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Superfetation is the ability of females to simultaneously carry multiple broods of embryos, with each brood at a different developmental stage. Matrotrophy is the post‐fertilization maternal provisioning of nutrients to developing embryos throughout gestation. Several studies have demonstrated that, in viviparous fishes, superfetation and matrotrophy have evolved in a correlated way, such that species capable of bearing several simultaneous broods also exhibit advanced degrees of post‐fertilization provisioning. The adaptive value of the concurrent presence of both reproductive modes may be associated with the production of larger newborns, which in turn may result in enhanced offspring fitness. In this study, we tested two hypotheses: (1) species with superfetation and moderate or extensive matrotrophy give birth to larger offspring compared with species without superfetation or matrotrophy; (2) species with higher degrees of superfetation and matrotrophy (i.e. more simultaneous broods and increased amounts of post‐fertilization provisioning) give birth to larger offspring compared with species with relatively low degrees of superfetation and matrotrophy (i.e. fewer simultaneous broods and lesser amounts of post‐fertilization provisioning). Using different phylogenetic comparative methods and data on 44 species of viviparous fishes of the family Poeciliidae, we found a lack of association between offspring size and the combination of superfetation and matrotrophy. Therefore, the concurrent presence of superfetation and moderate or extensive matrotrophy has not facilitated the evolution of larger offspring. In fact, these traits have evolved differently. Superfetation and matrotrophy have accumulated gradual changes that largely can be explained by Brownian motion, whereas offspring size has evolved fluidly, experiencing changes that probably resulted from selective responses to the local conditions.  相似文献   

Fish cover a large size range, from milligrams to tonnes, and many of them are regularly exposed to large variations in ambient oxygen levels. For more than half a century, there have been various, often divergent, claims regarding the effect of body size on hypoxia tolerance in fish. Here, we attempt to link old and new empirical data with the current understanding of the physiological mechanisms behind hypoxia tolerance. Three main conclusions are drawn: (1) body size per se has little or no impact on the ability to take up oxygen during hypoxic conditions, primarily because the respiratory surface area matches metabolic rate over a wide size range. If size-related differences are seen in the ability for oxygen uptake in a species, these are likely to reflect adaptation to different life-styles or habitat choice. (2) During severe hypoxia and anoxia, where fish have to rely on anaerobic ATP production (glycolysis) for survival, large individuals have a clear advantage over smaller ones, because small fish will run out of glycogen or reach lethal levels of anaerobic end-products (lactate and H(+)) much faster due to their higher mass-specific metabolic rate. (3) Those fish species that have evolved extreme adaptations to hypoxia, including haemoglobins with exceptionally high oxygen affinities and an alternative anaerobic end-product (ethanol), reveal that natural selection can be a much more powerful determinant of hypoxia tolerance than scaling of physiological functions.  相似文献   

The hypothesis that respiratory modulation of heart rate variability (HRV) or respiratory sinus arrhythmia (RSA) is restricted to mammals was tested on four Antarctic and four sub-Antarctic species of fish, that shared close genotypic or ecotypic similarities but, due to their different environmental temperatures, faced vastly different selection pressures related to oxygen supply. The intrinsic heart rate (fH) for all the fish species studied was approximately 25% greater than respiration rate (fV), but vagal activity successively delayed heart beats, producing a resting fH that was synchronized with fV in a progressive manner. Power spectral statistics showed that these episodes of relative bradycardia occurred in a cyclical manner every 2-4 heart beats in temperate species but at >4 heart beats in Antarctic species, indicating a more relaxed selection pressure for cardio-respiratory coupling. This evidence that vagally mediated control of fH operates around the ventilatory cycle in fish demonstrates that influences similar to those controlling RSA in mammals operate in non-mammalian vertebrates.  相似文献   

Piglet mortality in outdoor production systems varies across the year, and a reason for this variation could be fluctuations in hut climate, as ambient temperature might influence piglet survival, both directly and indirectly. Therefore, the aim of the current study was to investigate the impact of farrowing hut climate and year variation on stillbirth and liveborn mortality. A large-scale observational study was conducted at five commercial organic pig-producing herds in Denmark from June 2015 to August 2016. Both year variation (F3,635=4.40, P=0.004) and farrowing hut temperature (F2,511=6.46, P=0.002) affected the rate of stillbirths. The risk of stillborn piglets was lowest in winter and during this season larger changes in hut temperature between day 1 prepartum and the day of farrowing increased the risk of stillbirths (F1,99=6.39, P=0.013). In addition, during the warm part of the year stillbirth rate increased at temperatures ⩾27°C. Year variation also affected liveborn mortality (F3,561=3.86, P=0.009) with a lower rate of liveborn deaths in spring. However, the hut climate did not influence liveborn deaths. Consequently, other factors than hut climate may explain the influence of year variation on liveborn mortality. These could be light differences causing seasonality in reproduction and lactation.  相似文献   

Preference for children of either sex is considered a constraint on fertility decline as it induces many couples to keep adding on surviving children in the hope of having a desired sex composition of children. However, preferences for children of a particular sex may differ in relation to demographic and socioeconomic characteristics of women, traditional values and cultural practices, such as propagating a family name, providing economic advantages, and obtaining a medium of social and economic security in times of illness, unemployment and old age. Utilizing the Pakistan Integrated Household Survey (2001-02), this paper aims at investigating the existence of sex preference and examines sex preference differentials by different attributes of women in Pakistan. The results reveal that there is a desire to have another child in the presence of all children of one sex, either sons or daughters. The desire to have a son with only or mostly daughters, however, is stronger than the desire to have a daughter with only or mostly sons. This behaviour will retard fertility decline unless there is a shift in the desire to have children of both sexes in Pakistan.  相似文献   

Despite the considerable evidence showing that dispersal between habitat patches is often asymmetric, most of the metapopulation models assume symmetric dispersal. In this paper, we develop a Monte Carlo simulation model to quantify the effect of asymmetric dispersal on metapopulation persistence. Our results suggest that metapopulation extinctions are more likely when dispersal is asymmetric. Metapopulation viability in systems with symmetric dispersal mirrors results from a mean field approximation, where the system persists if the expected per patch colonization probability exceeds the expected per patch local extinction rate. For asymmetric cases, the mean field approximation underestimates the number of patches necessary for maintaining population persistence. If we use a model assuming symmetric dispersal when dispersal is actually asymmetric, the estimation of metapopulation persistence is wrong in more than 50% of the cases. Metapopulation viability depends on patch connectivity in symmetric systems, whereas in the asymmetric case the number of patches is more important. These results have important implications for managing spatially structured populations, when asymmetric dispersal may occur. Future metapopulation models should account for asymmetric dispersal, while empirical work is needed to quantify the patterns and the consequences of asymmetric dispersal in natural metapopulations.  相似文献   

Abstract. Androdioecy is a rare form of mating system in which species comprise males and hermaphrodites. One recently described case of androdioecy is the freshwater crustacean Eulimnadia texana. A mathematical model of the mating system of this shrimp suggests that males and hermaphrodites should only coexist under limited circumstances. One possible factor not considered in this model would extend the conditions for coexistence: the possibility of sperm storage in the hermaphrodites. Here we use genetically marked matings between males and hermaphrodites to determine if hermaphrodites can store male sperms. Eggs were collected from hermaphrodites both in the presence of a male and after the male was removed. A total of 30 of these matings had successful hatches, but only 14 of these 30 could be used to test for sperm storage. In these 14 cases, an average of 35% of the eggs were outcrossed when males were present, but only 0.4% were outcrossed after males were removed. Thus, sperm storage by hermaphrodites was an insignificant factor in the production of offspring. These data suggest that sperm storage cannot help explain the coexistence of males and hermaphrodites in natural populations of this crustacean.  相似文献   

The Y(d1) deletion in mice removes most of the multi-copy Rbmy gene cluster that is located adjacent to the centromere on the Y short arm (Yp). XY(d1) mice develop as females because Sry is inactivated, probably because it is now juxtaposed to centromeric heterochromatin. We have previously produced XY(d1)Sry transgenic males and found that they have a substantially increased frequency of abnormal sperm. Staining of testis sections with a polyclonal anti-RBMY antibody appeared to show a marked decrease of RBMY protein in the spermatids of XY(d1)Sry males compared to control males, which led us to suggest that this may be responsible for the increase in sperm anomalies. In the current study we sought to determine whether augmenting Rbmy expression specifically in the spermatids of XY(d1)Sry males would ameliorate the sperm defects. An expressing Rbmy transgene driven by the spermatid-specific mouse protamine 1 promotor (mP1Rbmy) was therefore introduced into XY(d1)Sry males. This failed to reduce the frequency of abnormal sperm. In the course of this study, a new RBMY antibody was generated that, in contrast to the original antibody, failed to detect RBMY in spermatid stages by immunostaining. The lack of RBMY was confirmed by western blotting of lysates from purified round spermatids and elongating spermatids. The implications of these results for the proposed role for RBMY in sperm development are discussed.  相似文献   

Does size matter?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
For 40 years, the debate has raged. Do mammalian cells monitor cell size when deciding whether to divide? More recent models suggest an indirect solution, but the field is far from reaching a final verdict.  相似文献   

Photosynthesis depends on the diffusion of gaseous CO(2) inside the leaf spaces from the stomatal entry point to the mesophyll cell walls. Although most research considers only the vertical diffusion from stomata on upper and/or leaf lower surfaces, some of the gas will diffuse in the lateral (paradermal) direction. The importance of lateral CO(2) diffusion is reviewed, and the anatomical characteristics of leaves, including the variation of air space volume between species and conditions are discussed. The contribution of the air space conductance to the limitation of photosynthesis by the overall CO(2) diffusion pathway is usually ignored. However, the need to consider three-dimensional diffusion at the small scale of a few stomata is emphasized because stomata are discrete, and separated by 20-300 microm. At the large scale of 100s of micrometres, there may be barriers to CO(2) caused by the vascular tissue, particularly if there are bundle sheath extensions. The possible extent and controls on CO(2) lateral and vertical diffusion in different species and conditions are illustrated using chlorophyll a fluorescence imaging techniques. It is clear that there is a range of effective lateral permeabilities depending on the particular vascular patterns and cell arrangements, and that species cannot be simply divided into homobaric and heterobaric anatomies. Lateral diffusion in more permeable leaves can be sufficient to affect measurements of leaf gas exchange, particularly when fluxes are low, although its contribution to leaf photosynthesis in natural conditions needs clarification.  相似文献   

Does diet in Celtic Sea fishes reflect prey availability?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Feeding preferences of Celtic Sea fishes were investigated using a database of stomach content records, collected between 1977 and 1994. The diet of cod Gadus morhua , hake Merluccius merluccius , megrim Lepidorhombus whiffiagonis , whiting Merlangius merlangus and saithe Pollachius virens changed markedly as the animals grew larger, and although large predators generally chose larger bodied prey, the variability of prey sizes consumed also increased. Large predators continued to select small, low value, benthic prey ( e.g . Callionymus spp. and Trisopterus spp.) which were easier to catch, rather than larger, more energy lucrative pelagic prey ( e.g . mackerel Scomber scombrus ), even though these pelagic prey‐fishes were nearly always available and were often very abundant. Stock estimates of the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea and U.K. groundfish survey catches were used as indices of prey abundance. Blue‐whiting Micromesistius poutassou and other small pelagic fishes ( Argentina spp. and clupeoids) were identified as being particularly important, and were consumed by some predators more often than would be expected given the abundance of these prey in the environment. There was no evidence for density‐dependent feeding by predators on mackerel and only hake exhibited density‐dependent feeding on horse‐mackerel. Hake, cod and megrim consumed more blue‐whiting when this prey was at higher abundance in the environment. In choosing what prey to consume, predators must balance costs and benefits, considering the quality of prey and the energy expended during search, capture and handling.  相似文献   

The use of landscape tools in the study of seagrass meadows (seascapes) begins to be widely spread but still require the establishment of several basis, i.e. a patch type classification based on numerical characteristics. Thanks to the complex seascapes created by the Posidonia oceanica meadows, they appear to be suitable for a study at a patch type level (class), which bring a new insight of their arrangement at the whole seascape scale. By interpreting side scan sonar images from the Corsican coast (France) through a GIS software, it was possible to describe 11 types of patches and to evaluate their natural or anthropogenic origin. Comparison of different landscape metrics and wave exposure (Relative wave Exposure Index, REI) at the seascape and the patch level showed that the particularity of P. oceanica seascapes are mainly characterized by certain types of patches often of anthropogenic origin. Furthermore the REI seems not to be a relevant index for a study at a class scale. A bathymetrical succession of natural patches was outlined from the lower to the upper limit of the meadow, with a long-term dynamic opposed to a shorter one concerning anthropogenic patches. In order to assess the origin (natural or induced by human activities) of the patches in P. oceanica meadows, as well as in any other seagrass, a Patchiness Source Index (PaSI), ranging from 0 to 1, was defined.  相似文献   

Two trials were conducted to determine the influence of semen placement on pregnancy rate in dairy heifers and cows. Seventy-two dairy heifers were artificially inseminated (AI) 10 to 12 h after the first detection of estrus. Control heifers (n = 25) were inseminated at the junction of the uterine body and internal cervical os. The remaining heifers were inseminated deep in one uterine horn, 3 to 5 cm anterior to the external bifurcation. Twenty-three heifers were inseminated in the horn ipsilateral to the ovary bearing the ovulatory follicle, and 24 heifers were inseminated in the contralateral horn. Pregnancy rates did not differ for the three groups of heifers. In a second trial, 64 inseminations were performed in 38 nonlactating, adult dairy cattle. Thirty-one inseminations were made deep in the uterine horn ipsilateral to the ovary bearing the ovulatory follicle and 33 in the contralateral horn. Pregnancy rates were similar for both groups. Combining both trials, pregnancy rates for ipsilateral and contralateral inseminations were equal (32 54 = 59% and 34 57 = 60% , respectively). Therefore, placement of semen in one horn of the uterus does not appear to be a cause of decreased or increased pregnancy rate with AI.  相似文献   

Nest boxes are a popular management tool to increase nest site availability for hole-nesting birds, but biological consequences of this technique in different habitats are poorly studied. In our study area in southwestern Estonia, nest boxes for small passerines were set up in deciduous and coniferous woods. Great tits Parus major preferred the food-rich deciduous habitat for breeding, as judged by higher nest-box occupation, earlier egg-laying and larger clutches and eggs. However, in coniferous habitat more and heavier young fledged per nest, and the return rate of both fledglings and adults was higher. We propose two mutually non-exclusive explanations, both related to the maladaptive outcome of the provision of nest boxes: (i) in the preferred habitat, nest boxes caused a supra-optimal breeding density leading to an ecological trap; (ii) boxes drastically improved the non-preferred habitat, but birds were unable to exploit the breeding habitat fully. One should be careful in providing large numbers of artificial nest sites in preferred habitats. Sometimes it would be more preferable to improve less favourable habitats by removing critical constraints.  相似文献   

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