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We tested, in rat liver, the postulate that free polysomes were precursors of membrane-bound polysomes. Three methods were used to isolate free and membrane-bound ribosomes from either post-nuclear or post-mitochondrial supernatants of rat liver. Isolation and quantitation of 28 S and 18 S rRNA allowed determination of the 40 S and 60 S subunit composition of free and membrane-bound ribosomal populations, while pulse labeling of 28 S and 18 S rRNA with [6-14C]orotic acid and inorganic [32P]phosphate allowed assessment of relative rates of subunit renewal. Throughout the extra-nuclear compartment, 40 S and 60 S subunits were present in essentially equal numbers, but, free ribosomes contained a stoichiometric excess of 40 S subunits, while membrane-bound ribosomes contained a complementary excess of 60 S subunits. Experiments with labeled precursors showed that throughout the extra-nuclear compartment, 40 S and 60 S subunits accumulated isotopes at essentially equal rates, however, free ribosomes accumulated isotopes faster than membrane-bound ribosomes. Among free ribosomes or polysomes, 40 S subunits accumulated isotopes faster than 60 S subunits, but, this relationship was not seen among membrane-bound ribosomes. Here, 40 S subunits accumulated isotope more slowly than 60 S subunits. This distribution of labeled precursors does not support the postulate that free polysomes are precursors of membrane-bound polysomes, but, these data suggest that membrane-bound polysomes could be precursors of free polysomes.  相似文献   

The quantity and activities of membrane-bound and free polysomes in livers from chick embryos at successive stages of development were compared in cell-free protein-synthesizing systems. Membrane-bound polysomes increased 2-fold between 8 and 18 days of development, while total ribosome content remained constant. Free polysome activity also remained constant during this period, while that of membrane-bound (total--free) polysomes decreased, possibly because of an increase in ribonuclease activity in this fraction. Serum albumin biosynthesis occurred primarily on membrane-bound polysomes. With liver development, increased secretion of serum proteins may be correlated with synthesis of serum albumin on increasing numbers of membrane bound polyribosomes.  相似文献   

Total, membrane-bound and free polyribosomes were purified from livers of Zn2+-treated and control rats. Polyadenylated RNA was separated from the polyribosomal RNA extracts by oligo(dT)--cellulose chromatography and translated in a wheat-germ cell-free translation system. Newly synthesized 35S-labelled metallothionein was isolated from the other [35S]methionine-labelled translation products by activated-thiol--Sepharose 4B chromatography. The purity of the 35S-labelled metallothionein product was substantiated by sodium dodecyl sulphate/polyacrylamide-gel electrophoresis. Zinc administration resulted in an elevation of metallothionein mRNA activity to 11% of the total polyribosomal mRNA activity. The vast majority of biologically active metallothionein mRNA was localized in the free polyribosomal pool, at least 94% and 97% in control and zinc-treated rats respectively. The increase in the percentage of polyribosomal mRNA coding for metallothionein after zinc administration was 3-fold, whether measured directly in total polyribosomal mRNA or as a combination derived from membrane-bound and free polyribosomal mRNA. These data indicate that the induction of metallothionein mRNA by zinc involves only free polyribosomes and suggest that the function of metallothionein is limited to intracellular processes.  相似文献   

Poly(A)-rich RNA from phenol-extracted rat liver polysomes was translated in a heterologous cell-free system derived from wheat germs. The labeled translation products were incubated with an antiserum against cytochrome c oxidase subunit V. After immunoprecipitation and affinity chromatography with protein-A-Sepharose, the isolated antigen-immunoglobulin complexes were analyzed by sodium dodecyl sulfate/polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and fluorography. Only one protein with an apparent molecular weight of 15 500 was visualized. In immunocompetition experiments with unlabeled individual cytochrome c oxidase subunits IV, V, VI or VII only subunit V could compete with the 15 500-Mr protein synthesized in vitro. Two-dimensional fingerprints of cytochrome c oxidase subunit V and the polypeptide synthesized in vitro showed a high degree of similarity. It is concluded that the cytochrome c oxidase subunit V is synthesized as a precursor with an amino-terminal extension of about 25 amino acids. It was possible to convert the precursor of cytochrome c oxidase subunit V synthesized in vitro to its mature form by intact mitochondria as well as by submitochondrial particles. A chain length of 830 +/- 70 nucleotides was estimated for the poly(A)-rich mRNA of the higher-molecular-weight precursor of rat liver cytochrome c oxidase subunit V. Assuming a molecular weight of 15 500 for the precursor a non-coding region of about 300 nucleotides must exist. In experiments on the site of synthesis it is shown that the poly(A)-rich RNA for the higher-molecular-weight precursor of cytochrome c oxidase subunit V is found in free, loosely and tightly membrane-bound polyribosomes.  相似文献   

Ribosomal proteins from pure free and membrane-bound rat liver polysomes were analyzed with a highly resolutive two-dimensional gel electrophoresis technique, using sodium dodecyl sulfate in the second dimension. Three acidic proteins found in free polysomes were always absent from the membrane-bound polysomes. Their molecular weights were estimated to be 20 000, 19 500 and 18 500. When free ribosomes were dissociated into subunits, the three protein spots were still found in the 60S subunit pattern, but they were weaker than in polysomes. A possible involvement of these three proteins in the attachment of ribosomal structures to the membranes is proposed.  相似文献   

A procedure is described for the preparation of free and membrane-bound polysomes from rat liver. The procedure involves: differential centrifugation of liver homogenate to separate free and membrane-bound polysomes; treatment of the membrane-bound polysome fraction with a detergent to release bound polysomes from membranes; and magnesium precipitation of both classes of polysomes. Free and bound polysomes prepared in this manner were essentially undegraded and highly active in cell-free protein synthesis. The recovery of polysomes was nearly quantitative and the distribution between the free and membrane-bound state was 41 and 59%, respectively. Polypeptides synthesized in vitro by the free and membrane-bound polysomes were quite different. The majority (81-84%) of mRNA activities of two secretory proteins (albumin and transferrin) were recovered in the membrane-bound polysomes, whereas the majority (81-85%) of mRNA activities of two cytosolic [aldolase B, EC, and argininosuccinate synthetase, EC], one mitochondrial [ornithine carbamoyltransferase, EC] and one peroxisomal [catalase, EC] proteins were recovered in the free polysomes. A polysome class synthesizing ornithine carbamoyltransferase was purified 42-fold from the free polysomes by immunoprecipitation. The procedure is rapid (4-5 h) and reproducible, and provides a nearly quantitative means of separating the two classes of polysomes.  相似文献   

Contrasting results have been reported on the effect of steroid hormones on the interaction between ribosomes and endoplasmic reticulum in rat liver. Exposure to high gravitational forces for a long time was found necessary to obtain a constant ratio of free to membrane-bound ribosomes from the post-nuclear supernatant. Using these isolation conditions, rat liver from fasted controls and from fasted, adrenalectomized rats contain both about 45% membranebound ribosomes. Addition of corticosterone to the livers from adrenalectomized rats did not increase the pool of bound ribosomes more than in the control livers; 55% was found in both. Corticosterone had therefore no effect on the pool sizes of free and membrane-bound ribosomes in perfused rat livers.  相似文献   

We have examined the distribution of ferritin mRNA to free and endoplasmic reticulum (ER)-bound liver polyribosomes during inflammation and iron treatment of rats. Postnuclear tissue supernatants were fractionated on a discontinuous sucrose gradient developed to separate free and bound polyribosomes. Total RNA recovered averaged 3.2 mg/g tissue, 40% of which was with ER and 30% with the free polyribosomes, about 25% being with the postribosomal/RNP fraction. Slot-blot hybridization of equal portions of RNA revealed that 12 h after injection of turpentine to induce inflammation, ferritin mRNA was concentrated on the ER-bound polyribosomes, while it was concentrated on the free polyribosomes 2 h after injection of ferric ammonium citrate. Differences were highly significant, based on multiple determinations and densitometry. Profiles of ferritin mRNA distribution on linear sucrose gradients corroborated the differential findings. Concentrations of total ferritin mRNA per gram liver doubled with iron treatment but were not significantly different 12 h after turpentine treatment. At the same time point after turpentine, ferritin protein synthesis was increased twofold, as measured by the 1 h incorporation of [14C]leucine. We conclude that a significant portion of ferritin mRNA always associates with the ER-bound polyribosomes, and that inflammation and iron differentially alter the polysomal distribution of ferritin mRNA, suggesting that two different kinds of mRNA may be involved.  相似文献   

To study the effect of regenerative response of the liver following partial hepatectomy on the synthesis of major plasma proteins (secretory proteins), we have determined the sequence contents and the distribution of albumin and fibrinogen polypeptide mRNAs in rat liver at intervals after partial hepatectomy and sham operation. Using a quantitative technique for the isolation of polyribosomes, we demonstrated that the distribution of RNA between free and membrane-bound polyribosomal fraction was unchanged in these experiments. There was no shift in the polyribosomal population to favor free polyribosomes after partial hepatectomy. However, there was a dramatic increase (5-6-fold) of the fibrinogen polypeptide mRNA concentration during the first 24 h after resection. In contrast, the albumin mRNA concentration decreased (2-3-fold). There were no alpha-fetoprotein mRNA sequences detectable in any liver RNA fraction in these experimental animals. In sham-operated rats with intact livers, similar changes of fibrinogen polypeptide and albumin mRNA concentrations as described in regenerating liver after partial hepatectomy, were observed. These results suggest that albumin and fibrinogen synthesis after partial hepatectomy is reciprocally regulated at the mRNA level and represents a nonspecific acute phase response to surgical trauma.  相似文献   

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