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The responses to light among the fish Gambusia affinis, permanent residents of hypogean brackish water basins of the Spunnulate dolinas system of Torre Castiglione, in southeastern Italy, were studied at light intensities of 180 and 430 lux. These fish showed, on the average, a negative phototactic behaviour (scotophilia) with a low coefficient of variability. On the other hand, epigean, spring-dwelling individuals of G. affinis from the same region showed a positive phototactic behaviour with a greater variability in the responses when compared with cave-dwelling conspecifics. Possible causes for the detachment of hypogean from epigean forms are discussed.  相似文献   

Synopsis The Andean and preandean regions are characterized by the presence of several endorheic drainage basins, each of which has evolved a characteristic fish fauna, some of which are poorly known or hitherto inaccessible. We describe here a new species of Trichomycterus from Aguarague National Park, Bolivia. Trichomycterus aguarague is considered to belong to a species assemblage comprised of T. alterus, T. boylei, T. ramosus, and T. belensis, a group diagnosed by three putative apomorphic conditions: (1) base of the maxillary barbel wide and engrossed like a skin flap or fold, (2) premaxillary bone smaller than maxilla, and (3) odontodes embedded in thick integument that covers interopercle. Alternatively, T. aguarague and T. alterus share an unusual number of five or fewer abdominal vertebrae, which is a synapomorphy for the group composed of Scleronema, Ituglanis, and the Stegophilinae+Tridentinae+Vandelliinae+Glanapteryginae+Sarcoglanidinae clade. The new species differs from all congeners in having the following combination of characters: caudal peduncle depth 13.5 – 16.0% SL, 15 or 16 pairs of ribs, 15 dorsal procurrent rays, 12 ventral procurrent rays, 8 pectoral fin rays; 9 anal fin rays; barbels and skin of trunk with numerous, minute thread-like papillae.  相似文献   

Explanations for the phenotypical features resulting from colonization of subterranean environments have always been a source of controversy. Although a great number of cave organisms are blind, they nevertheless display responses to light. The interpretation of this phototactic responsiveness in cave-dwelling animals may provide clues on the general issue of evolution of behavior in parallel with specialized structures. We studied the phototactic responses in two amblyopsid fishes of North America and found responses to light only in the species reported to have a functional pineal organ. Our findings are consistent with the hypotheses that (1) adaptation to the cave environment is a gradual process and (2) responsiveness to light in cave fishes may best be understood as a relict character, one that exists in an environment where it may never be expressed.  相似文献   

Trichomycterus barbouri (Eigenmann, 1911) is redescribed based on adult and juvenile specimens, and is distinguished from all congeners by external and osteological characters. The species previously known only from the type locality Beni river in Bolivia, is recorded here the first time for Argentina, from localities in the provinces of Tucumán, Catamarca, Córdoba and Salta. T. barbouri is compared with some Argentinian congeners.  相似文献   

Petalidium (Decapoda: Dendrobranchiata: Sergestidae) is one of the least known genera of pelagic decapods. On the basis of collections taken during Dana Expedition 1920–22 and 1928–30, we revise the morphology of the genus. To understand the taxonomic status and position of Petalidium within other sergestid genera, we used 150 morphological characters (127 binary, 23 multistate). Three recognized species of Petalidium and eighteen type species representing all other genera of Sergestidae were included as terminals. Characters were polarized using Lucifer typus (Luciferidae: Sergestoidea) and Aristeomorpha foliacea (Aristeidae: Penaeoidea) as the outgroups. Phylogenetic analysis revealed monophyly of Petalidium comprising three species: Petalidium foliaceum Bate, 1881; Petalidium obesum (Krøyer, 1859); and Petalidium suspiriosum Burkenroad, 1937. Phylogenetic analyses also revealed possible monophyly of the clade including 15 new genera of the former Sergia and Sergestes and the position of Lucifer (family Luciferidae) within the clade Sergestidae. These results highlight necessity of future phylogenetic analyses of the remaining genera Lucifer, Acetes, Peisos, and Sicyonella involving all species of these genera and promise interesting changes for the classification of Sergestoidea. Morphological trends within Sergestoidea are discussed, and an emended diagnosis of Petalidium and diagnoses of the species it includes are given. All species are illustrated and biology of the genus is discussed. Keys to species of Petalidium based upon new information are presented. © 2015 The Linnean Society of London  相似文献   

? Premise of the Study: Little research has been done at the molecular level on the tribe Fumarieae (Papaveraceae). Papaveraceae is a model plant group for studying evolutionary patterns despite the lack of a reference phylogeny for this tribe. We investigated the phylogenetic relationships within the tribe to complete the molecular data for this family in order to help understand its character evolution and biogeographic pattern. ? Methods: We used maximum-parsimony and Bayesian approaches to analyze five DNA regions for 25 species representing 10 of the 11 Fumarieae genera and five outgroups. Evolutionary pathways of four characters (habit, life span, type of fruit, and number of seeds per fruit) were inferred on the phylogeny using parsimony. The ancestral distribution areas were reconstructed using dispersal-vicariance analysis. ? Key Results: Fumarieae is monophyletic and includes three groups that agree with the morphology-based subtribes: Discocapninae, Fumariinae, and Sarcocapninae. Within subtribes, the relationships among genera were different from those obtained with morphological data. Annual life span, nonchasmophytic habit, and a several-seeded capsule were the basal character states for the tribe. The ancestor occupied a continuous area between West Eurasia and Africa. Vicariances explain the divergence between lineages Discocapninae (South Africa) and Fumariinae-Sarcocapninae (Mediterranean), and the disjunction of Fumariinae (Mediterranean-Central Asia). ? Conclusions: Molecular phylogeny confirms the subtribal classification of Fumarieae based on morphology. However it provides different results regarding the relationships among genera within each subtribe, which affects the inference of the evolutionary pathway followed by the four selected characters. The disjunct distribution of the tribe is explained by different vicariance scenarios.  相似文献   

Interstitial trichomycterid catfishes of the Glanapteryginae and Sarcoglanidinae with uncommon morphology have been known for long time from taxa endemic to the Amazon. In most recent decades, two genera, Listrura and Microcambeva, respectively, placed in Glanapteryginae and Sarcoglanidinae on the basis of morphological characters, have been described from the Atlantic Forest of eastern South America, about 1,500 km from the area inhabited by those Amazon taxa. Herein, we first test the phylogenetic positioning of Listrura and Microcambeva using a multigene data set, including two nuclear and three mitochondrial genes for nine species of Listrura and Microcambeva and 11 species representing all closely related subfamilies (TSVSG-clade), as well as five used as outgroups. The phylogenetic analyses generated a robust tree with high support values in all nodes, where monophyly of Glanapteryginae and Sarcoglanidinae is refuted. In contrast, Listrura and Microcambeva form a highly supported clade, herein formally described as a new subfamily, sister to a clade containing taxa representing the Glanapteryginae, Sarcoglanidinae, Stegophilinae, Tridentinae and Vandelliinae. This study also indicates that Microcambeva and Listrura exhibit divergent evolutionary trends in ecological and morphological attributes. Species of Microcambeva inhabit patches of loose sand and possess morphological traits that were convergently acquired by Amazon sand-dwelling sarcoglanidines, including loss of body pigmentation and long maxilla. Species of Listrura live burrowed inside small stretches of dense leaf litter and have morphological traits that were convergently acquired by Amazon glanapterygines inhabiting leaf litter bottom rivers, including elongate body, with numerous vertebrae and loss or reduction of all fins.  相似文献   

Ariid monophyly and intrafamilial relationships are investigated based on cladistic analysis of 230 morphological characters. Terminal taxa examined include whenever possible type‐species, or the most morphologically similar species to the type‐species of the nominal genera, and the largest possible number of species, including cleared and stained specimens, available in zoological collections. Previous hypotheses about monophyly of the Ariidae are strongly corroborated by new synapomorphies discovered in the present study. The subfamily Galeichthyinae and the remaining ariids are strongly supported by new morphological characters. The monotypic subfamily Bagreinae is recognized as the sister group to all nongaleichthyin ariids, supported by a large series of exclusive synapomorphies. A new concept of Ariinae is presented: the subfamily is found to be unequivocally monophyletic and includes all ariid genera, except Galeichthys and Bagre. New data supporting the monophyly of the genera included in the Ariinae are introduced and previous hypotheses of monophyly, species composition, morphological definition, and relationships are reviewed and discussed.  相似文献   

Pisione is a scaleless group of small scale worms inhabiting sandy bottoms in shallow marine waters. This group was once considered rare, but now 45 described species can be characterized, among others, by their paired, segmental copulatory organs (one to multiple external pairs), which display a complexity of various accessory structures. The evolutionary significance of these unique organs was suggested in the late 1960s, but has been heavily debated since the late 1990s and remains controversial. In the present paper, we study the internal relationships within Pisione, employing combined phylogenetic analyses of both molecular and morphological data from 16 terminals of Pisione, as well as two terminals of Pisionidens, and eight additional scale worms as outgroups. Our taxon sampling covers all geographical areas where the genus has been reported, as well as most of their morphological and copulatory variability, including representatives of the “africana,” “remota,” “crassa,” and “papuensis” groups, established previously by Yamanishi. We hereby provide a first insight into the relationships of the genus, testing previously proposed hypotheses on the evolutionary significance of male copulatory structures within Pisione, while attempting to understand patterns of distribution. The phylogenetic analyses using maximum likelihood and Bayesian methods consistently recovered two large clades spanning the East Atlantic (including the Mediterranean) and the Indo‐Pacific–West Atlantic, respectively. Character optimization on our trees revealed a high degree of homoplasy in both non‐reproductive and sexual characters of Pisione, with buccal acicula found to be the sole apomorphy among the morphological features assessed herein, with none defining the biogeographical subclades within. Overall, our comparative analyses highlight the high degree of morphological variation in this widely distributed genus, rejecting previous assertions of an increasing number and complexity of copulatory structures across the genus.  相似文献   

The Copionodontinae is described as a new subfamily of the neotropical catfish family Trichomycteridae. It comprises two new genera and three new species from north-eastern Brazil: Copionodon gen. nov. (including C. pecten sp. nov. and C. orthiocarinatus sp. nov. ) and Glaphyropoma gen nov. (including G. rodriguesi sp. nov. ) The Copionodontinae can be diagnosed externally by the anterior position of the dorsal fin, the presence of a well-developed adipose fin, and the strongly spatulate shape of the jaw teeth. The subfamily is hypothesized as monophyletic on the basis of several synapomorphies in internal and external anatomy. Copionodontines have the plesiomorphic condition of several characters, relative to all other trichomycterids, including the presence of ductus pneumaticus; the possession of separate pterosphenoids, sphenotics and prootics; the presence of the intercalarium; the complete infraorbital latero-sensory canal; the presence of the interhyal; and the wide lateral opening of the swimbladder capsule. Elsewhere within trichomycterids, these primitive traits are found only in Trichogenes. These and other characters support the hypothesis that copionodontines are the plesiomorphic sister group of all other trichomycterids, and that Trichogenes is their next successive sister group. Contrary to the currently accepted hypothesis, the monotypic Nematogenyidae is proposed as the sister group of the Trichomycteridae, and not of all remaining loricarioids. This change is to a major extent induced by the inclusion of copionodontines and Trichogenes in the analysis of lower loricarioid relationships. The present case is given as an example of the impact that undiscovered taxa, fossil or Recent, may have upon hypotheses of phylogenetic relationships.  相似文献   

A re‐evaluation of Dekeyseria brachyura and D. pulchra found them to be junior synonyms of D. picta, the oldest species among these congeners, based on continuous intraspecific variation in morphometrics and colour pattern. Examination of material deposited at Brazilian and Venezuelan collections, including the original type specimens of Ancistrus brachyurus and A. pictus, plus samples recently collected in the Rio Negro, Amazonas, Brazil, allowed re‐evaluation of the taxonomic status of D. picta and provides additional information on its distribution, habitats and reproductive strategies.  相似文献   

We studied the patterns of adaptive radiation in Disa, a large orchid genus in southern Africa. A cladogram for 27 species was constructed using 44 morphological characters. Pollination systems were then mapped onto the phylogeny in order to analyze pathways of floral evolution. Shifts from one pollination system to another have been a major feature of the evolutionary diversification of Disa. Unlike many plant genera that are pollinated mainly by a single group of insects, radiation in Disa has encompassed nearly all major groups of pollinating insects; in all, 19 different specialized pollination systems have been found in the 27 species included in this analysis. Another striking pattern is the repeated evolution of broadly similar pollination systems in unrelated clades. For example, butterfly-pollinated flowers have evolved twice; showy deceptive flowers pollinated by carpenter bees, twice; long-spurred flowers pollinated by long-tongued flies, four times; night-scented flowers pollinated by moths, three times; and self-pollination, three times. This suggests that a few dominant pollinator species in a region may be sufficient to generate diversification in plants through repeated floral shifts that never retrace the same pathways.  相似文献   

Trichogenes longipinnis Britski & Ortega is a narrowly distributed endemic and phenotypically variable catfish from the coastal basins of the Serra do Mar range in southeast Brazil. We examined patterns of mtDNA variation of this species in coastal basins of the Serra do Mar to determine the influences of past climatic and geomorphological processes in connection with the currently isolated basins. Allozyme data were also used to test the hypothesis that the different spotting patterns in the different areas could be the result of cryptic speciation. Regardless of body pigmentation, T. longipinnis specimens from across the basins were found to belong to a single species, but the populations were structured in accordance with the current hydrological watersheds, in four management units across the three distinct basins of its geographic distribution. Thus, the current genetic distribution may be best explained by both marine regressions and orogeny. Based on the low levels of genetic variation and high population structure observed, we suggest that T. longipinnis should be classified as “vulnerable” in the Brazilian red list of threatened fauna. Furthermore, we propose that the headwaters of the Parati-Mirim River basin should be incorporated as an extension of the Bocaina National Park to protect its genetically differentiated lineages.  相似文献   

The genus Minidiscus comprises a group of ecologically-important and globally-distributed planktonic diatoms that are characterized by their small cell size, high mantle and processes more or less concentrated in the valve center. Monoclonal strains were established from collections along the Chinese coast. In the phylogenetic analyses inferred from a LSU and SSU dataset, six Minidiscus species clustered into two well-supported clades. The first clade was located within a larger clade formed mainly by Thalassiosira taxa, and the second clade appeared as sister to a clade comprising the genus Skeletonema. Hence, presently known Minidiscus do not form a monophyletic clade, but rather make up a phenotypic grouping. Based on the morphology of the type species, M. trioculatus, as well as morphological characters of all taxa in the clade with M. trioculatus, Minidiscus is characterized by having fultoportula(e) in the valve center or sub-centered close to a single rimoportula, and the cells are usually cylindrical. Mediolabrus gen. nov. is proposed to accommodate species in the second clade. The main difference between Minidiscus and Mediolabrus is the type of process found in the valve (sub-)center, with fultoportula(e) close to a rimoportula in the former, and only a single rimoportula in the latter. According to the above criteria, previously described Minidiscus taxa were re-examined, and either retained in Minidiscus or transferred to Mediolabrus.  相似文献   

Abstract The evolution of dioecy was studied in Schiedea (Caryophyllaceae), a genus endemic to the Hawaiian Islands. Eight of the 22 species are diclinous, possessing gynodioecious, subdioecious, or dioecious breeding systems. A biogeographic analysis of the genus indicates that the ancestor of Schiedea colonized early in the history of the Hawaiian Islands. Subsequently, hermaphroditic species appear to have engaged in inter-island colonization more frequently than diclinous species. For this reason, single-island endemism and dicliny are more common on the older Hawaiian Islands. Strong inbreeding depression was detected in three species of Schiedea , indicating that genetic factors have played a role in the evolution of dicliny. Depending on the level of natural selfing, the expression of inbreeding depressioin may have favored the outcrossed progeny of rare females in populations, and eventually the evolution of dioecy. In contrast to evidence for inbreeding depression, there was very little evidence that resource allocation, sex lability, or habitat partitioning have played an important role in the evolution of dioecy. In subdioecious S. globosa hermaphrodites were largely male in function, and in gynodioecious S. salicaria females and hermaphrodites were equivalent in nearly all aspects of female function that could be measured. Variation in breeding systems in Schiedea and the closely related Alsinidendron may result from the past history of population bottlenecks that have resulted in varying levels of inbreeding depression.  相似文献   

The first record of two trichomycterid species from the thermal waters of a small stream in Miraflores, north of Potosí, Bolivia is given. The reported species are Trichomycterus therma n. sp. and Trichomycterus tiraquae . The new species differ from all congeners in the possession of thickened transverse skin on the ventral surface of the head. They are further distinguished from all congeners by the following combination of characteristics: presence of spatulate incisiform premaxillary teeth; presence of large and rounded papilla-like structures on trunk of body; continuous segment of the laterosensory canal within the frontal with the presence of a segment between pores 2 and 6; long laterosensory canal with four to six pores; maxilla with a short anterior process that is smaller than the main axis of the bone, and has an anterior orientation; mesethmoid shaft narrower than the width of the lateral cornua; prepelvic length 58·7–61·0% of standard length ( L S); head width 19·1–22·8% of L S; submaxillary barbel length 23·9–37·5% of head length ( L H). Two derived characters, namely the presence of spatulate incisiform premaxillary teeth and large and rounded papilla-like structures, define a monophyletic group within Trichomycterus , comprising T. therma , T. corduvensis and T. tiraquae .  相似文献   

Entire sensory canal systems of the coelacanth, Latimeria chalumnae, are described: not only the course of principal canals with their primary and secondary collaterals, but also the course and branches of the pit-line and reticular canals. The number of pores on the left side of the head were found to be 296 in an early (yolksac) embryo, 321 in a late term fetus, 485 in a juvenile, and 2974 in adults. This means that in latimeria most of the lateral-line canal system develop after parturition. Pit lines of the living coelacanth are not rows of superficial neuromasts but canals covered by a thin epidermis like in other sensory canals of the lateral line. These pit-line canals, however, have a very specific structure and branching pattern: the medial dorsal pit-line canal is connected by fine branches on top of the head. The infra-dentary pit-line canal connects via these branches with canals deep inside the bones. Several fine and richly branched canaliculi of unknown function radiate from each quadratojugal pit-line canal. The gular plate pit-line canal has superficially branching arms as well as connections to numerous deeper canals inside the bone. These canals consist of fine branches that in turn lead to and open on the ventral surface of the gular plates as small pores. The system is reminiscent of the reticular (pore) canal system known only from some fossil agnathans and fishes. Thus latimeria combines the reticular system of ancient vertebrates with the lateral-line system of modern fishes. The significance of this gular (possibly electro-sensory) system for feeding by the coelacanth will be discussed.  相似文献   

Geostatistics and geographical information system (GIS) procedures are novel techniques helpful for the identification of environmental correlates sustaining contact zones among subspecies or closely related species. In this paper, we tried to infer evolutionary scenarios for Vipera ammodytes across the European part of its distribution area using geostatistics and ecological niche‐based models, hence trying to solve several biogeographical questions that remained unclear after the application of classical morphological tools and genetic analyses. Eleven morphological traits from 871 vipers were analysed with geostatistics and ecological niche‐based modelling. Interpolation by kriging was used to generate surfaces of morphological variation, which were combined with spatial principal components analysis (SPCA). SPCA maps were used to test putative morphological differentiated groups with discriminant function analysis (DFA). Maximum entropy modelling and seven environmental variables were used to identify factors limiting the distribution of groups and areas for the potential occurrence of such groups. Three patterns of morphological variation were observed: a north‐west/south‐west cline, transition zones with steep clines of variation in a west–east arc, and particular character traits that disturbed the general cline. SPCA identified between three and nine putative population groups, of which three were supported by DFA. Areas of potential occurrence of these groups were coherent with the range of the three subspecies of V. ammodytes currently recognized. The distribution of all subspecies was mostly related to precipitation in the driest month. Areas of probable sympatry between subspecies are generally small and restricted. The main patterns of geographic variation of morphological characters for V. ammodytes were similar to the patterns obtained for Vipera latastei and Vipera monticola; the same environmental factors limit the distribution of differentiated groups of vipers in the Balkans and the Iberian Peninsula. The influence of humidity on the variation of morphological traits in spatially separated viper taxa from the two European peninsulas coincides with their phylogenetic relatedness. Geostatistics and GIS procedures were successful in the identification of environmental correlates sustaining contact zones among V. ammodytes subspecies in the Balkans. The same techniques should be applied for studying other parapatric forms and refugia regions. © 2010 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2010, 101 , 651–666.  相似文献   

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