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We have previously shown that at least two types of Lyt-1+, Lyt-2-, L3T4+ helper T cell clones can be distinguished in vitro by different patterns of lymphokine secretion and by different forms of B cell help. Evidence is presented here to show that one type of helper T cell clone (TH1) causes delayed-type hypersensitivity (DTH) when injected with the appropriate antigen into the footpads of naive mice. The antigen-specific, major histocompatability complex (MHC)-restricted footpad swelling reaction peaked at approximately 24 hr. Footpad swelling was induced by all TH1 clones tested so far, including clones specific for soluble, particulate, or allogeneic antigens. In contrast, local transfer of TH2 cells and antigen did not produce a DTH reaction, even when supplemented with syngeneic spleen accessory cells. Similarly, local transfer of an alloreactive cytotoxic T lymphocyte clone into appropriate recipients did not produce DTH. The requirements for the DTH reaction induced by TH1 cells were investigated further by using TH1 clones with dual specificity for both foreign antigens and M1s antigens. Although these clones responded in vitro to either antigen + syngeneic presenting cells, or M1s disparate spleen cells, they responded in vivo only to antigen + MHC and did not cause footpad swelling in an M1s-disparate mouse in the absence of antigen. Moreover, in vitro preactivation of TH1 or TH2 cells with the lectin concanavalin A was insufficient to induce DTH reactions upon subsequent injection into footpads. From these results, we conclude that the lack of DTH given by TH2 clones in vivo could be due to the inability of the TH2 cells to produce the correct mediators of DTH, or to a lack of stimulation of TH2 clones in the footpad environment.  相似文献   

To study T cell idiotype expression at the functional level, we developed a hapten-specific delayed-type hypersensitivity (DTH) system by which we avoid the complication of anti-hapten antibody and which is specific only for the immunizing hapten, and not for conjugate specific determinants. Immunization with ABA-Tyr and challenge with ABA diazonium induced footpad swelling with the characteristics of DTH. Anti-ABA antibodies did not contribute to this reaction, as they were undetectable in mice immunized with ABA-Tyr. Furthermore, this ABA-Tyr-specific DTH was under Ir gene control identical to that reported for ABA-Tyr-specific lymphocyte proliferation. All mouse strains tested responded to ABA-Tyr except those of the b haplotype across the entire Ia region. In contrast, contact sensitivity induced by ABA diazonium was not under apparent Ir gene control, probably reflecting 1) different specificities of the induced T cells and 2) the production of anti-ABA antibodies that contribute to the footpad swelling via an Arthus reaction. Having shown that ABA-Tyr can induce T cells mediating DTH, we then examined ABA-Tyr-reactive T cell clones, propagated in vitro, for their ability to mediate DTH. Such clones elicited a response identical to that seen with in vivo immunization with respect to dose dependency, I-Ak restriction, and antigen specificity.  相似文献   

Footpad swelling response was used to measure the alloantigenicity of epidermal cells (ECs) in delayed-type hypersensitivity (DTH). Strong footpad swelling was oberserved 3 h after the challenge, and it continued for 48 h after the challenge. Genetical incompatibility between the recipients and the ECs was required to induce significant footpad swelling. H-2 or non-H-2 incompatibility between mice and ECs in the sensitization phase sufficed to develop significant footpad swelling. Incompatibility caused by point mutation in the A region induced strong responses when B6. C-H-2 bm12 mice were immunized with B6/J ECs, but the disparity in immuno-globulin h (Igh) allotype genes was insufficient. H -Y antigen on ECs could also elicit the DTH response. Semiallogeneic F1-derived ECs sensitized the parental recipients. The responses were successfully transferred by immune lymph node cells, but not by immune sera. Treatment of these immune lymph node cells with monoclonal antibodies plus complement revealed that the cells responsible for DTH transfer were Lyt-1+2, Ia T cells.Abbreviations used in this paper DNFB 2,4-dinitro-1-fluorobenzene - DTH delayed-type hypersensitivity - ECs epidermal cells - HBSS Hanks' balanced salt solution - MHC major histocompatibility complex - PBS phosphate-buffered saline  相似文献   

This paper describes two functionally different T cell populations that mediate delayed-type hypersensitivity (DTH) reactions in contact-sensitized mice. Both of these T cells are Ly-1+, Qa-2-, and Vicia villosa lectin nonadherent. One of these T cell subpopulations is responsible for the classical 24- to 48-hr component of DTH reactions, is induced 3 to 4 days after immunization, is H-2 restricted, is sensitive to irradiation and to antigen-specific T cell-derived suppressor factors, and is found in nylon wool-nonadherent as well as nylon wool-adherent populations. In contrast, the T cell population that is responsible, via an antigen-specific T cell factor, for a recently described early component of DTH, which is an obligatory initial step for expression of DTH, is induced within 24 hr after immunization, requires much less antigen for immunization, is not H-2 restricted, is not sensitive to irradiation nor to T suppressor factors, and is found exclusively in the nylon wool-nonadherent fraction. These results support a new formulation of DTH. According to this formulation, Ly-1+ T cells produce an antigen-specific, tissue-sensitizing, mast cell-activating factor, and via this factor induce the early component of DTH, which is an obligatory first step in which local antigen challenge induces increased local vascular permeability. This required opening of gaps between endothelial cells is due to T cell factor-dependent release of the vasoactive amine serotonin from cells such as mast cells. This first step allows the second, H-2-restricted, Ly-1+ T cell population to enter the reaction site, and to then be triggered by antigen to release lymphokines that attract the subsequent influx of blood-borne, bone marrow-derived leukocytes to constitute the classical delayed-in-time component of DTH reactions.  相似文献   

Summary The growth of line-10 tumours in naive guinea pigs is prevented by adoptive transfer of spleen cells that are hyperimmune to this hepatocellular carcinoma. To study the T cell subpopulations responsible for the adoptive transfer of immunity, various cell populations were removed from immune spleen cells using monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) and magnetic microspheres. Spleen cell subpopulations were identified by mAb after flow cytometry and rosette formation with the magnetic microspheres. mAb CT5 was confirmed to be a pan T cell marker, while the CT6 (anti-T-suppressor/cytotoxic) and CT7 (anti-T-cell) markers were present on two different T cell subpopulations. So our results show that CT7 mAb cannot be used as a pan T cell marker as was published previously. Moreover, the mAb H155 (anti-T-helper/inducer) reacted with the same T cell subpopulation recognized by CT7. So we designated this H155/CT7-positive subpopulation as T helper/inducer cells. Removal of the CT6-, CT7-, or the H155-positive T cells from the immune spleen cells resulted in loss of the in vitro poliferative response to line-10 tumour protein and tuberculin purified protein derivative (PPD). The H155/CT7(anti-T-helper/inducer)-positive spleen cells did not express MHC class II antigens as determined by mAb 25E3. In most experiments, elimination of MHC-class-II-positive cells did not change the in vitro proliferative response to line-10 protein, whereas the response to tuberculin PPD was completely abrogated. Immune spleen cells after depletion of CT6-, CT7- or H155-positive cells, failed to transfer immunity. However, after depletion of MHC-class-II-antigen-positive cells the line-10 immunity was still present, whereas the immune response to tuberculin PPD was lost. In conclusion, our data indicate that immunity to the line-10 tumour is the result of a cooperation between at least two different T cell subpopulations, the T helper/inducer (CT7/H155) cells and the T suppressor/cytotoxic cells (CT6). If this is a common feature, then the therapeutic approach of in vitro expanded TIL cells should take into consideration the requirement of two T cell subsets.  相似文献   

Glucocorticoids, administered in pharmacological doses, potently modulate immune system function and are a mainstay therapy for many common human diseases. Physiologic production of glucocorticoids may play a role in optimization of the immune repertoire both centrally and peripherally. Possible effects include alteration of lymphocyte development and down-regulation of cytokine responses, but essential roles remain unclear. To determine the part that endogenous glucocorticoids play in thymocyte development, we used fetal liver from mice lacking the glucocorticoid receptor GRko for immunological reconstitution of lethally irradiated wild-type (WT) mice. We find normal numbers and subset distribution of GRko thymocytes. GRko thymocytes also exhibit similar sensitivity to apoptosis induced by activating anti-CD3epsilon Ab as WT thymocytes in vitro. Surprisingly, GRko thymocytes are significantly more resistant than WT thymocytes to anti-CD3epsilon-mediated thymocyte apoptosis in vivo. Consistent with this finding, in vivo TCR complex activation induces sustained high levels of glucocorticoids that correlate strongly with thymocyte apoptosis in WT mice. We find that while direct engagement of the TCR complex may cause death of a subset of thymocytes, glucocorticoids are required for deletion of the majority of thymocytes. Thus, TCR stimulation by Ab administration may more accurately reflect polyclonal T cell activation than negative selection in vivo.  相似文献   

SPARC (secreted protein, acidic and rich in cysteine, also known as osteonectin and BM-40) is a metal-binding glycoprotein secreted by a variety of cultured cells and characteristic of tissues undergoing morphogenesis, remodeling, and repair. Recently it has been shown that SPARC inhibits the progression of the endothelial cell cycle in mid-G1, and that a synthetic peptide (amino acids 54–73 of secreted murine SPARC, peptide 2.1) from a cationic, disulfide-bonded region was in part responsible for the growth-suppressing activity [Funk and Sage (1991): Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 88:2648–2652]. Moreover, SPARC was shown to interact directly with bovine aortic endothelial (BAE) cells through a C-terminal EF-hand sequence comprising a high-affinity Ca2+-binding site of SPARC and represented by a synthetic peptide (amino acids 254–273) termed 4.2 [Yost and Sage (1993): J Biol Chem 268:25790–25796]. In this study we show that peptide 4.2 is a more potent inhibitor of DNA synthesis that acts cooperatively with peptide 2.1 to diminish the incorporation of [3H]-thymidine by both BAE and bovine capillary endothelial (BCE) cells. At concentrations of 0.019–0.26 mM peptide 4.2, thymidine incorporation by BAE cells was decreased incrementally, relative to control values, from approximately 100 to 10%. Although somewhat less responsive, BCE cells exhibited a dose-responsive decrement in thymidine incorporation, with a maximal inhibition of 55% at 0.39 mM. The inhibitory effect of peptide 4.2 was essentially independent of heparin and basic fibroblast growth factor and was blocked by anti-SPARC peptide 4.2 IgG, but not by antibodies specific for other domains of SPARC. To identify residues that were necessary for inhibition of DNA synthesis, we introduced single amino acid substitutions into synthetic peptide 4.2 and tested their activities and cell-surface binding characteristics on endothelial cells. Two peptides displayed null to diminished effects in the bioassays that were concentration-dependent: peptide 4.2 K, containing an Asp258 → Lys substitution, and peptide 4.2 AA, in which the two disulfide-bonded Cys (positions 255 and 271) were changed to Ala residues. Peptide 4.2 K, which failed to fulfill the EF-hand consensus formula, exhibited an anomalous fluorescence emission spectrum, in comparison with the wild-type 4.2 sequence, that was indicative of a compromised affinity for Ca2+. Moreover, ablation of the disulfide bond in peptide 4.2 AA potentially destabilized the Ca2+-binding loop structure, as assessed by fluorescence spectroscopy, such that the peptide competed poorly for the binding of [125I]-peptide 4.2 to BAE cells. We conclude both that Ca2+-coordinating Asp at position 258 and the conformation of peptide 4.2 are necessary for the inhibition of DNA synthesis by SPARC in cultured endothelial cells.  相似文献   

We examined virally transformed murine fibroblast clones as targets for cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL)-triggered lysis and genome digestion. Strikingly, while all clones were essentially equivalent in the ability to be lysed, one clone, SV3T3-B2.1, failed to exhibit genome digestion associated with CTL attack. Other aspects of the physiological cell death process, including loss of adhesion and nuclear envelope breakdown (lamin phosphorylation and solubilization), were not altered in this clone. The absence of genome digestion associated with CTL-induced cell death correlated with the absence of endodeoxyribonuclease activity in the nuclei of that clone. Characterization of the activity affected identifies a calcium-dependent, DNase I-like endonuclease of approximately 40 kDa, normally present constitutively in all cell nuclei, as the enzyme responsible for genome digestion associated with CTL-mediated cell death. These observations indicate that neither genome digestion per se nor its consequences [such as activation of poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase] are essential for cell death resulting from the triggering of this cell suicide process.  相似文献   

Type I IFNs are important for direct control of viral infection and generation of adaptive immune responses. Recently, direct stimulation of CD4(+) T cells via type I IFNR has been shown to be necessary for the formation of functional CD4(+) T cell responses. In contrast, we find that CD4(+) T cells do not require intrinsic type I IFN signals in response to combined TLR/anti-CD40 vaccination. Rather, the CD4 response is dependent on the expression of type I IFNR (IFNαR) on innate cells. Further, we find that dendritic cell (DC) expression of the TNF superfamily member OX40 ligand was dependent on type I IFN signaling in the DC, resulting in a reduced CD4(+) T cell response that could be substantially rescued by an agonistic Ab to the receptor OX40. Taken together, we show that the IFNαR dependence of the CD4(+) T cell response is accounted for exclusively by defects in DC activation.  相似文献   

CXCR6, the receptor for the membrane-anchored chemokine, CXCL16, is expressed on a subset of CCR5-bearing memory T cells, and may play a role in recruiting these cells to sites of inflammation. Here, we set out to determine the effect of T cell activation on CXCR6 expression. Highly purified human peripheral blood T cells were cultured for 7-8 days in presence of IL-2 (400 U/ml) to enhance CXCR6 expression. Overnight stimulation with anti-CD3 mAb+anti-CD28 mAb, which resulted in CD69 induction and cytokine (IL-2 and IFN-gamma) production, reduced cell surface expression of CXCR6 by 85% and that of CCR5 by 76%. The Ca(2+) ionophore, ionomycin (125-500 ng/ml), also markedly diminished CXCR6 expression (85%), but without inducing CD69 expression or cytokine production, and reduced CCR5 expression by only 40%. In contrast, the phorbol esters, PdBu or PMA had little effect on CXCR6 expression (23% reduction) but induced CD69 expression and caused a profound down-regulation (92%) of CCR5 expression. Moreover, CCR7, whose expression was low on CXCR6(+) T cells, was little affected by any of these modes of activation. The down-regulation of CXCR6 expression induced by CD3/CD28 activation was blocked by the broad kinase inhibitor, staurosporine, and by the src kinase inhibitor, PP2, but not by the MEK1 inhibitor, U0106. Most interestingly, the calcineurin inhibitor, FK506, consistently inhibited CD3/CD28-induced CXCR6 down-regulation. FK506 also blocked the decrease of CXCR6 expression caused by ionomycin, whereas staurosporine or PP2 had no effect on this decrease. Altogether, these data indicate that CXCR6 expression is down-regulated, independent of CCR5 or CD69 expression and of cytokine induction, by T cell activation signals that involve predominantly the Ca(2+)-dependent calcineurin pathway.  相似文献   

Piliated Neisseria gonorrhoeae are known to be transformed less readily if transforming DNA competes with DNA containing the 10-bp sequence GCCGTCTGAA. It has been postulated that the 10-bp sequence is a recognition sequence which is required for efficient DNA uptake. We show that the presence of various forms of this 10-bp sequence results in increased uptake of double-stranded DNA into a DNase-resistant state and allows genetic transformation by an otherwise nontransformable plasmid.  相似文献   

The specific delayed-type hypersensitivity (DTH) response was evaluated in resistant (A/SN) and susceptible (B10.A) mice intraperitoneally infected with yeasts from a virulent (Pb18) or from a non-virulent (Pb265)Paracoccidioides brasiliensis isolates. Both strains of mice were footpad challenged with homologous antigens. Pb18 infected A/SN mice developed an evident and persistent DTH response late in the course of the disease (90th day on) whereas B10.A animals mounted a discrete and ephemeral DTH response at the 14th day post-infection. A/SN mice infected with Pb265 developed cellular immune responses whereas B10.A mice were almost always anergic. Histological analysis of the footpads of infected mice at 48 hours after challenge showed a mixed infiltrate consisting of predominantly mononuclear cells. Previous infection of resistant and susceptible mice with Pb18 did not alter their DTH responses against heterologous unrelated antigens (sheep red blood cells and dinitrofluorobenzene) indicating that the observed cellular anergy was antigen-specific. When fungal related antigens (candidin and histoplasmin) were tested in resistant mice, absence of cross-reactivity was noted. Thus, specific DTH responses againstP. brasiliensis depend on both the host's genetically determined resistance and the virulence of the fungal isolate.Abbreviations DTH delayed-type hypersensitivity - DNFB dinitrofluorobenzene - FN18 Fava Netto's antigen obtained from isolate Pb18 - FN265 Fava Netto's antigen obtained from isolate Pb265 - SRBC sheep red blood cells  相似文献   

Fibroblast growth factors are a family of intercellular signaling molecules with multiple and varied roles in animal development. Most are exported from cells by means of a classical amino-terminal signal sequence that is cleaved from the mature protein during its passage through the secretory pathway. Fibroblast growth factor-9 (Fgf-9) does not contain a recognizable signal sequence, although it is efficiently secreted. In this study, we show that Fgf-9 enters the endoplasmic reticulum and traverses the Golgi complex in a similar manner to other constitutively secreted proteins. Deletion and point mutation analysis has revealed an atypical non-cleaved signal sequence within the amino-terminal region of Fgf-9. Moreover, the first 28 amino acids of Fgf-9 can function as an efficient non-cleaved signal peptide when appended to the amino terminus of green fluorescent protein.  相似文献   

The Ag-specific interaction between cloned allospecific human Th cells and class II MHC determinants on the surface of allogeneic B cells induces a significant fraction of resting B cells to express a B cell specific activation Ag BLAST-2 (CD23). On the other hand, cross-linking of B cell surface Ig R by Ag analogues does not lead to BLAST-2 expression. By utilizing the BLAST-2 induction assay as a positive control for efficient Th-B cell interaction, we have investigated the biochemical basis of human B cell activation mediated by Ag and Th cells. Our data demonstrate that ligands for sIg R, including F(ab')2 goat anti-human IgM and Staphylococcus aureus protein A, stimulate the metabolism of B cell membrane inositol lipids as assessed by: 1) increased [3H]inositol phosphates formation in myo-[3H]inositol-labeled B cells; 2) selective incorporation of [32P]orthophosphate into phosphatidic acid and phosphatidylinositol, but not into phosphatidylethanolamine or phosphatidylcholine; and 3) rapid increase in B cell cytoplasmic ionized Ca2+ concentration ([Ca2+]i). In contrast, direct Th-B cell interaction leads to high intensity BLAST-2 expression on the B cell surface but this response is not mediated by changes in inositol lipid metabolism or [Ca2+]i. Further, Th-B cell interaction does not affect the changes in B cell inositol lipid metabolism or [Ca2+]i triggered by sIg cross-linking. Taken together, our results suggest that Ag and Th cells induce different functional B cell responses by activating distinct second messenger systems within the B cell.  相似文献   

A discrete high molecular weight multiprotein complex containing DNA polymerase alpha has been identified by a native Western blotting technique. An enrichment of this complex was seen at each step in its purification. Further purification of this complex by ion-exchange chromatography indicates that the peak of DNA polymerase alpha activity co-purifies with the peak of in vitro SV40 DNA replication activity eluting from the column. The complex has a sedimentation coefficient of 18S in sucrose density gradients. We have designated this complex as the DNA synthesome. We further purified the DNA synthesome by electroeluting this complex from a native polyacrylamide gel. The eluted complex retains in vitro DNA synthetic activity, and by Western blot analysis, contains DNA polymerase delta, proliferating cell nuclear antigen, and replication protein A. Enzymatic analysis of the electroeluted DNA synthesome indicates that the synthesome contains topoisomerase I and II activities, and SDS-PAGE analysis of the electroeluted DNA synthesome revealed the presence of at least 25 major polypeptides with molecular weights ranging from 20 to 240 kDa. Taken together, our evidence suggests that the DNA synthesome may represent the minimal DNA replication unit of the human cell.  相似文献   

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