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To assess the prevalence of drinking among medical students a questionnaire on smoking, exercise, drinking, and weight was distributed among the students available. A total of 260 replies were received from an estimated available population of 350 students (134 men and 126 women). The mean alcohol consumption obtained by a quantity-frequency measure was 20.5 units/week for male students and 14.6 units/week for female students. Retrospective diary reports showed mean (SE) consumptions of 18 (2) units/week for men (n = 134) and 11 (1) units/week for women (n = 126). Consumption among the men closely matched consumption among men matched for age in the general population. Women, however, drank more than women matched for age. Male and female medical students exceeded the suggested maximum for their sex in equal proportions. Quantity-frequency data showed that 31 (23%) men drank over 35 units/week and 28 (22%) women drank over 21 units/week. Of the 59 students exceeding these limits, 51 responded positively to a standard screening questionnaire for alcohol abuse. Forty students reported that they might have a drinking problem, and 138 reported that alcohol had affected their academic performance at some time; 17 of these were affected frequently. The students suggested sensible maximum consumption figures for health education. Smoking was associated with heavy drinking, especially among the women. These results suggest that some medical students are compromising their future health and their academic performance through excessive drinking.  相似文献   

The sample consisted of 104 students (male and female) from Croatian town of Vukovar, which was heavily destroyed during the Homeland war in 1991. Through self-report, author researches their experiences and attitudes towards different dependences, from so-called light to so-called heavy dependences. The conclusions of the survey are as following: a) experiences of Vukovar' students differ a lot depending on potential danger of particular dependence, so students prefer so-called light dependences than so-called heavy dependences b) Vukovar' students attitudes towards noxiousness/ usefulness also differ according the potential danger of particular dependence and, again, so-called light dependences are more acceptable for students. c) Students have the same attitudes and experiences towards dependences, apart from gender or educational program. Suggesting the practical preventive usefulness, author stresses that basic conclusion of the survey is that students have positive attitude towards so-called light dependences, which should be changed by better information and education of students.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: Bullying and sexual harassment of medical students by their teachers appears to be widespread phenomenon. However, nothing is published about its prevalence in conservative countries such as Saudi Arabia. This survey aims to ascertain the extent of these mistreatments among students in a Saudi medical school. FINDINGS: A cross-sectional questionnaire survey was conducted on a group of 542 clinical years' medical students in a Saudi medical school to explore students' perceptions of their educational environment including exposure to different kinds of bullying. Bullying was defined as "a "persistent behaviour against a medical student that is intimidating, degrading, offensive or malicious and undermines the confidence and self- esteem of the recipient". Results revealed that more than one quarter (28.0 %) of the surveyed students reported exposure to some sort of bullying during their clinical . Ninety percent of the reported insults were verbal, 6 % sexual and 4 % physical. Males were more exposed but difference was not statistically significant. CONCLUSIONS: Bullying among Saudi medical students is an existing problem. A policy against bullying and harassment should be adopted in all of medical colleges to monitor this phenomenon and support students who have been bullied.  相似文献   

目的了解医学生对抗菌药物的认知水平及自主应用抗菌药物状况。方法采用分层整群抽样方法抽取调查对象,进行抗菌药物认知和使用的问卷调查。结果医学生抗菌药物认知较以前有提高,但仍存在误区。结论对抗菌药物应用认知水平的缺乏和不适当应用抗菌药物的现象在低年级医学生中依然存在,加强对抗菌药物应用知识的普及和宣传教育仍是当前之必需。  相似文献   

Public attitudes to family medicine in Turkey have lagged behind its rapid academic development. The effect of undergraduate training in primary care on medical students' attitudes to family medicine has not been assessed. Objectives of this study were to assess the attitudes of first year medical students at Uludag University School of Medicine in Bursa, Turkey to family medicine and to determine their career aspirations. The study was a survey of the first year medical class in 2003-2004. The response rate was 95% (248/261 students). Students were positive about their choice of medicine as a career but had negative opinions of general practice. Female students were more positive in this respect. Initial preference was for specialization in fields other than general practice with little knowledge of the academic specialty of family medicine. Greater undergraduate exposure to family medicine is needed in order to increase knowledge of the field and influence student career choices.  相似文献   

Our aim was to explore and compare the job satisfaction between family physicians and hospital specialists in Split, Croatia. The survey was carried out in 2005 and 2006. A validated questionnaire was composed of two parts: 92 statements and questions about job satisfaction in the form of a Lickert scale (range 1-5) and eight questions concerning demographic issues. The questionnaire was completed and returned by 165 hospital specialists from the University Hospital and by 131 family physicians from the Split County. Response rate for family physicians was 39.81% and 41.46% for hospital specialists. Hospital doctors were divided in two groups: internal and surgical. There were no significant differences between family physicians and hospital specialists in total job satisfaction (F = 1.02; p = 0.41). Family physicians were more satisfied with their workplace conditions than internal medicine specialists (19.37 +/- 4.23 vs. 17.37 +/- 4.59; F = 5.93; p = 0.003), and less satisfied with the possibilities for postgraduate training than surgeons (5.27 +/- 1.90 vs. 6.59 +/- 2.07; F = 9.26; p < 0.001). Global job satisfaction was rather low but does not differ between the three medical groups. Disparities were observed in some segments (opportunity for further training and academic advancement, vacation, and salary). The reason for the family physician's relative satisfaction may be due to stable working conditions, independence in organizing work schedules and personal responsibility.  相似文献   

The performance during the preclinical course of 517 students who had applied to this medical school for admission in 1981 and who had been accepted by the school or by another British medical school was analysed in relation to variables measured at the time of application to find factors that predicted success in the preclinical course, whether students chose to take an intercalated degree, and the class achieved in the intercalated degree. Thirty one of the 507 students who entered medical school withdrew from the course or failed their examinations; these students were particularly likely not to have an A level in a biological science. O level grades were of minimal predictive value for performance during the preclinical course. A level grades discriminated between successful and unsuccessful students but had too low a specificity or sensitivity to be of use in individual prediction. Mature entrants performed better overall than school leavers. Background variables accounted for only 14.2% of the variance in performance, implying that motivation and personality may be more important in determining performance. The 80 students who chose to take an intercalated degree were more likely to be men and not to be mature entrants; for a further 50 students intercalated degrees were obligatory. Performance in the intercalated degree related to performance during the preclinical course and to assessments made at the selection interview but not to achievement at O or A level.  相似文献   

对学生使用教材情况进行调查与研究,从知识内容、能力方法、学习效果及评价3个维度对新教材进行分析评价,指出教材编写和教学中存在的一些问题,对教师的教、学生的学以及教材的完善提出了建议。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To establish a consensus among medical schools in North America on whether to dedicate specific sessions to teaching cytopathology to medical students. STUDY DESIGN: A list of all the medical schools in the United States, Canada and Puerto Rico was retrieved from the American Association of Medical Colleges Web site in conjunction with the information provided by the 33rd edition of the Directory of Pathology Training Programs, published by the Intersociety Committee on Pathology Information. A total of 147 schools were found. A questionnaire was designed to include 7 questions addressing this issue and was sent to each medical student pathology course director. RESULTS: Of the 147 questionnaires, 65 (44%) responses were received. Fifty-four (83%) indicated the total number of pathology lectures given to medical students in each course. The number of lectures ranged between 19 and 201, with a mean of 85. Seven (11%) stated that their systems used problem based learning and that therefore a specific number of pathology lectures could not be given accurately. Sixteen (25%) have cytology sessions incorporated in their pathology courses. Thirteen (20%) prefer to include cytopathology sessions in the course and are committed to doing so. Therefore, 29 (45%) institutions either have or prefer to have specific sessions dedicated to cytopathology education. CONCLUSION: Incorporating specific sessions dedicated to cytopathology education in the medical student curriculum is highly recommended. Using new educational techniques, including computer-based methods with real case studies, would add more educational value.  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to examine the prevalence of alcohol abuse among university students in Osijek, Croatia and its possible interconnections with gender, year of study, repetition of year of study, faculty subject area, sources of financing and type of residence during study. A validated questionnaire was self-administered to cross-faculty representative student sample of "J. J. Strossmayer" University of Osiek in June 2006. General demographic data, as well as data on academic features and student socio-economical status were obtained. The Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT) was used for assessing the extent of alcohol consumption, with cut off value of 8 indicating possible alcohol problems. The majority of study participants 90.9% (755/831) had tried alcohol at least once in their life. Among this group, 43.8% (331/755) had an AUDIT total score of 8 or more: 69.2% (229/331) were males and 30.8% (102/331) were females. Among the study participants who screened positive, 70.4% (233/331) responded positively to simple advice focused on the reduction of hazardous drinking (AUDIT 8-15), 14.5% (48/331) needed brief counseling and continued monitoring (AUDIT 16-19), and 15.1% (50/331) clearly warranted further diagnostic evaluation for alcohol dependence (AUDIT 20 and above). Significantly different statistical data was found within the following factors: gender, repetition of year of study, faculty subject area and type of residence (chi2 = 76.232, p = 0.0000; Fisher exact test = 31.828, p = 0.0000; chi2 = 11.667, p = 0.0086 and chi2 = 6.639, p = 0.0362 respectively). Alcohol consumption resulting in risk behaviors is common among university students from eastern Croatia. These findings emphasize the need for comprehensive and effective preventative strategies directed towards student population.  相似文献   

Biomechanical and Psychosocial stresses are capable of destabilizing any health care professional. The current health sector reform in Nigeria, which lays emphasis on service delivery on a background of very few radiographers, may lead to an increase in stress level. This study investigated the incidence of occupational stress among radiographers in southeastern Nigeria. 50 self-completion questionnaires were delivered to radiographers in the southeastern Nigeria. The questionnaires included questions seeking information on the demographic profile of the radiographer, anatomical regions of biomechanical systems/stress and Visual analogue scale (VAS), which rated job satisfaction and anxiety levels. 32 questionnaires were returned and analyzed statistically. Biomechanical stress was observed in all anatomical regions studied. Job satisfaction rating was 61.3% and anxiety level was 45.3%. This study has provided a baseline stress level and prevalence among radiographers with which future studies in view of the on going health sector reform in Nigeria could be compared.  相似文献   

目的 探讨医学本科生气质性乐观与抑郁体验、生活满意度的关系,为改善医学生的心理健康提供依据.方法 方便抽取某医学院校在校本科生300名,采用生活取向测量问卷(LOT)、抑郁体验问卷(DEQ)、生活满意度问卷(SWLS)进行调查.结果 男女医学生乐观水平差异无统计学意义(P>0.05),独生子女乐观水平显著高于非独生子女,差异有统计学意义(P<0.01);乐观维度和生活满意度显著正相关(r=0.40,P<0.01),悲观维度与无助性抑郁和内射性抑郁维度显著正相关(r=0.39,0.49,P<0.01);悲观因子显著正向预测抑郁(β=0.491,P<0.01),乐观因子显著正向预测生活满意度(β=0.357,P<0.01).结论 医学生的气质性乐观和抑郁、生活满意度有着密切关系,气质性乐观可能是影响医学生心理健康的重要因素.  相似文献   

Microbiota from multiple kingdoms (e.g., Eubacteria, Fungi, Protista) thrive at temperature optima ranging from 0–20°C (psychrophiles) to 40–85°C (thermophiles). In this study, we have monitored changes in adenylate levels and growth rate as a function of temperature in disparate thermally adapted organisms. Our data indicate that growth rate and adenylate levels increase with temperature in mesophilic and thermophilic species, but rapid losses of adenosine 5-triphosphate (ATP) occur upon cold or heat shock. By contrast, psychrophilic species decrease adenylate levels but increase growth rate as temperatures rise within their viable range. Moreover, psychrophilic ATP levels fell rapidly upon heat shock, but dramatic gains in ATP (~20–50%) were observed upon cold shock, even at sub-zero temperatures. These results suggest that energy metabolism in thermophiles resembles that in mesophiles, but that elevated adenylate nucleotides in psychrophiles may constitute a compensatory strategy for maintaining biochemical processes at low temperature.  相似文献   

The study was aimed at determining the prevalence, pattern and factors associated with psychoactive substance use among medical students in the University of Ilorin, Nigeria. All consenting medical students were requested to compile a 22-item modified, pilot-tested semi- structured self-report questionnaire based on the World Health Organization''s guidelines for student substance use survey. It was found that the most currently used substances were mild stimulants (33.3%), alcohol (13.6%), sedatives (7.3%) and tobacco (3.2%). Except for tobacco, the use of these substances seemed to be only instrumental. Substance use was directly associated with male gender, living alone, self-reported study difficulty, being a clinical student, and being aged 25 years or more. There was an inverse relationship of substance use with religiosity and good mental health.  相似文献   

Knowledge of science and the scientific method are important in learning about and using evidence-based medicine in practice. Courses in research methodology have been introduced for both medical students and practicing doctors. In Pokhara, the basic science subjects are taught in an integrated manner during the first four semesters of the undergraduate medical course. Studies on students' attitudes towards and knowledge of science are lacking in medical colleges in Nepal. Hence the study was carried out to obtain information on students' attitude towards and knowledge of science and scientific methodology among preclinical medical students and note the association, if any, of students' attitudes and their demographic characteristics. The study was carried out in March 2005 among the students of the first four semesters at the Manipal College of Medical Sciences, Pokhara, Nepal using a questionnaire developed by Hren and coworkers. Two hundred and twenty students (overall response rate 73.3%) successfully completed the questionnaire. Seventy-five respondents were Nepalese, 115 were Indians, 27 were Sri Lankans and 3 belonged to other nationalities. The X +/- SD total attitude score was 147.4 +/- 10.8 (neutral score 135). The X +/- SD scores on the subscales, value of science to humanity, value of scientific methodology and value of science to medicine were 51.3 +/- 5.4, 39.6 +/- 3.7 and 58.5 +/- 5.9 (neutral scores were 36, 51 and 48 respectively). The knowledge score measured using a set of 8 multiple choice questions was 3.3 +/- 1.4. The attitude scores were lower and the knowledge score was comparable to that reported previously in a study in Croatia but higher than that reported from Southeast Europe.  相似文献   

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