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The biological activities of methyl jasmonate, ABA, methyl abscisate, and malformin were compared in a variety ofVigna radiata abscission tests. Although each compound diminished or completely negated the antiethylene properties of Ag+, differences in potency were observed. ABA and ABA-Me stimulated leaf abscission in the dark, potentiated abscission with low concentrations of ethephon, and interacted synergistically with malformin, whereas methyl jasmonate was inactive in each of these tests. Methyl jasmonate was most active in potentiating leaf abscission induced by high ethephon concentrations and stimulated petiole abscission, whether applied proximally or distally, from debladed explants. In two tests, negation of Ag+ activity and interaction with malformin, ABA concentrations as low as 0.1 μM were biologically active and indicated that ABA can be a highly active abscission-inducing compound. Based on differences in biological activity, it was concluded that the modes of action of methyl jasmonate, ABA, and malformin were different.  相似文献   

菜心带子叶的子叶柄在培养基中是否添加AgNO3与ABA可导致两种不同的植株再生方式:添加AgNO3与ABA时由外植体直接出芽,而不加AgNO3与ABA则植株再生经过愈伤组织阶段再分化成芽。培养1—3d,子叶柄切口端之皮层及维管束的薄壁细胞开始启动,细胞迅速分裂而形成分生细胞团和少量愈伤组织。第4天,在不含AgNO3与ABA的培养基上,分生细胞团则形成根原基进而发育成根;或者去分化形成愈伤组织。在这种条件下,只有少数芽原基可由培养15d后的愈伤组织再分化产生.在含AgNO3与ABA的培养基上,分生细胞旺盛增殖而形成大量分生细胞团,并由这种分生细胞团直接形成大量的芽原基.10d左右即可产生为数众多的丛生不定芽.AgNO3与ABA相配合抑制了不定根及愈伤组织的形成和生长,促进大量增生的分生细胞团直接分化为不定芽的芽原基.  相似文献   

Prostaglandin E2 methyl ester was several times more potent than PGE2 (free acid) in stimulating the human uterus at mid-pregnancy, when administered by the intra-amniotic, extra-amniotic and intravaginal routes. At effective abortifacient dosage, however, the frequency and intensity of gastrointestinal, central nervous and cardiovascular side effects were high. This precluded further clinical trials with the compound. It is suggested that rapid entry of the drug into the systemic circulation takes place.  相似文献   

The structure of malformin A1, a metabolic product of Aspergillus niger, was reexamined and the sequence of its amino acid constituents established as
The cyclopentapeptide-disulfide corresponding to this structure was prepared through stepwise synthesis of the protected pentapeptide derivative, benzyloxy-carbonyl-l-isoleucyl-S-benzyl-d-cysteinyl-S-benzyl-d-cysteinyl-l-valyl-d-leucine methylester, which in turn was converted to the hydrazide, partially deprotected, and cyclized via the azide. On removal of the S-benzyl groups and oxidation to the disulfide, a synthetic material was obtained that was indistinguishable from natural malformin A1 and was as equally potent in causing curvatures on corn roots.  相似文献   

Ozonolysis of 6-oxo-PGF, 11,15-diacetate, methyl acetal, methyl ester followed by oxidative workup and treatment with diazomethane gave 3-acetoxy-5-hydroxy-2-(methoxycarbonyl) cyclopentane acetic acid, γ-lactone and dimethyl 3-acetoxy-5[[−(methoxycarbonyl)valeryl] oxy]-1,2-cyclopentane dicarboxylate as two of the major products. The mass spectral properties of the latter compound were identical with those previously published by other investigators.  相似文献   

采用三因素多项式回归311-A最优设计方法对影响落叶松体细胞胚发生数量的ABA、PEG4000和AgNO3的用量进行了研究,建立了华北落叶松正常体细胞胚发生数量与ABA、PEG4000和AgNO3的数学模型,分析了落叶松体细胞胚发生数量试验因子的主效应和互作效应,优选了落叶松体细胞胚发生数量最佳结果的最佳技术组合方案为ABA18.9138mg/L,PEG4000.888007g/L与AgNO310.7513 mg/L时,最佳体细胞胚数量应为107.5278个子叶胚/g.callus。实验结果表明:该方法是针叶树体细胞胚胎发生过程中,主要激素种类与浓度配比、处理组合,科学、合理的培养基优化途径。  相似文献   

The cardiovascular, uterine stimulant and gastrointestinal effects of prostaglandins E2, F and 15 (S) 15 methyl PGE2 methyl ester in the East African Baboon (P. Anubis) have been studied. In these three parameters the baboon responds both qualitatively and quantitatively in a similar manner to man. The lethal doses of the prostaglandins given by bolus intravenous injelctions have been determined and the human lethal doses estimated.  相似文献   

外施Ca^2+,ABA及H3PO4对盐碱胁迫的缓解效应   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
分别对300mmol  相似文献   

The synthesis of PGC2 methyl ester is described. Comparison of the synthetic material with the methyl ester prepared from natural PGC2 showed the two to be identical, thus confirming the structure assignment. The physical and biological data of PGC2 methyl ester are presented.Horton and Jones have recently shown that PGA1 (Ic) and PGA2 (Ia) are deactivated on incubation with cats blood (1,2). Jones has proposed that this deactivation involves the enzymic conversion of PGA (I) to an 11,12-double bond isomer (PGC, II) which is subsequently isomerized by base to the inactive PGB (III) (3). Structure assignment of the PGC's in the earlier study were based on chromatographic mobilities and uv and mass spectrometric properties. We report here a total synthesis of PGC2 methyl ester (IIb). Comparison of the biological and physical properties of this material with those of diazomethane-esterified natural material confirms the earlier structure assignment for PGC2 (IIa).  相似文献   

以绿豆下胚轴插条为实验材料,研究了乙烯利、ACC、AOA和AgNO,对其不定根形成的影响。结果表明:乙烯利和ACC能促进绿豆下胚轴插条的生根,最适浓度分别为50μmol/L和10μmol/L;AOA和AgNO3明显抑制不定根形成,随浓度增加,抑制作用增强。插条离体后24h内对ACC的促进作用和AOA的抑制作用敏感。插条在0-6h和18-24h用ACC处理,在0-2h和22-24h用50μmol/L乙烯利处理的生根效果好。乙烯在不定根形成的诱导期和起始晚期起促进作用。  相似文献   

Syntheses of new PGI1 derivatives and inhibitory activities of blood platelet aggregation are described. It is shonw that high potent 3-oxa-methano-PGI1 compound SM-10906 can be obtained, when the natural -chain is modified by introducing a 3-oxa-moeity.  相似文献   

橡胶树的花药愈伤组织在长期继代过程中,胚性易下降甚至丧失;而AgNO3作为乙烯活性抑制剂,被广泛应用于植物组织培养中.该研究以继代培养4 a以上的热研7-33-97花药愈伤组织为材料,在继代培养基中添加2.5 mg·L-1 AgNO3预培养35 d后,观察预培养前后愈伤组织表形及其细胞形态的变化,并设计不同浓度AgNO3及不同处理时间对其进行体胚诱导,90 d后分别统计胚状体总数和正常胚数.结果表明:浅黄色质地柔软的愈伤组织在含AgNO3的培养基上预培养后能转变成鲜黄色易碎愈伤组织,在倒置显微镜下前者大多表现为不规则多边形,细胞内含物较稀薄;而后者则呈圆形或椭圆形,细胞内含物丰富,属于典型的胚性细胞.在体胚诱导的第1个月添加5 mg·L-1 AgNO3能显著促进体胚的发生,AgNO3浓度升至10 mg·L-1时体胚发生受到抑制,且畸形胚的形成率显著增加;在含5 mg·L-1 AgNO3的培养基中培养2个月以上,体胚发育明显受阻,大部分形成畸形胚.该研究结果在一定程度上恢复了橡胶树长期继代花药愈伤组织的胚性能力,并提高了其体胚发生频率,为橡胶树花药胚性愈伤组织长期继代培养过程中胚性的保持提供了参考.  相似文献   

In Tobacco mosaic virus (TMV)-infected tobacco plants carrying the N resistance gene, a hypersensitive reaction or response (HR) occurs to enclose the virus in the infected tissue. Although a contribution of peroxidases to the resistance has been proposed, no evidence has been presented that tobacco peroxidase genes respond to HR. Here, we describe the HR-induced expression of a tobacco peroxidase gene (tpoxC1) whose induction kinetics were slightly different from those of acidic and basic tobacco pathogenesis-related (PR) protein genes. Interestingly, tpoxC1 was insensitive to the inducers of PR genes such as salicylic acid, methyl jasmonate, and ethephon. Spermine activated tpoxC1 gene expression at a low level and both acidic and basic PR gene expression at a considerably higher level. These results indicate that the induced expression of tpoxC1 is regulated differently from that of classical tobacco PR genes in the N gene-mediated self-defense system in tobacco plants.  相似文献   

16, 16 dimethyl Prostaglandin E2 (Free acid and methyl ester) administered orally have a stimulant effect on the pregnant human uterus. Pregnancy was terminated in twelve out of twenty women by two hourly oral doses of 100μg of these analogues The relatively high incidence of gastrointestinal side effects — nausea, vomitting and diarrhoea — would tend to limit the usefulness of orally administered 16, 16 dimethyl PGE2 and its methyl ester as abortifacients.  相似文献   

ONO-802 was infused into th euterine cavity for the termination of early pregnancy in 45 healthy volunteers. Forty two (93%) of the 45 cases had compelete abortions and two had incomplete abortions.Nine (20%) of the 45 volunteers complained of nausea, 7 (16%) vomited and 5 (11%) complained of abdominal pain. Neither diarrhea nor weakness was observed.These results suggest that ONO-802 is more acceptable for the termination of early pregnancy than is PGF.  相似文献   

CO2和O3浓度倍增及其交互作用对大豆叶绿体超微结构的影响   总被引:17,自引:4,他引:17  
赵天宏  史奕  黄国宏 《应用生态学报》2003,14(12):2229-2232
应用透射电镜观察了模拟大气CO2和O3浓度倍增及其交互作用(开顶箱法)对大豆叶肉细胞叶绿体超微结构的影响。结果表明,CO2浓度倍增促进了大豆叶绿体的发育,内含淀粉粒积累明显增多、体积增大;叶绿体被膜保持完好;叶绿体基粒片层排列整齐,而O3浓度倍增抑制了叶绿体内淀粉粒的累积,并导致叶绿体被膜破碎,片层解体,严重地破坏了叶绿体的结构和功能CO2和O3浓度倍增的交互作用对叶绿体超微结构有不同程度的破坏,但二者浓度呈梯度增加对叶绿体的损害作用要大于二者浓度持续倍增对叶绿体的影响,进一步表明CO2正效应对O3负效应的补偿作用。  相似文献   

The reaction rate of the oxidative addition and the following CO insertion step of methyl iodide with [Rh(acac)(CO)(P(OCH2)3CCH3)] is determined. The key finding is that while [Rh(acac)(CO)(P(OCH2)3CCH3)] oxidatively adds methyl iodide ca 300 times faster than the Monsanto catalyst, the CO insertion step is much slower. However, the rate-determining step of the oxidative addition reaction of the phosphorus-containing acetylacetonato-rhodium(I) complex, the carbonyl insertion step, is still in the same order or faster than the rate-determining oxidative addition step of iodomethane to [Rh(CO)2I2].  相似文献   

Methyl jasmonate (JA-Me) inhibited or retarded germination of Amaranthus caudatus seeds in darkness at 24°C, Ethephon, ACC and gibberellins (GA3 or GA4+7) partially or completely reversed this inhibition depending on the concentration of JA-Me applied. Both ethephon and the gibberellins were more effective than ACC. Both GA3 and GA4+7 enhanced the stimulatory effect of ethephon or ACC on germination of seeds inhibited by JA-Me.Abbreviations ACC 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid - JA jasmonic acid - JA-Me methyl jasmonate  相似文献   

In tobacco plants, wounding induces production of a set of defense-related proteins such as basic pathogenesis-related (PR) proteins and proteinase inhibitors (PIs) via the jasmonate/ethylene pathway. Although class III plant peroxidase (POX) is also wound-inducible, the regulatory mechanism for its wound-induced expression is not fully understood. Here, we describe that a tobacco POX gene (tpoxN1), which is constitutively expressed in roots, is induced locally 30 min after wounding and then systemically in tobacco plants. Infection of necrotizing virus also induced tpoxN1 gene. The wound-induced expression was not enhanced by known wound-signal compounds such as methyl jasmonate (MeJA) and ethephon in contrast to other wound-inducible genes such as basic PR-1 and PI-II genes. And treatment with MeJA and coronatine, biological analogs of jasmonate, rather suppressed the tpoxN1 expression. Salicylic acid, an antagonist of jasmonate-based wound signaling, did not suppress the wound-induced expression of tpoxN1. Only spermine, which is reported as an endogenous inducer for acidic PR genes in tobacco mosaic virus-infected tobacco leaves, could induce tpoxN1 gene expression. These results suggest that wound-induced expression of the tpoxN1 gene is regulated differently from that of the basic PR and PI-II genes.  相似文献   

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