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The oesophageal transit of six commonly used tablets and capsules containing barium sulphate was evaluated radiologically using fluoroscopy in 121 healthy volunteers. To determine the influence of the subject''s position and the amount of water taken each subject swallowed three preparations while recumbent and standing and with 25 ml or 100 ml of water. Failure of swallowing (defined as oesophageal transit taking more than 90 seconds) occurred in 22% of 726 swallowings, but globus was complained of in only 33% of these. Sixty per cent of the volunteers had difficulty in taking one or more of the preparations. Many preparations adhered to the oesophageal membrane and started to disintegrate in the lower part of oesophagus. It is recommended that subjects should remain standing for at least 90 seconds after taking capsules or tablets and that all preparations should be taken with at least 100 ml of water. Small tablets are swallowed most easily. Liquid forms of medication (suspensions) should be considered for bedridden patients and those who have difficulty in swallowing.  相似文献   

The effects of electron beam or λ-irradiation on technological performances (capsule hardness, expressed as deforming work and dissolution time) of empty 2-shell capsules made of gelatin or hydroxypropylmethylcellulose (HPMC) were studied. Capsule structural changes induced by radiation treatment were investigated by capillary viscometry and atomic force microscopy (AFM). The capsules were irradiated in the air at 5, 15, and 25 kGy. The deforming work of nonirradiated HPMC capsules (0.06±0.01 J) was lower than that of gelatin capsules (0.10±0.01 J). The dissolution time of the HPMC capsules (414±33 seconds) was slightly higher than that determined for gelatin hard capsules (288±19 seconds). The hardness and dissolution time of gelatin and HPMC capsules were not significantly influenced by the irradiation type and the applied irradiation dose. As the viscometry analyses are concerned, irradiation caused a reduction of the intrinsic viscosity and water and dimethyl sulfoxide solvent power in both the cases. AFM analysis showed that the radiation treatment did not appreciably affect the surface roughness of the samples nor induce structural changes on capsule surface. However, measurements of force-distance curves pointed out a qualitative parameter for the identification of the irradiated capsules. On the bases of these preliminary results, empty gelatin or HPMC hard capsules can be sanitized/sterilized by ionizing radiation. Published: December 1, 2005  相似文献   

Various packaging systems have been used for deep freezing of semen. In this study, feasibility of using hard gelatin capsules was established. Of the four types of capsules developed and tested, polymer-treated capsules were found to be suitable for the purpose, and were therefore used subsequently. French medium (0.5 ml) straws were used for control. Five semen samples from each of 12 bulls were processed and included for study. Semen was frozen by fast-freezing. Parameters studied after thawing of semen were comparable for the two methods. Upon analysis, the percentages of progressive motile spermatozoa, live spermatozoa and morphologically abnormal spermatozoa obtained for semen frozen in hard gelatin capsules and French medium straws were found to be nonsignificant. The percentage of intact acrosomes was found to be significantly higher (P < 0.05) for semen frozen - thawed in straws as compared to semen in capsules.  相似文献   

目的观察凝结芽孢杆菌活菌片联合复方谷氨酰胺肠溶胶囊治疗肠功能紊乱的疗效。方法选取肠功能紊乱患者80例,随机分为治疗组及对照组。两组患者均经纤维结肠镜检查除外肠道器质性病变。大便常规及潜血检查正常。治疗组给予凝结芽孢杆菌活菌片,每次3片(首剂加倍),每日3次,复方谷氨酰胺肠溶胶囊每次3粒,每日3次。对照组患者给予安慰剂(维生素B6)每次3片(首剂加倍),每日3次,加复方谷氨酰胺肠溶胶囊每次3粒,每日3次。两组均以8周为一疗程。结果治疗8周后,治疗组总有效率为95.0%,对照组总有效率为75.0%,治疗组疗效高于对照组(P0.05),两组均未见明显不良反应。结论凝结芽孢杆菌活菌片联合复方谷氨酰胺肠溶胶囊治疗肠功能紊乱有效率高于单用复方谷氨酰胺肠溶胶囊且安全性好。  相似文献   

We have imaged mica coated with thin gelatin films in water, propanol, and mixtures of these two liquids by atomic force microscopy (AFM). The elastic modulus (Young's modulus) can be tuned from 20 kPa to more than 0.1 GPa depending on the ratio of propanol to water. The resolution is best in pure propanol, on the order of 20 nm, and becomes worse for the softer samples. The degradation in resolution can be understood by considering the elastic indentation of the gelatin caused by the AFM tip. This indentation becomes larger and thus the contact area becomes larger the softer the sample is. Therefore this study may be used to estimate the resolution to be expected with an AFM on other soft samples, such as cells. Nondestructive imaging was possible only by imaging at forces < 1 nN. This was difficult to achieve in contact mode because of drift in the zero load deflection of the cantilever, supposedly caused by temperature drift, but straightforward in tapping mode.  相似文献   

Desintegration and dissolution of capsules and tablets of methacycline hydrochloride were studied. The study on solubility of methacycline hydrochliride capsules filled with methacycline granulate or powder according to the same formula showed that the rate of the antibiotic liberation from the capsules filled with the powder decreased during storage while that from the capsules filled with the granulate did not change. Investigation of the effect of the mass packing value in a drop on the antibiotic liberation from the capsules showed that an increase in the packing coefficient above 1.38 resulted in a marked decrease in the rate of methacycline liberation from the capsules filled with the granulate. No correlation between desintegration and dissolution of methacycline capsules and tablets was found.  相似文献   

Conclusion  Hydrolyzed gelatins (Byco-A, Byco-O and Byco-C), when used as binders, yielded soft, uniform granules with good flow properties. As the molecular weight and viscosity of hydrolyzed gelatins increased, the compressibility of granules decreased and their compactability increased. The balance between compressibility and compactability of granules may be achieved by careful monitoring of the molecular weight of hydrolyzed gelatins that can serve as potential binders.  相似文献   

We performed the quantitative analysis of chondroitin sulfate (CS) obtained from raw materials and various pharmaceutical preparations. To quantify CS content in raw materials and in an ophthalmic solution, each test sample and the authentic CS were first digested by chondroitinase ABC. The CS disaccharides produced were analyzed by strong anion-exchange high-performance liquid chromatography (SAX-HPLC) and CS content was quantified by calculating the total peak areas of the disaccharides derived from a CS calibration curve. In the case of soft capsules, CS was first extracted with hexane followed by phenol-chloroform to remove oil and protein ingredients. The extracted CS samples were depolymerized by chondroitinase ABC and CS content was determined. Quantitative analysis of the disaccharides derived from raw materials and an ophthalmic solution showed the CS contents (%) were 39.5+/-0.1 to 105.6+/-0.1 and 103.3+/-1.2, respectively. In case of CS analysis in soft capsules and liquid preparations, the overall recovery (%) of the spiked CS was 96.79+/-0.53-103.54+/-1.78 and 97.10+/-1.82 to 103.17+/-2.34, respectively. In conclusion, the quantitative analysis of the disaccharides produced by enzymatic digestion can be used in the direct quantitation of CS containing pharmaceutical formulations.  相似文献   

Gelatin is used as an ingredient in both food and non-food industries as a gelling agent, stabilizer, thickener, emulsifier, and film former. Porcine skins, bovine hides, and cattle bones are the most common sources of gelatin. However, mammalian gelatins are rejected by some consumers due to social, cultural, religious, or health-related concerns. In the present study, gelatin was obtained from camel skin as an alternative source using a combination of processing steps. Central composite design combined with response surface methodology was used to achieve high gelatin yields under different extraction conditions: temperatures of 40, 60, and 80 °C; pH values of 1, 4, and 7; and extraction times of 0.5, 2.0, and 3.5 min. Maximum gelatin yield from camel skin (29.1%) was achieved at 71.87 °C and pH 5.26 after 2.58 min. The extracted gelatin samples were characterized for amino acid profile, foaming capacity, film formation, foam stability, and gel strength (Bloom value). Gelatin nanoparticles were produced, and their morphology and zeta potential were determined. Bloom value of the camel skin gelatin was 340 g. Amino acid analysis revealed that the extracted gelatin showed high glycine and proline contents. Analysis of camel skin gelatin nanoparticle and functional properties revealed high suitability for food and non-food applications, with potential use in the growing global halal food market.  相似文献   

1. Dreissenid mussels (quagga mussels, Dreissena bugensis, and zebra mussels, D. polymorpha) are invasive species that function as ecosystem engineers in the Laurentian Great Lakes. Dreissena are increasingly abundant on silt, sand and other soft substrates; by altering benthic habitat, these mussels can alter benthic community structure. 2. We used laboratory mesocosm experiments to examine the effects of soft‐sediment Dreissena clusters on the habitat preference of Hexagenia, a native burrowing mayfly that is an important food source to fish. We conducted three experiments to test whether Hexagenia: (1) select for bare sediment, soft sediment covered with live Dreissena (added structure and food resources) or soft sediment with clusters made of empty Dreissena shells (added structure only), (2) prefer a specific density of live Dreissena on soft sediment and (3) select for or avoid sediment with an accumulation of empty Dreissena shells. 3. Contrary to initial expectations, we found that Hexagenia selected for sediment covered with live Dreissena clusters, followed by empty Dreissena shells clusters, and lastly what was previously thought to be the preferred habitat, bare sediment. Not only did Hexagenia prefer Dreissena‐covered sediment, but they also preferred high densities of Dreissena. 4. We also experimentally tested the effects of Dreissena‐covered soft sediment on the availability of Hexagenia to fish. We had three treatment levels representing three distinct habitat types: (1) bare sediment (no Dreissena) treatment in which water was turbid because of mayfly activity, (2) Dreissena‐covered sediment treatment in which water was clear because of Dreissena filtration and (3) Dreissena‐covered sediment with added turbidity. We found that in low light conditions, similar to many locations where both organisms are found to co‐occur, both yellow perch and round goby consumption of Hexagenia significantly decreased when Dreissena covered the bottom sediment. 5. These results suggest that by choosing Dreissena‐covered habitat, Hexagenia receive protection from fish predation in turbid/low light systems. However, protection from predation cannot be the only reason Hexagenia select Dreissena‐covered sediments, as Hexagenia selected for live clusters more often than empty clusters and may be a result of additional food resources.  相似文献   

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