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A comprehensive model of stem and root diameter variation was developed. The stem (or root) was represented using two coaxial cylinders corresponding with the mature xylem and the extensible tissues. The extensible tissues were assumed to behave as a single cell separated from the mature xylem by a virtual membrane. The mature xylem and the extensible tissues are able to dilate with temperature and grow. Moreover, the extensible tissues are able to shrink and swell according to water flow intensity. The model is mainly based on the calculation of water volume flows in the "single cell" that are described using the principles of irreversible thermodynamics. The elastic response to storage volume and plastic extension accompanying growth are described. The model simulates diameter variation due to temperature, solute accumulation, and xylem, water potential. The model was applied to the peach (Prunus persica) stem and to the plum (Prunus domestica x Prunus spinosa) root. The simulation outputs corresponded well with the diameter variation observed. The model predicts that variations of turgor pressure and osmotic potential are smaller than the variations of xylem water potential. It also demonstrates correlations between the xylem water potential, the turgor pressure, the elastic modulus, and the osmotic potential. The relationship between the diameter and the xylem water potential exhibits a substantial hysteresis, as observed in field data. A sensitivity analysis using the model parameters showed that growth and shrinkage were highly sensitive to the initial values of the turgor pressure and to the reflection coefficient of solutes. Shrinkage and growth were sensitive to elastic modulus and wall-yielding threshold pressure, respectively. The model was not sensitive to changes in temperature.  相似文献   

The variations of stem diameter as they can be accurately measured by Linear Variable Differential Transformer (LVDT) reflect the addition of four components: irreversible radial growth, reversible living-cell dehydration/rehydration, thermal expansion and contraction, and expansion of dead conducting elements due to the increase and relaxation of internal tensions. The correct interpretation of LVDT signals, with respect to the practical applications, should make an exact distinction between these four components. This paper describes a set of two experiments with potted hybrid walnut trees. Double girdling, water stress, and duration of the day versus night periods were used in the phytotron as experimental factors to induce variations of the carbon and water status of plant tissues. The latter were assessed, respectively, by water potential and transpiration, and by local stem respiration and carbohydrate content. The results are interpreted in terms of carbon or water limitation effects on stem diameter variations where radial growth and tissue elasticity could be distinguished. Moreover, they suggest no or very low involvement of CO2 originating from a distance, i.e. carried by the transpirational flux of xylem sap, in the total stem CO2 efflux rate.  相似文献   


Key message

The paper identifies and quantifies how crop load influences plant physiological variables that determine stem diameter variations to better understand the effect of crop load on drought stress indicators.


Stem diameter (D stem) variations have extensively been applied in optimisation strategies for plant-based irrigation scheduling in fruit trees. Two D stem derived water status indicators, maximum daily shrinkage (MDS) and daily growth rate (DGR), are however influenced by other factors such as crop load, making it difficult to unambiguously use these indicators in practical irrigation applications. Furthermore, crop load influences the growth of individual fruits, because of competition for assimilates. This paper aims to explain the effect of crop load on DGR, MDS and individual fruit growth in peach using a water and carbon transport model that includes simulation of stem diameter variations. This modelling approach enabled to relate differences in crop load to differences in xylem and phloem water potential components. As such, crop load effects on DGR were attributed to effects on the stem phloem turgor pressure. The effect of crop load on MDS could be explained by the plant water status, the phloem carbon concentration and the elasticity of the tissue. The influence on fruit growth could predominantly be explained by the effect on the early fruit growth stages.  相似文献   

A new assay of phosphorylase based on the filter paper technique   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

Whole-body cryotherapy (WBC) and partial-body cryotherapy (PBC) are two methods of cold exposure (from −110 to −195 °C according to the manufacturers). However, temperature measurement in the cold chamber during a PBC exposure revealed temperatures ranging from −25 to −50 °C next to the skin of the subjects (using isolating layer placed between the sensor and the skin). This discrepancy is due to the human body heat transfer. Moreover, on the surface of the body, an air layer called the boundary layer is created during the exposure and limits heat transfer from the body to the cabin air. Incorporating forced convection in a chamber with a participant inside could reduce this boundary layer. The aim of this study was to explore the use of a new WBC technology based on forced convection (frontal unilateral wind) through the measurement of skin temperature. Fifteen individuals performed a 3-min WBC exposure at −40 °C with an average wind speed of 2.3 m s−1. The subjects wore a headband, a surgical mask, underwear, gloves and slippers. The skin temperature of the participants was measured with a thermal camera just before exposure, just after exposure and at 1, 3, 5, 10, 15 and 20 min after exposure. Mean skin temperature significantly dropped by 11 °C just after exposure (p<0.001) and then significantly increased during the 20-min post exposure period (p<0.001). No critically low skin temperature was observed at the end of the cold exposure. This decrease was greater than the mean decreases in all the cryosauna devices with reported exposures between −140 °C and −160 °C and those in two other WBC devices with reported exposures between −60 °C and −110 °C. The use of this new technology provides the ability to reach decreases in skin temperature similar to other technologies. The new chamber is suitable and relevant for use as a WBC device.  相似文献   

The interfacial micromotion is closely associated to the long-term success of cementless hip prostheses. Various techniques have been proposed to measure them, but only a few number of points over the stem surface can be measured simultaneously. In this paper, we propose a new technique based on micro-Computer Tomography (μCT) to measure locally the relative interfacial micromotions between the metallic stem and the surrounding femoral bone. Tantalum beads were stuck at the stem surface and spread at the endosteal surface. Relative micromotions between the stem and the endosteal bone surfaces were measured at different loading amplitudes. The estimated error was 10 μm and the maximal micromotion was 60 μm, in the loading direction, at 1400 N. This pilot study provided a local measurement of the micromotions in the 3 direction and at 8 locations on the stem surface simultaneously. This technique could be easily extended to higher loads and a much larger number of points, covering the entire stem surface and providing a quasi-continuous distribution of the 3D interfacial micromotions around the stem. The new measurement method would be very useful to compare the induced micromotions of different stem designs and to optimize the primary stability of cementless total hip arthroplasty.  相似文献   



Arterial diameters enlarge in response to wall thickening, plaques, and many atherosclerotic risk factors. We hypothesized that right common carotid artery (RCCA) diameter would be independently associated with cardiac disease and improve risk discrimination.


In a middle-aged, biracial population (baseline n = 11225), we examined associations between 1 standard deviation increments of baseline RCCA diameter with prevalent myocardial infarction (MI) and incident cardiac events (MI or cardiac death) using logistic regression and Cox proportional hazards models, respectively. Areas under the receiver operator characteristic curve (AUC) were used to estimate model discrimination.


MI was present in 451 (4%) participants at baseline (1987–89), and incident cardiac events occurred among 646 (6%) others through 1999. Adjusting for IMT, RCCA diameter was associated with prevalent MI (female OR = 2.0, 95%CI = 1.61–2.49; male OR = 1.16, 95% CI = 1.04–1.30) and incident cardiac events (female HR = 1.75, 95% CI = 1.51–2.02; male HR = 1.27, 95% CI = 1.15–1.40). Associations were attenuated but persisted after adjustment for risk factors (not including IMT) (prevalent MI: female OR = 1.73, 95% CI = 1.40–2.14; male OR = 1.14, 95% CI = 1.02–1.28, and incident cardiac events: female HR = 1.26, 95% CI = 1.08–1.48; male HR = 1.19, 95% CI = 1.08–1.32). After additional adjustment for IMT, diameter was associated with incident cardiac events in women (HR = 1.18, 95% CI = 1.00–1.40) and men (HR = 1.17, 95% CI = 1.06–1.29), and with prevalent MI only in women (OR = 1.73; 95% CI = 1.37–2.17). In women, when adjustment was limited, diameter models had larger AUC than other models.


RCCA diameter is an important correlate of cardiac events, independent of IMT, but adds little to overall risk discrimination after risk factor adjustment.  相似文献   

Knowledge of human joint morphology is important in orthopaedic surgery and in prosthesis design. The literature on quantitative morphological analysis of the ankle joint is particularly scarce. A semi-automated radiographic measurement method was developed to collect morphological measures of the ankle joint. The method was based on standard lateral and antero-posterior X-ray pictures of the ankle joint. These were then scanned and analysed by means of specialized software designed for the purpose, which requires minimal operator contribution. Accuracy of the method was experimentally assessed by in vitro direct measurements. Intra- and inter-operator variability was also tested. Accuracy was assessed to be within 1mm for most measurements. Repeatability was not affected by operator skill and was within 2mm. The newly proposed method was applied successfully on 15 male adult subjects and relevant results are reported. The method allows ankle morphology to be analysed in a large number of subjects providing reliable data for anthropometric statistics.  相似文献   

A rapid whole mount staining method is described to identify and differentiate microfilariae without elaborate processing. A single solution combining Hoyer's mounting medium and hematoxylin stain facilitates light microscopic examination of nuclei and sheaths of microfilariae. The new technique stains microfilariae adequately in three to seven minutes at 60--64 C making the method preferable to conventional methods that may take as long as 45 to 60 minutes. Lantern heat may be used to heat slides in rural areas with good results.  相似文献   

Abstract A simple stem hygrometer for attachment to a bared section of sapwood or a cross-sectional cut end of a shoot is described. Two welded chromelconstantan thermocouples inside the chamber, one touching the sample and the other in the chamber air, allowed measurement of and correction for the temperature gradient between the sample and the dewpoint measuring junction. The instrument was attached to the cut end of an apical shoot of Thuja occidentalis L. protuding from a Scholander-Hammel pressure bomb. Cut-end water potential (ψhyg), measured using the stem hygrometer, was compared to xylem pressure potential (ψxp) while the latter was manipulated in the pressure bomb. After an initial equilibration time of 3–4 h, hygrometer equilibrium values were achieved within 1.5–4.0 min of changing ψxp in the pressure bomb. The half-time (ψ1/2) for vapour pressure equilibration was 15–40 s. Stable temperature gradients between the sample and dewpoint measuring junction of 0.01–0.1°C were measured. Correcting ψhyg for the temperature gradient resulted in excellent agreement with ψxp.  相似文献   

We present a new technique for chromosomal deficiency mapping that takes advantage of the ability of the SOFI detector to provide fast quantitative data of very weak signals. With this new strategy, in contrast to the time-consuming traditional method, all the clones corresponding to a given genomic region may be mapped for their inclusion inside a deletion with only two hybridizations, independent of the size of the genomic region to be analyzed.  相似文献   

A new technique in nasal-tip reduction surgery.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
R A Smith  E T Smith 《Plastic and reconstructive surgery》2001,108(6):1798-804; discussion 1805-7
This article presents a technique for the reduction of the overprojected nasal tip with a proportional reduction of the nostril-margin circumference. To achieve these reductions, a modified open rhinoplasty technique is used, which is unique in that it involves the total transection of the columella through the medial crura of the alar cartilage. The alar cartilage is raised with the flap.The technique was first developed and introduced by the senior author (R.A.S.) 25 years ago and has since been refined through the execution of several thousand rhinoplasties. The results continue to be consistent and pleasing from both the patients' and the surgeon's points of view.  相似文献   

A new technique to correct facial paralysis.   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
In two cases of unilateral ficial paralysis, the advanced atrophy of the muscles forced us to try a new technique for dynamin reanimation. To our knowledge, this has not yet been reported in the literaturel. The technique combines a free nerve graft across the face with a free muscle graft or a muscle flap. The result in both our cases was good.  相似文献   

The construction and operation of a pressure tank suitable for experimental work on teleosts is described. The tank can be used to simulate depths down to 60 m. The design permits water to flow through the tank at all pressures in order to provide oxygen and remove metabolites but there is no increase in dissolved gases with increased pressure.  相似文献   

Gee GW 《Plant physiology》1973,52(5):472-474
A chamber was designed to apply up to 20 bars pressure to roots of intact plants. The unique features of this chamber are a split top arrangement to permit enclosing roots of intact plants within the chamber, a circulation coil to control temperature of rooting media, and a valve arrangement to permit changing solution without disturbing the plant. Changes in transpiration in response to changes in the pressure applied to roots of intact pepper plants illustrate one use of the equipment. Well watered plants at low light (0.05 langley/min) were observed to exude water from the leaf margins when 5 bars pressure was applied to the roots. When roots were cut off, a 1 bar pressure caused exudation. Plants with cooled roots or plants in dry soil did not exude water when as much as 6 bars pressure was applied. Transient response of transpiration rates to sudden application and release of pressure was observed in pepper and bean plants but not in rhododendron. The magnitude of this transient response was highly dependent upon light intensity and CO2 concentration in the aerial environment.  相似文献   

Biomaterials used in some biomedical devices are porous and exposed to normal and tangential flow of biofluids. To examine the influence of flow induced forces on the morphology and the biochemical responses of cells adhering to such biomaterials, a Hele-Shaw cell with a porous bottom wall was designed and characterized experimentally. Theoretical predictions for the flow in the chamber are provided and allow to quantify the shear stress and/or transmural pressure exerted on cells. It is thus possible to follow up continuously the shape changes of cells that are adherent on a permeable membrane used in bioreactors.  相似文献   

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