windowFIGURE 6.Model for the binding of EGF to its receptor. Circles represent receptor subunits. E represents a molecule of EGF. The equilibrium association constants are written above or beside the reaction to which they apply.The concept of cooperativity only applies to existing dimers. It does not relate to the effect of ligand on the assembly or disassembly of those dimers. The effect of ligand on the formation of receptor dimers is captured in the concept of linkage (15, 16). If ligand binding is positively linked to dimer formation, then ligand promotes the assembly of receptor dimers. In a monomer-dimer equilibrium, positive linkage arises when a ligand binds with higher affinity to the first site on the dimer than to the monomer. Under these circumstances, the ligand will preferentially bind to the dimer, shifting the equilibrium in favor of the dimeric species. In the case of the EGF receptor, biochemical data suggest that EGF induces receptor dimerization; however, evidence for positive linkage in binding studies has been lacking.By analyzing the binding of 125I-EGF to cells expressing various EGF receptor mutants, we now report that in naive, unphosphorylated EGF receptors, ligand binding is, in fact, positively linked to receptor dimerization. Autophosphorylation of the EGF receptor abolishes the positive linkage that is present during the initial phase of the ligand binding reaction. Negative cooperativity is present in both the phosphorylated and the non-phosphorylated states of the receptor. Structure-function analyses demonstrate that both cooperativity and linkage are lost when the EGF receptor is truncated immediately after the transmembrane domain. However, both forms of regulation are restored in receptors that include the additional 40 amino acids that correspond to the intracellular juxtamembrane domain. These data expand the role of the intracellular juxtamembrane domain to include the allosteric regulation of EGF binding by the extracellular domain and demonstrate the presence of inside-out signaling in the EGF receptor system.  相似文献   

Phosphorylation-induced conformational changes have been well documented with different receptor tyrosine kinases. However, the susceptible epitopes and the tyrosine residue(s) involved in particular structural alteration mostly remain to be determined. Using a conformation-specific anti-peptide antibody, we have not only identified one such domain in the C-terminal tail of the EGF receptor but also identified the phosphate acceptor sites that are involved in the conformational change.  相似文献   

Ligand activation of the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) leads to its rapid internalization and eventual delivery to lysosomes. This process is thought to be a mechanism to attenuate signaling, but signals could potentially be generated after endocytosis. To directly evaluate EGFR signaling during receptor trafficking, we developed a technique to rapidly and selectively isolate internalized EGFR and associated molecules with the use of reversibly biotinylated anti-EGFR antibodies. In addition, we developed antibodies specific to tyrosine-phosphorylated EGFR. With the use of a combination of fluorescence imaging and affinity precipitation approaches, we evaluated the state of EGFR activation and substrate association during trafficking in epithelial cells. We found that after internalization, EGFR remained active in the early endosomes. However, receptors were inactivated before degradation, apparently due to ligand removal from endosomes. Adapter molecules, such as Shc, were associated with EGFR both at the cell surface and within endosomes. Some molecules, such as Grb2, were primarily found associated with surface EGFR, whereas others, such as Eps8, were found only with intracellular receptors. During the inactivation phase, c-Cbl became EGFR associated, consistent with its postulated role in receptor attenuation. We conclude that the association of the EGFR with different proteins is compartment specific. In addition, ligand loss is the proximal cause of EGFR inactivation. Thus, regulated trafficking could potentially influence the pattern as well as the duration of signal transduction.  相似文献   

The physiological relevance of the activation of hepatocyte growth factor (Hgf) by the plasminogen (Plg) system of proteases and its contribution to tissue repair are largely undefined. Here, we investigated whether the defective liver repair in mice lacking Plg is due to impaired activation of Hgf. Loss of Plg in vivo suppressed Hgf activation and signaling through its Met tyrosine kinase receptor. Without Plg, hepatocytes were unresponsive to Hgf-induced proliferation and migration, with a more pronounced impairment in hepatocyte movement within the hepatic environment. Most notably, circumventing the defect in proteolytic activation of Hgf by the downstream expression of an activated Met receptor corrected the functional deficits and improved liver repair in Plg-deficient mice. These findings support a fibrinolysis-unrelated role for Plg in modulating cell proliferation and migration by activation of Hgf.Tissue repair requires a prompt proliferative response in concert with the timely reorganization of the extracellular matrix. Each one of these processes can be disrupted by the loss of individual growth factors or proteases, but the precise regulatory relationship between these molecules in supporting tissue repair is not fully understood. Multiple in vitro studies have inferred that proteases in the plasminogen (Plg)2 activation system may be important in the proteolytic activation of the hepatocyte growth factor (Hgf) (14), the ligand for the Met tyrosine kinase receptor that exerts potent mitogenic and motogenic properties to mesenchymal and epithelial cells. This concept is made even more attractive by the fact that Hgf is structurally related to Plg, with multiple kringle domains and a catalytically inactive serine protease-like domain. However, the physiological relevance of Plg to Hgf activation and Hgf-related reparative processes are controversial and effectively unexplored in vivo.We previously reported that a genetically imposed loss of circulating Plg severely impairs clearance of necrotic cells and the repopulation of injured zones by newly formed cells but without compromising the general hepatic proliferative response (5). Despite the indisputable role of Plg in fibrin clearance (6), complementary studies in mice with no capacity for fibrin deposition have shown that the loss of fibrinolytic function alone in Plg-deficient mice cannot account for the impediment in tissue repair (5). Multiple nonfibrin targets of plasmin-mediated proteolysis are known (e.g. serine and metalloprotease zymogens, and extracellular matrix glycoproteins, latent growth factors), and it is feasible that they may contribute to the focal clearance of necrotic tissue. However, based on recent findings pointing to a strikingly similar defect in hepatic repair in mice lacking Plg or a conditional loss of Met (7), an attractive hypothesis emerged that the Plg activation system supports physiological liver repair by activation of the Met ligand, Hgf. Testing this hypothesis, we found that the loss of Plg impairs Hgf activation, suppresses Met phosphorylation and signaling, and prevents Hgf-induced migration of hepatocytes. Most notably, consistent with a physiologically relevant contribution of Plg to Hgf-Met signaling, the expression of an autophosphorylated Met largely corrected the defective repair in Plg-deficient livers.  相似文献   

Hexokinase (HXK; EC regulates carbohydrate entry into glycolysis and is known to be a sensor for sugar-responsive gene expression. The effect of abiotic stresses on HXK activity was determined in seedlings of the flood-tolerant plant Echinochloa phyllopogon (Stev.) Koss and the flood-intolerant plant Echinochloa crus-pavonis (H.B.K.) Schult grown aerobically for 5 d before being subjected to anaerobic, chilling, heat, or salt stress. HXK activity was stimulated in shoots of E. phyllopogon only by anaerobic stress. HXK activity was only transiently elevated in E. crus-pavonis shoots during anaerobiosis. In roots of both species, anoxia and chilling stimulated HXK activity. Thus, HXK is not a general stress protein but is specifically induced by anoxia and chilling in E. phyllopogon and E. crus-pavonis. In both species HXK exhibited an optimum pH between 8.5 and 9.0, but the range was extended to pH 7.0 in air-grown E. phyllopogon to 6.5 in N2-grown E. phyllopogon. At physiologically relevant pHs (6.8 and 7.3, N2 and O2 conditions, respectively), N2-grown seedlings retained greater HXK activity at the lower pH. The pH response suggests that in N2-grown seedlings HXK can function in a more acidic environment and that a specific isozyme may be important for regulating glycolytic activity during anaerobic metabolism in E. phyllopogon.  相似文献   

The development of some solid tumors is associated with overexpression of the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) and often correlates with poor prognosis. Near field scanning optical microscopy, a technique with subdiffraction-limited optical resolution, was used to examine the influence of two inhibitors (the chimeric 225 antibody and tyrosine phosphorylation inhibitor AG1478) on the nanoscale clustering of EGFR in HeLa cells. The EGFR is organized in small clusters, average diameter of 150 nm, on the plasma membrane for both control and EGF-treated cells. The numbers of receptors in individual clusters vary from as few as one or two proteins to greater than 100. Both inhibitors yield an increased cluster density and an increase in the fraction of clusters with smaller diameters and fewer receptors. Exposure to AG1478 also decreases the fraction of EGFR that colocalizes with both rafts and caveolae. EGF stimulation results in a significant loss of the full-length EGFR from the plasma membrane with the concomitant appearance of low molecular mass proteolytic products. By contrast, AG1478 reduces the level of EGFR degradation. Changes in receptor clustering provide one mechanism for regulating EGFR signaling and are relevant to the design of strategies for therapeutic interventions based on modulating EGFR signaling.  相似文献   

Abstract: Schwannoma-derived growth factor (SDGF) is a potent mitogen and neuronal differentiation factor. Because of its relationship to epidermal growth factor (EGF) and the heregulins, it was asked if SDGF interacts with the EGF receptor or HER2/neu. SDGF binds to and causes the phosphorylation on tyrosine of the EGF receptor but not HER2/neu.  相似文献   

The EGF receptor can bind seven different agonist ligands. Although each agonist appears to stimulate the same suite of downstream signaling proteins, different agonists are capable of inducing distinct responses in the same cell. To determine the basis for these differences, we used luciferase fragment complementation imaging to monitor the recruitment of Cbl, CrkL, Gab1, Grb2, PI3K, p52 Shc, p66 Shc, and Shp2 to the EGF receptor when stimulated by the seven EGF receptor ligands. Recruitment of all eight proteins was rapid, dose-dependent, and inhibited by erlotinib and lapatinib, although to differing extents. Comparison of the time course of recruitment of the eight proteins in response to a fixed concentration of each growth factor revealed differences among the growth factors that could contribute to their differing biological effects. Principal component analysis of the resulting data set confirmed that the recruitment of these proteins differed between agonists and also between different doses of the same agonist. Ensemble clustering of the overall response to the different growth factors suggests that these EGF receptor ligands fall into two major groups as follows: (i) EGF, amphiregulin, and EPR; and (ii) betacellulin, TGFα, and epigen. Heparin-binding EGF is distantly related to both clusters. Our data identify differences in network utilization by different EGF receptor agonists and highlight the need to characterize network interactions under conditions other than high dose EGF.  相似文献   

Isolated immature maize (Zea mays L.) embryos have been shown to acquire tolerance to rapid drying between 22 and 25 d after pollination (DAP) and to slow drying from 18 DAP onward. To investigate adaptations in protein profile in association with the acquisition of desiccation tolerance in isolated, immature maize embryos, we applied in situ Fourier transform infrared microspectroscopy. In fresh, viable, 20- and 25-DAP embryo axes, the shapes of the different amide-I bands were identical, and this was maintained after flash drying. On rapid drying, the 20-DAP axes had a reduced relative proportion of α-helical protein structure and lost viability. Rapidly dried 25-DAP embryos germinated (74%) and had a protein profile similar to the fresh control axes. On slow drying, the α-helical contribution in both the 20- and 25-DAP embryo axes increased compared with that in the fresh control axes, and survival of desiccation was high. The protein profile in dry, mature axes resembled that after slow drying of the immature axes. Rapid drying resulted in an almost complete loss of membrane integrity in the 20-DAP embryo axes and much less so in the 25-DAP axes. After slow drying, low plasma membrane permeability ensued in both the 20- and 25-DAP axes. We conclude that slow drying of excised, immature embryos leads to an increased proportion of α-helical protein structures in their axes, which coincides with additional tolerance of desiccation stress.  相似文献   

目的:研究表皮生长因子(Epidermal Growth Factor,EGF)及受体(Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor,EGFR)及在甲状腺肿瘤中的表达。方法:应用免疫组织化学法检测91例甲状腺病变组织中EGFR和EGF的表达情况。结果:结节性甲状腺肿、甲状腺腺瘤、分化型甲状腺癌标本中EGFR表达的阳性率分别为15%、25%、68.62%,EGF表达的阳性率分别为10%、15%、68.62%,其中EGFR、EGF在分化型甲状腺癌与其余两组间差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05)。EGFR和EGF在甲状腺乳头状癌中的表达与性别、年龄、肿瘤大小、淋巴结转移、临床分期等临床因素无明显相关。结论:EGF和EGFR的表达可作为鉴别甲状腺肿瘤良恶性的一个指标。  相似文献   

Growth factor receptors may be transactivated not only by homologous receptors, but also by heterologous receptors. We have investigated this possibility, using for this purpose R/EGFR cells, which are mouse embryo cells devoid of IGF-I receptors, but overexpressing the EGF receptor. At variance with mouse embryo cells with a wild-type number of IGF-I receptors and overexpressing the EGF receptor, R/EGFR cells cannot grow in EGF only, nor can they form colonies in soft agar. However, if a wild type human IGF-I receptor is stably transfected into R/EGFR cells, growth in EGF and colony formation in soft agar are restored. To determine a possible interaction between the two receptors, we transfected into R/EGFR cells a number of IGF-I receptor mutants with different impaired functions. The only IGF-I receptor that cannot reverse the growth phenotype of R/EGFR cells is a receptor with a point mutation at the ATP-binding site. All other mutant receptors, even when incapable of responding to IGF-I with a mitogenic signal, made R/EGFR cells fully capable of responding with growth to EGF stimulation. IGF-I receptor mutants that are mitogenic but not transforming made R/EGFR cells grow in EGF only, but were incapable of inducing the transformed phenotype. The mutant IGF-I receptors are activated (tyrosyl phosphorylation of IRS-1) in response to EGF. These experiments indicate that certain IGF-I receptor mutants with loss of function can be reactivated intracellularly by an overexpressed EGF receptor and confirm that the C-terminus of the IGF-IR is required for its transforming activity.  相似文献   

人EGFR显性负性突变体负调控内源性EGFR功能的机制分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
廖刚  王子卫  赵林  张能  董浦江 《生命科学研究》2010,14(3):203-207,239
通过定向克隆法构建真核表达载体pEGFPN1-DNEGFR,脂质体介导下转染体外培养的SGC-7901细胞,应用Western blotting检测DNEGFR-EGFP蛋白的表达,激光共聚焦显微镜对DNEGFR-EGFP亚细胞结构定位检测;并经RT-PCR、Western blotting检测DNEGFR-EGFP对内源性EGFRmRNA水平、蛋白及磷酸化水平的影响.成功检测到DNEGFR-EGFP蛋白的表达,DNEGFR-EGFP蛋白主要定位于细胞膜,DNEGFR-EGFP能降低内源性EGFR蛋白磷酸化水平,而对内源性EGFRmRNA水平及蛋白水平无影响.研究证明DNEGFR通过降低内源性EGFR蛋白磷酸化水平负调控EGFR功能,为靶向EGFR显性负性策略在肿瘤生物治疗中的进一步研究打下基础.  相似文献   

Proper expression of the replication licensing factor Cdt1 is primarily regulated post-translationally by ubiquitylation and proteasome degradation. In a screen to identify novel non-histone targets of histone deacetylases (HDACs), we found Cdt1 as a binding partner for HDAC11. Cdt1 associates specifically and directly with HDAC11. We show that Cdt1 undergoes acetylation and is reversibly deacetylated by HDAC11. In vitro, Cdt1 can be acetylated at its N terminus by the lysine acetyltransferases KAT2B and KAT3B. Acetylation protects Cdt1 from ubiquitylation and subsequent proteasomal degradation. These results extend the list of non-histone acetylated proteins to include a critical DNA replication factor and provide an additional level of complexity to the regulation of Cdt1.To maintain genomic integrity, DNA replication must be tightly controlled to ensure that each portion of the genome replicates once and only once per cell cycle (reviewed in Ref. 1). Replication licensing begins by the formation of the prereplication complex at multiple potential origins of replication. This is established sequentially, with the origin recognition complex (ORC)2 proteins binding first, followed by the recruitment of Cdc6 and Cdt1, which in turn recruit the MCM2–7 proteins. MCM proteins act as the replicative helicase. The licensed replication origins are activated by cyclin-dependent kinases at the start of S phase. Licensing occurs throughout the cell cycle once S phase is complete.Cdt1 levels fluctuate throughout the cell cycle. It is destabilized at G1/S transition, and then levels begin to climb again upon S phase completion. To prevent licensing at inappropriate times, two separate processes regulate the inactivation or destruction of Cdt1. First, geminin negatively regulates Cdt1 function by prevention of the association of Cdt1 with MCM2–7 via steric hindrance (2). Interestingly, geminin also positively regulates Cdt1 by preventing its ubiquitylation, perhaps by prevention of its interaction with an E3 ligase. This allows Cdt1 to accumulate in G2 and M phases, to ensure adequate pools of Cdt1 to license the next cycle of replication (3). The ratio of geminin to Cdt1 likely determines whether geminin positively or negatively regulates Cdt1 (4). Second, Cdt1 is targeted for proteolysis by two distinct ubiquitin E3 ligases: the SCF-Skp2 complex and the DDB1-Cul4 complex (5). Phosphorylation by cyclin A/Cdk2 promotes interaction of Cdt1 with Skp2, leading to Cdt1 degradation during S phase (68). In addition, DDB1-Cul4 utilizes proliferating cell nuclear antigen as a binding platform to contact Cdt1, targeting the destruction of Cdt1 in S phase or following DNA damage (9, 10). Ubiquitylation by either of these E3 ligases promotes degradation of Cdt1 by the proteasome.Ubiquitylation occurs primarily (but not exclusively) on the ε-amino group of lysine residues. Another prominent post-translational modification that occurs on that residue is acetylation. Acetylation and, correspondingly, deacetylation can modulate the function and activity of a variety of proteins (see Ref. 11 for review). Here, we report that Cdt1 physically interacts with HDAC11, a class IV histone deacetylase (12, 13), as well as with several lysine acetyltransferases (KATs). We show that Cdt1 is an acetylated protein and further show that acetylation protects Cdt1 from ubiquitylation and subsequent proteasomal degradation. This study uncovers yet another layer of complexity to the regulation of the critical licensing factor Cdt1.  相似文献   

We study a mechanism by which dimerization of the EGF receptor (EGFR) cytoplasmic domain is transmitted to the ectodomain. Therapeutic and other small molecule antagonists to the kinase domain that stabilize its active conformation, but not those that stabilize an inactive conformation, stabilize ectodomain dimerization. Inhibitor-induced dimerization requires an asymmetric kinase domain interface associated with activation. EGF and kinase inhibitors stimulate formation of identical dimer interfaces in the EGFR transmembrane domain, as shown by disulfide cross-linking. Disulfide cross-linking at an interface in domain IV in the ectodomain was also stimulated similarly; however, EGF but not inhibitors stimulated cross-linking in domain II. Inhibitors similarly induced noncovalent dimerization in nearly full-length, detergent-solubilized EGFR as shown by gel filtration. EGFR ectodomain deletion resulted in spontaneous dimerization, whereas deletion of exons 2–7, in which extracellular domains III and IV are retained, did not. In EM, kinase inhibitor-induced dimers lacked any well defined orientation between the ectodomain monomers. Fab of the therapeutic antibody cetuximab to domain III confirmed a variable position and orientation of this domain in inhibitor-induced dimers but suggested that the C termini of domain IV of the two monomers were in close proximity, consistent with dimerization in the transmembrane domains. The results provide insights into the relative energetics of intracellular and extracellular dimerization in EGFR and have significance for physiologic dimerization through the asymmetric kinase interface, bidirectional signal transmission in EGFR, and mechanism of action of therapeutics.  相似文献   

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