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Mucormycosis is usually an invasive mycotic disease caused by fungi in the class mucormycetes. Here we report a case of cutaneous mucormycosis due to Lichtheimia ramosa in a 20-year-old female patient with burn injuries. She was admitted to the hospital with accidental flame burns covering 60 % total burn surface area. After 15 days of admission to hospital, the burn wound showed features of fungal infection. Culture showed white cottony growth belonging to the Mucorales order. Morphological identification confirmed it as L. ramosa. She was managed surgically and medically with the help of amphotericin B. Patient survived due to prompt diagnosis and appropriate medical and surgical treatment. Early diagnosis is critical in prevention of morbidity and mortality associated with the disease. Fungal infection in burn wounds can be difficult to diagnose and manage.  相似文献   

Mucormycosis is increasingly common in patients with risk factors such as diabetes mellitus, neutropenia, and corticosteroid therapy. However, mucormycosis seems to be less common in patients with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection compared to patients with other risk factors. Despite their lower virulence, Lichtheimia species should be regarded as emerging pathogens among Mucoralean fungi. We report a fatal case of pulmonary mucormycosis due to Lichtheimia ramosa in a 52-year-old man with an end-stage HIV infection. He had a cachectic appearance and his CD4 count was 8 cells/mm3. The fungal infection was diagnosed based on a positive sputum culture with histopathologic confirmation. The fungus was resistant to caspofungin, anidulafungin, and voriconazole [minimum inhibitory concentration (MCI) >32 µg/ml], whereas the E test MIC values of itraconazole, posaconazole, and amphotericin B were 0.38, 0.38, and 0.5 µg/ml, respectively. Although intravenous drug use is the main risk factor for the development of mucormycosis in HIV-infected patients, it may also develop in patients with low CD4 count, opportunistic infections and/or additional diseases, such as Kaposi’s sarcoma or severe immunodeficiency, as in our case.  相似文献   

Mycopathologia - The Mucorales fungi—formerly classified as the zygomycetes—are environmentally ubiquitous fungi, but generally rare causes of clinical infections. In the...  相似文献   

Several experiments were conducted to study the influence of water content in trees on dye diffusion or controlled Pseudomonas syringae pv. persicae infection spread induced in winter by water soaking after freezing and thawing. These were carried out in a cold cabinet in excised dormant hardy 1-year-old slightly dehydrated or rehydrated peach shoots, and in whole variably hydrated peach trees cultivated outdoors in 3001 containers. In shoots, dye diffusion was more substantial and infection more widespread when water content was higher. In potted peach trees, the spread of individual bacterial cankers which was induced by inoculating different shoots over two successive winters, was more restricted when tree water content was lower. In both years, a high positive correlation coefficient was observed between individual tree water content and mean canker length. This study revealed that stem water content in peach trees during winter and frosts is a fundamental factor in infection because it can drastically affect bacteria diffusion in cortical tissues during frost- and thaw-related water soaking. The effect of water content may have important epidemiological consequences firstly due to the influence of several environmental and agronomic factors on tree water content, and then to the prevalence of frost-related water soaking in many perennial and herbaceous plants.  相似文献   

The fates of Montipora ramosa fragments have been followed and related to physical factors on the reef. The degree of genetic homogeneity between colonies of M. ramosa was assessed by reciprocal grafting techniques, and the cross reef cline interpreted in terms of the degree of fragmentation. Two botanical terms, genet and ramet, referring to individuals derived from sexual (planula settlement) and asexual (fragmentation of colonies) processes respectively have been introduced to the coral literature.  相似文献   

The residue of imidacloprid in the nectar and pollens of the plants is toxic not only to adult honeybees but also the larvae. Our understanding of the risk of imidacloprid to larvae of the honeybees is still in a very early stage. In this study, the capped-brood, pupation and eclosion rates of the honeybee larvae were recorded after treating them directly in the hive with different dosages of imidacloprid. The brood-capped rates of the larvae decreased significantly when the dosages increased from 24 to 8000 ng/larva. However, there were no significant effects of DMSO or 0.4 ng of imidacloprid per larva on the brood-capped, pupation and eclosion rates. Although the sublethal dosage of imidacloprid had no effect on the eclosion rate, we found that the olfactory associative behavior of the adult bees was impaired if they had been treated with 0.04 ng/larva imidacloprid in the larval stage. These results demonstrate that a sublethal dosage of imidacloprid given to the larvae affects the subsequent associative ability of the adult honeybee workers. Thus, a low dose of imidacloprid may affect the survival condition of the entire colony, even though the larvae survive to adulthood.  相似文献   

Epidemic models usually rely on the assumption of exponentially distributed sojourn times in infectious states. This is sometimes an acceptable approximation, but it is generally not realistic and it may influence the epidemic dynamics as it has already been shown in one population. Here, we explore the consequences of choosing constant or gamma-distributed infectious periods in a metapopulation context. For two coupled populations, we show that the probability of generating no secondary infections is the largest for most parameter values if the infectious period follows an exponential distribution, and we identify special cases where, inversely, the infection is more prone to extinction in early phases for constant infection durations. The impact of the infection duration distribution on the epidemic dynamics of many connected populations is studied by simulation and sensitivity analysis, taking into account the potential interactions with other factors. The analysis based on the average nonextinct epidemic trajectories shows that their sensitivity to the assumption on the infectious period distribution mostly depends on , the mean infection duration and the network structure. This study shows that the effect of assuming exponential distribution for infection periods instead of more realistic distributions varies with respect to the output of interest and to other factors. Ultimately it highlights the risk of misleading recommendations based on modelling results when models including exponential infection durations are used for practical purposes.  相似文献   



To relate socio-demographic and virological information to phylogenetic clustering in HIV infected patients in a limited geographical area and to evaluate the role of recently infected individuals in the spread of HIV.


HIV-1 pol sequences from newly diagnosed and treatment-naive patients receiving follow-up between 2008 and 2011 by physicians belonging to a health network in Paris were used to build a phylogenetic tree using neighbour-joining analysis. Time since infection was estimated by immunoassay to define recently infected patients (very early infected presenters, VEP). Data on socio-demographic, clinical and biological features in clustered and non-clustered patients were compared. Chains of infection structure was also analysed.


547 patients were included, 49 chains of infection containing 108 (20%) patients were identified by phylogenetic analysis. analysis. Eighty individuals formed pairs and 28 individuals were belonging to larger clusters. The median time between two successive HIV diagnoses in the same chain of infection was 248 days [CI = 176–320]. 34.7% of individuals were considered as VEP, and 27% of them were included in chains of infection. Multivariable analysis showed that belonging to a cluster was more frequent in VEP and those under 30 years old (OR: 3.65, 95 CI 1.49–8.95, p = 0.005 and OR: 2.42, 95% CI 1.05–5.85, p = 0.04 respectively). The prevalence of drug resistance was not associated with belonging to a pair or a cluster. Within chains, VEP were not grouped together more than chance predicted (p = 0.97).


Most newly diagnosed patients did not belong to a chain of infection, confirming the importance of undiagnosed or untreated HIV infected individuals in transmission. Furthermore, clusters involving both recently infected individuals and longstanding infected individuals support a substantial role in transmission of the latter before diagnosis.  相似文献   



School visits to farms are a positive educational experience but pose risks due to the spread of zoonotic infections. A lesson plan to raise awareness about microbes on the farm and preventative behaviours was developed in response to the Griffin Investigation into the E. coli outbreak associated with Godstone Farm in 2009. This study evaluated the effectiveness of the delivery of the lesson plan in increasing knowledge about the spread of infection on the farm, amongst school students.


Two hundred and twenty-five 9–11 year old students from seven junior schools in England participated. Two hundred and ten students filled in identical questionnaires covering microbes, hand hygiene, and farm hygiene before and after the lesson. Statistical analysis assessed knowledge change using difference in percentage correct answers.


Significant knowledge improvement was observed for all sections. In the ‘Farm Hygiene’ section, girls and boys demonstrated 18% (p<0.001) and 11% (p<0.001) improvement, respectively (girls vs. boys p<0.004). As girls had lower baseline knowledge the greater percentage improvement resulted in similar post intervention knowledge scores between genders (girls 80%, boys 83%).


The lesson plan was successful at increasing awareness of microbes on the farm and infection prevention measures and should be used by teachers in preparation for a farm visit.  相似文献   

We perform sensitivity analyses on a mathematical model of malaria transmission to determine the relative importance of model parameters to disease transmission and prevalence. We compile two sets of baseline parameter values: one for areas of high transmission and one for low transmission. We compute sensitivity indices of the reproductive number (which measures initial disease transmission) and the endemic equilibrium point (which measures disease prevalence) to the parameters at the baseline values. We find that in areas of low transmission, the reproductive number and the equilibrium proportion of infectious humans are most sensitive to the mosquito biting rate. In areas of high transmission, the reproductive number is again most sensitive to the mosquito biting rate, but the equilibrium proportion of infectious humans is most sensitive to the human recovery rate. This suggests strategies that target the mosquito biting rate (such as the use of insecticide-treated bed nets and indoor residual spraying) and those that target the human recovery rate (such as the prompt diagnosis and treatment of infectious individuals) can be successful in controlling malaria.  相似文献   

Detection and interpretation of olfactory cues are critical for the survival of many organisms. Remarkably, species across phyla have strikingly similar olfactory systems suggesting that the biological approach to chemical sensing has been optimized over evolutionary time1. In the insect olfactory system, odorants are transduced by olfactory receptor neurons (ORN) in the antenna, which convert chemical stimuli into trains of action potentials. Sensory input from the ORNs is then relayed to the antennal lobe (AL; a structure analogous to the vertebrate olfactory bulb). In the AL, neural representations for odors take the form of spatiotemporal firing patterns distributed across ensembles of principal neurons (PNs; also referred to as projection neurons)2,3. The AL output is subsequently processed by Kenyon cells (KCs) in the downstream mushroom body (MB), a structure associated with olfactory memory and learning4,5. Here, we present electrophysiological recording techniques to monitor odor-evoked neural responses in these olfactory circuits.First, we present a single sensillum recording method to study odor-evoked responses at the level of populations of ORNs6,7. We discuss the use of saline filled sharpened glass pipettes as electrodes to extracellularly monitor ORN responses. Next, we present a method to extracellularly monitor PN responses using a commercial 16-channel electrode3. A similar approach using a custom-made 8-channel twisted wire tetrode is demonstrated for Kenyon cell recordings8. We provide details of our experimental setup and present representative recording traces for each of these techniques.  相似文献   

Animal-associated bacterial communities are infected by bacteriophages, although the dynamics of these infections are poorly understood. Transduction by bacteriophages may contribute to transfer of antimicrobial resistance genes, but the relative importance of transduction among other gene transfer mechanisms is unknown. We therefore developed a candidate deterministic mathematical model of the infection dynamics of enteric coliphages in commensal Escherichia coli in the large intestine of cattle. We assumed the phages were associated with the intestine and were predominantly temperate. Model simulations demonstrated how, given the bacterial ecology and infection dynamics, most (>90%) commensal enteric E. coli bacteria may become lysogens of enteric coliphages during intestinal transit. Using the model and the most liberal assumptions about transduction efficiency and resistance gene frequency, we approximated the upper numerical limits (“worst-case scenario”) of gene transfer through specialized and generalized transduction in E. coli by enteric coliphages when the transduced genetic segment is picked at random. The estimates were consistent with a relatively small contribution of transduction to lateral gene spread; for example, generalized transduction delivered the chromosomal resistance gene to up to 8 E. coli bacteria/hour within the population of 1.47 × 108E. coli bacteria/liter luminal contents. In comparison, the plasmidic blaCMY-2 gene carried by ∼2% of enteric E. coli was transferred by conjugation at a rate at least 1.4 × 103 times greater than our generalized transduction estimate. The estimated numbers of transductants varied nonlinearly depending on the ecology of bacteria available for phages to infect, that is, on the assumed rates of turnover and replication of enteric E. coli.  相似文献   

Zygomycoses are opportunistic infections caused by the Mucorales fungi. They are typically seen in immunosuppressed patients. The incidence of zygomycosis cases seems to be increasing. We report on zygomycosis in a pediatric, female stem-cell-transplant recipient. This case report underlines the difficulty of taking care of patients with zygomycosis. In fungal infections of immunosuppressive patients on broad-coverage antibiotics, foci of skin necrosis are unique and typical for zygomycoses, and may be helpful in this challenging diagnosis.  相似文献   

Avian H7 influenza viruses have been responsible for poultry outbreaks worldwide and have resulted in numerous cases of human infection in recent years. The high rate of conjunctivitis associated with avian H7 subtype virus infections may represent a portal of entry for avian influenza viruses and highlights the need to better understand the apparent ocular tropism observed in humans. To study this, mice were inoculated by the ocular route with viruses of multiple subtypes and degrees of virulence. We found that in contrast to human (H3N2 and H1N1) viruses, H7N7 viruses isolated from The Netherlands in 2003 and H7N3 viruses isolated from British Columbia, Canada, in 2004, two subtypes that were highly virulent for poultry, replicated to a significant titer in the mouse eye. Remarkably, an H7N7 virus, as well as some avian H5N1 viruses, spread systemically following ocular inoculation, including to the brain, resulting in morbidity and mortality of mice. This correlated with efficient replication of highly pathogenic H7 and H5 subtypes in murine corneal epithelial sheets (ex vivo) and primary human corneal epithelial cells (in vitro). Influenza viruses were labeled to identify the virus attachment site in the mouse cornea. Although we found abundant H7 virus attachment to corneal epithelial tissue, this did not account for the differences in virus replication as multiple subtypes were able to attach to these cells. These findings demonstrate that avian influenza viruses within H7 and H5 subtypes are capable of using the eye as a portal of entry.Highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) H5N1 viruses, which have resulted in over 420 documented cases of human infection to date, have generally caused acute, often severe and fatal, respiratory illness (1, 50). While conjunctivitis following infection with H5N1 or human influenza viruses has been rare, most human infections associated with H7 subtype viruses have resulted in ocular and not respiratory disease (1, 9, 37, 38). Infrequent reports of human conjunctivitis infection following exposure to H7 influenza viruses date from 1977, predominantly resulting from laboratory or occupational exposure (21, 40, 48). However, in The Netherlands in 2003, more than 80 human infections with H7N7 influenza virus occurred among poultry farmers and cullers amid widespread outbreaks of HPAI in domestic poultry; the majority of these human infections resulted in conjunctivitis (14, 20). Additionally, conjunctivitis was documented in the two human infections resulting from an H7N3 outbreak in British Columbia, Canada, in 2004, as well as in H7N3- and H7N2-infected individuals in the United Kingdom in 2006 and 2007, respectively (13, 18, 29, 46, 51). The properties that contribute to an apparent ocular tropism of some influenza viruses are currently not well understood (30).Host cell glycoproteins bearing sialic acids (SAs) are the cellular receptors for influenza viruses and can be found on epithelial cells within both the human respiratory tract and ocular tissue (26, 31, 41). Both respiratory and ocular tissues additionally secrete sialylated mucins that function in pathogen defense and protection of the epithelial surface (5, 11, 22). Within the upper respiratory tract, α2-6-linked SAs (the preferred receptor for human influenza viruses) predominate on epithelial cells (26). While α2-3-linked SAs are also present to a lesser degree on respiratory epithelial cells, this linkage is more abundantly expressed on secreted mucins (2). In contrast, α2-3-linked SAs (the preferred receptor for avian influenza viruses) are found on corneal and conjunctival epithelial cells of the human eye (31, 41), while secreted ocular mucins are abundantly composed of α2-6 SAs (5). It has been suggested that avian influenza viruses are more suited to infect the ocular surface due to their general α2-3-linked SA binding preference, but this has not been demonstrated experimentally (30).The mouse model has been used previously to study the role of ocular exposure to respiratory viruses (6, 39). In mice, ocular inoculation with an H3N2 influenza virus resulted in virus replication in nasal turbinates and lung (39), whereas ocular infection with respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) resulted in detectable virus titers in the eye and lung (6). These studies have revealed that respiratory viruses are not limited to the ocular area following inoculation at this site. However, the ability of influenza viruses to replicate specifically within ocular tissue has not been examined.Despite repeated instances of conjunctivitis associated with H7 subtype infections in humans, the reasons for this apparent ocular tropism have not been studied extensively. Here, we present a murine model to study the ability of human and avian influenza viruses to cause disease by the ocular route. We found that highly pathogenic H7 and H5 influenza viruses were capable of causing a systemic and lethal infection in mice following ocular inoculation. These highly pathogenic viruses, unlike human H3N2 and H1N1 viruses, replicated to significant titers in the mouse corneal epithelium and primary human corneal epithelial cells (HCEpiCs). Identification of viruses well suited to infecting the ocular surface is the first step in better understanding the ability of influenza viruses of multiple subtypes to use this tissue as a portal of entry.  相似文献   

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