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Fragile X syndrome (FXS) is the most common form of inherited mental retardation. In exploring abnormalities associated with the syndrome, we have recently demonstrated abnormal vascular density in a FXS mouse model (Galvan and Galvez, 2012 ). One of the most prominent regulators of vascular growth is VEGF‐A (Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor A), suggesting that FXS is associated with abnormal VEGF‐A expression. In addition to its role in vascular regulation, VEGF‐A also induces cellular changes such as increasing cell proliferation, and axonal and neurite outgrowth independent of its effects on vasculature. These VEGF‐A induced cellular changes are consistent with FXS abnormalities such as increased axonal material, dendritic spine density, and cell proliferation. In support of these findings, the following study demonstrated that FXS mice exhibit increased expression of VEGF‐A in brain. These studies suggest that increased VEGF‐A expression in FXS is contributing to non‐vascular FXS abnormalities. To explore the role of VEGF‐A in mediating non‐vascular FXS abnormalities, the monoclonal antibody Bevacizumab was used to block free VEGF‐A. Bevacizumab treatment was found to decrease FXS Synapsin‐1 expression, a presynaptic marker for synapse density, and reduce FXS testicle weight to control levels. Blocking VEGF‐A also alleviated FXS abnormalities on novel object recognition, a test of cognitive performance. These findings demonstrate that VEGF‐A is elevated in FXS brain and suggest that its expression promotes non‐vascular FXS abnormalities. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Develop Neurobiol 77: 14–25, 2017  相似文献   

Differential translation and fragile X syndrome   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

The development of cytoarchitectonics of the brain rudiments in mammals is accompanied by the formation of an intracerebral vascular network. The relationship between these two processes is insufficiently clear. We studied the development of blood vessels and cytoarchitectonics in the neocortical rudiment of 6- to 13-week old human embryos. The light and electron microscopy methods were used, as well as histochemical visualization of NADPH-diaphorase in the vessel cells. The endothelium proliferation was evaluated using antibodies to proliferating cell nuclear antigen. Starting from week 8 of development, the tangentially oriented vessels formed a intraneural network in the ventricular zone of the rudiment, which appears to restrict the motility of neuroepithelial cells. The basal membrane was initially absent, and the neuroepithelial cells were in direct contact with the endothelial cells. During week 9 of development, the tangentially oriented vessels appeared in the intermediate zone. Formations similar to glial legs with short regions of the basal membrane adjoined the walls of inter- and intraneural vessels (note that, according to the published data, glial fibrillary acidic protein is not yet visualized at this stage). Angioarchitectonics depended little on the cell population density in different zones of the rudiment; specifically, the cortical plate did not contain tangentially oriented vessels until week 12–13 of development. The data we obtained suggest that the blood vessels fulfill a special morphogenetic function in the developing neocortex.  相似文献   

《Developmental cell》2023,58(7):597-615.e10
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The loss of fragile X mental retardation (FMR1) gene function causes fragile X syndrome (FXS), a common mental retardation syndrome. Anxiety and abnormal social behaviors are prominent features of FXS in humans. To better understand the role of FMR1 in these behaviors, we analyzed anxiety-related and social behaviors in Fmr1 knockout (KO) mice. In the mirrored chamber test, Fmr1 KO mice showed greater aversion to the central mirrored chamber than wild-type (WT) littermates, suggesting increased anxiety-like responses to reflected images of mice. Fmr1 KO mice exhibited abnormal social interactions in a tube test of social dominance, winning fewer matches than WT littermates. In a partition test, Fmr1 KO mice had normal levels of social interest and social recognition. However, during direct interaction tests, Fmr1 KO mice showed significant increases in sniffing behaviors. We further tested the influence of environmental familiarity on the social responses of Fmr1 KO mice to unfamiliar partners. In unfamiliar partitioned cages, Fmr1 KO mice did not differ from WT mice in investigation of unfamiliar partners. However, in familiar partitioned cages, Fmr1 KO mice showed less investigation of a newly introduced partner during the first 5 min and more investigation during the last 5 min of a 20-min partition test, behaviors consistent with initial social anxiety followed by enhanced social investigation. Our findings indicate that the loss of Fmr1 gene function results in altered anxiety and social behavior in mice and demonstrate that the Fmr1 KO mouse is a relevant animal model for the abnormal social responses seen in FXS.  相似文献   

Results of phenotypical, patho-psychological and molecular-genetic analysis of the 53 probands with clinical features of the fragile X syndrome and 10 female carriers are presented. The clinical heterogeneity, diagnostic criteria, methods of genetic risk estimation, perspectives of prevention of this disease are discussed.  相似文献   

脆性X综合征(fragile X syndrome, FXS)是最常见的遗传性智力障碍疾病,主要是由于X染色体上脆性X智力低下基因1(fragile X-mental retardation gene 1, FMR1)5’端非翻译区CGG三核苷酸的重复扩增及其相邻部位CpG岛的异常甲基化而导致其编码产物脆性X智力低下蛋白(fragile X mental retardation protein, FMRP)的缺失引起。目前,基因诊断已成为FXS诊断的金标准,但临床治疗仍缺乏特异性。本文首先介绍了FMRP的结构与功能,剖析了FXS的致病机制,然后阐述了FXS中与FMRP表达相关的信号转导途径,深入探讨并总结了靶向干预FXS中信号通路、基因编辑逆转FMR1沉默以及靶向降解FXS异常表达蛋白的治疗策略。  相似文献   

Xanthomonas is a large genus of bacteria that collectively cause disease on more than 300 plant species. The broad host range of the genus contrasts with stringent host and tissue specificity for individual species and pathovars. Whole-genome sequences of Xanthomonas campestris pv. raphani strain 756C and X. oryzae pv. oryzicola strain BLS256, pathogens that infect the mesophyll tissue of the leading models for plant biology, Arabidopsis thaliana and rice, respectively, were determined and provided insight into the genetic determinants of host and tissue specificity. Comparisons were made with genomes of closely related strains that infect the vascular tissue of the same hosts and across a larger collection of complete Xanthomonas genomes. The results suggest a model in which complex sets of adaptations at the level of gene content account for host specificity and subtler adaptations at the level of amino acid or noncoding regulatory nucleotide sequence determine tissue specificity.  相似文献   

Fragile X syndrome, the most common form of inherited mental impairment in humans, is caused by the absence of the fragile X mental retardation protein (FMRP) due to a CGG trinucleotide repeat expansion in the 5′-untranslated region (UTR) and subsequent translational silencing of the fragile x mental retardation-1 (FMR1) gene. FMRP, which is proposed to be involved in the translational regulation of specific neuronal messenger RNA (mRNA) targets, contains an arginine-glycine-glycine (RGG) box RNA binding domain that has been shown to bind with high affinity to G-quadruplex forming mRNA structures. FMRP undergoes alternative splicing, and the binding of FMRP to a proposed G-quadruplex structure in the coding region of its mRNA (named FBS) has been proposed to affect the mRNA splicing events at exon 15. In this study, we used biophysical methods to directly demonstrate the folding of FMR1 FBS into a secondary structure that contains two specific G-quadruplexes and analyze its interactions with several FMRP isoforms. Our results show that minor splice isoforms, ISO2 and ISO3, created by the usage of the second and third acceptor sites at exon 15, bind with higher affinity to FBS than FMRP ISO1, which is created by the usage of the first acceptor site. FMRP ISO2 and ISO3 cannot undergo phosphorylation, an FMRP post-translational modification shown to modulate the protein translation regulation. Thus, their expression has to be tightly regulated, and this might be accomplished by a feedback mechanism involving the FMRP interactions with the G-quadruplex structures formed within FMR1 mRNA.  相似文献   

For redox reactions catalyzed by microbial cells the analysis of involved cofactors is of special interest since the availability of cofactors such as NADH or NADPH is often limiting and crucial for the biotransformation efficiency. The measurement of these cofactors has usually been carried out using spectrophotometric cycling assays. Today LC‐MS/MS methods have become a valuable tool for the identification and quantification of intracellular metabolites. This technology has been adapted to measure all four nicotinamide cofactors (NAD, NADP, NADH, and NADPH) during a whole cell biotransformation process catalyzed by recombinant Escherichia coli cells. The cells overexpressing an alcohol dehydrogenase from Lactobacillus brevis were used for the reduction of methyl acetoacetate (MAA) with substrate‐coupled cofactor regeneration by oxidation of 2‐propanol. To test the reliability of the measurement the data were evaluated using a process model. This model was derived using the measured concentrations of reactants and cofactors for initiation as well as the kinetic constants from in vitro measurements of the isolated enzyme. This model proves to be highly effective in the process development for a whole cell redox biotransformation in predicting both the right concentrations of cofactors and reactants in a batch and in a CSTR process as well as the right in vivo expression level of the enzyme. Moreover, a sensitivity analysis identifies the cofactor regeneration reaction as the limiting step in case for the reduction of MAA to the corresponding product (R)‐methyl 3‐hydroxybutyrate. Using the combination of in vitro enzyme kinetic measurements, measurements of cofactors and reactants and an adequate model initiated by intracellular concentrations of all involved reactants and cofactors the whole cell biotransformation process can be understood quantitatively. Biotechnol. Bioeng. 2009; 104: 251–260 © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Rodlet cells in teleosts: a new insight into their nature and functions   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The nature of rodlet cells (RCs) and their functions is subject to a number of different interpretations. This review provides a detailed analysis of the parasitic and endogenous origin of these cells. Two new functional aspects of RCs are considered in detail. The possible function of RCs as immune cells was derived from studies that reported an increase in the number of RCs in fish infected with protozoan and metazoan parasites, particularly at the site of the pathogen infection and/or attachment. Accordingly, RCs represent inflammatory cells, with a similar role to eosinophile granule cells, epithelioid cells and mesothelial cells. Rodlet cells may potentially act as biomarkers. Experimental studies that examined the response of RCs in fish exposed to chemical substances such as metals and herbicides reported an increase in the number of RCs in the tissues of the fish. Fish exposed to these substances expressed myelinic figures in the cytoplasm of the RCs and various degrees of rodlet degeneration and high vacuolization of RC cytoplasm were often noticed. Further lines of research are suggested that might elucidate the true function of these enigmatic cells.  相似文献   

Summary The case of a healthy 29-year-old woman is reported who had a history of three early spontaneous abortions. Chromosomal analysis of the mother of the patient showed a balanced karotype of 46,XX,t(6;11)(q24; q21), whereas the chromosomes of her father were normal. The karotype of this patient is thus a combination of a familial translocation 6;11 and a de novo translocation 4;11, which is very rare.  相似文献   

Diet is an important determinant of the developmental pattern of Trogoderma glabrum (Herbst). Two nutritionally adequate diets were compared. The average weight of larvae of the same age was greater when cultured on meridic diet than on standard crude diet. The expected pattern of instars, as determined by head capsule widths, was observed for larvae reared on standard diet. On meridic diet, head capsules of each instar were significantly wider, and both sexes pupated after 5 stadia.Survival during retrogression correlated positively with weight at the time of isolation. Larvae reared on meridic diet survived longer than larvae of equal culture age or weight from standard diet. Survival and maintenance of weight were greatly improved by direct contact with nutritional media, some of which were incomplete (powdered cellulose plus 10% lactalbumin, fructose, or glucose). Cellulose alone, however, was more detrimental to survival than no medium.A moult after transfer to isolation tubes produced 3 morphologically distinct forms, determined by the extent of maturation. Immature larvae retromoulted to smaller larvae; fully mature larvae pupated; and larvae that had initiated but not completed pupal differentiation became prothetelic.  相似文献   

The fragile X syndrome (FRAXA) is the most widespread heritable form of mental retardation caused by the lack of expression of the fragile X mental retardation protein (FMRP). This lack has been related to deficits in cerebellum-mediated acquisition of conditioned eyelid responses in individuals with FRAXA. In the present behavioral study, long-term effects of deficiency of FMRP were investigated by examining the acquisition, savings and extinction of delay eyeblink conditioning in male individuals with FRAXA. In the acquisition experiment, subjects with FRAXA displayed a significantly poor performance compared with controls. In the savings experiment performed at least 6 months later, subjects with FRAXA and controls showed similar levels of savings of conditioned responses. Subsequently, extinction was faster in subjects with FRAXA than in controls. These findings confirm that absence of the FMRP affects cerebellar motor learning. The normal performance in the savings experiment and aberrant performance in the acquisition and extinction experiments of individuals with FRAXA suggest that different mechanisms underlie acquisition, savings and extinction of cerebellar motor learning.  相似文献   



Transposable Elements (TEs) are key components that shape the organization and evolution of genomes. Fungi have developed defense mechanisms against TE invasion such as RIP (Repeat-Induced Point mutation), MIP (Methylation Induced Premeiotically) and Quelling (RNA interference). RIP inactivates repeated sequences by promoting Cytosine to Thymine mutations, whereas MIP only methylates TEs at C residues. Both mechanisms require specific cytosine DNA Methyltransferases (RID1/Masc1) of the Dnmt1 superfamily.


We annotated TE sequences from 10 fungal genomes with different TE content (1-70%). We then used these TE sequences to carry out a genome-wide analysis of C to T mutations biases. Genomes from either Ascomycota or Basidiomycota that were massively invaded by TEs (Blumeria, Melampsora, Puccinia) were characterized by a low frequency of C to T mutation bias (10-20%), whereas other genomes displayed intermediate to high frequencies (25-75%). We identified several dinucleotide signatures at these C to T mutation sites (CpA, CpT, and CpG). Phylogenomic analysis of fungal Dnmt1 MTases revealed a previously unreported association between these dinucleotide signatures and the presence/absence of sub-classes of Dnmt1.


We identified fungal genomes containing large numbers of TEs with many C to T mutations associated with species-specific dinucleotide signatures. This bias suggests that a basic defense mechanism against TE invasion similar to RIP is widespread in fungi, although the efficiency and specificity of this mechanism differs between species. Our analysis revealed that dinucleotide signatures are associated with the presence/absence of specific Dnmt1 subfamilies. In particular, an RID1-dependent RIP mechanism was found only in Ascomycota.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/s12864-015-1347-1) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Observations made on the effects of auxin, of cytokinin and of various light treatments on cultures of wild-type Physcomitrella patens , grown either on solid medium or in continuously-replaced liquid medium, have allowed us to suggest probable roles for these factors during the early stages of normal gametophyte development. Further data obtained by studying mutants affected in their responses to one or both types of hormones or to light have supported our model of gametophyte development and enabled us to elaborate it.  相似文献   

Porcine embryo mortalities cause economic losses. Development of the placental vascular bed is required for successful gestation and postnatal survival. We studied the temporal and spatial distributions of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), placenta growth factor (PlGF) and their receptors, Flt-1 and Flk-1. We used crossbred swine placental tissues from 30, 60, 80, 90 and 114 (term) days of gestation. Both VEGF and PlGF were present during gestation. At early pregnancy and at term, VEGF probably acts through Flt-1; during intermediate periods, its function is mediated by Flk-1. By day 90, factors other than members of VEGF family appear to be involved.  相似文献   

J. Vermeer  M. E. McCully 《Planta》1982,156(1):45-61
Some of the nodal roots of field-grown Zea mays L. bear a persistent soil sheath along their entire length underground except for a glistening white soil-free zone which extends approximately 25 mm behind the root cap. These roots are generally unbranched. The histology of the surface and the rhizosphere of the sheathed roots has been examined by correlated light and electron microscopy. All mature peripheral tissues including root hairs, are largely intact and apparently alive where enclosed by the soil sheath. The sheath is permeated by extracellular mucilage which is histochemically distinct from the mucilage at the epidermal surface, but similar to that produced by the root cap. Isolated cells resembling those sloughed from the sides of the root cap persist in the soil sheath along the length of these roots. Fresh whole mounts of the sheath show that these detached cells may be alive and streaming vigorously even at some distance from the root cap. Rhizosphere mucilage is associated with the isolated cells.To whom correspondence should be addressed  相似文献   

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