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Behavioral variability serves an essential role in motor learning by enabling sensory feedback to select those motor patterns that minimize error. Birds use auditory feedback to learn how to sing, and their songs lose variability and become highly stereotyped, or crystallized, at the end of a sensitive period for sensorimotor learning. The molecular cues that regulate song variability are not well understood. In other systems, neurotrophins, and brain‐derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) in particular, can mediate various forms of neural plasticity, including sensitive period neural circuit plasticity and activity‐dependent synapse formation, and may also influence learning and memory. Here, we have tested the hypothesis that neurotrophin expression in the robust nucleus of the arcopallium (RA), the telencephalic output controlling song, regulates song variability. BDNF and its receptor trkB are expressed in RA, and BDNF expression in RA appears to be highest in juveniles, when song is most variable and plastic, and synapse density highest. Thus, song variability and synaptic connectivity could be enhanced by augmented expression of BDNF in RA. In support of this idea, we found that BDNF injections into the adult RA induced the re‐expression of juvenile‐like phenotypes, including song variability and an increased synaptic density in RA. Furthermore, BDNF treatment also induced vocal plasticity, characterized by syllable deletions and persistent changes to the song patterns. These results suggest that endogenous BDNF could be a molecular regulator of the song variability essential to vocal plasticity and, ultimately, to song learning. © 2004 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Neurobiol, 2005  相似文献   

Sensory feedback is essential for acquiring and maintaining complex motor behaviors, including birdsong. In zebra finches, auditory feedback reaches the song control circuits primarily through the nucleus interfacialis nidopalii (Nif), which provides excitatory input to HVC (proper name)—a premotor region essential for the production of learned vocalizations. Despite being one of the major inputs to the song control pathway, the role of Nif in generating vocalizations is not well understood. To address this, we transiently inactivated Nif in late juvenile zebra finches. Upon Nif inactivation (in both hemispheres or on one side only), birds went from singing stereotyped zebra finch song to uttering highly variable and unstructured vocalizations resembling sub‐song, an early juvenile song form driven by a basal ganglia circuit. Simultaneously inactivating Nif and LMAN (lateral magnocellular nucleus of the anterior nidopallium), the output nucleus of a basal ganglia circuit, inhibited song production altogether. These results suggest that Nif is required for generating the premotor drive for song. Permanent Nif lesions, in contrast, have only transient effects on vocal production, with song recovering within a day. The sensorimotor nucleus Nif thus produces a premotor drive to the motor pathway that is acutely required for generating learned vocalizations, but once permanently removed, the song system can compensate for its absence. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Develop Neurobiol 76: 1213–1225, 2016  相似文献   

Although the intermediates for sulfation of proteochondroitin and proteodermatan have been known for several decades, organizational aspects of this formation have not been clearly defined. Work in several laboratories, including our own, have indicated a pattern which strongly suggests that sulfation ordinarily takes place together with glycosaminoglycan polymerization in the same Golgi sites, and with close relationship to aspects of polymer elongation, polymer modification and polymer termination. the organization of sulfation together with polymerization may be a major factor controlling the location, type, and degree of sulfation, which in turn may direct specific functions of these proteoglycans.  相似文献   

Sex differences in the vertebrate brain (brain sex) are thought to develop owing to the tissue specific action of gonadal hormones similar to the development of secundary sex characteristics of the body. Small sex differences in body anatomy could, however, retrogradely control the sexual differentiation of the central nervous system. This possibility has so far been verified only for motorneuron pools, since the connectivity of sex‐specific higher brain areas to the sexual dimorphic periphery is frequently not well known. Here, we tested whether somatic sex differences feed back on higher brain areas by bilateral denervation of the syringeal musculature of zebra finches before, during, and after onset of estrogen‐sensitive sexual differentiation of forebrain vocal nuclei such as RA (nucleus robustus archistriatalis). In the zebra finch, the sound‐producing musculature (the syrinx), the syrinx motornucleus hypolossus pars tracheosyringealis (nXIIts), and the RA are much larger in males compared to females. Tract tracing studies revealed that the volume and neuron size distribution of the nXIIts was sexually dimorphic in intact but not in animals denervated as juveniles. In contrast, the volume of RA and size of RA neurons of denervated animals were highly sexually dimorphic. Furthermore, estrogen masculinized the RA of denervated females. Thus, sexual differentiation of the RA but not of the nXIIts appears independent of somatic sex differences. The syrinx muscles are, however, important for the soma size of those RA neurons that project to the nXIIts. © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. J Neurobiol 42: 220–231, 2000  相似文献   

The amyloid precursor protein (APP) is a membrane protein implicated in the pathogenesis of Alzheimer's disease. APP is a part‐time proteoglycan, as splice variants lacking exon 15 are modified by a chondroitin sulfate glycosaminoglycan (GAG) chain. Investigating the effect of the GAG chain on the trafficking of APP in non‐polarized cells, we found it to increase the steady‐state surface‐to‐intracellular distribution, to reduce the rate of endocytosis and to accelerate transport kinetics from the trans‐Golgi network (TGN) to the plasma membrane. Deletion of the cytosolic domain resulted in delayed surface arrival of GAG‐free APP, but did not affect the rapid export kinetics of the proteoglycan form. Protein‐free GAG chains showed the same TGN‐to‐cell surface transport kinetics as proteoglycan APP. Endosome ablation experiments were performed to distinguish between indirect endosomal and direct pathways to the cell surface. Surprisingly, TGN‐to‐cell surface transport of both GAG‐free and proteoglycan APP was found to be indirect via transferrin‐positive endosomes. Our results show that GAGs act as alternative sorting determinants in cellular APP transport that are dominant over cytoplasmic signals and involve distinct sorting mechanisms.   相似文献   


Glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) such as hyaluronan and chondroitin in animal extracellular matrices contain disaccharide-repeating units. In a Gram-negative pathogenic Streptobacillus moniliformis, which belongs to Fusobacteria phylum and resides in rodent oral cavities, the solute-binding protein (Smon0123)-dependent ATP-binding cassette transporter imports unsaturated hyaluronan/chondroitin disaccharides into the cytoplasm after GAG lyase-dependent depolymerization. Here we show substrate recognition of unsaturated hyaluronan disaccharide by Smon0123. Moreover, Smon0123 exhibited no affinity for unsaturated chondroitin disaccharides containing three sulfate groups, distinct from non-sulfated, mono-sulfated, and di-sulfated chondroitin disaccharides previously identified as substrates. Crystal structure of Smon0123 with unsaturated hyaluronan disaccharide demonstrates that several residues, including Trp284 and Glu410, are crucial for binding to unsaturated hyaluronan/chondroitin disaccharides, whereas arrangements of water molecules at binding sites are found to be substrate dependent through comparison with substrate-bound structures determined previously. These residues are well conserved in Smon0123-like proteins of fusobacteria, and probably facilitate the fusobacterial residence in hyaluronan-rich oral cavities.  相似文献   

Glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) from breast cyst fluid (BCF) of gross cysts, subdivided into apocrine and flattened, directly collected from 27 gross‐cystic‐breast‐disease (GCBD)‐affected women were analysed. Heparan sulfate, not further investigated, and chondroitin sulfate were identified. This last polysaccharide, in a content of 25–27 µg ml?1 BCF and having a high molecular mass (~20 000–22 000), was found rich in glucuronic acid (~96%–98%) and mainly sulfated in position 4 of the N‐acetyl‐galactosamine (~60%–64%). Moreover, the presence of ~19%–24% of uncommon 4,6‐O‐disulfated disaccharides CS‐E inside the polysaccharide chains with a high charge density of ~1.15–1.20 was determined. No substantial differences between apocrine and flattened cysts were observed. The current study describes the first effort to examine the yield and distribution of complex macromolecules like GAGs in BCF, and the understanding of their structure may help explain some functions associated with physiological and pathological conditions. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The most common causal agents of fungal keratitis are yeasts of the Candida genus. Adhesion constitutes the first stage of pathogenesis. Previous studies have shown that glycosaminoglycans from the corneal cell surface play an essential role in bacterial keratitis, although little is known about their role in fungal infections. The objective of this work is to analyze the role that glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) play in the adhesion of fungi of the Candida genus to corneal epithelial cells. The participation of GAGs in the adhesion of fungi was studied through the specific inhibition of the synthesis of these molecules by enzymatic digestion using specific lyases and the silencing of various genes involved in heparan sulfate sulfation. The results seem to indicate that glycosaminoglycans act to some extent as receptors for this fungus, although there are differences between fungal species. Treatment with inhibitors partially reduced the adherence of fungal species. Digestion of cell surface heparan sulfate further reduced the adherence of Candida albicans and Candida glabrata compared to chondroitin sulfate, indicating that the binding is preferentially mediated by heparan sulfate. Degradation of both heparan sulfate and chondroitin sulfate produced similar effects on the adherence of Candida parapsilosis. However, adhesion of C. albicans hyphae is not dependent on GAGs, suggesting the expression of other adhesins and the recognition of other receptors present in corneal cells. Our results open the door to new strategies for stopping the adhesion of pathogenic fungi, and their subsequent invasion of the cornea; thus, reducing the probability of the keratitis development.  相似文献   

Perineuronal nets (PNN) are aggregations of chondroitin sulfate proteoglycans surrounding the soma and proximal processes of neurons, mostly GABAergic interneurons expressing parvalbumin. They limit the plasticity of their afferent synaptic connections. In zebra finches PNN develop in an experience‐dependent manner in the song control nuclei HVC and RA (nucleus robustus arcopallialis) when young birds crystallize their song. Because songbird species that are open‐ended learners tend to recapitulate each year the different phases of song learning until their song crystallizes at the beginning of the breeding season, we tested whether seasonal changes in PNN expression would be found in the song control nuclei of a seasonally breeding species such as the European starling. Only minimal changes in PNN densities and total number of cells surrounded by PNN were detected. However, comparison of the density of PNN and of PNN surrounding parvalbumin‐positive cells revealed that these structures are far less numerous in starlings that show extensive adult vocal plasticity, including learning of new songs throughout the year, than in the closed‐ended learner zebra finches. Canaries that also display some vocal plasticity across season but were never formally shown to learn new songs in adulthood were intermediate in this respect. Together these data suggest that establishment of PNN around parvalbumin‐positive neurons in song control nuclei has diverged during evolution to control the different learning capacities observed in songbird species. This differential expression of PNN in different songbird species could represent a key cellular mechanism mediating species variation between closed‐ended and open‐ended learning strategies. © 2017 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Develop Neurobiol 77: 975–994, 2017  相似文献   

The distribution of acetylcholinesterase (AChE) in the central vocal control nuclei of the zebra finch was studied using enzyme histochemistry. AChE fibres and cells are intensely labelled in the forebrain nucleus area X, strongly labelled in high vocal centre (HVC) perikarya, and moderately to lightly labelled in the somata and neuropil of vocal control nuclei robust nucleus of arcopallium (RA), medial magnocellular nucleus of the anterior nidopallium (MMAN) and lateral magnocellular nucleus of the anterior nidopallium (LMAN). The identified sites of cholinergic and/or cholinoceptive neurons are similar to the cholinergic presence in vocal control regions of other songbirds such as the song sparrow, starling and another genus of the zebra finch (Poephila guttata), and to a certain extent in parallel vocal control regions in vocalizing birds such as the budgerigar. AChE presence in the vocal control system suggests innervation by either afferent projecting cholinergic systems and/or local circuit cholinergic neurons. Co-occurrence with choline acetyltransferase (ChAT) indicates efferent cholinergic projections. The cholinergic presence in parts of the zebra finch vocal control system, such as the area X, that is also intricately wired with parts of the basal ganglia, the descending fibre tracts and brain stem nuclei could underlie this circuitry’s involvement in sensory processing and motor control of song.  相似文献   

Filopodia sense the extracellular environment and direct movement in many cell types, including neurons. Recent reports suggest that the transmembrane form of the widely expressed proteoglycan agrin (TM-agrin) regulates formation and stability of neuronal filopodia. In order to elucidate the mechanism by which TM-agrin regulates filopodia, we investigated the role of agrin's glycosaminoglycan (GAG) chains in the induction of filopodia formation by TM-agrin over-expression in hippocampal neurons, and in the induction of filopodia-like processes in COS7 cells. Deletion of the GAG chains of TM-agrin sharply reduced formation of filopodia-like branched retraction fibers (BRFs) in COS7 cells, with deletion of the heparan sulfate GAG chains being most effective, and eliminated filopodia induction in hippocampal neurons. GAG chain deletion also reduced the activation of Cdc42 and Rac1 resulting from TM-agrin over-expression. Moreover, dominant-negative Cdc42 and Rac1 inhibited BRF formation. Lastly, over-expression of TM-agrin increased the adhesiveness of COS7 cells and this increase was reduced by deletion of the GAG chains. Our results suggest that TM-agrin regulates actin-based protrusions in large part through interaction of its GAG chains with extracellular or transmembrane proteins, leading to the activation of Cdc42 and Rac1.  相似文献   

Proteoglycans, with their core proteins and attached glycosaminoglycan chains, are recognized as important partners in many biological processes, yet often experimental analysis of their molecular action is considered for only part of these molecules: either the protein or the carbohydrate unit. In this article, we have tried to summarize, with an example of the syndecan family in general and more specifically with syndecan-1, what is known considering the mutual influence of these different components, and we follow whether the nature of the glycosaminoglycan chains matters for these effects.  相似文献   

Hatching asynchrony can have profound short‐term consequences for offspring, although the long‐term consequences are less well understood. The purpose of this study was to examine the long‐term consequences of hatching asynchrony for offspring fitness in birds. Specifically, we aimed to test the hypothesis that hatching asynchrony increases the sexual attractiveness and fecundity, respectively, of early‐hatched male and female zebra finch, Taeniopygia guttata (Vieillot, 1817) offspring. Mate‐choice trials comparing male nestlings with the same parents, but that were reared in asynchronous or experimentally synchronous broods, revealed no female preference in relation to hatching regime. We did however find strong evidence that, as adults, late‐hatched males were more attractive to females than siblings that had hatched earlier. Meanwhile, we found a weak trend towards early‐hatched females depositing more carotenoids and retinol in the egg yolk than late‐hatched or synchronously hatched females, although there were no differences in terms of clutch characteristics or the deposition of α‐tocopherol or γ‐tocopherol in the egg yolk. Therefore, we found that the beneficial long‐term consequences of hatching asynchrony were sex specific, being accrued by late‐hatched male nestlings and by early‐hatched female nestlings. Consequently, we conclude that the long‐term consequences of hatching asynchrony are more complex than previously realised. © 2012 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2012, 106 , 430–438.  相似文献   

Ferenc Zsila 《Chirality》2015,27(9):605-612
Despite the diverse biological activities of the glycosaminoglycan (GAG) antagonist surfen, the molecular details of its interaction with biomacromolecules remain poorly understood. Therefore, heparin and DNA binding properties of surfen were studied by circular dichroism (CD) and UV absorption spectroscopy methods. High‐affinity (Ka ~ 107 M‐1) association of surfen to the chiral heparin chain gives rise to a characteristic biphasic CD pattern due to the conformational twist of the aminoquinoline moieties around the central urea bridge. At higher drug loading, intermolecular stacking of surfen molecules alters the induced CD profile and also provokes strong UV hypochromism. In contrast to the right‐handed heparin template, binding of surfen to the left‐helicity chondroitin sulfate chains produces inverted CD pattern. Large UV hypochromism as well as polyphasic induced ellipticity bands indicate that surfen intercalates between the base pairs of calf‐thymus DNA. Extensive CD spectroscopic changes observed at higher drug binding ratios refer to cooperative binding interactions between the intercalated drug molecules. The inherent conformational flexibility of surfen demonstrated here for the first time is important in its binding to distinct macromolecular targets and should be considered for rational drug design of novel GAG antagonists. Chirality 27:605–612, 2015. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Many fields of science—including behavioral ecology—currently experience a heated debate about the extent to which publication bias against null findings results in a misrepresentative scientific literature. Here, we show a case of an extreme mismatch between strong positive support for an effect in the literature and a failure to detect this effect across multiple attempts at replication. For decades, researchers working with birds have individually marked their study species with colored leg bands. For the zebra finch Taeniopygia guttata, a model organism in behavioral ecology, many studies over the past 35 years have reported effects of bands of certain colors on male or female attractiveness and further on behavior, physiology, life history, and fitness. Only eight of 39 publications presented exclusively null findings. Here, we analyze the results of eight experiments in which we quantified the fitness of a total of 730 color‐banded individuals from four captive populations (two domesticated and two recently wild derived). This sample size exceeds the combined sample size of all 23 publications that clearly support the “color‐band effect” hypothesis. We found that band color explains no variance in either male or female fitness. We also found no heterogeneity in color‐band effects, arguing against both context and population specificity. Analysis of unpublished data from three other laboratories strengthens the generality of our null finding. Finally, a meta‐analysis of previously published results is indicative of selective reporting and suggests that the effect size approaches zero when sample size is large. We argue that our field—and science in general—would benefit from more effective means to counter confirmation bias and publication bias.  相似文献   

Chondroitin sulfate (CS) is a carbohydrate component of proteoglycans. Several types of sulfotransferases determine the pattern of CS sulfation, and thus regulate the biological functions of proteoglycans. The protochordate ascidians are the closest relatives of vertebrates, but the functions of their sulfotransferases have not been investigated. Here, we show that two chondroitin 4‐O‐sulfotransferases (C4STs) play important roles in the embryonic morphogenesis of the ascidian Ciona intestinalis. Ci‐C4ST‐like1 is predominantly expressed in the epidermis and muscle. Epidermal and muscle cells became spherical upon the injection of a Ci‐C4ST‐like1‐specific morpholino oligo (MO), thus suggesting weakened cell adhesion. Co‐injection of a Ci‐C4ST‐like1‐expressing transgene rescued the phenotype, suggesting that the effects of the MO were specific. Ci‐C4ST‐like3 was expressed in the central nervous system, muscle, and mesenchyme. A specific MO appeared to affect cell adhesion in the epidermis and muscle. Convergent extension movement of notochordal cells was also impaired. Forced expression of Ci‐C4ST‐like3 restored normal morphogenesis, suggesting that the effects of the MO were specific. The present study suggests that Ci‐C4ST‐like1 and Ci‐C4ST‐like3 are required for cell adhesion mainly in the epidermis and muscle.  相似文献   

The six mammalian glycosaminoglycans (GAGs), chondroitin sulfate, dermatan sulfate, heparin, heparan sulfate, hyaluronan, and keratan sulfate, are linear polysaccharides. Except for hyaluronan, they are sulfated to various extent, and covalently attached to proteins to form proteoglycans. GAGs interact with growth factors, morphogens, chemokines, extracellular matrix proteins and their bioactive fragments, receptors, lipoproteins, and pathogens. These interactions mediate their functions, from embryonic development to extracellular matrix assembly and regulation of cell signaling in various physiological and pathological contexts such as angiogenesis, cancer, neurodegenerative diseases, and infections. We give an overview of GAG–protein interactions (i.e., specificity and chemical features of GAG- and protein-binding sequences), and review the available GAG–protein interaction networks. We also provide the first comprehensive draft of the GAG interactome composed of 832 biomolecules (827 proteins and five GAGs) and 932 protein–GAG interactions. This network is a scaffold, which in the future should integrate structures of GAG–protein complexes, quantitative data of the abundance of GAGs in tissues to build tissue-specific interactomes, and GAG interactions with metal ions such as calcium, which plays a major role in the assembly of the extracellular matrix and its interactions with cells. This contextualized interactome will be useful to identify druggable GAG–protein interactions for therapeutic purpose:  相似文献   

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