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SUMMARY. After considering the large number of dredges described in the literature, four light-weight dredges were chosen for manual operation from a small boat or the bank: Irish triangular dredge, small Fast dredge, medium-sized and large Naturalist's dredges. The dredges were tested in a series of trials at three sites in two rivers. A stratified random sample (number of sampling units, n = 5) was taken at each site and the modal particle sizes at sites 1–3 were 1–2 mm (fine gravel), 64–128 mm (larger stones) and 128–256 mm, respectively. The dredges usually took a similar range of stone sizes at each site but the design of the Fast dredge excluded larger stones (>16 mm). The Irish dredge sometimes failed to operate correctly. Variations in the volume of substrata taken with each dredge were large, both between sampling units in the same sample and between samples. The latter differences were partially due to the increase in the modal size of the stones, especially between sites 1 and 2, the different sampling areas of the dredges and the depth of penetration into the substratum. Penetration depth was probably greatest for the two Naturalist's dredges, smaller for the Fast dredge and smallest for the Irish dredge. In field trials, the relative abundances of major taxa were similar for most dredges at each site; major exceptions were the Fast dredge at site 2 and the Irish dredge at site 3. There was a high variability between sampling units in the same sample and therefore a lack of precision in the estimates of the mean number of invertebrates per sample. Therefore, the dredges cannot be used as quantitative samplers for the estimation of population density. Their adequacy as qualitative samplers for the estimation of total number of taxa per sample varied considerably and maximum estimates of their efficiencies for a small sample (n= 5) were <40% for the Irish and Fast dredges, >57% for the medium-sized Naturalist's dredge and >76% for the large Naturalist's dredge. There was a clear relationship between the number of taxa and the number of invertebrates taken at each site and this relationship was well described by a power law with an exponent within the range 0.18–0.53. The number of sampling units in the sample had no significant effect on the power-law equations for each site. The power-law equation was very similar for most of the dredges at each site, the only major exception being the Fast dredge at site 1. The implications of this relationship are discussed.  相似文献   

Fish assemblages in three geographically distinct saltmarsh meadows and mangrove forests in the Sydney region were examined using fyke nets over three common sampling periods. The saltmarshes at Towra Point and Allens Creek, though of contrasting geomorphic setting, showed similar fish assemblages during spring tides, with relatively high diversity and abundance. The saltmarsh at Bicentennial Park, reclaimed from dredge spoil in the early 1960’s, showed significantly lower diversity and abundance. Fish assemblages in the three mangrove settings were each distinct, though with no significant differences in diversity and abundance between sites. The result raises questions about the efficacy of created saltmarsh as a compensatory habitat for fish.  相似文献   

Since the 1930s, dredge material has been removed from the Illinois River and placed along the main channel border in shallow depths to maintain a 2.7 m deep main channel for commercial navigation. Placement of this material changes the sediment composition from primarily silt/clay to primarily sand, and it buries pre-existing benthic invertebrates. During 1997 and 1998, the benthos of an 125 km reach of the middle Illinois River (La Grange Reach) was studied by extracting 1065 Ponar samples from randomly-selected sites which had never received dredge material, received dredge material one year previous, or received dredge material during the current year. Although total numbers of macroinvertebrates collected was lower in 1998 than in 1997, relative abundances of eight targeted taxa were highly similar between years. Chironimidae were most abundant and comprised >66% of all macroinvertebrates collected both years. Differences in densities of Chironomidae, Ephemeroptera, Sphaeriidae, Corbicula fluminea (Muller, 1774), Dreissena polymorpha (Pallas, 1771), Odonata, and Gastropoda among the three classes of dredge material placement were all significant (P< 0.05). For all taxa, densities were highest at sites that had never received dredge material; and, for all taxa except Chironimidae, densities were lowest at sites that received dredge material during the current year. No significant recovery by macroinvertebrates was noticed on dredge areas of this reach after one year (P>0.05). Future operations to maintain a channel for navigation should consider preexisting densities of macroinvertebrate taxa. Because benthic macroinvertebrates are an important component of the food web and shifting sand does not support diverse macroinvertebrate communities, strategic placement of dredge material by avoiding islands or other areas of high macroinvertebrate diversity could improve overall system productivity and biotic integrity of large river-floodplains.  相似文献   

Data on the biochemical composition and caloric content of common species of the zoobenthos of the western Kamchatka shelf were estimated for the entire body of an organism together with the integument and separately for muscle tissue. Estimates of the gross biomass of zoobenthos at different trophic levels calculated from bottom trawl and dredge sampling data, taking the isotope composition of benthic invertebrates into account, showed that the proportion of zoobenthos at the second trophic level was approximately 87%, while at the subsequent trophic levels it only slightly exceeded 13%. More than 70% of the energy was concentrated in valuable forage species. The total amount of energy at the second trophic level was 77.8%, while at the third and fourth levels it was 22.2%.  相似文献   

Colonization of newly created habitats is a challenge for waterbird populations in a changing world. Knowing which habitat characteristics are required by waterbird populations is a research challenge for rational management of the new ecosystems and their aquatic bird populations. Since 1989 intertidal dredge islands have been built in the lagoon of Venice using sediments coming from regular dredging of lagoon channels and inlets. Kentish Plover, a species declining in Europe, readily uses these new sites as soon as they become available. Between 2005 and 2007, 75 dredge islands were surveyed each year and the number of breeding pairs of Kentish Plover estimated. Each year about one-third of available dredge islands was used by Kentish Plover. Between 34 (in 2005) and 131 (in 2007) breeding pairs were found, and possible differences in vegetation and morphological characteristics between occupied and unoccupied sites were investigated. Only age, mean elevation above sea level and extension of bare ground were statistically different; Kentish Plover preferred younger sites, with higher elevation and with larger areas of bare ground. The largest groups of breeding pairs, up to thirty pairs, were found on islands which also supported colonies of Little Terns. In the study period dredged islands supported about 60 % of the total breeding population of the lagoon of Venice and 4–6 % of the estimated Italian population. Along coastal sites where human pressure on beaches is particularly heavy, man made habitats such as dredge islands may become a valuable alternative breeding site for this and other species of conservation concern. Management works aimed at promoting the occurrence of this species at selected dredge islands have been made in the lagoon of Venice.  相似文献   

Gaspar  M. B.  Dias  M. D.  Campos  A.  Monteiro  C.C.  Santos  M. N.  Chicharo  A.  Chicharo  L. 《Hydrobiologia》2001,465(1-3):153-167
To evaluate a possible introduction of a new dredge in the fishery of Callista chione (Linnaeus, 1758), IPIMAR has conducted a study with the objective of comparing the efficiency of two dredges (traditional dredge and the new dredge design) and evaluating their impact on the benthic community. The experiments were carried out during March 1999 on the Southwest coast of Portugal, from a site off Troia. Three different tow durations of 5, 10 and 20 min were investigated. A total of 24 hauls were accomplished, 4 for each tow duration and dredge. The experiments were conducted by attaching a cover bag with a 20 mm mesh to the gear. After each haul, the catches in the bag and in the cover were sorted separately. All individuals retained were attributed scores on a scale of 1–4 in which 1 equates to good and 4 equates to dead. The results obtained showed that catches from the traditional dredge (TD) are composed of a great fraction of juveniles of C. chione, while in the new dredge (NDD) catches are composed, almost entirely, by individuals with a superior size to the minimum legal length (50 mm). This result indicates that the mesh of the bag of the TD used in the exploitation of this resource is not adequate. For the 3 different tow durations, the mean fishing yield obtained for the NDD was always superior to the TD, due to its greater efficiency in capture. The proportion of by-catch is significantly higher when the TD is used. For all 3 tow duration, the TD caused mortalities on the target species and on the macrobenthic community in the same order of magnitude as the NDD. Since the fishery of C. chione is managed by daily quotas per boat, when using the NDD the impact on the macrobenthic community is reduced by about 50% due to its greater efficiency of capture. Another advantage in the usage of the NDD relatively to the TD, is to allow the smallest individuals (independently of the species) to escape rapidly through the metallic bars on the grid, increasing their probability of survival.  相似文献   

Rambaldi  E.  Bianchini  M.L.  Priore  G.  Prioli  G.  Mietti  N.  Pagliani  T. 《Hydrobiologia》2001,465(1-3):169-173
To solve some of the efficiency and environmental problems related to the use of the hydraulic dredge in bivalve mollusc fishing, a new experimental gear with vibrating bottom grid and other technical changes has been tested on clam (Chamelea gallina) beds in the Adriatic Sea. Comparative fishing surveys indicate a significantly different selectivity of the vibrating dredge, with respect to a standard gear: in fact, undersize clams are sieved out during the fishing process, and almost no juveniles are hauled. Regarding the product quality, laboratory analyses show that the amount of intervalvar sediment is significantly lower in the catch from the modified dredge, due to a sort of `warning' device. Nevertheless, the larger number of damaged shells suggests that the vibrating grid subjects the clams to a greater mechanical stress than the standard gear. As for the environmental effects, the vibrating bottom is selective for the associated fauna too, as is shown by the higher mean weight of most the by-catch species in the experimental gear. Moreover, the riddling goes on continuously, allowing the immediate release of the sorted-out organisms, which are repositioned in the area of origin, thus avoiding a `contagious' distribution. In conclusion, these positive preliminary results suggest real benefits of this innovative modified dredge, with wide margins for further improvement.  相似文献   

The application of species abundance estimates, commonly used in terrestrial plant ecology, to marine benthic dredge data is advocated. Two possible scales were tested for their ability to measure adequately the structure of an assemblage by computing measures of evenness diversity McNaughton's dominance index, and Morisita's index of dispersion using both real counts obtained from grab samples and these counts transformed into the two respective abundance estimates. It is concluded that species abundance estimators, when applied to grab or dredge data result in significant savings in sample processing time with only a minimal loss of information about assemblage structure.  相似文献   

Modified dredges were used on Aequipecten opercularis (queen scallop) fishing grounds off the Isle of Man in the north Irish Sea to determine seasonal variability in swimming behaviour in queen scallops and its effect on dredge fisheries. Scallops, which evaded dredge capture by swimming up into the water column, were captured by a specially designed net deployed above the dredge gear. The gear was used over a 20-month period and the number and size distribution of queen scallops captured in both the net and dredges were recorded. A subsample of captured scallops was maintained in running seawater tanks and used to assess two components of swimming behaviour, the time taken to respond to stimuli and the number of valve adductions carried out until exhaustion. There was considerable seasonal variability in the proportion of queen scallops that avoided dredge capture by swimming. Very low numbers of queen scallops were found in the net during the winter and spring. Net capture increased in June, and was high throughout the summer and autumn when up to 42% of scallops greater than 55 mm in height, captured in dredges, swam over the dredge mouths. There was a strong positive correlation between seawater temperature and proportion of captured scallops found in the net. Swimming experiments in the laboratory indicated that the observed seasonal variability in net capture was probably a result of changes in the time taken to respond to stimuli, rather than changes in the ability to perform a large number of valve adductions. There was no relationship between reproductive state and the proportion of actively swimming scallops. Analyses of size distributions indicated limited swimming activity in the largest scallops but no effect of epifaunal load was found on the ability of scallops to avoid dredge capture.  相似文献   


Commercial scallops (Pecten fumatus) were collected from Bass Strait, Australia from 41 dredge tows. Of these, four dredges undertaken in February 2016 at 46 m depth returned scallops that were covered by ascidians of the Pyura stolonifera species complex, commonly known as cunjevoi. There were no obvious signs of immediate ill health in the scallops, with meat being assessed as normal quality and all scallops requiring force to separate the shells. Ascidian-encrusted scallops were significantly smaller, and previous tows in the same location ten and eight months earlier returned far fewer scallops with clean shells and no signs of ascidians. This suggests that both both scallop and ascidian recruitment and growth occurred during the period between sampling events. Future research combining laboratory experiments and field observations is recommended to understand this relationship and its potential impacts on scallop populations.  相似文献   

Recent deep‐sea explorations in the South Pacific have documented around New Caledonia the most diverse fauna of gastropods of the family Volutomitridae anywhere in the world. Fourteen species (nine new, two remaining unnamed) are recorded, all essentially confined to the 250–750 m depth range. The high number of species in the New Caledonia region does not appear to be an effect of sampling intensity, but appears to result from four factors: regional spatial heterogeneity, frequency of hard substrates, syntopy, and a historical heritage shared with Australia and New Zealand, which until now ranked as the major centre of volutomitrid diversity. In the New Caledonia region, volutomitrids show a marked preference for hard bottoms and up to three species may co‐occur in the same dredge haul. Many species appear to have extremely narrow geographical distributions within the region (e.g. a single seamount or a single submerged plateau); conversely, Microvoluta joloensis, the only non‐endemic volutomitrid present in New Caledonia, ranges from the Mozambique Channel to Tonga.  相似文献   

Salt marshes are wet environments at the transition between land and sea, which are inhabited by species that are adapted to stressing environmental factors, such as frequent tidal inundations and highly variable salinity. The rapid and global disappearance of these ecosystems results in the loss of those species that here have their typical habitat. In the lagoon of Venice, a programme for the protection of the surviving salt marshes was initiated by building dredge islands in the framework of more comprehensive restoration work. The ecological characterisation of these man-made habitats was studied through analysing the beetle fauna established on six dredge islands with different topographical traits. Beetle assemblages were evaluated by analysing species richness and abundance. The observed species were arranged in ecological groups and within sub-habitats, delimited according to the zonation of halophytes and ruderal vegetation. Both the composition and distribution of the beetle assemblages were strongly affected by the soil elevation, which determines the salinity gradient and the flooding rate. Hygrophilous and halobious taxa were dominant; however, many generalist taxa were present on some higher islands characterised by areas with a height greater than 60 cm above the mean sea level. Notably, these rarely submerged soils hosted some uncommon halophilous species, as well as thermophilous taxa typical of Mediterranean habitats that were not present on the surrounding mainland. Overall, although the dredge islands possessed some topographical traits that differed significantly from those of the natural salt marsh, they proved to host the biotic communities typical of these latter habitats, as well as other saline soil specialists.  相似文献   

SUMMARY. From 16 air-lift samplers described in the literature, three were selected for operation from a small boat: Mackey, Pearson et al. and Verollet & Tachet samplers. Random samples (number of sampling units n= 10) were taken in a large tank with a known number of dried peas, representing invertebrates, amongst stones of uniform size. Separate experiments were performed with three sizes of stones (modal sizes 2–4, 16–20 and 32–36 mm). Stratified-random samples (usually n= 10) were taken in rivers at lour sites with modal particle sizes of < 0.1 2–4. 32–128 and 64–128 mm. The samplers were compared with a Ponar grab in the tank experiments and the field, and with a Naturalist's dredge in the field. Rates of pumping at different air-flows were established for each sampler. Water-How increased with increasing air-How and increasing submergence of the riser-pipe. The Mackey sampler achieved the highest water-flow and lifted more substratum and larger stones (64–128 mm) than the other samplers. The Verollet & Tachet sampler had the lowest pumping rate and failed to lift stones > 8 mm long, whilst the Pearson et al. sampler, with an intermediate performance, lifted mud and stones < 32 mm long. In the tank experiments, the area from which the Mackey and Pearson et al. samplers collected peas varied with air-flow, operating time and type of substratum. The Maekey sampler over-sampled and the Pearson et al. sampler usually under-sampled their respective sampling areas, except the latter sampler at high air-flows gave approximately quantitative results comparable to those of the Ponar grab for peas on the surface of stones 16–20 mm. No sampler collected much at a depth of 3 cm on larger stones (32–36 mm), and the Verollet & Tachet sampler failed completely on all substrata. In field trials, the Mackey and Pearson et al. samplers provided good qualitative samples except on large stones (32–128mm). The Verollet & Tachet sampler lifted little material. The relative abundance of taxa often differed between samplers. Estimates of the number of invertebrates per m2 differed widely between samplers except for the Pearson et al. and Ponar grab which gave similar quantitative results at three sites. Values were very low for the Verollet & Tachet sampler and Naturalist's dredge and always very high for the Mackey sampler which often grossly over-sampled its sampling area. Therefore, these three samplers cannot be considered as quantitative. The relationship between the variances and the means of samples of peas in the tank and most invertebrates in the field followed a power law with values of the exponent b in the range 1.13–2.51. The present study completes the evaluation of 14 samplers used to sample benthic macro-invertebrates in deep rivers, and the more important conclusions from the comparative studies of seven grabs, four dredges and three air-lift samplers are summarized in a table.  相似文献   

SUMMARY. 1. As three previous comparative studies of deep-water samplers for benthic macroinvertebrates in rivers highlighted the need for a quantitative sampler for use on stony substrata, a new air-lift sampler was developed. It can be operated from a small boat by two people, weighs 13.5–20.0 kg, depending on the length of riser used, and extends the maximum range of substrata that may be sampled quantitatively from 16–32 mm to 128—256 mm. The sampling area is isolated by forcing a collecting cylinder into the substratum, and rapid evacuation of the contents is assisted by a vibrator.
2. All the major specifications of the sampler were determined experimentally in a large tank using three sizes of substrata and plastic pellets to represent invertebrates. The sampler performed accurately to a depth of at least 8 cm on substrata ranging from gravel (2–4 mm) to large stones (32–36 mm long).
3. The performance of the sampler was compared with that of a Ponar grab and Pearson el at. air-lift sampler at two sites on a large river and also with a Naturalist's dredge and a diver-operated Hess-Waters sampler at one of the sites where there were large stones up to 280 mm long. In terms of both mean taxa per sample and mean numbers m−2, samples taken using the new air-lift sampler provided estimates comparable to or belter than those obtained with the other samplers.  相似文献   

Information regarding the molluscs in this dataset is based on the Rauschert dredge samples collected during the Latitudinal Gradient Program (LGP) on board the R/V “Italica” in the Ross Sea (Antarctica) in the austral summer 2004. A total of 18 epibenthic dredge deployments/samplings have been performed at four different locations at depths ranging from 84 to 515m by using a Rauschert dredge with a mesh size of 500μm. In total 8,359 specimens have been collected belonging to a total of 161 species. Considering this dataset in terms of occurrences, it corresponds to 505 discrete distributional records (incidence data). Of these, in order of abundance, 5,965 specimens were Gastropoda (accounting for 113 species), 1,323 were Bivalvia (accounting for 36 species), 949 were Aplacophora (accounting for 7 species), 74 specimens were Scaphopoda (3 species), 38 were Monoplacophora (1 species) and, finally, 10 specimens were Polyplacophora (1 species). This data set represents the first large-scale survey of benthic micro-molluscs for the area and provides important information about the distribution of several species, which have been seldom or never recorded before in the Ross Sea. All vouchers are permanently stored at the Italian National Antarctic Museum (MNA), Section of Genoa, enabling future comparison and crosschecking. This material is also currently under study, from a molecular point of view, by the barcoding project “BAMBi” (PNRA 2010/A1.10).  相似文献   

Technological advancements in remote sensing and GIS have improved natural resource managers’ abilities to monitor large-scale disturbances. In a time where many processes are heading towards automation, this study has regressed to simple techniques to bridge a gap found in the advancement of technology. The near-daily monitoring of dredge plume extent is common practice using Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) imagery and associated algorithms to predict the total suspended solids (TSS) concentration in the surface waters originating from floods and dredge plumes. Unfortunately, these methods cannot determine the difference between dredge plume and benthic features in shallow, clear water. This case study at Barrow Island, Western Australia, uses hand digitising to demonstrate the ability of human interpretation to determine this difference with a level of confidence and compares the method to contemporary TSS methods. Hand digitising was quick, cheap and required very little training of staff to complete. Results of ANOSIM R statistics show remote sensing derived TSS provided similar spatial results if they were thresholded to at least 3 mg L−1. However, remote sensing derived TSS consistently provided false-positive readings of shallow benthic features as Plume with a threshold up to TSS of 6 mg L−1, and began providing false-negatives (excluding actual plume) at a threshold as low as 4 mg L−1. Semi-automated processes that estimate plume concentration and distinguish between plumes and shallow benthic features without the arbitrary nature of human interpretation would be preferred as a plume monitoring method. However, at this stage, the hand digitising method is very useful and is more accurate at determining plume boundaries over shallow benthic features and is accessible to all levels of management with basic training.  相似文献   

Ostrea chilensis (Küster, 1844), the flat oyster, is native to Chile and New Zealand. In Chile, it occurs in a few natural beds, from the northern part of Chiloé Island (41 ºS) to the Guaitecas Archipelago (45 ºS). This bivalve is slow growing, broods its young, and has very limited dispersal potential. The Ostrea chilensis fishery has been over-exploited for a number of decades such that in some locations oysters no longer exist. The aim of this study was to study the genetic diversity of the Chilean flat oyster along its natural distribution to quantify the possible impact of the dredge fishery on wild populations. The genetic structure and diversity of Ostrea chilensis from six natural beds with different histories of fishing activity were estimated. Based on mitochondrial (Cytb) and nuclear (ITS1) DNA sequence variation, our results provide evidence that genetic diversity is different among populations with recent history of wild dredge fishery efforts. We discuss the possible causes of these results. Ultimately, such new information may be used to develop and apply new management measures to promote the sustainable use of this valuable marine resource.  相似文献   

Despite the long recognized importance of apple snails (Pomaceapaludosa Say) in Florida wetland food webs, surprisingly littleis known about their life history and ecology. The paucity ofinformation is due, in part, to the lack of a validated samplingtechnique. In this study, we compared the effectiveness of adip net, bar seine, and suction dredge in extracting apple snailsfrom 1-m2 throw traps. We also evaluated the reliability ofegg cluster counts as an index of snail abundance. The bar seine was eliminated as a suitable extraction methodbased on poor performance in densely vegetated habitats. Thesuction dredge appeared slightly less sensitive than the dipnet to habitat differences with regards to both marked snailrecovery and higher yield of free-ranging (unmarked, not previouslyextracted) snails. Our results indicate that the probabilityof recovering snails from throw traps can be considerably lessthan 1.0, and that recovery probabilities vary among sites andhabitats. Therefore, without reliable estimates for the fraction ofanimals recovered, density estimates, especially comparisonsamong sites and habitats, are not reliable. We found no relationship between egg cluster counts and estimatesof snail density. The high degree of temporal and spatial variabilityin egg production precludes the use of egg clusters as a reliableindex of apple snail abundance. (Received 15 April 1998; accepted 30 June 1998)  相似文献   

Estuarine saltmarshes are widely recognized as highly productive and biologically diverse systems. The Indian River Lagoon (IRL) is a 250?km long ??Estuary of National Significance?? along Florida??s east coast and is known as one of North America??s most diverse estuaries. Like most North American estuaries, the IRL is facing a number of problems, among them loss of emergent wetlands. Between 75 and 90% of the original mangrove and saltmarsh acreage historically bordering the IRL has been lost or impacted, either through direct filling for development or impoundment for mosquito control. This loss has affected IRL water quality and fisheries, since these habitats are now removed from the estuarine system. Active programs are now underway to restore mosquito impoundments by reconnection with culverts or removal of dikes, but restoration of dredge spoil is more problematic, as many of these sites have been developed. However, where undeveloped spoil is found on public lands, restoration is a possibility. One such site, Pine Island Conservation Area (PICA), jointly owned by the Brevard County Environmentally Endangered Lands Program and the St. Johns River Water Management District, contained 25.4?ha of dredge spoil, originating from 1969, when the property was owned by a development company. Following public acquisition in 1996, plans were developed to remove the spoil and restore the site to historic saltmarsh elevation. Between 2003 and 2006 all of the material was removed and the restoration of normal hydrology has resulted in ??volunteer?? recruitment by appropriate marsh vegetation, without a need for any plantings.  相似文献   

Marine embayments and estuaries play an important role in the ecology and life history of many fish species. Cockburn Sound is one of a relative paucity of marine embayments on the west coast of Australia. Its sheltered waters and close proximity to a capital city have resulted in anthropogenic intrusion and extensive seascape modification. This study aimed to compare the sampling efficiencies of baited videos and fish traps in determining the relative abundance and diversity of temperate demersal fish species associated with naturally occurring (seagrass, limestone outcrops and soft sediment) and modified (rockwall and dredge channel) habitats in Cockburn Sound. Baited videos sampled a greater range of species in higher total and mean abundances than fish traps. This larger amount of data collected by baited videos allowed for greater discrimination of fish assemblages between habitats. The markedly higher diversity and abundances of fish associated with seagrass and limestone outcrops, and the fact that these habitats are very limited within Cockburn Sound, suggests they play an important role in the fish ecology of this embayment. Fish assemblages associated with modified habitats comprised a subset of species in lower abundances when compared to natural habitats with similar physical characteristics. This suggests modified habitats may not have provided the necessary resource requirements (e.g. shelter and/or diet) for some species, resulting in alterations to the natural trophic structure and interspecific interactions. Baited videos provided a more efficient and non-extractive method for comparing fish assemblages and habitat associations of smaller bodied species and juveniles in a turbid environment.  相似文献   

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