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Voglis G  Tavernarakis N 《EMBO reports》2006,7(11):1104-1110
The nervous system receives a large amount of information about the environment through elaborate sensory routes. Processing and integration of these wide-ranging inputs often results in long-term behavioural alterations as a result of past experiences. These relatively permanent changes in behaviour are manifestations of the capacity of the nervous system for learning and memory. At the cellular level, synaptic plasticity is one of the mechanisms underlying this process. Repeated neural activity generates physiological changes in the nervous system that ultimately modulate neuronal communication through synaptic transmission. Recent studies implicate both presynaptic and postsynaptic ion channels in the process of synapse strength modulation. Here, we review the role of synaptic ion channels in learning and memory, and discuss the implications and significance of these findings towards deciphering the molecular biology of learning and memory.  相似文献   

The role of ion channels in light-dependent stomatal opening   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Stomatal opening represents a major determinant of plant productivity and stress management. Because plants lose water essentially through open stomata, volume control of the pore-forming guard cells represents a key step in the regulation of plant water status. These sensory cells are able to integrate various signals such as light, auxin, abscisic acid, and CO(2). Following signal perception, changes in membrane potential and activity of ion transporters finally lead to the accumulation of potassium salts and turgor pressure formation. This review analyses recent progress in molecular aspects of ion channel regulation and suggests how these developments impact on our understanding of light- and auxin-dependent stomatal action.  相似文献   

Ion channels in beta cells regulate electrical and secretory activity in response to metabolic, pharmacologic, or neural signals by controlling the permeability to K+ and Ca2+. The ATP-sensitive K+ channels act as a switch that responds to fuel secretagogues or sulfonylureas to initiate depolarization. This depolarization opens voltage-dependent calcium channels (VDCC) to increase the amplitude of free cytosolic Ca2+ levels ([Ca2+]i), which triggers exocytosis. Acetyl choline and vasopressin (VP) both potentiate the acute effects of glucose on insulin secretion by generating inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate to release intracellular Ca2+; VP also potentiates sustained insulin secretion by effects on depolarization. In contrast, inhibitors of insulin secretion decrease [Ca2+]i by either hyperpolarizing the beta cell or by receptor-mediated, G-protein-coupled effects to decrease VDCC activity. Repolarization is initiated by voltage- and Ca(2+)-activated K+ channels. A human insulinoma voltage-dependent K+ channel cDNA was recently cloned and two types of alpha 1 subunits of the VDCC have been identified in insulin-secreting cell lines. Determining how ion channels regulate insulin secretion in normal and diabetic beta cells should provide pathophysiologic insight into the beta cell signal transduction defect characteristic of non-insulin dependent diabetes (NIDDM).  相似文献   

miRNA广泛表达于神经系统,与疼痛的发生、发展密切相关。近年来研究表明,抑制miRNA的合成调制伤害性神经元对炎症刺激的反应。疼痛时,背根神经节(DRG)上miRNA明显下调,该变化参与炎性疼痛和神经性疼痛的产生和维持。同时,miRNA也可以下调Navα亚基、ASIC3、TRPV1和P2X7mRNA的表达水平,还可以降低Kv电流。因此,miRNA可能成为疼痛治疗的新靶点。综述了miRNA的生物起源、分布,及其对痛觉相关离子通道Nav、Kv、ASICs、TRPV1以及嘌呤受体的调节作用。  相似文献   

Marco Colombini 《BBA》2010,1797(6-7):1239-1244
A key, decision-making step in apoptosis is the release of proteins from the mitochondrial intermembrane space. Ceramide can self-assemble in the mitochondrial outer membrane to form large stable channels capable of releasing said proteins. Ceramide levels measured in mitochondria early in apoptosis are sufficient to form ceramide channels in the outer membrane. The channels are in dynamic equilibrium with non-conducting forms of ceramide in the membrane. This equilibrium can be strongly influenced by other sphingolipids and Bcl-2 family proteins. The properties of ceramide channels formed in a defined system, planar phospholipid membranes, demonstrate that proteins are not required for channel formation. In addition, experiments in the defined system reveal structural information. The results indicated that the channels are barrel-like structures whose staves are ceramide columns that span the membrane. Ceramide channels are good candidates for the protein release pathway that initiates the execution phase of apoptosis.  相似文献   

Many cells, including neuronal and glial progenitor cells, stem cells and microglial cells, have the capacity to move through the extracellular spaces of the developing and mature brain. This is particularly pronounced in astrocyte-derived tumors, gliomas, which diffusely infiltrate the normal brain. Although a significant body of literature exists regarding signals that are involved in the guidance of cells and their processes, little attention has been paid to cell-shape and cell-volume changes of migratory cells. However, extracellular spaces in the brain are very narrow and represent a major obstacle that requires cells to dynamically regulate their volume. Recent studies in glioma cells show that this involves the secretion of Cl(-) and K(+) with water. Pharmacological inhibition of Cl(-) channels impairs their ability to migrate and limits tumor progression in experimental tumor models. One Cl(-)-channel inhibitor, chlorotoxin, is currently in Phase II clinical trials to treat malignant glioma. This article reviews our current knowledge of cell-volume changes and the role of ion channels during the migration of glioma cells. It also discusses evidence that supports the importance of channel-mediated cell-volume changes in the migration of immature neurons and progenitor cells during development. New unpublished data is presented, which demonstrates that Cl(-) and K(+) channels involved in cell shrinkage localize to lipid-raft domains on the invadipodia of glioma cells and that their presence might be regulated by trafficking of these proteins in and out of lipid rafts.  相似文献   

Apoptosis is the programmed and deliberate destruction of specific cells. This process occurs during normal development and maintains cellular homeostasis. Disruption or malfunction of apoptosis is implicated in diseases like cancer, AIDS as well as neurodegenerative disorders. The movement of monovalent ions appears to set the stage for the induction of the self-destruction machinery by creating an intracellular environment that favors activation and coordinated execution of the apoptotic program. Understanding the components and steps involved in this intricate process can further our insight to diseases and reveal new approaches for therapeutic treatment.  相似文献   

During apoptosis cells undergo a series of evolutionary conserved biochemical and morphological changes that include the loss of cell volume or an apoptotic volume decrease (AVD). This AVD response distinguishes apoptosis from other forms of cell death such as necrosis. Experiments in our laboratory and others have shown that AVD is both an early and necessary component of apoptotic death. We have now investigated the molecular basis for the AVD response in Jurkat cells and Hepatoma cells induced to undergo apoptosis with a variety of death stimuli. Our data reveal significant alterations in the flux of both sodium and  相似文献   

Hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction: role of ion channels.   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Acute hypoxia induces pulmonary vasoconstriction and chronic hypoxia causes structural changes of the pulmonary vasculature including arterial medial hypertrophy. Electro- and pharmacomechanical mechanisms are involved in regulating pulmonary vasomotor tone, whereas intracellular Ca(2+) serves as an important signal in regulating contraction and proliferation of pulmonary artery smooth muscle cells. Herein, we provide a basic overview of the cellular mechanisms involved in the development of hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction. Our discussion focuses on the roles of ion channels permeable to K(+) and Ca(2+), membrane potential, and cytoplasmic Ca(2+) in the development of acute hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction and chronic hypoxia-mediated pulmonary vascular remodeling.  相似文献   

A role for ligand-gated ion channels in rod photoreceptor development   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Young TL  Cepko CL 《Neuron》2004,41(6):867-879
Neurotransmitter receptors are central to communication at synapses. Many components of the machinery for neurotransmission are present prior to synapse formation, suggesting a developmental role. Here, evidence is presented that signaling through glycine receptor alpha2 (GlyRalpha2) and GABA(A) receptors plays a role in photoreceptor development in the vertebrate retina. The signaling is likely mediated by taurine, which is present at high levels throughout the developing central nervous system (CNS). Taurine potentiates the production of rod photoreceptors, and this induction is inhibited by strychnine, an antagonist of glycine receptors, and bicuculline, an antagonist of GABA receptors. Gain-of-function experiments showed that signaling through GlyRalpha2 induced exit from mitosis and an increase in rod photoreceptors. Furthermore, targeted knockdown of GlyRalpha2 decreased the number of photoreceptors while increasing the number of other retinal cell types. These data support a previously undescribed role for these ligand-gated ion channels during the early stages of CNS development.  相似文献   

Ion channels can function in three physiological modes through their ability to: 1) accommodate osmotically significant fluxes over short periods; 2) propagate signals along or across membranes; 3) control the membrane potential. With respect to mineral nutrition it is via the control of the membrane potential that ion channels are probably most significant. In this paper the physiology and prospects for molecular biology of plant ion channels are discussed. It is concluded that identifying and altering the primary structures that determine functional characteristics of plant ion channel genes could result in changes in the transport characteristics of higher plants.  相似文献   

An unexpected role for ion channels in brain tumor metastasis   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Over the past two decades it has become apparent that essentially all living cells express voltage-activated ion channels. While the role of ion channels for electrical signaling between excitable cells is well known, their function in non-excitable cells is somewhat enigmatic. Research on cancer cells suggests that certain ion channels, K+ channels in particular, may be involved in aberrant tumor growth and channel inhibitors often lead to growth arrest. An unsuspected role for K+ and Cl(-) channels has now been documented for primary brain tumors, glioma, where the concerted activity of these channels promotes cell invasion and the formation of brain metastasis. Specifically, Ca2+-activated K+ (BK) channels colocalize with ClC-3 Cl(-) channels to the invading processes of these tumor cells. Upon a rise in intracellular Ca2+, these channels activate and release K+ and Cl(-) ions together with obligated water causing a rapid shrinkage of the leading process. This in turn facilitates the invasion of the cell into the narrow and tortuous extracellular brain spaces. The NKCC1 cotransporter accumulates intracellular Cl(-) to unusually high concentrations, thereby establishing an outward directed gradient for Cl(-) ions. This allows glioma cells to utilize Cl(-) as an osmotically active anion during invasion. Importantly, the inhibition of Cl(-) channels retards cell volume changes, and, in turn, compromises tumor cell invasion. These findings have led to the clinical evaluation of a Cl(-) channel blocking peptide, chlorotoxin, in patients with malignant glioma. Data from this clinical trial shows remarkable tumor selectivity for chlorotoxin. The experimental therapeutic was well tolerated and is now evaluated in a multi-center phase II clinical trial. A similar role for Cl(-) and K+ channels is suspected in other metastatic cancers, and lessons learned from studies of gliomas may pave the way towards the development of novel therapeutics targeting ion channels.  相似文献   

Briefly review the recent structural work of transient receptor potential canonical (TRPC) ion channels by using electron cryo-microscopy (cryo-EM). The high resolution structures of TRPC3, TRPC4, TRPC5 and TRPC6 are discussed.  相似文献   

Pathogenicity and virulence are multifactorial traits, depending on interaction of viruses with susceptible cells and organisms. The ion channels coded by viruses, viroporins, represent only one factor taking part in the cascade of interactions between virus and cell, leading to the entry of virus, replication and to profound changes in membrane permeability. The M2 protein from influenza A virus forms proton-selective, pH-regulated channel involved in regulating vesicular pH, a function important for the correct maturation of HA glycoprotein. The NB glycoprotein of influenza B viruses is an integral membrane protein with an ion channel activity. The CM2 protein of influenza C virus is an integral membrane glycoprotein structurally analogous to influenza A virus M2 and influenza B virus NB proteins. The picornavirus 3A protein is involved in cell lysis and shows homology with other lytic proteins. Vpu is an oligomeric integral membrane protein encoded by HIV-1, which forms ion channels. The togavirus 6K protein shows structural similarities with other viroporins.  相似文献   

The Journal of Membrane Biology -  相似文献   

Recent analyses of the genomes of several animal species, including man, have revealed that a large number of ion channels are present in the nervous system. Our understanding of the physiological role of these channels in the nervous system has followed the evolution of biophysical techniques during the last century. The observation and the quantification of the electrical events associated with the operation of the ionic channels has been, and still is, one of the best tools to analyse the various aspects of their contribution to nerve function. For this reason, we have chosen to use electrophysiological recordings to illustrate some of the main functions of these channels. The properties and the roles of Na+ and K+ channels in neuronal resting and action potentials are illustrated in the case of the giant axons of the squid and the cockroach. The nature and role of the calcium currents in the bursting behaviour of the neurons are illustrated for Aplysia giant neurons. The relationship between presynaptic calcium currents and synaptic transmission is shown for the squid giant synapse. The involvement of calcium channels in survival and neurite outgrowth of cultured neurons is exemplified using embryonic cockroach brain neurons. This same neuronal preparation is used to illustrate ion channel noise and single-channel events associated with the binding of agonists to nicotinic receptors. Some features of the synaptic activity in the central nervous system are shown, with examples from the cercal nerve giant-axon preparation of the cockroach. The interplay of different ion conductances involved in the oscillatory behaviour of the Xenopus spinal motoneurons is illustrated and discussed. The last part of this review deals with ionic homeostasis in the brain and the function of glial cells, with examples from Necturus and squids.  相似文献   

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