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Results are presented from a phylogenetic study of the fire ants comprising the Solenopsis saevissima species-group (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Six most-parsimonious trees were identified following a cladistic analysis utilizing 18 taxa and 36 morphological characters derived from three castes and two developmental stages. A strict consensus tree recovered the following relationships: ( S. daguerrei (( S. electra , S. pusilignis ) ( S. saevissima ( S. pythia ( S. interrupta , S. 'undescribed species' , S. weyrauchi ( S. richteri , S. invicta ( S. megergates ( S. quinquecuspis , S. macdonaghi )))))))). This phylogenetic hypothesis implies trends in fire ant evolution towards both polygyny (multiple egg-laying queens per colony) and large major worker size. The phylogeny also provides a test of Emery's Rule, which is not supported in its strictest sense because the social parasite S. daguerrei is not the sister species to its host species. A modified version of Emery's Rule is supported, because the social parasite is the sister species to a larger clade containing its hosts, as well as nonhosts.  相似文献   

We studied the developmental performance of the large morph of Pseudacteon nocens Borgmeier (Diptera: Phoridae), a prospective biological control agent of imported fire ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). We measured selected life history traits of this parasitoid as a function of 1) host species (Solenopsis invicta Buren versus Solenopsis richteri Forel), 2) temperature (22 versus 28 degrees C), 3) source population of the fly (Corrientes and Santiago del Estero, Argentina), and 4) varied size distributions of offered host ants. Developmental periods were influenced by host species, although the populations responded in opposing manners. Developmental times, however, were most strongly influenced by temperature with total developmental periods lengthened by 17-32% at 22 degrees C. Pupal mortality was also significantly lower at this temperature. Although numbers of progeny per female were significantly higher for the Corrientes population, we found no significant differences in progeny per female according to host species. Interestingly, we found that females were larger than males, and flies from Corrientes were larger than those from Santiago del Estero, even after statistical adjustments for host size. The modal frequency of host size elected in all treatment combinations tested was identical (0.6 mm), a size that represented the apparent threshold for producing female progeny. These laboratory and additional field observations demonstrate considerable interpopulational variation in P. nocens and lend further support to the applied approach focusing at the population, as opposed to the species level, with respect to both source and target areas for classical biological control introductions of Pseudacteon flies.  相似文献   

Management of imported fire ant species has evolved since their accidental introduction into the United States and currently uses integrated pest management concepts to design, implement, and evaluate suppression programs. Although eradication is the management goal in certain isolated infestation sites, localized goals vary dramatically in larger infestations where reinvasion of treated areas is likely. These goals are influenced by regulatory policies, medical liabilities, ecological impact, and/or economic considerations. Tactics employed in fire ant management programs presented here include cultural and biological control options along with judicious use of site‐specific insecticide products. In addition, program design considerations that include management goal(s), action level(s), ant form (monogyne or polygyne), presence of nontarget ant species, size of treatment area, seasonality, implementation cost, and environmental impact are also presented. Optimally, elegant IPM programs are target specific, threshold driven, environmentally friendly and cost‐effective.  相似文献   

Multiple mating by queens (polyandry) and the occurrence of multiple queens in the same colony (polygyny) alter patterns of relatedness within societies of eusocial insects. This is predicted to influence kin-selected conflicts over reproduction. We investigated the mating system of a facultatively polygynous UK population of the ant Leptothorax acervorum using up to six microsatellite loci. We estimated mating frequency by genotyping 79 dealate (colony) queens and the contents of their sperm receptacles and by detailed genetic analysis of 11 monogynous (single-queen) and nine polygynous colonies. Results indicated that 95% of queens were singly mated and 5% of queens were doubly mated. The corrected population mean mating frequency was 1.06. Parentage analysis of adults and brood in 17 colonies (10 monogynous, 7 polygynous) showed that female offspring attributable to each of 31 queens were full sisters, confirming that queens typically mate once. Inbreeding coefficients, queen-mate relatedness of zero and the low incidence of diploid males provided evidence that L. acervorum sexuals mate entirely or almost entirely at random. Males mated to queens in the same polygynous colony were not related to one another. Our data also confirmed that polygynous colonies contain queens that are related on average and that their workers had a mixed maternity. We conclude that the mating system of L. acervorum involves queens that mate near nests with unrelated males and then seek readoption by those nests, and queens that mate in mating aggregations away from nests, also with unrelated males.  相似文献   

Biological characteristics of the parasitoid Orasema simplex Heraty (Hymenoptera: Eucharitidae), a potential candidate for the biological control of fire ants in the United States were investigated. Female survivorship, fertility and oviposition preferences were studied in the laboratory. Naturally parasitized colonies were examined to determine offspring sex ratio, development success and time, and to artificially parasitize healthy ant colonies. In addition, field studies were carried out to establish natural oviposition substrates and adult activity patterns. Orasema simplex female survivorship was 3.6 ± 1.5 days. Newly emerged females contained 613.5 ± 114.0 mature eggs. The adult development success in natural parasitized colonies was 22.2% with a female-biased sex ratio (4:1). The time required from planidia to adult was 29.5 ± 5.4 days. In the field, adults were mostly found around the ant nests at midday. A broad range of plant species was observed as oviposition substrates. The transfer of planidia to healthy ant colonies was achieved but the development success was very low. Orasema simplex appears to have a limited potential as a fire ant biocontrol agent because of cosmetic damage to a wide variety of plants used for oviposition. However, further studies are necessary to evaluate the real damage exerted by oviposition punctures.  相似文献   

《Systematic Entomology》2018,43(1):109-122
The native N orth A merican fire ants (S olenopsis W estwood) comprise a difficult group taxonomically that has undergone multiple revisions in the past century yet remains in a state of taxonomic uncertainty. In the present study, we utilised a set of 59 microsatellite markers analysed in 238 specimens to conduct the first robust genetic analysis of the four nominal species. Our approach used a variety of methods to test operational criteria commonly employed in species delimitation, including genotypic clustering, reproductive isolation/cohesion and monophyly. We conclude from our results that the recognised N orth A merican fire ant species represent evolutionarily independent entities and, moreover, we confirm the presumed sister status of the desert fire ants, S . aurea W heeler and S . amblychila W heeler. However, the presence of at least two genetically divergent populations within the nominal species boundaries, including a western form of S . xyloni and a distinct population of S . aurea endemic to the S alton T rough, suggests that the current taxonomy does not fully capture the species‐level diversity in this group. Our study provides the molecular foundation for future integrated studies of the taxonomy and evolution of this scientifically and economically important group of insects.  相似文献   

记述了郑氏红蚁Myrmica zhengi Ma & Xu雌性生殖蚁新发现。该蚁与工蚁相似,但头部具3枚单眼;复眼大,具深色斑块。唇基圆凸成球状,端缘平直。中胸背板发达,遮盖前胸背板,背侧平坦,后胸背板明显;并胸腹节刺粗大,基部宽,约为并胸腹节基面长的一半。上颚具有光泽;并腹胸具纵形刻纹;腹柄,后腹柄背面和腹部光亮。体棕色,中胸背板边缘具直立毛,后腹柄后部具1列横直立毛。其余刻纹被毛的分布情况似工蚁。标本存放于陕西师范大学动物研究所。  相似文献   



Complete mitochondrial genome sequences have become important tools for the study of genome architecture, phylogeny, and molecular evolution. Despite the rapid increase in available mitogenomes, the taxonomic sampling often poorly reflects phylogenetic diversity and is often also biased to represent deeper (family-level) evolutionary relationships.  相似文献   

The social parasite ant Solenopsis daguerrei infests colonies of several mound-building fire ant species. Twenty-four microsatellite markers were isolated from a repeat-enriched genomic library of S. daguerrei. Eleven loci were polymorphic in this ant with two to six alleles per locus. Expected heterozygosity ranged from 0.0222 to 0.7940 among loci. Most microsatellites amplified successfully across the 11 Solenopsis species tested and will be useful for evolutionary genetic studies in this diverse ant group.  相似文献   

The genus Pogonomyrmex is one of three ant genera with an effective mating frequency (me) > 2.0. We developed microsatellites to determine me for P. rugosus because mating frequency of P. rugosus was known only from observational data which do not allow an estimate of me. We genotyped 474 workers from 20 colonies for two microsatellite loci. Observed mating frequencies ranged from 3 to 12 and me for P. rugosus was 4.71. Observed patriline frequencies were significantly different from the expected patriline frequencies generated with a simulated data set under the assumption of equal patriline representation. The available mating frequency data and phylogenetic information of the genus Pogonomyrmex suggest that multiple mating is the ancestral state in the North American Pogonomyrmex sensu stricto. Established P. rugosus colonies raid and destroy smaller conspecific colonies. During these raids ant workers were observed carrying pupae and larvae from the raided colony into the nest of the raiding colony. However, it was not clear whether raided brood emerged in the raiding colony and were subsequently recruited into the work force (intraspecific slavery) or were used as food (predation). Our analyses indicate 6 of 14 field colonies contained foreign P. rugosus workers (43%). The range of the intracolonial frequency of foreign workers collected directly from the nest entrance was between 4 and 28%.  相似文献   

Within the last decade, checklists of the ant fauna of several European countries have been published or updated. Nevertheless, no ant checklists have hitherto been published for the principality of Andorra, a small landlocked country located in the eastern part of the Pyrenees. This work presents a critical list of the ant species of Andorra based on a review of the literature and on the biological material we collected during several field campaigns conducted in Andorra since the year 2005. Seventy-five species belonging to 21 genera of Formicidae were recorded. Nine species were recorded for the first time in Andorra: Aphaenogaster gibbosa (Latreille, 1798), Camponotus lateralis (Olivier, 1792), Camponotus piceus (Leach, 1825), Formica exsecta Nylander, 1846, Lasius piliferus Seifert, 1992, Tapinoma madeirense Forel, 1895, Temnothorax lichtensteini (Bondroit, 1918), Temnothorax niger (Forel, 1894), Temnothorax nigriceps (Mayr, 1855). The most speciose genera were Formica Linnaeus, 1758 and Temnothorax Forel, 1890 with 14 and 12 species, respectively. The ant fauna of Andorra is mostly dominated by Central European species (some are typical cold climate specialists); however species belonging to the Mediterranean ant fauna were also found. This can be explained by the particular geographic situation of Andorra which is characterized by a high mountain Mediterranean climate.  相似文献   

The evolution of complex societies with obligate reproductive division of labor represents one of the major transitions in evolution. In such societies, functionally sterile individuals (workers) perform many of fitness‐relevant behaviors including allomaternal ones, without getting any direct fitness benefits. The question of how such worker division of labor has evolved remains controversial. The reproductive groundplan hypothesis (RGPH) offers a powerful proximate explanation for this evolutionary leap. The RGPH argues that the conserved genetic and endocrinological networks regulating fitness‐relevant behavior (e g. foraging and brood care) in their solitary ancestors have become decoupled from actual reproduction in the worker caste and now generate worker behavioral phenotypes. However, the empirical support for this hypothesis remains limited to a handful of species making its general validity uncertain. In this study, we combine data from the literature with targeted sampling of key species and apply phylogenetically controlled comparative analysis to investigate if the key prediction of the RGPH, namely an association between allomaternal behavior and an allomaternal physiological state holds in the largest and most species‐rich clade of social insects, the ants. Our findings clearly support the RPGH as a general framework to understand the evolution of the worker caste and shed light on one of the major transition in evolutionary history.  相似文献   

Multiple-queen or "polygyne" Solenopsis invicta Buren colonies are a serious economic and environmental concern because they occur in much higher densities than the monogyne form. Polygyne colonies have been found at numerous locations in the United States; nevertheless, the frequency and distribution of this form are poorly known. Almost 700 roadside sites in 168 Texas counties were surveyed. Polygyny was discovered at 54% of the infested sites. Polygyne populations were scattered in a mosaic across Texas. The frequency of polygyny varied somewhat with geographic region, but the pattern was generally unrelated to habitat and environmental conditions. Polygyne sites averaged more than twice as many mounds per hectare as monogyne sites. Populations of monogyne and polygyne forms were slightly lower in cooler and drier portions of the state. Mounds of both forms were about the same size. Polygyny was correlated with lower rates of sexual production and reduced numbers of native ants. The high frequency of polygyny in Texas indicates that the fire ant problem in the state is much greater than previously realized.  相似文献   

Acrocomia aculeata is a perennial, fruit-producing palm tree, native to tropical forests. Its fruits have spurred interest because of their significant potential for use in the cosmetic industry and as feedstock for biofuel. In the present study, the genetic structure and mating system in Acrocomia aculeata were analyzed, using eight nuclear micro-satellite loci and samples from São Paulo and Minas Gerais states, Brazil. By means of Bayesian analysis, these populations were clustered into two or three groups. A high multilocus outcrossing rate suggests that outcrosses were predominant, although a certain degree of biparental inbreeding also occurred. Thus, although monoecious and self-compatible, there is every indication that A. aculeata bears a mixed reproductive system, with a predominance of outcrossing. Given the genetic structure revealed hereby, future conservation strategies and germplasm collecting should be focussed on sampling and preserving individuals from different clusters.  相似文献   

热处理作为一种无污染、无残留、环境友好型防治措施,在红火蚁Solenopsis invicta Buren(Hymenoptera:Formicidae)防控中具有广阔的应用前景。然而,目前有关热处理对红火蚁防治效果的研究相对较少,致死温度和致死时间的最佳组合仍值得进一步探究。为此,本研究在实验室条件下,采用干热(45.5、46、46.5、47、47.5、48、49、50和51℃)和热水(41、41.5、42.5、43、45、46、47和48℃)处理红火蚁工蚁0.5~5 min,记录工蚁的击倒率、及处理后12 h的存活情况。结果显示,热处理温度越高、时间越长,红火蚁工蚁的击倒率和死亡率越高。干热处理过程中,48℃高温处理4 min、49℃高温处理3 min、50或51℃高温处理2 min均可杀死100%的工蚁。采用热水处理时,45或46℃热水处理5 min、48℃热水处理2 min便可杀死全部的工蚁。因此,作为一种安全、高效的物理防治措施,热处理可用于红火蚁的有效防控。  相似文献   

红火蚁Solenopsis invicta是全国农业、林业和进境植物检疫性有害生物,是世界自然保护联盟收录的最具有破坏力的入侵生物之一。高效精准监测红火蚁在其防控中尤为重要,而诱饵诱集是监测红火蚁的有力措施,相对诱饵的筛选和改进,诱集器方面研究则较为滞后。本文对“透明塑料瓶+火腿肠”(PS)和“新型诱集器+火腿肠”(TS)这两类诱集器的红火蚁诱集效果进行比较分析。结果表明,下午1∶30至3∶30时段,PS处理透明塑料瓶在放置5 min之后存在明显的升温效应,伴随着诱集到的红火蚁数量明显减少,诱集到红火蚁的诱饵比例也下降明显,较TS处理下降了43.6%。而且,TS的投放时间和回收耗时均明显比PS的短;在复杂的荒地生境中,投放的诱集器数量越多,PS的诱集器回收率则越低;当投放的诱集器达到90个时,PS处理回收率为92.34%,而TS处理为98.67%。综合上述分析,诱集方法TS由于诱饵开放、诱集和标示一体、稳定性好等特点在应用效果上较PS有优势,适用面更广,今后还需对其进一步完善和改进并应用于红火蚁的调查监测。  相似文献   

A survey of allozyme variability in the fire ant, Solenopsis invicta Buren, was conducted using samples collected throughout the species' range in North America. A substantial amount of variability was found, although heterozygosity estimates were considerably less than estimates for diploid non-hymenopterous species. The presence of this variability raises the possibility of multiple introductions of this ant to North America. Although based on a limited sample, our data indicate no differences in variability between individuals from monogynous and polygynous populations or between individuals from the Mobile, Alabama area (presumed point of introduction) and outside the area. Individuals from polygynous colonies shared all detected alleles with individuals from monogynous colonies indicating the lack of long-term reproductive isolation between the two types of populations.  相似文献   

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