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Canonical Wnt/β‐catenin signaling has been implicated in multiple developmental events including the regulation of proliferation, cell fate, and differentiation. In the inner ear, Wnt/β‐catenin signaling is required from the earliest stages of otic placode specification through the formation of the mature cochlea. Within the avian inner ear, the basilar papilla (BP), many Wnt pathway components are expressed throughout development. Here, using reporter constructs for Wnt/β‐catenin signaling, we show that this pathway is active throughout the BP (E6‐E14) in both hair cells (HCs) and supporting cells. To characterize the role of Wnt/β‐catenin activity in developing HCs, we performed gain‐ and loss‐of‐function experiments in vitro and in vivo in the chick BP and zebrafish lateral line systems, respectively. Pharmacological inhibition of Wnt signaling in the BP and lateral line neuromasts during the periods of proliferation and HC differentiation resulted in reduced proliferation and decreased HC formation. Conversely, pharmacological activation of this pathway significantly increased the number of HCs in the lateral line and BP. Results demonstrated that this increase was the result of up‐regulated cell proliferation within the Sox2‐positive cells of the prosensory domains. Furthermore, Wnt/β‐catenin activation resulted in enhanced HC regeneration in the zebrafish lateral line following aminoglycoside‐induced HC loss. Combined, our data suggest that Wnt/β‐catenin signaling specifies the number of cells within the prosensory domain and subsequently the number of HCs. This ability to induce proliferation suggests that the modulation of Wnt/β‐catenin signaling could play an important role in therapeutic HC regeneration. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Develop Neurobiol 74: 438–456, 2014  相似文献   

Hair cells of the inner ear sensory organs originate from progenitor cells located at specific domains of the otic vesicle: the prosensory patches. Notch signalling is necessary for sensory development and loss of function of the Notch ligand jagged 1 (Jag1, also known as serrate 1) results in impaired sensory organs. However, the underlying mechanism of Notch function is unknown. Our results show that in the chicken otic vesicle, the Sox2 expression domain initially contains the nascent patches of Jag1 expression but, later on, Sox2 is only maintained in the Jag1-positive domains. Ectopic human JAG1 (hJag1) is able to induce Sox2 expression and enlarged sensory organs. The competence to respond to hJag1, however, is confined to the regions that expressed Sox2 early in development, suggesting that hJag1 maintains Sox2 expression rather than inducing it de novo. The effect is non-cell-autonomous and requires Notch signalling. hJag1 activates Notch, induces Hes/Hey genes and endogenous Jag1 in a non-cell-autonomous manner, which is consistent with lateral induction. The effects of hJag1 are mimicked by Jag2 but not by Dl1. Sox2 is sufficient to activate the Atoh1 enhancer and to ectopically induce sensory cell fate outside neurosensory-competent domains. We suggest that the prosensory function of Jag1 resides in its ability to generate discrete domains of Notch activity that maintain Sox2 expression within restricted areas of an extended neurosensory-competent domain. This provides a mechanism to couple patterning and cell fate specification during the development of sensory organs.  相似文献   

Notch signalling is well-known to mediate lateral inhibition in inner ear sensory patches, so as to generate a balanced mixture of sensory hair cells and supporting cells. Recently, however, we have found that ectopic Notch activity at an early stage can induce the formation of ectopic sensory patches. This suggests that Notch activity may have two different functions in normal ear development, acting first to promote the formation of the prosensory patches, and then later to regulate hair-cell production within the patches. The Notch ligand Serrate1 (Jag1 in mouse and humans) is expressed in the patches from an early stage and may provide Notch activation during the prosensory phase. Here, we test whether Notch signalling is actually required for prosensory patch development. When we block Notch activation in the chick embryo using the gamma-secretase inhibitor DAPT, we see a complete loss of prosensory epithelial cells in the anterior otocyst, where they are diverted into a neuroblast fate via failure of Delta1-dependent lateral inhibition. The cells of the posterior prosensory patch remain epithelial, but expression of Sox2 and Bmp4 is drastically reduced. Expression of Serrate1 here is initially almost normal, but subsequently regresses. The patches of sensory hair cells that eventually develop are few and small. We suggest that, in normal development, factors other than Notch activity initiate Serrate1 expression. Serrate1, by activating Notch, then drives the expression of Sox2 and Bmp4, as well as expression of the Serrate1 gene itself. The positive feedback maintains Notch activation and thereby preserves and perhaps extends the prosensory state, leading eventually to the development of normal sensory patches.  相似文献   

Atoh1 is required for differentiation of sensory hair cells in the vertebrate inner ear. Moreover, misexpression of Atoh1 is sufficient to establish ectopic sensory epithelia, making Atoh1 a good candidate for gene therapy to restore hearing. However, competence to form sensory epithelia appears to be limited to discrete regions of the inner ear. To better understand the developmental factors influencing sensory-competence, we examined the effects of misexpressing atoh1a in zebrafish embryos under various developmental conditions. Activation of a heat shock-inducible transgene, hs:atoh1a, resulted in ectopic expression of early markers of sensory development within 2 h, and mature hair cells marked by brn3c:GFP began to accumulate 9 h after heat shock. The ability of atoh1a to induce ectopic sensory epithelia was maximal when activated during placodal or early otic vesicle stages but declined rapidly thereafter. At no stage was atoh1a sufficient to induce sensory development in dorsal or lateral non-sensory regions of the otic vesicle. However, co-misexpression of atoh1a with fgf3, fgf8 or sox2, genes normally acting in the same gene network with atoh1a, stimulated sensory development in all regions of the otic vesicle. Thus, expression of fgf3, fgf8 or sox2 strongly enhances competence to respond to Atoh1.  相似文献   

转录因子Sox2是Sox基因家族的成员之一,由于它在早期胚胎发生、神经分化和内耳发育等多种重要的发育事件中都起着关键的作用,从而引起了越来越广泛的关注。哺乳动物的内耳主要由6个形态上和功能上不同的感觉区组成,这些区域对声音和前庭信息的传导是必需的,在这些区域的发育过程中,Sox2基因是内耳细胞早期发育所必需的基因。该文就Sox2在内耳发育中的作用作一综述。  相似文献   

Hearing loss is mainly caused by loss of sensory hair cells (HCs) in the organ of Corti or cochlea. Although embryonic stem (ES) cells are a promising source for cell therapy, little is known about the efficient generation of HC-like cells from ES cells. In the present study, we developed a single-medium culture method for growing embryoid bodies (EBs), in which conditioned medium (CM) from cultures of ST2 stromal cells (ST2-CM) was used for 14-day cultures of 4-day EBs. At the end of the 14-day cultures, up to 20% of the cells in EB outgrowths expressed HC-related markers, including Math1 (also known as Atoh1), myosin6, myosin7a, calretinin, α9AchR and Brn3c (also known as Pou4f3), and also showed formation of stereocilia-like structures. Further, we found that these cells were incorporated into the developing inner ear after transplantation into chick embryos. The present inner ear HC induction method using ST2-CM (HIST2 method) is quite simple and highly efficient to obtain ES-derived HC-like cells with a relatively short cultivation time.  相似文献   

Sox2 has been variously implicated in maintenance of pluripotent stem cells or, alternatively, early stages of cell differentiation, depending on context. In the developing inner ear, Sox2 initially marks all cells in the nascent sensory epithelium and, in mouse, is required for sensory epithelium formation. Sox2 is eventually downregulated in hair cells but is maintained in support cells, the functional significance of which is unknown. Here we describe regulation and function of sox2 in the zebrafish inner ear. Expression of sox2 begins after the onset of sensory epithelium development and is regulated by Atoh1a/b, Fgf and Notch. Knockdown of sox2 does not prevent hair cell production, but the rate of accumulation is reduced due to sporadic death of differentiated hair cells. We next tested the capacity for hair cell regeneration following laser ablation of mature brn3c:gfp-labeled hair cells. In control embryos, regeneration of lost hair cells begins by 12 h post-ablation and involves transdifferentiation of support cells rather than asymmetric cell division. In contrast, regeneration does not occur in sox2-depleted embryos. These data show that zebrafish sox2 is required for hair cell survival, as well as for transdifferentiation of support cells into hair cells during regeneration.  相似文献   

Inner ear mechanosensory hair cells transduce sound and balance information. Auditory hair cells emerge from a Sox2-positive sensory patch in the inner ear epithelium, which is progressively restricted during development. This restriction depends on the action of signaling molecules. Fibroblast growth factor (FGF) signalling is important during sensory specification: attenuation of Fgfr1 disrupts cochlear hair cell formation; however, the underlying mechanisms remain unknown. Here we report that in the absence of FGFR1 signaling, the expression of Sox2 within the sensory patch is not maintained. Despite the down-regulation of the prosensory domain markers, p27Kip1, Hey2, and Hes5, progenitors can still exit the cell cycle to form the zone of non-proliferating cells (ZNPC), however the number of cells that form sensory cells is reduced. Analysis of a mutant Fgfr1 allele, unable to bind to the adaptor protein, Frs2/3, indicates that Sox2 maintenance can be regulated by MAP kinase. We suggest that FGF signaling, through the activation of MAP kinase, is necessary for the maintenance of sensory progenitors and commits precursors to sensory cell differentiation in the mammalian cochlea.  相似文献   

In mammals, six separate sensory regions in the inner ear are essential for hearing and balance function. Each sensory region is made up of hair cells, which are the sensory cells, and their associated supporting cells, both arising from a common progenitor. Little is known about the molecular mechanisms that govern the development of these sensory organs. Notch signaling plays a pivotal role in the differentiation of hair cells and supporting cells by mediating lateral inhibition via the ligands Delta-like 1 and Jagged (JAG) 2. However, another Notch ligand, JAG1, is expressed early in the sensory patches prior to cell differentiation, indicating that there may be an earlier role for Notch signaling in sensory development in the ear. Here, using conditional gene targeting, we show that the Jag1 gene is required for the normal development of all six sensory organs within the inner ear. Cristae are completely lacking in Jag1-conditional knockout (cko) mutant inner ears, whereas the cochlea and utricle show partial sensory development. The saccular macula is present but malformed. Using SOX2 and p27kip1 as molecular markers of the prosensory domain, we show that JAG1 is initially expressed in all the prosensory regions of the ear, but becomes down-regulated in the nascent organ of Corti by embryonic day 14.5, when the cells exit the cell cycle and differentiate. We also show that both SOX2 and p27kip1 are down-regulated in Jag1-cko inner ears. Taken together, these data demonstrate that JAG1 is expressed early in the prosensory domains of both the cochlear and vestibular regions, and is required to maintain the normal expression levels of both SOX2 and p27kip1. These data demonstrate that JAG1-mediated Notch signaling is essential during early development for establishing the prosensory regions of the inner ear.  相似文献   

We aimed to investigate the beneficial effect of Celastrol on inner ear stem cells and potential therapeutic value for hearing loss. The inner ear stem cells were isolated and characterized from utricular sensory epithelium of adult mice. The stemness was evaluated by sphere formation assay. The relative expressions of Atoh1, MAP-2 and Myosin VI were measured by RT-PCR and immunoblotting. The up-regulation of MAP-2 was also analysed with immunofluorescence. The in vitro neuronal excitability was interrogated by calcium oscillation. The electrophysiological property was determined by inward current recorded on patch clamp. Our results demonstrated that Celastrol treatment significantly improved the viability and proliferation of mouse inner ear stem cells, and facilitated sphere formation. Moreover, Celastrol stimulated differentiation of mouse inner ear stem cells to neuronal-like cells and enhanced neural excitability. Celastrol also enhanced neuronal-like cell identity in the inner ear stem cell derived neurons, as well as their electrophysiological function. Most notably, these effects were apparently associated with the upregulation of Atoh1 in response to Celastrol treatment. Celastrol showed beneficial effect on inner ear stem cells and held therapeutic promise against hearing loss.  相似文献   

Liu Z  Owen T  Fang J  Zuo J 《PloS one》2012,7(3):e34123


During mouse inner ear development, Notch1 signaling first specifies sensory progenitors, and subsequently controls progenitors to further differentiate into either hair cells (HCs) or supporting cells (SCs). Overactivation of NICD (Notch1 intracellular domain) at early embryonic stages leads to ectopic HC formation. However, it remains unclear whether such an effect can be elicited at later embryonic or postnatal stages, which has important implications in mouse HC regeneration by reactivation of Notch1 signaling.

Methodology/Principal Findings

We performed comprehensive in vivo inducible overactivation of NICD at various developmental stages. In CAGCreER+; Rosa26-NICDloxp/+ mice, tamoxifen treatment at embryonic day 10.5 (E10.5) generated ectopic HCs in the non-sensory regions in both utricle and cochlea, whereas ectopic HCs only appeared in the utricle when tamoxifen was given at E13. When tamoxifen was injected at postnatal day 0 (P0) and P1, no ectopic HCs were observed in either utricle or cochlea. Interestingly, Notch1 signaling induced new HCs in a non-cell-autonomous manner, because the new HCs did not express NICD. Adjacent to the new HCs were cells expressing the SC marker Sox10 (either NICD+ or NICD-negative).


Our data demonstrate that the developmental stage determines responsiveness of embryonic otic precursors and neonatal non-sensory epithelial cells to NICD overactivation, and that Notch 1 signaling in the wild type, postnatal inner ear is not sufficient for generating new HCs. Thus, our genetic mouse model is suitable to test additional pathways that could synergistically interact with Notch1 pathway to produce HCs at postnatal ages.  相似文献   

杨志  姚俊  曹新 《遗传》2018,40(7):515-524
内耳是感受听觉和平衡觉的复杂器官。在内耳发育过程中,成纤维生长因子(fibroblast growth factor, FGF)信号通路参与了听基板的诱导、螺旋神经节(statoacoustic ganglion, SAG)的发育以及Corti器感觉上皮的分化。FGF信号开启了内耳早期发育的基因调控网络,诱导前基板区域以及听基板的形成。正常表达的FGF信号分子可促进听囊腹侧成神经细胞的特化,但成熟SAG神经元释放的过量FGF5可抑制此过程,形成负反馈环路使SAG在稳定状态下发育。FGF20在Notch信号通路的调控下参与了前感觉上皮区域向毛细胞和支持细胞的分化过程,而内毛细胞分泌的FGF8可调控局部支持细胞分化为柱细胞。人类FGF信号通路异常可导致多种耳聋相关遗传病。此外,FGF信号通路在低等脊椎动物毛细胞自发再生以及干细胞向内耳毛细胞诱导过程中都起到了关键作用。本文综述了FGF信号通路在内耳发育调控以及毛细胞再生中的作用及其相关研究进展,以期为毛细胞再生中FGF信号通路调控机制的阐明奠定理论基础。  相似文献   

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