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We have sampled the mycorrhizal roots of 76 snow plants (Sarcodes sanguinea, Monotropoideae, Ericaceae) in two areas of the Sierra Nevada of California that are ~180 km apart. To identify the fungal symbionts associated with these plants, we first analyzed restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs) of the internal transcribed spacer region (ITS) of the fungal nuclear ribosomal repeat. Fungal ITS-RFLPs were successfully produced from 57 of the 76 plants sampled, and all symbionts shared the same DNA fragment pattern. The morphology of S. sanguinea mycorrhizae was consistent with that expected from a Rhizopogon species in section Amylopogon. To confirm and refine this identification, a total of six fungal ITS sequences were determined from S. sanguinea mycorrhizae. These sequences were analyzed together with eight existing and eight newly determined ITS sequences from Rhizopogon section Amylopogon. The newly determined sequences include an ITS sequence from the fungal symbiont of pine drops (Pterospora andromedea, Monotropoideae, Ericaceae), a plant that was previously reported to be exclusively associated with the Rhizopogon subcaerulescens group. When these sequences were analyzed together, the Sarcodes symbionts grouped tightly with several collections of R. ellenae including the holotype, one collection of R. idahoensis, and one collection of R. semireticulatus. A different lineage comprised collections of R. subgelatinosus, R. subcaerulescens, another collection of R. semireticulatus, and the Pterospora symbiont. We conclude that S. sanguinea associates exclusively with a single species in the R. ellenae species complex throughout our sampling range. These results indicate a much higher level of specificity in S. sanguinea than was previously reported and confirm the emerging pattern that nonphotosynthetic, monotropoid plants generally associate very specifically with a narrow range of ectomycorrhizal fungi.  相似文献   

(9Z,11E)-hexadecadienal and (Z11)-hexadecenal, the main sex pheromone components of the sugarcane borer, Diatraea saccharalis, were identified and quantified from four Brazilian and one Colombian populations using GC-EAD, GC-MS and GC analyses. Three different ratios were observed, 9:1, 6:1, and 3:1. The pheromone concentration for the major component, (9Z,11E)-hexadecadienal, varied from 6.8 ng/gland to 21.9 ng/gland and from 1.7 ng/gland to 6.5 to the minor component, (Z11)-hexadecenal. The 25 D. saccharalis cytochrome oxidase II sequences that were analyzed showed low intra-specific variation and represented only 11 haplotypes, with the most frequent being the one represented by specimens from São Paulo, Paraná, and Pernambuco states. Specimens from Colombia showed the highest genetic divergence from the others haplotypes studied. Data on the genetic variability among specimens, more than their geographic proximity, were in agreement with data obtained from analyses of the pheromone extracts. Our data demonstrate a variation in pheromone composition and a covariation in haplotypes of the D. saccharalis populations studied.  相似文献   

Understanding the processes that shape neutral and adaptive genomic variation is a fundamental step to determine the demographic and evolutionary dynamics of pest species. Here, we use genomic data obtained via restriction site‐associated DNA sequencing to investigate the genetic structure of Moroccan locust (Dociostaurus maroccanus) populations from the westernmost portion of the species distribution (Iberian Peninsula and Canary Islands), infer demographic trends, and determine the role of neutral versus selective processes in shaping spatial patterns of genomic variation in this pest species of great economic importance. Our analyses showed that Iberian populations are characterized by high gene flow, whereas the highly isolated Canarian populations have experienced strong genetic drift and loss of genetic diversity. Historical demographic reconstructions revealed that all populations have passed through a substantial genetic bottleneck around the last glacial maximum (~21 ka BP) followed by a sharp demographic expansion at the onset of the Holocene, indicating increased effective population sizes during warm periods as expected from the thermophilic nature of the species. Genome scans and environmental association analyses identified several loci putatively under selection, suggesting that local adaptation processes in certain populations might not be impeded by widespread gene flow. Finally, all analyses showed few differences between outbreak and nonoutbreak populations. Integrated pest management practices should consider high population connectivity and the potential importance of local adaptation processes on population persistence.  相似文献   

The ectomycorrhizal fungal associations of Douglas fir ( Pseudotsuga menziesii D. Don) and bishop pine ( Pinus muricata D. Don) were investigated in a mixed forest stand. We identified fungi directly from field-collected ectomycorrhizal (ECM) root tips using PCR-based methods. Sixteen species of fungi were found, of which twelve associated with both hosts. Rhizopogon parksii Smith was specific to Douglas fir. Three other species colonized only one of the hosts, but were too infrequent to draw conclusions about specificity. Seventy-four percent of the biomass of ECM root tips sampled in the stand were colonized by members of the Thelephoraceae and Russulaceae. All 12 species of fungi that associated with both tree species did so within a 10×40 cm soil volume, suggesting that individual fungal genotypes linked the putatively competing tree hosts.  相似文献   

柽柳沙鼠广泛分布于中亚荒漠地区,在我国分布于蒙新干旱区西部。本研究采用线粒体Cyt b 基因和D-loop控制区两个片段共1 569 bp作为分子标记,对我国蒙新区西部45 个柽柳沙鼠的核苷酸多样性、单倍型多样性及系统发生进行分析,并探讨其亚种分化。45 个柽柳沙鼠线粒体DNA 共定义33 个单倍型,包含142 个核苷酸变异位点(占全序列的9.05% ),其中单态位点34 个,简约信息位点108 个,未发现碱基插入或缺失的现象。基于单倍型的系统发生树和网络关系图显示,柽柳沙鼠的谱系分为两大支:伊犁盆地的种群聚为独立的一支,准噶尔盆地和额济纳地区的种群聚为一支,两大支的分歧时间为0.24 Ma年前,大约在庐山冰期。通过Beast 模拟,柽柳沙鼠在近15 000年有一次快速的种群衰退,表明柽柳沙鼠种群受到了末次盛冰期的影响。基于Cyt b 基和D-loop 序列的证据,我们认为分布于新疆伊犁盆地的柽柳沙鼠为哈萨克亚种(M. t. jaxartensis),分布于我国新疆准噶尔盆地以及甘肃、内蒙地区的为敦煌亚种(M. t. satchouensis)。  相似文献   

Common heliotrope, Heliotropium europaeum (Boraginaceae), a summer annual, is a serious weed of pastures in Australia causing poisoning in sheep and other grazing animals. The weed is native to Mediterranean and Middle Eastern regions of Eurasia where it is attacked by several arthropods and pathogens including the rust fungus Uromyces heliotropii. The host-specificity of a virulent and effective strain of the rust from Turkey has been tested by inoculating 96 plants of importance to the Australasian region using both microscopic and macroscopic observations of the reaction of host and non-host plants. The test plants included several members of the Boraginaceae and related families as well as species of Heliotropium native to Australia. The infection was mostly limited to European species of Heliotropium. U. heliotropii was thus found to represent a safe introduction and has recently been introduced to Australia for the biological control of common heliotrope.  相似文献   

The interaction specificities of Co(III) with DNA were investigated via consideration of thermodynamic characteristics of the duplex to single strand transition for DNA oligomers incubated in the presence of [Co(NH3)5(OH2)] (ClO4)3. It has previously been demonstrated that incubation of the DNA oligomer [(5medC-dG)4]2 with this cobalt complex leads to coordination of the cobalt center to the DNA, presumably at N7 of guanine bases [D. C. Calderone, E. J. Mantilla, M. Hicks, D. H. Huchital, W. R. Murphy, Jr. and R. D. Sheardy, (1995) Biochemistry 34, 13841]. In this report, DNA oligomers of different sequence were incubated with [Co(NH3)5(OH2)] (ClO4)3 via protocols developed previously and the treated oligomers were subjected to thermal denaturation for comparison to the untreated oligomers. The DNA oligomers were designed in order to investigate the sequence specificity, if any, in the reaction of the cobalt complex with DNA. The values of Tm, ΔHuH, and Δn (the differential ion binding term) obtained from the thermal denaturations were used to assess the sequence specificity of the interaction. For all oligomers, treated or untreated, Tm and ΔuH vary linearly with log [Na+] and hence the value of Δn is a function of the Na+ concentration. The results indicate no significant reaction between the cobalt complex and oligomers possessing isolated -GA- or -CG- sites; however, the thermodynamic characteristics of DNA oligomers possessing either an isolated -GG- site or an isolated -GC- site were altered by the treatment. Atomic absorption studies of the treated oligomers demonstrate that only the DNA oligomers possessing isolated -GG- or -GC- sites bind cobalt. Hence, the changes in the thermodynamic properties of these oligomers are a result of cobalt binding with a remarkable sequence specificity. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Biopoly 42: 549–599, 1997  相似文献   

LAPSYS, NM, SM FURLER, KR MOORE, TV NGUYEN, H HERZOG, G HOWARD, K SAMARAS, DG CAREY, NA MORRISON, JA EISMAN, DJ CHISHOLM. Relationship of a novel polymorphic marker near the human obese (OB) gene to fat mass in healthy women. The cloning of the murine obese (ob)gene and its human homologue has recently been reported. Mutations in the mouse obgene result in hereditary obesity; however, the role of variations of OBin the regulation of bodyweight in humans has yet to be determined. The contribution of putative genetic variations in the human OBgene to total and regional fat mass in a normal twin population has been analyzed through linkage and association with a novel polymorphic marker, located in proximity to this gene. The polymorphic dinucleotide repeat, isolated from a PI clone containing the human OB gene, was physically localized by long-range restriction mapping to within 30 kilobases of the OB locus. The marker was genotyped in a population of 47 healthy female/female dizygotic (DZ) twin pairs for which direct measures of central abdominal and whole body fat had been obtained by dual X-ray absorbtiometry. Possible linkage between the microsatellite marker and whole-body (p=0.008), but not central abdominal (p=0.09), fat deposits was indicated. No association between fat depot phenotype and marker genotype was detected. These results suggest that genetic variation in or close to the human OB gene may play a role in the size of body fat stores in healthy women.  相似文献   

A study of geographic variation in three subspecies of garter snake (Thamnophis sirtalis sirtalis, T. s. parietalis, T. s. semifasciata) in the north-central United States indicates patterns of irregular non-clinal microgeographic variation for 40 characters of coloration, scalation, and internal anatomy. Multivariate analyses show that geographically close populations are not always phenetically close and that overall differentiation of the phenotype is greater in males than in females. Univariate and multivariate studies indicate that T. s. semifasciata Cope 1892, restricted to the Chicago area, is not uniform within its small range and that it has no constant distinguishing features: it is shown to be taxonomically invalid.  相似文献   

Norway spruce ( Picea abies (L.) Karst.) seedlings were inoculated with the ectomycorrhizal fungus Laccaria bicolor ((Marie) Orton), strain S238 N, in axenic conditions. The presence of the fungus slowed tap–root elongation by 26% during the first 15 d after inoculation and then stimulated it by 136%. In addition, it multiplied in vitro lateral root formation by 4.3, the epicotyl growth of the seedlings by 8.4 and the number of needles by 2. These effects were maintained when the fungus was separated from the roots by a cellophane membrane preventing symbiosis establishment, thus suggesting that the fungus acted by non-nutritional effects. We tested the hypothesis that IAA produced by L. bicolor S238 N would be responsible for the stimulation of fungal induced rhizogenesis. We showed in previous work that L. bicolor S238 N can synthesize IAA in pure culture. Exogenous IAA supplies (100 and 500 μ m ) reproduced the stimulating effect of the fungus on root branching but inhibited root elongation. The presence of 2,3,5-triiodobenzoic acid (TIBA) in the culture medium significantly depressed lateral root formation of inoculated seedlings. As TIBA had no significant effect on IAA released in the medium by L. bicolor S238 N, but counteracted the stimulation of lateral rhizogenesis induced by an exogenous supply of IAA, we suggest that TIBA inhibited the transport of fungal IAA in the root. Furthermore TIBA blocked the colonization of the main root cortex by L. bicolor S238 N and the formation of the Hartig net. These results specified the role of fungal IAA in the stimulation of lateral rhizogenesis and in ectomycorrhizal symbiosis establishment.  相似文献   

* Pathogens represent an important threat to plant communities and agriculture, and can shape many aspects of plant evolution. Natural variation in plant disease susceptibility is typically quantitative, yet studies on the molecular basis of disease resistance have focused mainly on qualitative variation. * Here we investigated the genetic architecture of quantitative susceptibility to the bacterium Pseudomonas syringae by performing a quantitative trait locus (QTL) analysis on the F2 progeny of two natural accessions of Arabidopsis thaliana under two nutrient treatments. * We found that a single QTL explains most of the variation (77%) in susceptibility between accessions Columbia (Col-0) and San Feliu-2 (Sf-2), and its effect is independent of nutrients. The Sf-2 allele at this QTL is dominant and can reduce the bacterial population size by 31-fold, much like a classical resistance (R) gene. However, minor QTLs, whose effects are altered by nutrient treatment, were also detected. * Surprisingly, we found that none of the QTLs for susceptibility had any effect on fruit production, suggesting that the use of resistance genes for crop improvement and evolutionary analysis of plant-pathogen interactions requires caution.  相似文献   

The Guadiana River has an irregular hydrological regime, with severe droughts and floods, but little is known about how aquatic fauna respond to these natural events. Macroinvertebrate data and environmental information were collected at seven sites from three tributaries in the middle reaches of the Guadiana River, approximately every 3 months from April 1995 to April 1997. Despite considerable annual variation in discharge (related to duration of flood and drought periods), the number of macroinvertebrates found was consistently high. Diptera represented the major proportion of the benthic fauna (73.2%) followed by Ephemeroptera (10.3%), Coleoptera (4.1%) and Trichoptera (3.1%). Canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) was used to evaluate the relationships between taxa density and habitat variables. Generally, Plecoptera and Ephemeroptera were found in the upstream sampling sites. Wider and deeper sites were associated with the presence of Diptera and were least diverse. High values for both the Shannon-Wiener diversity index and the average score per taxon were usually found at upstream sites where Ephemeroptera and Plecoptera predominated. The data suggest that macroinvertebrates have a great capacity to recover rapidly from severe drought periods, both in terms of taxonomic diversity and number of individuals.  相似文献   

The development and adoption of transgenic (Bt) crops that express the Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) toxin has reduced the use of synthetic insecticide on transgenic crops to target Helicoverpa spp., the major insect pest of cotton in Australia. However, it has also increased the threat posed by sucking pests, particularly Creontiades dilutus (green mirid), which are unaffected by the Bt toxins in transgenic cotton crops. Here we report the efficacy of the entomopathogenic fungus Aspergillus sp. (BC 639) in controlling the infestation of transgenic cotton crops by C. dilutus and promoting interactions of transgenic cotton with beneficial insects. The results showed that the number of C. dilutus adults and nymphs recorded on plots treated with 1000, 750, 500, 250 ml/ha BC 639 fungus formulation were the same as on plots treated with the recommended concentration of the commercial insecticide Fipronil. The fungus was found to have minimal effect on predatory insects compared with Fipronil and was most effective against C. dilutus when applied at the rate of 500 ml/ha (equivalent to 50 g spores/ha). At this rate, the fungus was as effective as Fipronil for controlling C. dilutus populations and ensured the survival of predatory beetles, lacewings and spiders compared with Fipronil treatment. The yield from fungus-treated plots was 5.24 bales per acre compared with 5.40 and 3.88 bales per acre for Fipronil-treated and unsprayed plots, respectively. The ability of the BC 639 strain to control C. dilutus infestations of transgenic cotton crops while conserving beneficial insect populations suggests its potential for supplementing integrated pest management programs to reduce the use of synthetic insecticides for transgenic cropping systems.  相似文献   

The spatial intraspecific and interspecific distribution of Tephrocactus aoracanthus (Lem.) Lem. was studied using univariate and bivariate point pattern analysis, at landscape scale in four different physiographic units and at microscale in terms of the shrubs found in those units. The influence of shrubs on photosynthetically active radiation and on soil temperature under their canopies was analysed. Results show a high environmental variability in light and temperature under shrubs that generally has no influence on the distribution of T. aoracanthus. Apparently, this cactus has great ability to adapt to different conditions of both photosynthetically active radiation and temperature. However, intraspecific distribution was highly clustered in all physiographic units, independently of bushes. Possibly, the mode of seed dispersal and the rooting of cladodes at small scale are the main processes that determine the strong intraspecific clustering of T. aoracanthus.  相似文献   

一种稻飞虱室内稻芽饲养法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文介绍了稻飞虱室内稻芽饲养的方法 ,并指出此方法具有操作简便、虫龄整齐、获虫量大、不易引入天敌、可整年饲养等优点 ,比较适合新农药筛选和需要大量试虫进行试验研究的农药研究单位进行饲养  相似文献   

The distribution of genetic variation and the phylogenetic relationships between 18 populations of the arctic-alpine plant Trollius europaeus were analysed in three main regions (Alps, Pyrenees and Fennoscandia) by using dominant AFLP markers. Analysis of molecular variance revealed that most of the genetic variability was found within populations (64%), although variation among regions (17%) and among populations within regions (19%) was highly significant (P < 0.001). Accordingly, the global fixation index FST averaged over loci was high (0.39). The among-population differentiation indicates restricted gene flow, congruent with limited dispersal of specific globeflower's pollinating flies (Chiastocheta spp.). Within-population diversity levels were significantly higher in the Alps (mean Nei's expected heterozygosity HE = 0.229) than in the Pyrenees (HE= 0.197) or in Fennoscandia (HE = 0.158). This finding is congruent with the species-richness of the associated flies, which is maximum in the Alps. We discuss the processes involved in shaping observed patterns of genetic diversity within and among T. europaeus populations. Genetic drift is the major factor acting on the small Pyrenean populations at the southern edge of T. europaeus distribution, while large Fennoscandian populations result probably from a founder effect followed by demographic expansion. The Alpine populations represent moderately fragmented relics of large southern ancestral populations. The patterns of genetic variability observed in the host plant support the hypothesis of sympatric speciation in associated flies, rather than recurrent allopatric speciations.  相似文献   

These experiments measured the release and the synthesis of acetylcholine (ACh) by cat sympathetic ganglia in the presence of 2-(4-phenylpiperidino) cyclohexanol (AH5183), an agent that blocks the uptake of ACh into synaptic vesicles. Evoked transmitter release during short periods of preganglionic nerve stimulation was not affected by AH5183, but release during prolonged stimulation was not maintained in the drug's presence, whereas it was in the drug's absence. The amount of ACh releasable by nerve impulses in the presence of AH5183 was 194 +/- 10 pmol, which represented 14 +/- 1% of the tissue ACh store. The effect of AH5183 on ACh release was not well antagonized by 4-aminopyridine (4-AP), and not associated with inhibition of stimulation-induced calcium accumulation by nerve terminals. It is concluded that AH5183 blocks ACh release indirectly, and that the proportion of stored ACh releasable in the compound's presence represents transmitter in synaptic vesicles available to the release mechanism. The synthesis of ACh during 30 min preganglionic stimulation in the presence of AH5183 was 2,448 +/- 51 pmol and in its absence it was 2,547 +/- 273 pmol. Thus, as the drug decreased ACh release it increased tissue content. The increase in tissue content of ACh in the presence of AH5183 was not evident in resting ganglia; it was evident in stimulated ganglia whether or not tissue cholinesterase was inhibited; it was increased by 4-AP and reduced by divalent cation changes expected to decrease calcium influx during nerve terminal depolarization.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

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