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Along the middle and lower reaches of the Kyichu River and its tributaries (Lhasa area, southern Tibet), a multidisciplinary study was carried out in order to investigate the areal distribution, sedimentological properties, ages and palaeoenvironmental implications of aeolian deposits including intercalated palaeosols. This research was initiated to investigate to what extent southern Tibet is influenced by past human activity, as even recent evaluations perceive the present treeless desertic environment as natural. Fifteen profiles were recorded at an altitude of 3540–4580 m a.s.l. with subsequent sedimentological, geochronological (OSL, AMS 14C) and palaeobotanical (charcoal) analyses. Sediment properties of both loesses and aeolian sands reveal an origin from aeolian sorting of nearby fluvial deposits. The calculated ages are the oldest obtained thus far on aeolian sediments from southern and interior Tibet, revealing natural aeolian sedimentation before and around the Last Glacial Maximum (c. 20 ka). However, a distinct portion of Late Holocene sandy aeolian sediments also occurs. Both the evidence for the aeolian dynamics (widespread Pleistocene loess and aeolian sand deposition, local Late Holocene aeolian sand deposition, modern reactivation of widespread Pleistocene aeolian sands) and the palaeobotanical findings (Late Holocene vegetation change from a tree-bearing to a widely treeless landscape) provide evidence that the Lhasa area was strongly influenced by human activity since at least the Late Neolithic (c. 4200 cal yrs BP). Thus the present-day desertic environment might not primarily be a result of the semiarid climate or the high-altitude conditions, but rather of activities of the humans and their collateral effects. However, once established, this semi-natural ecosystem persisted, controlled by strong grazing, firewood extraction, erosion and harsh edaphic conditions, preventing the recovery of trees.  相似文献   

Optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) measurements are reported for single aliquots and single grains of quartz from sedimentary deposits within Cave 13B at Pinnacle Point, South Africa (PP13B). Ages have been obtained for 30 samples from the Middle Stone Age and from sterile geological deposits at the base and top of the sediment sequence. The ages for all the archaeological units have been obtained from single-grain measurements that enable unrepresentative grains to be rejected after they have been scrutinized for their OSL behavior. The shape of the equivalent dose distribution and the degree of spread in equivalent dose for each sample have also been scrutinized for evidence of depositional and post-depositional effects that can influence the accuracy of the age estimates. This study also used the same systematic approach as that used for the dating of the Howieson's Poort and Still Bay in South Africa. This single-grain approach results in more accurate and precise age estimates that place all ages measured and analyzed in this way on a common timescale. Four periods of human occupation have been dated to ~162ka, ~125ka, ~110ka, and ~99-91ka during Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 6, 5e, 5d, and 5c, respectively. Occupation of the site appears to have occurred at periods of higher sea level and increased aeolian activity, and the cave was ultimately sealed by the accumulation of a large dune ~90ka ago that infilled the cave, but also blanketed the cliff face above the cave, thus preventing further habitation of the site until ~39ka.  相似文献   

Optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) measurements are reported for both single aliquots (of two different sizes) and single grains of quartz from deposits within Blombos Cave. Ages have been obtained for six sediments from the Middle Stone Age (MSA) occupation levels and for two sterile sands, one underlying the archaeological sediment and one overlying the Later Stone Age occupation levels. The ages for the archaeological sediments were obtained from single-grain measurements that enabled unrepresentative grains to be rejected. The MSA occupation levels have ages that, within error limits, are in stratigraphic order and fall between the OSL age for the oldest dune sand (143.2+/-5.5 ka) and a previously published OSL age for the sterile sand ( approximately 70 ka) that separates the Middle and Later Stone Age deposits. The earliest MSA archaeological phase, M3, from where fragments of ochre were found as well as human teeth, is dated to 98.9+/-4.5 ka, coinciding with the sea-level high of oxygen isotope substage 5c. The cave then appears to be unoccupied until oxygen isotope substage 5a on the basis of four OSL ages for archaeological phase M2, ranging from 84.6+/-5.8 to 76.8+/-3.1 ka; these levels contained large hearths and bone tools. An age of 72.7+/-3.1 ka was obtained for the final MSA archaeological phase, M1, from which deliberately engraved ochre and shell beads were recovered along with bifacial stone points. We conclude that the periods of occupation were determined by changes in sea level, with abundant sources of seafood available in times of high sea level and with the cave being closed by the accumulation of large dunes during periods of low sea level, such as during oxygen isotope stages 4 and 6.  相似文献   

The archaeological karstic infill site of Galería Complex, located within the Atapuerca system (Spain), has produced a large faunal and archaeological record (Homo sp. aff. heidelbergensis fossils and Mode II lithic artefacts) belonging to the Middle Pleistocene. Extended-range luminescence dating techniques, namely post-infrared infrared stimulated luminescence (pIR-IR) dating of K-feldspars and thermally transferred optically stimulated luminescence (TT-OSL) dating of individual quartz grains, were applied to fossil-bearing sediments at Galería. The luminescence dating results are in good agreement with published chronologies derived using alternative radiometric dating methods (i.e., ESR and U-series dating of bracketing speleothems and combined ESR/U-series dating of herbivore teeth), as well as biochronology and palaeoenvironmental reconstructions inferred from proxy records (e.g., pollen data). For the majority of samples dated, however, the new luminescence ages are significantly (∼50%) younger than previously published polymineral thermoluminescence (TL) chronologies, suggesting that the latter may have overestimated the true burial age of the Galería deposits. The luminescence ages obtained indicate that the top of the basal sterile sands (GIb) at Galería have an age of up to ∼370 thousand years (ka), while the lowermost sub-unit containing Mode II Acheulean lithics (base of unit GIIa) was deposited during MIS 9 (mean age = 313±14 ka; n = 4). The overlying units GIIb-GIV, which contain the richest archaeopalaeontological remains, were deposited during late MIS 8 or early MIS 7 (∼240 ka). Galería Complex may be correlative with other Middle Pleistocene sites from Atapuerca, such as Gran Dolina level TD10 and unit TE19 from Sima del Elefante, but the lowermost archaeological horizons are ∼100 ka younger than the hominin-bearing clay breccias at the Sima de los Huesos site. Our results suggest that both pIR-IR and single-grain TT-OSL dating are suitable for resolving Middle Pleistocene chronologies for the Sierra de Atapuerca karstic infill sequences.  相似文献   

The Xiaogushan cave site is one of the most important prehistoric sites in North China. The stone and bone artifacts found in the cave are similar to European contemporaneous artifacts. Cave deposits consist of five layers that have been dated from 46,353 ± 1179 to 4229 ± 135 cal. yr BP, using radiocarbon dating techniques on charcoal and bone samples collected from Layers 2-5. In this paper, optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) techniques were applied to date six samples taken from Layers 1-3. The luminescence properties of the fine-grained and coarse-grained quartz extracts indicate that the materials are suitable for OSL dating using a single-aliquot regeneration-dose (SAR) protocol. The OSL ages obtained are broadly consistent with the stratigraphy and the associated calibrated radiocarbon ages. The dating results show that the cave was first occupied by humans about 70 ka. The human occupation of the cave may be related to climate change. An occupation hiatus is inferred to between ∼17 to ∼10 ka. The stone and bone artifacts found in Layers 2 and 3 may indicate the Middle to Upper Paleolithic transitions in the region.  相似文献   

张家富 《人类学学报》2022,41(4):712-730
释光测年技术已成为旧石器和古人类遗址,尤其是现代人类遗址,建立年代框架的重要工具之一。这一技术提供了现代人类出现在非洲、亚洲和澳大利亚的最早年代证据。本文简要介绍了释光测年的基本原理,对释光测年的可靠性和上限及所受的影响因素进行了综述。光释光测年的精密度(相对标准误差σ)一般为5%-10%,在理想条件下σ<5%,但是σ>10%的情况也不少见。与大量其他测年方法所获结果的一致性表明,光释光测年技术是可靠的。光释光测年的上限与样品的释光性质及环境剂量率有关,释光可靠年龄最大可达1百万年。对大多数遗址50万年的测年上限是可行的,这个年代范围涵盖了所有的现代人遗址。不同样品或颗粒间的释光性质差异很大,因而它们有不同的测年上限。同一样品中钾长石比石英有更高的测年上限,同一矿物中不同的释光信号对应的测年上限也不同。  相似文献   

Optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) measurements were made on individual, sand-sized grains of quartz from Middle Palaeolithic deposits at two cave sites (El Harhoura 2 and El Mnasra) on the Atlantic coast of Morocco. We were able to calculate OSL ages for 32 of the 33 samples collected from the Middle Palaeolithic deposits, including the earliest and latest Aterian levels at both sites. These ages reveal periods of occupation between about 110 and 95 ka (thousands of years ago), and at ∼75 ka. A late Middle Palaeolithic occupation of El Harhoura 2 is also recorded at ∼55 ka. Our single-grain OSL chronologies largely support previous age estimates from El Mnasra and other sites along the Atlantic coast of Morocco, but are generally more precise, reproducible and stratigraphically more coherent (i.e., fewer age reversals). We compare the single-grain ages for El Harhoura 2 and El Mnasra with those obtained from single- and multi-grain OSL dating of Middle Palaeolithic deposits in the nearby sites of Contrebandiers and Dar es-Soltan 1 and 2, and with records of past regional environments preserved in sediment cores collected from off the coast of northwest Africa. A conspicuous feature of the new chronologies is the close correspondence between the three identified episodes of human occupation and periods of wetter climate and expanded grassland habitat. Owing to the precision of the single-grain OSL ages, we are able to discern gaps in occupation during Marine Isotope Stages 5 and 4, which may represent drier periods with reduced vegetation cover. We propose that these climatic conditions can be correlated with events in the North Atlantic Ocean that exert a major control on abrupt, millennial-scale fluctuations between wet and dry periods in northwest and central North Africa.  相似文献   

The Channel Country, a region of wide fluvial plains criss-crossed by a reticulate pattern of anastomosing channels, and the adjacent sand dunes and clay pans of the Lake Eyre drainage basin occupy an area of 1.3 × 106 km2 of internal drainage in the arid east-central part of Australia. Beneath a surface of skin of mud, the sediment of the Channel Country is sand and some mud in the floodplain, as well as in levees and channels. The surface mud represents the overbank deposits of meandering channels that are superimposed on sheet sands of a relict braided system.With the other sediments (aeolian sand and lacustrine mud) of the Lake Eyre drainage basin, the Channel Country sediments represent the latest phase of deposition of the Cainozoic Birdsville Basin, which was initiated as an interior basin behind the dismembered rifted arch of the divergent Pacific margin. In their depositional and tectonic setting, the arid sediments of central-eastern Australia are modern analogues of the Mesozoic desert sands and other non-marine sediments that were deposited behind the pre-breakup arch and post-breakup half-arch of South America. The preceding Mesozoic Great Artesian Basin of central-eastern Australia contains volcanogenic sediment and was covered for a short time by an epeiric sea; its deposition was influenced by an uplift along the convergent Pacific margin, and it is analogous to other Gondwana basins in Antarctica, southern Africa, and South America that were yoked to the convergent Pacific margin.  相似文献   

Pinnacle Point Cave 13B (PP13B) has provided the earliest archaeological evidence for the exploitation of marine shellfish, along with very early evidence for use and modification of pigments and the production of bladelets, all dated to approximately 164?ka (Marean et?al., 2007). This makes PP13B a key site in studies of the origins of modern humans, one of a handful of sites in Africa dating to Marine Isotope Stage 6 (MIS 6), and the only site on the coast of South Africa with human occupation confidently dated to MIS 6. Along with this MIS 6 occupation there are rich archaeological sediments dated to MIS 5, and together these sediments are differentially preserved in three different areas of the cave. The sediments represent a complex palimpsest of geogenic, biogenic, and anthropogenic input and alteration that are described and interpreted through the use of a variety of macrostratigraphic, micromorphologic, and geochemical techniques. Three independent dating techniques allow us to constrain the age range of these sediments and together provide the stratigraphic context for the analyses of the material that follow in this special issue.  相似文献   

We inferred past climate conditions from lacustrine sediments intercalated in Weichselian Early Glacial and Early Pleniglacial fluvial and aeolian sediments, exposed in two opencast lignite mines from the Niederlausitz area (eastern Germany). A chronology was established using radiocarbon and luminescence dating methods. Both lithology and chironomid fauna indicate that the former shallow lakes were situated on a floodplain. Palaeotemperature estimates calculated from the fossil chironomid-assemblages of the Early Glacial lacustrine deposit indicate mean July air temperatures of ca. 15 °C, which is in line with results derived in earlier studies from the Niederlausitz area and from northwestern Europe. The Early Pleniglacial lacustrine deposits consist of an organic-rich gyttja, intercalated with sand and silt lenses. The chironomid-assemblages show that a shallow meso- to eutrophic lake was present at the study site, and chironomid-inferred palaeotemperature estimates indicate an abrupt decline in July air temperatures from 15–16 °C to ca. 13 °C. In combination with other proxies from the same record, this suggests a Dansgaard/Oeschger like climate event.  相似文献   

The impressive Pleistocene coastal aeolianite exposures in sea cliffs east of Still Bay on the west–southern coast of South Africa host a rich archive of fossil mammalian trackways, including the African elephant (Loxodonta africana). Neither the ichnofossils nor their host sediments have been described in any detail and chronologies remained uncertain. This paper presents a new optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) and amino acid racemisation (AAR) chronology (the first joint application of OSL/AAR dating in South Africa). This provides a temporal framework for assessing the palaeoenvironmental significance of dune sedimentation patterns, pedogenesis and ichnology.The Pleistocene aeolianite exposures at Still Bay represent the recently eroded remnants of a dune cordon, mainly built by coalesced parabolic dune systems. Sedimentary facies are dominated by large-scale planar cross-stratification formed by foreset progradation in the nose and trailing arms of the dunes and low-angle bedding, chiefly representing sedimentation in low relief interdune terrain. The main dune building wind regime was westerly, associated with cyclonic polar frontal systems (as at the present time). The OSL and AAR dating demonstrate ages ranging from MIS 5e to 5b and termination of Pleistocene aeolian sedimentation at ~ 90 ka. The Pleistocene aeolianite is separated from the overlying Holocene dunes (dated to ~ 8 ka), by a major hiatus recorded by a horizon of intense pedogenesis.Elephant footprints were seen in profile, as casts on the underside of beds and as natural impressions. The taphonomic processes controlling the morphology and preservation of these unique ichnofossils were found to be complex. The presence of Loxodonta africana at Still Bay represents the southernmost occurrence of this species recorded to date and possibly, a closer proximity of woodland during MIS 5. This and other observations may indicate a higher moisture regime than at present. There is no available evidence that the elephants were predated by contemporary Middle Stone Age people.  相似文献   

Eolian deposits and landforms are ubiquitous in western Kansas, particularly south of the Arkansas River with the presence of a stabilized dune field. Stratigraphic studies and associated optical dating reveal a complex depositional history for this dune field spanning the late Quaternary. The oldest eolian deposits from ca. 16 to 12 ka completely or partially bury high terraces with ages of ca. 16 and 33 ka. It is unknown whether these eolian deposits reflect regional aridity and/or a change in sediment availability with the transition of the Arkansas River from a single channel to a braided system. There is pervasive evidence for episodic eolian erosion and deposition ca. 9.8 to 6.3 ka, generally coincident with loess deposition on upland surfaces [Olson, C.G., Nettleton, W.D., Porter, D.A., Brasher, B.R., 1997. Middle Holocene aeolian activity on the High Plains of west-central Kansas. Holocene, 7(3): 255–261], and thus it is inferred to reflect regional aridity. Sites within the dune field show a sequence of eolian sands and weak buried soils, reflecting either dune migration or sand sheet accretion at ca. 1490, 430, 380–320, 180, and 70 yr ago, which correspond well with continental-scale droughts in the tree-ring record. Eolian sand in the Arkansas River dune field may be derived principally with variability in fluvial activity and in climate during the late Pleistocene to the middle Holocene, with substantial reactivation of eolian systems during decadal-scale drought variability in the past 2000 yr.  相似文献   

The archaeological deposits at Mumba rockshelter, northern Tanzania, have been excavated for more than 70 years, starting with Margit and Ludwig Köhl-Larsen in the 1930s. The assemblages of Middle Stone Age (MSA) and Later Stone Age (LSA) artefacts collected from this site constitute the type sequences for these cultural phases in East Africa. Despite its archaeological importance, however, the chronology of the site is poorly constrained, despite the application since the 1980s of several dating methods (radiocarbon, uranium-series and amino acid racemisation) to a variety of materials recovered from the deposits. Here, we review these previous chronologies for Mumba and report new ages obtained from optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) and infrared stimulated luminescence (IRSL) measurements on single grains of quartz and multi-grain aliquots of potassium (K) feldspar from the MSA and LSA deposits. Measurements of single grains of quartz allowed the rejection of unrepresentative grains and the application of appropriate statistical models to obtain the most reliable age estimates, while measurements of K-feldspars allowed the chronology to be extended to older deposits. The seven quartz ages and four K-feldspar ages provide improved temporal constraints on the archaeological sequence at Mumba. The deposits associated with the latest Kisele Industry (Bed VI-A) and the earliest Mumba Industry (Bed V) are dated to 63.4 ± 5.7 and 56.9 ± 4.8 ka (thousands of years ago), respectively, thus constraining the time of transition between these two archaeological phases to ∼60 ka. An age of 49.1 ± 4.3 ka has been obtained for the latest deposits associated with the Mumba Industry, which show no evidence for post-depositional mixing and contain ostrich eggshell (OES) beads and abundant microlithics. The Nasera Industry deposits (Bed III) contain large quantities of OES beads and date to 36.8 ± 3.4 ka. We compare the luminescence ages with the previous chronologies for Mumba, and briefly discuss how the revised chronology fits in the context of existing archaeological records and palaeoclimatic reconstructions for East Africa.  相似文献   

Paleoanthropologists and archeologists interested in occupation histories, faunal remains, and objects of material culture have become increasingly reliant on optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dating to construct Quaternary chronologies. In part, the increased use of OSL dating reflects its capacity to date events beyond the range of radiocarbon dating and in contexts where suitable organic materials are absent. An earlier review in Evolutionary Anthropology by Feathers 1 provides a general account of the principles of luminescence dating. Since then, however, important advances have been made in OSL dating of quartz, so that it is now possible to date individual sand‐sized grains and thereby resolve issues of postdepositional mixing of archeological sediments. In this review, we discuss the most important of these advances and their implications with regard to improved age control of archeological sites. We cover aspects of instrumental and methodological development that have facilitated the widespread measurement of single grains related to archeological questions and illustrate our review with some examples of where archeological problems have been resolved using single‐grain OSL dating. We do not propose single‐grain dating as a panacea, because there are instances where it is not straightforward to use or the results may be difficult to interpret; dating in such contexts remains the subject of continuing research.  相似文献   

Ascertaining the timing of the peopling of Europe, after the first out-of-Africa demographic expansion at the end of the Pliocene, is of great interest to paleoanthropologists. One of the earliest direct evidences for fossil hominins in western Europe comes from an infilled karstic cave site called Gran Dolina at Atapuerca, in a stratum approximately 1.5m below the Brunhes-Matuyama (B-M) geomagnetic boundary (780ka) within lithostratigraphic unit TD6. However, most of the meters of fossil- and tool-bearing strata at Gran Dolina have been difficult to date. Therefore, we applied both thermoluminescence (TL) and infrared-stimulated-luminescence (IRSL) multi-aliquot dating methods to fine-silt fractions from sediment samples within Gran Dolina and the nearby Galería cave site. We also applied these methods to samples from the present-day surface soils on the surrounding limestone hill slopes to test the luminescence-clock-zeroing-by-daylight assumption. Within the uppermost 4m of the cave deposits at Gran Dolina, TL and paired TL and IRSL ages range stratigraphically from 198+/-19ka to 244+/-26ka. Throughout Gran Dolina, all luminescence results are stratigraphically self-consistent and, excepting results from two stratigraphic units, are consistent with prior ESR-U-series ages from progressively deeper strata. Thermoluminescence ages culminate at 960+/-120ka approximately 1m below the 780ka B-M boundary. At Galería, with one exception, TL and IRSL ages range stratigraphically downward from 185+/-26ka to 503+/-95ka at the base of the lowermost surface-inwash facies. These results indicate that TL and (sometimes) IRSL are useful dating tools for karstic inwash sediments older than ca. 100ka, and that a more accurate chronostratigraphic correlation is now possible among the main Atapuerca sites (Gran Dolina, Galería, Sima de los Huesos). Furthermore, the oldest TL age of ca. 960ka from Gran Dolina, consistent with biostratigraphic and paleomagnetic evidence, implies a probable numeric age of 900-950ka for the oldest hominin remains ( approximately 0.8m below the TL sample). This age window suggests a correspondence to Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 25, a relatively warm and humid interglaciation.  相似文献   

This paper aims to identify the spatial patterning of burning and occupation within an early Middle Stone Age (MSA) sea cave in the Western Cape Province of South Africa by creating a multidimensional model of archaeomagnetic data recovered from all excavated units. Magnetic susceptibility and other mineral magnetic parameters are shown to provide an excellent proxy for the anthropogenic alteration and spread of burnt material into the surrounding unaltered cave deposits. The identification of combustion features and areas of occupation or different activities within the site can be determined because the movement of people throughout the cave mixes magnetically strong hearth material with magnetically weak unaltered sediments. This is also indicated by micromorphological analysis. The degree of enhancement is also shown to indicate the extent to which a deposit has been altered, and therefore, intensity of occupation, because multiple heatings of deposits are needed to form the concentrations of iron minerals occurring in some layers. This is further supported by a comparison with artifact density for the layers. Variation in the magnetic values between different areas of the site is noted with major occupation or fire building occurring in the front of the cave during earlier MIS 6 periods, while during later MIS 5 periods the entire cave is occupied intensively. The oldest, MIS 11 deposits at the rear of the cave indicate no evidence of enhancement and an apparent absence of any anthropogenic signature.  相似文献   

Flake based assemblages (Mode 1) comprise the earliest stone technologies known, with well-dated Oldowan sites occurring in eastern Africa between ∼ 2.6-1.7 Ma, and in less securely dated contexts in central, southern and northern Africa. Our understanding of the spread and local development of this technology outside East Africa remains hampered by the lack of reliable numerical dating techniques applicable to non-volcanic deposits. This study applied the still relatively new technique of cosmogenic nuclide burial dating (10Be/26Al) to calculate burial ages for fluvial gravels containing Mode 1 artefacts in the Luangwa Valley, Zambia. The Manzi River, a tributary of the Luangwa River, has exposed a 4.7 m deep section of fluvial sands with discontinuous but stratified gravel layers bearing Mode 1, possibly Oldowan, artefacts in the basal layers. An unconformity divides the Manzi section, separating Mode 1 deposits from overlying gravels containing Mode 3 (Middle Stone Age) artefacts. No diagnostic Mode 2 (Acheulean) artefacts were found.Cosmogenic nuclide burial dating was attempted for the basal gravels as well as exposure ages for the upper Mode 3 gravels, but was unsuccessful. The complex depositional history of the site prevented the calculation of reliable age models. A relative chronology for the full Manzi sequence was constructed, however, from the magnetostratigraphy of the deposit (N>R>N sequence). Isothermal thermoluminescence (ITL) dating of the upper Mode 3 layers also provided consistent results (∼78 ka). A coarse but chronologically coherent sequence now exists for the Manzi section with the unconformity separating probable mid- or early Pleistocene deposits below from late Pleistocene deposits above. The results suggest Mode 1 technology in the Luangwa Valley may post-date the Oldowan in eastern and southern Africa. The dating programme has contributed to a clearer understanding of the geomorphological processes that have shaped the valley and structured its archaeological record.  相似文献   

Aeolian dunes controlled by regional climate have been formed in many coastal areas of the Mediterranean Sea during the Quaternary. Generally, they are formed under a landward-blowing wind, and comprise numerous reworked penecontemporaneous shallow-marine carbonate grains. Along the eastern mid-Adriatic Sea, late Pleistocene aeolian and alluvial sands occur as isolated patches in karstic depressions on several islands and the Pelje?ac Peninsula. At most localities, the sands consist of a mixture of mostly carbonate rock fragments and siliciclastic material. A higher proportion of shallow-marine bioclasts was found only at one locality. The terrestrial material was transported to the coastal area by at least two rivers: paleo-Cetina and paleo-Neretva River, and was subsequently reworked and transported by wind, resulting in aeolian deposition. Sandy units of various thicknesses exhibiting sharp erosional bedding planes and cross-bedding are interpreted as representing aeolian dunes and sand sheets controlled by a complex wind regime. The mineralogical composition at almost all localities indicates near-river flood plains as the main sand source. Although the area was affected by strong winds blowing landward and parallel to the coast, they significantly deviated due to the local topography produced by the tectonically deformed and karstified carbonate basement. In this way, the late Pleistocene aeolian deposits on the mid-Adriatic islands differ from deposits from most Quaternary Mediterranean coastal aeolian belts, as they contain very small quantities of penecontemporaneous shallow-marine carbonate grains and were deposited by winds blowing in varying directions instead of prevailing landward-blowing winds.  相似文献   

1999年,在印度西部的纳尔玛达(Narmada)河的一条支流——奥尔桑(Orsang)河谷发现了一具孤立的智人头骨,这对于了解印度人类进化历史和南亚直立人与最古老的亚洲智人(或AMH,解剖学上现代的人)之间的联系有着重要的意义。化石是在古老的河流沉积物中发现的。对主体沉积和颅内沉积物的红外光释光(IRSL)测年结果显示,其年代为3—5万年。然而,对化石的直接测年(放射性碳加速器质谱测年AMS)结果表明,其年代最小为4981—5579年前。头骨被归类为圆颅型智人。头骨上最引人注意的特征是颅外有亚洲直立人头后部很发达的角圆枕。头骨最宽处在下部(颞骨)如直立人,这样的情况从来不见于智人。这可能是由于乳突的气窦化而形成的。乳突上脊发育,从破损的眉间区(20mm)可以看到很宽的额窦。所有这些粗壮的特征都表明Orsang头骨和晚期亚洲直立人之间具有遗传连续性。  相似文献   

Optical dating of dune sands in the northeastern deserts of China   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Optical dating has been used to obtain the ages of fossil-stabilized sand dunes from four sections in the northeastern deserts of China. Our results indicate that the optically stimulated luminescence ages of the four sections correlate well, even though the samples were collected from different deserts about 600 km apart. Our results also indicate that active dune formation in this region lasted from the Last Glacial Maximum to about 10 ka, and that the warm climate of the Holocene was interrupted by a cold/dry dune formation episode about 3.5-1.7 ka. The Holocene Optimum in this region is between 10 and 3.6 ka, and a later warm/humid dune stabilization phase lasted from at least 1.6 to 1.0 ka. The youngest age on the uppermost sand unit yielded an age of only 40 yr, supporting the previous argument that the existence of modern active eolian sands in the regions with a mean annual precipitation of up to 450 mm is not mainly due to drought, but to extensive land cultivation over historic time. From the luminescence properties of the quartz grains, it is hypothesized that the sands in most of the sections are probably derived from more than one source, with a minor source of quartz having a different thermal history before deposition.  相似文献   

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