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Distribution and antithrombotic activity of orally administered unfractionated porcine heparin were studied. [14C]Heparin was prepared by de-N-acetylation of porcine mucosal heparin followed by re-N-acetylation, using [14C]acetic anhydride. [14C]Heparin and (or) cold heparin (60 mg/kg) were administered by stomach tube to male Wistar rats. Blood, all levels of gut and gut contents, liver, lung, spleen, kidney, and aortic and vena caval endothelium were collected under deep anesthesia at 3, 6, 15, 30, and 60 min and 4 and 24 h (6 rats/group) after administration. Urine and feces were collected at 24 h, using metabolic cages. In three additional rats, drugs were administered in gelatin capsules. Tissues listed above and tongue, esophagus, trachea, brain, heart, thymus, bile ducts, vena caval and aortic walls, ureters, bladder, samples of muscle, skin, hair, and bone marrow were collected at 24 h. Radioactivity and chemical heparin, measured by agarose gel electrophoresis, were observed in all tissues examined as well as gut washes, plasma, urine, and feces. Radiolabel recovered was confirmed to be heparin by autoradiograms of gradient polyacrylamide electrophoretic gels. [14C]Heparin and chemical heparin in gut tissue suggest a transit time of 4 h. Porcine or bovine heparin (7.5 mg/kg), administered by stomach tube, decreased the incidence of thrombosis induced by applying 10% formalin in 65% methanol to the exposed jugular vein of rats. Heparin isolation from non-gut tissue, endothelium, urine, and plasma and the observed antithrombotic effect are consistent with oral bioavailability.  相似文献   

The distribution of an antihypertensive dipeptide, Val-Tyr (VY), in the tissues of spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR) was investigated in this study. A single oral administration of VY (10 mg/kg) to 18-week-old SHR resulted in a prolonged reduction of systolic blood pressure (SBP) up to 9 h (SBP0h 198.0+/-3.6 mmHg; SBP9h 154.6+/-3.5 mmHg). As a result of VY determination, a roughly 10-fold higher increment of plasma VY level was observed at 1 h than that at 0 h, whereas thereafter the level declined rapidly. In tissues, VY was widely accumulated in the kidney, lung, heart, mesenteric artery and abdominal aorta with the area under the curve over 9 h of more than 40 pmol h/g tissue; of these a higher VY level was observed in the kidney and lung. In addition, a mean resident time (MRT) for each tissue (>5 h except for liver) revealed that VY preferably accumulated in the tissues rather than in the plasma (MRT 3.8 h). Significant reductions of tissue angiotensin I-converting enzyme activity and angiotensin II level were found in the abdominal aorta as well as in the kidney, suggesting that these organs could be a target site associated with the antihypertensive action of VY.  相似文献   

Summary Anaerobic conditions obtained by flooding the soil caused reductive dechlorination of p,p-DDT and its conversion to p,p-DDD was enhanced under water-logged conditions creating or favouring anaerobiosis. The DDT showed recalcitrance in the soil kept at 15% moisture.More o,p-DDT was lost from the flooded soil. Similar amounts of p,p-DDE were detected in all of the three levels of technical DDT treatments and the concentrations were not significantly different under both aerobic and anaerobic conditions.  相似文献   

Guanosine has long been known as an endogenous purine nucleoside deeply involved in the modulation of several intracellular processes, especially G-protein activity. More recently, it has been reported to act as an extracellular signaling molecule released from neurons and, more markedly, from astrocytes either in basal conditions or after different kinds of stimulation including hypoxia. Moreover, in vivo studies have shown that guanosine plays an important role as both a neuroprotective and neurotrophic agent in the central nervous system. Specific high-affinity binding sites for this nucleoside have been found on membrane preparations from rat brain. The present study was undertaken to investigate the distribution and metabolic profiles of guanosine after administering the nucleoside to gain a better understanding of the biological effects of this potential drug candidate. Rats were given an intraperitonal (i.p.) injection of 2, 4, 8 or 16 mg/kg of guanosine combined with 0.05% of [3H]guanosine. Plasma samples were collected 7.5, 15, 30, 60 and 90 min after the guanosine-mixture administration and analyzed by either a liquid scintillation counter or by HPLC connected to a UV and to an on-line radiochemical detector to measure the levels of guanosine and its metabolic products guanine, xanthine and uric acid. The levels of guanosine, guanine and xanthine were also measured in brain, lung, heart, kidney and liver tissue homogenates at the defined time points after the injection of 8 mg/kg of the guanosine-mixture. We found that the levels of radioactivity in plasma increased linearly in a dose- and time-dependent manner. Guanosine was widely distributed in all tissues examined in the present study, at almost twice its usual levels. In addition, guanine levels dramatically increased in all the organs. Interestingly, enzymatic analysis of the plasma samples showed the presence of a soluble purine nucleoside phosphorylase, a key enzyme in the purine salvage pathway and nucleoside catabolism. Since guanosine has been shown to be neuroprotective and astrocytes have been reported to play critical roles in mediating neuronal survival and functions in different neurodegenerative disorders, we also performed uptake and release.  相似文献   

[195mPt]carboplatin has been administered intravenously, intraperitoneally and orally to Wistar rats and the tissue distribution, metabolism, and pharmacokinetics of the drug investigated. The urinary and faecal excretion and toxicity following oral [195mPt]carboplatin administration has also been studied. Virtually identical results have been observed following i.v. and i.p. administration, indicating a rapid absorption of the unaltered compound from the abdominal cavity into the systemic circulation. Thus i.p. administered drug should produce a similar therapeutic response as i.v. administration, but may produce an additional local effect within the peritoneal cavity. Orally administered compound shows a pattern of distribution which is similar to that following parenteral injection for all tissues (except for the increased relative concentration in the stomach tissue), the concentration being lower by a factor of 4–5. However, the overall fraction of the dose retained within the body at 24 h is similar to that following i.v. administration. The toxicity is considerably lower for the orally administered drug compared with i.v. injection. These results clearly show that oral doses could be adjusted to produce a comparable therapeutic effect as i.v. or i.p. doses, and should also result in a higher efficacy against gastric carcinomas than achievable with parenteral administration.  相似文献   

The elimination, tissue distribution, and metabolism of [1-14C]perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) was examined in male and female rats for 28 days after a single ip dose (9.4 μmol/kg, 4 mg/kg). A sex difference in urinary elimination of PFOA-derived 14C was observed. Female rats eliminated PFOA-derived radioactivity rapidly in the urine with 91% of the dose being excreted in the first 24 hr. In the same period, male rats eliminated only 6% of the administered 14C in the urine. The sex-related difference in urinary elimination resulted in the observed difference in the whole-body elimination half-life (t1/2) of PFOA in males (t1/2 = 15 days) and females (t1/2 < 1 day). Analysis of PFOA-derived 14C in tissues showed that the liver and plasma of male rats and the liver, plasma, and kidney of female rats were the primary tissues of distribution. The relatively high concentration of PFOA in the male liver was further examined using an in situ nonrecirculating liver perfusion technique. It was shown that 11% of the PFOA infused was extracted by the liver in a single pass. The ability of the liver to eliminate PFOA into bile was examined in rats whose renal pedicles were ligated to alleviate sex differences in the urinary excretion of PFOA. In a 6-hr period following IP administration of PFOA, there was no apparent difference in biliary excretion, where both males and females eliminated less than 1% of the PFOA dose via this route. We hypothesized that the sex difference in the persistence of PFOA was due to a more rapid formation of a PFOA-containing lipid (i.e., a PFOA-containing mono-, di-, or triacylglycerol, cholesteryl ester, methyl ester, or phospholipid) in the male rat. Also, the increased urinary elimination of PFOA in females may have been due to increased metabolism to a PFOA-glucuronide or sulfate ester. However, no evidence that PFOA is conjugated to form a persistent hybrid lipid was obtained, nor were polar metabolites of PFOA in urine or bile detected. In addition, daily urinary excretion of fluoride in male and female rats before or after PFOA treatment were similar, suggesting that the parent compound is not defluorinated. Thus, the more rapid elimination of PFOA from female rats is not due to formation of a PFOA metabolite.  相似文献   

To determine the organ distribution of high doses of astaxanthin in rats (Rattus norvegicus) after oral application, a two week experiment was conducted, observing time (one and two weeks) and dose response (0.3, 1 and 3% of the feed). Low astaxanthin concentrations were detected in the viscera, distributed in a wide range, and not increasing from 7th to 14th day. This indicates that there was rapid elimination or catabolism and no profound long term storage. Liver concentration was unexpectedly low while the highest concentrations were found in spleen, kidneys and adrenals. The main site of astaxanthin accumulation, indeed, was the hairless skin of the tail, this was associated with red coloration (+a(*) in the CIELAB tristimulus). Because the discoloration was not observed until the second week and the variability in the astaxanthin concentrations was lower, it seems that the accumulation and elimination in skin is slower, compared to other tissues. Potential adverse effects such as lesions in the kidneys of three animals and a slight (n.s.) change in the leucogram were also noted. Furthermore, astaxanthin accumulated in the eyes in the same magnitude as it is known for canthaxanthin in the eyes of rats.  相似文献   

DDT residues (DDT, DDD, and DDE, or DDTR) occur in detectable concentrations in soils from southern California over 20 years after a ban (1973) on the widespread use of the pesticide in the U.S. A comparison of DDT residues found in soils from western Riverside/San Bernardino Counties to a much larger statewide database of Mischke et al. (1985) suggests that a systematic regional variation in relative abundances of DDTR exists in California soils. It is suggested that factors such as physical/chemical properties of DDT residues, local/regional soil‐forming processes, soil management practices, and climatological regimes may help to explain the observed relative abundances of DDT‐related species in California soils. Knowledge of regional trends in the concentrations and composition of soil DDTR may be useful in formulating more rational risk‐based soil management strategies where soil DDTR concentrations are at or above regulatory levels.  相似文献   

In the present work, accumulation and distribution of aluminium in the rat brain following both intraperitoneal and oral administration were studied. Electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometry was used to determine aluminium concentration in different brain areas (cerebellum, ventral midbrain, cortex, hippocampus, and striatum). Most of the brain areas showed accumulation of aluminium, but a greater and more significant increase was noted in the group receiving aluminium via intraperitoneal administration. Aluminium distribution was also dependent on the administration route.  相似文献   

The induction of phosphatidylcholine (PC) biosynthesis via the CDPcholine pathway in lung and liver of rats has been shown following the intratracheal administration of 1,1,1-trichloro-2m2-bis(p-chlorophenyl) ethane (DDT) (5 mg/100 g body weight) and endosulfan (1 mg/100 g body weight) for 3 days. Controls received only the vehicle solution (groundnut oil, 0.1 m1/100 g body weight). The treatment of DDT and endosulfan significantly increased the PC contents and the incorporation of radioactive [methyl-3H]choline into PC of lung and liver microsomes. The incorporation of radioactive [methyl-14C]methionine into microsomal PC of lung and liver was not affected significantly by treatment with either of the insecticides. 1,4,5,6,7-hexachloro-5-norbornene-2,3-dimethano cyclic sulfite (endosulfan) administration significantly increased the activity of choline kinase and phosphocholine cytidylyltransferase (both cytosolic and microsomal) of lung, whereas DDT increased the activity of only latter. In liver, both DDT and endosulfan administration significantly increased the activity of choline kinase and phosphocholine cytidylyltransferase (both cytosolic and microsomal). However, the activity of phosphocholinetransferase was not affected in both lung and liver microsomes of rats treated with these insecticides. The PC precursor pool sizes, choline and phosphorylcholine, of lung and liver tissues were not altered by DDT and endosulfan treatments. The present results suggest that the increased level of PC and incorporation of radioactive [methyl-3H]choline into microsomal PC could be the result of increased activity of choline kinase and phosphocholine cytidylyltransferase of lung and liver of rats following intratracheal administration of DDT and endosulfan.  相似文献   

Kinetic characteristics and toxic effects of benzalkonium chloride (BZK) following injection via jugular vein (JV), femoral artery (FA) and oral administration (PO) were experimentally investigated using rats. The BZK concentrations in blood and tissues (lung, liver and kidney) were determined by high-performance liquid chromatography with solid phase extraction. Toxic doses of 15 and 250 mg/kg of BZK were used for intravascular (JV and FA) and PO administration, respectively. The fatal effects appeared soon after the dose in JV-rats, while delayed in FA- or PO-rats. The blood BZK concentrations and the elimination half-lives were similar between JV- and FA-rats, while the distribution of BZK in tissues was slightly different. In PO administration, the rats that aspirated BZK into their lungs had some symptoms, while the rats that did not aspirate BZK appeared to be normal. The BZK concentrations in blood and tissues were significantly higher in the aspirated PO-rats. The toxic degree of BZK was correlated with the BZK concentration in orally dosed rats. Lung and kidney had higher BZK concentrations compared to blood or liver, and they could be the target organs of BZK.Keyword: Benzalkonium chloride  相似文献   

A long-term experiment using beagle dogs to investigate the absorption of cadmium was conducted. The dogs in the experimental groups were given a commercial diet and pelleted food containing 1, 3, 10, 50, and 100 mg of cadmium per day. The cadmium concentration in the blood increased continuously, gradually reaching a steady state following the administration of cadmium. The cadmium excreted daily in urine increased continuously. The cumulative excreted amount of cadmium in urine was calculated by using the trapezoidal rule based on the data of excretion of cadmium in urine. Then the absorbed fraction of administered cadmium was estimated on the basis of the relationship between the cumulative excreted amount of cadmium in urine and the cumulative administered dose of cadmium after the cadmium concentration in blood reached a steady state. The absorbed fraction of cadmium decreased with an increase in the administered dose of cadmium. A dose-dependent increase between the absorbed amount and the administered dose was observed.  相似文献   

《Life sciences》1996,58(7):PL119-PL122
The distribution of the putative anti-addictive substance ibogaine was measured in plasma, brain, kidney, liver and fat after ip and sc administration in rats. One hr after ip dosing (40 mg/kg), drug levels ranged from 106 ng/ml (plasma) to 11,308 ng/g (fat), with significantly higher values after sc administration of the same dose. Drug levels were 10–20 fold lower 12 hr after the same dose. These results suggest that: 1) ibogaine is subject to a substantial “first pass” effect after ip dosing, demonstrated by higher drug levels following the sc route, 2) ibogaine shows a large accumulation in adipose tissue, consistent with its lipophilic nature, and 3) persistence of the drug in fat may contribute to a long duration of action.  相似文献   

1. The effects of orally administered ciclosporin (40, 50 or 80 mg/kg body wt) on plasma magnesium, albumin, total cholesterol and triglycerides have been studied in male Wistar rats. 2. Plasma magnesium and albumin were significantly lower in rats dosed with ciclosporin (40, 50 or 80 mg/kg) after 14 days. 3. Variable changes of plasma cholesterol and triglycerides were observed. Some implications of the inter-relationships of magnesium, albumin and plasma lipids in ciclosporin treatment are discussed.  相似文献   

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