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Despite the increasing number of scientific papers on the subject, conservation planning has failed to actively prioritise the creation of new protected areas. Strategies proposed to increase the creation of new protected areas based on conservation plans include broad stakeholder participation in decision-making processes in order to include their concerns and facilitate social acceptance of proposed actions. However, there are controversial views about the effectiveness of stakeholder participation. The quality of the decision depends both on the information used by stakeholders and on how it is used, so it is necessary to evaluate both these aspects of a decision-making process. Threats are intrinsically related to conservation decisions because they are more easily understood by people than biodiversity values, and they can affect both decisions and outcomes of conservation actions. This article analyses how information about threats was used in the decision-making process conducted by the Brazilian Government in 2006 to indicate priority areas for the conservation of the Amazon biome. We first verified the consistency of the information on threats attributed by stakeholders to these new priority areas, and then assessed whether the existence, levels and types of threats influenced the choice of areas for conservation. The results showed that there were some successes in recognising threats, but also many inconsistencies, especially in assigning levels of intensity for some types of threats such as fishing. The decision-making process also did not fully use available information to indicate areas for conservation. The lack of understanding on the motivation behind these inconsistencies could suggest the presence of political opportunism. A more quantitative approach to assigning priorities is needed: one that is less dependent on the individual input of stakeholders and more accurately reflects the actual emergency status of proposed areas. This indicates that greater effort should be allocated to combining a participatory approach with a robust decision support system.  相似文献   

Marine spatial planning (MSP) is often considered as a pragmatic approach to implement an ecosystem based management in order to manage marine space in a sustainable way. This requires the involvement of multiple actors and stakeholders at various governmental and societal levels. Several factors affect how well the integrated management of marine waters will be achieved, such as different governance settings (division of power between central and local governments), economic activities (and related priorities), external drivers, spatial scales, incentives and objectives, varying approaches to legislation and political will. We compared MSP in Belgium, Norway and the US to illustrate how the integration of stakeholders and governmental levels differs among these countries along the factors mentioned above. Horizontal integration (between sectors) is successful in all three countries, achieved through the use of neutral ‘round-table’ meeting places for all actors. Vertical integration between government levels varies, with Belgium and Norway having achieved full integration while the US lacks integration of the legislature due to sharp disagreements among stakeholders and unsuccessful partisan leadership. Success factors include political will and leadership, process transparency and stakeholder participation, and should be considered in all MSP development processes.  相似文献   

The management of Invasive Alien Species (IAS) is stymied by complex social values and severe levels of uncertainty. However, these two challenges are often hidden in the conventional model of management by “value-free” analyses and probability-based estimates of risk. As a result, diverse social values and wide margins of error in risk assessment carry zero weights in the decision-making process, leaving IAS risk decisions to be made in the wake of political pressure and the crisis atmosphere of incursion. We propose to use a Deliberative Multi-Criteria Evaluation (DMCE) to incorporate multiple social values and profound uncertainty into decision-making processes. The DMCE process combines the advantages of conventional multi-criteria decision analysis methods with the benefits of stakeholder participation to provide an analytical structure to assess complex multi-dimensional objectives. It, therefore, offers an opportunity for diverse views to enter the decision-making process, and for the negotiation of consensus positions. The DMCE process can also function as a platform for risk communication in which scientists, stakeholders, and decision-makers can interact and discuss the uncertainty associated with biological invasions. We examine two case studies that demonstrate how DMCE provides scientific rigor and transparency in the decision-making process of invasion risk management. The first case regards pre-border priority ranking for potential invasive species and the second relates to selecting the most desirable policy option for managing a post-border invader.  相似文献   

Despite widespread recognition that social-value information is needed to inform stakeholders and decision makers regarding trade-offs in environmental management, it too often remains absent from ecosystem service assessments. Although quantitative indicators of social values need to be explicitly accounted for in the decision-making process, they need not be monetary. Ongoing efforts to map such values demonstrate how they can also be made spatially explicit and relatable to underlying ecological information. We originally developed Social Values for Ecosystem Services (SolVES) as a tool to assess, map, and quantify nonmarket values perceived by various groups of ecosystem stakeholders. With SolVES 2.0 we have extended the functionality by integrating SolVES with Maxent maximum entropy modeling software to generate more complete social-value maps from available value and preference survey data and to produce more robust models describing the relationship between social values and ecosystems. The current study has two objectives: (1) evaluate how effectively the value index, a quantitative, nonmonetary social-value indicator calculated by SolVES, reproduces results from more common statistical methods of social-survey data analysis and (2) examine how the spatial results produced by SolVES provide additional information that could be used by managers and stakeholders to better understand more complex relationships among stakeholder values, attitudes, and preferences. To achieve these objectives, we applied SolVES to value and preference survey data collected for three national forests, the Pike and San Isabel in Colorado and the Bridger–Teton and the Shoshone in Wyoming. Value index results were generally consistent with results found through more common statistical analyses of the survey data such as frequency, discriminant function, and correlation analyses. In addition, spatial analysis of the social-value maps produced by SolVES provided information that was useful for explaining relationships between stakeholder values and forest uses. Our results suggest that SolVES can effectively reproduce information derived from traditional statistical analyses while adding spatially explicit, social-value information that can contribute to integrated resource assessment, planning, and management of forests and other ecosystems.  相似文献   

Previous scholarship has reported contradictory results regarding the impact of involvement by immigrant-origin individuals (IOIs) in ethnic organizations on political participation. In this article, we assess the effect of involvement in different types of organizations (ethnic, pan-immigrant and native) on participation in various types of political activities. We use cross-national micro-data from a population survey undertaken in 2004–2008 to IOIs in nine European cities. Our findings indicate that ethnic organizations perform an integrative function for IOIs in the political sphere, but they mainly affect participation linked to immigration-related issues concerning specific ethnic groups and IOIs. Moreover, most effects of involvement in ethnic organizations on the different types of political participation examined are similar in closed and in open political opportunity structures (POS). We only find evidence that involvement in ethnic organizations depresses conventional political action in open POS settings while it increases political action in closed POS settings.  相似文献   

We present a multilocus gene mapping method based on linkage disequilibrium, which uses the ancestral recombination graph to model the history of sequences that may harbor an influential variant. We describe the construction of a recurrence equation used to make inferences about the location of a trait-influencing mutation. We demonstrate how a Monte Carlo algorithm combined with a local importance sampling scheme can be used for mapping. We explain how to simulate the timing of events in the coalescent in the presence of recombination and mutation, which accomodates variable population size. We provide an example to illustrate the use of the method, which can be easily extended to more general situations. Although the method is computationally intensive and variation in the likelihood profiles can occur, the method offers a great deal of promise.  相似文献   


Since there are various stakeholders related to water in Blue-Green Infrastructure that perform various ecological functions in a given city, there is a need for a plan to manage their interests and conflicts. Previous studies have verified the spatial preferences of many local residents using techniques, such as the public participation geographic information system, but have failed to show how stakeholders vary in regard to their dependence on water and their different spatial preferences. Therefore, this study intended to discuss the direction of collaborative planning by analyzing the Blue-Green Infrastructure of Siheung Hojobul wetland using spatial Q methodology, finding various stakeholders, and identifying the areas they prefer. The analysis results showed that local residents and environmental NGOs want to conserve middle and upper streams, but ecotourism guides and officials want to develop them for ecotourism, demonstrating a great difference in perspectives. However, they all agreed to develop a lower stream for ecotourism. Although this study has limitations as a single case study, the spatial Q methodology used in this study is significant in demonstrating that the use of the Blue-Green Infrastructure planning method for resident participation can reduce conflicts and encourage cooperation among competing parties.


Identifying stakeholders and analysing the pattern of relationships among them are important steps toward collaborating with individuals and groups for collective action. The process of stakeholders’ communication can be understood by interpreting the structure of the network in which stakeholders operate. Our study attempted to identify stakeholders, determine the structure of their relationships through a social network analysis and examine how network structure could aid collaborative efforts towards invasive species management. We used organizational network analysis, a web-based program, to collect network data for conservation groups on Waiheke Island, New Zealand. Response rate was 47% of the 103 contacts made and thirty-five conservation groups were identified. Results revealed low density, high non-reciprocity, and high centrality among a few stakeholders in the network suggesting a non-cohesive network. We identify how influential stakeholders could carefully initiate and strengthen collaborations that might lead to collective invasive species management action after a thorough examination of mandated, funded or shared interest relationships.  相似文献   

Medical tourism (MT) can be conceptualized as the intentional pursuit of non‐emergency surgical interventions by patients outside their nation of residence. Despite increasing popular interest in MT, the ethical issues associated with the practice have thus far been under‐examined. MT has been associated with a range of both positive and negative effects for medical tourists' home and host countries, and for the medical tourists themselves. Absent from previous explorations of MT is a clear argument of how responsibility for the harms of this practice should be assigned. This paper addresses this gap by describing both backward looking liability and forward looking political responsibility for stakeholders in MT. We use a political responsibility model to develop a decision‐making process for individual medical tourists and conclude that more information on the effects of MT must be developed to help patients engage in ethical MT.  相似文献   

This paper contributes to the literature regarding gendered patterns of participation in conservation by examining participation in sea turtle conservation and community life in coastal Northeast Brazil. We used a mixed methods approach, comprised of questionnaires and focus groups, and our findings indicate that conservation participation can be partially explained by gendered characteristics related to issues of structural access, cultural attitudes and values, and agency. Results show greater gender differences in access and agency than attitudes toward sea turtle conservation, demonstrating how patterns of participation are influenced by close knit and gendered social networks that decrease an individual’s chance of being invited to participate. While gender issues are not universal, a framework examining issues of structure, culture, and agency allows differences related to age, class, race, etc. to be considered as well, presenting useful information in understanding the barriers and motivations involved in conservation participation.  相似文献   

This paper describes a participatory mapping method field tested with agro-extractive settlements in the Bolivian Amazon. A regional transition from customary to formal property rights resulting from sweeping 1996 land tenure reforms has led to confusion and conflicts over resource rights, a problem compounded by recent high market prices for Brazil nuts. In response to community requests to clarify resource rights to Brazil nut trees, CIFOR offered to train community members to map trees, trails and other key features themselves. This experience indicates that local residents can map their resources in an effective and efficient way and in the process gather necessary information to mediate competing claims, demonstrate their legitimate resource claims to external stakeholders and make management decisions. We argue that maps and properties are more likely to be seen as legitimate reflections of de facto rights if local stakeholders are involved as a group from the outset.  相似文献   

Admixture mapping is a whole genome association strategy that takes advantage of population history-or genetic ancestry-to map genes for complex diseases. However, because it uses racial/ethnic groupings to examine differential disease risk, admixture mapping raises ethical and social concerns. While there has been much theoretical commentary regarding the ethical and social implications of population-based genetic research, empirical data from stakeholders most closely involved with these studies is limited. One of the first admixture mapping studies carried out was a scan for Multiple Sclerosis (MS) risk factors in an African-American population. Applying qualitative research methods, we used this example to explore developing views, experiences and perceptions of the ethical and social implications of admixture mapping and other population-based research-their value, risks and benefits, and the future prospects of the field. Additionally, we sought to understand how social and ethical risks might be mitigated, and the benefits of this research optimized. We draw on in-depth, one-on-one interviews with leading population geneticists, genome scientists, bioethicists, and African-Americans with MS. Here we present our findings from this unique group of key informants and stakeholders.  相似文献   

Previous studies have explored the use of departure from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium (DHW) for fine mapping Mendelian disorders and for general fine mapping. Other studies have used Hardy-Weinberg tests for genotyping quality control. To enable investigators to make rational decisions about whether DHW is due to genotyping error or to underlying biology, we developed an analytic framework and software to determine the parameter values for which DHW might be expected for common diseases. We show analytically that, for a general disease model, the difference between population and Hardy-Weinberg expected genotypic frequencies (delta) at the susceptibility locus is a function of the susceptibility-allele frequency (q), heterozygote relative risk (beta), and homozygote relative risk (gamma). For unaffected control samples, is a function of risk in nonsusceptible homozygotes (alpha), the population prevalence of disease (KP), q, beta, and gamma. We used these analytic functions to calculate and the number of cases or controls needed to detect DHW for a range of genetic models consistent with common diseases (1.1 < or = gamma < or = 10 and 0.005 < or = KP < or = 0.2). Results suggest that significant DHW can be expected in relatively small samples of patients over a range of genetic models. We also propose a goodness-of-fit test to aid investigators in determining whether a DHW observed in the context of a case-control study is consistent with a genetic disease model. We illustrate how the analytic framework and software can be used to help investigators interpret DHW in the context of association studies of common diseases.  相似文献   

Ecosystems provide a wide range of services to society. Some forms of use affect the quality of the ecosystem, reducing its value for other users. This leads to a conflict of interest that is often settled through political processes, resulting in some form of regulation. We link theory on ecosystem response to theories from the socioeconomic branches of science to analyze the mechanisms behind two widespread problems associated with such political solutions. First, they often represent a compromise rather than an integrative solution. We demonstrate that, particularly in sensitive ecosystems, integrative solutions yield a higher average social utility and imply a higher ecosystem quality. Integrative solutions require insight into ecosystems responses to different forms of use and a complete overview of ecosystem services to society. Second, there is a systematic bias away from optimal shared use toward activities that are detrimental to ecosystem quality. This bias arises from the fact that utilities depending on ecosystem quality are often shared by large diffuse groups, whereas pollution and harvesting activities can usually be traced to relatively small and well-organized groups. Theory and data indicate that this type of concentrated group is systematically better at mustering political power than large groups, which find it difficult to realize collective action due to what is known in game theory as “free-rider problems.” Our analysis suggests that the following three key ingredients are needed to correct the problems of bias and compromise: (a) clear insight into ecosystem dynamic responses to human use, (b) a broad inventory of credible measurements of ecosystem utilities, (c) avoidance of bias due to differences in the organizational power of groups of stakeholders. We argue that good ecosystem models, institutionalized ecosystem valuation, and innovative tax-setting schedules are essential to achieving a socially fair and sustainable use of ecosystems by societies. In addition, we highlight the fact that many environmental problems remain unresolved for a long time and briefly identify the social mechanisms responsible for this delay. Received 10 November 1999; accepted 28 April 2000.  相似文献   

Reference site selection associated with mining and resource development requires a comprehensive approach so that stakeholders can be confident that restoration efforts have appropriate target ecosystems. Here, we present our process to select reference sites, within a savanna ecosystem, which will be used to develop and assess closure criteria and restoration guidelines for Ranger Mine (Northern Territory, Australia). The selection of reference sites followed five steps involving desktop and field methods. We recommend that restoration projects consider inclusion criteria, randomly select sites from areas matching the chosen criteria, conduct preliminary data analysis, estimate and update sampling effort and precision at several points throughout the project, and invite stakeholder feedback and revision of the process as often as required. This detailed reference site approach appears to be the first to demonstrate how to use available data to reduce bias, address sampling effort and site selection quantitatively, involve stakeholders, and provide useful data, which can be used to calibrate ecological restoration outcomes for savanna ecosystems.  相似文献   

基于扎根理论的社区参与国家公园建设与管理的机制研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
何思源  魏钰  苏杨  闵庆文 《生态学报》2021,41(8):3021-3032
大量研究表明自然保护地周边社区居民对保护地的态度是影响社区参与保护,实现保护地管理目标的主要因素,由此建立了"认知-态度-参与"的行为逻辑。中国国家公园体制建设希望进一步推进社区与保护地的关系,全面提升自然保护管理效率,也建立在对这一行为逻辑的认同之上。为验证社区认知与行为的关系,并为促进不同利益相关者参与国家公园建设与管理提供科学支持,研究试图分析武夷山国家公园体制试点区社区居民的国家公园的"认知-态度-参与"的行为逻辑以揭示社区参与国家公园建设与管理的深层机制。与一般研究不同在于,本研究是针对正在建设中的国家公园,使得本地利益相关方的态度有机会影响国家公园建设进程。为获得社区"认知-态度-参与"核心观念,探索社区参与的过程和方式,提出促进社区参与的方法,研究采用扎根理论这一质性研究方法,基于对本地利益相关者采用半结构化开放问题的深度访谈,归纳出概念与范畴,形成社区参与国家公园建设与管理的理论。研究首先形成45个概念与13个范畴,通过范式模型研究发现,稳定资源使用权利、引导社区参与决策、保障社区发展权利、创新社区产业模式、提高个体适应能力、降低政策风险影响等六个主范畴能够解释社区居民对国家公园的认知-态度-参与这一行为逻辑。通过归纳主范畴,研究进一步提炼出社区参与国家公园建设与管理的理论核心在于社区自然资源管理的自主性、创新性与适应性,其内在机制在于社区参与是一个自主性提高的动态过程,需要通过保障社区生计资源禀赋来实现长期的价值转化,最终使其成为社会-生态系统适应性治理的组成部分。在理论阐释基础上,研究提出从改善社区认知、提升社区参与角度推进国家公园建设的路径。研究也指出,所提出的社区参与机制理论能够提炼量化指标评价社区参与,追踪武夷山国家公园体制试点进程。  相似文献   

Women are important stakeholders in natural resource policies since rural women in developing countries are responsible for most of the collection of food, fuel, and firewood for commercial and domestic use. When it comes to the management of these natural resources, gender inequality due to societal traditions could limit the ability of women to participate in policy-making, even when they are not formally excluded. This paper analyzes the effect of gender stratification on women's participation by undertaking an empirical study of a participatory environmental policy program in Indian villages. It endeavors to answer the question of how gender stratification affects participatory environmental policy-making. Using the case study of a community forestry program, it finds that women are still marginalized in decision-making, even in participatory environmental policies. Gender stratification continues to impinge upon forms of democratic decision-making in developing societies. Using facilitating policy tools that seek to empower such marginalized groups would be one way of making participation meaningful for all groups in society.  相似文献   

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