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Analysis of trace metals from sediment and fish collected from eight locations in Lake Manzala, Egypt, during May, June and July of 2011, indicated anthropogenic impacts. The highest concentrations of metals, except Mn and Sr, were detected at Bahr Al-Baqar (S1) which drains from Cairo. At the other sampling locations, the concentrations of selected trace metals fall below the levels of concern while the geo-accumulation index (Igeo) suggests unpolluted conditions for the majority of the studied metals at most sites. However, near the Bahr Al-Baqar (S1) drain concentrations of Ag, Hg and Zn fall above the Long and Morgan's (1990) effects range low (ERL) while Pb was above their effects range median (ERM). Igeo values suggest unpolluted to moderately polluted condition for As and Sn, moderately polluted conditions for Zn, moderate to extremely polluted conditions for Ag, and severely to extremely polluted conditions for Pb at Bahr Al-Baqar. Two sites (Legan, S5, and Al-Ginka, S8) were indicated by Igeo as moderately polluted for Ag while two other sites (West of Bashar, S3, and Al Dehdy, S6) were indicated as unpolluted to moderately polluted for Ag. The Legan and Al-Ginka sites were also indicated as being moderately polluted for Zn. Similar to the sediments, the highest concentrations of metals in fish tissue were from Bahr Al-Baqar (S1). Al concentrations at all sites were comparable to concentrations known to cause lesions in fish. At all sites concentrations of selected trace metals in fish tissue were below the limits set by the FAO.  相似文献   

This investigation represents the first extensive study of the spatial distribution, sources, and potential effects of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in sediments from Lake Manzala, the largest of Egypt's Mediterranean coastal lakes. The concentrations of PAHs (Σ39 components) ranged from 246 to 9910 ng g?1 dry wt., the highest values corresponding to urban hotspots with high anthropogenic input coming from wastewater discharges and combustion activities and decreasing offshore. The levels of PAHs were significantly lower compared to values reported in several coastal/estuarine areas (e.g., in Spain, Italy, USA, and Egypt) receiving substantial anthropogenic inputs from urban and industrial activities. Source ratios indicated that the PAHs were mainly from petrogenic sources in near-shore urban hotspots, with higher contributions of pyrolytic sources in coastal and offshore areas which are little influenced by human activities. Sediment quality guidelines (SQGs) showed that except at one station heavily impacted by sewage discharge, the total and individual PAH concentrations were below effect range low (ERL) concentrations that are not likely to adversely affect benthic biota.  相似文献   

Lake Manzala remains the largest of the Nile Delta lakes and has undergone substantial recent changes particularly over the last 30 years due to regulation of freshwater inflows, land reclamation and increasing loads of BOD and nutrients. The latter are particularly associated with polluted drains flowing into the lake. An increasing fraction of the N load may also come from the expanding fish farming industry within and around the lake. Over the past 20–25 years, the N load from the drains has increased three times whilst the P load has remained approximately constant. This is despite a 40% reduction in freshwater inflows due to diversion of water towards the Sinai for land development. As a result of these changes, the concentration of total N in the drains has increased 4.5 times while the total P concentration has increased by 50% over the same period. Increases in nutrient concentrations can be attributed to increase in the use of fertilizer combined with an expanding population served by sewers, improved living standards and increased industrial production. Nutrient enrichment has resulted in declining water quality and eutrophication, especially in the southern parts of Lake Manzala. A combined hydrodynamic-ecological model has been set up for the lake and is used to analyse the development of water quality as a function of the load of organic material and nutrients. Model results show that 86% of the N load and 59% of the P load are retained within the lake. Despite the efficient treatment of wastewater by the lake ecosystem, approximately 6,000 tonnes of N and 1,300 tonnes of P are exported to the Mediterranean through the two main lake–sea connections. This nutrient export has important implications for coastal fisheries production. The present investigation suggests that the current anthropogenic nutrient load to the coastal zone exceeds that of pre-Aswan High Dam conditions despite large reductions in the annual pulse of water and nutrients brought about by the dam. A series of model simulations with reduced nutrient load are investigated in order to identify the conditions required to enable the propagation of vegetation throughout the lake. Submerged rooted vegetation is used as an indicator for water quality as it needs light for growth and in polluted, eutrophicated waters turbidity increases hampering vegetation growth. Simulation results indicate that the nutrient load has to be reduced to approximately 25% of the present loads if submerged rooted vegetation is to become re-established in the more polluted south eastern parts of the lake. Guest editors: J. R. Thompson & R. J. Flower Hydro-ecological Monitoring and Modelling of North African Coastal Lagoons  相似文献   

Dewidar  Kh.  Khedr  A. 《Hydrobiologia》2001,457(1-3):49-58
This study aims at determining relationships between water quality parameters and radiance data from Landsat-5 Thematic Mapper (TM). Fortunately, water samples and the total biomass of aquatic plants were collected at the same time of acquired satellite image (September 1995). TM bands 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 7 and band ratios 3/1, 2/1, 2/4, and 3/4 were compared with in situ measurements and laboratory analysis of water samples. The water quality of interest included K+, Na+, total phosphorus (TP), total nitrogen (TN), dissolved oxygen (DO), pH, Salinity, depth, Secchi disc, and biomass of the aquatic plants (submerged, floating, and emergent). Correlation and regression models were developed between each of the water quality parameter measurements and the radiance of image data. Some water quality parameters were significantly correlated with TM radiance data. Subsequently, the regression models were used to prepare digital cartographic products depicting the water quality over the entire study area. This study constitutes the first effort to use Landsat TM data for mapping water quality parameters in all over the Egyptian lagoons.  相似文献   

太湖湖岸带浮游植物初级生产力特征及影响因素   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
蔡琳琳  朱广伟  李向阳 《生态学报》2013,33(22):7250-7258
利用高频溶解氧监测,估算了太湖梅梁湾湖岸带浮游植物初级生产力的高频变化特征。结合同步气象监测及浮游植物、浮游动物和营养盐的周年逐周观测数据,分析了气象和环境条件对富营养化湖泊浮游植物初级生产力的影响。结果发现,高频溶解氧监测估算的初级生产力变化与浮游藻类生物量的变化一致,能够反映出浮游植物生产力的昼夜变化、季节变化等规律。统计分析表明,气温对太湖这一富营养化湖泊初级生产力影响很大;氮的供给与浮游动物的选择性牧食也是影响浮游植物初级生产力的重要因素。湖岸带的水华堆积过程对初级生产力影响巨大,气象、水文过程又加剧了蓝藻水华初级生产力的变化幅度,反映出富营养化湖泊初级生产力可能存在极大的时空不均一性。研究表明,溶解氧高频监测法估算初级生产力能够捕捉到湖泊初级生产力的快速变化过程,可以用于富营养化湖泊初级生产力监测、蓝藻水华灾害预警中。  相似文献   

Simple correlation and multiple regression analyses were performed to examine the relationship between primary productivity and environmental factors in the north basin of Lake Biwa. The primary production rates used in the analyses were estimated monthly or bimonthly during the growing season (April–November) in 1992, 1996 and 1997 with the 13C method. Elemental (C, N and P) contents of seston were used to assess nutrient conditions. Analyses revealed that 86% of variance in depth-integrated primary production rates (areal PP) can be explained by changes in light intensity, and sestonic C, N and P concentrations. Water temperature had no effect on areal PP. To assess relative effects of light and nutrients on PP, the P:B ratio was estimated by normalizing PP with sestonic C. The areal P:B ratio correlated most significantly with the sestonic N:P ratio, followed by light intensity. When regression analyses were made at each depth, however, the P:B ratio correlated significantly only with the sestonic N:P ratio at 0 and 1 m depths, while light intensity was also incorporated into the regressions at deeper than 2.5 m. In these regressions, the P:B ratio was negatively correlated with sestonic N:P ratio but positively with light intensity. The results suggest that the primary production rate in this lake was mainly limited by P relative to N supply rates, but was not free from light limitation in a large part of the epilimnion. In Lake Biwa, the vertical water mixing regime as well as the nutrient supply seem to be important in determining the growth and composition of primary producers, since the surface mixing layer extends into 10–15 m depths during most of the growing season.  相似文献   

Phytoplankton productivity was measured in Byram Lake Reservoir during summer 1977. Depth integrated productivity (0–5 gC m– 2 d–1) increased with station depth, which together with visibility measurements indicated that light did not limit deep station productivity (C1 and S2). Macrophytes at station C5 (shallow) reduced the euphotic zone to 0 in June.On a unit depth basis, C5 was the most productive station. Apparently changes in macrophyte growth, regulated by light and temperature, controlled phytoplankton production. At C1, productivity was related to levels of different nutrients at different depths, the thermocline influencing nutrient availability at mid-depth. At S2, NH3-N controlled mid-depth productivity. Surface and mid-depth productivity appeared influenced by factors not measured in this study.  相似文献   

Application of mathematical models in the design and evaluation of lake restoration programmes must include due consideration of three basic concepts of model development; 1) that the model framework is appropriately matched to the intended management use, 2) that selection of the proper degree of model complexity is fundamental to the achievement of model credibility and 3) that field and laboratory studies must be designed and interpreted with the aid of the model to insure development of a comprehensive, integrated tool.These concepts are demonstrated for the case of lake restoration efforts in Green Bay (Lake Michigan, USA). Striking gradients in water quality (transparency, algal standing crop, hypolimnetic oxygen depletion) and trophic state occur along the major axis of the bay in response to phosphorus loaded from the Fox River. A simple model for gross primary production is developed to permit calculation of the relative importance of internal carbon production to the total organic carbon budget of the bay. Primary production varies from high rates over a limited photic depth in the turbid, phosphorus-rich waters of the eutrophic portions of the bay to low rates over an extensive photic depth in the transparent, phosphoruspoor reaches of the oligotrophic regions. Internal production accounts for approximately 90% of the total organic carbon loaded to the system over the summer growing season. Water quality management strategies must address the stimulation of primary production by phosphorus loaded from the Fox River in any attempt to lower the standing crop of nuisance algae, improve water clarity, and reduce rates of hypolimnetic oxygen depletion in Green Bay.  相似文献   

通过围隔实验研究了3种放养(单养三角帆蚌,蚌与鲢、鳙混养,蚌与银鲫混养)和2种管理(施肥、投饵兼施肥)模式下养殖水体的浮游生物和初级生产力.结果表明:围隔内浮游植物主要为<20 μm粒级的种类,其中蓝藻、绿藻和裸藻占优势,硅藻、隐藻、黄藻和甲藻的数量和质量较低;实验期间,围隔内浮游植物数量和质量平均值分别为0.35×109~1.26×109 ind·L-1和32~86 mg·L-1,其中三角帆蚌与鲢、鳙混养的围隔内浮游植物数量和质量较高,蓝藻和硅藻数量和质量明显高于其它围隔;围隔内浮游动物数量以原生动物最多,其质量则以轮虫占优势,枝角类和桡足类等大型浮游动物的数量较少;单养蚌的围隔内浮游动物质量最高;与混养围隔相比,单养蚌的围隔内轮虫质量在浮游动物中的比例较低,桡足类的比例相对较高;蚌与鲢、鳙混养围隔内浮游动物数量最多,原生动物数量在浮游动物中的比例分别高于单养蚌和蚌、银鲫混养的围隔,而轮虫的比例低于后者;实验期间,围隔内初级生产力平均值为4.11~5.45 g O2·m-2·d-1,水呼吸为2.39~4.12 g O2·m-2·d-1,初级生产力与水呼吸的比值为1.25~1.99;单养蚌的围隔内初级生产力最高,蚌、银鲫混养的围隔内初级生产力最低.结果表明:三角帆蚌养殖水体内浮游植物和浮游动物均表现出小型化的趋势;较高的浮游植物数量和质量,特别是较高的硅藻数量和质量,可能是三角帆蚌与鲢、鳙混养围隔内二龄蚌生长较好的原因之一;浮游植物种类组成较初级生产力对蚌生长的影响更大.  相似文献   

To study effects of altitude, monthly sampling was undertaken from June 1993 to May 1996 in the upper Kodayar reservoir (1312 m ASL), the lower Kodayar (92 m ASL) and Azhakia Pandiapuram (plain) (Tamilnadu, India). Temperature decreased with elevation at a rate of 1 °C per 240 m; the thermal range also decreased with increasing altitude. The number of days and quantity of precipitation decreased from 161 days and 366 cm yr-1 in the upper Kodayar to 92 days and 127 cm yr-1 at the Azhakia Pandiapuram (APP). Transparency decreased from 1.5 m at the upper Kodayar to about 0.5 m at the APP. Dissolved oxygen increased with decreasing altitude but remained high (>7 mg l-1) in all the three systems. Throughout the investigation, the upper Kodayar reservoir (<6.8) and lower Kodayar lake (<7.0) remained acidic, while the APP was always alkaline. Trends for CO2 and alkalinity of the three Kodayar systems were parallel to those for pH. Though widely oscillating across calendar months, nitrate averaged c. 30 g l-1, while phosphate increased from 8 g l-1 in the upper Kodayar to 18 g l-1 at the APP. Wide oscillations in nitrate suggest that it may be limiting productivity more than phosphorus. Chlorophyll-a values were c. 1.9 g l-1 throughout the year in the upper Kodayar, and between 10 and 20 g l-1 in the other two ecosystems; values peaked during the dry season, from January to April. Chlorophyll-a concentrations correlated positively with productivity; every g increase in chlorophyll-a caused 0.15 gC m-3 d-1 more production. The pristine water of the fragile upper Kodayar had the lowest productivity, and poorest diversity and population density. The species richness was assessed using organisms larger than 75 m filtered by a plankton net. There were five species (Staurastrum spp., Staurodesmus spp., Botryococcus) of phytoplankton, and three species of cladocerans and five species of copepods; population density averaged to 159 l-1 for phytoplankton, 0.3 l-1 for zooplankton. The lower Kodayar proved to be the richest for species diversity; there were 14 species of phytoplankton and six species of cladocerans and six species of copepods. Population density averaged to 203 l-1 for phytoplankton and 0.44 l-1 for zooplankton. The APP displayed moderate species richness; there were seven species of phytoplankton and six species of cladocerans, eight species of copepods and three species of rotifer; but the population density was comparatively higher than the upper and lower Kodayar; it averaged 412 l-1 for phytoplankton and 5.9 l-1 for zooplankton. These values fell within the range of values reported for other tropical and temperate lakes. Staurastrum, Ceriodaphnia cornuta, Tropocyclops, Thermocyclops and Mesocyclops sp. were present in all the aquatic systems and tolerated wide range pH between 6.5 and 8.0. APP was the most productive (4.4 gC m-3 d-1). Productivity holds positive correlation with pH and temperature; for every 1 °C increase in temperature it increased by 0.39 gC m-3 d-1 in these aquatic systems.  相似文献   

太湖西岸湖滨带水生生物分布特征及水质营养状况   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
郑丙辉  田自强  张雷  郑凡东 《生态学报》2007,27(10):4214-4223
对太湖西岸湖滨带入湖河口区浮游生物和底栖动物的种类、单位体积数量以及物种多样性调查的基础上,分析了该区域水生生物分布特征。研究表明,在调查到的5个浮游植物门类中,蓝藻和绿藻门种类占到46.81%和36.17%。单位水体中的物种数量分别占到总藻类的60.97%和34.49%,而硅藻门仅占到总藻类数量的3.07%。Shannon-Wiener物种多样性及均匀度指数基本在1.3~1.6和0.14~0.22之间波动。在调查到的71种浮游动物中,耐污染的桡足类和枝角类占36.62%。单位水体中的物种数量分别达到7.07×104个/L和7.76×104个/L;底栖动物群落结构趋于单一化,敏感种大量减少或消失,物种多样性指数值低下,H′及其均匀度值J仅分别为1.59和0.581左右。同时,部分耐污染和广布种大量繁殖,其单位水体中的物种数量平均占到底栖动物总量的84.76%。对入湖河口区24个点位的水质监测结果也表明,水体中的TN、TP浓度分别为3.50mg/L和0.28mg/L,分别高于国家湖泊水环境质量Ⅴ类水质(TN≤2.0mg/L,TP≤0.2mg/L)标准。结合优势种和多样性指数水质分析方法,太湖西岸湖滨带水体水质已近严重富营养化程度。  相似文献   

Primary productivity has been measured routinely at Lake Tahoe since 1967, and a number of mechanisms underlying variability in the productivity record have now been identified. A long-term trend due to nutrient loading dominates the series. Seasonality also is prominent, apparently controlled by direct physical factors unrelated to the trophic cascade. A 3-yr cycle has been detected and several possible mechanisms are considered. Irregular fluctuations also are present, caused in part by isolated events (a forest fire) and recurring but variable phenomena (spring mixing). Except possibly for the 3-yr cycle, the known sources of variability appear to operate bottom-up through direct physical and chemical effects on the phytoplankton.  相似文献   

武汉东湖浮游生物群落DNA多态性与富营养化   总被引:15,自引:1,他引:14  
对武汉东湖不同程度富营养化湖区 ,即站 、站 与站 浮游生物进行了群落级 DNA多态性的 DNA指纹研究 ,并就其拓扑结构与富营养化特征参数之间关系进行了分析。实验结果如下 :(1)各站点总氮、总磷及叶绿素 a分别为 1.14 6~ 2 .2 35mg/ L、0 .0 13~ 0 .2 10 mg/ L 和 4 0 .2 5~ 10 9.2 2 μg/ L;(2 )所筛选的 5个随机引物共获得 2 9个扩增位点 ,其中多态位点占75 .9% ,各引物扩增谱带数在 2~ 6间。站 的扩增条带数最多、谱带多态率最高 (6 9.6 % )、特有带最多 ;(3)特定浮游生物类群的特异性 PCR扩增谱带为 1~ 6条不等 ,站间差别甚小。聚类及综合分析表明 :DNA指纹拓扑结构与浮游生物及特定浮游生物类群的物种多样性丰度相吻合 ,并与富营养化主要指示参数存在明显相关 ,即在一定范围内浮游生物群落 DNA多态性与富营养化程度呈反方向发展 ,而原生动物则表现出同向性发展趋势。因此 ,群落级 DNA指纹分析不仅能为生态学研究洞开一片新颖的视窗 ,并有可能孕育出一种简便而灵敏的水体富营养化危机预警系统  相似文献   

青海尕海是青藏高原柴达木盆地比较典型的高盐度且具有丰富卤虫资源的盐湖 ,海拔高程 2 849.6m。 1997年夏季我们对尕海盐湖浮游生物主要类群群落多样性特征进行了初步调查。调查期间在内湖主要水体 5个断面2 2个采样站共发现浮游藻类 46种 ,平均密度为 5 4.39× 10 4 Cells/L ;浮游动物 12种 ,全湖平均密度为 8.2 2个 /L ,平均生物量 0 .2 9mg/L。通过盐度含量较高 (119g/L)的内湖主要水体采样断面与盐度含量较低 (1.8g/L)的湖西北岸小水面采样断面比较 ,浮游生物不论是在种类组成特征、群落的多样性还是其个体丰度都存在十分明显的差异。结果表明 :在盐湖生态系统中 ,盐度是决定生物物种多样性及其个体丰度的关键因素之一。  相似文献   

Lake Manzala is one of the Deltaic Mediterranean lakes in Egypt. It comprises over 1000 islands of various sizes, the vegetation of which is halophytic. Seven community types are described, dominated by: Phragmites australis, Juncus acutus, J. rigidus, Arthrocnemum macrostachyum, Atriplex portulacoides, Halocnemum strobilaceum and Zygophyllum aegyptium. Each of these communities has been analysed and its habitat described and discussed.  相似文献   

Lake Big Momela, one of the East African soda lakes in Northern Tanzania characterised by highly saline-alkaline conditions, making them inhospitable to a range of organisms, although supporting massive growths of some adapted planktonic microorganisms that serve as food for birds, such as Lesser Flamingo. The temporal dynamics of plankton, with an emphasis on cyanobacteria, were examined in 2007 using morphological traits and ribosomal genetic markers (16S and 18S rRNA). Cyanobacterial genes encoding for hepatotoxins (mcyE and ndaF) were also screened. Rotifers and copepods dominated the zooplankton, whereas cyanobacteria, such as Anabaenopsis elenkinii and Arthrospira fusiformis dominated the phytoplankton community, and these being related to representatives in other East African soda lakes. The cyanobacteria community also showed distinct seasonal patterns influenced by environmental parameters, mainly salinity, pH and nitrate. Significant positive correlations were found between phytoplankton abundance and nitrate concentrations (r = 0.617, p = 0.033). No signals of the hepatotoxin synthetase genes mcyE and ndaF were retrieved from cyanobacteria during the whole year. In general, our data illustrate the presence of rich planktonic communities, including some unique and potentially endemic cyanobacteria.  相似文献   

There have been almost a hundred years of continuous scientific activities at The Hydrobiological Station ‘Glubokoe Ozero’. The present volume of ‘Hydrobiologia’ contains summary papers reviewing previous and recent results of the studies on the hydrochemistry, zooplankton, zoobenthos, littoral fauna, food composition of fish, and historical biocenology (based on animal remains in bottom sediments), as well as on particular animal groups, such as Cladocera with special consideration of Daphnia, rotifers, fish, and parasitofauna. The present introductory paper provides data on the general characteristics of Lake Glubokoe, the history of its investigations and the station's modern programme which is aimed at biocenology with special consideration for morphological and physiological adaptations. Research both on general and on peculiar features of Lake Glubokoe is envisaged.  相似文献   

In situ enclosure experiments were performed in a highly humic lake to examine the effects of acidification on phyto-, bacterio- and zooplankton. The acidity of three enclosures was adjusted with H2SO4 to pH 3.5, 4 and 5 and one enclosure and the lake served as controls. The diversity of plankton as well as the mean concentration of chlorophyll α, primary production and respiration of plankton decreased with increasing acidity. Bacterial density was slightly lower in the pH 3.5 enclosure than in the other enclosures and in the lake, but there were no differences in the morphological type or mean volume of the cells between different treatments. In the acidified enclosures Cryptomonas ovata and Chlamydomonas spp. were the dominant phytoplankters, while Dinobryon and Mallomonas species seemed to be most sensitive to acidity. Keratella cochlearis, Kellicottia longispina and Bosmina longispina were the most tolerant zooplankton to acidity.  相似文献   

A comprehensive study of phyto- and zooplankton and macrozoobenthic components in Lake Nainital showed that species richness was high for plankton and low for macrozoobenthos. The algal biomass was dominated by greens (54 %) and blue-greens (31 %), the zooplankton population by copepods (84 %), and the macrozoobenthic community by a Tubifex-Chironomus association constituting≥95 % of the annual number of the macrobenthic invertebrates. Respiration (807.5g C m−2 year−1) surpassed gross production (630.5 g C m−2 year−1). The mean annual ratio between phyto- and zooplankton biomass is 3.3 and between phytoplankton and herbivores it is 4.6. If biomass is treated as a measure of crude production, the relationship among the three trophic levels suggests that herbivory is inefficient while carnivory is efficient, because part of the primary production remains unutilized by dominant herbivorous zooplankters, whereas Mesocyclops leuckarti, the sole carnivore, feeds efficiently on rotifers and juveniles of other copepods. The low diversity of different biotic components and the P/R ratio of less than 1 perhaps suggest that the lake is passing through the stage of heterotrophic succession.  相似文献   

The location, morphometry, climatic conditions, water balance, hydrology and hydrochemistry of lake Manzala were investigated.Mean annual salinity declined by about 82.7% since 1921, from 16.7 to 2.9% during 1985/86. The nutrient loading increased two or threefold over the past 20 years.These changes are attributed to an increase of the inflow of sewage and agricultural drainage water and restriction of water inflow at the Gamil Lake-Sea Connection since the late 1960's and early 1970's.  相似文献   

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