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The high affinity antiestrogen [3H]H1285 bound to the cytosol calf uterine estrogen receptor dissociated very slowly (t 1/2 approx 30 h at 20 degrees C) and did not demonstrate a change in dissociation rate in the presence of molybdate, which is characteristic of [3H]estradiol-receptor complexes. [3H]H1285-Receptor complexes sediment at approx 6S on 5-20% sucrose density gradients containing 0.3M KCl with or without 10 mM molybdate. This is in contrast to [3H]estradiol-receptor complexes which sedimented at approx 4.5S without molybdate and at approx 6S with molybdate. These results suggest a physicochemical difference in the estrogen receptor when occupied by antiestrogens versus estrogens. We recently reported that the cytoplasmic uterine estrogen receptor, when bound by estradiol and prepared in 10 mM molybdate, eluted from DEAE-Sephadex columns as Peak I (0.21 M KCl) & Peak II (0.25 M KCl). However, [3H]H1285 bound to the estrogen receptor eluted only as one peak at 0.21 M KCl, also suggesting that the initial interaction of antiestrogens with the estrogen receptor is different. We have extended these studies and report that H1285 can compete with [3H]estradiol for binding to both forms of the estrogen receptor and [3H]H1285 can bind to both forms if the unoccupied receptor is first separated by DEAE-Sephadex chromatography. However, if the receptor is first bound by unlabeled H1285, eluted from the column and post-labeled by exchange with [3H]estradiol, only one peak is measured. Thus, it appears that H1285 binding alters the properties of the receptor such that all receptor components seem to elute as one form. These partially purified [3H]H1285-receptor complexes obtained from DEAE-Sephadex columns sedimented as 5.5S in sucrose density gradients in contrast to the sedimentation values for the [3H]estradiol-receptor components eluting as Peak I (4.5S) and Peak II (6.3S). These differences in the physicochemical characteristics of the estrogen receptor when bound by estrogen versus antiestrogens may be related to some of the biological response differences induced by these ligands.  相似文献   

The activation by salt or ATP of [3H]estradiol- and [3H]H1285-receptor complexes from rabbit uterus and their binding capacity to DNA-cellulose, phosphocellulose and ATP-Sepharose has been studied. The estrogen-receptor was prepared in 1 mM molybdate which stabilized the receptor; but both salt- and ATP-transformation of estrogen receptors occurred. The binding of molybdate-stabilized cytosol [3H]estradiol-receptor complexes to the various resins revealed that salt-activation by 0.3 M KCl caused the greatest binding (5-6-fold) to DNA-cellulose as compared to other resins. However, 5 mM ATP-dependent activation of receptor-complexes resulted in preferential binding to ATP-Sepharose. Activated cytosol [3H]H1285-receptor complexes bound all the resins to a lesser degree when compared to [3H]estradiol-receptor complexes. Partially purified receptor complexes also showed different resin-binding patterns for salt- and ATP-mediated activation. These findings suggest that salt-activation is different than ATP-activation. Further, the differential magnitude of [3H]estradiol- and [3H]H1285-receptor activation suggests that estrogen-receptor complexes are "fully" activated as compared to "partially" activated antiestrogen-receptor complexes.  相似文献   

Oestrogen receptors are found in the principal cells of the caput and in apical and clear cells of the epididymis of the mouse. The distribution pattern of oestrogen receptors is different from that of androgen receptors and suggests a physiological role for oestrogens in the epididymis. We examined by competition experiments and thaw-mount autoradiography to see whether aromatization of [3H]testosterone is the source of oestrogens in the epididymis. After injection of [3H]testosterone we found the same labeling pattern as after non-aromatizable [3H]dihydrotestosterone. In particular, apical and clear cells showed a low or no nuclear concentration of radioactivity as with [3H]dihydrotestosterone. Competition with oestradiol had no effect on the binding pattern of [3H]testosterone in the epididymis in contrast to its effects in the brain of the same animals. Competition with dihydrotestosterone abolished labeling in contrast to the brain, where no effect was observed. Thus no aromatization of [3H]testosterone to oestrogens but conversion to dihydrotestosterone seems to occur in the epididymis.  相似文献   

The effect of glutaraldehyde (and Azure A) on temperature-sensitive high-affinity [3H]tryptamine binding was investigated in rat brain synaptic plasma membranes. In the 0.01-0.1% concentration range, the glutaraldehyde pretreatment preferentially inhibited only the above-mentioned portion of the binding, whereas the posttreatment of this reagent had no effect. On the other hand, in cases of pretreatment or posttreatment, a concentration of glutaraldehyde as high as 0.1% was inactive on the basal [3H]ligand binding capacity of the membranes (i.e., temperature-independent binding). Furthermore, it was revealed that the Scatchard plot of [3H]tryptamine binding in membranes pretreated with glutaraldehyde (0.05%) conformed to a straight line, as did a similar plot of temperature-independent binding. And, it was interesting to find that the binding parameters (KD and Bmax values) of both samples corresponded closely to each other. On the contrary, in all concentrations, Azure A affected nonspecifically both the temperature-dependent and the independent [3H]tryptamine binding to the same degree, regardless of whether or not there was pretreatment or posttreatment. All these observations clearly demonstrate that an appropriate concentration (0.01-0.1%) of glutaraldehyde pretreatment specifically blocks the temperature-induced allosteric modifications of high-affinity [3H]tryptamine binding sites.  相似文献   

M Zucker  A Weizman  M Rehavi 《Life sciences》2001,69(19):2311-2317
The present study indicates that human platelets can be used as an accessible peripheral model not only for the plasma membrane serotonin transporter, but also for the vesicular monoamine transporter. The vesicular monoamine transporter (VMAT2) is responsible for the accumulation of monoamines in the synaptic vesicles. VMAT2 differs from the plasma membrane transporters in its capability to recognize serotonin, histamine, norepinephrine and dopamine with almost the same affinity. Dihydrotetrabenazine (TBZOH) is a very potent inhibitor of VMAT2 that binds with high affinity to this transporter. [3H]TBZOH has been used as a ligand to label VMAT2 in human, bovine and rodent brain. In this study we characterized the pharmacodynamic and pharmacokinetic parameters of [3H]TBZOH binding in human platelets as compared to rat brain. The density (Bmax) and affinity (Kd) of [3H]TBZOH specific binding was assessed by Scatchard analysis. Association and dissociation rate constants (k(on), K(off)) were assessed by kinetic binding studies. In this study high-affinity and saturable binding sites for [3H]TBZOH were demonstrated in human platelets. Both the affinity of [3H]TBZOH to its binding site in platelets (Kd = 3.2+/-0.5 nM) and the kinetic rate constants (K(on) = 2.8 x 10(7) M(-1) min(-1); K(off) = 0.099 min(-1)) were similar to that in rat brain (Kd(striatum) = 1.5 nM; Kd(cerebral cortex) = 1.35 nM; K(on) = 2 x 10(7) M(-1) min(-1); K(off) = 0.069 min(-1)). Only the VMAT2 blockers tetrabenazine and reserpine inhibited [3H]TBZOH specific binding.  相似文献   

In the present study we investigated the binding characteristics of estrogen and antiestrogen-receptor complexes to rabbit uterine chromatin. Activated or nonactivated estrogen receptors were partially purified by DEAE-cellulose chromatography using low (1 mM) or high (10 mM) concentrations of sodium molybdate. Activated [3H]estradiol-receptor complexes showed enhanced binding to chromatin acceptor sites unmasked by 1 M, 4 M and 6 M guanidine hydrochloride. We also examined the chromatin-binding characteristics of the estrogen receptors when bound by the high-affinity triphenylethylene antiestrogen, H1285. The acceptor site activity for the [3H]H1285-receptor complexes was markedly decreased at sites unmasked by 4 M and 6 M guanidine hydrochloride. Further, the nonactivated receptor complexes showed very low binding to deproteinized chromatin. The estrogen-receptor chromatin-acceptor sites were tissue specific and saturable. These chromatin acceptor sites differ in their affinity and capacity (number of binding sites per cell) for the estrogen- and antiestrogen-receptor complexes. Thus, we suggest that the differences in the physiological and physicochemical properties of estrogens and antiestrogens may be related to their differential interaction with uterine chromatin subfractions.  相似文献   

Interaction of the antioestrogen ICI 164,384 with the oestrogen receptor   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
The use of partially purified preparations of the human uterine oestrogen receptor has enabled, for the first time, a study of the binding of the steroidal, pure antioestrogen ICI 164,384 [N-n-butyl-11-(3,17 beta-dihydroxy-oestra-1,3,5(10)-trien-7 alpha-yl)N-methyl-undecamide] to the oestrogen receptor. Scatchard analyses of the binding of [3H]oestradiol and [3H]ICI 164,384 to the receptor show that the equilibrium dissociation constants for the interactions of these ligands with the receptor at 0 degrees C are 0.44 and 0.69 nM respectively. The concentration of receptor binding sites for the agonist was 1986 fmol/mg protein whilst that for the antagonist was 1400 fmol/mg protein. The affinity of the antioestrogen-receptor complex for DNA-cellulose does not increase following exposure to conditions that transform the oestrogen-receptor complex.  相似文献   

Partially purified preparations of the human progestin receptor and the human and rat glucocorticoid receptor proteins were covalently charged with the synthetic progestin, [3H]promegestone, by photoaffinity labeling. After labeling, the denaturated protein was cleaved and the mixture of peptides subjected to radiosequence analysis as previously described for the rat glucocorticoid receptor protein (Carlstedt-Duke, J., Str?mstedt, P.-E., Persson, B., Cederlund, E., Gustafsson, J.-A., and J?rnvall, H. (1988) J. Biol. Chem. 263, 6842-6846). The radioactivity labels identified, corresponded to Met-759 and Met-909 after photoaffinity labeling of the human progestin receptor, and Met-622 and Cys-754 after labeling of the rat glucocorticoid receptor. The residues labeled in the glucocorticoid receptor are the same as those previously reported to bind triamcinolone actonide. The corresponding residues were also labeled in the human glucocorticoid receptor. Met-759 of the progestin receptor and Met-622 of the rat glucocorticoid receptor are positioned within a segment with an overall high degree of sequence similarity and are equivalent. However, Met-909 (progestin receptor) and Cys-754 (glucocorticoid receptor) do not occur within equivalent segments of the two proteins. Thus, although the two classes of steroid hormone share a common structure within the A-ring, there are subtle differences in their interaction with the two separate receptor proteins.  相似文献   

Specific binding of [3H]AMP to rat hepatocytes and their plasma membranes was studied. It was shown that the time course of this binding reached a maximum within the first 15 seconds. An equilibrium binding study revealed the presence of a single class of binding sites with Kd of 20 microM both in hepatocytes and in plasma membranes. The [3H]AMP binding sites were inactivated by treatment with trypsin as well as by heating. 5'-Phosphorylated derivatives of adenosine (ATP, ADP) effectively competed with [3H]AMP for the binding sites, while adenosine, beta-glycerophosphate and 3'-AMP were inactive. The binding of [3H]AMP increased by 400% in the presence of concanavalin A, a specific inhibitor of plasma membrane 5'-nucleotidase. It was concluded that the catalytic center of 5'-nucleotidase is a receptor for adenine nucleotides.  相似文献   

The Torpedo nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (AChR) contains a binding site for aromatic amine noncompetitive antagonists that is distinct from the binding site for agonists and competitive antagonists. To characterize the location and function of this allosteric antagonist site, an alkylating analog of meproadifen has been synthesized, 2-(chloroethylmethylamino)-ethyl-2, 2-diphenylpentanoate HCl (meproadifen mustard). Reaction of [3H]meproadifen mustard with AChR-rich membrane suspensions resulted in specific incorporation of label predominantly into the AChR alpha-subunit with minor incorporation into the beta-subunit. Specific labeling required the presence of high concentration of agonist and was inhibited by reversible noncompetitive antagonists including proadifen, meproadifen, perhydrohistrionicotoxin (HTX), and tetracaine when present at concentrations consistent with the binding affinity of these compounds for the allosteric antagonist site. No specific alkylation of the AChR alpha-subunit was detected in the absence of agonist, or in the presence of the partial agonist phenyltrimethylammonium or the competitive antagonists, d-tubocurarine, gallamine triethiodide, or decamethonium. Reaction with 35 microM meproadifen mustard for 70 min in the presence of carbamylcholine produced no alteration in the concentration of [3H]ACh-binding sites, but decreased by 38 +/- 4% the number of allosteric antagonist sites as measured by [3H]HTX binding. This decrease was not observed when the alkylation reaction was blocked by the presence of HTX. These results lead us to conclude that meproadifen mustard alkylates the allosteric antagonist site in the Torpedo AChR and that part of that site is associated with the AChR alpha-subunit.  相似文献   

[3H]Spiperone ([3H]SPI) binding sites in rat or bovine striata have been solubilized using CHAPS or digitonin detergents. Solubilized sites retained the binding characteristics of those in native membrane preparations. The same solubilized material, however, did not bind [3H]tyramine ([3H]PTA), thus indicating that [3H]PTA binding sites and DA receptors are different chemico-physical entities. In membrane preparations or crude synaptosomes obtained from the c.striatum of neonatally-rendered hypothyroid rats, when central DA-pathways are impaired, both [3H]PTA binding and [3H]DA uptake processes were markedly decreased, with no effect on [3H]mazindol ([3H]MAZ) binding, compared to euthyroids. Reserpine, a well-known inhibitor of DA-uptake into a variety of secretory vesicles, and a potent in vivo andin vitro inhibitor of [3H]PTA binding, did not affect the [3H]MAZ binding process. This further supported the suggestion that while [3H]PTA binding sites are almost totally associated with the vesicular transporter for DA, [3H]MAZ does label a site involved in the DA-translocation across the neuronal membrane. The latter process seems to be rather insensitive to thyroid hypofunction, when however the intracellular storage of DA might be consistently impaired. In conclusion, PTA might be well exploited as a marker of the DA vesicular transporter through its molecular characterization, whenever possible.Special issue dedicated to Dr. Paola S. Timiras  相似文献   

I Duc  J Botella  R Delansorne  J Paris 《Steroids》1991,56(6):325-328
The binding characteristics of the progestin 17 alpha-acetoxy-6-methyl-19-[3H]norpregna-4,6-diene-3,20-dione, nomegestrol acetate ([3H]NOM-Ac) to progesterone receptors (PgRs) of uterus were determined in the rat. Scatchard plot analysis of the equilibrium binding data showed that [3H]NOM-Ac binds to uterine PgR with a Kd of 5.44 +/- 1.27 nM and a Bmax of 1.51 +/- 0.11 pmol/mg protein. Analysis of dissociation kinetics showed that [3H]NOM-Ac dissociates slowly from the PgR, k - 1 = 4.9 +/- 0.5 10(-5) s-1. Competition experiments against [3H]NOM-Ac showed the specificity of the binding with a sequence in relative affinity as follows: ORG 2058 greater than P greater than NOM-Ac greater than medroxyprogesterone acetate greater than megestrol acetate greater than cyproterone acetone greater than NOM.  相似文献   

1. The autoradiographic distribution of kappa opioid receptor binding sites in human brain was examined using two radiolabeled probes, namely [3H]U69,593 and [3H]bremazocine. 2. [3H]U69,593 binding was performed in the absence of blockers for other sites, while [3H]bremazocine binding was investigated in the presence of saturating concentrations of mu and delta blockers to ensure selective labeling of kappa opioid receptors. 3. Our results show that the autoradiographic distribution of [3H]U69,593 and [3H]bremazocine (plus blockers) binding sites is identical, with high densities of sites found in deep cortical layers and claustrum. 4. This indicates that [3H]U69,593 is a highly selective ligand of the kappa opioid receptor type.  相似文献   

[3H]Mepyramine, a potent antagonist of the histamine H1 receptor, has been widely used as a radioligand binding assay for the H1 receptor. Previously, we purified a mepyramine binding protein (MBP) from rat liver, but found that its partial amino acid sequences were very similar to those of debrisoquine 4-hydroxylase isozymes (P450 db1 and db2), which are members of the superfamily of cytochrome P450. Using cloned histamine H1 receptor cDNA, we found that [3H]mepyramine could bind only the H1 receptor and did not bind MBP in the presence of 10(-5) M quinine, an inhibitor of debrisoquine 4-hydroxylase isozymes. We developed a method to determine the contents of the H1 receptor and MBP separately using [3H]mepyramine and quinine and found that MBP is abundant in certain areas of bovine brain.  相似文献   

(±)-[3H]Epinephrine and (?)-[3H]norepinephrine bind saturably to calf cerebral cortex membranes under appropriate incubation conditions in a fashion indicating that they label α-noradrenergic receptors. Binding of the two [3H]catecholamines is saturable with dissociation constants of 20–30 nM. Binding is stereoselective with (?)-norepinephrine displaying about twenty times greater affinity than (+)-norepinephrine. The relative potencies of catecholamines in competing for these binding sites parallels their relative pharmacologic effects at α-noradrenergic receptors in numerous tissues. Thus, (?)-epinephrine is 2–3 times more potent than (?)-norepinephrine and 500 times more potent than (?)-isoproterenol. Binding is inhibited by low concentrations of the α-antagonists phentolamine and phenoxybenzamine but not by the β-antagonist propranolol.  相似文献   

[3H]5-HT (0.16-8.32 nM) exhibited saturable and specific binding in membrane preparations of Hymenolepis diminuta. The saturation data produced a non-linear Scatchard plot which could be resolved into sites having apparent dissociation constants (Kd) of 0.17 and 8.30 nM for the high-affinity and low-affinity components, respectively. Drug displacement studies, using radioligand concentrations of 0.6 and 6 nM, revealed that the two [3H]5-HT binding components are pharmacologically distinct and do not conform to any known class of 5-HT recognition site. The physiological significance of these putative 5-HT receptors and their potential usefulness for the selection of new antiparasitic agents are discussed.  相似文献   

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