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JOHN  C. D.; LAUCHLI  A. 《Annals of botany》1980,46(4):395-400
Respiratory gas exchange and incorporation of 14C-leucine intoprotein were studied in proximal root segments from 25-day-oldmaize plants grown for the last ten days in 50 mM Na2SO4. 14C-leucineincorporation, and oxygen uptake in the presence of glucose,were as large in Na2SO4-grown tissues tested under saline conditionsas in tissues exposed to non-saline solutions throughout Thisadaptation was attributed to an increased metabolic capacityof Na2SO4-treated tissues, because these tissues, when returnedto non-saline solutions, evolved oxygen and incorporated 14C-leucinefaster than tissues exposed continuously to non-saline solutions. These changes are interpreted as a ‘compensation’for the inhibitory effects found when non-adapted tissues wereexposed to 50 mM Na2SO4. Moreover, we have related them to ultrastructuralchanges observed previously in xylem parenchyma cells of thesetissues, and to the possible involvement of these xylem parenchymacells in the re-absorption of sodium from the ascending xylemfluid Zea mays L., maize, salt-stress, respiration, protein synthesis  相似文献   

Ion Transport to the Xylem in Aerenchymatous Roots of Zea mays L.   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Aerenchyma was induced in the developing nodal (adventitious)roots of maize (Zea mays L. cv. LG11) in solution culture bytreatment with an atmosphere of 5% (v/v) oxygen (oxygen partialpressure 5.0 k Pa). Ion uptake by aerenchymatous and ordinary(non-aerenchymatous) roots was then compared to determine theeffect of degeneration of much of the cortex in aerenchymatousroots on radial ion movement to the xylem. Rates of uptake andtransport of phosphate, potassium and chloride were followedby labelling 4–12mm length segments of intact roots usingradioactive tracers. In some experiments, enhanced rates ofphosphate transport were induced by means of a divided rootsystem and nutrient deprivation. For all three nutrient ions,and over a range of concentration for phosphate (10–100mmol m–3 and potassium (0·25–5·0 molm–3 and with enhanced rates of transport, aerenchymatousroots were at least as effective as ordinary roots (per mm3of root) and sometimes more effective (per mm root length).These findings are discussed in relation to hypotheses concerningthe pathways for radial ion movement across the cortex in ordinaryand aerenchymatous roots. Correspondence to: Long Ashton Research Station, Long Ashton,Bristol BS18 9AF, U.K. Key words: Aerenchyma, ion transport, mineral nutrition, oxygen deficiency, radio-isotopic tracers, roots, structure, Zea mays  相似文献   

Roots of Zea mays L. developed more aerenchyma (cortical gas-filledspace) when partially deficient in oxygen (3 kPa) than whensupplied with air (20·8 kPa oxygen) in association withfaster production of ethylene (ethene). The possibility wastested that the additional ethylene production resulted fromdecreases in spermidine (spd) and spermine (spm) which share,with ethylene, a common precursor, S-adenosylmethionine. However,no decreases in spd and spm were seen in root tissue up to 4d-old. Removing oxygen completely also had little effect onspd and spm, but strongly suppressed both ethylene productionand aerenchyma formation. Partial oxygen shortage (3 kPa) increased the concentrationof putrescine (put), the precursor of spd and spm. This increasewas not a response to the extra ethylene formed by such rootssince ethylene treatment did no reproduce the effect. Applicationof inhibitors of put biosynthesis, difluoromethylarginine anddifluoromethylornithine, led to increased aerenchyma formation.Exogenous put inhibited the development of aerenchyma whilestimulating rather than inhibiting ethylene production, whentested in either air or 3 kPa oxygen. Thus, put appears to limitaerenchyma formation by suppressing ethylene action rather thanits production.Copyright 1993, 1999 Academic Press Ethylene, ethene, roots, aerenchyma, polyamines, oxygen shortage, anaerobiosis, environmental stress, Zea mays  相似文献   

Using radio-tracers, we measured Na+ and K+ accumulation in roots and transport to shoots in Zea mays (cv Pioneer 3906) as a function of NaCl concentration and O2 partial pressure in the nutrient solution. Under fully aerobic conditions, roots partially excluded Na+ from the shoots over a wide range of NaCl concentration (0.2-200 millimolar). With root anoxia, the exclusion mechanism broke down so that much greater amounts of Na+ reached the shoots, with simultaneous inhibition of K+ transport. The ratio Na+/K+ entering the shoot consequently increased 90 to 200 times. Increases in Na+ transport were first detected when the O2 partial pressure was reduced from ambient (21% v/v) to 15%, whereas K+ transport was not inhibited until O2 concentrations were <5%. Since soil O2 deficiency can often accompany high salinity in irrigation agriculture, failure of the Na+ exclusion mechanism may be a contributory factor in salinity damage of salt-sensitive glycophytes.  相似文献   

MOORE  R. 《Annals of botany》1983,51(6):771-778
A morphometric analysis of the ultrastructure of columella statocytesin primary roots of Zea mays was performed to determine theprecise location of cellular organelles in graviperceptive cells.Vacuoles occupy the largest volume in the cell (11.4 per centof the protoplasm). The nucleus (9.51 per cent), amyloplasts(7.57 per cent), mitochondria (3.42 per cent), spherosomes (2.13per cent) and dictyosomes (0.55 per cent) occupy progressivelysmaller volumes of the statocytes. All organelles are distributedasymmetrically within the cell. Amyloplasts, spherosomes anddictyosomes are found in greatest numbers (and relative volumes)in the lower (i.e. ‘bottom’) third of the cell.The largest numbers and relative volumes of mitochondria arein the lower and middle thirds of the cell. Nuclei tend to befound in the middle third of the statocytes. Only the hyaloplasmis concentrated in the upper (i.e. ‘top’) thirdof Z. mays statocytes. When the sedimentation of amyloplasts(and the resulting exclusion of other organelles from the lowerthird of the cell) is corrected for, all cellular constituentsremain asymmetrically distributed within the cell. Therefore,the sedimentation of amyloplasts alone is not responsible forthe differential distribution of other cellular organelles inZ. mays statocytes. The quantitative ultrastructure of Z. maysstatocytes is discussed relative to the graviperceptive functionof these cells. Zea mays, corn, maize, root cap, stereology, columella, statocytes, graviperception, ultrastructure  相似文献   

The release of potassium and sodium from excised roots of Zea mays having similar contents of potassium and sodium was studied. At low temperature (2 C) the efflux rates of both cations were very similar, but at higher temperature (20 C) the potassium release was reduced considerably, whereas the sodium release was hardly affected. Also, under anaerobic conditions the potassium efflux rate was nearly as high as the sodium efflux rate, but with normal O2 supply the potassium release was reduced to about one-fifth. Since a changing efflux medium compared with a constant efflux medium had no great influence upon the sodium release but influenced the potassium release very much, it is assumed that the low potassium release under normal metabolic conditions is due to a reabsorption of effluxed potassium from free space. For sodium this reabsorption is of minor significance, as the uptake potential of maize roots for sodium is very poor. It is concluded that the release of potassium and sodium is a diffusion process and that the cell membranes have rather similar diffusivities for these two cations.  相似文献   

Pyruvate decarboxylase (PDC) was purified from mature, dry maize kernels and from roots of anaerobically treated maize seedlings and partially characterized. PDC was purified to a specific activity of 96 units per milligram protein from kernels and to 41 units per milligram protein from root. The subunit molecular masses were estimated to be 61,000 and 60,000 for kernel PDC and 59,000 and 58,000 for root PDC. The pH optimum for each enzyme was 5.8. Since the pH optimum is nearly one pH unit below the value reported for the cytoplasm of anaerobically metabolizing maize roots (pH 6.7 ± 0.2), we investigated the effects of pH 5.8 and 6.6 on the cooperative kinetics observed for PDC from each source. The maximum Hill coefficients (nH) were much greater at each pH for the kernel PDC (pH 5.8, nH = 2.5 and pH 6.6, nH = 3.2) than for the root PDC (pH 5.8, nH = 1.4 and pH 6.6, nH = 1.8). The cooperative kinetics observed with respect to pyruvate were asymmetric. Potassium inhibited maize PDC and was competitive with pyruvate (root PDC Ki = 16 millimolar and kernel PDC Ki = 10 millimolar).  相似文献   

The postulate that single roots of Zea mays transport their absorbed phosphorus nonuniformly to the leaves was tested. Plants were grown under growth chamber conditions for three to four weeks in nutrient solution. At this stage of growth a series of plants was placed into a system in which two roots on each plant were allowed to absorb either 33P or 32P from uptake solutions for time intervals of up to 24 hours. Plants subsequently were harvested such that each leaf was partitioned into samples containing tissue from one side or the other of the midrib. All samples were assayed for 33P and 32P and the results were expressed as the amount of total P transported into different plant parts from a single root. Nonuniform P accumulation in the leaves occurred and different patterns of accumulation, dependent on the type of root chosen for uptake were observed. Nearly uniform P accumulation occurred between one side and the other of a given leaf when transport was from radicle roots. In marked contrast, transport from adventitious roots resulted in an alternating pattern of accumulation between one side and the other of each successive leaf up the stem. The seminal root system supplied more P to the older leaves than did the adventitious root system. The nature of these nonuniform P transport patterns is attributed to the vascular organization between roots and leaves.  相似文献   

Axial and Radial Hydraulic Resistance to Roots of Maize (Zea mays L.)   总被引:10,自引:4,他引:10       下载免费PDF全文
A root pressure probe was employed to measure hydraulic properties of primary roots of maize (Zea mays L.). The hydraulic conductivity (Lpr) of intact root segments was determined by applying gradients of hydrostatic and osmotic pressure across the root cylinder. In hydrostatic experiments, Lpr was constant along the segment except for an apical zone of approximately 20 millimeters in length which was hydraulically isolated due to a high axial resistance. In osmotic experiments, Lpr decreased toward the base of the roots. Lpr (osmotic) was significantly smaller than Lpr (hydrostatic). At various distances from the root tip, the axial hydraulic resistance per unit root length (Rx) was measured either by perfusing excised root segments or was estimated according to Poiseuille's law from cross-sections. The calculated Rx was smaller than the measured Rx by a factor of 2 to 5. Axial resistance varied with the distance from the apex due to the differentiation of early metaxylem vessels. Except for the apical 20 millimeters, radial water movement was limiting water uptake into the root. This is important for the evaluation of Lpr of roots from root pressure relaxations. Stationary water uptake into the roots was modeled using measured values of axial and radial hydraulic resistances in order to work out profiles of axial water flow and xylem water potentials.  相似文献   

We examined the influence of aluminum and calcium (and certain other cations) on hormone transport in corn roots. When aluminum was applied unilaterally to the caps of 15 mm apical root sections the roots curved strongly away from the aluminum. When aluminum was applied unilaterally to the cap and 3H-indole-3-acetic acid was applied to the basal cut surface twice as much radioactivity (assumed to be IAA) accumulated on the concave side of the curved root as on the convex side. Auxin transport in the apical region of intact roots was preferentially basipetal, with a polarity (basipetal transport divided by acropetal transport) of 6.3. In decapped 5 mm apical root segments, auxin transport was acropetally polar (polarity = 0.63). Application of aluminum to the root cap strongly promoted acropetal transport of auxin reducing polarity from 6.3 to 2.1. Application of calcium to the root cap enhanced basipetal movement of auxin, increasing polarity from 6.3 to 7.6. Application of the calcium chelator, ethylene-glycol-bis-(β-aminoethylether)-N,N,N′, N′-tetraacetic acid, greatly decreased basipetal auxin movement, reducing polarity from 6.3 to 3.7. Transport of label after application of tritiated abscisic acid showed no polarity and was not affected by calcium or aluminum. The results indicate that the root cap is particularly important in maintaining basipetal polarity of auxin transport in primary roots of corn. The induction of root curvature by unilateral application of aluminum or calcium to root caps is likely to result from localized effects of these ions on auxin transport. The findings are discussed relative to the possible role of calcium redistribution in the gravitropic curvature of roots and the possibility of calmodulin involvement in the action of calcium and aluminum on auxin transport.  相似文献   

Removal of the cap from the primary root of Zea mays activatescell division in the quiescent centre. It is the descendentsof these cells that eventually regenerate a new cap—aprocess that is complete in about 4 days at 23 °C. The ultrastructureof the cells of the regenerating cap was examined at daily intervals.During the first day after decapping the dictyosomes in theexposed outer layer of cells change from a relatively quiescentstate to one where they are secreting a polysaccharide slimewhich accumulates between the plasmalemma and the outer cellwall. Amyloplasts grow in size and appear to divide, and theendoplasmic reticulum proliferates. Many different cytoplasmicfeatures that are normally characteristic of cells in distinctlocations within the undisturbed cap occur, at first, all togetherwithin the few cells that are the source of the new regeneratingtissue. Regeneration of a normal structure in the new cap isachieved by progressive changes in the structures of the cellorganelles, apparently in response to the position that thecells containing them occupy within the growing cellular ensembleat the root apex. Zea mays, regeneration, root cap, ultrastructure  相似文献   

Primary roots of the mutant `Ageotropic' cultivar of Zea mays are nonresponsive to gravity. Their root caps secrete little or no mucilage and touch the root only at the extreme apex. A gap separates the cap and root at the periphery of the cap. Applying mucilage from normal roots or substances with a consistency similar to that of mucilage to tips of mutant roots causes these roots to become strongly graviresponsive. Gravicurvature stops when these substances are removed. Caps of some mutants secrete small amounts of mucilage and are graviresponsive. These results indicate that (a) the lack of graviresponsiveness in the mutant results from disrupting the transport pathway between the cap and root, (b) movement of the growth-modifying signal from the cap to the root occurs via an apoplastic pathway, and (c) mucilage is necessary for normal communication between the root cap and root in Zea mays cv Ageotropic.  相似文献   

玉米种子脱水试验表明,25℃下萌发24h种子脱水耐性开始丧失,丧失50%和100%的时间分别为33h、58h。萌发过程中随着吸胀时间增加,玉米种子脱水耐性逐步丧失。显微观察显示,种子吸胀过程中,胚根细胞的贮藏物质逐步减少,线粒体等细胞器的分化程度则不断提高,尤其是脂类物质的分解程度与脱水耐性变化的关系似乎更明显。  相似文献   

Transplasmalemma redox activity, monitored in the presence of exogenous ferricyanide stimulates net H+ excretion and inhibits the uptake of K+ and α-aminoisobutyric acid by freshly cut or washed, apical and subapical root segments of corn (Zea mays L. cv “Seneca Chief”). H+ excretion is seen only following a lag of about 5 minutes after ferricyanide addition, even though the reduction of ferricyanide occurs before 5 minutes and continues linearly. Once detected, the enhanced rate of H+ excretion is retarded by the ATPase inhibitors N,N′-dicyclohexylcarbodiimide, diethylstilbestrol, and vanadate. A model is presented in which plasmalemma redox activity in the presence of ferricyanide involves the transport only of electrons across the plasmalemma, resulting in a depolarization of the membrane potential and activation of an H+-ATPase. Such a model implies that this class of redox activity does not provide an additional and independent pathway for H+ transport, but that the activity may be an important regulator of H+ excretion. The 90% inhibition of K+ (86Rb+) uptake within 2 minutes after ferricyanide addition can be contrasted with the 5 to 15% inhibition of uptake of α-aminoisobutyric acid. The possibility exists that a portion of the K+ and most of the α-aminoisobutyric acid uptake inhibitions are related to the ferricyanide-induced depolarization of the membrane potential, but that the redox state of some component of the K+ uptake system may also regulate K+ fluxes.  相似文献   

Studies were made of metabolism in highly vacuolated and slightlyvacuolated Zea mays root tissue both during and after plasmolysis. Plasmolysis resulted in decreased respiration and carbon dioxideevolution from glucose and an increased sucrose synthesis. Inhibitionof respiration during plasmolysis in both the highly vacuolatedand slightly vacuolated tissue was not relieved by supply ofglucose, organic acids, or uncouplers of oxidative phosphorylation.Mitochondria isolated from plasmolysed tissue were tightly coupled,but activity in vitro was inhibited by exposure to a high negativeosmotic potential. It is suggested that low TCA cycle activityin vivo must be due either to inhibition of mitochondrial activityor to reduced flow of carbon through the glycolytic pathway. A low potential for TCA cycle activity after deplasmolysis issuggested, as addition of pyruvate stimulated carbon dioxideevolution but not oxygen uptake, which was severely decreased.This was presumably due to severe mitochondrial damage as shownby their activity in vitro. However, it is not clear whetherrespiration in vivo is rate limited by rapid leakage of metabolicintermediate (reported earlier) or by lysis of mitochondria. Deplasmolysis did not damage mitochondria from slightly vacuolatedtissue, a result which was consistent with respiratory measurementsmade in vivo. The data show that mitochondria in vacuolated tissue are damagedduring and after deplasmolysis and not before. It is suggestedthat lysis of mitochondria occurs in vivo as a result of a sharpincrease in the osmotic potential of the cell fluids.  相似文献   

Studies have been made of the distribution of 45Ca, 42K, totalK+ and 32P between the concave and convex sides of segmentsof hypocotyl of Helianthus annuus and coleoptiles of Zea maysduring curvatures induced by gravity, unilateral illuminationor unilateral applications of indol-3yl acetic acid (IAA). Theelements were fed to the roots of seedlings for a 3–4h pretreatment period. Distributions in segments in intact seedlingswere compared with those in explanted segments deprived of acontinuing supply of the element concerned in order to separatepossible differential transport of the element from the rootsfrom any real movement across the organ from side to side. Withall three treatments, and in both explants and intact plants,45Ca concentrations (on both fwt and dwt bases) were higheron the convex side. There was evidence of differential transportto the two sides and also of a direct movement across the parenchymafrom one side to the other. In organs where curvature was inhibitedby low temperatures (4 °C in geotropic experiments) or bythe antitropistic agent, N-1-naphthylphthalamic acid, no concentrationdifferences arose between the two sides. After the tropic stimulithe onset of the concentration differences preceded the onsetof curvature significantly, indicating that those differenceswere not caused by differential growth of the organ. The diuretic,mersalyl, applied unilaterally produced differences in elementconcentration of the same order and kind as similar treatmentwith IAA, but caused no growth curvatures. It is concluded that the movement of elements in tropicallycurving tissues, although apparently obligately-linked withcurvature, is not the result of that curvature or its cause,but is in some as yet undefined way an outcome of auxin gradientsin the tissue.  相似文献   

Osmotic shock with sequential 30 min treatments in ice-coldsaline solutions and distilled water inhibited both the subsequentuptake of orthophosphate (Pi) and its transport into the xylemof excised corn (Zea mays L.) roots. Measurements of Pi fluxeswith 32P indicated that the decrease in net Pi uptake over a24 h period caused by osmotic shock was due primarily to delayedrecovery of Pi influx rather than to increasing efflux. Despitecomplete recovery of Pi absorption within 2–6 h aftershocking with 150–200 mM NaCl, transport to the xylemduring the subsequent 24 h only partially recovered. Leucineuptake and incorporation into protein was also markedly inhibitedby osmotic shock but both almost completely resumed controlrates within 24 h after shocking with up to 150 mM NaCl. Tetracyclineinhibited recovery of Pi uptake after NaCl treatment whereaspuromycin did not. These results with corn roots are consistentwith the hypothesis that recovery of Pi uptake activity aftermoderate osmotic shock requires de novo synthesis of membraneproteins. Incomplete recovery of Pi transport to the xylem suggeststhat osmotic shock may damage plasmodesmata. Key words: Corn, Ion uptake, Leucine uptake, NaCl, Puromycin, Tetracycline  相似文献   

A possible involvement of two different systems in proton translocationand the correlation of this factor to growth rates were measuredsimultaneously by means of a pH stat and an optical system.Ferricyanide, which can accept electrons at the plasmalemma,led to an immediate increase of net H+ -efflux but also decreasedroot growth rate. The reduced form, ferrocyanide, inhibitednet H+ -effluxwithout changing the growth rate. Thus, corn rootgrowth was not determined by proton secretion exclusively. Vanadatestrongly inhibited net H+ -efflux by the roots but did not preventthe stimulating effect of fcrricyanide. Moreover, the extentof enhancement of net H+ -effluxby ferricyanide was exactlythe same in vanadate pretreated as in untreated roots. Alcoholswere used to try to increase the intracellular NADH level throughthe action of the cytoplasmic alcohol dehydrogenase presentin the roots and coleoptiles. Alcohols, known to be substratesfor alcohol dehydrogenase such as propan- 1-ol, ethanol andbutan-l -ol increased net H+ -effluximmediately but methanoland secondary alcohols which are not substrates had no effecton proton secretion. The Km values of alcohol dehydrogenasefor the alcohols correspond only partly to their effects onproton secretion. However, the specificlty observed suggeststhat increased H+ -efflux arose from reduction of endogenousNAD by ADH and consequent increased membrane NADH-oxidasc activitytrans locating protons and electrons out of the cells. Decreased oxygen concentrations slowed proton secretion at valuesfar higher than are necessary to saturate cytochrome c oxidase.The results of these experiments suggest two distinct systemscontributing to proton efflux. Key words: ADH, proton transport, redox chain  相似文献   

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