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Anabarites trisulcatus是寒武纪早期一类三辐射对称的管栖生物,推测营群居的方式生活在浅海。本文对来自陕南宁强石钟沟剖面寒武系底部宽川铺组的Anabarites trisulcatus进行了计算机流体力学分析。根据化石形态构建3D模型,依据推测的生活环境设计流域参数,进行了单体与群居两种不同生活方式下的流体动力学模拟,结果表明:(1)水动力条件对于底栖Anabarites trisulcatus而言是重要的影响因素;(2)Anabarites trisulcatus以群居的方式生活阻力系数更小,更有利于生存。本文使用计算流体力学的方法对长期存在的功能和生态假说进行定量检验,是微体化石研究新思路的一次有益尝试。  相似文献   

陕南灯影组宽川铺段的小壳化石具完好的三维保存方式。Anabarites是三辐射对称、单管底栖群居生物,亲缘关系不明。作者通过对陕南宁强下寒武统宽川铺段进行数次系统采样,经过对样品的醋酸溶蚀处理和电子扫描电镜照像后,发现Anabarites壳体内部具螺旋状微结构;经测试分析后认为该结构可能与中槽的深浅成正相关,两者的形成可能与微环境中水体的变化有关。探讨其可能的亲缘关系及其演化序列。  相似文献   

作者对陕南宁强地区和安徽巢湖地区产出的Anabarites从形态和层位上进行了简单的比较。陕南宁强地区Anabarites的层位低于安徽巢湖地区,且前者产出的Anabarites保存较后者的完整,个体普遍较后者小,纵槽较后者浅窄,并多数保存有生长纹。Anabarites在巢湖的出现证明了Anabarites延续的时间更长,从梅树村早期一直到沧浪铺期。同时对Anabarites的亲缘性进行了讨论,支持将它们解释成为六射珊瑚亚纲祖先类群的化石代表。  相似文献   

寒武纪早期疑难生物类群阿纳巴管(Anabarites)亲缘性的探讨   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
阿纳巴管为生活于寒武纪早期、具三射对称管栖疑难生物。文中通过对采自陕西南部宁强下寒武统宽川铺组阿纳巴管壳体SEM和岩石薄片的观察,并以对称性和矿物组成作为线索对阿纳巴管的系统学位置和生物属性开展了探索。通过对称性对比研究和骨骼矿物组成的研究,将阿纳巴管解释为珊瑚虫纲古老干支类群的化石代表,为现生六射珊瑚的祖先类群。根据阿纳巴管个体发育过程对称性的演变所提供的线索进一步认为以六射及其倍数对称为特征的现代六射珊瑚可能经过三射对称中间阶段,起源于圆形辐射对称的祖先。阿纳巴管为由圆形经三射向六射转变这一中间阶段的化石代表。此外,还对阿纳巴管的成岩模式以及生活方式开展了探索性研究。  相似文献   

陕西南部早寒武世原始锥石类carinachitids两新种记述   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
对陕西宁强宽川铺地区灯影组宽川铺段原始锥石类carinachitids两个新种Emeiconularia amplicanalis sp.nov.和Carinachites platus sp.nov.进行了记述。外表形态多样、个体大小悬殊的两辐对称、三辐对称和四辐对称的carinachitids系列标本的发现,揭示了陕南地区早寒武世丰富多样的carinachitids生命世界。三辐射对称的Emeiconularia在四川峨眉及陕西南部的震旦-寒武系界线附近都有分布,因而对前寒武纪—寒武纪跨界地层具有划分对比意义。两新种的发现无疑增加了我们对早期锥石类多样性的认识,为证实多样性的刺细胞动物在早寒武世早期已经存在的假说提供了新线索。  相似文献   

陕南寒武纪早期宽川铺组微体球状化石类型多样,如何正确辨别这些球状化石的生物属性是当前早期生命演化古生物学研究中的一个难点。我们在宽川铺组中发现了一类为数众多,具有一个或者多个不规则的帽状隆起结构以及翻边帽沿的帽状化石。研究表明这些帽状化石均为不完整的个体,其完整形态呈不规则的凹球形。根据帽球状化石帽身的数量和相对位置,这类化石可划分为"单帽型"、"双帽型"和"复帽型"三种类型。这些凹球状化石呈双层壳壁,内壁光滑,外壁粗糙。因为凹球状化石形态及其表面小孔与微体藻类、后生动物的胚胎以及壳体化石差异都非常显著,所以推测这类化石可能与带壳原生动物亲缘关系最为紧密。  相似文献   

花对称性的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
花对称性(floral symmetry)是被子植物花部结构的典型特性之一,主要有辐射对称和两侧对称两种形式。被子植物初始起源的花为辐射对称,而两侧对称的花则是由辐射对称的花演变而来。两侧对称的花部结构是被子植物进化过程中的一个关键的革新,被认为是物种形成和分化的关键推动力之一。近年来有关花对称性的形成和进化机制的研究在植物学科的不同领域均取得了长足的进展。本文综述了花对称性在发育生物学、传粉生物学、生殖生态学及分子生物学等方面的研究进展。两侧对称形成于被子植物花器官发育的起始阶段,随后贯穿整个花器官发育过程或者出现在花器官发育后期的不同阶段。花器官发育过程中一种或多种类型器官的败育以及特异性花器官结构的形成是两侧对称形成的主要原因。研究表明,在传粉过程的不同阶段,花对称性均会受到传粉昆虫介导的选择作用。相比辐射对称的花,两侧对称的花提高了特异性传粉者的选择作用,增加了花粉落置的精确性,进而确保了其生殖成功。花对称性的分子机理已经在多种双子叶植物中进行了深入的研究。现有的证据表明,CYC同源基因在花对称性的分子调控方面起着非常重要的作用。花对称性在被子植物进化过程中是如何起源,与其他花部构成之间是否协同作用,一些不符合一般模式的科属其花对称性的形成机制等都是今后要进一步研究的命题。  相似文献   

陕南寒武纪梅树村期西乡生物群中的管状化石数量丰富,本文对其中的三类主要化石类型:软舌螺、似软舌螺类和阿纳巴管类进行了深入研究。其中软舌螺主要为圆管螺目,属于寒武纪软舌螺演化的第一阶段,且化石具有不同的壳体结构:主要分为单层壳和多层壳两大类,多层壳根据截面又可分为同心与偏心两类。单层壳与同心多层壳可能属于原生结构;偏心多层壳属于次生结构。对上述各类结构进行了分类统计,其中的单层壳与次生多层壳居多,并推测原生多层壳体的出现可加固管体,是地球早期生物为应对同期食肉动物所进化出的生存对策。似软舌螺类的两属:小软舌螺属及小钻孔螺属在此生物群中均有发现。西乡生物群中的阿纳巴管类主要为Anabarites trisulcatus,Aculeochrea tripartitus和Anabarites isiticus,其中Anabarites isiticus的化石壳体表面具有细密生长纹,生长纹可明显分为较粗与较细两类,二者相间排列、重复出现,体现了生物不同的生长周期。  相似文献   

五味子科植物花粉形态及其系统学意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
用光镜和扫描电镜观察了五味子科Schisandraceae23种、6变种和1变型的91份花粉的形态。其中5种、4变种和1变型的花粉形态为首次报道。该科花粉为单花粉,异极,辐射对称,扁球形至超扁球形,其萌发沟的排列格局在被子植物中是独一无二的。若按萌发沟的数目划分,该科花粉可分为3沟型和6沟型两个类型。外壁为网状纹饰,网眼的大小和网脊的宽度与花的形态有一定相关性。研究结果不支持lowski对该科花粉用网眼大小来划分类型的作法,认为对他关于3长沟汇聚的一极即花粉的远极的结论应作进一步探讨;不支持一些学者认为南五味子属Kadsura比五味子属Schisandra原始的观点。根据研究结果可认为,南五味于属的总体演化水平高于五味子属,它们可能是源于共同祖先、沿两条不同的路线平行演化的两个近缘类群。  相似文献   

寒武纪化石胚胎是演化发育生物学研究的热点。传统的扫描电子显微镜可以观察到胚胎表面的三维结构,同步辐射X射线断层扫描显微镜等技术可以揭示胚胎的内部结构,但是胚胎表面由于矿物颜色差异表现出的结构在扫描电子显微镜和同步辐射成像下均无法观察,而光学显微镜恰恰能清晰地揭示这种结构。本研究应用光学显微镜和扫描电子显微镜对比观察了寒武纪化石胚胎,证明了光学显微镜在"光球"类胚胎观察方面有无可比拟的优势。从而揭示了在化石胚胎Olivooides multisulcatus的胚胎发育过程中,五辐射对称的口部要先于星状结构出现,证明辐射对称是Olivooides multisulcatus胚胎发育早期就已经建立的基本体构。  相似文献   

浙西早寒武世梅树村期棒状化石   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
该文记述了浙江省西部江山县新塘坞地区灯影组(梅树村期)中新发现的矿化骨骼化石——浙江棒(新属)Zhejiangorhabdion gen.nov.。该化石的形态与以往化石类群均不相同,为个体微小的棒状,表面具较复杂的纹饰,不同个体间的纹饰都有一定变化,推测是动物体内不同部位的骨棒所具有的特征,代表了一个新的化石类群。新属的发现丰富了梅树村期动物群的内容,对了解具骨骼动物群体在这一时期的演化具有一定的意义。  相似文献   

陕南西乡张家沟剖面的寒武系下部岩层中发现了大量原始锥石类,根据整体形态特征和原始锥石类化石分类方案将其归属到六方锥石属Hexaconularia。前人对于六方锥石分类方案众多,本文对其进行重新厘定。本文报道的六方锥石新材料在中央锥面上具有两条不连续的角沟,这不仅丰富了种内特征,而且为六方锥石的壳体演化趋势提供了依据。前人发现的该类化石与本文描记的化石类型相同,产地不同,因而具有地层对比意义。  相似文献   

Extensive information has been acquired on the occurrence of Lower Cambrian Small Shelly Fossils (SSF) in the shallow water sediments of the western fringe of the Yangtze Platform (eastern Yunnan and central Sichuan Provinces) during the last two decades. However, less is known on the temporal and spatial distribution of SSFs on the northern margin of the Yangtze Platform. Here we report SSF associations from Kuanchuanpu (Ningqiang County, southern Shaanxi Province), Shatan, and Xinli (both Nanjiang County, northern Sichuan Province) representing the Southwest Shaanxi region and from Sanlangpu, and Xiaowan (Xixiang County, southern Shaanxi Province) of the Southeast Shaanxi - Northwest Hubei region. The thickness of the Lower Cambrian SSF-bearing strata strongly decreases in this region from West to East and the stratigraphic hiatus increases. An earliest Cambrian hiatus is widely distributed on the northern margin of the Yangtze Platform. At the same time, a syngenetic brecciation occurred in wide shallow shelf settings. A tectonic mobilization, possibly related to the assembly of Gondwana following the breakup of Rodinia, may be responsible for this. In sections near Kuanchuanpu (Ningqiang County), the Meishucunian (equivalent to the Nemakit-Daldynian to Tommotian of Siberia) succession comprises ca. 55 m of dark phosphatic carbonates, siltstones, and cherts. The SSF associations are similar to those of East Yunnan and, in ascending order, can be discriminated into the Anabarites trisulcatus - Protohertzina anabarica Zone, the Watsonella yunnanensis Zone (previously mentioned as Heraultipegma yunnanensis Zone), and the Sinosachites flabelliformis - Tannuolina zhangwentangi Zone. The Siphogonuchites triangularis - Paragloborilus subglobosus Zone cannot be unambiguously detected in the Southwest Shaanxi region. The occurrence of embryos and eggs within the Anabarites trisulcatus - Protohertzina anabarica Zone, which has been reported earlier, is remarkable. The previously reconstructed life cycle and taxonomic treatment of Olivooides / Punctatus are re-discussed. The earliest SSF associations (Anabarites trisulcatus - Protohertzina anabarica Zone to Watsonella yunnanesis Zone) are missing in the Southeast Shaanxi - Northwest Hubei region and the Ninella tarimensis - Cambroclavus fangxianensis Assemblage Zone and Rhombocorniculum cancellatum Taxon Range Zone are introduced herein.  相似文献   

本文描述了产于我国陕西西乡寒武系底部磷矿层中的藻类化石,在标本中发现多种藻枝保存类型和可能的"固着器"等特征;由于藻体微小、藻管中空等特征而将其归入蓝菌类寒武松藻属;可为早寒武世早期的藻类繁盛提供了新的小生境和新的食物来源、加速了后生动物的进化。  相似文献   

The insect allatostatins are a diverse group of neuropeptides that obtained their names by their inhibitory actions on the corpora allata (two endocrine glands near the insect brain), where they block the biosynthesis of juvenile hormone (a terpenoid important for development and reproduction). Chemically, the allatostatins can be subdivided into three different peptide groups: the large group of A-type (cockroach-type) allatostatins, which have the common C-terminal sequence Y/FXFGLamide; the B-type (cricket-type) allatostatins, which have the C-terminal sequence W(X(6))Wamide in common; and a single allatostatin that we now call C-type allatostatin that was first discovered in the moth Manduca sexta, and which has a nonamidated C terminus, and a structure unrelated to the A- and B-type allatostatins. We have previously cloned the preprohormones for the A- and B-type allatostatins from Drosophila melanogaster. Here we report on the cloning of a Drosophila C-type allatostatin preprohormone (DAP-C). DAP-C is 121 amino acid residues long and contains one copy of a peptide sequence that in its processed form has the sequence Y in position 4) from the Manduca sexta C-type allatostatin. The DAP-C gene has three introns and four exons and is located at position 32D2-3 on the left arm of the second chromosome. Northern blots show that the gene is strongly expressed in larvae and adult flies, but less in pupae and embryos. In situ hybridizations of larvae show that the gene is expressed in various neurons of the brain and abdominal ganglia and in endocrine cells of the midgut. This is the first publication on the structure of a C-type allatostatin from insects other than moths and the first report on the presence of all three types of allatostatins in a representative of the insect order Diptera (flies).  相似文献   

陕西西乡灯影组顶部的瓶状微化石   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:3  
瓶状微化石被认为是某种未知海相原生动物外壳化石,最早出现于900-850Ma以前。本文记述的该类化石,产自陕西西乡三郎铺小湾里下寒武统灯影组顶部杨家沟段,相当于梅树村阶中-上部,计10属,13种和2未定种。所获化石个体数量及形态类型丰富。保存良好,并见有大量具公共壳壁的连体壳。此类连体壳的连接程度呈系列变化。可能代表处于分裂状态的生物体,如是则可为其原生动物解释提供一佐证,瓶状微化石在国外的地层分  相似文献   

Anabaritids are a group of tubular skeletal fossils known from the lower Cambrian worldwide. Many previously collected specimens of anabaritids lack both the apical and apertural regions, and thus their complete morphology and growth patterns are not fully understood. Here we describe a number of internal molds of Anabarites from the lower Cambrian (Fortunian Stage) Zhangjiagou Lagerstätte, southern Shaanxi Province. Our new specimens preserved the apex, the aperture with three lobes, and three longitudinal grooves initiating apically rather than adapically as previously reported. This work enriches the morphology of anabaritids, casting doubt on the previous proposition that anabaritids originated from a cylindrical tubular ancestor. It is proposed here that a triradial symmetry may have been established in very early ontogenetic stages of some anabaritids; furthermore, the aperture with three lobes resembles those of olivooids and thus supports a possible close relationship between anabaritids and olivooid scyphozoans.  相似文献   

Abstract:  Micrhystridium -like acritarchs are widely distributed in basal Cambrian cherts and phosphorites in South China. This paper describes similar acritarchs from the basal Cambrian Yurtus and Xishanblaq formations in Tarim, north-west China. The taxonomy of these acritarchs is revised. The basal Cambrian acritarch assemblage in Tarim and South China is characterized by three genera: Asteridium Moczydłowska, Heliosphaeridium Moczydłowska and Comasphaeridium Staplin, Jansonius and Pocock. This assemblage is named the Asteridium - Heliosphaeridium - Comasphaeridium (AHC) acritarch assemblage. In both South China and Tarim, the AHC acritarch assemblage is associated with the tubular microfossil Megathrix longus Yin L. and the small shelly fossil Kaiyangites novilis Qian and Yin G. This assemblage also occurs in the Lower Tal Formation in the Lesser Himalaya. Correlation with small shelly fossil (SSF) assemblages indicates that the AHC assemblage is restricted to the Meishucunian Stage, and possibly to the lower Meishucunian ( Anabarites trisulcatus - Protohertzina anabarica and Siphogonuchites triangularis - Paragloborilus subglobosus SSF assemblages). The AHC assemblage is broadly similar to the Asteridium tornatum - Comasphaeridium velvetum (acritarch) Zone in the East European Platform, which is considered to be Nemakit-Daldynian (and possibly Tommotian) in age.  相似文献   

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