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The cranial base is one of the major foci of interest in functional craniology. The evolution and morphogenesis of this structure are still poorly known and rather controversial because of multifactorial influences and polyphasic stages. Endocranial dynamics are associated anteriorly with the upper facial structures, laterally with the mandibular system and midsagittally with brain development. In the present study, we investigated the endocranial morphology of modern humans using 3D landmark-based approaches, i.e. geometric morphometrics and Euclidean distance matrix analysis. The structure of endocranial variation is poorly integrated, with only weak reciprocal influences among the three fossae. Some major variations are associated with changes in the posterior fossa, with possible consequences on the anterior areas. These main patterns of integration are hypothesized to be influenced by the connective tensors of the dura layers. Static allometry and sex differences are largely related to the ontogenetic sequences, characterized by early maturation of the anterior fossa with respect to the middle and posterior regions (i.e., relatively shorter posterior part of the planum sphenoideum and vertical lengthening of the clivus in males). The relative independence between the endocranial fossae, as well as their structural connection through the meningeal tensors, must be carefully considered in studies on the evolutionary dynamics, since they lead to mosaic changes through phylogeny.  相似文献   

Sex estimation is a paramount step of bioprofiling in both forensic anthropology and osteoarchaeology. When the pelvis is not optimally preserved, anthropologists commonly rely on the cranium to accurately estimate sex. Over the last decades, the geometric morphometric (GM) approach has been used to determine sexual dimorphism of the crania, in size and shape, overcoming some difficulties of traditional visual and metric methods. This article aims to investigate sexual dimorphism of the occipital and temporal region through GM analysis in a metapopulation of 50 Western-European identified individuals. Statistical analyses were performed to compare centroid size and shape data between sexes through the examination of distinct functional modules. Regression and Procrustes ANOVA were used to examine allometric and asymmetrical implications. Discriminant functions, combining size and shape data, were established. Significant dimorphism in size was found, with males having larger crania, confirming the major influence size has on cranial morphology. Allometric relationships were found to be statistically significant in both right and left temporal bones while shape differences between sexes were only significant on the right temporal bone. The visualization of the mean consensus demonstrated that males displayed a larger mastoid process associated with a reduced mastoid triangle and less projected occipital condyles. This exploratory study confirms that GM analysis represents an effective way to quantitatively capture shape of dimorphic structures, even on complex rounded ones such as the mastoid region. Further examination in a larger sample would be valuable to design objective visualization tools that can improve morphoscopic sex estimation methods.  相似文献   

The correlated evolution of traits may be a principal factor in morphological evolution, but it is typically studied in genetic or developmental systems. Most studies examining phenotypic trait correlations, through analysis of morphological integration, consider only few taxa, with limited ability to test hypotheses of the influence of trait integration on morphological variation and diversity. The few comparative studies in less inclusive groups have yielded varying relationships of integration to the key factors of phylogeny and diet. In this paper, I present analyses of cranial morphological integration in 30 species from the mammalian order Carnivora, spanning eight extant families and a wide range of ecological and morphological diversity. Fifty-five cranial landmarks were captured through three-dimensional digitization of 15-22 specimens for each species. Using a node-based phylogenetic distance matrix, a significant correlation was found between similarity in patterns of integration and phylogenetic relatedness within Felidae (cats) and Canidae (dogs), but not within more inclusive clades, when size-related variation was removed. When size was included, significant correlations were found across all Caniformia, Musteloidea, Mustelidae, and Felidae. There was a significant correlation between phylogeny and morphological integration only within the higher-level clade Feliformia (cats, civets, mongooses, and hyaenas) when a branch-length-based phylogenetic distance matrix was analyzed, with and without size. In contrast, diet was significantly correlated with similarity in morphological integration in arctoid carnivorans (bears, raccoons, and weasels), but had no significant relationship with integration in feliforms or canids. These results support the proposition that evolutionary history is correlated with cranial integration across large clades, although in some smaller clades diet also exerts significant influence on the correlated evolution of traits.  相似文献   

Normative data on the in vivo size of the human brain and its major anatomically defined subdivisions are not readily available. In this study, high-resolution magnetic resonance imaging was used to measure regional brain volumes in 46 normal, right-handed adults (23 men, 23 women) between the ages of 22-49 years. Parcellation of the brain was based on neuroanatomical landmarks. The following brain regions were measured: the cerebral hemispheres, frontal lobe, temporal lobe, parietal lobe, occipital lobe, cingulate gyrus, insula, cerebellum, corpus callosum, and lateral ventricles. Males tend to be significantly larger than females, for the whole brain and for nearly all of its major subdivisions, including the corpus callosum. However, the proportional sizes of regions relative to total volume of the hemisphere are remarkably similar in males and females. Variation in size of region is always greater than variation in proportional representation. Asymmetries in brain regions are not profound, with the exception of the cingulate gyrus, which is larger in the left hemisphere. Brain regions are highly correlated in size, with the exception of the lateral ventricles. After controlling for hemisphere size, the volumes of the frontal and parietal lobes are significantly negatively correlated. The occipital lobe tends to be less sexually dimorphic than other major lobes, and less correlated with other brain regions for volume. These results have implications for understanding whether or not certain sectors of the brain have shown relative expansion over the course of hominid and hominoid evolution.  相似文献   

Evolution of skull shape in carnivores 1. Representative modern carnivores   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Fifteen variables, selected primarily to reflect functionally significant aspects of cranial morphology, were measured on one skull each of 62 species of modern carnivores, including viverrids, canids, mustelids and felids. To allow comparisons between species of different sizes without the potentially confounding effects of allometric shape changes, the measurements were transformed to dimensionless variables, based on the residuals from allometric equations. Fourteen out of 15 of the transformed variables distinguish one or more of the four family groups and the rotated first two axes of a principal components analysis distinguish all four families from each other. The following functional hypotheses are proposed: mustelids and felids have the most powerful bites and canids the weakest among the four family groups studied; mustelids and, to a lesser degree, felids have more powerful neck musculature than do canids and viverrids; and visual abilities are best developed among felids and least developed among mustelids. The first two functional hypotheses suggest possible differences in killing behaviour, which are supported by a preliminary survey of the literature on such behaviour. Allometric analysis of the 15 cranial measures shows that the neurocranial components scale with negative allometry, while most of the other measures scale approximately isometrically.  相似文献   

Fifteen functionally significant aspects of skull morphology were measured on skulls of 36 additional species of carnivores to complete a survey of skull shape in modern fissiped (land) carnivores that includes most of the living genera. The measurements were transformed to dimensionless variables based on the residuals from allometric equations, and were analysed singly and in a 10 variable principal components analysis. An initial study of 62 species of viverrids, canids, mustelids and felids had shown those families to be distinguished from each other by the functionally significant measurements. However, among the additional 36 species, some procyonids, ursids and mustelids display a range of diversity of skull morphology that overlaps that of the other families and diminishes the potential value of the measurements as taxonomic characters. Intraspecific variation is presented for 12 species, and is low enough to allow use of some features as species level diagnostic characters. The lack of correlation between diet and functionally significant aspects of skull morphology among omnivorous carnivores, and the absence of certain skull shapes among carnivores are discussed.  相似文献   

Maximum gape is important to the ecology and evolution of many vertebrates, particularly gape‐limited predators, because it can restrict the sizes and shapes of prey that can be eaten. Although many cranial elements probably contribute to gape, it is typically estimated from jaw length or jaw width, or occasionally from a combination of these two measures. We measured maximum gape directly for 18 individuals of the western diamond‐backed rattlesnake, Crotalus atrox. We measured each individual's body length, several external cranial dimensions, several cranial osteological dimensions from cleaned skeletons, and we calculated gape index values from two published gape indices (GI). Cranial bone lengths and gape circumference showed negative allometry with snout–vent length (SVL), indicating that small individuals have relatively larger heads and gapes than their larger conspecifics. We then used Akaike's Information Criterion to determine which external and osteological measurements were the best predictors of gape. Body size (SVL) was the best predictor of maximum gape overall; however, when SVL was excluded from the analysis, quadrate (QL) and mandible lengths (MdLs) were the best predictors of maximum gape using both external and osteological measurements. Quadrate length probably contributes directly to gape; however, the importance of MdL to gape is less clear and may be due largely to its allometric relationships with head length and SVL. The two published GI did not prove to be better indicators of actual gape than the jaw and QLs in this study, and the gape values they produced differed significantly from our empirically determined gapes. For these reasons, we urge caution with the use and interpretation of computed GI in future studies. The extensive variation in quadrate and mandible morphology among lineages suggest that these bones are more important to variation in gape among species and lineages than within a single species. J. Morphol., 2013. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

We investigated patterns of evolutionary integration in the appendicular skeleton of mammalian carnivores. The findings are discussed in relation to performance selection in terms of organismal function as a potential mechanism underlying integration. Interspecific shape covariation was quantified by two‐block partial least‐squares (2B‐PLS) analysis of 3D landmark data within a phylogenetic context. Specifically, we compared pairs of anatomically connected bones (within‐limbs) and pairs of both serially homologous and functional equivalent bones (between‐limbs). The statistical results of all the comparisons suggest that the carnivoran appendicular skeleton is highly integrated. Strikingly, the main shape covariation relates to bone robustness in all cases. A bootstrap test was used to compare the degree of integration between specialized cursorial taxa (i.e., those whose forelimbs are primarily involved in locomotion) and noncursorial species (i.e., those whose forelimbs are involved in more functions than their hindlimb) showed that cursors have a more integrated appendicular skeleton than noncursors. The findings demonstrate that natural selection can influence the pattern and degree of morphological integration by increasing the degree of bone shape covariation in parallel to ecological specialization.  相似文献   

Cranial base morphology differs among hominoids in ways that are usually attributed to some combination of an enlarged brain, retracted face and upright locomotion in humans. The human foramen magnum is anteriorly inclined and, with the occipital condyles, is forwardly located on a broad, short and flexed basicranium; the petrous elements are coronally rotated; the glenoid region is topographically complex; the nuchal lines are low; and the nuchal plane is horizontal. Australopithecus afarensis (3.7–3.0 Ma) is the earliest known species of the australopith grade in which the adult cranial base can be assessed comprehensively. This region of the adult skull was known from fragments in the 1970s, but renewed fieldwork beginning in the 1990s at the Hadar site, Ethiopia (3.4–3.0 Ma), recovered two nearly complete crania and major portions of a third, each associated with a mandible. These new specimens confirm that in small-brained, bipedal Australopithecus the foramen magnum and occipital condyles were anteriorly sited, as in humans, but without the foramen''s forward inclination. In the large male A.L. 444-2 this is associated with a short basal axis, a bilateral expansion of the base, and an inferiorly rotated, flexed occipital squama—all derived characters shared by later australopiths and humans. However, in A.L. 822-1 (a female) a more primitive morphology is present: although the foramen and condyles reside anteriorly on a short base, the nuchal lines are very high, the nuchal plane is very steep, and the base is as relatively narrow centrally. A.L. 822-1 illuminates fragmentary specimens in the 1970s Hadar collection that hint at aspects of this primitive suite, suggesting that it is a common pattern in the A. afarensis hypodigm. We explore the implications of these specimens for sexual dimorphism and evolutionary scenarios of functional integration in the hominin cranial base.  相似文献   

Experimental data suggest that the endogenous cannabinoid system is involved in gastric function in different animal species. In most of them, CB(1) receptors have been localized on vagal terminals innervating the external wall of the stomach. We aimed at studying the putative presence and distribution of these receptors in the human gastric mucosa. To this end, we first performed Western blotting, RT-PCR, in situ hybridization, and immunohistochemical analysis of CB(1) protein distribution in biopsy samples of healthy individuals. To determine the precise cell populations expressing CB(1) receptors, we performed double immunofluorescence plus confocal microscopy analysis of the same samples. Our results show that CB(1) receptors are present in the gastric epithelium of the mucosa. Specifically, they are expressed by a subpopulation of mucosal cells, the acid-secreting parietal cells, as shown by double immunohistochemical staining and by their differential abundance in subregions of the gastric mucosa. These results reinforce the notion of a prominent role for the endocannabinoid system in the gastric function in humans and postulate the use of cannabinoid CB(1) receptors in parietal cells as new therapeutic targets for the regulation of gastric acid production.  相似文献   

Twenty weanling 6-month-old male squirrel monkeys were allotted to the following treatments: 1) first control animals were killed at weaning; 2) second control animals were killed when 24 months old; and 3) malnourished animals were fed on a low-protein diet and killed at age 24 months. Lateral and vertical teleradiographies were taken. Growth of the neurocranial and splanchnocranial components were measured by volumetric (size estimators) and morphometric (shape estimators) indices. All facial components grew. The neurocranial components showed a heterogeneous behavior: The anteroneural component remained stable, and the increase of the midneural component was compensated by a decrease in the posteroneural component. Malnutrition affected the growths of 1) the craniofacial complex, 2) the splanchnocranium, and 3) the respiratory and midneural components. Growth influenced skull shape through 1) increases of the splanchnocranium and the midneural component relative to the neurocranium; 2) decreases of the masticatory and optic components relative to the splanchnocranium, and 3) decreases of the anteroneural and posteroneural components relative to the neurocranium. Malnutrition influenced skull shape through the relationship between the anteroneural component and the neurocranium. These results confirmed the existence of functional interrelationships among the cranial components. A new approach to craniological studies is suggested.  相似文献   

Layer III pyramidal neurons were injected with Lucifer yellow in tangential cortical slices taken from the inferior temporal cortex (area TE) and the superior temporal polysensory (STP) area of the macaque monkey. Basal dendritic field areas of layer III pyramidal neurons in area STP are significantly larger, and their dendritic arborizations more complex, than those of cells in area TE. Moreover, the dendritic fields of layer III pyramidal neurons in both STP and TE are many times larger and more complex than those in areas forming 'lower' stages in cortical visual processing, such as the first (V1), second (V2), fourth (V4) and middle temporal (MT) visual areas. By combining data on spine density with those of Sholl analyses, we were able to estimate the average number of spines in the basal dendritic field of layer III pyramidal neurons in each area. These calculations revealed a 13-fold difference in the number of spines in the basal dendritic field between areas STP and V1 in animals of similar age. The large differences in complexity of the same kind of neuron in different visual areas go against arguments for isopotentiality of different cortical regions and provide a basis that allows pyramidal neurons in temporal areas TE and STP to integrate more inputs than neurons in more caudal visual areas.  相似文献   

Temporal bone shape has been shown to reflect molecular phylogenetic relationships among hominoids and offers significant morphological detail for distinguishing taxa. Although it is generally accepted that temporal bone shape, like other aspects of morphology, has an underlying genetic component, the relative influence of genetic and environmental factors is unclear. To determine the impact of genetic differentiation and environmental variation on temporal bone morphology, we used three-dimensional geometric morphometric techniques to evaluate temporal bone variation in 11 modern human populations. Population differences were investigated by discriminant function analysis, and the strength of the relationships between morphology, neutral molecular distance, geographic distribution, and environmental variables were assessed by matrix correlation comparisons. Significant differences were found in temporal bone shape among all populations, and classification rates using cross-validation were relatively high. Comparisons of morphological distances to molecular distances based on short tandem repeats (STRs) revealed a significant correlation between temporal bone shape and neutral molecular distance among Old World populations, but not when Native Americans were included. Further analyses suggested a similar pattern for morphological variation and geographic distribution. No significant correlations were found between temporal bone shape and environmental variables: temperature, annual rainfall, latitude, or altitude. Significant correlations were found between temporal bone size and both temperature and latitude, presumably reflecting Bergmann's rule. Thus, temporal bone morphology appears to partially follow an isolation by distance model of evolution among human populations, although levels of correlation show that a substantial component of variation is unexplained by factors considered here.  相似文献   

It has long been unclear whether the different derived cranial traits of modern humans evolved independently in response to separate selection pressures or whether they resulted from the inherent morphological integration throughout the skull. In a novel approach to this issue, we combine evolutionary quantitative genetics and geometric morphometrics to analyze genetic and phenotypic integration in human skull shape. We measured human skulls in the ossuary of Hallstatt (Austria), which offer a unique opportunity because they are associated with genealogical data. Our results indicate pronounced covariation of traits throughout the skull. Separate simulations of selection for localized shape changes corresponding to some of the principal derived characters of modern human skulls produced outcomes that were similar to each other and involved a joint response in all of these traits. The data for both genetic and phenotypic shape variation were not consistent with the hypothesis that the face, cranial base, and cranial vault are completely independent modules but relatively strongly integrated structures. These results indicate pervasive integration in the human skull and suggest a reinterpretation of the selective scenario for human evolution where the origin of any one of the derived characters may have facilitated the evolution of the others.  相似文献   

Disarticulated bones of several individuals recovered from the Late Triassic fluvial and lacustrine deposits at Krasiejów, Poland, are here described, allowing the restoration of the skull structure of a new aetosaurian archosaur: Stagonolepis olenkae sp. nov. The Krasiejów deposits probably correspond in age to the Lehrberg Beds (late Carnian) of Baden‐Württemberg, Germany. The stratigraphical position of the new taxon combined with other available evidence is used to propose a model of aetosaurian evolution. The proposed phylogenetic position of Aetosaurus ferratus (Norian, Germany) as the basal aetosaurid is refuted and this species is instead proposed to be the most derived member of the Stagonolepis–Aetosaurus evolutionary lineage. Gradual change in several morphological characters can be observed from Stagonolepis robertsoni, through the new species from Krasiejów, to the stratigraphically youngest Aetosaurus ferratus. These changes include a decrease in the number of teeth and a decrease in the convexity of the ventral profile of the maxilla. The anterior elongation of the maxilla is associated with the expansion of the anterior tip of the maxilla towards the naris. In S. robertsoni and S. olenkae, the maxilla extends to middle of the naris, whereas in Aetosaurus, it reaches the anterior half of the naris. © 2010 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2010, 158 , 860–881.  相似文献   

Static biting in lizards: functional morphology of the temporal ligaments   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A. Herrel  P. Aerts  D. De  Vree 《Journal of Zoology》1998,244(1):135-143

There is extensive experimental evidence indicating a crucial role for glutamate in epileptogenesis and epileptic activity. The glial glutamate transporters GLT1 and GLAST are proposed to account for the majority of extracellular glutamate re-uptake. In the present study, polyclonal antibodies specific to GLT1 and GLAST were generated and characterized, revealing distribution patterns for the two transporters confirming those previously reported. In situ hybridization and immunoblotting were then used to compare levels of these two transporters in the parietal cortex and hippocampus of unstimulated and stimulated EL mice with DDY control mice. Additionally, HPLC determined tissue glutamate concentrations in the same regions of these animals. These experiments revealed reductions in GLT1 mRNA and protein in the parietal cortex of unstimulated and stimulated EL mice compared with DDY controls, accompanied by an increase in tissue glutamate concentration in the stimulated EL mice group. GLT1 mRNA was also reduced in the CA3 hippocampal subfield of both unstimulated and stimulated EL mice. GLAST protein was reduced in the hippocampus of the stimulated EL mice group, while no changes in GLAST mRNA or protein were detected in the parietal cortex of EL mice when compared with DDY controls. The glial glutamate transporter down-regulation reported here may play a role in seizure initiation, spread and maintenance in the EL mouse.  相似文献   

Morphological integration and modularity are important points of intersection between evolution and the development of organismal form. Identification and quantification of integration are also of increasing paleoanthropological interest. In this study, the "posterior face," i.e., the mandibular ramus and its integration with the associated midline and lateral basicranium, is analyzed in lateral radiographs of 144 adult humans from three different geographic regions. The null hypothesis of homogenously pervasive morphological integration among "posterior-face" components is tested with Procrustes geometric morphometrics, partial least squares, and singular warps analysis. The results reveal statistically significant differences in integration. Only loose integrative relationships are found between midline and lateral components of the basicranium, which may indicate the presence of at least two different basicranial modules. This modularity can be interpreted in terms of spatiotemporal dissociation in the development of those basicranial structures, and gives support to hypotheses of independent phylogenetic modifications at the lateral and midline basicranium in humans. In addition, morphological integration was statistically significantly stronger between the middle cranial fossa and the mandibular ramus than between the ramus and the midline cranial base. This finding confirms previous hypotheses of a "petroso-mandibular unit," which could be a developmental consequence of well-known phylogenetic modifications in coronal topology of the posterior face and base in hominoid evolution, related to middle cranial fossa expansion. This unit could be involved in later evolutionary tendencies in the hominid craniofacial system.  相似文献   

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