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Among geckos, the acquisition of the adhesive system is associated with several morphological changes of the feet that are involved in the operation of the adhesive apparatus. However, analyses using a comparative framework are lacking. We applied traditional morphometrics and geometric morphometric analysis with phylogenetic comparative methods to morphological data, collected from X-ray scans, to examine patterns of morphological evolution of the pes in association with the gain and loss of adhesive capabilities, and with habitat occupancy among 102 species of gecko. Padbearing gecko lineages tend to have shorter digits and greater inter-digital angles than padless ones. Arboreal and saxicolous species have shorter digits than terrestrial species. Our results suggest repeated shifts that converge upon a similar padbearing morphology, with some modifications being associated with the habitat occupied. We demonstrate that functional innovation and habitat can operate on, and influence, different components of foot morphology.  相似文献   

Assessments of temporal bone morphology have played an important role in taxonomic and phylogenetic evaluations of fossil taxa, and recent three‐dimensional analyses of this region have supported the utility of the temporal bone for testing taxonomic and phylogenetic hypotheses. But while clinical analyses have examined aspects of temporal bone ontogeny in humans, the ontogeny of the temporal bone in non‐human taxa is less well documented. This study examines ontogenetic allometry of the temporal bone in order to address several research questions related to the pattern and trajectory of temporal bone shape change during ontogeny in the African apes and humans. We further apply these data to a preliminary analysis of temporal bone ontogeny in Australopithecus afarensis. Three‐dimensional landmarks were digitized on an ontogenetic series of specimens of Homo sapiens, Pan troglodytes, Pan paniscus, and Gorilla gorilla. Data were analyzed using geometric morphometric methods, and shape changes throughout ontogeny in relation to size were compared. Results of these analyses indicate that, despite broadly similar patterns, African apes and humans show marked differences in development of the mandibular fossa and tympanic portions of the temporal bone. These findings indicate divergent, rather than parallel, postnatal ontogenetic allometric trajectories for temporal bone shape in these taxa. The pattern of temporal bone shape change with size exhibited by A. afarensis showed some affinities to that of humans, but was most similar to extant African apes, particularly Gorilla. Am J Phys Anthropol 151:630–642, 2013. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The majority of studies of frontal bone morphology in paleoanthropology have analyzed the frontal squama and the browridge as a single unit, mixing information from different functional elements. Taking into account that the bulging of the frontal bone is often described as a species‐specific trait of Homo sapiens, in this article we analyze variation in the midsagittal profile of the genus Homo, focusing on the frontal squama alone, using landmark‐based superimpositions and principal components analysis. Our results demonstrate that anatomically modern humans are definitely separated from extinct human taxa on the basis of frontal bulging. However, there is minor overlap among these groups, indicating that it is necessary to exercise caution when using this trait alone to make taxonomic inferences on individual specimens. Early modern humans do not show differences with recent modern humans, and “transitional” individuals such as Jebel Irhoud 1, Maba, and Florisbad, show modern‐like frontal squama morphology. The bulging of the frontal squama in modern humans may represent a structural consequence of more general cranial changes, or it could be a response to changes in the morphology of the underlying prefrontal brain elements. A subtle difference between Neandertals and the Afro‐European Middle Pleistocene Homo sample is associated with flattening at bregma in the former group, a result that merits further investigation. Am J Phys Anthropol, 2013. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc  相似文献   

Lizards commonly climb in complex three-dimensional habitats, and gekkotans are particularly adept at doing this by using an intricate adhesive system involving setae on the ventral surface of their digits. However, it is not clear whether geckos always deploy their adhesive system, given that doing so may result in decreased (i.e. reduction in speed) locomotor performance. Here, we investigate circumstances under which the adhesive apparatus of clinging geckos becomes operative, and examine the potential trade-offs between speed and clinging. We quantify locomotor kinematics of a gecko with adhesive capabilities (Tarentola mauritanica) and one without (Eublepharis macularius). Whereas, somewhat unusually, E. macularius did not suffer a decrease in locomotor performance with an increase in incline, T. mauritanica exhibited a significant decrease in speed between the level and a 10° incline. We demonstrate that this results from the combined influence of slope and the deployment of the adhesive system. All individuals kept their digits hyperextended on the level, but three of the six individuals deployed their adhesive system on the 10° incline, and they exhibited the greatest decrease in velocity. The deployment of the adhesive system was dependent on incline, not surface texture (600 grit sandpaper and Plexiglas), despite slippage occurring on the level Plexiglas substrate. Our results highlight the type of sensory feedback (gravity) necessary for deployment of the adhesive system, and the trade-offs associated with adhesion.  相似文献   

There are examples of coexisting species with similar morphology and ecology, in apparent contradiction to competition theory. Shrews (Soricidae) are a paradigmatic example of this because members of this group exhibit a conserved body form, relatively low variability in lifestyle, and, in many cases, a sympatric distribution. Here, we combined geometric morphometrics and ecological niche modeling to test whether diversification of soricid species inhabiting the Iberian Peninsula has been driven by niche divergence or, conversely, whether niche conservatism has played a paramount role in this process. We also examined whether pairwise morphological distances increase as the degree of niche overlap between species becomes greater, as would be expected if interspecific competition promotes morphological differentiation. Our results showed that water shrews (Neomys), white‐toothed shrews (Crocidurinae), and red‐toothed shrews (Soricinae) are clearly differentiated in terms of both skull shape and mandible shape. However, we found a lack of phylogenetic signal in most morphological traits, indicating that closely related species are not more similar than expected by random chance. Notably, water shrews show a more “triangular” or sharp skull than white‐toothed and red‐toothed shrews, probably as an adaptation to their semiaquatic lifestyle. In agreement with the phenotypic data, climatic traits (mean annual temperature and annual precipitation) were highly labile and sister taxa showed extensive differentiation in their realized niche space. Finally, we found that phenotypic distances between species tend to increase as the degree of niche overlap increases, suggesting that interspecific competition is an important factor in determining the level of morphological resemblance among relatives. Overall, our results indicate that the existence of limited morphological disparity in a given group does not necessarily imply the existence of a niche conservatism signature.  相似文献   

Recent studies have demonstrated that the shape of the human temporal bone is particularly strongly correlated with neutral genetic expectation, when compared against other cranial regions, such as the vault, face, and basicranium. In turn, this has led to suggestions that the temporal bone is particularly reliable in analyses of primate phylogeny and human population history. While several reasons have been suggested to explain the temporal bone's strong fit with neutral expectation, the temporal bone has never systematically been compared against other individual cranial bones defined using the same biological criteria. Therefore, it is currently unknown whether the shapes of all cranial bones possess reliable information regarding neutral genetic evolution, or whether the temporal bone is unique in this respect. This study tests the hypothesis that the human temporal bone is more congruent with neutral expectation than six other individual cranial bones by correlating population affinity matrices generated using neutral genetic and 3D craniometric data. The results demonstrate that while the temporal bone shows the absolute strongest correlation with neutral genetic data compared with all other bones, it is not statistically differentiated from the sphenoid, frontal, and parietal bones in this regard. Potential reasons for the temporal bone's consistently strong fit with neutral expectation, such as its overall anatomical complexity and/or its contribution to the architecture of the basicranium, are examined. The results suggest that future phylogenetic and taxonomic studies would benefit from considering the shape of the entire cranium minus those regions that deviate most from neutrality. Am J Phys Anthropol, 2009. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Three adult squirrel monkeys were trained to run on a motor-driven treadmill that was inclined downwardly and upwardly at 8°, 16° and 28°, and horizontally (0°). Films were used to compare the gait and kinematics of the animals across the inclines. All three animals used both lateral and diagonal sequence gaits, although the former was preferred at all but the upward 16° and 28° inclines. Cycle duration and hind limb stance and swing durations tended to increase as downward inclination decreased. Trunk inclination, except at 28° downward, tended to parallel the changes in treadmill inclination. The most dramatic and consistent change for the hind limb joint displacement patterns was that maximum extension during stance increased as the treadmill inclination increased from 28° downward to 28° upward. In contrast to an earlier study by Prost & Sussman (1969), we could find no evidence that squirrel monkeys are best adapted to run on upward inclines of about 16°. The utilization of diagonal sequence gaits on the upward inclines supports previous suggestions that the preference for these gaits in primates is associated with an evolutionary increase in climbing behaviors.  相似文献   

We studied the effects of substrate structure on locomotor performance in a climbing gecko, Hemidactylus garnoti . We quantified three performance traits (acceleration capacity, instantaneous speed, and final speed) on three substrates: (i) smooth wood, (ii) a cloth surface, and (iii) a wire mesh. While acceleration capacity and instantaneous speed were highest on the wooden surface, final speed did not differ significantly among substrates. Using scanning electron microscopy (SEM) pictures, we estimated that 98% of the wooden surface is available for adhesion by the setae on the toepads, while this percentage is much lower for the mesh and cloth (41 and 37%, respectively). We suggest that when a gecko climbs up a gap-filled substrate, such as the wire mesh or cloth, adhesion will only happen between part of the toepad and the substrate, resulting in a diminished acceleration capacity. The higher acceleration capacity on the wooden substrate and the fact that the geckos tend to slip less often on this particular surface, may explain the difference in instantaneous speed. As for final speed, geckos might achieve similar final speeds on all three substrates by employing different locomotor strategies. Our results suggest that microhabitat use in nature might have a profound effect on locomotor performance and survival for climbing lizards such as geckos.  © 2005 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2005, 85 , 385–393.  相似文献   

Quantitative studies on the positional behavior of members of the Hominoidea are compared in order (1) to identify consistencies across the superfamily, (2) to contrast ape positional behavior with that of Old World monkeys (forest-livingPapio anubis were chosen for study to reduce body size effects), and (3) to identify distinctive behaviors in each of the ape taxa. Differences in the way behaviors were sampled in the various studies necessitated considering posture and locomotion separately. Unimanual arm-hanging and vertical climbing were the most distinctive shared postural and locomotor modes among the apes (the gorilla excepted), constituting ≥5.0% and ≥4.9% of all behavior in each species. Arm-hanging and brachiation (sensu stricto) frequencies were the highest by far in hylobatids. Hand-foot hanging, bipedal posture, and clambering, an orthograde suspensory locomotion assisted by the hindlimbs, were more common in orangutans than in any other hominoid. Sitting and walking were observed in the highest frequencies in the African apes but were no more common than in the baboon. Relatively high frequencies of brachiation (sensu stricto) were reported for all apes except chimpanzees and gorillas. Brachiation and arm-hanging were kinematically different in apes and baboons, involving complete humeral abduction only in the former, whereas vertical climbing appeared to be kinematically similar in apes and baboons. It is concluded that the morphological specializations of the apes may be adaptations to (1) the unique physical demands of arm-hanging and (2) less kinematically distinct, but still quantitatively significant, frequencies of vertical climbing.  相似文献   

《Journal of morphology》2017,278(6):828-847
Caviomorph rodents represent a major adaptive radiation of Neotropical mammals. They occupy a variety of ecological niches, which is also reflected in their wide array of locomotor behaviors. It is expected that this radiation would be mirrored by an equivalent disparity of tarsal‐metatarsal morphology. Here, the tarsal‐metatarsal complex of Erethizontidae, Cuniculidae, Dasyproctidae, Caviidae, Chinchillidae, Octodontidae, Ctenomyidae, and Echimyidae was examined, in order to evaluate its anatomical variation and functional‐adaptive relevance in relation to locomotor behaviors. A qualitative study in functional morphology and a geometric morphometric analysis were performed. We recognized two distinct tarsal‐metatarsal patterns that represent the extremes of anatomical variation in the foot. The first, typically present in arboreal species, is characterized by features that facilitate movements at different levels of the tarsal‐metatarsal complex. The second pattern, typically present in cursorial caviomorphs, has a set of features that act to stabilize the joints, improve the interlocking of the tarsal bones, and restrict movements to the parasagittal plane. The morphological disparity recognized in this study seems to result from specific locomotor adaptations to climb, dig, run, jump and swim, as well as phylogenetic effects within and among the groups studies.  相似文献   

《Journal of morphology》2017,278(10):1333-1353
Locomotor mode is an important component of an animal's ecology, relating to both habitat and substrate choice (e.g., arboreal versus terrestrial) and in the case of carnivores, to mode of predation (e.g., ambush versus pursuit). Here, we examine how the morphology of the calcaneum, the ‘heel bone’ in the tarsus, correlates with locomotion in extant carnivores. Other studies have confirmed the correlation of calcaneal morphology with locomotion behaviour and habitat. The robust nature of the calcaneum means that it is frequently preserved in the fossil record. Here, we employ linear measurements and 2D‐geometric morphometrics on a sample of calcanea from eighty‐seven extant carnivorans and demonstrate a signal of correlation between calcaneal morphology and locomotor mode that overrides phylogeny. We used this correlation to determine the locomotor mode, and hence aspects of the palaeobiology of, 47 extinct carnivorous mammal taxa, including both Carnivora and Creodonta. We found ursids (bears), clustered together, separate from the other carnivorans. Our results support greater locomotor diversity for nimravids (the extinct ‘false sabertooths’, usually considered to be more arboreal), than previously expected. However, there are limitations to interpretation of extinct taxa because their robust morphology is not fully captured in the range of modern carnivoran morphology.  相似文献   

Differences in habitat use can bridge early and late stages of speciation by initiating assortative mating. Heliconius colour pattern races might select habitats over which each pattern confers a relative fitness advantage because signal efficacy of wing patterns can vary by environment. Thus habitat preferences could serve to promote the evolution of mimetic colour patterns for mate choice. Here I compare colour pattern genotype and phenotype frequencies to environmental variation across the H. erato hydara x H. erato erato hybrid zone in French Guiana to determine whether races exhibit habitat preferences. I found that genotype and phenotype frequencies correspond to differences in land cover moreso than to other environmental factors. Temporal shifts in colour pattern genotypes, phenotypes and land cover also were associated at individual sample sites, which further suggests that H. erato races differ in habitat use and that habitat preferences may promote speciation among Heliconius butterflies.  相似文献   

Previous morphometric studies based on linear measurements of female structures of the aculeus, mesonotum, and wing revealed the existence of seven morphotypes within the Anastrepha fraterculus cryptic species complex along the Neotropical Region. The current research followed linear and geometric morphometric approaches in 40 population samples of the nominal species Anastrepha fraterculus (Wiedemann) spread throughout the Meso-American and Pacific Neotropical dominions (including Mexico, Central America, Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru). The goals were to explore the phenotypic relationships of the morphotypes in these biogeographical areas; evaluate the reliability of procedures used for delimitation of morphotypes; and describe their current distribution. Findings determined that morphotypes previously recognized via the linear morphometrics were also supported by geometric morphometrics of the wing shape. In addition, we found an eighth morphotype inhabiting the highlands of Ecuador and Peru. Morphotypes are related into three natural phenotypic groups nominated as Mesoamerican-Caribbean lineage, Andean lineage, and Brazilian lineage. The hypothesis that lineages are not directly related to each other is discussed, supported by their large morphological divergence and endemicity in these three well-defined biogeographic areas. In addition, this hypothesis of the non-monophyly of the Anastrepha fraterculus complex is also supported by evidence from other authors based on molecular studies and the strong reproductive isolation between morphs from different lineages.  相似文献   

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