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R P Brondani  D Grattapaglia 《BioTechniques》2001,31(4):793-5, 798, 800
We describe a simple and cost-effective method for the synthesis of an internal fluorescently labeled DNA standard for fragment sizing using an automated DNA sequencer. A set of primer pairs labeled with ROX was developed to amplify 12 DNA fragments, 58-417 bp, derived from a conserved region of plant chloroplast DNA. These amplified fragments were mixed together, constituting a fluorescent internal DNA size marker. The precision of the size standard was evaluated by estimating the size of 20 alleles that were amplified at four dinucleotide microsatellite loci with the synthesized size standard and the commercial internal sizing standard, GeneScan Rox500. A number of intra-gel and inter-gel comparisons were run, and an analysis of variance was carried out. No significant difference was observed between the size estimates obtained with the synthesized DNA standard and the commercial standard. This facile and general PCR-based method for the synthesis of internal standards allows for significant savings in the implementation of large genotyping experiments using microsatellite or AFLP markers.  相似文献   

Accurate measurement of single DNA fragments by DNA fragment sizing flow cytometry (FSFC) depends upon precise, stoichiometric DNA staining by the intercalating dye molecules. In this study, we determined the binding characteristics of a commercially available 532 nm wavelength-excitable dye and used this information to develop a universal DNA staining protocol for DNA FSFC using a compact frequency-doubled Nd:YAG laser excitation source. Among twelve 532 nm wavelength-excitable nucleic acid staining dyes tested, SYTOX Orange stain showed the highest fluorescence intensity along with a large fluorescence enhancement upon binding to double-stranded DNA ( approximately 450-fold). Furthermore, using SYTOX Orange stain, accurate fragment-size-distribution histograms were consistently obtained without regard to the staining dye to base pair (dye/bp) ratio. A model describing two binding modes, intercalation (primary, yielding fluorescence) and external binding (secondary, involving fluorescence quenching), was proposed to interpret the performance of the dyes under different dye/bp ratios. The secondary equilibrium dissociation constant was found to be the most critical parameter in determining the sensitivity of each fluorophore to the staining dye/bp ratio. The measurements of both equilibrium dissociation constants provided us with a theoretical framework for developing a universal protocol which was successfully demonstrated over a wide range of DNA concentrations on a compact flow cytometer equipped with a frequency-doubled, diode-pumped, solid-state Nd:YAG laser for rapid and sensitive DNA fragment sizing.  相似文献   

A method is described for the quantitative determination of free and bound solute concentrations in the cytoplasm of intact cells. The method includes (a) introduction of a gelatin gel reference phase (RP) into the cytoplasm; (b) diffusion of dissolved substances between cytoplasm and RP, (c) cell quenching to - 196 degrees C to prevent subsequent solute redistributions, (d) ultra-low temperature microdissection to isolate RP and cytoplasm samples, and (e) analysis of isolates for solute and water content. In normal oocytes of the salamander, Desmognathus ochrophaeus, free or RP Na+ and K+ are 21.0 +/- 1.1 and 128.8 +/- 2.4 mu eq/ml, respectively, and vary stoichiometrically in altered oocytes. Overall cytoplasmic concentrations are 75.2 +/- 2.7 mu eq Na+/ml and 88.6 +/- 1.5 mu eq K+/ml. Cytoplasmic chemical activities are 16.2 mu eq Na+/ml and 99.2 mu eq K+/ml, corresponding to activity coefficients of 0.22 and 1.12, respectively. The results demonstrate unambiguously that (a) oocytes actively transport Na+ and K+, and (b) cytoplasm has important binding properties which differentiate it from an ordinary aqueous solution. These cytoplasmic properties are investigated in the following paper.  相似文献   

王小利  姜闯  刘建华  刘喜朋 《遗传》2015,37(4):388-395
随着功能基因组学研究的深入发展,基因敲除技术日益成为基因功能研究的重要手段。嗜盐古菌Haloferax volcanii易于培养,是研究古菌基因功能的良好模式菌株。虽然现已开发了多种嗜盐古菌的遗传操作系统,但基因敲除成功率不十分理想。这些遗传操作方法基于pyrE筛选标记,利用携带同源片段的环状质粒与基因组同源片段间的两次同源重组,敲除目的基因。由于基于环状质粒和pyrE筛选标记的经典同源重组敲除方法在二次重组时,普遍存在回复到野生型菌株的可能,导致二次重组子中敲除目的基因的阳性菌株比例较低。为了克服传统同源重组技术的上述缺陷,文章建立了基于线性DNA片段的同源重组技术。该方法通过一次重组在目标基因的下游引入一段上游同源片段和pyrE标记,从而限定二次重组的发生部位只能在两段上游同源片段之间,发生二次重组的重组子理论上都敲除了目标基因。利用该方法,文章成功敲除了嗜盐古菌Haloferax volcanii的xpd2基因,阳性克隆率达65%。这种线性DNA片段重组法为嗜盐古菌的基因敲除提供了一种高效策略,便于嗜盐古菌的基因改造。  相似文献   

L A Johnson  D Pinkel 《Cytometry》1986,7(3):268-273
Modification of a Coulter EPICS V orthogonal laser-based flow cytometer/cell sorter allows resolution of X and Y mammalian sperm populations based on DNA content. The modification consists of beveling the sample injection tube situated in the flow chamber, adding a second fluorescence detector directly forward along the laser beam axis, and routing the collected fluorescence through an optical fiber bundle to one of the existing photomultiplier tubes. The X and Y chromosome-bearing spermatozoa from the bull, boar, and ram can be resolved using this system.  相似文献   

Energy-transfer (ET) dye-labeled primers significantly improve fluorescent DNA detection because they permit excitation at a single common wavelength and they produce well separated and intense acceptor dye emission. Recently, a new ET cassette technology was developed [Berti, L. et al. (2001) Anal. Biochem. 292, 188-197] that can be used to label any PCR, sequencing, or other primer of interest. In this report we examine the utility of this ET cassette technology by labeling seven different short tandem repeat (STR) specific primers with each of the four ET cassettes and analyzing the PCR products generated on a MegaBACE-1000 capillary array electrophoresis system. More than 60 amplicons were generated and successfully analyzed with the ET cassette-labeled primers. Both forward and reverse primers were labeled for multiplex PCR amplification and analysis. Single base pair resolution was achieved with all four ET cassettes. This ET cassette-primer labeling procedure is ideally suited for creating four-color fluorescent ET primers for STR and other DNA assays where large numbers of different loci are analyzed including sequencing, genetic identification, gene mapping, loss of heterozygosity testing, and linkage analysis.  相似文献   

Here we describe bacterial genotyping by direct linear analysis (DLA) single-molecule mapping. DLA involves preparation of restriction digest of genomic DNA labeled with a sequence-specific fluorescent probe and stained nonspecifically with intercalator. These restriction fragments are stretched one by one in a microfluidic device, and the distribution of probes on the fragments is determined by single-molecule measurement of probe fluorescence. Fluorescence of the DNA-bound intercalator provides information on the molecule length. Because the probes recognize short sequences, they encounter multiple cognate sites on 100- to 300-kb-long DNA fragments. The DLA maps are based on underlying DNA sequences of microorganisms; therefore, the maps are unique for each fragment. This allows fragments of similar lengths that cannot be resolved by standard DNA sizing techniques to be readily distinguished. DNA preparation, data collection, and analysis can be carried out in as little as 5 h when working with monocultures. We demonstrate the ability to discriminate between two pathogenic Escherichia coli strains, O157:H7 Sakai and uropathogenic 536, and we use DLA mapping to identify microorganisms in mixtures. We also introduce a second color probe to double the information used to distinguish molecules and increase the length range of mapped fragments.  相似文献   

Maksimow M  Hakkila K  Karp M  Virta M 《Cytometry》2002,47(4):243-247
BACKGROUND: In this study, Escherichia coli cells producing red fluorescent protein of Discosoma sp. (drFP583 DsRed) were investigated with flow cytometry by using 488 nm excitation. We also studied whether green fluorescent protein (GFP) and drFP583 could be detected simultaneously from a single bacterial cell. METHODS: Plasmids pDsRed and pEGFP were used for the production of drFP583 and enhanced GFP, respectively, in E. coli MC1061 cells. To produce enhanced GFP and drFP583 simultaneously, plasmids pG9R and pG19R were constructed. These encode tandem fusions of enhanced GFP and drFP583 to ensure similar production levels for both proteins. RESULTS: Bacteria producing enhanced GFP and drFP583 were found to be brightly green and red fluorescent, respectively. Production of enhanced GFP and drFP583 fusion proteins resulted in bacteria that emitted both green and red fluorescence, which was detected easily by a flow cytometer using single laser excitation. Previously reported tetramerization of drFP583 did not restrict its use as a reporter gene, although it maturated significantly slower than enhanced GFP. CONCLUSIONS: The results show that enhanced GFP and drFP583 proteins can be detected simultaneously from single bacteria with a standard flow cytometer with simple optical configuration.  相似文献   

We describe a simple and rapid method for determining the linearity of a flow cytometer amplification system. The method is based on a fundamental characteristic of linear amplifiers: The difference between two amplified signals increases linearly with increasing amplifier gain. Two populations of beads or cells, differing slightly in fluorescence intensity, are analyzed by the flow cytometer at increasing photomultiplier tube high-voltage settings. The distribution of the populations' mean difference versus mean position is a straight line intersecting the origin for linear amplifiers. Although some types of nonlinearities cannot be detected with this technique, deviations from linearity indicate nonlinear components in the flow cytometer amplification system. The correlation coefficient is used to quantify degree of nonlinearity. We also describe a method for amplifier nonlinearity compensation.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: In many cases a frequent monitoring of blood is important, e.g. during an infection. Often the availability of blood is the limiting factor. METHODS: 50 microl blood were stained and analyzed using a standard four-color cytometer. Percentages of leukocytes were calculated by FlowJo software. RESULTS: Our protocol allows the differentiation of B cells, T cells, NK cells, neutrophils, and monocytes/macrophages in small volumes of blood. CONCLUSIONS: Using nine fluorochrome-labeled antibodies and a specific gating strategy we were able to differentiate the main immune cells in minute amounts using one staining step.  相似文献   

A novel immunoassay system which rapidly quantifies picogram levels of total DNA was characterized with respect to the effects of DNA length. Nine chromatographically purified HaeIII restriction fragments of phi X174 were tested. Assay performance was found to be dependent on both the amount and length of DNA present in the sample. DNA fragments longer than 100 base pairs (bp) could be quantitatively detected with this system. Fragments shorter than 100 bp inhibited assay performance and thus could be detected through the use of inhibition studies; however, only qualitative information could be obtained. DNA fragments approximately 10 nucleotides in length had no apparent effect on assay performance. The size of the binding site (number of bases) required for each DNA-binding protein to bind to a nucleic acid fragment is suggested as an explanation for the observed influence of DNA size on assay performance. The total DNA assay was used in conjunction with a Pharmacia FPLC system to characterize the size distribution and amount of DNA in two partially purified biopharmaceutical samples. The results indicate that the majority of residual DNA in these samples is less than 600 bp in length. This technique can be used to rapidly determine the DNA size distribution in an in-process or final product biopharmaceutical sample. This data can then be used in process design and optimization for removal of residual DNA in biological products.  相似文献   

Nitric oxide (NO) is involved in the regulation of SMC proliferation during intimal hyperplasia as has been shown by the inhibitory effect on intimal hyperplasia of adenovirus-mediated ceNOS overexpression in injured arteries in pig. Good assays to quantify the NO-producing enzymes, i.e., NO synthases (NOS), are essential to analyze the mechanism of action of NO in this process. We have developed novel flow cytometric assays for the simultaneous detection of NOS-3 protein, using NOS-3 specific antibodies, and NO production using 4,5-diaminofluorescein-diacetate (DAF-2/DA). The presence of NOS-3 protein and NO production is demonstrated on human A549 and HepG2 cells infected with a NOS-3 adenovirus (Ad.NOS-3). A comparative study showed that the flow cytometric assays are equally sensitive as Western blot analysis, the citrulline assay, or the Sievers assay. On human endothelial and SMC, NOS-3 protein and NO production were simultaneously detected with the assays, both under basal conditions and after Ad.NOS-3transduction. Simultaneous analysis of NOS-3 protein and NO production, made possible by the here-described novel flow cytometric assays, is of significant value to those investigating NOS-3 and NO.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The development of inexpensive small flow cytometers is recognized as an important goal for many applications ranging from medical uses in developing countries for disease diagnosis to use as an analytical platform in support of homeland defense. Although hydrodynamic focusing is highly effective at particle positioning, the use of sheath fluid increases assay cost and reduces instrument utility for field and autonomous remote operations. METHODS: This work presents the creation of a novel flow cell that uses ultrasonic acoustic energy to focus small particles to the center of a flowing stream for analysis by flow cytometry. Experiments using this flow cell are described wherein its efficacy is evaluated under flow cytometric conditions with fluorescent microspheres. RESULTS: Preliminary laboratory experiments demonstrate acoustic focusing of flowing 10-microm latex particles into a tight sample stream that is approximately 40 microm in diameter. Prototype flow cytometer measurements using an acoustic-focusing flow chamber demonstrated focusing of a microsphere sample to a central stream approximately 40 microm in diameter, yielding a definite fluorescence peak for the microspheres as compared with a broad distribution for unfocused microspheres. CONCLUSIONS: The flow cell developed here uses acoustic focusing, which inherently concentrates the sample particles to the center of the sample stream. This method could eliminate the need for sheath fluid, and will enable increased interrogation times for enhanced sensitivity, while maintaining high particle-analysis rates. The concentration effect will also enable the analysis of extremely dilute samples on the order of several particles per liter, at analysis rates of a few particles per second. Such features offer the possibility of a truly versatile low-cost portable flow cytometer for field applications.  相似文献   

A flow cytometry-based, ultrasensitive fluorescence detection technique is used to size individual DNA fragments up to 167 kb in length. Application of this technology to the sizing of P1 artificial chromosomes (PACs) in both linear and supercoiled forms is described. It is demonstrated that this method is well suited to characterizing PAC/BAC clones and will be very useful for the analysis of large insert libraries. Fluorescence bursts are recorded as individual, dye stained DNA fragments pass through a low power, focused, continuous laser beam. The magnitudes of the fluorescence bursts are linearly proportional to the lengths of the DNA fragments. The histograms of the burst sizes are generated in <3 min with <1 pg of DNA. Results on linear fragments are consistent with those obtained by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis. In comparison with pulsed-field gel electrophoresis, sizing of large DNA fragments by this approach is more accurate, much faster, requires much less DNA, and is independent of the DNA conformation.  相似文献   

An F factor based cloning system for large DNA fragments.   总被引:7,自引:4,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
An effective technique using an Escherichia coli plasmid system was developed to clone fragments of exogenous DNA of as large as 100 kilobase pairs. The characteristic features of this technique are the use of a low copy number (one to two) mini-F based plasmid vector and the introduction of artificial lambda cosR ends into the termini of DNA sources and then of the cosL ends into those of linearized vector molecules. This terminal modification greatly facilitated the formation of active large recombinant molecules, which was rarely achieved when the modification was omitted. The efficiency with which large recombinant clones can be generated is high enough to allow construction of a comprehensive library of higher organisms. All analyses of the plasmids recovered have revealed that the inserts were faithful replicas of the human DNAs used as sources.  相似文献   

Summary Hybridization specificity of a 1.8-kb HindIII DNA fragment isolated from Salmonella typhimurium by a molecular cloning technique was confirmed by colony hybridization with 327 Salmonella isolates of various serotypes and 56 non-Salmonella isolates including Enterobacteriaceae closely related to Salmonella, such as Escherichia coli, Klebsiella, Citrobacter and Shigella. It was found that this 1.8-kb DNA fragment was highly specific for all the Salmonella isolates tested. The DNA sequence of this 1.8-kb fragment was then determined by the dideoxynucleotide chain termination method. According to this DNA sequence, six oligonucleotide fragments ranging from 17- to 26-mer were then chemically synthesized and tested for their hybridization specificities. Results show that three of the six oligonucleotide fragments are highly specific for all 327 Salmonella strains tested and can be used as probes for the specific detection of Salmonella in foods or other samples. Offprint requests to: H.-Y. Tsen  相似文献   

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