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The effects of neomycin, fluoride and the non-hydrolysable guanine nucleotide analogue GTP gamma S on the kinetics of cell-free activation of NADPH oxidase in membranes of resting human neutrophils were investigated. Arachidonate-mediated activation of the oxidase followed a first-order reaction course (kobs. = 0.39 min-1 at 26 degrees C). In the presence of NaF during the activation process, activity was enhanced while the activation rate was slightly reduced (kobs. = 0.25 min-1 at 26 degrees C). Neomycin blocked activation (half-maximal effect at 25 microM) without affecting rates of superoxide release by preactivated enzyme in vitro or in vivo. In spite of reduced specific activity neither the first-order rate constant of the activation nor the Km of the oxidase were altered by neomycin. Oxidase activated in the presence of GTP gamma S exhibited increased specific activity and unchanged Km; the course of the reaction deviated from first-order kinetics. Kinetic evidence is presented for two separate activation reactions: a GTP gamma S-independent, basal, first-order process and a GTP gamma S-dependent sigmoid activation process. The results are compatible with the existence in neutrophil membranes of two separate pools of dormant oxidase. An alternative scheme of the formation of two active forms of NADPH oxidase is also presented.  相似文献   

In order for neutrophils to function effectively in host defense, they have evolved specific attributes including the ability to migrate to the site of inflammation and release an array of toxic products including proteolytic enzymes, reactive oxygen species, and cationic proteins. While these compounds are intended for killing invading pathogens, if released inappropriately, they may also contribute to tissue damage. Such inflammatory tissue injury may be important in the pathogenesis of a variety of clinical disorders including arthritis, ischemia-reperfusion tissue injury, the systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS), and the acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). Despite the importance of neutrophil function in host defense and dysfunction in disease states, much remains unknown about the intracellular signaling pathways regulating neutrophil activity. This review will focus on the signaling molecules regulating leukocyte ‘effector’ functions including receptors, GTP-binding proteins, phospholipases, polyphosphoinositide metabolism, and protein kinases and phosphatases.  相似文献   

Migration of leukocytes into tissue is a key element of innate and adaptive immunity. The first contact of leukocytes with endothelial cells is mediated by engagement of selectins with their counter-receptors which results in leukocyte rolling. During rolling, leukocytes collect different inflammatory signals that activate intracellular signaling pathways. Integration of these signals induces leukocyte activation, firm arrest, post-adhesion strengthening, intravascular crawling, and transmigration. In neutrophils, like in T-cells and platelets, both G-protein-coupled receptor-dependent and -independent activation pathways exist that lead to integrin activation. Accumulating evidence suggests that different protein tyrosine kinases play key roles in signal transduction pathways regulating neutrophil activation and recruitment to inflammatory sites. This review focuses on the role of protein tyrosine kinases of the Src, Syk, and Tec families for neutrophil activation and recruitment.  相似文献   

Neutrophil responsiveness to N-formylmethionylleucylphenylalanine (fMet-Leu-Phe) appears to involve either receptor recycling and/or a storage pool of receptors that provide a mechanism for replenishment of receptors at the cell surface. Asymmetric distribution of the fMet-Leu-Phe receptor has been shown by others, with increased receptor density reported at the front of the cell. This receptor asymmetry may result from receptor capping in the front, receptor internalization or shedding in the rear, or addition of new receptors at the front of the cell. In addition to receptor asymmetry, affinity adaptation of the receptor through heterogeneity and/or negative cooperative interaction of the receptors is probably important. It has been suggested that a high-affinity state of the receptor is associated with transduction of chemotaxis and a low-affinity state with transduction of superoxide production and degranulation. Thus, the fMet-Leu-Phe receptor is an important model to study how neutrophils recognize and integrate signals for their complex functions.  相似文献   

myc oncogenes: activation and amplification   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  

Fibrinogen promotes neutrophil activation and delays apoptosis   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
The acute phase of the inflammatory response involves an increase in the concentrations of different plasma proteins that include fibrinogen (Fbg) and multiple proinflammatory mediators. In parallel, neutrophil activation is thought to play a crucial role in several inflammatory conditions, and it has been recently demonstrated that Fbg specifically binds to the alpha-subunit of CD11b/CD18 on neutrophil surface. Although several reports have shown that CD11b engagement modulates neutrophil responses, the effect of human Fbg (hFbg), one of CD11b physiologic ligands, has not been exhaustively investigated. We have now shown that incubation of purified neutrophils with hFbg induces a transient and rapid elevation of free intracellular Ca2+. This early intracellular signal is accompanied by changes in the expression of neutrophil activation markers, including enhancement of CD11b and CD66b, and down-regulation of FcgammaRIII. In addition, we have evaluated the effect of hFbg on two functional events related to expression and resolution of inflammation: cytotoxic capacity and rate of neutrophil apoptosis. We have found that activation of neutrophils by hFbg resulted in both enhancement of phagocytosis and Ab-dependent cellular cytotoxicity, and delay of apoptosis. We conclude that during inflammatory processes, soluble Fbg could influence neutrophil responses, increasing and prolonging their functional capacity.  相似文献   

Extracellular acidification induces human neutrophil activation   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
In the current work, we evaluated the effect of extracellular acidification on neutrophil physiology. Neutrophils suspended in bicarbonate-buffered RPMI 1640 medium adjusted to acidic pH values (pH 6.5-7.0) underwent: 1) a rapid transient increase in intracellular free calcium concentration levels; 2) an increase in the forward light scattering properties; and 3) the up-regulation of surface expression of CD18. By contrast, extracellular acidosis was unable to induce neither the production of H2O2 nor the release of myeloperoxidase. Acidic extracellular pH also modulated the functional profile of neutrophils in response to conventional agonists such as FMLP, precipiting immune complexes, and opsonized zymosan. It was found that not only calcium mobilization, shape change response, and up-regulation of CD18 expression but also production of H2O2 and release of myeloperoxidase were markedly enhanced in neutrophils stimulated in acidic pH medium. Moreover, extracellular acidosis significantly delayed neutrophil apoptosis and concomitantly extended neutrophil functional lifespan. Extracellular acidification induced an immediate and abrupt fall in the intracellular pH, which persisted over the 240-s analyzed. A similar abrupt drop in the intracellular pH was detected in cells suspended in bicarbonate-supplemented PBS but not in those suspended in bicarbonate-free PBS. A role for intracellular acidification in neutrophil activation is suggested by the fact that only neutrophils suspended in bicarbonate-buffered media (i.e., RPMI 1640 and bicarbonate-supplemented PBS) underwent significant shape changes in response to extracellular acidification. Together, our results support the notion that extracellular acidosis may intensify acute inflammatory responses by inducing neutrophil activation as well as by delaying spontaneous apoptosis and extending neutrophil functional lifespan.  相似文献   

To study the mechanisms of activation of human neutrophil gelatinase, the enzyme has been purified using a combination of chromatography on a DEAE-Sephacel and a gelatin-peptide-Sepharose column. On reducing SDS-polyacrylamide-gel electrophoresis the purified gelatinase ran as a single band of about 94,000 Da, and had a specific activity of 5624.4 units/mg of enzyme protein. When latent gelatinase was treated with trypsin, cathepsin G, neutrophil elastase, HgCl2 or urea, its activity was enhanced and the enzyme was processed and converted into species of the lower molecular mass. Upon activation, the protein band of 94,000 Da of reduced latent gelatinase underwent a decrease of about 6,000-12,000 Da. Formation of the species of lower molecular mass during urea activation could be blocked by the addition of EDTA.  相似文献   

A role for IL-18 in neutrophil activation   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
IL-18 expression and functional activity has been identified in several autoimmune and infectious diseases. To clarify the potential role of IL-18 during early innate immune responses, we have explored the capacity of IL-18 to activate neutrophils. Human peripheral blood-derived neutrophils constitutively expressed IL-18R (alpha and beta) commensurate with the capacity to rapidly respond to IL-18. IL-18 induced cytokine and chemokine release from neutrophils that was protein synthesis dependent, up-regulated CD11b expression, induced granule release, and enhanced the respiratory burst following exposure to fMLP, but had no effect upon the rate of neutrophil apoptosis. The capacity to release cytokine and chemokine was significantly enhanced in neutrophils derived from rheumatoid arthritis synovial fluid, indicating differential responsiveness to IL-18 dependent upon prior neutrophil activation in vivo. Finally, IL-18 administration promoted neutrophil accumulation in vivo, whereas IL-18 neutralization suppressed the severity of footpad inflammation following carrageenan injection. The latter was accompanied by reduction in tissue myeloperoxidase expression and suppressed local TNF-alpha production. Together, these data define a novel role for IL-18 in activating neutrophils and thereby promoting early innate immune responses.  相似文献   

Kinetics and mechanism of pepsinogen activation   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  

Receptors are functional membrane proteins on the cell surface that recognize external signals and trigger biological responses by generating intracellular signals. Due to prolonged exposure to external signals, receptors are often desensitized and no longer produce intracellular signals. This simple control mechanism may work without negative-feedback regulation from another molecule if the active state of a receptor reflects a transient metastable molecular structure. A theoretical framework is developed to identify a metastable state associated with a conformational transition of protein molecules, in which a transient state can be observed somewhat above the equilibrium transition point. The conducting state of the acetylcholine receptor may thus represent a metastable state associated with a conformational transition from the resting state to the desensitized state. Similarly, the conducting state of the voltage-sensitive sodium channel may represent a metastable state associated with a conformational transition from the resting state to the refractory state. The rates of appearance and disappearance of the transient state, as well as the equilibrium ratio of the two preexisting states, can be estimated from the free energy of protein structure. The appearance of the transient state is generally a multirelaxation process and may show a time lag, while the disappearance is a slower single-relaxation process.  相似文献   

Neutrophils use chemotaxis to locate invading bacteria. Adenosine triphosphate (ATP) release and autocrine purinergic signaling via P2Y2 receptors at the front and A2a receptors at the back of cells regulate chemotaxis. Here, we examined the intracellular mechanisms that control these opposing signaling mechanisms. We found that mitochondria deliver ATP that stimulates P2Y2 receptors in response to chemotactic cues, and that P2Y2 receptors promote mTOR signaling, which augments mitochondrial activity near the front of cells. Blocking mTOR signaling with rapamycin or PP242 or mitochondrial ATP production (e.g., with CCCP) reduced mitochondrial Ca2+ uptake and membrane potential, and impaired cellular ATP release and neutrophil chemotaxis. Autocrine stimulation of A2a receptors causes cyclic adenosine monophosphate accumulation at the back of cells, which inhibits mTOR signaling and mitochondrial activity, resulting in uropod retraction. We conclude that mitochondrial, purinergic, and mTOR signaling regulates neutrophil chemotaxis and may be a pharmacological target in inflammatory diseases.  相似文献   

Progressive elevations in circulating annexin V-coated microparticles (MPs) derived from leukocytes, erythrocytes, platelets, and endothelial cells are found in mice subjected to increasing decompression stresses. Individual MPs exhibit surface markers from multiple cells. MPs expressing platelet surface markers, in particular, interact with circulating neutrophils, causing them to degranulate and leading to further MP production. MPs can be lysed by incubation with polyethylene glycol (PEG) telomere B surfactant, and the number of circulating MPs is reduced by infusion of mice with PEG or antibody to annexin V. Myeloperoxidase deposition and neutrophil sequestration in tissues occur in response to decompression, and the pattern differs among brain, omentum, psoas, and leg skeletal muscle. Both MP abatement strategies reduce decompression-induced intravascular neutrophil activation, neutrophil sequestration, and tissue injury documented as elevations of vascular permeability and activated caspase-3. We conclude that MPs generated by decompression stresses precipitate neutrophil activation and vascular damage.  相似文献   

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