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Cdc13, the telomere end-binding protein from Saccharomyces cerevisiae, is a multidomain protein that specifically binds telomeric single-stranded DNA (ssDNA) with exquisitely high affinity to coordinate telomere maintenance. Recent structural and genetic data have led to the proposal that Cdc13 is the paralog of RPA70 within a telomere-specific RPA complex. Our understanding of Cdc13 structure and biochemistry has been largely restricted to studies of individual domains, precluding analysis of how each domain influences the activity of the others. To better facilitate a comparison to RPA70, we evaluated the ssDNA binding of full-length S. cerevisiae Cdc13 to its minimal substrate, Tel11. We found that, unlike RPA70 and the other known telomere end-binding proteins, the core Cdc13 ssDNA-binding activity is wholly contained within a single tight-binding oligosaccharide/oligonucleotide/oligopeptide binding (OB)-fold. Because two OB-folds are implicated in dimerization, we also evaluated the relationship between dimerization and ssDNA-binding activity and found that the two activities are independent. We also find that Cdc13 binding exhibits positive cooperativity that is independent of dimerization. This study reveals that, while Cdc13 and RPA70 share similar domain topologies, the corresponding domains have evolved different and specialized functions.  相似文献   

Budding yeast telomerase is mainly activated by Tel1/Mec1 (yeast ATM/ATR) on Cdc13 from late S to G2 phase of the cell cycle. Here, we demonstrated that the telomerase-recruitment domain of Cdc13 is also phosphorylated by Cdk1 at the same cell cycle stage as the Tel1/Mec1-dependent regulation. Phosphor-specific gel analysis demonstrated that Cdk1 phosphorylates residues 308 and 336 of Cdc13. The residue T308 of Cdc13 is critical for efficient Mec1-mediated S306 phosphorylation in vitro. Phenotypic analysis in vivo revealed that the mutations in the Cdc13S/TP motifs phosphorylated by Cdk1 caused cell cycle delay and telomere shortening and these phenotypes could be partially restored by the replacement with a negative charge residue. In the absence of Ku or Tel1, Cdk1-mediated phosphorylation of Cdc13 showed no effect on telomere length maintenance. Moreover, this Cdk1-mediated phosphorylation was required to promote the regular turnover of Cdc13. Together these results demonstrate that Cdk1 phosphorylates the telomerase recruitment domain of Cdc13, thereby preserves optimal function and expression level of Cdc13 for precise telomere replication and cell cycle progression.  相似文献   

Pot1 and telomere maintenance   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Proteins that specifically bind the single-stranded overhang at the ends of telomeres have been identified in a wide range of eukaryotes and play pivotal roles in chromosome end protection and telomere length regulation. Here we summarize recent findings regarding the functions of POT1 proteins in vertebrates and discuss the functional evolution of POT1 proteins following gene duplication in protozoa, plants, nematodes and mice.  相似文献   

Pot1 (protection of telomeres 1) is a single-stranded telomere binding protein that is essential for chromosome end protection and telomere length homeostasis. Arabidopsis encodes two Pot1-like proteins, dubbed AtPot1 and AtPot2. Here we show that telomeres in transgenic plants expressing a truncated AtPot1 allele lacking the N-terminal oligonucleotide/oligosaccharide binding fold (P1DeltaN) are 1 to 1.5 kb shorter than in the wild type, suggesting that AtPot1 contributes to the positive regulation of telomere length control. In contrast, telomere length is unperturbed in plants expressing the analogous region of AtPot2. A strikingly different phenotype is observed in plants overexpressing the AtPot2 N terminus (P2DeltaC) but not the corresponding region in AtPot1. Although bulk telomeres in P2DeltaC mutants are 1 to 2 kb shorter than in the wild type, these plants resemble late-generation telomerase-deficient mutants with severe growth defects, sterility, and massive genome instability, including bridged chromosomes and aneuploidy. The genome instability associated with P2DeltaC mutants implies that AtPot2 contributes to chromosome end protection. Thus, Arabidopsis has evolved two Pot genes that function differently in telomere biology. These findings provide unanticipated information about the evolution of single-stranded telomere binding proteins.  相似文献   

In Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Cdc13 has been proposed to mediate telomerase recruitment at telomere ends. Stn1, which associates with Cdc13 by the two-hybrid interaction, has been implicated in telomere maintenance. Ten1, a previously uncharacterized protein, was found to associate physically with both Stn1 and Cdc13. A binding defect between Stn1-13 and Ten1 was responsible for the long telomere phenotype of stn1-13 mutant cells. Moreover, rescue of the cdc13-1 mutation by STN1 was much improved when TEN1 was simultaneously overexpressed. Several ten1 mutations were found to confer telomerase-dependent telomere lengthening. Other, temperature-sensitive, mutants of TEN1 arrested at G(2)/M via activation of the Rad9-dependent DNA damage checkpoint. These ten1 mutant cells were found to accumulate single-stranded DNA in telomeric regions of the chromosomes. We propose that Ten1 is required to regulate telomere length, as well as to prevent lethal damage to telomeric DNA.  相似文献   

We have identified two new telomere proteins, Tpt1 and Pat1, from the ciliate Tetrahymena thermophila. Although Tetrahymena telomerase is well characterized, only one telomere protein had previously been identified. This was the G-overhang binding-protein Pot1a. Tpt1 and Pat1 were isolated as Pot1a binding partners and shown to localize to telomeres. As Tpt1 and Pat1 were both found to be essential, conditional cell lines were generated to explore their function. Tpt1 depletion caused a rapid growth arrest and telomere elongation in the absence of cell division. The phenotype was similar to that seen after Pot1a depletion suggesting that Tpt1 and Pot1a function together to regulate telomere length and prevent telomere deprotection. In contrast, Pat1 depletion had a modest effect on cell growth but caused progressive telomere shortening similar to that observed upon TERT depletion. Thus Pat1 appears to be needed for telomerase to maintain the chromosome terminus. Analysis of Pot1a-Tpt1-Pat1 complex formation using purified proteins indicated that Tpt1 interacts directly with Pot1a while Pat1 interacts with Tpt1. Our results indicate that Tpt1 is the Tetrahymena equivalent of mammalian TPP1, Schizosaccharomyces pombe Tpz1, and Oxytricha nova TEBPβ.  相似文献   

Cdc13 performs an essential function in telomere end protection in budding yeast. Here, we analyze the consequences on telomere dynamics of cdc13-induced telomeric DNA damage in proliferating cells. Checkpoint-deficient cdc13-1 cells accumulated DNA damage and eventually senesced. However, these telomerase-proficient cells could survive by using homologous recombination but, contrary to telomerase-deficient cells, did so without prior telomere shortening. Strikingly, homologous recombination in cdc13-1 mec3, as well as in telomerase-deficient cdc13-1 cells, which were Rad52- and Rad50-dependent but Rad51-independent, exclusively amplified the TG(1-3) repeats. This argues that not only short telomeres are substrates for type II recombination. The Cdc13-1 mutant protein harbored a defect in its association with Stn1 and Ten1 but also an additional, unknown, defect that could not be cured by expressing a Cdc13-1- Ten1-Stn1 fusion. We propose that Cdc13 prevents telomere uncapping and inhibits recombination between telomeric sequences through a pathway distinct from and complementary to that used by telomerase.  相似文献   

Chromosome ends, known as telomeres, have to be distinguished from DNA breaks that activate DNA damage checkpoint. Two large protein kinases, ataxia-teleangiectasia mutated (ATM) and ATM-Rad3-related (ATR), control not only checkpoint activation but also telomere length. In budding yeast, Mec1 and Tel1 correspond to ATR and ATM, respectively. Here, we show that Cdc13-dependent telomere capping attenuates Mec1 association with DNA ends. The telomeric TG repeat sequence inhibits DNA degradation and decreases Mec1 accumulation at the DNA end. The TG-mediated degradation block requires binding of multiple Cdc13 proteins. The Mre11-Rad50-Xrs2 complex and Exo1 contribute to DNA degradation at DNA ends. Although the TG sequence impedes Exo1 association with DNA ends, it allows Mre11 association. Moreover, the TG sequence does not affect Tel1 association with the DNA end. Our results suggest that the Cdc13 telomere cap coordinates Mec1 and Tel1 accumulation rather than simply covering the DNA ends at telomeres.  相似文献   

Pennock E  Buckley K  Lundblad V 《Cell》2001,104(3):387-396
In Saccharomyces cerevisiae, the telomere binding protein Cdc13 mediates telomere replication by recruiting telomerase, and also performs an essential function in chromosome end protection. We show here that delivery of the Stn1 protein to the telomere, by fusing the DNA binding domain of Cdc13 (DBD(CDC13)) to Stn1, is sufficient to rescue the lethality of a cdc13 null strain and, hence, provide end protection. Telomere replication is still defective in this strain, but can be restored by delivering telomerase to the telomere as a DBD(CDC13)-telomerase fusion. These results establish Stn1 as the primary effector of chromosome end protection, whereas the principal function of Cdc13 is to provide a loading platform to recruit complexes that provide end protection and telomere replication.  相似文献   

The Rho-type GTPase Cdc42 is a central regulator of eukaryotic cell polarity and signal transduction. In budding yeast, Cdc42 regulates polarity and mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinase signaling in part through the PAK-family kinase Ste20. Activation of Ste20 requires a Cdc42/Rac interactive binding (CRIB) domain, which mediates its recruitment to membrane-associated Cdc42. Here, we identify a separate domain in Ste20 that interacts directly with membrane phospholipids and is critical for its function. This short region, termed the basic-rich (BR) domain, can target green fluorescent protein to the plasma membrane in vivo and binds PIP(2)-containing liposomes in vitro. Mutation of basic or hydrophobic residues in the BR domain abolishes polarized localization of Ste20 and its function in both MAP kinase-dependent and independent pathways. Thus, Cdc42 binding is required but is insufficient; instead, direct membrane binding by Ste20 is also required. Nevertheless, phospholipid specificity is not essential in vivo, because the BR domain can be replaced with several heterologous lipid-binding domains of varying lipid preferences. We also identify functionally important BR domains in two other yeast Cdc42 effectors, Gic1 and Gic2, suggesting that cooperation between protein-protein and protein-membrane interactions is a prevalent mechanism during Cdc42-regulated signaling and perhaps for other dynamic localization events at the cell cortex.  相似文献   

The DNA damage-responsive protein kinases ATM and ATR phosphorylate SQ/TQ motifs that lie in clusters in most of their in vivo targets. Budding yeast Cdc13p contains two clusters of SQ/TQ motifs, suggesting that it might be a target of Mec1p/Tel1p (yeast ATR/ATM). Here we demonstrated that the telomerase recruitment domain of Cdc13p is phosphorylated by Mec1p and Tel1p. Gel analysis showed that Cdc13p contains a Mec1/Tel1-dependent post-translational modification. Using an immunoprecipitate (IP)-kinase assay, we showed that Mec1p phosphorylates Cdc13p on serine 225, 249, 255 and 306, and Tel1p phosphorylates Cdc13p on serine 225, 249 and 255 in vitro. Phenotypic analysis in vivo revealed that the mutations in the Cdc13p SQ motifs phosphorylated by Mec1p and Tel1p caused multiple telomere and growth defects. In addition, normal telomere length and growth could be restored by expressing a Cdc13–Est1p hybrid protein. These results demonstrate the telomerase recruitment domain of Cdc13p as an important new telomere-specific target of Mec1p/Tel1p.  相似文献   

The Saccharomyces cerevisiae CDC13 protein binds single-strand telomeric DNA. Here we report the isolation of new mutant alleles of CDC13 that confer either abnormal telomere lengthening or telomere shortening. This deregulation not only depended on telomerase (Est2/TLC1) and Est1, a direct regulator of telomerase, but also on the yeast Ku proteins, yKu70/Hdf1 and yKu80/Hdf2, that have been previously implicated in DNA repair and telomere maintenance. Expression of a Cdc13-yKu70 fusion protein resulted in telomere elongation, similar to that produced by a Cdc13-Est1 fusion, thus suggesting that yKu70 might promote Cdc13-mediated telomerase recruitment. We also demonstrate that Stn1 is an inhibitor of telomerase recruitment by Cdc13, based both on STN1 overexpression and Cdc13-Stn1 fusion experiments. We propose that accurate regulation of telomerase recruitment by Cdc13 results from a coordinated balance between positive control by yKu70 and negative control by Stn1. Our results represent the first evidence of a direct control of the telomerase-loading function of Cdc13 by a double-strand telomeric DNA-binding complex.  相似文献   

The fission yeast Pot1 (protection of telomeres) protein binds to the single-stranded extensions at the ends of telomeres, where its presence is critical for the maintenance of linear chromosomes. Homologs of Pot1 have been identified in a wide variety of eukaryotes, including plants, animals, and humans. We now show that Pot1 plays dual roles in telomere length regulation and chromosome end protection. Using a series of Pot1 truncation mutants, we have defined distinct areas of the protein required for chromosome stability and for limiting access to telomere ends by telomerase. We provide evidence that a large portion of Pot1, including the N-terminal DNA binding domain and amino acids close to the C terminus, is essential for its protective function. C-terminal Pot1 fragments were found to exert a dominant-negative effect by displacing endogenous Pot1 from telomeres. Reducing telomere-bound Pot1 in this manner resulted in dramatic lengthening of the telomere tract. Upon further reduction of Pot1 at telomeres, the opposite phenotype was observed: loss of telomeric DNA and chromosome end fusions. Our results demonstrate that cells must carefully regulate the amount of telomere-bound Pot1 to differentiate between allowing access to telomerase and catastrophic loss of telomeres.  相似文献   

Telomeric DNA of Tetrahymena thermophila consists of a long stretch of (TTGGGG)n double-stranded repeats with a single-stranded (TTGGGG)2 3' overhang at the end of the chromosome. We have identified and characterized a protein that specifically binds to a synthetic telomeric substrate consisting of duplex DNA and the 3' telomeric repeat overhang. This protein is called TEP (telomere end-binding protein). A change from G to A in the third position of the TTGGGG overhang repeat converts the substrate to a human telomere analog and reduces the binding affinity approximately threefold. Changing two G's to C's in the TTGGGG repeats totally abolishes binding. However, permutation of the Tetrahymena repeat sequence has only a minor effect on binding. A duplex structure adjacent to the 3' overhang is required for binding, although the duplex need not contain telomeric repeats. TEP does not bind to G-quartet DNA, which is formed by many G-rich sequences. TEP has a greatly reduced affinity for RNA substrates. The copy number of TEP is at least 2 x 10(4) per cell, and it is present under different conditions of cell growth and development, although its level varies. UV cross-linking experiments show that TEP has an apparent molecular mass of approximately 65 kDa. Unlike other telomere end-binding proteins, TEP is sensitive to high salt concentrations.  相似文献   

Petreaca RC  Chiu HC  Nugent CI 《Genetics》2007,177(3):1459-1474
The function of telomeres is twofold: to facilitate complete chromosome replication and to protect chromosome ends against fusions and illegitimate recombination. In the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, interactions among Cdc13p, Stn1p, and Ten1p are thought to be critical for promoting these processes. We have identified distinct Stn1p domains that mediate interaction with either Ten1p or Cdc13p, allowing analysis of whether the interaction between Cdc13p and Stn1p is indeed essential for telomere capping or length regulation. Consistent with the model that the Stn1p essential function is to promote telomere end protection through Cdc13p, stn1 alleles that truncate the C-terminal 123 residues fail to interact with Cdc13p and do not support viability when expressed at endogenous levels. Remarkably, more extensive deletions that remove an additional 185 C-terminal residues from Stn1p now allow cell growth at endogenous expression levels. The viability of these stn1-t alleles improves with increasing expression level, indicating that increased stn1-t dosage can compensate for the loss of Cdc13p-Stn1p interaction. However, telomere length is misregulated at all expression levels. Thus, an amino-terminal region of Stn1p is sufficient for its essential function, while a central region of Stn1p either negatively regulates the STN1 essential function or destabilizes the mutant Stn1 protein.  相似文献   

Removal of the conserved telomere protein, Pot1, confers the immediate loss of fission yeast telomeres. This drastic phenotype has established the centrality of Pot1 for telomere maintenance but prohibited elucidation of the intermediate steps leading to telomere loss. To circumvent this problem, we have generated a conditional allele, pot1–1. We show that loss of Pot1 function during G1 leads to rapid telomere erosion during the ensuing S/G2 period. Precipitous telomere loss depends upon S-phase progression and is preceded by 5′ telomeric resection. Telomere loss is accompanied by ATR- and Chk1-mediated checkpoint activation, but is not caused by checkpoint arrest.  相似文献   

Prediction of the location of structural domains in globular proteins   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
The location of structural domains in proteins is predicted from the amino acid sequence, based on the analysis of a computed contact map for the protein, the average distance map (ADM). Interactions between residues i and j in a protein are subdivided into several ranges, according to the separation |i-j| in the amino acid sequence. Within each range, average spatial distances between every pair of amino acid residues are computed from a data base of known protein structures. Infrequently occurring pairs are omitted as being statistically insignificant. The average distances are used to construct a predicted ADM. The ADM is analyzed for the occurrence of regions with high densities of contacts (compact regions). Locations of rapid changes of density between various parts of the map are determined by the use of scanning plots of contact densities. These locations serve to pinpoint the distribution of compact regions. This distribution, in turn, is used to predict boundaries of domains in the protein. The technique provides an objective method for the location of domains both on a contact map derived from a known three-dimensional protein structure, the real distance map (RDM), and on an ADM. While most other published methods for the identification of domains locate them in the known three-dimensional structure of a protein, the technique presented here also permits the prediction of domains in proteins of unknown spatial structure, as the construction of the ADM for a given protein requires knowledge of only its amino acid sequence.  相似文献   

The telomere repeat units of Candida species are substantially longer and more complex than those in other organisms, raising interesting questions concerning the recognition mechanisms of telomere-binding proteins. Herein we characterized the properties of Candida parapsilosis Cdc13A and Cdc13B, two paralogs that are responsible for binding and protecting the telomere G-strand tails. We found that Cdc13A and Cdc13B can each form complexes with itself and a heterodimeric complex with each other. However, only the heterodimer exhibits high-affinity and sequence-specific binding to the telomere G-tail. EMSA and crosslinking analysis revealed a combinatorial mechanism of DNA recognition, which entails the A and B subunit making contacts to the 3′ and 5′ region of the repeat unit. While both the DBD and OB4 domain of Cdc13A can bind to the equivalent domain in Cdc13B, only the OB4 complex behaves as a stable heterodimer. The unstable Cdc13ABDBD complex binds G-strand with greatly reduced affinity but the same sequence specificity. Thus the OB4 domains evidently contribute to binding by promoting dimerization of the DBDs. Our investigation reveals a rare example of combinatorial recognition of single-stranded DNA and offers insights into the co-evolution of telomere DNA and cognate binding proteins.  相似文献   

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