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在我国南方亚热带湿地松人工林设置了3个水平的野外氮添加控制试验(0、40、120 kg N·hm-2·a-1),于2014和2015年生长季高峰期(7月底)和末期(10月底)采集湿地松成熟绿叶和落叶,分析外源氮添加对湿地松叶片碳(C)、氮(N)、磷(P)、钾(K)、钙(Ca)、镁(Mg)、铝(Al)、铁(Fe)、锰(Mn)9种元素浓度及其养分回收的影响.结果表明: N添加显著增加了湿地松绿叶中N、Al、Mn浓度,降低了P和2014年的Ca浓度,而对C、K、Mg、Fe 浓度无显著影响.N添加显著提高了绿叶N/P,且该比值及绿叶养分浓度(N、P、Mn)对N添加的响应依赖于N的剂量(高N条件下响应更强).N添加显著降低了2015年N的回收效率,提高了2014年K的回收效率.相比于养分回收效率,回收能力对增加的可利用氮响应更强.N添加显著降低了N的回收能力,提高了P、K的回收能力,降低了枯叶中的Fe浓度,而对枯叶中Ca、Mg、Al、Mn浓度无显著影响.这表明,N添加对叶片化学计量的影响因不同元素而异,植物会通过调整自身的养分内循环(养分回收)来应对环境变化.N添加提高了绿叶N/P和K/P,说明氮添加条件下植物生长可能由N、P共同限制转变为P限制.氮添加增加了绿叶中Al、Mn浓度,表明N添加下湿地松面临潜在的金属离子毒性风险升高.  相似文献   

植物叶片氮(N)、磷(P)养分特征受土壤可利用性N、P含量和N、P相对比例(N:P)的共同影响, 研究其作用机制有助于解释和评估土壤养分变化对植物养分利用策略的影响。该研究通过盆栽实验, 探讨芨芨草(Achnatherum splendens)养分化学计量学特征和叶片养分回收特征对不同剂量的养分添加(低、中、高3个N添加水平: 1.5、4.5、13.5 g·m-2·a-1)及不同土壤N:P (5、15、25)的响应。结果表明: 养分添加水平的提高显著增加了成熟叶片P含量和衰老叶片N、P含量, 显著降低了叶片N、P养分回收效率(NRE, PRE)。土壤N:P的升高显著降低了衰老叶片P含量和叶片NRE, 但增加了成熟和衰老叶片N:P和叶片PRE。相同养分添加水平条件下, 土壤N:P与叶片PRE显著正相关, 但与叶片NRE无显著相关性; 相同N:P条件下, 养分添加水平与NRE负相关, 但与PRE无显著相关性。植物NRE:PRE可以有效地反映环境变化所导致的植物对N、P需求的改变。土壤养分添加水平和N:P共同影响着芨芨草的叶片养分生态化学计量学特征和养分回收。  相似文献   

辽宁省冰砬山森林立地分类的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
森林立地的研究是人工林集约经营的基础,正确地选择宜林地,科学造林,真正做到适地适树,必须进行森林立地分类。森林立地分类应是以现代森林生态学和生态系统理论为依据,研究植被(立木、下木、地被物)和地形、植被与土壤以及地形和土壤的关系。在揭  相似文献   

刘姝萱  安慧  张馨文  杜忠毓  刘小平 《生态学报》2022,42(21):8773-8783
为明确植物、凋落物和土壤养分含量及化学计量比对土壤中添加多种限制性养分的响应,阐明“植物-凋落物-土壤”连续体化学计量动态及各组分之间的协同作用,以宁夏荒漠草原为研究对象,于2018年开始进行氮(N)、磷(P)养分添加控制试验。试验处理包括对照(CK)、N添加、P添加、NP共同添加4个处理。结果表明:(1)NP共同添加显著增加了荒漠草原植物N和P含量、以及凋落物和土壤P含量,显著降低了荒漠草原植物C∶N和C∶P、以及土壤和凋落物C∶P和N∶P。P添加显著增加了荒漠草原植物、凋落物和土壤P含量,显著降低了植物、凋落物、土壤C∶P和N∶P。N添加分别增加了植物、凋落物N含量和N∶P,但对植物N含量影响未达到显著水平。(2)C、N、P含量和N∶P大小均表现为植物>凋落物>土壤,C∶N和C∶P均表现为凋落物>植物。(3)N添加提高了荒漠草原植物对P再吸收效率,降低了荒漠草原植物对N利用效率;P添加提高荒漠草原植物对N再吸收效率,降低荒漠草原对P的利用效率;NP共同添加提高了荒漠草原植物对N和P再吸收效率,降低了荒漠草原植物对N和P利用效率。(4)植物-凋落物-土壤的N、P含量...  相似文献   

生物医学材料的研究现状与发展趋势   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文介绍了生物医用材料的发展历史及目前国内外的研究现状,分析了生物材料之所以在世界各国近年来特别受到重视的原因,最后结合目前我国生物材料的研究情况,提出了今后有关该领域研究的发展方向和设想。  相似文献   

栾历历  刘恩媛  顾新  孙建新 《生态学报》2020,40(24):9220-9233
全球变化会引起凋落物质量和数量的变化以及氮沉降增加,从而影响土壤养分循环。土壤生态酶化学计量可以揭示微生物生长和代谢过程的养分限制,但目前温带混交林土壤生态酶化学计量对凋落物输入和氮添加同时改变的响应还不清楚。通过凋落物处理和氮添加实验设计,探讨温带松栎混交林生态酶化学计量的响应以及影响生态酶化学计量的主要因子。结果表明:(1)凋落物处理和氮添加无显著交互作用,土壤生态酶化学计量在氮添加处理下差异不显著,在凋落物处理下差异显著,表现为叶凋落物加倍(L)和混合凋落物加倍(LB)处理高于枝果凋落物加倍(B)和去除凋落物处理(N)。不同凋落物和氮添加处理下,土壤生态酶化学计量均未明显偏离1∶1∶1的关系。(2)土壤微生物碳利用效率(CUEC∶N和CUEC∶P)表现为叶凋落物加倍和混合凋落物加倍处理低于枝果凋落物加倍和去除凋落物处理,在氮添加处理下差异不显著。土壤微生物氮利用效率(NUEN∶C)和微生物磷利用效率(PUEP∶C)在不同凋落物和氮添加处理下差异均不显著。TERC∶N在不同...  相似文献   

为在PrinceRupert林区的“亚北方”部分建立生态立地质量与森林生产力的联系,对从93个小杆松林分和77个白云杉林分获得的数据进行了分析.所研究的林分处于两个气候状况、8个土壤水分状况以及5个土壤养分状况.这些气候、土壤水分和养分状况被视为等级变量用于林地分类和回归分析.小杆松和白云杉的立地指数随土壤水分和养分状况变化而变化,但不依赖于气候变化.与土壤水分相关的变化格局对两个种来说很相似,但与土壤养分相关的变化格局则全然不同.在所建立的5类回归模型中,土壤小区模型对于两个种都显示出立地指数与土壤水分和养分状况具有很强的相互关系(R2>0.80,SEE≤1.6m).可以认为土壤水分和养分的等级度量在大范围内可作为小杆松和白云杉立地指数的预测预报因子.  相似文献   

贵州月亮山5种森林类型土壤生态化学计量特征研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
为了解贵州省月亮山森林土壤的化学计量特征,分层采集5种森林类型的土壤,测定C、N、P含量并分析化学计量特征。结果表明,5种森林类型0~20 cm土壤中变异最大的是P,20~100 cm土壤中变异最大的是C,最小的是N。5种森林类型0~10 cm土壤的C、N含量远高于中国陆地0~10 cm土壤的平均含量,而P含量远低于其平均含量。硬阔和软阔自然林土壤C、N、P含量存在明显差异,C含量为硬阔自然林软阔自然林,N和P含量基本呈现为软阔自然林硬阔自然林。不同森林类型土壤的C∶N为硬阔自然林软阔自然林,针阔混交林杉木和马尾松纯林。硬阔和软阔自然林、针阔混交林的C∶P、N∶P均随土层深度的增加而下降,而杉木和马尾松纯林的C∶P、N∶P随土层深度增加呈先下降后升高再下降的趋势,且均在30~50 cm处出现累积峰。相关分析表明0~100 cm土壤的C、N、P含量呈极显著正相关关系,土壤C含量、N含量与C∶N、C∶P、N∶P均呈极显著的正相关关系,P含量与C∶N呈极显著正相关关系(P0.001)。因此,贵州月亮山5种森林类型和不同土层的C、N、P含量及其化学计量特征存在显著差异。  相似文献   

选择造林树种大叶相思(Acacia auriculiformis)和樟树(Cinnamomum camphora)为对象,采用开顶生长箱(open-top chamber,OTC)构建实验林,探讨镉(Cd)胁迫及其与大气CO2浓度升高、氮(N)添加的复合作用对2种树木叶片N、P养分利用策略和Cd积累特征的影响。试验设5个处理:对照(CK)、加Cd[10 kg Cd/(hm2·a)](Cd)、加Cd与加CO2 (700μmol/mol)(Cd C)、加Cd与加N[100 kg N/(hm2·a)](Cd N)、加Cd加CO2加N (Cd CN)。处理约2.5 a后,测定两树种的成熟叶和衰老叶中N、磷(P)和Cd含量。结果表明,不同处理对两树种叶片P含量及P回收率均无显著影响,但显著影响叶片N含量及N回收率;Cd N处理下两树种叶片N含量升高;Cd和Cd N处理下樟树叶N回收率显著降低。Cd、Cd C、Cd N和Cd CN处理下两树种叶片Cd积累浓度及樟树成熟叶中的Cd/N和Cd/P升高。大叶相思叶片N、P回收率显著高于樟树...  相似文献   

森林生态系统立地指数的遥感分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
森林生态系统立地指数分析和立地质量的评估是森林生态系统经营管理和造林营林的重要理论基础与规划方法,也是研究森林生态系统生产力的重要内容.由于技术的限制,迄今为止,还没有实现森林生态系统立地空间分布格局的分析和开展立地条件随时间动态变化的研究.卫星遥感为大面积研究森林生态系统的生产力及其空间分布格局和动态提供了一条重要的途径.以云杉为对象,利用卫星遥感为研究手段,在岷江上游的四川西北部松潘镇江关流域研究森林生态系统立地指数的空间分布特点,探索有关遥感反演模型的建立,并通过有关精度的评估分析这种高技术应用的价值和潜力.研究结果表明,遥感植被指数NDVI和TNDVI与野外实测云杉立地指数(SI)基本为线性相关.通过对模型模拟结果和实际测定结果的比较研究,发现在1:1比例的分析图中,NDVI和TNDVI的遥感反演模型都有很好的拟合效果与较高的精度,说明通过遥感植被指数的方法测定森林立地指数具有较高的实用价值.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT There is confusion about conflicts of interest between sources of funding and the extent to which Forest Service researchers are free to publish their findings. Forest Service Research is an independent entity with no administrative accountability to policy makers up to the office of the Chief of the Forest Service. Congressional mandate ensures that research will be free from the influence of politics that land management necessarily entails. Because politics involves opinions, it is important to note that opinions per se are not scientific and must be appropriately compared with empirical data before they can be considered so. It is the quantitative test of an opinion that renders it scientific, not the opinion itself.  相似文献   

西藏鲁朗森林立地分类的初步研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
采用主成分分析法对西藏鲁朗森林立地66个标准地调查实测材料分析,选取海拔高度、坡度、坡向、土层厚度、土壤质地、石砾含量、土壤有机质含量7个因子,共划分出8个森林立地类型.结果表明,在西藏高山峡谷林区以此方法划分森林立地类型较适宜.  相似文献   

A.K. Cajander's forest site type classification system is based on definition of plant communities typical to certain climatical and edaphical site conditions, but the structure and composition of the tree stands in Finland are considered sensitive to random variation and are therefore not used as primary classification criteria. The system has often received criticism, usually that the effects of the tree stand and successional stage of the stand have been underestimated. Most of the present-day forest stands in Finland represent young successional stages and are subjected to intensive management. This should result in an additional difficulty in the application of the forest site types in the field.The present study is based on three independent data sets representing forests on mineral soil in southern part of Finland. TWINSPAN classification, DCA ordination and canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) techniques were applied in successive stages of the data analysis. It was found that the definition of the intermediately fertile, mesic site types was clearly confused by the effects of the tree species and age of the stand. The analyses also revealed that the succession pathways on mesic forest sites are largely determined by the tree species composition. In stands dominated by Pinus sylvestris, the succession follows the competitive hierarchy model, whereas in stands dominated by Picea abies, severe shading of the tree canopy governs the development of understorey vegetation.Abbreviations CCA Canonical correspondence Analysis - DCA Detrended correspondence Analysis - TWINSPAN Two-way indicator species analysis  相似文献   

An Appalachian-oak forest in a small montane watershed was sampled to calibrate and test an existing forest dynamics simulation model. Indices developed in earlier studies by Whittaker were used to estimate the response of different tree species to soil moisture. As is the case in many forest modeling applications, neither detailed environmental data at a micro-spatial scale nor quantitative historical stand data were available for the study.A protocol of both model parameter estimation and simulation output evaluation is developed. The method involves simulation experiments under which the model parameters are allowed to vary systematically with respect to environmental control variables, allowing one to generate a field of potential simulation results that can be searched for patterns shared by the observed data. The degree to which common patterns emerge provides a measure of model sensitivity to patterns at the scale of interest. This protocol can provide an appraisal of the appropriateness of a simulation model to the system of interest and can be used to assess the performance of the model in future applications. Nomenclature: Little, E.B. 1971. Atlas of United States trees. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C.  相似文献   

Determinant factors influencing growth of Larix olgensis were screenced and interrelationships among topography soil and growth of L. olgensis were studied employing pathway analysis (PA), principal component analysis(PCA) and canonical analysis(CA). The research indicates that determinant factors are exposure soil texture, soil depth, and exposure is closely related to organic matter, soil texture, soil depth. Site classification was made by using a method of ecological forest site classification. 3 groups of site type and 14 main site types were devided for L. olgensis in the East part of Liaoning. Group of site type on shaded slope included 5 site types: thick, moderate silt loam and thick, moderate loam and thick clay loam. Group of site type on half-shaded and half-sunny slope included 6 site types: thick, moderate silt loam and thick, moderate loam and moderate sandy loam soil and thin soil. Group of site type on sunny slope included 3 site types: thick, moderate and thin soil.  相似文献   

The New Forest is one of the most visited regions of Britain. It has recently been designated a National Park in recognition of its unique wood pasture ecosystems, a traditional land-use system, its magnificent scenery and recreational potential, and its biodiversity importance. The Forest’s highly prized Ancient and Ornamental (A&O) woodlands are a result of complex interactions among human activities of several kinds and the ecology of the dominant species–beech and oak—under the climate conditions of the last one to two millennia. Major changes in management practices over the 20th century, combined with the historical imprint of previous centuries of use, have set the A&O woodlands on a trajectory that means their nature and appearance will inevitably change over the coming decades. When the potential stresses that will be imposed by 21st century climate change are also considered, it will be challenging to find a management strategy to maintain A&O woodlands in their present form. Beech, which owes its current dominance largely to human disturbances of the woodland ecosystem, will be particularly stressed under future conditions. Future conservation policies, and hence management strategies, must be flexible as to the species composition and structure of future woodlands. However, the wide range of users and their different values add further complexity to forest management, and managers must also focus on issues of public perception. For example visitors idealize current landscapes, and this exerts a pressure to maintain the status quo as far as appearance is concerned that will be hard to achieve in practice. Management strategies will be greatly constrained unless conflicts about values and uses are resolved.  相似文献   

长白山站的研究数据库管理系统翟永华,赵士洞(中国科学院沈阳应用生态研究所110015)Date-BaseManagementSysteminChangbaishanForestEcosystemResearchStation.¥ZhaiYonghua...  相似文献   

The estimation of site index and site quality forms the fundamental theory and basic tools in forest-ecosystem management and silviculture practice. The study on the spatial pattern and temporal dynamics of site index and site quality of forest ecosystem still lacks technological advancement. It is a novel approach for estimating forest productivity in large areas using satellite remote-sensed data. The site-index spatial distribution pattern of spruce (Picea asperata) forest in Songpan-Zhengjiangguan watershed, northwestern Sichuan Province, China, was described using the remote-sensing vegetation index application and the established inverse models. The application potential of the methodology in broad regions and forests using the accuracy assessment was evaluated. The results show that the site index of the spruce forest is in linear correlation with the remote-sensed vegetation indices (normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) and soil adjust NDVI (TNDVI)), as well as with these inverse models with high accuracy. This study demonstrated that this approach can be used in similar estimation of different forest ecosystems.  相似文献   

Ma M D  Jiang H  Liu S R  Zhu C Q  Liu Y J  Wang J X 《农业工程》2006,26(9):2810-2815
The estimation of site index and site quality forms the fundamental theory and basic tools in forest-ecosystem management and silviculture practice. The study on the spatial pattern and temporal dynamics of site index and site quality of forest ecosystem still lacks technological advancement. It is a novel approach for estimating forest productivity in large areas using satellite remote-sensed data. The site-index spatial distribution pattern of spruce (Picea asperata) forest in Songpan-Zhengjiangguan watershed, northwestern Sichuan Province, China, was described using the remote-sensing vegetation index application and the established inverse models. The application potential of the methodology in broad regions and forests using the accuracy assessment was evaluated. The results show that the site index of the spruce forest is in linear correlation with the remote-sensed vegetation indices (normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) and soil adjust NDVI (TNDVI)), as well as with these inverse models with high accuracy. This study demonstrated that this approach can be used in similar estimation of different forest ecosystems.  相似文献   

The Forest Health Monitoring (FHM) and Forest Inventory and Analyses (FIA) programs are integrated biological monitoring systems that use nationally standardized methods to evaluate and report on the health and sustainability of forest ecosystems in the United States. Many of the anticipated changes in forest ecosystems from climate change were also issues addressed in sections of FHM's National Technical Report 1991 to 1998. The integrated FHM and FIA monitoring systems are currently establishing baseline conditions (status and change) in most States for many of the expected effects, and are projected to have full implementation for all States and Territories in 2003. These monitoring systems utilize a broad suite of indicators of key ecosystem components and processes that are responsive to many biotic and abiotic stressors, including those anticipated from climate change. These programs will contribute essential information for many decades for many of the anticipated changes in forest ecosystem from increasing carbon dioxide concentrations, changing climatic scenarios, and extreme weather events that are probable in the next 30 to 100 years.  相似文献   

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