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We present a simple method, ARTSY, for extracting 1JNH couplings and 1H–15N RDCs from an interleaved set of two-dimensional 1H–15N TROSY-HSQC spectra, based on the principle of quantitative J correlation. The primary advantage of the ARTSY method over other methods is the ability to measure couplings without scaling peak positions or altering the narrow line widths characteristic of TROSY spectra. Accuracy of the method is demonstrated for the model system GB3. Application to the catalytic core domain of HIV integrase, a 36 kDa homodimer with unfavorable spectral characteristics, demonstrates its practical utility. Precision of the RDC measurement is limited by the signal-to-noise ratio, S/N, achievable in the 2D TROSY-HSQC spectrum, and is approximately given by 30/(S/N) Hz.  相似文献   

Imino 1H–15N residual dipolar couplings (RDCs) provide additional structural information that complements standard 1H–1H NOEs leading to improvements in both the local and global structure of RNAs. Here, we report measurement of imino 1H–1H RDCs for the Iron Responsive Element (IRE) RNA and native E. coli tRNAVal using a BEST-Jcomp-HMQC2 experiment. 1H–1H RDCs are observed between the imino protons in G–U wobble base pairs and between imino protons on neighboring base pairs in both RNAs. These imino 1H–1H RDCs complement standard 1H–15N RDCs because the 1H–1H vectors generally point along the helical axis, roughly perpendicular to 1H–15N RDCs. The use of longitudinal relaxation enhancement increased the signal-to-noise of the spectra by ~3.5-fold over the standard experiment. The ability to measure imino 1H–1H RDCs offers a new restraint, which can be used in NMR domain orientation and structural studies of RNAs. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

The presence of dipole-dipole cross-correlated relaxation as well as unresolved E.COSY effects adversely impacts the accuracy of 1 J NH splittings measured from gradient-enhanced IPAP-HSQC spectra. For isotropic samples, the size of the systematic errors caused by these effects depends on the values of 2 J NHα , 3 J NHβ and 3 J HNHα . Insertion of band-selective 1H decoupling pulses in the IPAP-HSQC experiment eliminates these systematic errors and for the protein GB3 yields 1 J NH splittings that agree to within a root-mean-square difference of 0.04 Hz with values measured for perdeuterated GB3. Accuracy of the method is also highlighted by a good fit to the GB3 structure of the 1H-15N RDCs extracted from the minute differences in 1JNH splitting measured at 500 and 750 MHz 1H frequencies, resulting from magnetic susceptibility anisotropy. A nearly complete set of 2 J NHα couplings was measured in GB3 in order to evaluate whether the impact of cross-correlated relaxation is dominated by the 15N–1H α or 15N–1H β dipolar interaction. As expected, we find that 2 J NHα  ≤ 2 Hz, with values in the α-helix (0.86 ± 0.52 Hz) slightly larger than in β-sheet (0.66 ± 0.26 Hz). Results indicate that under isotropic conditions, N–HN/N–H β cross-correlated relaxation often dominates. Unresolved E.COSY effects under isotropic conditions involve 3 J HNHα and J NHα , but when weakly aligned any aliphatic proton proximate to both N and HN can contribute. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Analogous to the recently introduced ARTSY method for measurement of one-bond (1)H-(15)N residual dipolar couplings (RDCs) in large perdeuterated proteins, we introduce methods for measurement of base (13)C-(1)H and (15)N-(1)H RDCs in protonated nucleic acids. Measurements are based on quantitative analysis of intensities in (1)H-(15)N and (13)C-(1)H TROSY-HSQC spectra, and are illustrated for a 71-nucleotide adenine riboswitch. Results compare favorably with those of conventional frequency-based measurements in terms of completeness and convenience of use. The ARTSY method derives the size of the coupling from the ratio of intensities observed in two TROSY-HSQC spectra recorded with different dephasing delays, thereby minimizing potential resonance overlap problems. Precision of the RDC measurements is limited by the signal-to-noise ratio, S/N, achievable in the 2D TROSY-HSQC reference spectrum, and is approximately given by 30/(S/N) Hz for (15)N-(1)H and 65/(S/N) Hz for (13)C-(1)H. The signal-to-noise ratio of both (1)H-(15)N and (1)H-(13)C spectra greatly benefits when water magnetization during the experiments is not perturbed, such that rapid magnetization transfer from bulk water to the nucleic acid, mediated by rapid amino and hydroxyl hydrogen exchange coupled with (1)H-(1)H NOE transfer, allows for fast repetition of the experiment. RDCs in the mutated helix 1 of the riboswitch are compatible with nucleotide-specifically modeled, idealized A-form geometry and a static orientation relative to the helix 2/3 pair, which differs by ca 6° relative to the X-ray structure of the native riboswitch.  相似文献   

NMR relaxation of arginine (Arg) 15Nε nuclei is useful for studying side-chain dynamics of proteins. In this work, we studied the impact of two geminal 15N–15N scalar couplings on measurements of transverse relaxation rates (R 2 ) for Arg side-chain 15Nε nuclei. For 12 Arg side chains of the DNA-binding domain of the Antp protein, we measured the geminal 15N–15N couplings ( 2 J NN ) of the 15Nε nuclei and found that the magnitudes of the 2 J NN coupling constants were virtually uniform with an average of 1.2 Hz. Our simulations, assuming ideal 180° rotations for all 15N nuclei, suggested that the two 2 J NN couplings of this magnitude could in principle cause significant modulation in signal intensities during the Carr–Purcell-Meiboom–Gill (CPMG) scheme for Arg 15Nε R 2 measurements. However, our experimental data show that the expected modulation via two 2 J NN couplings vanishes during the 15N CPMG scheme. This quenching of J modulation can be explained by the mechanism described in Dittmer and Bodenhausen (Chemphyschem 7:831–836, 2006). This effect allows for accurate measurements of R 2 relaxation rates for Arg side-chain 15Nε nuclei despite the presence of two 2 J NN couplings. Although the so-called recoupling conditions may cause overestimate of R 2 rates for very mobile Arg side chains, such conditions can readily be avoided through appropriate experimental settings.  相似文献   

Ribonucleic acid structure determination by NMR spectroscopy relies primarily on local structural restraints provided by 1H 1H NOEs and J-couplings. When employed loosely, these restraints are broadly compatible with A- and B-like helical geometries and give rise to calculated structures that are highly sensitive to the force fields employed during refinement. A survey of recently reported NMR structures reveals significant variations in helical parameters, particularly the major groove width. Although helical parameters observed in high-resolution X-ray crystal structures of isolated A-form RNA helices are sensitive to crystal packing effects, variations among the published X-ray structures are significantly smaller than those observed in NMR structures. Here we show that restraints derived from aromatic 1H 13C residual dipolar couplings (RDCs) and residual chemical shift anisotropies (RCSAs) can overcome NMR restraint and force field deficiencies and afford structures with helical properties similar to those observed in high-resolution X-ray structures.  相似文献   

We present a highly sensitive pulse sequence, carbonyl carbon label selective 1H–15N HSQC (CCLS-HSQC) for the detection of signals from 1H–15N units involved in 13C′–15N linkages. The CCLS-HSQC pulse sequence utilizes a modified 15N CT evolution period equal to 1/( ) (∼33 ms) to select for 13C′–15N pairs. By collecting CCLS-HSQC and HNCO data for two proteins (8 kDa ubiquitin and 20 kDa HscB) at various temperatures (5–40°C) in order to vary correlation times, we demonstrate the superiority of the CCLS-HSQC pulse sequence for proteins with long correlation times (i.e. higher molecular weight). We then show that the CCLS-HSQC experiment yields assignments in the case of a 41 kDa protein incorporating pairs of 15N- and 13C′-labeled amino acids, where a TROSY 2D-HN(CO) had failed. Although the approach requires that the 1H–15N HSQC cross peaks be observable, it does not require deuteration of the protein. The method is suitable for larger proteins and is less affected by conformational exchange than HNCO experiments, which require a longer period of transverse 15N magnetization. The method also is tolerant to the partial loss of signal from isotopic dilution (scrambling). This approach will be applicable to families of proteins that have been resistant to NMR structural and dynamic analysis, such as large enzymes, and partially folded or unfolded proteins.  相似文献   

A two-dimensional TROSY-based SIM-(13)C(m)-(1)H(m)/(1)H-(15)N NMR experiment for simultaneous measurements of methyl (1) D (CH) and backbone amide (1) D (NH) residual dipolar couplings (RDC) in {U-[(15)N,(2)H]; Ileδ1-[(13)CH(3)]; Leu,Val-[(13)CH(3)/(12)CD(3)]}-labeled samples of large proteins is described. Significant variation in the alignment tensor of the 82-kDa enzyme Malate synthase G is observed as a function of only slight changes in experimental conditions. The SIM-(13)C(m)-(1)H(m)/(1)H-(15)N data sets provide convenient means of establishing the alignment tensor characteristics via the measurement of (1) D (NH) RDCs in the same protein sample.  相似文献   

Seasonal oscillations in the carbon (δ13C) and nitrogen (δ15N) isotope signatures of aquatic algae can cause seasonal enrichment–depletion cycles in the isotopic composition of planktonic invertebrates (e.g., copepods). Yet, there is growing evidence that seasonal enrichment–depletion cycles also occur in the isotope signatures of larger invertebrate consumers, taxa used to define reference points in isotope-based trophic models (e.g., trophic baselines). To evaluate the general assumption of temporal stability in non-zooplankton aquatic invertebrates, δ13C and δ15N time series data from the literature were analyzed for seasonality and the influence of biotic (feeding group) and abiotic (trophic state, climate regime) factors on isotope temporal patterns. The amplitude of δ13C and δ15N enrichment–depletion cycles was negatively related to body size, although all size-classes of invertebrates displayed a winter-to-summer enrichment in δ13C and depletion in δ15N. Among feeding groups, periphytic grazers were more variable and displayed larger temporal changes in δ13C than detritivores. For nitrogen, temporal variability and magnitude of directional change of δ15N was most strongly related to ecosystem trophic state (eutrophic > mesotrophic, oligotrophic). This study provides evidence of seasonality in the isotopic composition of aquatic invertebrates across very broad geographical and ecological gradients as well as identifying factors that are likely to modulate the strength and variability of seasonality. These results emphasize the need for researchers to recognize the likelihood of temporal changes in non-zooplankton aquatic invertebrate consumers at time scales relevant to seasonal studies and, if present, to account for temporal dynamics in isotope trophic models.  相似文献   

The limits of resolution that can be obtained in 1H–15N 2D NMR spectroscopy of isotopically enriched nanocrystalline proteins are explored. Combinations of frequency switched Lee–Goldburg (FSLG) decoupling, fast magic angle sample spinning (MAS), and isotopic dilution via deuteration are investigated as methods for narrowing the amide 1H resonances. Heteronuclear decoupling of 15N from the 1H resonances is also studied. Using human ubiquitin as a model system, the best resolution is most easily obtained with uniformly 2H and 15N enriched protein where the amides have been exchanged in normal water, MAS at 20 kHz, and WALTZ-16 decoupling of the 15N nuclei. The combination of these techniques results in average 1H lines of only 0.26 ppm full width at half maximum. Techniques for optimizing instrument stability and 15N decoupling are described for achieving the best possible performance in these experiments.  相似文献   

The ability to simultaneously measure many long-range distances is critical to efficient and accurate determination of protein structures by solid-state NMR (SSNMR). So far, the most common distance constraints for proteins are 13C–15N distances, which are usually measured using the rotational-echo double-resonance (REDOR) technique. However, these measurements are restricted to distances of up to ~?5 Å due to the low gyromagnetic ratios of 15N and 13C. Here we present a robust 2D 13C–19F REDOR experiment to measure multiple distances to ~?10 Å. The technique targets proteins that contain a small number of recombinantly or synthetically incorporated fluorines. The 13C–19F REDOR sequence is combined with 2D 13C–13C correlation to resolve multiple distances in highly 13C-labeled proteins. We show that, at the high magnetic fields which are important for obtaining well resolved 13C spectra, the deleterious effect of the large 19F chemical shift anisotropy for REDOR is ameliorated by fast magic-angle spinning and is further taken into account in numerical simulations. We demonstrate this 2D 13C–13C resolved 13C–19F REDOR technique on 13C, 15N-labeled GB1. A 5-19F-Trp tagged GB1 sample shows the extraction of distances to a single fluorine atom, while a 3-19F-Tyr labeled GB1 sample allows us to evaluate the effects of multi-spin coupling and statistical 19F labeling on distance measurement. Finally, we apply this 2D REDOR experiment to membrane-bound influenza B M2 transmembrane peptide, and show that the distance between the proton-selective histidine residue and the gating tryptophan residue differs from the distances in the solution NMR structure of detergent-bound BM2. This 2D 13C–19F REDOR technique should facilitate SSNMR-based protein structure determination by increasing the measurable distances to the ~?10 Å range.  相似文献   

We present two NMR experiments, (3,2)D HNHA and (3,2)D HNHB, for rapid and accurate measurement of 3J(H N-H alpha) and 3J(N-H beta) coupling constants in polypeptides based on the principle of G-matrix Fourier transform NMR spectroscopy and quantitative J-correlation. These experiments, which facilitate fast acquisition of three-dimensional data with high spectral/digital resolution and chemical shift dispersion, will provide renewed opportunities to utilize them for sequence specific resonance assignments, estimation/characterization of secondary structure with/without prior knowledge of resonance assignments, stereospecific assignment of prochiral groups and 3D structure determination, refinement and validation. Taken together, these experiments have a wide range of applications from structural genomics projects to studying structure and folding in polypeptides.  相似文献   

γS-crystallin is a major structural component of the human eye lens, which maintains its stability over the lifetime of an organism with negligible turnover. The G57W mutant of human γS-crystallin (abbreviated hereafter as γS-G57W) is associated with dominant congenital cataracts. In order to provide a structural basis for the ability of γS-G57W causing cataract, we have cloned, overexpressed, isolated and purified the protein. The 2D [15N–1H]-HSQC spectrum recorded with uniformly 13C/15N-labelled γS-G57W was highly dispersed indicating the protein to adopt an ordered conformation. In this paper, we report almost complete sequence-specific 1H, 13C and 15N resonance assignments of γS-G57W using a suite of heteronuclear 3D NMR experiments.  相似文献   

While the use of 1H–13C methyl correlated NMR spectroscopy at natural isotopic abundance has been demonstrated as feasible on protein therapeutics as large as monoclonal antibodies, spectral interference from aliphatic excipients remains a significant obstacle to its widespread application. These signals can cause large baseline artifacts, obscure protein resonances, and cause dynamic range suppression of weak peaks in non-uniform sampling applications, thus hampering both traditional peak-based spectral analyses as well as emerging chemometric methods of analysis. Here we detail modifications to the 2D 1H–13C gradient-selected HSQC experiment that make use of selective pulsing techniques for targeted removal of interfering excipient signals in spectra of the NISTmAb prepared in several different formulations. This approach is demonstrated to selectively reduce interfering excipient signals while still yielding 2D spectra with only modest losses in protein signal. Furthermore, it is shown that spectral modeling based on the SMILE algorithm can be used to simulate and subtract any residual excipient signals and their attendant artifacts from the resulting 2D NMR spectra.  相似文献   

Arginine side-chains are often key for enzyme catalysis, protein–ligand and protein–protein interactions. The importance of arginine stems from the ability of the terminal guanidinium group to form many key interactions, such as hydrogen bonds and salt bridges, as well as its perpetual positive charge. We present here an arginine 13Cζ-detected NMR experiment in which a double-quantum coherence involving the two 15Nη nuclei is evolved during the indirect chemical shift evolution period. As the precession frequency of the double-quantum coherence is insensitive to exchange of the two 15Nη; this new approach is shown to eliminate the previously deleterious line broadenings of 15Nη resonances caused by the partially restricted rotation about the Cζ–Nε bond. Consequently, sharp and well-resolved 15Nη resonances can be observed. The utility of the presented method is demonstrated on the L99A mutant of the 19 kDa protein T4 lysozyme, where the measurement of small chemical shift perturbations, such as one-bond deuterium isotope shifts, of the arginine amine 15Nη nuclei becomes possible using the double-quantum experiment.  相似文献   

A TROSY-based NMR experiment is described for simultaneous measurement of the 15N longitudinal relaxation rate constant R1 and the {1H}–15N nuclear Overhauser enhancement. The experiment is based on the observation that the TROSY mixing pulse sequence element symmetrically exchanges 1H and 15N magnetizations. The accuracy of the proposed technique is validated by comparison to independent measurements of both relaxation parameters for the protein ubiquitin. The simultaneous experiment is approximately 20–33% shorter than conventional sequential measurements.  相似文献   

Interleukin-36α (IL-36α) is a recently characterised member of the interleukin-1 superfamily. It is involved in the pathogenesis of inflammatory arthritis in one third of psoriasis patients. By binding of IL-36α to its receptor IL-36R via the NF-κB pathway other cytokines involved in inflammatory and apoptotic cascade are activated. The efficacy of complex formation is controlled by N-terminal processing. To obtain a more detailed view on the structure function relationship we performed a heteronuclear multidimensional NMR investigation and here report the 1H, 13C, and 15N resonance assignments for the backbone and side chain nuclei of the pro-inflammatory cytokine interleukin-36α.  相似文献   

Sensitive 2D solid-state 13C–13C correlation spectra of amyloid β fibrils have been recorded at very fast spinning frequencies and very high magnetic fields. It is demonstrated that PARIS-xy recoupling using moderate rf amplitudes can provide structural information by promoting efficient magnetization transfer even under such challenging experimental conditions. Furthermore, it has been shown both experimentally and by numerical simulations that the method is not very sensitive to dipolar truncation effects and can reveal direct transfer across distances of about 3.5–4Å.  相似文献   

15N–1H residual dipolar couplings (RDC) have been used as additional restraints to refine the solution structure of the ribotoxin -sarcin. The RDC values were obtained by partial alignment of -sarcin in the binary mixture of n-dodecyl hexa(ethylene glycol)/hexanol. A total of 131 RDCs were measured and 106 were introduced in the final steps of the calculation protocol following the main calculation based on nuclear Overhauser enhancements and torsion angle restraints. A homogeneous family of 81 conformers was obtained. The resulting average pairwise root-mean-square deviation corresponding to the superposition of the 20 best structures is 0.69±0.12 Å for the backbone and 1.29±0.14 Å for all heavy atoms. The new structural features derived from the refined structure, compared with the non-refined structure of -sarcin, consist of new hydrogen bonds and a better definition of the backbone conformation. In particular, the loop segment spanning Gly 60 to Lys 70 shows a single conformation, corresponding to the most populated family of conformers observed in the unrefined structure. The information derived from the analysis of the refined structure and the comparison with the homologous protein restrictocin could help in establishing further structure–function relationships concerning -sarcin which can be reasonably extrapolated to other members of the ribotoxin family.  相似文献   

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