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Two distinct classes of nociceptive primary afferents, peptidergic and non-peptidergic, respond similarly to acute noxious stimulation; however the peptidergic afferents are more likely to play a role in inflammatory pain, while the non-peptidergic afferents may be more characteristically involved in neuropathic pain. Using multiple immunofluorescence, we determined the proportions of neurons in the rat L4 dorsal root ganglion (DRG) that co-express AMPA or NMDA glutamate receptors and markers for the peptidergic and non-peptidergic classes of primary afferents, substance P and P2X(3), respectively. The fraction of DRG neurons immunostained for the NR1 subunit of the NMDA receptor (40%) was significantly higher than that of DRG neurons immunostained for the GluR2/3 (27%) or the GluR4 (34%) subunits of the AMPA receptor. Of all DRG neurons double-immunostained for glutamate receptor subunits and either marker for peptidergic and non-peptidergic afferents, a significantly larger proportion expressed GluR4 than GluR2/3 or NR1 and in a significantly larger proportion of P2X(3)- than SP-positive DRG neurons. These observations support the idea that nociceptors, involved primarily in the mediation of neuropathic pain, may be presynaptically modulated by GluR4-containing AMPA receptors.  相似文献   

A functional analysis of AMPA and kainate receptors (AMPARs and KARs) in the lateral superior olive (LSO), a major nucleus in the auditory brainstem, has not been performed so far, to our knowledge. Here we investigated the presence and characteristics of such receptors in the rat LSO by means of whole-cell patch-clamp recordings in combination with pharmacology. Current responses evoked by 200 microM AMPA were completely blocked by the specific AMPAR antagonist GYKI 52466 (100 microM). Properties of the AMPAR-mediated currents (latency, activation time constant, and peak amplitude) remained constant between postnatal day 3 (P3) and P10. Current responses evoked by 100 microM KA were not completely blocked by 100 microM GYKI 52466, indicating that the residual component was mediated by KARs. Throughout development, two groups of KAR-mediated currents (fast I(KA) and slow I(KA)) were distinguished because they had significantly different mean activation time constants. Moreover, the mean peak amplitude of fast I(KA) was significantly higher than that of slow I(KA). The differentiation into fast I(KA) and slow I(KA) can be explained by the existence of two groups of LSO neurons displaying different KAR densities, distributions, and/or diverse types with differences in conductance. Application of the specific KAR subunit agonists SYM 2081 (10 microM), ATPA (10 microM), or iodowillardiine (1 microM) evoked currents in almost all cells tested, showing that GluR5 subunits are a component of functional KARs in LSO neurons. Electrical stimulation of ipsilateral input fibers in the presence of KAR antagonists (NS-102 and GAMS), modulators (WGA), or GYKI 52466 revealed the presence of synaptic KARs in LSO neurons.  相似文献   

Brain glutamate decarboxylase: changes in the developing rat brain   总被引:6,自引:4,他引:2  

2-Amino-3-[3-hydroxy-5-(2-thiazolyl)-4-isoxazolyl]propionic acid (1) is a potent AMPA receptor agonist with moderate affinity for native kainic acid (KA) receptors, whereas (S)-E-4-(2,2-dimethylpropylidene)glutamic acid (3) show high affinity for the GluR5 subtype of KA receptors and much lower affinity for the GluR2 subtype of AMPA receptors. As an attempt to develop new pharmacological tools for studies of GluR5 receptors, (S)-E-4-(2-thiazolylmethylene)glutamic acid (4a) was designed as a structural hybrid between 1 and 3. 4a was shown to be a potent GluR5 agonist and a high affinity ligand and to indiscriminately bind to the AMPA receptor subtypes GluR1-4 with lower affinities. Compounds 4b-h, in which the 2-thiazolyl substituent of 4a was replaced by other heterocyclic rings, which have previously been incorporated as 5-substituents in AMPA analogues, as exemplified by 1 were also synthesized. Compounds 4b-h were either inactive (4e,f) or weaker than 4a as affinity ligands for GluR1-4 and GluR5 with relative potencies comparable with those of the corresponding AMPA analogues as AMPA receptor agonists. Compounds 4a-h may be useful tools for the progressing pharmacophore mapping of the GluR5 agonist binding site.  相似文献   

The potency of mono- and dikationic derivatives of adamantane and phenylcyclohexyl to prevent seizures induced in mice by intraperitoneal administration of 80 mg/kg pentylenetetrazol (corazol), was studied. Monocationic derivatives of phenylcyclohexyl, being the selective channel blockers of NMDA glutamate receptors, as well memantine and MK-801 in micromolar concentrations, prevented both clonic and tonic components of corazol-induced convulsions. Their dicatonic derivatives which are channel blockers of NMDA and AMPA types of glutamate receptors, failed to prevent clonic seizures but at submicromolar concentrations prevented the tonic extensions provoked by corazol. Evidently, convulsive action of corazol originating from suppression of GABA-ergic inhibition is realized through activation of glutamergic synaptic transmission, and NMDA receptors are mainly involved in genesis of clonic seizures whereas activation of AMPA receptors is important for the tonic component of the corazol-induced syndrome.  相似文献   

(S)-Glutamic acid (Glu), the major excitatory neurotransmitter in the central nervous system, operates through ionotropic as well as metabotropic receptors and is considered to be involved in certain neurological disorders and degenerative brain diseases that are currently without any satisfactory therapeutic treatment. Until recently, development of selective Glu receptor agonists had mainly been based on lead compounds, which were frequently naturally occurring excitants structurally related to Glu. These Glu receptor agonists generally contain heterocyclic acidic moieties, which has stimulated the use of bioisosteric replacement approaches for the design of subtype-selective agonists. Furthermore, most of these leads are conformationally restricted and stereochemically well-defined Glu analogs. Crystallization of the agonist binding domain of the GluR2 subunit of the (RS)-2-amino-3-(3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolyl)propionic acid (AMPA) receptor subtype of ionotropic Glu receptors in the presence or absence of an agonist has provided important information about ligand-receptor interaction mechanisms. The availability of these binding domain crystal structures has formed the basis for rational design of ligands, especially for the AMPA and kainate subtypes of ionotropic Glu receptors. This mini-review will focus on structure-activity relationships on AMPA and kainate receptor agonists with special emphasis on stereochemical and three-dimensional aspects.  相似文献   

No direct evidence has been found for expression of functional AMPA receptors by dorsal root ganglion neurons despite immunocytochemical evidence suggesting they are present. Here we report evidence for expression of functional AMPA receptors by a subpopulation of dorsal root ganglion neurons. The AMPA receptors are most prominently located near central terminals of primary afferent fibers. AMPA and kainate receptors were detected by recording receptor-mediated depolarization of the central terminals under selective pharmacological conditions. We demonstrate that activation of presynaptic AMPA receptors by exogenous agonists causes inhibition of glutamate release from the terminals, possibly via primary afferent depolarization (PAD). These results challenge the traditional view that GABA and GABA(A) receptors exclusively mediate PAD, and indicate that PAD is also mediated by glutamate acting on presynaptically localized AMPA and kainate receptors.  相似文献   

Del Arco A  Segovia G  Mora F 《Amino acids》2000,19(3-4):729-738
Summary. Using microdialysis, the effects of endogenous glutamate on extracellular concentrations of taurine in striatum and nucleus accumbens of the awake rat were investigated. The glutamate uptake inhibitor L-trans-pyrrolidine-2,4-dicarboxylic acid (PDC) was used to increase the extracellular concentration of glutamate. PDC (1, 2 and 4 mM) produced a dose-related increase of extracellular concentrations of glutamate and taurine in striatum and nucleus accumbens. Increases of extracellular taurine were significantly correlated with increases of extracellular glutamate, but not with PDC doses, which suggests that endogenous glutamate produced the observed increases of extracellular taurine in striatum and nucleus accumbens. The role of ionotropic glutamate receptors on the increases of taurine was also studied. In striatum, perfusion of the antagonists of NMDA and AMPA/kainate glutamate receptors attenuated the increases of extracellular taurine. AMPA/kainate, but not NMDA receptors, also reduced the increases of extracellular taurine in nucleus accumbens. These results suggest that glutamate-taurine interactions exist in striatum and nucleus accumbens of the awake rat. Received March 5, 1999/Accepted September 22, 1999  相似文献   

Dexamethasone receptors were measured by conventional equilibrium steroid binding studies in rat liver and brain cytosol, during late prenatal and postnatal development, Receptor binding could be detected in both cytosol preparations as early as the 17th day of gestation. Receptor levels in the cytosol from intact animals reached adult values by the 1st day after birth in both tissues. Using adrenalectomized animals an increase which reached adult values was observed during the first postnatal week for liver and the second postnatal week for brain. At physiological concentrations of endogenous glucocorticoids depletion of receptor from the cytosol of intact animals was minimal at postnatal day 1 and reached adult levels by day 7. chromatographie analysis in DEAE-Sephadex A50 minicolumns of unactivated and activated receptor constituents revealed the same pattern as that of adult animals. Glucocorticoid receptor complex from developing liver and brain was shown to be capable of binding to isolated adult liver nuclei after in vitro activation. However full capacity, for nuclear binding was observed in vivo, after injection of inducing doses of [3H]dexamethasone: By the end of the first week after birth adult nuclear binding capacity was observed in experiments in vivo while values peaked during the second week, in both tissues studied.  相似文献   

Abstract.  Drosophila larval muscles are commonly used for developmental assessment in regard to various mutations of synaptically relevant molecules. In addition, the molecular sequence of the glutamate receptors on the muscle fibre have been described; however, the pharmacological profiles to known agonists and antagonists have yet to be reported. Here, the responses of N -methyl- d -aspartic acid, α-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazole-propionate (AMPA), l -glutamate, kainate, quisqualic acid, NBQX, AP5 and DNQX are characterized with regard to synaptic transmission and direct effects on the muscle fibres. The muscle fibres depolarize to application of glutamate or quisqualate and the excitatory postsynaptic potential (EPSP) amplitudes are diminished. Kainate does not alter the muscle membrane potential but does reduce the EPSP amplitude. The known antagonists NBQX, AP5 and DNQX have no substantial effect on synaptic transmission at 1 m m , nor do they block the response of quisqualate. Kainate may be acting as a postsynaptic antagonist or via autoreceptors presynaptically to reduce evoked transmission.  相似文献   

The recent identification of two genes encoding distinct forms of the GABA synthetic enzyme, glutamate decarboxylase (GAD), raises the possibility that varying expression of the two genes may contribute to the regulation of GABA production in individual neurons. We investigated the postnatal development the two forms of GAD in the rat cerebellum. The mRNA for GAD67, the form which is less dependent on the presence of the cofactor, pyridoxal phosphate (PLP), is present at birth in presumptive Purkinje cells and increases during postnatal development. GAD67 mRNA predominates in the cerebellum. The mRNA for GAD65, which displays marked PLP-dependence for enzyme activity, cannot be detected in cerebellar cortex by in situ hybridization until P7 in Purkinje cells, and later in other GABA neurons. In deep cerebellar nuclei, which mature prenatally, both forms of GAD mRNA can be detected at birth. The amounts of immunoreactice GAD and GAD enzyme activity parallel changes in mRNA levels. We suggest that the delayed appearance of GAD65 is coincident with synapse formation between GABA neurons and their targets during the second postnatal week. GAD67 mRNA may be present prior to synaptogenesis to produce GABA for trophic and metabolic functions.Special issue dedicated to Dr. Eugene Roberts.  相似文献   

Summary The inhibitory amino acid taurine has been held to function as an osmoregulator and modulator of neural activity, being particularly important in the immature brain. lonotropic glutamate receptor agonists are known markedly to potentiate taurine release. The effects of different metabotropic glutamate receptor (mGluR) agonists and antagonists on the basal and K+-stimulated release of [3H]taurine from hippocampal slices from 3-month-old (adult) and 7-day-old mice were now investigated using a superfusion system. Of group I metabotropic glutamate receptor agonists, quisqualate potentiated basal taurine release in both age groups, more markedly in the immature hippocampus. This action was not antagonized by the specific antagonists of group I but by 6-cyano-7-nitroquinoxaline-2,3-dione (CNQX) and 6-nitro-7-sulphamoylbenzo[f]quinoxaline-2,3-dione (NBQX), which would suggest an involvement of ionotropic glutamate receptors. (S)-3,5-dihydroxyphenylglycine (DHPG) potentiated the basal release by a receptor-mediated mechanism in the immature hippocampus. The group II agonist (2S, 2R, 3R)-2-(2,3-dicarboxycyclopropyl)glycine (DCG IV) markedly potentiated basal taurine release at both ages. These effects were antagonized by dizocilpine, indicating again the participation of ionotropic receptors. Group III agonists slightly potentiated basal taurine release, as did several antagonists of the three metabotropic receptor groups. Potassium-stimulated (50 mM K+) taurine release was generally significantly reduced by mGluR agents, mainly by group I and II compounds. This may be harmful to neurons in hyperexcitatory states. On the other hand, the potentiation by mGluRs of basal taurine release, particularly in the immature hippocampus, together with the earlier demonstrated pronounced enhancement by activation of ionotropic glutamate receptors, may protect neurons against excitotoxicity.Abbreviations ACPD (1±)-1-aminocyclopentane-trans-1,3-dicarboxylate - AIDA (RS)-1-aminoindan-1,5-dicarboxylate - AMPA 2-amino-3-hydroxy05-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionate - CNQX 6-cyano-7-nitroquinoxaline-2,3-dione - CPPG (RS)-2-cyclopropyl-4-phosphonophenylglycine - DCG IV (2S,2R,3R)-2-(2,3-dicarboxycyclopropyl)glycine - DHPG (S)-3,5-dihydroxyphenylglycine - EGLU (2S)-2-ethylglutamate - L-AP3 L(+)-2-amino-3-phosphonopropionate - L-AP4 L(+)-2-amino-4-phosphonobutyrate - L-AP6 L(+)-2-amino-6-phosphonohexanoate - L-SOP O-phospho-L-serine - MPPG (RS)-2-methyl-4-phosphonophenylglycine - MSOP (RS)-2-methylserine-O-phosphate - MSOPPE (RS)-2-methylserine-O-phosphate monophenyl ester - MTPG (RS)-2-methyl-4-tetrazolylphenylglycine - NBQX 6-nitro-7-sulphamoyl[f]quinoxaline-2,3-dione - NMDA N-methyl-D-aspartate - QA quisqualate - S-3C4H-PG (S)-3-carboxy-4-hydroxyphenylglycine - S-4C-PG (S)-4-carboxyphenylglycine; - S-MCGP (S)-2-methyl-4-carboxyphenylglycine  相似文献   

Metabotropic glutamate receptors (mGluRs) modulate important processes in cerebellum including long-term depression, which also requires formation of nitric oxide (NO) and cGMP. Some reports suggest that mGluRs could modulate the NO-cGMP pathway in cerebellum. However this modulation has not been studied in detail. The aim of this work was to assess by microdialysis in freely moving rats whether activation of mGluR5 modulates the NO-cGMP pathway in cerebellum in vivo and to analyze the underlying mechanisms. We show that mGluR5 activation increases extracellular glutamate, citrulline and cGMP in cerebellum. Blocking NMDA receptors with MK-801 does not prevent any of these effects, indicating that NMDA receptors activation is not required. However in the presence of MK-801 the effects are more transient, returning faster to basal levels. Blocking AMPA receptors prevents the increase in citrulline and cGMP induced by mGluR5 activation, but not the increase in glutamate. The release of glutamate is prevented by tetrodotoxin but not by fluoroacetate, indicating that glutamate is released from neurons and not from astrocytes. Activation of AMPA receptors increases citrulline and cGMP. These data indicate that activation of mGluR5 induces an increase of extracellular glutamate which activates AMPA receptors, leading to activation of nitric oxide synthase and increased NO, which activates guanylate cyclase, increasing cGMP. The response mediated by AMPA receptors desensitize rapidly. Activation of AMPA receptors also induces a mild depolarization, allowing activation of NMDA receptors which prolongs the duration of the effect initiated by activation of AMPA receptors. These data support that the three types of glutamate receptors: mGluR5, AMPA and NMDA cooperate in the modulation of the grade and duration of activation of the NO-cGMP pathway in cerebellum in vivo. This pathway would modulate cerebellar processes such as long-term depression.  相似文献   

The distribution of insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I; somatomedin C) was mapped in testes of different aged rats by using immunohistochemical techniques. The antiserum used, K 624, has been demonstrated to be specific for human IGF-I, as defined by several criteria. Antibodies to the M1 subunit of ribonucleotide reductase, a key enzyme in DNA synthesis, were used to visualize meiotic and mitotic cells. Cytoplasmic IGF-I-like immunoreactivity as demonstrable during the first two postnatal weeks in spermatogenic cells, in Sertoli cells, and in Leydig cells. The IGF-I-like immunoreactivity decreased in the Sertoli and Leydig cells during the third and fourth postnatal weeks, and in adult rats, only spermatogenic cells showed IGF-I-like immunoreactivity. In mature rat testes, the spermatocytes were strongly immunoreactive. During puberty and adulthood, the spermatogonia expressed subunit M1 ribonucleotide reductase immunoreactivity, whereas no IGF-I-like immunoreactivity could be detected. No extracellular immunoreactivity was observed. We propose that IGF-I and/or IGF-I-like substances, possibly formed by primary spermatocytes, are likely to be involved in differentiation processes, but not in the initiation of cell proliferation in adult testes. The autocrine and/or paracrine action of IGF-I and/or IGF-I-like substances may thus have different action in developing testes than in adult testes. Our results do, however, not allow firm statements about whether IGF-I and related substances exert their actions on Sertoli cells or spermatogenic cells.  相似文献   

Bilateral injections of kainic acid (KA) in doses of 100 ng (but not of 20 ng) into the rat striatum caused behavioral disturbances, which were manifested as an increase in the latency of the movement initiation, a decrease in the indices of the locomotor activity in an “open field” test, an increase in muscle tone, and ptosis appearance. Intrastriatal bilateral administration of galanin (10 or 50 ng) decreased the number of crossing movements and rearings in the open field, without affecting the latency of the first crossing movement and the level of muscle tone, and with no ptosis. Combined administration of galanin (10, 20 or 50 ng) and KA (20 ng) into the striatum led to the dose-dependent emergence of behavioral disturbances, which resembled those caused by injections of 100 ng of KA into the caudate nuclei. Behavioral disturbances associated with intrastriatal injection of KA, galanin, and their combination were partially antagonized by naloxon, ketamine, and atropine. It is concluded that galanin potentiates specific behavioral effects of injected KA by modulation of receptors for endogenous opioids, excitatory amino acids, and acetylcholine.  相似文献   

In the developing male rat around 40 days of age, the testis appears to contain the maximum amount of lutropin receptors per unit weight. During this period, circulating levels of testosterone markedly increase without the concomitant major surges in lutropin levels. The increased sensitivity and responsiveness of tests to basal levels of circulating lutropin during this period is accompanied by enhanced serum prolactin levels suggesting that this hormone may be involved in this process. The finding that prolactin treatment of pubertal rats for 3 days induced the formation of more testicular lutropin receptors supports the above premise. However, shortterm immunoneutralisation of endogenous prolactin did not significantly alter the specific binding of [ 125 I ]-labelled lutropin to testicular membranes. Interestingly, during development, a close correction exists between receptor occupancy and capacity of the tissue to bind labelled lutropin. The apparent dissociation between serum lutropin levels, on the one hand and tissue occupancy and free receptor contents on the other, suggests that factors other than lutropin (presumably prolactin) are involved in the modulation of the sensitivity and the responsiveness of the testis to lutropin during early development.  相似文献   

Calcium-permeable AMPA receptors (CP-AMPARs) play an important role in synaptic transmission and plasticity, but they also can induce neuronal death under certain pathological conditions. The involvement of CP-AMPARs in the pathogenesis of many diseases of the central nervous system makes them an attractive target for selective pharmacological blockade, to prevent and relieve pathological processes. However, the practical application of selective CP-AMPAR channel blockers requires a thorough study of their effects on the functioning of neural networks under the normal conditions. The goal of this study was to clarify the role of CP-AMPARs in the regulation of firing thresholds in different types of cortical neurons, as well as their involvement in maintaining the excitation/inhibition balance in the cortex. To do this, we have investigated the effects of CP-AMPARs blockade on the amplitude of excitatory postsynaptic potentials (EPSPs) and the threshold of action potentials evoked by extracellular stimulation. Whole-cell current-clamp recordings were carried out from pyramidal cells and fast-spiking interneurons in the slices of rat medial prefrontal cortex. CP-AMPARs were blocked with a selective channel blocker IEM-1460 (100 μM), the dicationic derivative of adamantane. It was found that the blockade of CP-AMPARs reduced the amplitude EPSPs in interneurons but not in pyramidal cells. In addition, it reduced the firing threshold in pyramidal cells via partial suppression of feedforward inhibition. Thus, the blockade of CP-AMPA receptors shifts the balance between cortical excitation and inhibition toward excitation.  相似文献   

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