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The centipede Strigamia maritima forms all of its segments during embryogenesis. Trunk segments form sequentially from an apparently undifferentiated disk of cells at the posterior of the germ band. We have previously described periodic patterns of gene expression in this posterior disc that precede overt differentiation of segments, and suggested that a segmentation oscillator may be operating in the posterior disc. We now show that genes of the Notch signalling pathway, including the ligand Delta, and homologues of the Drosophila pair-rule genes even-skipped and hairy, show periodic expression in the posterior disc, consistent with their involvement in, or regulation by, such an oscillator. These genes are expressed in a pattern of apparently expanding concentric rings around the proctodeum, which become stripes at the base of the germ band where segments are emerging. In this transition zone, these primary stripes define a double segment periodicity: segmental stripes of engrailed expression, which mark the posterior of each segment, arise at two different phases of the primary pattern. Delta and even-skipped are also activated in secondary stripes that intercalate between primary stripes in this region, further defining the single segment repeat. These data, together with observations that Notch mediated signalling is required for segment pattern formation in other arthropods, suggest that the ancestral arthropod segmentation cascade may have involved a segmentation oscillator that utilised Notch signalling.  相似文献   

类糖原合成酶激酶(SKs)属于丝氨酸/苏氨酸类蛋白激酶,在植物器官发育、激素信号传导过程中十分重要,并参与生物胁迫、非生物胁迫的应答过程。大叶落地生根中的胎生苗发育过程,同时具备胚胎发生和器官发生的特征,是研究无性生殖的理想模型。为了更好地理解大叶落地生根中胎生苗发育的分子机制,该研究利用RACE-PCR技术,从大叶落地生根中克隆了1个新的基因KdSK。该基因具有423个氨基酸残基,分子量为47.79 kD,等电点为8.37,其开放阅读框长为1 272 bp。其蛋白与黄瓜的同源性最高,属于植物类GSK3/shaggy蛋白激酶家族的第Ⅳ类,与苜蓿(MSK4)蛋白在进化关系上最近,且与拟南芥(AtSK4-1、AtKSK4-2)聚为一枝。保守域结构分析表明,KdSK蛋白具有明显的蛋白激酶的结构域,包括蛋白激酶的ATP结构域和丝氨酸/苏氨酸蛋白激酶活化结构域。实时荧光定量PCR分析表明,该蛋白基因在大叶落地生根的根中表达量最高,且受渗透胁迫(甘露醇)的诱导上调表达。该研究首次从大叶落地生根中克隆出KdSK基因,该研究结果为进一步研究该基因的功能打下了基础。  相似文献   

Comparative studies have examined the expression and function of homologues of the Drosophila melanogaster pair rule and segment polarity genes in a range of arthropods. The segment polarity gene homologues have a conserved role in the specification of the parasegment boundary, but the degree of conservation of the upstream patterning genes has proved more variable. Using genomic resources we identify a complete set of pair rule gene homologues from the centipede Strigamia maritima, and document a detailed time series of expression during trunk segmentation. We find supportive evidence for a conserved hierarchical organisation of the pair rule genes, with a division into early- and late-activated genes which parallels the functional division into primary and secondary pair rule genes described in insects. We confirm that the relative expression of sloppy-paired and paired with respect to wingless and engrailed at the parasegment boundary is conserved between myriapods and insects; suggesting that functional interactions between these genes might be an ancient feature of arthropod segment patterning. However, we find that the relative expression of a number of the primary pair rule genes is divergent between myriapods and insects. This corroborates suggestions that the evolution of upper tiers in the segmentation gene network is more flexible. Finally, we find that the expression of the Strigamia pair rule genes in periodic patterns is restricted to the ectoderm. This suggests that any direct role of these genes in segmentation is restricted to this germ layer, and that mesoderm segmentation is either dependent on the ectoderm, or occurs through an independent mechanism.  相似文献   

Different phenotypes associated with the tetanic (tta) mutation such as appendage contraction, maternal effect and low viability and fertility are enhanced by one extra dose of the Shaker gene complex (ShC). The tta mutation is lethal with two extra doses of ShC. In addition, tta embryos have a defective nervous system. In this paper, I analyse the interaction between tta and ShC to gain insight into their relationship. Aneuploid analysis suggests that the lethality is due to an interaction of the tta mutation with the maternal effect (ME) region of this gene complex. Mutations in the ME region of ShC partially suppress this interaction. Trans-heterozygous combinations of MEI[l(1)305] and MEIII [l(1)459] mutations causes dominant lethality in a tta background. Trans-heterozygous combinations of an MEII [l(1)1359] mutation with the cited MEI and MEIII mutations are lethal in a tta background. Double mutant combinations and gene dosage experiments, suggest that tta also interacts with the viable (V) region of ShC. These specific genetic interactions indicate that tta and the ME and V regions of ShC are functionally related. These results, together with the previous electrophysiological, molecular and biochemical studies on these mutants suggest an interaction at the protein level. Thus, in the case of the V region, the tta gene product may modulate the activity of the K+ channels encoded in this region. Furthermore, the extreme dosage sensitivity of the interaction between tta and ShC suggests a stoichiometric requirement for the different gene products involved, which might be physically associated and form heteromultimers.  相似文献   

A gene (dexS) coding for a Streptococcus suis capsular type 2 dextranase (DexS) was detected in a recombinant gene library constructed in phage λZapII, and its nucleotide sequence was determined. Sequence comparison showed that the dexS gene product had significant similarities with enzymes which hydrolyze glucose polymers. Moreover, conserved amino acids that are suggested to be part of the active site of the glucosidases are also found in DexS. The dexS gene, adjacent to the gene encoding a S. suis IgG-binding protein, encoded a protein of approximately 62 kDa which exhibited DexS activity.  相似文献   

Different mutations belonging to the HLI and HLII complementation groups of the haplolethal (HL) region of the Shaker complex (ShC) are described. The HLI complementation group includes viable (hdp), recessive lethals [l(1)1614], semidominant lethals [l(1)8384] and dominant lethals [l(1)5051,l(1)9916, l(1)13193], lack-of-function alleles that affect nervous system, cuticle and muscle development. The HLI complementation group encodes troponin I. HLII lack-of-function mutations [l(1)174 and l(l)4058] affect nervous system development. The semidominant lethal HLI mutation 1(1)8384 shows differential complementation with other mutations in the ME and HL regions of ShC. Thus, heterozygous combinations of l(1)8384 with ME mutations l(1)162 and l(1)387 are poorly viable. The same phenomenon is observed for heterozygotes of l(1)8384 with HL mutations l(1)1199, l(1)2288 and l(1)3014. These specific interactions indicate the existence of functional relationships among the genetic elements of ShC. The implications for the understanding of the functional organization of ShC are discussed.  相似文献   

The Pax6 genes eyeless (ey) and twin of eyeless (toy) are upstream regulators in the retinal determination gene network (RDGN), which instructs the formation of the adult eye primordium in Drosophila. Most animals possess a singleton Pax6 ortholog, but the dependence of eye development on Pax6 is widely conserved. A rare exception is given by the larval eyes of Drosophila, which develop independently of ey and toy. To obtain insight into the origin of differential larval and adult eye regulation, we studied the function of toy and ey in the red flour beetle Tribolium castaneum. We find that single and combinatorial knockdown of toy and ey affect larval eye development strongly but adult eye development only mildly in this primitive hemimetabolous species. Compound eye-loss, however, was provoked when ey and toy were RNAi-silenced in combination with the early retinal gene dachshund (dac). We propose that these data reflect a role of Pax6 during regional specification in the developing head and that the subsequent maintenance and growth of the adult eye primordium is regulated partly by redundant and partly by specific functions of toy, ey and dac in Tribolium. The results from embryonic knockdown and comparative protein sequence analysis lead us further to conclude that Tribolium represents an ancestral state of redundant control by ey and toy.  相似文献   

A gene family, designated kat, has been characterized in Arabidopsis thaliana by genomic Southern hybridization and nucleotide sequencing analysis. The kat gene family includes at least five members, named katA, katB, katC, katD and katE, whose products share appreciable sequence similarities in their presumptive ATP-binding and microtubule-binding motifs with known kinesin-like proteins. The carboxyl-terminal region of the KatA protein deduced from the nucleotide sequence of the cDNA clone has considerable homology with the mechanochemical motor domain of the kinesin heavy chain. The predicted secondary structure of the KatA protein indicates two globular domains separated by a long a helical coiled coil with heptad repeat structures, such as are commonly found in kinesin-like proteins.  相似文献   

付亚娟  张剑  刘欢  侯晓强 《广西植物》2019,39(5):633-640
亲环素是一个多基因家族,在植物生命活动中发挥着重要的作用。该研究以大花杓兰(Cypripedium macranthum)为材料,采用RT-PCR技术克隆到1个亲环素基因(CyP),并对其进行生物信息学分析。结果表明:大花杓兰CyP基因的开放阅读框序列为525 bp,命名为CmCyP(GenBank登录号为MH411125),编码174个氨基酸。预测CmCyP蛋白是一个位于细胞质、相对分子量约为18 kD、理论pI为8.73、无信号肽、跨膜结构域的亲水性蛋白质。磷酸化和糖基化位点预测分析发现,CmCyP蛋白存在18个潜在的磷酸化位点和2个潜在的糖基化位点。蛋白保守结构域预测分析发现,CmCyP蛋白包含一个高度保守的肽脯氨酰顺反异构酶结构域,属于单结构域亲环素。对二级结构进行预测分析发现,CmCyP蛋白中存在无规卷曲70个、延伸链56个、α-螺旋23个、β-折叠25个,这4种结构元件在三级结构中也有体现。系统进化树结果显示,大花杓兰CmCyP蛋白与铁皮石斛(Dendrobium catenatum)和万带兰(Vanda hybrid cultivar)的CyP蛋白的亲缘关系较近。该研究首次克隆了大花杓兰亲环素基因(CmCyP),为进一步探讨CmCyP基因的生物学功能奠定了基础。  相似文献   



The gene transformer-2, which is involved in sex determination, has been studied in Drosophila, Musca, Ceratitis, Anastrepha and Lucilia. All these members of Diptera belong to the suborder Brachycera. In this work, it is reported the isolation and characterisation of genes transformer-2 of the dipterans Sciara ocellaris and Bradysia coprophila (formerly Sciara coprophila), which belong to the much less extensively analysed Sciaridae Family of the Suborder Nematocera, which is paraphyletic with respect to Suborder Brachycera.  相似文献   

Chitinase 1 (Chil) is the major extracellular chitinase from the hyperparasitic fungus, Aphanocladium album. We determined the complete sequence of the chromosomal and cDNA copies of the structural gene (chi1) coding for Chil. The coding region is interrupted by three short introns (55, 53 and 49 bp long). Chil is 423 aa long and begins with a stretch of 34 aa not found in the mature protein. The Chil sequence presents overall similarities with bacterial chitinases from Serratia marcescens and Bacillus circulans. Compared with other chitinases, A. album Chi1 has only two short similarity regions (12 and 8 aa long), which are also found in bacterial, yeast and some plant chitinases.  相似文献   

The IGFs (IGF-I and IGF-II) are essential for normal mammalian growth and development. Their actions are mediated primarily by their interactions with the type I IGF receptor (IGF-I receptor), a transmembrane tyrosine kinase. The ligands and the IGF-I receptor are structurally related to insulin and to the insulin receptor, respectively. Analysis of evolutionary conservation has often provided insights into essential regions of molecules such as hormones and their receptors. The genes for insulin and IGFs have been partially characterized in a number of vertebrate species extending evolutionarily from humans as far back as fish. The sequences of the exons encoding the mature insulin and IGF peptides are highly conserved among vertebrate species, and IGF-I-Iike molecules are found in species whose origins extend back as much as 550 million years. The insulin receptor is also highly conserved in vertebrate species, and an insulinreceptor-like molecule has been characterized in Drosophila. In contrast, IGF-I receptors have only been characterized in mammalian species and partially studied in Xenopus, in which the tyrosine kinase domain is highly conserved. Studies are presently being undertaken to analyze in more detail the regulation of the genes encoding this important family of growth factors and the structure/function relationships in the gene products themselves. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Peptide hormones governing many developmental processes are generated via endoproteolysis of inactive precursor molecules by a family of subtilisin-like proprotein convertases (SPCs). We previously identified mutations in the Drosophila amontillado (amon) gene, a homolog of the vertebrate neuroendocrine-specific Prohormone Convertase 2 (PC2) gene, and showed that amon is required during embryogenesis, early larval development, and larval molting. Here, we define amon requirements during later developmental stages using a conditional rescue system and find that amon is required during pupal development for head eversion, leg and wing disc extension, and abdominal differentiation. Immuno-localization experiments show that amon protein is expressed in a subset of central nervous system cells but does not co-localize with peptide hormones known to elicit molting behavior, suggesting the involvement of novel regulatory peptides in this process. The amon protein is expressed in neuronal cells that innervate the corpus allatum and corpora cardiaca of the ring gland, an endocrine organ which is the release site for many key hormonal signals. Expression of amon in a subset of these cell types using the GAL4/UAS system in an amon mutant background partially rescues larval molting and growth. Our results show that amon is required for pupal development and identify a subset of neuronal cell types in which amon function is sufficient to rescue developmental progression and growth defects shown by amon mutants. The results are consistent with a model that the amon protein acts to proteolytically process a diverse suite of peptide hormones that coordinate larval and pupal growth and development.  相似文献   

A temperature-sensitive Drosophila mutation, l(3)c21RRW630 (abbreviated RW630), has been previously shown to have biochemical as well as developmental defects. To analyze further the relationship between the biochemical and developmental defects, recombinational mapping, deletion analysis, and complementation studies with other l(3)c21R alleles were performed. These experiments showed that the biochemical and developmental defects in RW630 can be attributed to a single mutation. Four non-temperature-sensitive l(3)c21R alleles were found to have biochemical defects similar to those seen in RW630 at restrictive temperature. In RW630 and in these four other l(3)c21R alleles, the severity of expression of the biochemical and the developmental defects was closely correlated. Temperature-shift studies of the expression of the RW630 maternal lethal effect on embryogenesis in females transheterozygous for RW630 and other l(3)c21R alleles yielded results which indicated that these defects must accumulate over a period of time before the maternal lethal effect can be detected. These data provide further support for the hypothesis that defects in protein modification produce developmental defects in l(3)c21R mutants.  相似文献   

In the present communication, we report the identification of a new gene family which encodes the protein subunits of the proteasome. The proteasome is a high-Mr complex possessing proteolytic activity. Screening a Drosophila λgt11 cDNA expression library with the proteasome-specific antibody N19-28 we isolated a clone encoding the 28-kDa No. 1 proteasome protein subunit. In accordance with the nomenclature of proteasome subunits in Drosophila, the corresponding gene is designated PROS-28.1, and it encodes an mRNA of 1.1 kb with an open reading frame of 249 amino acids (aa). Genomic Southern-blot hybridization shows PROS-28.1 to be a member of a family of related genes. Analysis of the predicted aa sequence reveals a potential nuclear targeting signal, a potential site for tyrosine kinase and a potential cAMP/cGMP-dependent phosphorylation site. The aa sequence comparison of the products of PROS-28.1 and PROS-35 with the C2 proteasome subunit of rat shows a strong sequence similarity between the different proteasome subunits. The data suggest that at least a subset of the proteasome-encoding genes belongs to a family of related genes (PROS gene family) which may have evolved from a common ancestral PROS gene.  相似文献   

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