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Natural killer (NK) cells represent a highly specialized lymphoid population characterized by a potent cytolytic activity against tumor or virally infected cells. Their function is finely regulated by a series of inhibitory or activating receptors. The inhibitory receptors, specific for major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I molecules, allow NK cells to discriminate between normal cells and cells that have lost the expression of MHC class I (e.g., tumor cells). The major receptors responsible for NK cell triggering are NKp46, NKp30, NKp44 and NKG2D. The NK-mediated lysis of tumor cells involves several such receptors, while killing of dendritic cells involves only NKp30. The target-cell ligands recognized by some receptors have been identified, but those to which major receptors bind are not yet known. Nevertheless, functional data suggest that they are primarily expressed on cells upon activation, proliferation or tumor transformation. Thus, the ability of NK cells to lyse target cells requires both the lack of surface MHC class I molecules and the expression of appropriate ligands that trigger NK receptors.  相似文献   

Killer cell Ig-like receptors (KIR) are MHC class I-binding immunoreceptors that can suppress activation of human NK cells through recruitment of the Src homology 2-containing protein tyrosine phosphatase-1 (SHP-1) to two immunoreceptor tyrosine-based inhibitory motifs (ITIMs) in their cytoplasmic domains. KIR2DL4 (2DL4; CD158d) is a structurally distinct member of the KIR family, which is expressed on most, if not all, human NK cells. 2DL4 contains only one ITIM in its cytoplasmic domain and an arginine in its transmembrane region, suggesting both inhibitory and activating functions. While 2DL4 can activate IFN-gamma production, dependent upon the transmembrane arginine, the function of the single ITIM of 2DL4 remains unknown. In this study, tandem ITIMs of KIR3DL1 (3DL1) and the single ITIM of 2DL4 were directly compared in functional and biochemical assays. Using a retroviral transduction method, we show in human NK cell lines that 1) the single ITIM of 2DL4 efficiently inhibits natural cytotoxicity responses; 2) the phosphorylated single ITIM recruits SHP-2 protein tyrosine phosphatase, but not SHP-1 in NK cells; 3) expression of dominant-negative SHP-1 does not block the ability of 2DL4 to inhibit natural cytotoxicity; 4) surprisingly, mutation of the tyrosine within the single ITIM does not completely abolish inhibitory function; and 5) this correlates with weak SHP-2 binding to the mutant ITIM of 2DL4 in NK cells and a corresponding nonphosphorylated ITIM peptide in vitro. These results reveal new aspects of the KIR-inhibitory pathway in human NK cells, which are SHP-1 and phosphotyrosine independent.  相似文献   

Natural killer cells are important cytolytic cells in innate immunity. We have characterized human NK cells of spleen, lymph nodes, and tonsils. More than 95% of peripheral blood and 85% of spleen NK cells are CD56(dim)CD16(+) and express perforin, the natural cytotoxicity receptors (NCRs) NKp30 and NKp46, as well as in part killer cell Ig-like receptors (KIRs). In contrast, NK cells in lymph nodes have mainly a CD56(bright)CD16(-) phenotype and lack perforin. In addition, they lack KIRs and all NCR expression, except low levels of NKp46. The NK cells of tonsils also lack perforin, KIRs, NKp30, and CD16, but partially express NKp44 and NKp46. Upon IL-2 stimulation, however, lymph node and tonsilar NK cells up-regulate NCRs, express perforin, and acquire cytolytic activity for NK-sensitive target cells. In addition, they express CD16 and KIRs upon IL-2 activation, and therefore display a phenotype similar to peripheral blood NK cells. We hypothesize that IL-2 can mobilize the NK cells of secondary lymphoid tissues to mediate natural killing during immune responses. Because lymph nodes harbor 40% and peripheral blood only 2% of all lymphocytes in humans, this newly characterized perforin(-) NK cell compartment in lymph nodes and related tissues probably outnumbers perforin(+) NK cells. These results also suggest secondary lymphoid organs as a possible site of NK cell differentiation and self-tolerance acquisition.  相似文献   

The inhibitory forms of killer cell Ig-like receptors (KIR) are MHC class I-binding receptors that are expressed by human NK cells and prevent their attack of normal cells. Substantial evidence indicates that the mechanism of KIR-mediated inhibition involves recruitment of the protein tyrosine phosphatase, Src homology region 2-containing protein tyrosine phosphatase (SHP)-1, to phosphorylated immunoreceptor tyrosine-based inhibitory motifs (ITIMs). However, the functional significance of parallel recruitment of a SHP-1-related phosphatase, SHP-2, to KIR ITIMs has not been addressed. In the present study, our results with mutant forms of a classical KIR, KIR3DL1, show a direct correlation between SHP-2 recruitment and functional inhibition of target cell conjugation and cytotoxicity. In addition, KIR3DL1 inhibition of target cell cytotoxicity is blocked by overexpression of a dominant-negative form of SHP-2. Finally, KIR3DL1 fused directly with the catalytic domain of SHP-2 inhibits both target cell conjugation and cytotoxicity responses. These results strongly indicate that SHP-2 catalytic activity plays a direct role in inhibitory KIR functions, and SHP-2 inhibits NK cell activation in concert with SHP-1.  相似文献   

Killer cell Ig-like receptors (KIRs) are MHC class I-specific receptors expressed in NK and T lymphocytes. KIR antagonism of activation signals occurs at the immune synapse between the effector and target cells. The processes that regulate clustering of KIR are not well defined. We have expressed KIR-GFP receptor chimeras in two human NK-like lines, YTS and NK92. In this study, we show that the frequency of KIR enrichment at the synapse was decreased for a KIR that lacks a portion of the cytoplasmic tail. Strikingly, blocking actin polymerization with a high dose of cytochalasin D also substantially decreased clustering of KIR as well as KIR-induced clustering of HLA-C-GFP in target cells. However, the effect of inhibiting actin polymerization was only clearly evident at the earlier time points after cell mixing, and eventually clustering of KIR and HLA-C occurred independently of actin remodeling. Although treatment with anti-LFA-1 also decreased conjugate formation, the frequency of KIR clustering remained normal within the population of conjugates that did form, suggesting that the effect of cytochalasin D is not solely through LFA-1. Collectively, these data suggest that the actin cytoskeleton and the cytoplasmic tail of KIR regulate the efficiency by which KIR accumulates at inhibitory NK cell synapses.  相似文献   

Diversity of the killer cell Ig-like receptors of rhesus monkeys   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Because the killer cell Ig-like receptors (KIRs) have only been characterized in humans and chimpanzees, we do not have a full understanding of their evolutionary history. Therefore, cDNAs encoding the KIR molecules of five rhesus monkeys were characterized, and were found to differ from the KIR molecules identified in humans and chimpanzees. Whereas only one KIR2DL4 molecule is detected in humans and chimpanzees, two distinct KIR2DL4 homologues were identified in the monkeys. Although the two human KIR3DL molecules are limited in their polymorphism, the KIR3DL homologues in the monkeys were highly polymorphic. Up to five KIR3DL homologues were identified in each monkey that was studied, and eleven distinct KIR3DL molecules were detected in the five rhesus monkeys. Two novel families of KIR molecules were identified in the rhesus monkeys, KIR3DH and KIR1D. The KIR3DH molecules have three Ig domains, transmembrane domains homologous to KIR2DL4 molecules that contain an arginine, and short cytoplasmic domains. With these features, the KIR3DH molecules resemble the activating forms of the human KIR molecules. The KIR1D molecule encodes only one complete Ig domain before a frame-shift in the second Ig domain occurs, leading to early termination of the molecule. Multiple splice variants of KIR1D exist that encode at least one Ig domain, as well as transmembrane and cytoplasmic domains. The extensive diversity of the rhesus monkey KIR3DL homologues and the novel KIR3DH and KIR1D molecules suggests that the KIR family of molecules has evolved rapidly during the evolution of primates.  相似文献   

Last decade has seen a significant advancement in our understanding of the Natural Killer (NK) cell biology and function. Several receptors present on NK cells have been identified, which are involved in either their activation or inhibition. Similarly, a large number of interacting ligands have been identified on the target cells that upon interaction transmit either activating or inhibitory signals. This review is oriented towards understanding the role of these receptors on the NK cells, which are considered as the first line of defense.  相似文献   

Ca2+-phospholipid dependent protein kinase activity and the effect of 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate (TPA) on H+ secretion was studied in guinea-pig parietal cells. In resting parietal cells PK-C activity was distributed almost equally in both the cytosolic and particulate cell fraction. Exposure of the cells to TPA resulted in a loss of cytosolic PK-C activity which was not accompanied by a concomitant increase of particulate activity. Furthermore TPA inhibits the K+/H+-ATPase and dissipates H+ gradient in intact gastric vesicles by a protonophoric action. The role of these biochemical events for the antisecretory action of TPA found in the intact parietal cell are discussed.  相似文献   

MHC class I-specific inhibitory receptors are expressed by a subset of memory-phenotype CD8(+) T cells. Similar to NK cells, MHC class I-specific inhibitory receptors might subserve on T cells an important negative control that participates to the prevention of autologous damage. We analyzed here human CD8(+) T cells that express the Ig-like MHC class I-specific inhibitory receptors: killer cell Ig-like receptor (KIR) and CD85j. The cell surface expression of Ig-like inhibitory MHC class I receptors was found to correlate with an advanced stage of CD8(+) T cell maturation as evidenced by the reduced proliferative potential of KIR(+) and CD85j(+) T cells associated with their high intracytoplasmic perforin content. This concomitant regulation might represent a safety mechanism to control potentially harmful cytolytic CD8(+) T cells, by raising their activation threshold. Yet, KIR(+) and CD85j(+) T cells present distinct features. KIR(+)CD8(+) T cells are poor IFN-gamma producers upon TCR engagement. In addition, KIR are barely detectable at the surface of virus-specific T cells during the course of CMV or HIV-1 infection. By contrast, CD85j(+)CD8(+) T cells produce IFN-gamma upon TCR triggering, and represent a large fraction of virus-specific T cells. Thus, the cell surface expression of Ig-like inhibitory MHC class I receptors is associated with T cell engagement into various stages of the cytolytic differentiation pathway, and the cell surface expression of CD85j or KIR witnesses to the history of qualitatively and/or quantitatively distinct T cell activation events.  相似文献   

The clonal distribution and stable expression of killer cell Ig-like receptor (KIR) genes is epigenetically regulated. To assess the epigenetic changes that occur during hemopoietic development we examined DNA methylation and chromatin structure of the KIR locus in early hemopoietic progenitor cells and major lymphocyte lineages. In hemopoietic progenitor cells, KIR genes exhibited the major hallmarks of epigenetic repression, which are dense DNA methylation, inaccessibility of chromatin to Micrococcus nuclease digest, and a repressive histone signature, characterized by strong H3K9 dimethylation and reduced H4K8 acetylation. In contrast, KIR genes of NK cells showed active histone signatures characterized by absence of H3K9 dimethylation and presence of H4K8 acetylation. Histone modifications correlated well with the competence of different lymphocyte lineages to express KIR; whereas H4K8 acetylation was high in NK and CD8+ T cells, it was almost absent in CD4+ T cells and B cells and, in the latter case, replaced by H3K9 dimethylation. In KIR-competent lineages, active histone signatures were also observed in silent KIR genes and in this case found in combination with dense DNA methylation of the promoter and nearby regions. The study suggests a two-step model of epigenetic regulation in which lineage-specific acquisition of euchromatic histone marks is a prerequisite for subsequent gene-specific DNA demethylation and expression of KIR genes.  相似文献   

Natural killer (NK) cell function, based on the expression of activating and inhibitory natural killer receptors (NKRs), may become abnormal during human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection. In this study, we investigated changes in receptor expression with individual and combinational analysis on NK cell subsets in HIV-infected Chinese. The results showed that natural killer group 2 member D (NKG2D) expression on total NK cells decreased significantly in HIV infection, while the expressions of natural killer group 2 member A (NKG2A) and killer cell immunoglobulin-like receptor, three domains, long cytoplasmic tail 1 (KIR3DL1) on total NK cells were not significantly different between any of the groups including HIV-positive treatment-naïve group, AIDS treatment-naïve group, HAART-treatment AIDS group and HIV-negative control group. Individual analysis of NKG2A+ and KIR3DL1+ cells revealed no significant differences in expression in any NK cell subsets between any of the groups, but the combinational analysis of NKG2DNKG2A+, and NKG2DKIR3DL1+ on the NK CD56dim cell subset in the AIDS group were increased compared to the HIV-negative control group. On the contrary, NKG2DNKG2A+ expression on the CD56bright subset decreased in the AIDS group compared to the control group. Highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) treatment almost completely restored the levels of these receptor expressions. The results indicate that the distinct alteration of activating and inhibitory NKR expression on NK cells and its subsets occurred during HIV progression. Moreover, the imbalanced change of activating and inhibitory NKRs on NK cells and its subsets may explain the impaired NK cell immunity in HIV infected individuals.  相似文献   

Human and mouse NK cells use different families of receptors to recognize MHC class I (MHC I) on target cells. Although human NK cells express both Ig-like receptors and lectin-like receptors specific for MHC I, all the MHC I-specific receptors identified on mouse NK cells to date are lectin-like receptors, and no Ig-like receptors recognizing MHC I have been identified on mouse NK cells. In this study we report the first MHC I-specific Ig-like receptor on mouse NK cells, namely, murine CD160 (mCD160). The expression of mCD160 is restricted to a subset of NK cells, NK1.1+ T cells, and activated CD8+ T cells. The mCD160-Ig fusion protein binds to rat cell lines transfected with classical and nonclassical mouse MHC I, including CD1d. Furthermore, the level of mCD160 on NK1.1+ T cells is modulated by MHC I of the host. Overexpression of mCD160 in the mouse NK cell line KY-2 inhibits IFN-gamma production induced by phorbol ester plus ionomycin, whereas it enhances IFN-gamma production induced by NK1.1 cross-linking or incubation with dendritic cells. Cross-linking of mCD160 also inhibits anti-NK1.1-mediated stimulation of KY-2 cells. Anti-mCD160 mAb alone has no effect. Thus, mCD160, the first MHC I-specific Ig-like receptor on mouse NK cells, regulates NK cell activation both positively and negatively, depending on the stimulus.  相似文献   

Killer Ig-like receptors (KIR) are commonly found on human NK cells, gammadelta T cells, and CD8 T cells. Although KIR(+) CD4 T cells are found in certain patients, their prevalence in healthy donors is controversial. We now provide definitive proof that such cells are present in most individuals, and report on their frequency, surface phenotype, cytokine profile, and Ag specificity. The number of KIR(+) CD4 T cells detected in peripheral blood increased with age. In contrast with regular KIR(-) CD4 T cells, the majority of KIR(+) CD4 T cells lacked surface expression of CD27, CD28, CCR4, and CCR7, but did express CD57 and 2B4. In addition, KIR were detected on approximately one-tenth of CD28(-) and CD57(+) memory CD4 T cells. In line with the absence of the Th2 marker CCR4, the KIR(+) CD4 cells produced mainly IFN-gamma and little IL-4, IL-10, or IL-17 upon TCR triggering. Furthermore, the KIR(+) population contained cells that responded to recall Ags in an HLA class II-restricted fashion. Together, our data indicate that KIR-expressing CD4 T cells are predominantly HLA class II-restricted effector memory Th1 cells, and that a significant, previously unrecognized fraction of effector memory Th1 cells expresses KIR.  相似文献   

Functions of mitochondria depend on their intracellular localization, which often coincides with regions of the highest ATP consumption. Transport of mitochondria along microtubules and actin microfilaments and their anchoring by cytoskeletal structures are regulated by exogenous endogenous factors. Changes in mitochondrial motility induced by protein kinase C activity modulators were studied using video microscopy of live fibroblasts expressing a GFP-tagged mitochondrial marker. Intracellular activation of protein kinase C by 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate (TPA) significantly enhances mitochondrial mobility, whereas the protein kinase C inhibitor bis-indolylmaleimide fully suppresses it. The activating effect of TPA on mitochondrial movement is not due to rearrangements in the actin cytoskeleton, since it persists in cells treated with latrunculin B disrupting F-actin. No effect of TPA on mitochondrial mobility is observed in MFT-16 cells devoid of intermediate vimentin filaments. The data obtained suggest that protein kinase C regulates the interactions of mitochondria with intermediate filaments.  相似文献   

Killer cell Ig-like receptor (KIR) and CD94:NKG2A molecules were first defined as human NK cell receptors (NKR), but now are known to be expressed and to function on subpopulations of T cells. Here the repertoires of KIR and CD94:NKG2A expression by T cells from two donors were examined and compared with their previously defined NK cell repertoires. T cell clones generated from peripheral blood of both donors expressed multiple NKR in different combinations and used the range of receptors expressed by NK cells. In both donors alpha beta T cells less frequently expressed the inhibitory receptors CD94:NKG2A and KIR2DL1 than either gamma delta T cells or NK cells. In contrast to NK cells, not all NKR(+) T cells expressed an inhibitory receptor for autologous HLA class I. This lack of specific inhibitory NKR was especially apparent on alpha beta T cells of one donor. Overall, alpha beta T cells exhibited a distinct pattern of NKR expression different from that of gamma delta T and NK cells, which expressed highly similar NKR repertoires. In one donor, analysis of TCR rearrangement revealed a dominant subset of NKR(+) T cells sharing identical TCR alpha- and beta-chains. Remarkably, among 55 T cell clones sharing the same TCR alpha beta rearrangement 18 different KIR phenotypes were seen, suggesting that KIR expression was initiated subsequently to TCR rearrangement.  相似文献   

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