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Résumé L'incorporation d'uridine-3H dans l'ARN nucléaire et dans l'ARN mitochondrial est détectée à l'aide de l'autoradiographie à haute résolution au cours de la spermiogenèse chez la Drosophile.Le marquage apparaît simultanément sur le noyau et sur le chondriome jusqu'au début de la condensation de la chromatine. Le nebenkern, qui caractérise un des premiers stades de la spermiogenèse, est le territoire cellulaire le plus radioactif. La synthèse de l'ARN nucléaire cesse au cours de la condensation de la chromatine. Pendant ce temps, le marquage des dérivés mitochondriaux se poursuit; il persiste jusqu'à leur complète transformation en paracristal. Ces observations mettent en évidence une synthèse autonome d'ARN par les mitochondries à la fin de la spermiogenèse.
Autonomous mitochondrial RNA synthesis during spermiogenesis in Drosophila
Summary The incorporation of 3H-uridine into nuclear and mitochondrial RNA has been followed by electron microscope autoradiography during spermiogenesis in Drosophila.Nuclei and mitochondria are simultaneously labeled up to the beginning of the chromatin condensation. The nebenkern, characteristic of the first stages of spermiogenesis, is the most radioactive cellular component. During chromatin condensation, nuclear RNA synthesis ceases, but mitochondrial derivatives continue to be significantly labeled up to their complete paracrystalline transformation. These data show an autonomous RNA synthesis by mitochondria at the end of spermiogenesis.
Ce travail a bénéficié de l'aide du C.N.R.S. (E.R.A. 174), de la D.R.M.E. (contrat 70/414) et du C.E.A. (participation à l'achat de molécules marquées).  相似文献   

The gardenia absolute was separated into basic, phenolic, acidic, lactonic and neutral fractions and analysed by using GC, combined GC-MS, IR and NMR. A total of 130 components was identified. Among them, the characteristic constituents responsible for the sweet-green odor of this flower were jasmin lactone, cis-3-hexenol, esters of cis-3-hexenol, cis-3-hexenoic acid and tiglic acid.  相似文献   

The synthesis of 3-hydroxymethyl-4,5,7-trimethoxy-2-naphthoic acid lactone (II) is described.  相似文献   

《Carbohydrate research》1987,166(2):195-209
Addition of iodazide to acetylated, benzylated, and methoxymethylated glycals yielded 2-deoxy-2-iodoglycosyl azides with 1,2-trans configuration. Stereoselectivity of the reaction favored the manno and talo configurations starting from d-glucal and d-galactal, respectively. With d-xylal derivatives, the stereoselectivity depended on the nature of the substituents. The Staudinger reaction of 2-deoxy-2-iodoglycosyl azides with trimethylphosphite led to the corresponding 2-deoxy-2-iodoglycosyl phosphoramidates in high yield.  相似文献   

There is evidence for the existence of a barrier between the blood and the lumina of the seminiferous tubules, from the uneven coloration of the testis after injection of some dyes, from the distribution of some radioactive markers, from the composition of the fluids from the rete testis and the seminiferous tubules, from the rate of penetration of various substances into these fluids, and from the presence of specialized junctions between the Sertoli cells, which block the penetration of lanthanum and other electron-opaque markers into the tubules. This barrier develops only at the time of puberty. However, the endothelial cells in the testis share certain characteristics with the endothelial cells of the brain, which form the blood-brain barrier. Also, the peritubular tissue has a specific transport system for urea, and these two tissues may also regulate the entry of substances into the testis. The barrier remains effective in some circumstances where spermatogenesis is disrupted, but it is less effective outside the breeding season in seasonal breeders. There are also some treatments which break down the barrier and disrupt spermatogenesis. Spermatogonia injected into the rete must pass through the barrier to re-establish spermatogenesis in infertile testes, but leukaemic cells injected into the rete can also pass from the lumen of the tubules into the interstitium, where the disease then recurs.  相似文献   

In the Guadix-Baza basin, a continental sequence 0214 ranging from the Upper Miocene (Upper Turolian) to the Middle Pleistocene (Cromerian) has been established. An essay of biozonation by means of the Rodent succession is proposed, based on the following biozones: Trilophomys castroi, Mimomys occitanus, Mimomys cappetai, Mimomys cf. reidi, Mimomys ostramosensis, Allophaiomys pliocaenicus, Mimomys savini and Arvicola cantiana.  相似文献   

M D Beaulieu  A Corriveau  P O Nadeau 《CMAJ》1986,135(9):1003-1006
The authors describe the presentation, clinical evaluation and treatment of 151 patients (mean age 36.3 years) who presented to an outpatient clinic or the emergency department between Oct. 29, 1984, and Apr. 15, 1985, for a lateral ankle sprain. About 60% of the sprains were considered minor. Although 141 patients underwent simple radiography of the ankle on the first visit, only five fractures were identified. All the fractures were uncomplicated and were treated conservatively. No common criteria could be identified to explain why some patients with sprains of moderate severity were referred to an orthopedist while others were not. Of the 53 patients interviewed, 22 still had some limitation of physical activity 6 weeks after the sprain. The presence of malleolar soft-tissue swelling, pain in the bony structures and inability to bear weight should raise the suspicion of a fracture. If radiography had been limited to patients with these signs, no fracture would have been missed, and radiography would have been avoided in 70 cases.  相似文献   

Résumé L'évolution de l'ultrastructure de la cellule épithéliale mammaire de la Lapine est décrite au cours de:L'apparition des phénomènes sécrétoires qui prennent place normalement pendant le premier tiers de la gestation des Lapines primipares.La lactogénèse expérimentale produite par des injections de prolactine à des Lapines pseudo-gestantes.L'ultrastructure de la cellule mammaire de Lapine en sécrétion active (lactation) se distingue de celle des cellules inactives pour la sécrétion (début de la gestation et pseudogestation) par: le développement considérable de l'ergastoplasme organisé en lamelles parallèles ou concentriques; l'hypertrophie de l'appareil de Golgi; la présence de granules protéiques inclus dans des vacuoles d'origine golgienne au sein d'un cytoplasme hypertrophié, celle des gouttelettes lipidiques étant moins indicatrice d'un état d'activité sécrétoire.L'induction de la sécrétion lactée au cours de la gestation normale ou à la suite de l'injection de prolactine, conduit à des modifications ultrastructurales de la cellule mammaire qui se caractérisent principalement par le développement progressif des systèmes membranaires ergastoplasmiques, qui est déjà net entre 12 et 24 heures et aboutit le 3e jour de l'administration hormonale à des images se rapprochant de celles d'une cellule de glande mammaire en lactation. La formation d'un important réticulum endoplasmique auquel est liée la majorité des ribosomes, ainsi que le développement des citernes et vacuoles golgiennes, paraissent ainsi sous le contrôle de la prolactine. Nous discutons enfin de la signification de l'existence transitoire dans les premiers stades de la lactogénèse d'une organisation vacuolaire de l'ergastoplasme.
Ultrastructural aspects of the rabbit mammary gland during lactogenesis
Summary The ultrastructural development of the rabbit epithelial mammary gland cell is described during:The appearance of secretory phenomena usually occuring in primiparous rabbits in the last third of pregnancy.Experimental lactogenesis induced by injecting pseudopregnant rabbits with prolactin.The ultrastructure of the active secretory (lactating) rabbit mammary gland cell is distinguished from that of inactive epithelial cells (beginning of pregnancy or pseudo-pregnancy) by: a considerable development of the ergastoplasm organized in parallel or concentric lamellae; hypertrophy of the Golgi apparatus; the presence of protein granules included in vacuoles of Golgian origin in the middle of hypertrophied cytoplasm. The presence of lipid droplets is less indicative of an active secretory state.The induction of milk secretion during normal gestation or after a prolactin injection produces ultrastructural modifications in the mammary gland cell which are characterized by progressive development of the ergastoplasmic membrane system. This transformation becomes evident between 12–24 hours and on the third day of hormonal administration resembles that of the lactating mammary gland. The formation of a large endoplasmic reticulum to which the majority of ribosomes are bound and the development of cisterns and Golgi vacuoles appear under the influence of prolactin. The signification of the temporary existence, during the early stage of lactogenesis, of a vacuolar ergastoplasmic organization, is discussed.

Les tirages photographiques sont dus à Messieurs Scandolo et Amar que nous remercions vivement.  相似文献   

Experiments of primary production were carried out at weekly intervals in the surface waters at one station (maximum depth of 20 m) in the Saguenay River, near Chicoutimi, during May–December 1978. The photic zone was very thin (maximum depth of 2 m). Phosphates are very low during the season sampling (maximum of 0.1 µat-g.–1). Maximum of production rates and biomass are respectively 3.5 mg C.m–3.h–1 and 3.7 mg.m–3. The river receives both industrial and urban runoff. Trace metals (Mercury, Copper, Lead, and Iron) seemed to be one of the important limiting factors for phytoplankton growth.

Corynebacterium equi IFO 3730 was found to oxidize a wide variety of sec-alcohols, including alkanols, substituted alkanols, alkenols and cyclic alcohols, in moderate to high yields. Among them, the sec-alcohols which have longer carbon chains were oxidized more smoothly than those with smaller numbers of carbon. Although both enantiomers of unsymmetrically disubstituted carbinols were oxidized, the S form of 2-dodecanol was converted to the corresponding ketone a little faster than the other enantiomer.  相似文献   

The present note introduces the scientific achievements of André Maublanc (1880–1958) through a comprehensive biography, a yet unpublished list of his publications and of taxa he introduced grouped following localities of origin. Over one hundred titles pertaining to the fields of phytopathology and mycology were located. These notes of fundamental research are accompanied by titles of several basic and popular books that have been edited several times. These documents consider diseases of cultivated plants grown in temperate or tropical climates, the taxonomy of their fungal agents and of some other saprotrophs. The significant scientific production of André Maublanc and his marked teaching and popular treatises are behind the long established international status of this French naturalist of the first half of the 20th century.  相似文献   

Conclusions Cultivé sur un milieu synthétique vitaminé, Phycomyces n'absorbe pas, dans les limites de concentration de nos expériences, une quantité appréciable de vitamine B 1. Le test animal ne permet pas de mettre en évidence une synthèse de la vitamine B 1 par le champignon.La quantité maximum de vitamine B 1 qui, théoriquement pourrait être présente dans le mycélium du champignon, en admettant le cas le plus favorable, est trop faible pour pouvoir agir sur le champignon et activer un milieu synthétique.Il est très probable que l'on doive faire appel au second facteur de croissance de Mucorinées (facteur M). Aux dépens où à la faveur de la présence de la vitamine B 1, Phycomyces fabrique donc, à part le facteur agissant sur la levure (effet bios), une autre substance auxogène activant le développement d'une nouvelle culture du champignon.Si la substance en question, contenue dans l'extrait de Phycomyces, agit sur le développement d'une nouvelle culture, il faut naturellement admettre que dans le premier mycélium, ayant servi à préparer l'extrait, un rôle doit lui être dévolu également.L'action de la vitamine B 1 ne nous semblerait donc pas directe; la présence de cette dernière est indispensable pour permettre au champignon d'effectuer la synthèse des facteurs qui lui sont propres.  相似文献   

Potential cold resistance of non-diapause eggs and first instar larvae of Osmoderma eremita (Coleoptera, Cetoniidae, Trichiinae) during embryogenesis and post-embryonic growth was assessed by measuring individual supercooling points (SCP): sterile eggs had a mean SCP of −24.3 ± 2.0 °C; fertilized newly laid eggs a mean SCP of −23.4 ± 3.2 °C and eggs about to hatch a mean SCP of −9.2 ± 2.9 °C. Water absorption by fertilized eggs is a necessary requirement for the development of the embryo and results in an increase in weight and water content: fertilized newly laid eggs had a mean fresh weight of 10.687 ± 1.072 mg and a mean water content (expressed as a percentage of the dry weight) of 79.5 ± 10.83%; eggs about to hatch had a mean fresh weight of 19.127 ± 3.183 mg and a mean water content of 250.10 ± 74.15%. The ex-ovo larvae, hatched 30 days after oviposition, had a mean SCP of −10.1 ± 3.6 °C (no significant difference with eggs about to hatch) and had gained in weight (24.845 ± 3.911 mg) and in water content (499.72 ± 55.49%). Feeding 1st instar larvae had a decreased supercooling ability (mean SCP = −5.7 ± 0.4 °C) whereas their mean fresh weight (99.858 ± 53.091 mg) and mean water content (665.83 ± 82.74%) increased. The eggs and larvae of O. eremita are freezing intolerant. Before overwintering, all larvae switch to being freezing tolerant and can survive ice formation in their tissues and body fluids, whereas their mean SCP stays at around −5 °C. However, recent experiments in the winter of 1996 have shown that frozen larva mortality does occur at temperatures lower than about −12 °C.  相似文献   

Alkylation of benzyl 2,3,6-tri-O-benzyl-β-D-glucopyranoside in N,Ndimethyl formamide with (R)-2-chloropropionic acid gave crystalline benzyl 2,3,6-tri-O-benzyl-4-O-[(S)-carboxyethyl]-β-D-glucopyranoside. After hydrogenolysis of the benzyl group 4-O-[(S)-D-carboxyethyl]-D-glucose was obtained which lactonized very easily. Treatment of benzyl 2,3,6-tri-O-benzyl-4-O-[(S)-1-carboxyethyl]-β-D-glucopyranoside with diazomethane gave cristalline benzyl 2,3,6-tri-O-benzyl-4-O-[(S)-1-(methoxycarbonyl)ethyl]-β-D-glucopyranoside, which was reduced with lithium aluminium hydride to crystalline benzyl 2,3,6-tri-O-benzyl-4-O-[(S)-1-(hydroxymethyl)ethyl]-β-D-glucopyranoside After hydrogenolysis of the benzyl groups 4-O-[(S)-1-(hydroxymethyl)ethyl]-D-glucose was obtained. A similar sequence of reactions was performed with (S)-2-chloropropionic acid.  相似文献   

The design and performance of a simple, community level ecotoxicological testsystem is reported. Samples of periphyton communities, established on artificial substratum in natural streams were used to study effects on photosynthetic activity in short-term experiments. Photosynthesis was measured as light-dependent oxygen evolution or as 14CO2-incorporation. The variability in photosynthetic activity between samples collected at the same time, expressed as coefficient of variation, was ca 20%. The variation in sensitivity of periphyton photosynthesis as dependent on sampling season was less than threefold for the two long-chained aliphatic amines and the textile industry effluent studied. Effects of the amines on periphyton from five different streams were also investigated. The ratio between maximum and minimum values of sensitivity was 5.6. It is concluded that the variation in sensitivity between different periphyton communities is similar to or less than that observed for fresh-water algal species. Some advantages with regard to ecological realism of using periphyton communities as test systems are discussed.  相似文献   

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