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利用制备的豌豆完整叶绿体研究了离体条件下蛋白质合成的条件。结果表明:叶绿体蛋白质合成的饱和光强为450μmol-2s-1,合成的速率在最初5min内最大,此后随时间延长而合成速率下降;K 对蛋白质合成有促进作用,其最适浓度为30-40mmol/L,进一步增加浓度其促进作用反而降低;Mg2 在1mmol/L以下对蛋白质合成有轻微的促进作用,当浓度超过1.5mmol/L则开始产生明显的抑制;叶绿体的蛋白质合成随着外源氨基酸浓度的增加而很快地增加,但赵过200μmol/L以后蛋白质合成随浓度增加而有所降低。DCMU抑制叶绿体蛋白质的合成,当浓度达10μmol/L时,其抑制作用达41%。荧光自显影结果表明,叶绿体合成的主要问质蛋白为Rubisco大亚基,合成的类囊体膜蛋白中以32kD蛋白较为明显。  相似文献   

Chloroplasts from leaves of plants which had been grown in the dark, and then illuminated for 12 hours were isolated, and allowed to incorporate 14C-leucine into protein, and the products of this incorporation were studied. Lamellar and soluble proteins are the principal products, and are formed in about equal amounts. Only some of the soluble proteins become heavily labeled. Those with highest specific activity have a molecular weight of the order of 140,000, while the higher molecular weight Fraction I protein has a much lower specific activity. The soluble protein as a whole does not serve as a precursor for the lamellar protein, and vice-versa, although a precursor-product relationship between a minor component of the soluble fraction and the lamellar fraction has not been ruled out. The relative protein synthesizing capabilities of chloroplasts and mitochondria are discussed with reference to the data presented.  相似文献   

Tobin, A. K., Sumar, N., Patel, M., Moore, A. L. and Stewart,G. R. 1988. Development of photorespiration during chloroplastbiogenesis in wheat leaves.—J. exp. Bot. 39: 833–843. The rate of light-dependent ammonia accumulation in L-methioninesulphoximine (MSO: glutamine synthetase inhibitor)-treated wheat(Triticum aestivum L. cv. Maris Huntsman) primary leaf sectionsincreased with mesophyll cell maturity. Ammonia production inthe more mature sections (beyond 2.0 cm from the basal meristem)was inhibited by elevated CO2 concentrations and by incubationwith 10 mol m–3 pyrid-2-yl hydroxymethane sulphonate (HPMS).In contrast, the low levels of ammonia which accumulated inthe immature sections (0 to 2.0 cm from the base) were unaffectedby such treatments. This indicates that the ammonia producedin mature wheat leaf sections is of photorespiratory originand that the capacity of this pathway increases with mesophyllcell and chloroplast development. Rates of CO2-dependent oxygenevolution by leaf sections (under saturating CO2) increasedin parallel with ammonia production. Levels of endogenous nitratewere relatively high and increased from 5.15 mol x 10–13mesophyll cell–1 in meristematic cells to 6.6 mol x 10–12mesophyll cell–1 in mature tissue. There was no significantchange in leaf nitrate level during 30 min light incubationof the wheat leaf sections, indicating that the majority ofthe nitrate was metabolically inactive and stored in the vacuole.Activities of key enzymes of photorespiration (glutamine synthetase,glycollate oxidase), nitrogen metabolism (nitrate reductase,glutamate dehydrogenase, glutamine synthetase) and mitochondrialrespiration (cytochrome oxidase), showed specific and distinctpatterns of development during leaf growth. Chloroplast glutaminesynthetase (GS2) and peroxisomal glycollate oxidase developedin apparent synchrony with the major increase in activity occurringin regions beyond4.0 cm from the leaf base, i.e. where photorespirationwas developing. Cytosolic glutamine synthetase (GS1) and nitratereductase (in vivo) activities were identical throughout leafgrowth, reaching maximum rates at 4.0 cm from the base and thenremaining constant. Activities of the mitochondrial enzymesglutamate dehydrogenase (GDH) and cytochrome oxidase were highin meristematic cells and increased in parallel, attaining amaximum towards the leaf tip. This indicated a respiratory,as opposed to a photorespiratory, role for GDH in wheat leafmetabolism. The evidence for controlled, co-ordinated synthesisof pathway enzymes at specific stages of organelle biogenesisis discussed. Key words: Photorespiration, organelle biogenesis  相似文献   

Incorporation of 14C-amino acids into proteins in radish cotyledonswas suppressed by 4-thiouridine (4SU) culture. The inhibitoryeffect of 4SU was similar to that of chloramphenicol. 4SU culturedid not reduce the content of ferredoxin (Fd) and the labelinginto Fd significantly, but it did decrease the content and thesynthesis of ribulose bisphosphate carboxylase (RuBPCase). Thesynthesis of thylakoid chlorophyll-proteins I and II also wasinhibited by 4SU culture. In 4SU-cultured seedlings, the ratioof labeling into the large and small subunits of RuBPCase andthat into the two chlorophyll-proteins were the same as thosein the controls grown without 4SU. (Received September 29, 1980; Accepted January 27, 1981)  相似文献   

Kannangara CG 《Plant physiology》1969,44(11):1533-1537
Ribulose 1,5-diphosphate carboxylase is synthesized in barley leaves growing in the dark. Upon illumination there is a marked increase in the rate of synthesis of the enzyme. The specific activity of the enzyme expressed as cpm incorporated into phosphoglyceric acid per μg of fraction I protein, after isolation shows no change either during dark growth or greening. During early stages of illumination of 7 day dark grown leaves with 320 foot-candles the enzymic activity in the water soluble protein fraction of the leaf shows a short term decline after 15 min which lasts for 30 min. Leaves greening at 2 foot-candles show a similar decline which is shifted to a time between the fourth and eighth hr after the onset of illumination.  相似文献   

小麦叶片中叶绿体细胞分裂素结合蛋白的定位张华敏,刘愚,王美琪,沈允钢(中国科学院上海植物生理研究所,上海200032)关键词:小麦叶片细胞,CTK结合蛋白,放射自显影,胶体金自从Berridge等(1970)首次在高等植物的核糖体上发现了细胞分裂素(...  相似文献   

Chloroplast Division and DNA Synthesis in Light-grown Wheat Leaves   总被引:8,自引:11,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
Light-grown 7-day-old wheat seedlings (Triticum aestivum, var. Maris Dove) showed an increase of 200% in plastids per cell between 1.7 and 4.5 centimeters from the leaf base. This increase was the result of divisions of young chloroplasts at various stages of development, and was well separated in distance, and therefore in time from the region of cell division in the basal meristem. [3H]Thymidine was incorporated into plastid DNA throughout the zone of plastid division, but not above it.  相似文献   

Isolated wheat (Triticum aestivum L. cv Norin 61) etiochloroplastssynthesized membrane polypeptides of 34, 33 and 30 kDa whichwere resolved by lithium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gelelectrophoresis at 4?C. One-dimensional peptide-mapping analysis,as well as differential labelling with (3H)-lysine or (35S)-methionine,showed that the 34- and 30-kDa polypeptides are atrazine-bindingproteins of the PSII reaction center. 1Present address: Research Center for Molecular Genetics, HokkaidoUniversity, Sapporo 060, Japan. (Received March 9, 1987; Accepted June 29, 1987)  相似文献   

Mechanically isolated asparagus (Asparagus officinalis) mesophyll cells dedifferentiate and divide when cultured in the dark in a medium containing sucrose. A strong correlation was observed between the onset of cell division and a loss of photosynthetic capacity. For the first 8 to 9 d of culture, there was no change in chloroplast size or morphology. However, following this period, the chloroplasts divided to form smaller proplastid-like structures. The gross chlorophyll content of the cell population did not change, suggesting that the loss of photosynthetic potential was not by senescence. Northern analysis showed that mRNA of the small subunit of ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase was undetectable within 1 d postisolation, which was quicker than in dark-treated plants. The mRNA of the large subunit of ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase decreased to low levels within 2 d of cell isolation. Both the large and small subunits of ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase protein showed a gradual reduction in abundance, falling to basal levels by days 6 to 7, which coincided with the onset of rapid cell division. A similar trend was observed with chloroplast rRNA molecules, which decreased to basal levels by day 6 in culture.  相似文献   

Walden R  Leaver CJ 《Plant physiology》1981,67(6):1090-1096
Cell-free protein synthesizing systems have been used to study the developmental changes in the synthesis of chloroplast proteins in the cotyledons of cucumber seedlings grown in the light or in the dark. Escherichia coli and wheat germ in vitro protein synthesizing systems have been used to assay the changes in the levels of the mRNA's coding for ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase (RuBPCase). The large subunit of cucumber RuBPCase has been identified among the translation products of the E. coli system. The wheat germ system translates the cucumber mRNA coding for the small subunit of RuBPCase to produce a 25,000 molecular weight precursor polypeptide. Plastids isolated from light-grown cotyledons were used to study developmental changes in their capacity to synthesize protein. The data obtained indicate that in the light there is an initial 48-hour period of accumulation of the mRNA's coding for the large and small subunits of RuBPCase, coupled with an increase in the capacity of the isolated plastids to synthesize protein. This is followed by a decline. This decline is not reflected in the accumulation of RuBPCase in the cotyledons which remains constant over the period of study.  相似文献   

The incorporation of uniformly labeled leucine-14C into protein by a chloroplast containing fraction from developing primary leaves of bean is reported. Chloroplasts, obtained from week old plants grown in darkness, and then illuminated with white light for 12 hours, were shown to be the principal sites of incorporating activity. Incorporation may continue for 2 hours. Rates of up to 50 μμmole leucine incorporated per mg protein per hour are observed when a 1 hour assay period is used. Incorporation is only partially sensitive to ribonuclease.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Most of the coding capacity of primary plastids is reserved for expressing some central components of the photosynthesis machinery and the translation apparatus. Thus, for the bulk of biochemical and cell biological reactions performed within the primary plastids, many nucleus‐encoded components have to be transported posttranslationally into the organelle. The same is true for plastids surrounded by more than two membranes, where additional cellular compartments have to be supplied with nucleus‐encoded proteins, leading to a corresponding increase in complexity of topogenic signals, transport and sorting machineries. In this review, we summarize recent progress in elucidating protein transport across up to five plastid membranes in plastids evolved in secondary endosymbiosis. Current data indicate that the mechanisms for protein transport across multiple membranes have evolved by altering pre‐existing ones to new requirements in secondary plastids.  相似文献   

Changes in morphology of chloroplast nuclei (cp-nuclei), totalcp-DNA content, number of cp-nuclei, oxygen-evolution activityand chlorophyll (a and b) content were examined during the degenerationand development of chloroplasts, using Chlamydomonas reinhardiicells which had been incubated on solid medium for various periods. Under 4'-6-diamidino-2-phenylindole (DAPI) epifluorescence microscopy,each cell that had been incubated for 7 days had one cell nucleus,one cup-shaped chloroplast and about 10 small, dispersed cp-nucleiin the chloroplast. One day after incubation of these cellson fresh medium, the cell volume and cp-nuclei increased insize 2-3 fold, but rapidly decreased in size after cell division.After about 7 days of incubation, cells ceased to divide andcp-nuclei began to associate with each other. At about 20 daysthey formed a ring-shaped structure surrounding the pyrenoid,followed by condensation into one cp-nuclear particle near thepyrenoid. When 41-day-old cells, having only one cp-nucleus,were reinoculated on fresh solid medium, the cp-nucleus increasedin size 2–3 fold, divided into several cp-nuclear particlesand then dispersed into the chloroplast, forming a bead-likestructure, before cell division. From microscopic fluorometry,a 4-fold increase in total cp-DNA content per chloroplast, withoutan increase in the number of cp-nuclear particles per chloroplast,occurred one day after the start of the experiment and one dayafter reinoculation of 41-day-old cells onto fresh medium. Theprocess of condensation of dispersed cp-nuclear particles intoone cp-nucleus during degeneration of the chloroplast was notaccompanied by any change in total cp-DNA content per chloroplast.A large peak of oxygen-evolution (0.6–0.9 pmoles/cell/hour)was seen one day after inoculation and reinoculation of thecells. The chlorophyll content (a+b) was high (1.2–2.2pg/cell) during the first week of incubation, after which itgradually decreased. (Received December 18, 1985; Accepted April 2, 1986)  相似文献   

Singh  A.K.  Singhal  G.S. 《Photosynthetica》2001,39(4):521-527
Elevated temperature inhibited the accumulation of chlorophyll and photosynthetic proteins, and the development of photochemical activity, however, carotenoids continued to accumulate. Signal transduction pathway involved in protochlorophyllide oxidoreductase was unaffected by elevated temperature of 38°C. Two-dimensional gel electrophoresis of stroma proteins showed similar patterns in the dark-grown seedlings and seedlings irradiated at elevated temperature, although some low molecular mass proteins accumulated at 38°C. In contrast, seedlings irradiated at 25°C showed complex pattern of proteins. Hence the development of chloroplast and its associated functions during irradiation of etiolated seedlings are inhibited by elevated temperature.  相似文献   

In addition to chlorophyll-protein complexes, other proteins were labeled when isolated developing pea (Pisum sativum L.) chloroplasts were incubated with [14C]-5-aminolevulinic acid. The major labeled band (Mr = 43 kilodaltons by lithium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis) was labeled even in the presence of chloramphenicol. Heme-dependent peroxidase activity (as detected by the tetramethyl benzidine-H2O2 stain) was not visibly associated with this band. The radioactive band was stable to heat, 5% HCl in acetone, and was absent if the incubation with [14C]-5-aminolevulinic acid was carried out in the presence of N-methyl protoporphyrin IX dimethyl ester (a specific inhibitor of ferrochelatase). Organic solvent extraction procedures for the enrichment of cytochrome f from chloroplast membranes also extracted this unknown labeled product. It was concluded that this labeled product was probably a c-type cytochrome; however, the possibility that it might be a protein containing a covalently linked linear tetrapyrrole was not ruled out.  相似文献   

拟南芥中已有466个PPR蛋白,已有研究证实许多PPR蛋白参与细胞器基因表达的转录后调节,但大部分PPR蛋白分子作用机制尚不清楚.Delayed greening 1(DG1)是定位于叶绿体中的的PPR蛋白,研究结果证实该蛋白是通过与SIG6因子相互作用降低PEP转录活性从而影响叶绿体早期发育.本研究利用拟南芥Dg1基因功能缺陷型突变体研究了DG1蛋白对光系统蛋白复合体组成及其光转化效率的影响.77K荧光发射光谱分析发现dg1突变体幼叶PSII中电子传递速度明显低于野生型,而成熟叶片与野生型基本一致;蓝绿温和胶分析结果表明:相对于野生型在dg1突变体新生叶中PSII、PS玉及其超聚复合物含量均有不同程度降低;进一步温和胶二向电泳及蛋白免疫印迹分析显示,在dg1突变体新生叶中,由叶绿体编码的光系统蛋白复合物组成亚基含量显著降低,而核编码复合物组成亚基含量与野生型相比没有明显区别.上述实验结果进一步确定了DG1蛋白是通过调控叶绿体编码基因的表达进而调节光系统复合物的生物合成与组装,最终影响拟南芥叶绿体早期发育.因此,我们认为DG1蛋白对于叶绿体发育早期光合蛋白的合成是必需的.  相似文献   

Changes in Chloroplast mRNA Stability during Leaf Development   总被引:18,自引:3,他引:18       下载免费PDF全文

Hampp R 《Plant physiology》1978,62(5):735-740
In the course of plastid development there are changes in the permeability of the envelope membranes. An investigation of the kinetics of transport with largely uncontaminated and intact etioplast/etiochloroplast preparations from greening Avena sativa laminae demonstrates: (a) that etioplasts already possess specific translocators for the transporation of orthophosphate, dihydroxyacetone phosphate, 3-phosphoglycerate (“phosphate translocator”), and dicarboxylic acids (“dicarboxylate translocator”); (b) that changes in the rates of uptake during development are mainly due to changes in velocity for specific transport and not due to changes in the affinity for transport (Km) or nonspecific permeation. The very low competitive inhibition of transport of orthophosphate by dihydroxyacetone phosphate and 3-phosphoglycerate, observed for developmental stages corresponding to up to 3 hours of illumination of etiolated tissue, is discussed with respect to the possibility of an early phosphate transport mechanism that is different from the phosphate translocator of more developed plastids.  相似文献   

Greening has been studied at circadian times of maximal and minimal levels of mRNA for the light-harvesting chlorophyll a/b binding protein in photosystem II (Cab mRNA) after circadian synchronization of etiolated barley plantlets (Hordeum vulgare cv Apex) by heat-shock treatments. It was found that greening occurs faster and without a lag period when illumination was started at the time of maximal Cab mRNA accumulation. This holds true for the rate of accumulation of Cab and early light-inducible protein mRNAs, the levels of their correspondent proteins, and the levels of chlorophyll a and b. When illumination was started at the time of Cab mRNA minimum, a lag in the appearance of all components mentioned above was observed. Under these conditions, the lag in chlorophyll b accumulation was by far more pronounced than that found for chlorophyll a. The circadian oscillation in the capacity of chlorophyll synthesis appears to be controlled via [delta]-aminolevulinic acid ([delta]-ALA) synthesis. [delta]-ALA accumulation after levulinic acid treatment is itself under circadian control; the maxima in stationary concentrations coincide with those of Cab mRNA levels. The amounts of protochlorophyllide and photoconvertible protochlorophyllide showed only minor differences between circadian minima and maxima, the levels being slightly lower during the time of minimum.  相似文献   

When growing cultures of light-grown Euglena gracilis Z are exposed to slightly elevated temperatures (33°C) there is a time-dependent decrease in chlorophyll (bleaching) and a gradual transformation of chloroplasts into rudimentary plastids. A study was undertaken whose primary objective was to document major changes in polypeptide composition in the stroma and in thylakoids of cells that have been exposed to the bleaching temperature for up to 57 hours. A novel polypeptide of about 60,000 to 63,000 Mr whose function is presently unknown, accumulates in the stroma and in thylakoids in response to growth at the bleaching temperature. The levels of the large and small subunit of ribuolosebisphosphate carboxylase, on the other hand, decrease to very low levels at about 33 hours and remain very low for the duration of the temperature treatment. Of two polypeptides associated with the light-harvesting chlorophyll-protein complex of photosystem II (28,000 and 24,500 Mr) only the level of the smaller polypeptide decreases at the elevated temperature. The levels of 28,000 Mr species remain virtually unchanged throughout the temperature treatment period. Changes in chloroplast polypeptide composition were also studied in cells that were allowed to recover at room temperature from an initial treatment at 33°C. Bleaching Euglena could provide a useful tool for studying the interaction between the nucleus and chloroplast genetic system that govern the development and maintenance of this vital organelle to plants.  相似文献   

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