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S G Shaw  W F Cook 《Histochemistry》1979,63(2):145-154
A method is described for the localisation of aminopeptidases in the central nervous system. The enzymatic cleavage of the peptide bond in the substituted naphthylamide substrates results in the liberation of free naphthylamine which in the presence of an azo salt can be precipitated as a blue dye at sites of enzyme activity. Analysis of different brain regions using this technique indicates that these enzymes may have a specific function at certain sites in the CNS. Since this is the first method to produce any localised staining in nervous tissue an analysis of factors contributing to the final staining pattern is also presented.  相似文献   

J K Rao  H Hu  C Prasad  A Jayaraman 《Peptides》1987,8(2):327-334
The distribution pattern of alpha-melanocyte stimulating hormone-like immunoreactivity (alpha-MSH-Li) was studied in cats using avidin-biotin modification of immunocytochemical method. Cell bodies containing alpha-MSH-Li were observed in the medial basal hypothalamus, especially in the infundibular nucleus, the lateral hypothalamus and near zona incerta. Fibers with alpha-MSH-Li extended beyond the hypothalamus, into the paraventricular nucleus of the thalamus, rostral amygdala, periaqueductal gray, locus ceruleus, parabrachial nucleus and medial nucleus of the nucleus tractus solitarius. Axons with alpha-MSH-Li were also seen diffusely in various cortical areas, but more extensively in the limbic cortical regions. The distribution pattern of the cell bodies and fibers containing alpha-MSH-Li bears several similarities to that seen in rats, but differs in that the alpha-MSH-Li was not observed in cell bodies in locations other than the medial basal and lateral hypothalamus.  相似文献   

RNA localisation in the nervous system   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The localisation of specific RNAs is a widely employed mechanism to generate asymmetry in various biological systems, e.g. during embryonic development and cellular differentiation. Here, we highlight the importance of RNA localisation in mature neurons. Specific examples of mRNAs localised in neurons are those encoding Arc, beta-actin, CaMKIIalpha and MAP2. Moreover, non-coding RNAs, such as BC1/BC200 and microRNAs (miRNAs), which play important roles in the translational regulation of localised mRNAs, receive increasing attention. The process of RNA localisation, including RNP biogenesis, transport, anchoring and translational control, and the importance of RNA localisation for the function of the nervous system are discussed.  相似文献   

Increasing evidence strongly supports a role for insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I) in central nervous system (CNS) development. IGF-I, IGF-II, the type IIGF receptor (the cell surface tyrosine kinase receptor that mediates IGF signals), and some IGF binding proteins (IGFBPs; secreted proteins that modulate IGF actions) are expressed in many regions of the CNS beginningin utero. The expression pattern of IGF system proteins during brain growth suggests highly regulated and developmentally timed IGF actions on specific neural cell populations. IGF-I expression is predominantly in neurons and, in many brain regions, peaks in a fashion temporally coincident with periods in development when neuron progenitor proliferation and/or neuritic outgrowth occurs. In contrast, IGF-II expression is confined mainly to cells of mesenchymal and neural crest origin. While expression of type I IGF receptors appears ubiquitous, that of IGFBPs is characterized by regional and developmental specificity, and often occurs coordinately with peaks of IGF expression. In vitro IGF-I has been shown to stimulate the proliferation of neuron progenitors and/or the survival of neurons and oligodendrocytes, and in some cultured neurons, to stimulate function. Transgenic (Tg) mice that overexpress IGF-I in the brain exhibit postnatal brain overgrowth without anatomic abnormality (20–85% increases in weight, depending on the magnitude of expression). In contrast, Tg mice that exhibit ectopic brain expression of IGFBP-1, an inhibitor of IGF action when present in molar excess, manifest postnatal brain growth retardation, and mice with ablated IGF-I gene expression, accomplished by homologous recombination, have brains that are 60% of normal size as adults. Taken together, these in vivo studies indicate that IGF-I can influence the development of most, if not all, brain regions, and suggest that the cerebral cortex and cerebellum are especially sensitive to IGF-I actions. IGF-I’s growth-promoting in vivo actions result from its capacity to increase neuron number, at least in certain populations, and from its potent stimulation of myelination. These IGF-I actions, taken together with its neuroprotective effects following CNS and peripheral nerve injury, suggest that it may be of therapeutic benefit in a wide variety of disorders affecting the nervous system.  相似文献   

The activity of heart interneurons (HN cells) and heart motor neurons in the central nervous system of the medicinal leech was recorded intracellularly from their cell bodies in the third and fourth segmental ganglion (G3 and G4, respectively). Reciprocal inhibitory synaptic transmission between HN cells in the G3 was blocked by photoinactivation of neuropil glial cells in the same ganglion. The block disrupted the alternating rhythmic spike activity of HN cells in the G3 in isolated G3s but not in chains of G3 and G4. In the latter case, the rhythmic spike pattern of HN cells in the G3 appears to originate in the G4 because, for example, severing one connective between the G3 and G4 silenced the ipsilateral heart interneuron in the G3, whereas its contralateral homologue remained rhythmically active. Simultaneous recordings from HN cells in the G3 and G4 suggest that the latter may serve to coordinate the rhythmic activity of HN cells in the G3, when synaptic interaction between HN cells in the G3 is blocked. This study reveals a considerable capacity of the neural network controlling the heart beat to compensate for the impairment of synapses within one ganglion. Accepted: 8 August 1997  相似文献   

Fibroblast growth factors and their receptors in the central nervous system   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
Fibroblast growth factors (FGFs) and their receptors constitute an elaborate signaling system that participates in many developmental and repair processes of virtually all mammalian tissues. Among the 23 FGF members, ten have been identified in the brain. Four FGF receptors (FGFRs), receptor tyrosine kinases, are known so far. Ligand binding of these receptors greatly depends on the presence of heparan sulfate proteoglycans, which act as low affinity FGFRs. Ligand binding specificity of FGFRs depends on the third extracellular Ig-like domain, which is subject to alternative splicing. Activation of FGFRs triggers several intracellular signaling cascades. These include phosphorylation of src and PLC leading finally to activation of PKC, as well as activation of Crk and Shc. SNT/FRS2 serves as an alternative link of FGFRs to the activation of PKC and, in addition, activates the Ras signaling cascade. In the CNS, FGFs are widely expressed; FGF-2 is predominantly synthesized by astrocytes, whereas other FGF family members, e.g., FGF-5, FGF-8, and FGF-9, are primarily synthesized by neurons. During CNS development FGFs play important roles in neurogenesis, axon growth, and differentiation. In addition, FGFs are major determinants of neuronal survival both during development and during adulthood. Adult neurogenesis depends greatly on FGF-2. Finally, FGF-1 and FGF-2 seem to be involved in the regulation of synaptic plasticity and processes attributed to learning and memory.  相似文献   

Humans are colonized after birth by microbial organisms that form a heterogeneous community, collectively termed microbiota. The genomic pool of this macro-community is named microbiome. The gut microbiota is essential for the complete development of the immune system, representing a binary network in which the microbiota interact with the host providing important immune and physiologic function and conversely the bacteria protect themselves from host immune defense. Alterations in the balance of the gut microbiome due to a combination of environmental and genetic factors can now be associated with detrimental or protective effects in experimental autoimmune diseases. These gut microbiome alterations can unbalance the gastrointestinal immune responses and influence distal effector sites leading to CNS disease including both demyelination and affective disorders. The current range of risk factors for MS includes genetic makeup and environmental elements. Of interest to this review is the consistency between this range of MS risk factors and the gut microbiome. We postulate that the gut microbiome serves as the niche where different MS risk factors merge, thereby influencing the disease process.  相似文献   

Vibratome sections obtained from perfusion-fixed rat brains were stained by means of silver impregnation and physical development according to Gallyas (1970). Small pieces of the cerebral cortex were postfixed with buffered osmium tetroxide solution and processed for electron microscopy to examine the localization of the silver deposit at the cellular level. The cell surfaces of pericytes and smooth muscle cells were completely outlined by silver grains. Endothelial cells and perivascular astrocytes, however, showed an asymmetric distribution of the silver deposit, i.e., the deposit was restricted to the abluminal endothelial surface and to the astrocytic membrane adjacent to the vessel wall, respectively. The method allowed a clear-cut distinction between perikarya of endothelial cells and pericytes as well as glial cells in perivascular position, even at the light-microscopic level.  相似文献   

One of several factors affecting the secretion of renin by the kidneys is the sympathetic nervous system. The sympathetic input is excitatory and is mediated by beta-adrenergic receptors, which are probably located on the membranes of the juxtaglomerular cells. Stimulation of sympathetic areas in the medulla, midbrain and hypothalamus raises blood pressure and increases renin secretion, whereas stimulation of other parts of the hypothalamus decreases blood pressure and renin output. The centrally active alpha-adrenergic agonist clonidine decreases renin secretion, lowers blood pressure, inhibits ACTH and vasopressin secretion, and increases growth hormone secretion in dogs. The effects on ACTH and growth hormone are abolished by administration of phenoxybenzamine into the third ventricle, whereas the effect on blood pressure is abolished by administration of phenoxybenzamine in the fourth ventricle without any effect on the ACTH and growth hormone responses. Fourth ventricular phenoxybenzamine decreases but does not abolish the inhibitory effect of clonidine on renin secretion. Circulating angiotensin II acts on the brain via the area postrema to raise blood pressure and via the subfornical organ to increase water intake. Its effect on vasopressin secretion is debated. The brain contains a renin-like enzyme, converting enzyme, renin substrate, and angiotensin. There is debate about the nature and physiological significance of the angiotensin II-generating enzyme in the brain, and about the nature of the angiotensin I and angiotensin II that have been reported to be present in the central nervous system. However, injection of angiotensin II into the cerebral ventricles produces drinking, increased secretion of vasopressin and ACTH, and increased blood pressure. The same responses are produced by intraventricular renin. Angiotensin II also facilitates sympathetic discharge in the periphery, and the possibility that it exerts a similar action on the adrenergic neurons in the brain merits investigation.  相似文献   

Vesicular transport involves SNARE (soluble- N-ethylmaleimide-sensitive-factor-attachment-protein-receptor) proteins on transport vesicles and on target membranes. Syntaxin 13 is a SNARE enriched in brain, associated with recycling endosomes; its overexpression in PC12 cells promotes neurite outgrowth. This suggests an important role for receptor recycling during neuronal differentiation. Here we describe the spatiotemporal pattern of syntaxin 13 expression during mouse brain development. During early embryogenesis (E12-E15), it was found in the forebrain ventricular zone and in primary motor and sensory neurons in the brainstem, spinal cord and sensory ganglia. In the forebrain at E15, syntaxin 13 was not detected in neuroblasts in the intermediate zone of the embryonic hemispheric wall, while there was labeling in cortical neurons in deeper layers starting at E15-18, and progressively in later-generated neurons up to layer II around P6. Syntaxin 13 reached maximal expression in all brain divisions at about P7, followed by a decrease, with heterogeneous neuron populations displaying various staining intensities in adult brain. While usually restricted to the soma of neurons, we transiently detected syntaxin 13 in dendrites of pyramidal neurons during the first postnatal week. In conclusion, the developmentally regulated syntaxin 13 expression in various neuronal populations is consistent with its involvement in endocytic trafficking and neurite outgrowth.  相似文献   

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