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Reversed sexual dimorphism (RSD) may be related to different roles in breeding investment and/or foraging, but little information is available on foraging ecology. We studied the foraging behaviour and parental investment by male and female masked boobies, a species with RSD, by combining studies of foraging ecology using miniaturised activity and GPS data loggers of nest attendance, with an experimental study where flight costs were increased. Males attended the chick more often than females, but females provided more food to the chick than males. Males and females foraged during similar periods of the day, had similar prey types and sizes, diving depths, durations of foraging trips, foraging zones and ranges. Females spent a smaller proportion of the foraging trip sitting on the water and had higher diving rate than males, suggesting higher foraging effort by females. In females, trip duration correlated with mass at departure, suggesting a flexible investment through control by body mass. The experimental study showed that handicapped females and female partners of handicapped males lost mass compared to control birds, whereas there was no difference for males. These results indicate that the larger female is the main provisioner of the chick in the pair, and regulates breeding effort in relation to its own body mass, whereas males have a fixed investment. The different breeding investment between the sexes is associated with contrasting foraging strategies, but no clear niche differentiation was observed. The larger size of the females may be advantageous for provisioning the chick with large quantities of energy and for flexible breeding effort, while the smaller male invests in territory defence and nest guarding, a crucial task when breeding at high densities. In masked boobies, division of labour appears to be maximal during chick rearing—the most energy-demanding period—and may be related to evolution of RSD.  相似文献   

《Bird Study》2012,59(3):329-341

Capsule: In Egyptian Vultures Neophron percnopterus, both sexes invested similar parental effort throughout the breeding period. However, there was variation in the degree of intensity of parental care during some stages of the breeding period, suggesting that sex-role specialization exists for some activities.

Aims: To quantify parental care behaviour of Egyptian Vultures for the first time and to examine the role of sex, weather conditions, and stage of nesting cycle on breeding ecology.

Methods: We monitored 15 nests of Egyptian Vultures to analyse parental care investment. We collected data on nine different behavioural parameters/activities per sex, which were recorded throughout the entire breeding period. Variation in parental investment was analysed using generalized linear mixed models.

Results: Females invested more effort in incubation/brooding (61.45% for females and 31.54% for males) and egg turning (0.45?events/h for females and 0.37?events/h for males) while males contributed more to nest material delivery to the nest (0.67?deliveries/h for males and 0.14?deliveries/h for females). Conversely, both sexes invested the same effort in nestling attendance (21.89% for females and 21.21% for males) and food provisioning (0.28?items/h for females and 0.25?items/h for males). Furthermore, parental investment was not affected by weather, especially during critical moments such as incubation/brooding, however, changeover rate was positively related to temperature.

Conclusion: Our results suggest that, in the Egyptian Vulture, one sex is not entirely responsible for a particular task and the compensatory effort of the other mate is required. Finally, our findings indicate that major events such as incubation onset and hatching caused important shifts in the patterns of parental investment.  相似文献   

Adult‐directed predation risk imposes important behavioral constraints on parents and might thus alter relationships between costly sexual ornaments and parental performance. For instance, under low predation risk, highly ornamented individuals might display better parental performance than others, as predicted by ‘good parent’ models of sexual selection. However, under high risk of predation, highly ornamented individuals might abandon parental effort if conspicuous to predators, or if social partners are more willing to take parental risks when paired with highly ornamented mates. We experimentally elevated perceived adult‐directed predation risk near nests to explore how carotenoid‐ and phaeomelanin‐based pigmentation in both sexes relate to parental risk‐taking for offspring in the yellow warbler Setophaga petechia. Compared to other males, males with more intense carotenoid‐based pigmentation maintained higher levels of paternal effort under predation risk at highly concealed nests, but reduced nestling provisioning rate more at exposed nests. Further, when faced with predation risk, females with more phaeomelanin‐based pigmentation reduced nestling provisioning rate less than other females, regardless of nest concealment. Females displayed higher parental effort across treatments when paired to males with more colorful carotenoid pigmentation. However, birds did not reduce parental effort under risk less when paired to a highly ornamented mate, suggesting that predation risk did not accentuate differential allocation. Males did not take fewer parental risks than females. Results indicate that nest concealment modifies parental risk‐taking by males with colorful carotenoid‐based pigmentation, and suggest that female melanin‐based pigmentation may indicate boldness and greater a propensity to take parental risks.  相似文献   

Nest-building Hymenoptera have been a major testing ground for theories of parental investment and sex allocation. Investment has usually been estimated by the likely costs of offspring provisioning, ignoring other aspects of parental care. Using three experimental treatments, we estimated the costs of egg-laying and provisioning separately under field conditions in a digger wasp Ammophila pubescens. In one treatment, we increased the provisioning effort required per offspring by removing alternate prey items as they were brought to the nest. In two other treatments, we reduced parental effort by either preventing females from provisioning alternate nests or preventing them from both ovipositing and provisioning. Our results indicate that both egg-laying and provisioning represent significant costs of reproduction, expressed as differences in productivity but not survival. A trade-off-based model suggests that other components of parental care such as nest initiation may also represent significant costs. Costs of egg production and nest initiation are probably similar for male and female offspring, so that taking them into account leads to a less male-biased expected sex ratio. Mothers compensated only partially for prey removal in terms of the total provisions they gave to individual offspring.  相似文献   

Grass Wrens Cistothorus platensis build two types of non-breeding nest structures: platforms and dummy nests. Platforms are rudimentary accumulations of grasses concealed between vegetation. Dummy and breeding nests are dome-shaped with a similar structural layer. We used a nest-removal experiment and observational data to evaluate several hypotheses regarding the adaptive significance of building multiple nests in a south temperate population of Grass Wrens. Building non-breeding nests was not a strategy of males to attract additional females, as most of these nests were built after pair formation and both sexes collaborated during building. Building non-breeding nests was not a post-pairing display as the presence of multiple nests did not increase female investment in the breeding attempt: clutch size and female provisioning to nestlings did not differ between experimental and control territories where no non-breeding nests were removed. Similarly, in non-manipulated territories, clutch size and female provisioning were not correlated with the number of non-breeding nests or with males’ nest-building effort. Contrary to this hypothesis, the number of non-breeding nests was associated with delayed clutch initiation and reduced hatching success. The presence of non-breeding nests did not reduce nest predation and brood parasitism, which did not differ between experimental and control territories. We did not detect differences in concealment between non-breeding and breeding nests, suggesting that non-breeding nests were not the result of abandonment before egg-laying to reduce subsequent nest predation. Dummy nests did not provide shelter; they were not used frequently for roosting over the breeding season and were not maintained during the non-breeding season. We suggest that building non-breeding nests may be an attempt by males to manipulate the decision of females to breed with a mate they might otherwise reject or to start reproduction earlier than optimal for the females.  相似文献   

Carotenoid‐based coloration in adult birds has been often regarded as an honest signal of individual quality. However, few studies have demonstrated a link between carotenoid display and the quantity or quality of resources provided to the offspring. The present study investigated the expression of a carotenoid‐based ornament, the breast plumage yellowness of the blue tit Cyanistes caeruleus, in relation to the level of parental provisioning effort and the amount of carotenoid‐rich prey provided to the young. The study was conducted in two forest types (evergreen and deciduous), which also allowed an exploration of the possible existence of habitat effects on the coloration of breeding birds. It was found that plumage colour intensity (carotenoid chroma) correlated positively with nestling provisioning rates of both males and females, supporting the good parent hypothesis. In addition, carotenoid chroma was positively related with the proportion of Lepidoptera larvae brought to the nest in both sexes. Female but not male coloration was positively linked to breeding success (proportion of fledged young). Nestling coloration did not correlate with that of their parents, nor the frequency with which they were fed. Hue and lightness of nestling's plumage correlated positively with body mass and tarsus length, respectively. The results obtained in the present study indicate that ventral plumage coloration in blue tits may advertise the ingested carotenoids (carotenoid foraging ability) and also their overall parental quality in terms of nestling provisioning rates. This suggests that plumage yellowness can be used as an indicator of foraging ability in this species. © 2012 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2012, 106 , 418–429.  相似文献   

Male birds of many species feed their mates during courtship and incubation. The amount of food provided can be substantial and even essential for successful reproduction in some species, and can influence female nest attentiveness in many others. Additionally, mate provisioning may predict later nestling feeding rates. Females may thus benefit from being able to determine male provisioning effort. We assessed the expression of several ornaments, known to indicate condition in male northern cardinals (Cardinalis cardinalis), and compared these with mate provisioning rates, nestling feeding rates, and nest attentiveness. We found that male ornamentation may not be indicative of mate provisioning rates. Mate provisioning rate did not co‐vary with reproductive success, male feedings to nestlings, or nest attentiveness of females. However, females which were fed more often during incubation tended to provision nestlings less. Reduced female parental effort following extensive incubation feeding may be indicative of females using incubation feeding to assess future male parental effort. Male hormonal condition that favors high rates of nestling provisioning may be a proximate cause of mate provisioning during incubation, even in the absence of selection, favoring high rates of mate provisioning. Both sexes may have capitalized on this unselected behavior.  相似文献   

In many bird species, only females incubate the eggs, but both sexes feed nestlings. The means by which males of such species discover hatching and transition to feeding their offspring remains almost completely unexplored. Of particular interest are species with nests whose contents are concealed from view. During June and early July 2015 in the Bighorn Mountains of Wyoming, we used continuous video‐recording of nests of cavity‐nesting Mountain Bluebirds (Sialia currucoides) to document the transition to feeding young by males. We saw no evidence that females used distinct vocal or visual displays to signal hatching to males. Observing mates carrying eggshells away from, or food into, nest boxes did not appear to trigger provisioning by males. Rather, at all 24 nests observed, males did not begin feeding until they had come to nest boxes and presumably sensed the presence of hatchings directly. Individual males varied, however, in both the manner in which they inspected nest contents and the number of times they did so before starting to feed young. Although most males fully entered nest boxes where they could see, touch, hear, and possibly smell hatchlings (or eggshell parts), other males may have detected hatchlings only by sound or possibly smell while perched at a nest‐box entrance. Based on past studies of mice and doves, we suggest that, for provisioning behavior to begin, some kind of direct sensation of offspring may be necessary to activate relevant neurons in the medial preoptic area of the hypothalamus of males, an area of the brain important in parental care. Additional research is necessary to test this, and to examine the effects of factors such as hormone levels and breeding experience on the means and rapidity by which males discover hatching and transition to nestling provisioning.  相似文献   

Nest defence intensity and nestling provisioning effort of female willow tits (Parus montanus) were significantly correlated at the end of nestling period: well-fed young were defended most intensely. Increased effort was rewarded, since broods with the highest female per-offspring provisioning rates were the most likely to produce local recruits. This suggests that the feeding ability is an important cue for parental investment decisions, at least in a species like the willow tit which has adopted the clutch adjustment strategy. Thus, the most valuable broods would not necessarily be the largest ones, but the ones in which the original number of young could be fed most adequately. However, no associations were found between the level of parental effort and offspring weight, size or condition, nor did the broods producing recruits differ from other broods in timing of breeding or number and size of offspring. The female behaviour may suggest that they invest the most time, energy and risk in the young whose chances of joining the winter flock are the best. The first well-fed young also gain an advantage of prior residency in joining the flock. The first to join normally obtain higher social status, and hence better winter survival, than latecomers. The corresponding patterns in male parental investment behaviour were weak or absent, which suggested that the male effort was affected by the female behaviour. Males seemed to invest in nestling provisioning in such a way as to supplement the female effort. During nest defence action males also seemed to invest in protection of females against predation.  相似文献   

Sexual differences in food provisioning rates of monomorphic seabirds are well known but poorly understood. Here, we address three hypotheses that attempt to explain female-biased food provisioning in common guillemots Uria aalge : (1) males spend more time in nest defence, (2) females have greater foraging efficiency, and (3) males allocate a greater proportion of foraging effort to self-maintenance. We found that males spent no more time with chicks than females but made longer trips and travelled further from the colony. There was extensive overlap between sexes in core foraging areas, indicating that females were not excluding males from feeding opportunities close to the colony. However, as a result of their longer trips, the total foraging areas of males were much greater than those of females. There was no difference between sexes in overall dive rate per hour at sea, in behaviour during individual dives or in a number of other measures of foraging efficiency including the frequency, depth and duration of dives and the dive: pause ratio during the final dive bout of each trip, which was presumably used by both sexes to obtain prey for the chick. These data strongly suggest that sexes did not differ in their ability to locate and capture prey. Yet males made almost twice as many dives per trip as females, suggesting that males made more dives than females for their own benefit. These results support the hypothesis that female-biased food provisioning arose from a difference between sexes in the allocation of foraging effort between parents and offspring, in anticipation of a prolonged period of male-only post-fledging care of the chick, and not from differences in foraging efficiency or time spent in nest defence.  相似文献   


Capsule: Differences in parental investment between sexes and stage of the breeding period were found in Bonelli’s Eagles Aquila fasciata.

Aims: To describe the sexual differences in parental behaviour of Bonelli’s Eagles and to assess the sex-specific pattern of variation in parental investment in relation to the breeding period.

Methods: Between 2006 and 2016, we monitored the parental behaviour of 11 pairs of Bonelli’s Eagles during the incubation and chick-rearing periods in southeastern Spain. Observations were made using 20–60× telescopes from points overlooking the territory at a distance of about 500–800?m from the nest.

Results: Our results reveal a marked division in parental duties in Bonelli’s Eagles. Females invested more effort in incubation, nest attendance, chick feeding and nest-building, while males contributed more to food provisioning. Nest attendance and feeding by females decreased with time, and both parents adjusted their provisioning effort in relation to nestling age. Most changeovers took place during the middle of the day, when male provisioning rates and temperatures reach their maximum.

Conclusion: Intersexual differences are discussed in the context of the prey capture difficulty hypothesis, which proposes that intra-pair prey differences, due to large sexual size dimorphism, should be particularly advantageous among raptors that pursue agile prey.  相似文献   

Biparental care in house sparrows: negotiation or sealed bid?   总被引:5,自引:4,他引:1  
We explored the responses of monogamous house sparrow parentsto deviations in their mates' contributions to nestling provisioning.Following 1-2 days of baseline measurement of parental fooddelivery rates, we applied small lead fishing weights to thetail feathers of either male or female parents. Weighting hadmuch greater immediate impact on male parental care than on female care, but the handicapping had little long-term effecton either male or female provisioning behavior. When parentalperformance of handicapped males was most impaired, their matesdid not show significant increases in parental care as compensation,nor did females mated to handicapped males reduce their provisioningas their mates recovered from weighting. Similarly, males matedto handicapped females did not respond to their partners' recovery with declines in their own efforts; paradoxically, these malesshowed a sustained elevation of provisioning throughout thepost-treatment interval, despite no significant reduction inprovisioning by weighted females. The apparent insensitivityof both males and females to changes in their mates' parentalbehavior, and the ineffectiveness of current partner behaviorat predicting an individual's provisioning effort, fail toconform to assumptions of biparental care models that requirefacultative responses to partner deviations in effort. Instead,the remarkable consistency of each individual's behavior supportsthe notion of "sealed bids" and suggests that variation innestling provisioning is largely attributable to factors thatare independent of the mate's current behavior, such as differencesin individual quality.  相似文献   

Adult‐directed predation risk elevates costs of parental care, and may modify relationships between sexually selected ornaments and parental effort by accentuating the tradeoff between survival and parental investment. We assessed multiple hypotheses regarding the relationship between maternal effort, paternal effort, and the sexually selected trait of male song complexity in the song sparrow Melospiza melodia. Further, we explored whether experimentally elevating perceived adult‐directed predation risk near nests affected these relationships. We quantified two dimensions of song complexity: song repertoire size and residual syllable number (the relative number of syllables for a given song repertoire size). Under elevated perceived predation risk, but not in the absence of the predator stimuli, females mated to males with higher residual syllable number displayed higher nestling provisioning rates and performed a greater proportion of nestling provisioning trips. In other words, elevating perceived predation risk induced a pattern of maternal investment consistent with differential allocation. In contrast, under elevated perceived predation risk, only, females performed a lesser proportion of provisioning trips when mated to males with large song repertoire sizes. Further, consistent with the good parent hypothesis, males with large song repertoire sizes displayed lower latencies to return to the nest, independent of the predator stimuli. Results suggest that residual syllable number may reflect some aspect of male genetic quality, such that females are more willing to maintain maternal effort while facing heightened predation risk. On the other hand, females may gain paternal benefits when mated to males with large song repertoires. Our study supports the hypothesis that increased costs of parental care associated with predation risk may induce relationships between sexually selected traits and parental behavior, which may increase the strength of sexual selection. Additionally, results suggest that different aspects of song complexity may fulfill non‐equivalent signaling roles.  相似文献   

When individuals in a population differ in physiological conditionand residual reproductive value, selection should favor phenotypicplasticity in reproductive investment such that individualsare able to adopt the reproductive tactic that results in thehighest fitness under given conditions. Here we examined reproductivetactics in relation to the elaboration of condition-dependentsexual ornamentation (carotenoid breast coloration) in a Montanapopulation of the house finches (Carpodacus mexicanus). Malesused distinct reproductive tactics depending on elaborationof their sexual ornamentation. Males with red pigmentation (maximum ornament elaboration) paired with females that nestedearlier, but these males did little provisioning of incubatingfemales and nestlings. In contrast, males with yellow colorationpaired with females that nested later, but these males fedfemale and nestlings more. Consequently, for red males offspringrecruitment was primarily affected by earlier nest initiation, whereas in yellow males it was affected most by male provisioning.In males with intermediate plumage coloration, all measuredcomponents, nest initiation, provisioning of incubating female,and nestling feeding, strongly contributed to offspring recruitment.The fitness consequences of alternative reproductive tacticsof males were influenced by breeding experience and fidelityof their mates. Among first-time breeders, red males achievedthe highest fecundity because of the advantage gained throughearly nesting and pairing with more experienced females andbecause of compensation by their mates for low male provisioningof nestlings. Among experienced breeders, males with intermediateplumage coloration achieved the highest fecundity because ofthe combined benefits of relatively early pairing and high parental care. High variation in sexual ornamentation in a Montana populationof house finches may favor distinct associations of sexualdisplays with a particular set of reproductive behaviors.  相似文献   

We looked for evidence of a cost of reproduction in the Marsh Tit Parus palustris living in the last fragments of primeval temperate forest (Białowieża National Park, eastern Poland). Potential nest-holes were superabundant but the birds had to cope with a diverse set of predators, dangerous both to broods and to parents. Taking advantage of the natural variation in realized reproductive investment that this caused in terms of the loss of nests or mates, we expected to find differences in survival and future fecundity between birds which had lost broods (reduced effort), had reared young (controls) or were either provisioning young single-handed or had laid replacement clutches (increased effort). Despite 13 years of observation, even during seasons with very strenuous conditions, we have failed to demonstrate that the observed range of variation in parental investment caused any demographic cost of reproduction. Incubating females were regularly killed on the nest, which could indicate the existence of a cost operating in the earlier stages of the breeding cycle. Overall, these results suggest that the reproductive rate in Marsh Tits is not controlled proximately by reproductive cost.  相似文献   

Hormones mediate major physiological and behavioural components of the reproductive phenotype of individuals. To understand basic evolutionary processes in the hormonal regulation of reproductive traits, we need to know whether, and during which reproductive phases, individual variation in hormone concentrations relates to fitness in natural populations. We related circulating concentrations of prolactin and corticosterone to parental behaviour and reproductive success during both the pre-breeding and the chick-rearing stages in both individuals of pairs of free-living house sparrows, Passer domesticus. Prolactin and baseline corticosterone concentrations in pre-breeding females, and prolactin concentrations in pre-breeding males, predicted total number of fledglings. When the strong effect of lay date on total fledgling number was corrected for, only pre-breeding baseline corticosterone, but not prolactin, was negatively correlated with the reproductive success of females. During the breeding season, nestling provisioning rates of both sexes were negatively correlated with stress-induced corticosterone levels. Lastly, individuals of both sexes with low baseline corticosterone before and high baseline corticosterone during breeding raised the most offspring, suggesting that either the plasticity of this trait contributes to reproductive success or that high parental effort leads to increased hormone concentrations. Thus hormone concentrations both before and during breeding, as well as their seasonal dynamics, predict reproductive success, suggesting that individual variation in absolute concentrations and in plasticity is functionally significant, and, if heritable, may be a target of selection.  相似文献   

We investigated the relations between female quality and ornamentation and between male breeding investment and female ornamentation in the rock sparrow, Petronia petronia, a passerine in which both sexes have a yellow breast patch. Breast patch size in females was positively correlated with body mass and breeding status; double-brooding and primary females of polygynous males had a larger patch, and patch size could therefore be an indicator of female phenotypic quality. We conducted a field experiment to test whether males allocate their parental effort in relation to female quality, as predicted by the differential allocation hypothesis. We increased and reduced the ornament sizes of paired females and compared the behaviour of their males before and after manipulation. Frequency of brood feeding by the male was not affected by female ornament manipulation; there was a nonsignificant trend for females with enlarged ornaments, contrary to predictions, to increase their feeding rate. Reducing female ornaments resulted in a decrease in male nest attendance, a measure of passive brood defence, whereas enlarging the ornament had no effect. Males concurrently reduced their territorial (song output) and sexual activity (courtship and copulation). The reduction in sexual activity suggests that males may have changed their nest attendance in response to their mate's renesting probability. Whatever the interpretation, these results provide some of the first evidence that not only female, but also male, birds change breeding strategy according to their mate's phenotype in the wild. Copyright 2003 Published by Elsevier Ltd on behalf of The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.   相似文献   

In cooperatively breeding bird species, one of the most conspicuous helping behaviours is the provisioning of food. Many studies have considered the feeding of nestlings, but far fewer have examined feeding of incubating females, and none have looked at the types of prey delivered at this stage. Here I show that green woodhoopoe ( Phoeniculus purpureus ) group members selectively feed incubating females with certain prey items: the diet delivered to incubating females contains a higher proportion of caterpillars, centipedes and cockroaches than that eaten by the provisioning adults themselves. The prey items selectively delivered are the largest in the diet and so might be provided in an effort to enhance the breeding female's condition, thus minimizing the time that she spends off the nest and so increasing hatching success. Intriguingly, it is only breeding males that show this adjustment in provisioning diet; helpers of both sexes simply provide the incubating female with the same proportions of different prey items that they eat when self-feeding. My results therefore offer the first evidence that members of cooperative groups may not all follow the same provisioning rules, and they also emphasize the need for studies to consider the incubation stage in just as much detail as the nestling phase if we are to understand fully the complexities of cooperative societies.  相似文献   

We analysed video-sequences of undisturbed parental provisioning behaviour on 12 nests of common redstart (Phoenicurus phoenicurus). In 4 of the 12 nests, chicks were fed by a single parent only. We compared provisioning rate of chicks, time spent on the nest and food allocation rules between nests with uniparental and biparental care and between male and female parents in biparental nests. In nests with a single parent, the frequency of feeding visits per parent was higher than in biparental nests. As a result, the rate of food provisioning of chicks was similar in uniparental and biparental nests. The food allocation rules did not differ between uniparental and biparental nests. In biparental nests, male and female provisioning behaviour was similar though with two exceptions: males had a strong preference for feeding chicks in front positions in the nest and females spent a longer time on the nest after feeding. We conclude that single common redstart parents are able to compensate fully for the absence of the other parent through increased provisioning efforts, and that in biparental nests, males and females contribute equally to the provisioning of the young.  相似文献   

Altricial birds show enormous intraspecific diversity in their provisioning strategies, in terms of both the provisioning rate and the amount of food delivered per feeding bout. Extra-pair copulations (EPCs), which result in either extra-pair paternity (EPP) or maternity (EPM), provide an opportunity to demonstrate why provisioning strategies vary among individuals. Because EPP-cuckolded males and EPM-cuckolded females must raise unrelated young, whereas EPM-cuckolded males and EPP-cuckolded females need not, we hypothesized that the first two categories of breeders would reduce parental effort, whereas the latter two categories of breeders would increase parental effort. We tested this hypothesis in the Azure-winged Magpie Cyanopica cyanus by comparing the number and body mass of fledglings, provisioning rates and food amount delivered per feeding bout between EPP- and EPM-cuckolded breeders and faithful breeders. We found that (1) the number of fledglings did not differ significantly between cuckolded and faithful breeders, and (2) fledglings raised by EPM-cuckolded males and EPP-cuckolded females did not differ from faithful breeders, whereas fledglings raised by EPP-cuckolded males and EPM-cuckolded females were significantly smaller than those raised by faithful breeders. Compared with faithful breeders, cuckolded breeders increased parental efforts in nests that contained no unrelated young; hence, their loss in parentage may be compensated for by the enhanced quality of fledglings. In nests that contained unrelated young, cuckolded breeders did not reduce parental efforts; hence, their own offspring would not starve and could survive in competition with mixed brood-mates. Our findings suggest that the differences in parentage created by EPP and EPM scenarios and the potential fitness return of raising a brood for the cuckolded breeders can explain the intraspecific variation in provisioning strategies of altricial birds.  相似文献   

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